DIY Professional Grade Welding Table With FREE Pla
DIY Professional Grade Welding Table With FREE Pla
DIY Professional Grade Welding Table With FREE Pla
by Jule
I always wanted to have a professional welding table. I decided to design a relatively compact table that
But the commercial ones cost couple of thousand would be still big enough for most of my projects.
dollars which is way too much for hobby use. So I have
designed my own version which is very similar to the The nished size is 125cm*75cm.
commercial ones, but it costs a fraction of a price.
Here is an introductory video showing how it was
The things that are really cool on this table: made and in this Instructable I will further explain the
- it has pretty much perfectly at surface
- it is on wheels
Initially I wanted to sell the plans but I decided to give The clamping holes on the top of the table are
them for free to the Instructables community :) standard 16mm diameter holes. You could buy the
expensive welding clamps or you could make your
But if you like to support me, you can always buy me a own for 5 bucks as I will show you later.
co ee :)
For assembling the table, you don't need much tools.:
- a welder
The plans don't include legs. You should make legs
sized according to your needs. - clamps or threaded rods for tightening everything
together before welding
The table top surface is sized 125cm*75cm. -angle grinder with cutting and grinding attachments
Everything is designed to be cut from 6mm thick - a friend to help you manipulate the table when
metal plate. welding, since the thing weighs almost 100kg.
Step 2: Send the .dxf Plans to Metalworking Shop for Laser Cutting
DIY Professional Grade Welding Table (with FREE Plans): Page 2
I went to a local metalworking shop and ordered laser cutting for my parts from 6mm steel plate.
They were happy to do it. I got a very good deal and material plus work costed me around 250 euro. Which is dirt
cheap for what it is.
Parts go together like puzzles. would cause the table surface to be crooked and not
perfectly at.
You should be able to fully assemble the parts with
only light taps with a hammer. I clamped the top plate down to the reinforcement
ribs with threaded rods and then placed a ton of
You don't need a perfectly at surface to assemble clamps around and around. I have borrowed clamps
the table. The design of the table ensures the table from my friends and family and I got almost 18
will be perfectly at even if you assemble it on a sofa :) clamps in total :)
You just need to clamp everything tightly together. If you don't have so many clamps available you could
You want everything to sit properly together. You use threaded rods to tighten everything all around.
don't want any gaps in between the plates. The gaps
Initially you want to lightly spot weld everything I welded in short sleeves which is a big no-no. But the
together and when everything is tapped, you should temperatures were very high that day. At least put on
proceed to fully weld everything. This way the table some sun cream, else you will get sunburn on your
doesn't end up warped. hands. Welding produces a lot of UV light.
Then I proceeded to make the legs. way when not in use. You should buy wheels that have
a brake and rotational lock. The table is much more
I bought thick wall 50mm steel tubing and welded it stable this way.
to the laser cut plates. On the bottom side I welded
the plates for attaching the wheels. I made my table to be a little higher - 90 cm height
with wheels attached, so I don't need to bend down
I wanted my table to be on wheels, since I work inside so much when standing next to it.
my garage and I need to move the table out of the
I painted the legs and underside of the table with I polished the top with polycarbonate polishing wheel
spray paint so it doesn't rust. on an angle grinder. This is a very good wheel, since it
removes rust, paint and welding marks, but does not
But you don't want to have the top side painted since damage the metal and your table top will remain at.
you want good electrical contact between your parts
and the table for welding. This way you can have the I nished the top with rust preventing oil. You can also
ground terminal hooked directly to the table. use WD-40 or wax.
After some work, you will see that rust can quickly The nish needs to be applied every once in a while.
form on bare metal.
Now you can enjoy your table in its full glory! - four wheels with brake and rotational lock - >50€
- many hours of designing the plans for lasere cutting Total: 350€
-> free
Which is around ve times cheaper than buying one.
- laser cutting + material -> 250€
Totally worth it!
- steel tubing for legs + bolts, welding electrodes and
paint -> 50€
You will also need special clamps for using with this First, cut the top part o the clamp. Then cut the
table. threaded part from the bolt
You can buy then already made but a few clamps will But the thread from the bolt and weld the bolt head
set your wallet back more than you paid for your to the end of the clamp. That's it!
homemade table!
I made myself four welding clamps and their total
You need to make custom clamps yourself. cost was 25€.
In the plans you will also nd two right angle brackets You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram
which come in handy when assembling bigger stu .
Feel free to make them as well! They are heavy duty
and will last you a lifetime.
This is all! I hope you enjoyed my Instructable! Please for spoilers on what I am currently working on,
vote for it in the metalwork contest! behind the scenes and other extras!
Thank you!
You did supply the dxf's for your build, which is a large step in making this. That being said anyone
can find the general models here:
Once I get my new workshop built I will definitely build a welding table for it, and I LOVE this
design, I likely will use it for mine as well. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for kind words :) Don't forget to vote for my instructable in the metalworking contest :)
I liked it too . Why cut the threads off the clamps ? . Leave them on and maybe they might be
useful otherwise with a nut below the table?
I cut them off so the clamp is shorter and easier to use in 99% of cases.
You could leave them on if you liked.
The rolled threads on the bolt are a slightly larger diameter than the shaft of the bolt.
If you liked it, please vote for my instructable in the metalworking contest :)
I voted for your project as it is well designed and requires minimal effort to assemble and the end
result is a fully functional welding table with a high degree of flatness. Great project and thank you
for your excellent plans.
Thank you!