Persuasive Technology-Applications in Education
Persuasive Technology-Applications in Education
Persuasive Technology-Applications in Education
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Abstract—The first Persuasive Technology (PT) emerged in the The educational process is a relationship between human
1970s, and was being defined as an interactive computer system beings, which is permeated by a set of values, social practices,
used to change human behavior. Research has shown the viability customs and traditions that are part of each subject involved
of these technologies in a variety of contexts such as advertising,
reducing energy consumption, promoting healthy or well-being in this process [4]. Human behavior is a response to pre-
behavior and education. This research identifies and systematizes established goals or a choice away the fears of each individual
this area of knowledge, from the identification of the main works [5]. The persuasion of the study uses the behavior as the main
that relate the use of PTs in education. The methodology used was element of assessment of ability and motivation. Because peo-
review of the works published between 2010 and 2017 of the state- ple develop common responses to certain situations according
of art , in the bases of Google Scholar, Springer, Elsevier, ACM.
As a result of the analysis of the articles, we highlight as main to their culture. Thus, it is possible to predict certain behaviors
focus the use of (i) PTs adapted to different user profiles; (ii) PTs and thus persuade the individual. Persuasion can be defined as
applied in different pedagogical activities; (iii) PTs for different a strategy of communication that is to use logical-rational or
methodologies of educational activities; (iv) PTs developed in symbolic resources for the purpose of getting people to adopt
different technological languages. The PTs can be applied as certain lines of conduct, theories or beliefs [6].
learning aid instruments, acting directly and/or indirectly in the
areas of Social Assistance, Health, Environment, Research and Persuasive technology (PT) can be defined as an interactive
Development, Education and Advertising. Given this scenario, we
observed the need to foster publications that problematize the computer system, which is used to try to change human
interfaces of PTs in Education, especially architectures and/or behavior. They consists of the intersection of technological
technologies that involve, for example, Cyber-Physical Systems, element with persuasion in order to design, verify and analyze
that can extend the educational (physical) environment to the the impact of an interactive computer product developed to
virtual world, in order to leave the student immersed constantly change attitudes or behaviors [7].
in a teaching environment.
According to [7], PTs can be used at school or external
I. I NTRODUCTION environments to motivate people to acquire new knowledge
or skills. In addition, PTs can motivate individuals to start
According [1], it is important to have an education based
a certain process of learning, tasks, review when necessary
on complex thinking, environmentalist, able to relate, con-
materials as well as to continue the particular activity. In
textualize and rebind different knowledge or dimensions of
this way systems can be developed to assist in the learning
life. Humanity needs more open-minded, sensitive listening,
process, providing teaching people at any time and space. In
people responsible and committed to the self and the world
this context, this paper presents a review of research done in
transformation .
the period 2010 to 2017 (period that includes the definition of
It is necessary new pedagogical practices for transformative the term coined by FOGG and the actuality). It presents a study
education, that is centered on the human condition, the devel- of concepts and practices that can help in the education process
opment of understanding, sensitivity and ethics, cultural diver- of expanding the boundaries of learning, not only limiting the
sity, plurality of individuals and that favors the construction class roon.
of a knowledge of transdisciplinary nature, involving relation-
ships individual – society – nature. This is the fundamental This article is organized as follows: in section II. We
condition for the construction of a viable future for present approach the references involved in the work emphasizing the
and future generations [1]. relations between the PT and the process of teaching learning.
In [2] is mentioned that the use of technological resources Section III, presented the methods and steps performed in
comes with much more power than persuasive philosophy the development of the study. In Section IV, is presented
of a thinker, and in all its various manifestations offers new the discussions about the proposed theme. In Section V, is
opportunities to create alternatives. [3] reinforce the need for presented the considerations regarding the objectives achieved
analysis technologies, so as not to handle them as mere tools. and outlining the future steps of the research.