Catalysts 09 00342
Catalysts 09 00342
Catalysts 09 00342
Perovskite-type LaFeO3: Photoelectrochemical
Properties and Photocatalytic Degradation of
Organic Pollutants Under Visible Light Irradiation
Mohammed Ismael and Michael Wark *
Institute of Chemistry, Chemical Technology 1, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-441-798-3675
Received: 15 February 2019; Accepted: 3 April 2019; Published: 8 April 2019
1. Introduction
Semiconductor-based catalysis is a green technology, which gained considerable attention owing
to its potential environmental applications, such as wastewater treatment, air purification and
degradation of different organic contaminants [1–3]. In the past few decades, titanium dioxide
(TiO2 ) as an n-type semiconductor has an attractive extensive interest as photocatalysts because of
its easy availability, inertness, low costs, nontoxicity and chemical stability [4]. However, the large
band gap energy for TiO2 (3.0–3.2 eV), requiring UV light that occupies around 5% of solar energy
for excitation, limits its applications to a great extent [5]. Another difficulty is the high recombination
rate of the photoexcited electron-hole pairs in TiO2 [6]. Many attempts have been developed to retard
this electron-hole recombination and to increase the photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 , such as surface
modification using a suitable metal ion and nonmetal dopant to increase the visible light absorbance
and coupling with another semiconductor to enhance the charge separation efficiency [7,8]. Although
in some cases improved photocatalytic activities were reported, very often the doping increased the
number of structural defects acting as unwanted recombination centers. Therefore, the development of
cost-effective, efficient and alternative photocatalysts with intrinsic narrow band gaps to increase the
visible light response has become a research focus [9,10]. Mixed metal oxides and oxynitrides attracted
interest since many of them are visible-light active, cheap, non-toxic and stable [11].
Iron is highly abundant in the earth crust and thus cheap. Many mixed metal oxides containing
iron, i.e., ferrites, offer suitable band gap energy for visible light absorption. Furthermore, the position
of their valence band edges is more positive than the oxidation potential of O2 /H2 O (1.23 V vs.
NHE) rendering them suitable for the photooxidation of water [12]. The high activity of ferrites for
degradation of pollutants has been proven in many studies [13–15]. Ferrites with a perovskite structure,
with a general formula of ABO3 with for example, A = rare-earth metal ion and B = Fe3+ ion, exhibit
a wide range of ferro-, piezo-, and pyro-electrical properties rendering them suitable as magneto-optical
material, electrode materials, structural materials, sensors and refractory materials [16]. The perovskite
LaFeO3 is employed as a catalyst, e.g., in solid oxide fuel cells, but also in devices using its good
dielectric properties and high piezoelectricity.
However, LaFeO3 has also been used as a photocatalyst; several studies focused on the synthesis
and the activity for photodegradation of several organic dyes under visible light irradiation [17–19].
Thirumalairajan et al. synthesized floral-like LaFeO3 by a surfactant-assisted hydrothermal technique
and found that the porous floral nanostructure led to higher photoactivity compared to bulk LaFeO3
for the degradation of different dyes, such as rhodamine B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) [20]. Su et
al. prepared large surface area nanosized LaFeO3 particles by employing SBA-16 as a hard template
and compared its visible light activity for RhB degradation with that of LaFeO3 prepared by the citric
acid assisted sol-gel route [21]. Yang et al. prepared LaFeO3 by conventional co-precipitation and
enhanced its activity by post-treatment in molten salt [22]. Tijare et al. [23] formed nano-crystalline
LaFeO3 perovskite by the sol-gel route and claimed activity for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
under visible light irradiation.
In the present work, we applied the same synthetic route for LaFeO3 as Tijare et al. but altered
(i) the duration of the thermal treatment and (ii) used a pyrolysis step at 400 ◦ C instead of using
ultra-sonication or drying at 90 ◦ C in an oven. Citric acid assisted sol-gel was chosen as a synthesis route
because, in general, it is a suitable method for the synthesis of nanopowders with a well-developed
high specific surface area obtained at low calcination temperature and short times without employing
expensive sacrificial structure-directing agents or template structures. The visible light activity for
degradation of RhB and 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) as model organic pollutants was investigated. As for
Tijare et al., we also attempted hydrogen generation, however, failed with that and suspected it was
based on the Mott-Schottky plots calculating band positions that the conduction band edge of LaFeO3
was too positive than the reduction potential of H2 /H2 O (0 V vs. NHE) to create electrons which were
reductive enough to react with protons to hydrogen.
grains. The average crystallite sizes of LaFeO3 D have been determined by using the Debye-Scherer
formula [25]:
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW D= 3 of 15
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW βcosθ 3 of 15
Figure2 22shows
shows the
showsthe scanning electron
scanning micrographs of
micrographs the prepared
prepared LaFeO
LaFeO3 samples
samplesatat different
Figure electron ofofthe
the prepared LaFeO samples
calcination temperatures.
calcination temperatures. Scanning
temperatures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the
calcination Scanningelectron
electronmicroscopy (SEM)(SEM)
microscopy was usedwasto used
determine the morphology
to determine the
morphology of
of the perovskite the perovskite LaFeO 3 samples; as seen in Figure 2 both samples show a network
morphology of theLaFeO 3 samples;
perovskite LaFeO as3 samples;
seen in Figure 2 both
as seen samples
in Figure showsamples
2 both a networkshowstructure
a networkwith
structure withmorphology.
semi-spherical semi-spherical
It morphology.
was found that It was
the found
particle sizes that
of the were
S-700 particle sizes of smaller
significantly S-700 were
structure with semi-spherical morphology. It was found that the particle sizes of S-700 were
those of S-900, smaller than
consistent those
with ofof S-900,
theS-900, consistent
trendconsistent with
of the crystallite the
sizestrend of the
determined crystallite
from XRD. sizes determined
significantly smaller than those with the trend of the crystallite sizes determined
from XRD.
from XRD.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. SEM
SEM images
images of
of LaFeO
LaFeO33 calcined
calcined at
at different
different temperatures:
temperatures: (a)
(a) S-700,
S-700, (b)
(b) S-900.
Figure 2. SEM images of LaFeO3 calcined at different temperatures: (a) S-700, (b) S-900.
Energy dispersive
dispersive X-ray
X-ray spectroscopy
spectroscopy (EDXS)
(EDXS) waswas used
used toto investigate
investigate thethe purity
purity and chemical
and chemical
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) was used to investigate the purity and chemical
composition of of synthesized LaFeO3 nanoparticles,
synthesized LaFeO nanoparticles, the the pattern
pattern of
of calcined LaFeO3 samples
calcined LaFeO samples areare shown
composition of synthesized LaFeO 3 nanoparticles, the pattern of calcined LaFeO3 samples are shown
in Figure 3. Besides a carbon signal appearing at 0.277 keV and resulting from the latex of the SEM
in Figure 3. Besides a carbon signal appearing at 0.277 keV and resulting from the latex of the SEM
3. Besides a carbon signal appearing at 0.277 keV and resulting from the latex of the SEM
sample holder due due to
to the
the incomplete
incomplete coverage
coverage of of the
the sample
sample [25],
[25], only
only lanthanum
lanthanum (La),(La), iron
iron (Fe)
(Fe) and
oxygenholder due present,
to the incomplete coverage theofcitric
the sample [25], only lanthanum (La), toiron (Fe)purity
oxygen (O)
(O) were
were present, confirming
confirming that
that the citric acid
acid assisted
assisted sol-gel
sol-gel route
route leads
leads to high
high purity
LaFeO3(O) were present,The confirming that the citric acid4.65
assisted sol-gelrelated
route to
leads to high
the purity
LaFeO 3 photocatalyst.
photocatalyst. The peaks
around 0.83
0.83andand 4.65 keV
keV were
were related to La
La and
and the ones
ones at
LaFeO 3 photocatalyst. The peaks at around 0.83 and 4.65 keV were related to La and the ones at
around 6.399
6.399 and
and 0.704
0.704 keV
keV to
formationofofthe theLaFeO
LaFeO photocatalyst
3 3 photocatalyst had
around 6.399 and 0.704 keV to Fe; they proved that the formation of the LaFeO3 photocatalyst had a
1:1 molar ratio of metal ions as the atomic percentage obtained from EDXS was 0.35% for Fe and
1:1 molar ratio of metal ions as the atomic percentage obtained from EDXS was 0.35% for Fe and
0.34% for La in sample S-700 and 1.13% for Fe and 1.21% for La in S-900, respectively.
0.34% for La in sample S-700 and 1.13% for Fe and 1.21% for La in S-900, respectively.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 4 of 15
a 1:1 molar ratio of metal ions as the atomic percentage obtained from EDXS was 0.35% for Fe and
0.34% for
Catalysts La9,in
2019, sample
x FOR PEERS-700 and 1.13% for Fe and 1.21% for La in S-900, respectively.
REVIEW 4 of 15
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 15
Figure 3. 3.Energy
dispersive X-ray
X-ray (EDX)
(EDX) spectra
spectra of
LaFeO3 3atatdifferent calcination
different temperatures
calcination temperatures
Figure 3. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra of LaFeO3 at different calcination temperatures
(S-700, S-900). (S-700, S-900).
(S-700, S-900).
Figure 44 presents
Figure presents the
the IR
IR spectra
spectra ofof different
different LaFeO samples prepared
LaFeO33 samples prepared atat different
different calcination
Figure 4 presents
temperatures in the the IR spectra
wavenumber range of 400–4000
different cmLaFeO−1 in 3 samples
order to prepared
determine at different
the possible calcination
temperatures in the wavenumber range 400–4000 cm-1-1 in order to determine the possible functional
groups inin the in the
the sample.wavenumber
sample. The
The FT-IR range
FT-IR spectra 400–4000
spectra were
were quite cm in order
quite featureless, to determine
featureless, confirming the
confirming again possible
again the functional
the purity
purity ofof the
groups in thesamples.
synthesized sample. The
556 cm −were
1 canquite
be featureless,
attributed to confirming
the Fe–O again the
stretching purity of
vibration the
synthesized samples. The peak at 556 cm-1 can be attributed to the Fe–O stretching vibration being
of the The octahedrons
the FeO peak at 556 cm in can be attributed to the Fe–O stretching vibration being
−1 can
characteristic of FeO66 octahedrons in perovskite-type
perovskite-type LaFeO LaFeO33 [26].
[26]. The
The band
band at at 716
cm-1-1 can be
assigned bendingof the FeO 6
bending vibrations octahedrons
vibrations of
of the in perovskite-type LaFeO 3 [26]. The band− 1 at 716 cm can be
assigned the La-O
La-O bonds
bonds [11];
[11]; the
the small
small peak
peak atat2905
2905cm as well
cm-1-1 as well as
as the
the small
peak at bending
around vibrations
1600 cm of the
−1 resulted La-O
from bonds
small [11];
amounts the small
of citricpeak
acid at 2905 cm
residues, they as well
were as the
peak at around 1600 cm-1-1 resulted from small amounts of citric acid residues, they were accounted to
peak at around
C-H vibrations 1600
vibrations and cm
and the resulted
the symmetric from small
symmetric stretching
stretching of amounts
of the of
the carboxyl citric
carboxyl groups, acid residues, they were accounted to
C-H groups, respectively.
C-H vibrations and the symmetric stretching of the carboxyl groups, respectively.
The specific
specific surface
surface areas
areas of
of the
the synthesized LaFeO
LaFeO333 samples
samples were
were determined
determined from
from aaa nitrogen
The specific surface areas of the synthesized LaFeO
synthesized samples were determined from nitrogen
adsorption-desorption isothermusing
using the BET approach. The isotherms of the samples can be
adsorption-desorption isotherm using the BET approach. The isotherms of the samples can be
adsorption-desorption isotherm the BET approach. The isotherms of the samples can be classified
classified into type III behavior (Figure 5), which is attributed to a weak adsorbate-adsorbent
into type IIIinto type III(Figure
behavior behavior (Figure
5), which 5), which to
is attributed is aattributed to a weak adsorbate-adsorbent
weak adsorbate-adsorbent interaction [27].
interaction [27]. The surface areas decreased with increasing calcination temperature.the Although the
The surface[27]. The
areas surface areas
decreased with decreased
increasingwith increasing
calcination calcination Although
temperature. temperature. Although the
surface areas
surface areas were in general quite small, the area of S-700 exceeded even slightly the highest value
surface areas were in general quite
were in general quite small, the small, the area of S-700 exceeded even slightly the highest value
area of S-700 exceeded even slightly the highest value reported
by Tijare by Tijare et al.
m2of/g9.5 m22In
/g [23]. In general, higher areas
surface areas facilitated adsorption of
reported by Tijare
et al. et al.
of 9.5 of 9.5 m /g general,
[23]. [23]. In general, higher surface
higher surface areas facilitated
facilitated adsorptionadsorption
of organicof
organic pollutants, promoted chargeseparation
carrier separation and enabled more light harvesting, resulting
organic pollutants,
pollutants, promoted promoted charge carrier separation
charge carrier and enabled
and enabled more
more light light harvesting,
harvesting, resultingresulting
in total
in total photocatalytic
higher photocatalytic
in total higher photocatalytic
higher activity.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 5 of 15
Catalysts 2019,9,9,x xFOR
REVIEW 5 5ofof1515
Figure 5.5.N
NN adsorption-desorptionisotherms
22 2adsorption-desorption isotherms
isothermsforfor LaFeO
for samples
3 samples
LaFeO and
3 3samples and theresulting
the the
and resulting
resulting BETsurface
BET BET surface
surface areas
of theofof
areas thedifferent
the different samples.
Diffuse reflectance UV-Vis spectroscopy was employed to characterize the optical properties of the
Diffuse reflectanceUV-Vis
spectroscopywas wasemployed
characterizethe theoptical
LaFeO3 nanoparticles, as shown in Figure 6a. In the perovskite-type oxide, the strong absorption edge
the LaFeO3 3nanoparticles,
perovskite-typeoxide, oxide,the thestrong
at 520 nm was ascribed to the electronic transition from the O 2p orbitals forming the valence band
edge at 520 nm was ascribed to the electronic transition from the O 2p
edge at 520 nm was ascribed to the electronic transition from the O 2p orbitals forming the valence orbitals forming the valence
to the Fe 3d orbitals in the conduction band [28]. The data showed that the sol-gel prepared LaFeO3
band theFe Fe3d 3dorbitals
conductionband band[28].[28].The
showedthat thatthethesol-gel
photocatalyst could serve as a potential visible-light-driven photocatalyst. In addition, the band gap
LaFeO3 3photocatalyst
LaFeO photocatalystcould couldserve
photocatalyst.InInaddition,addition,the the
energy of LaFeO3 catalysts can be determined from Kubelka−Munk equation [29] via a Tauc plot:
band gap energy of LaFeO3 catalysts can be determined from Kubelka−Munk equation [29] via aa
band gap energy of LaFeO 3 catalysts can be determined from Kubelka−Munk equation [29] via
Tauc plot: n
α = B hv − Eg /hv
αα ==BB(ℎ𝑣 (ℎ𝑣−−𝐸𝐸) ) /ℎ𝑣 /ℎ𝑣
with α being the absorption coefficient, ν the irradiation frequency, Eg the band gap, B being a constant
(being with
with ααbeing
usually being the
1 for absorptioncoefficient,
semiconductors), coefficient,
h is theννPlanck
the irradiation frequency,
constantfrequency, Eg gthe
and n is a Econstant theband
band gap,BBbeing
depending being
on theaa
constant (being
(being usually
usually 11 for
for semiconductors),
semiconductors), h hisis the
the Planck
Planck constant
constant and
and n
type of semiconductor (direct transition: n = 1/2; indirect transition: n = 2). For the direct transition n is
is a a constant
constant depending
semiconductor semiconductor
LaFeO (directtransition:
(direct transition:nn==1/2; 1/2;indirect
transition:nn==2). 2).For
3, the band gap energy values were estimated by extrapolation of the linear part
of the curves semiconductor
semiconductor LaFeO3,3,the
of the Kubelka–Munk the bandgap
function gap energy
(αhv) valueswere
1/2 against were
the estimated
photon energy byextrapolation
by extrapolation
(hv), ofofthe
as displayed the
linear part
part ofof the
the curves
curves of
of the
the Kubelka−Munk
Kubelka−Munk function
function (αhv)
(αhv) 1/2 against the photon energy (hv), as
1/2 against
Figure 6b. The S-700 sample absorbed slightly more light energy than the other ones showing that the photon energy (hv), as
decreasing ininFigure
particle 6b.
size The
The S-700
andS-700 sampleabsorbed
an increased absorbed
surface slightly
area amore
led tomore light
slight energy
shift. than thanthetheother
showing thataadecreasing
andan anincreased
surfacearea arealedledtotoaaslight
Figure 6.6.Kubelka-Munk
Kubelka-Munk diffusereflectance
diffuse reflectance
reflectance UV-Vis
UV-Vis spectra
spectra (a)and
spectra and and resulting
resulting band
resulting band gaps
band from
fromfrom Tauc
plotsof (b)ofofthe
the thestudied
3 samples.
3 3samples.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on the most promising LaFeO3 S-700 to
X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy
performedon onthe
LaFeO3 3S-700
determine the elemental composition and the chemical oxidation state of the sample surface. Figure 7
determine theelemental
compositionand andthe
shows the X-ray photoelectron (XP) survey spectrum (Figure 7a) and the detailed spectra of the La
3d, Fe 2p and O 1s. In addition to different La, Fe and O lines, Figure 7a shows also the C 1s signal,
3d, Fe2p
which resulted from adventitious surface carbon and which was also referenced to a binding energy
which resultedfrom
(284.8 eV)ininorder
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 6 of 15
Figure photoelectronspectroscopy
of La 3d (b), Fe 2p (c) and O1s (d).
of La 3d (b), Fe 2p (c) and O1s (d).
In order to investigate the energy band structure including the conduction band (CB) and
In order to investigate the energy band structure including the conduction band (CB) and
valence band (VB) position of LaFeO3 S-700 and S-900 photocatalysts, electrochemical flat potential
valence band (VB) position of LaFeO3 S-700 and S-900 photocatalysts, electrochemical flat potential
measurements were performed, and the resulting data are plotted in Figure 8a,b using the
measurements were performed, and the resulting data are plotted in Figure 8a and b using the Mott–
Mott–Schottky (MS) relation in the dark [34]:
Schottky (MS) relation in the dark [34]:
11 22 𝑘𝑇kT
= E − E
𝐸 − 𝐸 f b−−
C𝐶2 𝜀𝜀 eN
εεОo𝑒𝑁 𝑒e
withwith C being
C being the capacitance
the capacitance of space
of space charge,
charge, 𝜀 the dielectric
ε the dielectric constant,constant, 𝜀О the permittivity
ε o the permittivity of
of free space,
free space, N the electron donor density, E the applied potential and E the
N the electron donor density, E the applied potential and Efb the flat band potential. Plotting 1/C2
fb flat band potential.
against E1/C 2 against E yields a straight line from which the slope of the donor density can be
yields a straight line from which the slope of the donor density can be calculated and Efb can
calculated and E
be determined as thefb can intercept
be determined as the intercept
of the abscissa of the abscissa
by extrapolation to C = 0.byTheextrapolation
positive slopes to C of = 0.
positive slopes of the MS plots confirmed LaFeO 3 being an n-type semiconductor
plots confirmed LaFeO3 being an n-type semiconductor with electrons as the majority charge carriers. with electrons as
flat bandcharge carriers.
potentials The(Figure
of S-700 flat band potentials
8a) and of S-700
S-900 (Figure 8b)(Figure 8a) andofS-900
at frequencies 100 Hz (Figure 8b) Hz
and 1000 at
frequencies of 100 Hz and 1000 Hz were calculated to be –0.3 and –0.25 V ( E
were calculated to be −0.3 and −0.25 V (EAg/AgCl(sat-KCl) ) referenced to the KCl-saturated Ag/AgCl
Ag/AgCl(sat-KCl) ) referenced
the KCl-saturated
respectively.Ag/AgCl electrode,
Thus, using respectively.
the following Thus, using the following equation:
𝐸 =𝐸 / ( )+ 𝐸 / ( ) + 0.059 × 𝑝𝐻
ENHE = E0 Ag/AgCl (sat−KCl ) + E Ag/AgCl (sat−KCl ) + 0.059 × pH
with E0Ag/AgCl(sat-KCl) = 0.199. For the pH value of 5.6 of the 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte solution,
potentials were 0.23 and 0.28 V versus the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) result. For n-type
semiconductors the Efb was strongly related to the bottom of the conduction band (CB); typically, it is
assumed that CB is 0.1 V more negative than Efb [35], resulting in CB edges at about 0.13 V and 0.18 V
vs. NHE, respectively. These values are close to the position of the conduction band edge for YFeO3
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 7 of 15
with E0 Ag/AgCl(sat-KCl) = 0.199. For the pH value of 5.6 of the 0.1 M Na2 SO4 electrolyte solution,
potentials were 0.23 and 0.28 V versus the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) result. For n-type
semiconductors the Efb was strongly related to the bottom of the conduction band (CB); typically, it is
assumed that CB is 0.1 V more negative than Efb [35], resulting in CB edges at about 0.13 V and 0.18 V
vs. NHE, 2019, 9, x FOR PEERThese
respectively. REVIEW
values are close to the position of the conduction band edge for YFeO 7 of 15
calculated by Ismael et al. [36]. The slightly positive CB potential explains that the LaFeO3 was not
able to formbyhydrogen
Ismael etviaal. water
[36]. The slightly
splitting positive
under lightCB potential This
irradiation. explains that the LaFeO
was confirmed 3 was not
by respective
able to form hydrogen via water splitting under light irradiation. This was
experiments attempting photocatalytic H2 formation with our LaFeO3 samples on which platinum confirmed by respective
experiments attempting
nanoparticles (0.5 wt. %, photocatalytic
particle size <2Hnm)2 formation with our LaFeO3 samples on which platinum
were photodeposited as a co-catalyst. Even by the use
nanoparticles (0.5 wt. %, particle size <2 nm)
of light with λ ≥ 320 nm and methanol as a sacrificial were photodeposited as a co-catalyst.
agent, no hydrogen Evenwith
was detected by the
all use
of light with λ ≥ 320 nm and methanol as a sacrificial agent, no hydrogen was detected
Pt/LaFeO3 samples. This result stands in contrast to H2 formation reported earlier by Tijare et al. [23], with all the
Pt/LaFeO 3 samples. This result stands in contrast to H2 formation reported earlier by Tijare et al. [23],
Parida et al. [37] and Vaiano et al. [38], who, however, performed no analysis on conduction band
Parida et al.
positions. [37]some
Thus, and Vaiano et al. [38], the
doubts regarding who,H2however,
production performed
reported no analysis
in their on exist.
papers conduction band
Xu et Thus,
al. [39] some doubts
reported regarding
hydrogen the H2 production
production reported
activity over in their
a LaFeO papers exist.
3 /g-C3 N4 composite in the
Xu et al. [39] reported hydrogen production activity over a LaFeO3/g-C3N4 composite in the
presence of TEOA as a sacrificial reagent and Pt as a co-catalyst. Their results show that LaFeO3 alone
had of TEOA
no activity as the
due to a sacrificial reagent and
positive conduction Pt edge
band as a co-catalyst. Their results
(0.11 V); hydrogen was onlyshow that
found LaFeO
if g-C 3
3 N4
alone had no activity due to the positive conduction band edge (0.11 V); hydrogen was only found if
(conduction band potential at −0.85 V vs. NHE) was added, which is in agreement of our results.
g-C3N4 (conduction
Hydrogen production band
otherV ferrites,
vs. NHE) wasasadded,
such CuFe2 O which is in agreement of our
4 and NiFe2 O4 ; for those the
results. Hydrogen production was observed for other ferrites, such as CuFe2O4 and NiFe2O4; for
conduction band positions were found to be negative enough [40,41].
those the conduction band positions were found to be negative enough [40,41].
By taking into account the band gap energies of our LaFeO3 samples from the Tauc plots
By taking into account the band gap energies of our LaFeO3 samples from the Tauc plots (Figure
(Figure 6b), the valence band (VB) positions for S-700 and S-900 can be calculated according to
6b), the valence band (VB) positions for S-700 and S-900 can be calculated according to the
the equation Evb = Ecb + Eg [42], resulting in about Evb = 2.51 V and 2.68 V respectively.
equation 𝐸 = 𝐸 + 𝐸 [42], resulting in about Evb = 2.51 V and 2.68 V respectively.
Figure 8. Mott-Schottky
Figure 8. Mott-Schottkyplots
100HzHzandand1 kHz of (a)
1 kHz of S-700 and and
(a) S-700 (b) S-900, (c) Nyquist
(b) S-900, plots of
(c) Nyquist S-700
plots of
and S-900 in 0.1 M Na SO (pH = 5.6) at 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl and (d) transient photocurrent
S-700 and S-900 in 0.12 M4 Na2SO4 (pH = 5.6) at 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl and (d) transient photocurrent responses
in 0.1 M Nain2 SO
responses /0.1
0.14M NaM Na2 SOM
2SO4/0.1 3 solution
Na2SO3 (pH = 5.6)
solution under
(pH white
= 5.6) underLED illumination.
white LED illumination.
charge carrier mobility and separation [43,44]. Figure 8d indicates the transient photocurrent responses
of S-700 and S-900. The photocurrent of S-700 sample was much higher than that of S-900 indicating the
greatly improved charge transfer and separation ability [45,46]. The onset potential of the photocurrent
indicates the flat band potential of the electrode [47]. In this case, the sulfate/sulfite electrolyte solution
lowered the kinetic barrier for charge transport by trapping the photogenerated holes. Moreover,
the onset of the photocurrent lies at about 0.2 V vs. NHE for S-700, being in good agreement with the
flat band
Catalysts potential
2019, obtained
9, x FOR PEER from the Mott-Schottky plot.
REVIEW 8 of 15
Figure 9. (a) UV-Vis spectra for the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation
Figure 9. (a) UV-Vis spectra for the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation
(λ ≥ 420 nm) on the LaFeO3 S-700 sample ([RhB] = 10−5 M, catalyst weight = 0.1 g) at 25 ◦ C.
(λ ≥ 420 nm) on the LaFeO3 S-700 sample ([RhB] = 10-5 M, catalyst weight = 0.1 g) at 25 °C. (b)
(b) Degradation of RhB as a function of irradiation time with visible light (λ ≥ 420 nm) in the presence
Degradation of RhB as a function of irradiation time with visible light (λ ≥ 420 nm) in the presence of
of different LaFeO3 catalysts or SnO2 for comparison.
different LaFeO3 catalysts or SnO2 for comparison.
The degradation of RhB obeys a pseudo-first-order kinetics law of the type [50]:
The degradation of RhB obeys a pseudo-first-order kinetics law of the type [50]:
ln c /c = kt
ln 𝑐 0⁄𝑐 t = 𝑘𝑡
withwith c0 being
c0 being the initial
the initial concentration
concentration of RhB,of RhB,
ct the ct the concentration
concentration of RhB at of
t thetime t, t the
illumination time (min) and k is the first order rate −constant
1 (min -1). Figure 10 shows the linear
time (min) and k is the first order rate constant (min ). Figure 10 shows the linear relationships
relationships between ln(c0/ct) and t, the rate constant for S-700, S-750, S-850 and S-900 were 0.0062,
0.0032, 0.0026 and 0.0013 min-1, respectively.
In general, it is known that the photocatalytic degradation reaction of organic contaminants
proceeds mainly by the contribution of oxygen-containing reactive species such as superoxide (.O2-)
and hydroxyl radicals (.OH) [51,52]. Thus, in order to explore the reactive species for RhB
degradation different scavengers were tested in the photocatalytic process. The hydroxylation test
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 9 of 15
between ln(c0 /ct ) and t, the rate constant for S-700, S-750, S-850 and S-900 were 0.0062, 0.0032,
0.0026 and 0.0013 min−1 , respectively.
In general, it is known that the photocatalytic degradation reaction of organic contaminants
proceeds mainly by the contribution of oxygen-containing reactive species such as superoxide (. O2 − )
and hydroxyl radicals (. OH) [51,52]. Thus, in order to explore the reactive species for RhB degradation
different scavengers were tested in the photocatalytic process. The hydroxylation test was done using
terephthalic acid (TA) as a probe molecule, in this test TA reacts with OH to produce highly fluorescent
Catalysts 2019, 9, x FOR PEER
2-hydroxyterepthalic REVIEW
acid (fluorescence maximum at 426 nm [53]). 9 of 15
photocatalytic activities.
Figure 11.
11. (a) Fluorescence
thethe 2-hydroxyterepthalic
2-hydroxyterepthalic acidacid solution
solution in theinpresence
the presence of3
of LaFeO
LaFeO3 S-700 and (b) the reactive species in trapping experiments during the degradation of RhB. 10 of 15
S-700 and9, x(b)
reactive species in trapping experiments during the degradation of RhB.
Figure 12 12 shows
shows that
that the
the LaFeO
LaFeO33 S-700
S-700 was
was not not only
only able
able to
to degrade
degrade dyesdyes like
like RhB
RhB under
visible-light irradiation
irradiation at
at λ >> 420
420 nm,
nm, but
but also
also compounds
compounds like like 4-CP
4-CP which
which does
does not
not absorb
absorb lights
themselves in that spectral range. Thus, a light-induced self-degradation can be
themselves in that spectral range. Thus, a light-induced self-degradation can be ruled out. With LaFeO ruled out. With3
S-700 the degradation efficiency on 4-CP was lower than that on RhB, but still more than 60% of60%
3 S-700 the degradation efficiency on 4-CP was lower than that on RhB, but still more than the
were transformed by destroying
by destroying the aromatic
the aromatic ringwhich
ring system, system, which is responsible
is responsible for the
for the absorption
absorption at 315 nm,
at 315 nm, which was which
recorded wasandrecorded
followed and followed
with time inwith time12.
Figure inInFigure
a HPLC 12. analysis
In a HPLC analysis
performed with mixture
with the reaction the reaction
after 5mixture after 5 hours
h of illumination, of illumination,
no significant amountsno significant amounts
of decomposition of
were found. Totalproducts were found.
organic content Total organic
(TOC) analysis after fivecontent (TOC) analysis
hours illumination after fivethehours
time confirmed 4-CP
degradation;time confirmed
a reduction theTOC
of the 4-CPbydegradation;
55% was found. a reduction of the3 TOC
Our LaFeO by 55% was
photocatalyst found.
showed Our
activity3 photocatalyst showedcompared
for 4-CP degradation higher activity
to that for 4-CP degradation
reported by Pirzada etcompared
al. [59] andtoHuthat reported
et al. [60]. by
Pirzada et al. [59] and Hu et al. [60].
Figure 12.
12. Degradation
Degradation ofof 4-CP
4-CP as
as aa function
function of
of irradiation
irradiation time
time without
without aa photocatalyst
photocatalyst and
and in
in the
presence of the LaFeO33 catalyst S-700.
presence of the LaFeO catalyst S-700.
3. Experimental
3. Experimental
3.1. Materials
3.1. Materials
All the reactants were commercial products. Iron (III) nitrate nonahydrate (Fe(NO3 )3 ·9H2 O, 99%),
citric acidthe
All (C6reactants were
H8 O7 , 99%) andcommercial
lanthanumproducts. Iron
(III) nitrate (III) nitrate
hexahydrate nonahydrate
(La(NO (Fe(NO3)39H2O,
3 )3 ·6H2 O, 99.999%) were
99%), citricfrom
purchased acid Sigma-Aldrich.
(C6H8O7, 99%) and lanthanum (III)
4-chlorophenol nitrate
(4-CP, ClC6hexahydrate
H4 OH, ≥99%) (La(NO 3)36H2O, 99,999%)
and Rhodamine B (RhB,
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. 4-chlorophenol (4-CP, ClC 6H4OH, ≥99%) and Rhodamine B
C28 H31 ClN2 O3 ) were bought from Merck. All chemicals were analytically pure and were used as
(RhB, C28without
received H31ClN2O 3) were bought from Merck. All chemicals were analytically pure and were used
further purification. Deionized water (>18 MΩ cm) obtained from a Sartorius water
as received without
purification system was further
during the Deionized water procedure
whole synthetic (>18 MΩ cm) obtained
to prepare thefrom a Sartorius
required metal
water purification
ion solutions. system was used during the whole synthetic procedure to prepare the required
metal ion solutions.
3.3. Characterization
The crystalline phase and size of the obtained LaFeO3 nanoparticles were checked with
a Empyrean theta-theta X-ray diffraction system (PANalytical, Almelo, The Netherlands) operating
with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.540598 nm) at 40 kV and 40 mA in the 2θ range of 20–80◦ .
The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas were calculated from nitrogen adsorption-desorption
isotherms measured on a Tri Star II (Micromeritics GmbH, Aachen, Germany). All the samples were
degassed at 150 ◦ C overnight prior to the adsorption measurements.. The diffuse reflectance spectra
(DRS) and UV-Vis absorption spectra of the dye solutions were measured with a Varian Cary 4000
(Mulgrave, Australia). This spectrometer could also be equipped with an Ulbricht sphere allowing
the recording of UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS) in the region 200–800 nm using the white
standard MgO as a reference. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded using a Varian Cary
Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer (Mulgrave, Australia) at room temperature, with excitation
by incident light of 380 nm. The Fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR) were recorded using
a Bruker FT-IR Tensor 27 Spectrometer with a platinum ATR unit. The morphology of the prepared
samples and the content of the elements were studied using scanning electron microscopy (Hitachi,
S-3200N, Krefeld, Germany) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX Oxford INCAx-act,
Abingdon, UK), respectively. Since the photocatalytic properties of the LaFeO3 strongly depend on
the surface chemical state of the samples this was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) with an ESCALAB 250 Xi (Thermo Fisher, East Grinstead, UK) equipped with a monochromatic
Al Kα X-ray source (hν = 1486.6 eV) as the excitation source under ultrahigh vacuum conditions.
The high-resolution spectra for the C 1s, O 1s, La 3d and Fe 2p photoelectron lines were recorded
with a bandpass energy of 20 eV and a step size of 0.1 eV. The spectra were analyzed using Avantage
software (version 5.951). Binding energies in the high-resolution spectra were calibrated by setting the
C 1s signal to 284.8 eV. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), photocurrent measurement
and Mott Schottky plots were performed on an IM6e potentiostat (Zahner Elektrik, GmbH, Kronach,
Germany) and evaluated with the Thales (version 4.12) software. A standard three-electrode cell
configuration with Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl), coiled Pt-wire and LaFeO3 coated FTO were used as
the reference, counter and working electrodes, respectively. The working electrodes were prepared
on the conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass slides (Pilkington, Weiherhammer, Germany)
of 2 × 6 cm size, which were sonicated before by applying in a sequence 0.1 M HCl, 0.1 M NaOH,
acetone and ethanol in an ultrasonic bath, then rinsed with deionized water and dried in an air stream.
Then 0.1 g of the respective LaFeO3 sample was dispersed in 500 µl of ethanol in an ultrasonic bath for
30 min and 200 µl of the obtained suspension were coated on the FTO glass substrate using the doctor
blade method. Finally, the FTO substrate was dried in a furnace for 30 min at 353 K and calcined for 3 h
at 873 K. An electrolyte 0.1 M Na2 SO4 aqueous solution was used for the Mott-Schottky measurements
and a 0.1 M Na2 SO4 /0.1 M Na2 SO3 aqueous solution was used as the supporting electrolyte for
photocurrent and electrochemical impedance measurements, respectively.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 12 of 15
4. Conclusions
A perovskite-type LaFeO3 photocatalyst was synthesized using the quite simple citric acid
assisted sol-gel route. The prepared samples were characterized using different methods. The most
photocatalytically active sample for decomposition of RhB and 4-CP under visible light was the one
calcined at the lowest temperature of 700 ◦ C due to the highest surface area and the lowest band
gap energy. At temperatures lower than 700 ◦ C the crystallinity of the LaFeO3 samples was not
sufficient. Mott-Schottky plots revealed a positive potential of the CB at around 0.1 V explaining
the observed inactivity of LaFeO3 for the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution via water splitting and
methanol dehydrogenation. The photocatalytic degradation reaction of the pollutants occurred mainly
via direct reaction of the photogenerated holes, but to some extent especially in the starting period of
the degradation experiments also via superoxide radical formation. To sum up, LaFeO3 is a promising
photocatalytic material for degradation of organic pollutants under visible light irradiation.
Catalysts 2019, 9, 342 13 of 15
Author Contributions: M.I. performed the catalyst preparation, structural and electrochemical characterization
and the photocatalytic test experiments. He also prepared the first draft of the manuscript. This work was carried
out under the supervision of M.W., who also structured the discussion of the data and prepared the final version
of the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: We thank Dereje H. Taffa (University of Oldenburg) for his assistance in recording XP spectra
and fruitful discussions XPS and photoelectrochemical results. Financial support by the Phoenix Scholarship
program (PX14DF0164) for MI, and by the German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)
under contracts WA 1116/28-1 and INST 184/154-1 for the X-ray diffractometer are gratefully acknowledged.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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