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Persuasive Technology-Applications in Education

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Persuasive Technology: Applications in education

Article · October 2017

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6 authors, including:

Sam Devincenzi Viviani Kwecko

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)


Fernando Pereira de Tolêdo Fernanda Mota

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)


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Persuasive Technology: Applications in education
Sam Devincenzi ∗ , Viviani Kwecko‡ , Fernando Pereira de Toledo† , Fernanda Pinto Mota†
Jonas Casarin∗ and Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho†
∗ Centro de Ciencias Computacionais
Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)
Av. Itália Km 8, 96201–900, Carreiros Rio Grande, RS, Brazil
∗ Email: {sam.devincenzi, jonascasarin}@gmail.com
† Email: {ftoledo,fernandap.mota,silviacb}@furg.br
‡ Email: viviani.kwecko@riogrande.ifrs.edu.br

Abstract—The first Persuasive Technology (PT) emerged in the The educational process is a relationship between human
1970s, and was being defined as an interactive computer system beings, which is permeated by a set of values, social practices,
used to change human behavior. Research has shown the viability customs and traditions that are part of each subject involved
of these technologies in a variety of contexts such as advertising,
reducing energy consumption, promoting healthy or well-being in this process [4]. Human behavior is a response to pre-
behavior and education. This research identifies and systematizes established goals or a choice away the fears of each individual
this area of knowledge, from the identification of the main works [5]. The persuasion of the study uses the behavior as the main
that relate the use of PTs in education. The methodology used was element of assessment of ability and motivation. Because peo-
review of the works published between 2010 and 2017 of the state- ple develop common responses to certain situations according
of art , in the bases of Google Scholar, Springer, Elsevier, ACM.
As a result of the analysis of the articles, we highlight as main to their culture. Thus, it is possible to predict certain behaviors
focus the use of (i) PTs adapted to different user profiles; (ii) PTs and thus persuade the individual. Persuasion can be defined as
applied in different pedagogical activities; (iii) PTs for different a strategy of communication that is to use logical-rational or
methodologies of educational activities; (iv) PTs developed in symbolic resources for the purpose of getting people to adopt
different technological languages. The PTs can be applied as certain lines of conduct, theories or beliefs [6].
learning aid instruments, acting directly and/or indirectly in the
areas of Social Assistance, Health, Environment, Research and Persuasive technology (PT) can be defined as an interactive
Development, Education and Advertising. Given this scenario, we
observed the need to foster publications that problematize the computer system, which is used to try to change human
interfaces of PTs in Education, especially architectures and/or behavior. They consists of the intersection of technological
technologies that involve, for example, Cyber-Physical Systems, element with persuasion in order to design, verify and analyze
that can extend the educational (physical) environment to the the impact of an interactive computer product developed to
virtual world, in order to leave the student immersed constantly change attitudes or behaviors [7].
in a teaching environment.
According to [7], PTs can be used at school or external
I. I NTRODUCTION environments to motivate people to acquire new knowledge
or skills. In addition, PTs can motivate individuals to start
According [1], it is important to have an education based
a certain process of learning, tasks, review when necessary
on complex thinking, environmentalist, able to relate, con-
materials as well as to continue the particular activity. In
textualize and rebind different knowledge or dimensions of
this way systems can be developed to assist in the learning
life. Humanity needs more open-minded, sensitive listening,
process, providing teaching people at any time and space. In
people responsible and committed to the self and the world
this context, this paper presents a review of research done in
transformation .
the period 2010 to 2017 (period that includes the definition of
It is necessary new pedagogical practices for transformative the term coined by FOGG and the actuality). It presents a study
education, that is centered on the human condition, the devel- of concepts and practices that can help in the education process
opment of understanding, sensitivity and ethics, cultural diver- of expanding the boundaries of learning, not only limiting the
sity, plurality of individuals and that favors the construction class roon.
of a knowledge of transdisciplinary nature, involving relation-
ships individual – society – nature. This is the fundamental This article is organized as follows: in section II. We
condition for the construction of a viable future for present approach the references involved in the work emphasizing the
and future generations [1]. relations between the PT and the process of teaching learning.
In [2] is mentioned that the use of technological resources Section III, presented the methods and steps performed in
comes with much more power than persuasive philosophy the development of the study. In Section IV, is presented
of a thinker, and in all its various manifestations offers new the discussions about the proposed theme. In Section V, is
opportunities to create alternatives. [3] reinforce the need for presented the considerations regarding the objectives achieved
analysis technologies, so as not to handle them as mere tools. and outlining the future steps of the research.

978-1-5090-5920-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

II. U SE OF T ECHNOLOGIES IN E DUCATION individual by the ubiquity, needs to be mediated in order to
avoid that it is dispersed of its learning process [11]. Faced
The discussion of the concept of learning is far from being a with this other challenge, we identified in the researches about
simple task and its complexity intensifies when we assume the the development of Persuasive Technologies (PT), technolog-
problematization of knowledge from the perspective of digital ical mediators for Education. PTs are characterized by the
media. The relationship between education and technology application of the concept of Persuasion to Technology. Being
allows the increase of the learning process, and breaks the defined as a communication strategy, Persuasion uses logical-
dialectic of formal or informal education, to a ubiquitous rational or symbolic resources for the purpose of getting
space to learn [8]. In a society with access to mobile media, individuals to adopt certain behaviors, theories, and / or
the acquisition of knowledge, is now empowered by the beliefs.
opportunity to access the information at anywhere and anytime
[9], [10]. This permanent interactivity develops in the user In [7] is presented six advantages of computational per-
a sense of belonging to the digital environment, which acts suasion agents: (1) persistence, no human being can be as
directly on the decision making processes, facilitating and persistent as a machine that does not get tired, nor frustrated
instigating the constitution and cohesion of informal groups of with a refusal. (2) anonymity, it is easier to obtain information
common interests and concerns. In addition, mobile features anonymously through an interactive computer program than to
offer individualized and personalized connection that enhances another human being. (3) the ability of computers to store,
collaboration or interactivity in real-time that enable informed access, and manipulate data that goes far beyond human
decision making. capacity, which gives interactive technology the potential to
Another aspect resulting from a ubiquitous interaction is the be more persuasive than people; (4) ability to use multiple
capacity, presented by technology, to facilitate and instigate media modes at the same time; (5) ability to scale rapidly;
the creation and cohesion of informal groups with common Lastly, (6) ability to be in most places, their ubiquity.
interests and concerns. When shared, the interests make people
join, in the sense that help develop a state of readiness for Studies have pointed out the advantages regarding the use
cooperation and mutual assistance. Being ubiquitous access, of PTs in different areas, reaching important results regarding
contacts and exchanges, accelerate the possibilities of acquir- the use of PTs in the search of the desired behavior. Research
ing knowledge [11]. related to the designer, highlight methods to improve the
If the acquisition of knowledge implies learning, what processes of development of PTs ( [13], [14], [14]–[31]). In
emerges from this relation is called ubiquitous learning (UL), the health area, smart technology networks offer opportunities
an individual or group type of open learning that can be by supporting long-term health care behavior, contributing to
obtained at any time, circumstances, and contexts [11], [12]. patients’ self-awareness, knowledge and literacy in the face of
The most important feature of UL is spontaneity. Wherever the a better quality of life ( [32]–[46]). In the social area, research
user is, from an occasional curiosity, it can be instantaneously highlights PTs as tools whose purpose is to motivate and
satiated, and if there is a doubt about some information, there assist people in the adoption of behaviors that bring benefits
is no shortage of instantaneous personal contacts to solve to themselves and to society ( [47]–[71]e [72]). Marketing
it, thus creating a process of collaborative learning. Without and the advertising industry represent the most significant
restrictions of time, space, and external pressures, emphasizing domain in which PTs, as these technologies are widely used
on the free spontaneity that triggers the whole process. It is a as a motivational tool for customers who need to constantly
search and an acquisition of information in the open and out of consume products and services ( [73]–[76]). In Education,
any planning and systematization, so what you have there is a PTs have been investigated from their potentiality to motivate
form of unpredictable, disperse, fragmentary and even chaotic students in building knowledge or skills can be accessed in
learning, not always incorporated into memory. school or in outdoor environments ( [73], [77]–[94] ).
However, there undeniably learning, insofar as it brings the
knowledge before nonexistent now acquires the possibility Currently, educational models seek approaches that promote
is not always effective to be incorporated into the learner’s student participation as the central agent of their formation,
repertoire. And the only evidence that we have that it was making them individual and collective author of their own
incorporated or not when the occasion arises to put it into knowledge [95]–[97]. Active methodologies are examples
practice, the only type of evaluation that the ubiquitous learn- of these approaches that use problem-solving to motivate
ing can submit. Although it is a kind of new learning and students, however, process customization and student self-
therefore, again, it is, to some extent, related to other forms learning are still limiting factors that can lead the student
of learning networking, online, with the educational processes to demotivation [98]. It is noted at this point that the in-
that have been called e-learning and m-learning [12]. But the clusion of FBM based in TPs, as tools to aid the teaching-
free and open spontaneity that characterizes him, puts the very learning process, allows to explore the motivating character
near ubiquitous learning informal education, more traditional of individuals, changing their behavior in order to initiate
autoformaçõa processes. a particular learning process as, execution of tasks, material
However, this context of ”autonomy to learn”, given to the review, activity segment, suitability to good study habits, etc.
III. M ETHODOLOGY allow the implementation of different teaching methodologies
In order to perform this study, the chosen methodology to facilitate this process.
was Bibliographic Review for providing a systematic analysis During the study, several didactic practices were detected
[99] of a set of knowledge of a certain scientific field. In in the works. They are: Stimulus-Response ( [80], [83], [90]),
the first step of the analysis we proceeded to identify the Lessons Learned ( [78], [81] Problem Based Learning - PBL
totality of the set of productions associated with PT in the ( [84]), ( [73]), Gamification ( [85], [88]) and Information
following query bases: Google Academic 1 , ACM 2 , Springer Search ( [79]).
and ScienceDirect 4 . The following studies were identified C. Activity Types
in the following areas: Social Action, Health, Environment,
In view of the one presented by [7], applications involving
Research and Development, Education and Advertising in the
PTs can motivate different types of activities in the learning
period from 2010 to 2017. 290 papers were identified related to
process. This study can prove this idea, where different activ-
the criteria: ”persuasive technology education” , ”Persuasive
ities were identified and are presented below:
technology research”, ”persuasive technology health”, ”per-
• A [90] proposes a tool for cooperation between the
suasive technology education”, ”persuasive marketing” and
”persuasive social”. After this stage, we analyzed the articles adolescent and his teacher, in order to assist him in the
by pre-reading titles, subtitles, tables, keywords and images execution of daily tasks and routines.
• In [84] specific didactic activities are presented. When the
in order to identify the themes of this work. A total of 82
related studies were identified. The last stage of the research student is accessing facebook, they present information
consisted of the analysis of the chapters, as well as the final to him, following a flow of steps with defined content,
paragraphs. As a result, 19 articles were identified that had a respecting the methodology Problem Based Learning
direct relationship with the context of PT in Education. (PBL).
• At work [85], a gamification activity is presented with the
IV. A NALYSIS OF THE STATE - OF - ART aim of educating and informing effective cooling methods
for natural heat reduction of residences. For this, a 3D
In this section we present the approaches used by works di-
game was developed and through it it is possible for
rectly related to the context of education according to the pro-
the user to use sustainable items for the improvement of
posed methodology. As a result of the analysis of the articles,
residence cooling. It seeks, through its results, to provide
we highlight as main focuses (i) PTs adapted to different user
Education and Behavior Change.
profiles; (ii) PTs used with different pedagogical approaches;
• In [79], a Virtual Learning Environment was developed
(iii) PTs for different methodologies of educational activities;
that provides information with potential to affect student
(iv) PTs developed in different technological languages and
behavior. The environment also enables this information
can act directly and/or indirectly in the educational process.
to be sequenced and personalized in the most effective
A. Study Population way for each student.
• In [81] presents a case study with the purpose of evaluat-
During the study, one can notice a variability of environ-
ing two tools (PLOTMaker and PLOTLearner) developed
ments and groups of users to whom persuasive technology
based on the use of PTs to teach and learn.
was applied in the educational scope. This evidence supports
• The study of [80] reports the introduction of thefts
[7] argumentation by believing that PTs can be applied to a
with different forms of persuasive interaction to teach,
variety of contexts and target audiences.
stimulate and motivate children with autism.
In the construction of this argument the works [80], [82],
• In [73] it is reported the adaptation of the MSLQ (Mo-
[90], [92] present the application of PTs in the educational
tivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) question-
process of children and adolescents with special needs, and
naire to investigate students’ habits.
[73] present the use of PTs in the education of university
• In [78] presents a case study comparing the effects
students from a wide range of fields (Medicine, Computing,
of courses with traditional teaching methodologies and
Nursing) and the work [85] present the use of persuasive tech-
persuasive content in teaching Malay language of children
nology in education, aimed at adult learning about sustainable
with speech difficulties.
development. [92] investigated the effect of designing PTs on
• The work [82] reviews techniques used in the develop-
the behavior of children with special needs.
ment of educational technologies.
• In [83] the impact on student learning was analyzed by
B. Teaching Methodology
sending small messages in the SMS format.
According to [7], in addition to the PTs that motivate • The study presents the case study with an interactive
individuals to start a particular learning process, they also virtual reality environment aimed at learning history
1 Academic Google: https://scholar.google.com.br/
D. Technologies Involved
: http://dl.acm.org/
3 Springer: https://link.springer.com/ In order to reach the desired behavior, during the review
4 ScienceDirect: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ one can note the insertion of several technology channels in
the experiments. The following are a few: a person to action. We believe that this action on motivation
• Facebook. [84] can and should be mediated by technological artifacts [9], [10]
• 3D application. [85] since students at all levels of education can enjoy access to
• Virtual Learning Environment. [79] educational resources anytime, anywhere .
• EuroPLOT. [81] From the analysis of the points mentioned above, are
• Persuasive Robberies for Education and Entertainment identified the following caveats:
(PEERs). [80] • Absence of more PTs present throughout the day to day
• Mobile application. [78], [94]
life, in order to provide interactions that enhance their
• Application developed in the HANDS project. [90] [82]
learning process full time and in real time.
• Games based on occupational therapy, conversation coun-
• Few studies that directly relate to the application of
seling and simulated environment. [77] persuasive technology in education.
• SMS (short messaging service) [83]
• Explicit application of education in several areas.
• Virtual learning object [93]
• Virtual Reality [88] From these observations, we note the need for works
that better explore and argue the points presented in this
According to Fogg [7], in addition to PTs enabled the mo-
study. Architectures and/or technologies involving, for ex-
tivation of individuals to initiate a particular learning process,
ample, Physical-Cybernetic Systems, which can extend the
also enable the implementation of different teaching methods
educational environment (physical) to the virtual world, so
for this process to be facilitated.
as to leave the student constantly immersed in a teaching
V. D ISCUSSIONS environment, could bring a great advance in PTs in education.
Having these impressions put forward, it is believed that
We live in a technological moment, in which at all moments
the development of PTs with the involvement of devices
about processes and technological devices among them: cell
present in the student’s daily life, such as mobile phones and
phones, computers, software, internet. All these contemporary
their applications, can be a good way to reach the constant
changes transform as relations with knowledge. When tech-
immersion of the student in his learning process. In this sense,
nologies are embedded in everyday environments or environ-
the approach presented in this paper contributes by pointing
ments, they can intervene accurately at the right time and in
out the PTs not only as simple objects, but as active and
the right place, increasing persuasive power.
motivational agents of the teaching-learning process, a vision
During the review of the work the following points were
that, once identified, can be the guide for new developments
regarding the involvement of PTs in education.
• The use of PTs in various areas was identified: Social,
Health, Environment, Research and Development, Edu-
cation, Advertising, etc. VI. C ONCLUSION
• PTs for different types of users.
• Persuasive technology for various methods and types of This work aimed to highlight the potential of the use of
educational activities. PTs, with an emphasis on education. From the analyzes made,
• PTs developed in various technologies. it was detected that PTs offer interesting opportunities in
• Although the articles studied not explicitly present its relation to teaching-learning. The results obtained from this
relations with education, it was noticeable in their studies, analysis reinforce the statements of works that discuss the
the PTs are directly related and indirectly to the education relations of technologies in general and the process of teaching
process. and learning, more precisely the ubiquitous learning and the
• Courseware improvement possibility based on the use of application of PTs in order to obtain new pedagogical methods
PTs. and practices to motivate people acquire new knowledge or
In observing the impact of technologies as a motivational skills at school or in the outdoors.
agent of learning processes, we find that most investigations Through the research, one can perceive the variety of
highlight the motivation associated with the activity, that is, contexts in which the PTs can be applied, as well as the
how motivated one is to acquire new knowledge or skills ( [7]), potential that they provide to activities carried out in the area
the resolution of problems associated with study habits [73], of education. It is important to mention that in this period, few
initiate a specific process of learning, tasks, review materials studies were directly related to the area of education.
when needed, as well as continue a certain activity [92], being Reading the works shows the ability of these technologies
able to act in the formal or informal learning process [8]. to deal with the teaching-learning process through formal and
However, there is a need to act directly on the levels of this informal means. It is hoped by this work to expand the ideas
motivation because we consider its influence on the behavior of the concept of ”education beyond the classroom”, as well
of the individual [100] and learning [101]. As much as an as to make available a material that will serve as the basis for
environment can generate external elements of enhancement the development of tools (media, teaching methods, materials,
of motivation, the internal factor is what effectively incites etc.) to assist the teaching-learning process,
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