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Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each
of the questions 1 - 20. There is no negative mark for incorrect response

Qn : no Questions Marks

1 (c) 1

2. (C) 1

3 (d) 1

4 (b) 1

5 (c) 1

6 (d) 1

7 (d) 1

8 Which one of the following statements is NOT true ?

(a) DNA carries the information for inheritance of features from
parents to the next generation.
(b) DNA is the information source for making proteins
(c) Change in the information leads to different proteins
(d) Features will remain the same even if the protein changes

Ans (d) Features will remain the same even if the protein changes

9 In a nerve cell, the site where the electrical impulse is converted into a 1
chemical signal is known as:
(a) Axon
(b) Dendrites
(c) Neuromuscular junction
(d) Cell body
Ans (c) Neuromuscular junction

10 Chromosomes : 1
(i) carry hereditary information from parents to the next generation.

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

(ii) are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of an animal
(iii) always exist in pairs in human reproductive cells.
(iv) are involved in the process of cell division.
The correct statements are:
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Ans (c) (i), (ii) and (iv)

11 A stomata closes When: 1

(i) it needs carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
(ii) it does not need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
(iii) water flows out of the guard cells.
(iv) water flows into the guard cells.
The correct reason(s) in this process is/are:
(a) (i) only
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans (c) (ii) and (iii)

12 In which of the following organisms, multiple fission is a means of 1

asexual reproduction ?
(a) Yeast
(b) Leishmania
(c) Paramoecium
(d) Plasmodium
Ans (d) Plasmodium

13 (c) At twice the focal length of the lens 1

14 (d)Retina 1

15 (a ) 1

16 Identify the food chain in which the organisms of the second trophic 1
level are missing:
(a) Grass, goat, lion

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

(b) Zooplankton, Phytoplankton, small fish, large fish
(c) Tiger, grass, snake, frog
(d) Grasshopper, grass, snake, frog, eagle
Ans (c) Tiger, grass, snake, frog

17 Assertion : The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster 1

than in terrestrial organisms
Reason: The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is very high as
compared to the amount of oxygen in air

Ans (c) Assertion is true , but Reason is false

18 (c) 1

19 Ans (b) Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct 1
explanation of the Assertion.

20 (a) 1

Question No. 9 to 11 are very short answer questions

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21 i). If the magnetic field lines intersect, there will be two directions of 2
net magnetic field which is not possible. So, magnetic field lines do
not intersect each other.

Science 2023-24 Answer Key


22 A) 2 6 ohm resistor should be connected in parallel and the third 2

on in series to it

B) P = I^2 X R

We know V = I R
V = 6V
R = 2 +1 = 3 ohm
So the current will be I = V / R

So the power across the two ohm resistor is P = 4 X 2 = 8 W

23 2

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

24 (A) (I) Medulla oblongata is the bottom-most part of your brain.
Its location means it's where your brain and spinal cord
connect, making it a key conduit for nerve signals to and from
your body. It also helps control vital processes like your
heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure
(II) The cerebrum (front of brain) comprises gray matter (the
cerebral cortex) and white matter at its center. The largest part
of the brain, the cerebrum initiates and coordinates movement
and regulates temperature.

(B) Auxin is diffused from its site of synthesis towards the side of
tendril in contact with the support than the side away from the
support. The side of the tendril having more auxin grows faster
than the side having less auxin. The tendrils exhibit directional
movement due to growth in response to touch.

25 The kidneys filter unwanted substances from the blood and produce
urine to excrete them. There are three main steps of urine formation:
glomerular filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. These processes
ensure that only waste and excess water are removed from the body.
If nephron does not work properly; here will be no tubular
reabsorption in the nephrons of kidneys, the useful substances like
minerals and excess water will be eliminated from the body along with
the urine.

26 (i)3BaCl2 + Al2(SO4)3 → 3BaSO4+2AlCl3.

(ii) 2Al( Aluminum ) + 3H2O ( Steam ) → Al2O3 ( Aluminum
oxide) + 3H2↑ ( Hydrogen)

Question No. 12 & 13 are short answer questions

Qn : no Questions Marks

27 (i) Sour, pH <7 means acidic in nature, Acidic substances sour 3

by taste

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

(iii)It makes the survival of aquatic life difficult because when the
substances of acid rain mix with the water gain the substances
and it becomes acidic and so no life is possible in acidic water
so it is difficult for the aquatic life to survive in acidic water.

28 i) Change in colourPb(NO3)2+ 2KI→PbI2 + 2KNO3 3

Lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide to give lead iodide as
a product. The reaction mass changes color from colorless to
yellow color spangles due to lead iodide.
ii) Change in temperature
Zinc is reacted with sulphuric acid to give zinc sulfate as a
product and evolution of hydrogen. The evolution of hydrogen
gives energy from heat, and temperature will increase.
Zn + H2SO4→ZnSO4+ H2
iii) Formation of precipitate NaOH + H2SO4→Na2SO4 + H2O
Sodium hydroxide is reacted with sulphuric acid to give sodium
sulfate as a precipitated product in water.

29 Reflex action is an involuntary and automatic response to a specific

stimulus. Reflex action is a type of behavior that is not consciously
controlled by the brain, but rather, it is mediated by the spinal cord and
peripheral nerves. Reflex action is an essential survival mechanism
that allows an organism to respond quickly to potentially harmful

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

30 (i) Most of the common plants have leaves which are totally green
(chlorophyll found). The leaves which are partly green and partly
white are called 'variegated leaves'. Example: Calathea lancifolia, or
the rattlesnake plant
(ii) The hot water kills the leaf and the alcohol breaks down the
chlorophyll, taking the green color out of the leaf. After the removal of
chlorophyll, the color of the leaf changes to white, and it is easy to
observe the change in the color of iodine as starch gives a blue color to
(iii) Carbohydrates are stored in the form of starch in plants.
Chlorophyll traps solar energy and converts it into chemical energy
which carries on the process of photosynthesis.

31 If deer are removed from the given food chain, the population of lions
will decrease as they will not have deer for their food and will starve
to death. The density of grass will increase as there is no organism to
consume it as food.
No, the organisms of any trophic level cannot be removed without
causing any damage to the ecosystem. It will disturb the food web and
will create ecological imbalance.

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

32 3

The phenomenon used is dispersion of light

Violet light will have the largest refractive index because as we know
So violet light has the largest velocity and the refractive index is
inversely proportional to the speed so thereby the violet light has the
highest refractive index.

33 i)Electric fuse and proper earthing are two safety measures commonly 3
used in electric circuits and appliances.

ii)The fuse wire will melt and the electric circuit breaks

We know power P = V X I

Given V = 220 V

Power = 2kw= 2000w

So I = 2000/ 220
= 9.09A
Since 9A>5A(the maximum current in circuit )the fuse melts.

Question No. 14 is a long answer.

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34 The atom or the group of atoms by which the characteristic

reactions of organic compounds are determined, that atom or
group of atoms is called the functional

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

group.Example:Carboxylic acid: −COOH,Aldehyde: −CHO

Functional Groups I) - Ketone -CO-

II) Carboxylic acids -COOH



35 A)i)Electric power is the rate at which work is done or energy is 5

transferred in an electrical circuit.

The SI unit of electric power is watt.

using Ohm’s law as P =I2R or P = V2/R, where V is the potential

difference, I is the electric current, R is the resistance, and P is the
electric power.

ii)Energy = 11 kwh

t = 5 hrs

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

Power = energy / time

= 11 / 5

= 2.2kw



= 2200/220

= 10 A

c)from ohm's law


R = V/I

= 220/10

= 22 V


B)i )

SI unit is : ohm m^2/m= ohm m

ii)resistivity = RA/l

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

= 60 x 4 x 10^-7 / 3

= 80 x 10^-7 ohm

The resistivity will not change because as it is independent of length of

conductor and cross sectional area .

36 (A) (i) Techniques to prevent pregnancy: Use of intrauterine

devices (eg: Lippes loop and Copper T) Use of condoms.
Surgical methods.

Side effects include menstrual changes (heavier bleeding, amenorrhea

or oligomenorrhea), changes in weight, headaches, dizziness, nausea,
and cardiovascular impacts. In addition, women may harbor fears of
long-term effects of contraceptive use, such as infertility and childbirth

(ii) When an egg is fertilized, it forms a barrier that prevents further

sperm from entering. The genes and sex of your child are
predetermined at the moment of conception.The haploid nuclei of the
sperm and ovum unite during fertilization to create a zygote. When
this zygote divides, an embryo is created. As it gently passes through
the fallopian tube and into the uterus, it continues to divide. Its next
task is to adhere to the uterine lining. We refer to this as implantation.
The zygote divides in this location to become an embryo, which grows
into a fetus. The placenta gives food to the developing

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

foetus.Pregnancy results from this, and a new baby is born.

The menstrual cycle occurs when the egg is torn from the body and is
not fertilized. Each month, the ovary releases one egg. Concurrently,
the uterus gets ready to receive a fertilized egg. When an embryo is
being carried, the endometrial lining thickens and becomes spongy. It
would also provide nourishment to the embryo in the event of
conception. This lining ruptures if the egg is not fertilized. As a result,
mucus and blood are released through the vagina. Approximately five
to seven days pass during this menstrual cycle before all of the
endometrial debris and blood are expelled.

(B) (I)

The spore wall protects the spores until they come into contact with
another moist surface and begin to grow. Moist bread slice offers both
moisture and nutrients to the bread mould, therefore it grows
profusely. A dry slice of bread gives nutrients to the spores but not
moisture hence hyphae fail to grow.

(II) The process of repetitive mitotic division of the cells in a hydra

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

results in the formation of a tiny protrusion known as a "bud" on the
side of the body. Then, this bud gradually sprouts mouth and tentacles
to produce a miniature Hydra. Eventually, the little baby Hydra
separates from its parent Hydra's body and begins to exist as an
independent creature. The parent Hydra has so generated (or made) a
new Hydra.

As a result, Hydra reproduces asexually by developing body buds. We

refer to this as budding.

Question No.15 is case-based/data -based questions with 2 to 3 short sub-parts.
Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.

Qn : no Questions Marks

37 i)case 1 will form the diminished image because in concave mirror 4

there is two possibility to get the diminished image

At infinity and beyond the center of curvature so the focal length is 20

cm and the center of curvature will be 40 cm and the image distance is

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

given by 45 cm . hence proved

ii)i)real and inverted and same sized image

iii) A

The nature of the image is virtual and erect and the image is formed
behind the mirror


u= 18 cm f = 12 cm

By mirror formula

1/f = 1/v +1/u

1/v =1/f -1/u

= 1/-12 +1 / 18

so v = -36 cm

38 (i) There were no dwarf pea plants in the first generation of offspring.
Mendel deduced from this that the dominant characteristic of the F1
generation was tallness, which was a quality shared by only one of the
parent plants. The progeny of the first generation did not exhibit the

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

recessive trait of the other parent plant, dwarf pea.

(ii) A dominant trait expresses itself in generation but a recessive trait

is not expressed in generation.

(iii) A cross is made between homozygous yellow round

seeds(YYRR) to another homozygous green wrinkled seeds(yyrr). In
the F1 generation, all plants are heterozygous yellow round(YyrRr).
When this plant is subjected to self pollination, in the F2 generation, 9
plants are Yellow round, 3 plants are yellow wrinkled, 3 plants are
green round and 1 plant is green wrinkled are formed.

The dihybrid phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

(iii) The first generation (F1) of plants produced when a tall plant
crossed with a short plant are all tall. However, when the F

When plants from the first generation are crossed, second generation
(F2) plants are produced, and these plants might be tall or short.

This demonstrates that the F 1 plants inherit their characteristic from

the short plants, pass it on to the following generation, and do not
express it when tallness (the dominant character) is present.

39 i)In the electrolytic purification of copper, impure copper is made into

an anode and a thin line of pure copper is made into a cathode,

ii) a copper salt solution is used as an electrolyte.

iii)When the current passes through the electrolyte, the pure metal
from the anode melts into an electrolyte.An equal amount of pure
metal from the electrolyte is inserted into the cathode.Soluble
impurities enter the solution, whereas, soluble impurities settle to the
bottom of the anode and are known as anode mud.

Science 2023-24 Answer Key

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