World Gastroenterology Organisation Global.14
World Gastroenterology Organisation Global.14
World Gastroenterology Organisation Global.14
diets and conditions for which the diet has a real causative
or therapeutic role in adults: celiac disease, dietary fibers, TABLE 2. Cascade of Recommendations on FODMAP
FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, Extensive resources (gold standard)
monosaccharides, and polyols), carbohydrate intolerance, Clinical evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of IBS, including
and the role of diet in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The exclusion of celiac disease
Dietary interview by an expert dietitian to evaluate dietary
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Reduction of dietary intake of foods high in lactose, with replacement using lactose-free milk and yogurt
products and/or use of oral β-galactosidase
Fructose Fructose intolerance should be considered as a component of the low FODMAP diet (Table 2)
Sucrase-isomaltase Diagnosis: The value of enzyme activity assessment in duodenal/jejunal biopsies has been established in
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deficiency* children. The value of this test in adults is not yet established
Management: For congenital deficiency, a starch-restricted and sucrose-restricted diet followed by
rechallenge, supervised by a dietitian; sacrosidase enzyme supplementation
Medium resources
Lactose intolerance Diagnosis: Same as above
Management: Same as above, if available
Fructose Same as above
Sucrase-isomaltase Diagnosis: Same as above
deficiency* Management: Consideration should be given to a starch-restricted and sucrose-restricted diet, followed by
rechallenge supervised by a dietitian for congenital enzyme deficiency
Limited resources
Lactose intolerance Diagnosis: Food challenge with symptom monitoring to identify intolerance
Management: Dietary education by a health professional, if available, to ensure suitable intake of calcium-
rich foods. Reduction of dietary intake of foods high in lactose, with replacement using lactose-free milk
and yogurt products and/or use of oral β-galactosidase, if available
Fructose Fructose intolerance should be considered as a component of the low FODMAP diet
Sucrase-isomaltase Diagnosis: In the absence of clinical testing, consideration should be given to the clinical picture: symptom
deficiency* types and response to treatment in children with suspected congenital deficiency only
Management: Consideration should be given to a starch-restricted and sucrose-restricted diet with
instruction from a dietitian, if available, and only in children with suspected congenital deficiency
*To avoid invasive biopsies, diagnostic surrogate markers are currently used (based on the exhalation of gases produced by the enzymatic degradation of the
substrate); the development of genetic methods is in progress.
FODMAP indicates fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.
A greater intake of dietary fiber has been associated with a solubility of fiber was once thought to determine its phys-
lower risk of several chronic diseases, including car- iological effect, more recent studies suggest that other
diovascular disease and diabetes, and it may reduce the risk properties of fiber, especially fermentability and viscosity,
of all-cause mortality.5–9 Dietary fiber may be included in are more important, and plant components (such as anti-
the nutrition panel on food labels, and it is typically listed as oxidant compounds) associated with dietary fiber may also
a subset of total carbohydrates (Table 4). contribute to reduced disease risk.5,13
TABLE 4. Definitions
Concept Definition
Dietary fiber10,11 The edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the
human small intestine, with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine. Dietary fiber includes
polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, lignin, and associated plant substances. Dietary fibers promote beneficial
physiological effects including laxation, and/or blood cholesterol attenuation, and/or blood glucose
Fibers that are incorporated into foods as additives should demonstrate functional human health outcomes to
receive a fiber classification
A database has been developed, listing studies that test fiber and physiological health outcomes identified by
experts at the Ninth Vahouny Conference12
Diet and the gut Clinical diet, intended to treat (part of) the disease or disorder, or to correct excess or deficiency in relation to
selected gastrointestinal disorders
“Fiber-rich” 3 g or more of fiber per labeled serving
“High in fiber” on food Must contain at least 5 g per serving
Energy density Relationship of calories to the weight of food (calories per gram)
Fiber density Fiber content in a specified amount of a food or diet, usually per 100 g of food, and for comparing diets usually
per 1000 kcal intake
TABLE 5. Clinical Management Flowchart for Using the Low FODMAP Diet
Family physician (general practitioner) and/or gastroenterologist
Medical investigation
Appropriate exclusion of other gastrointestinal Referral to dietitian
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Assessment of dietary adherence Individual dietary triggers identified: “individual modified low FODMAP
diet” established
Poor response
Reintroduce high FODMAP foods
Consider other triggers/therapies:
Food chemicals
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
FODMAP indicates fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.
Source: Tuck et al.14
Highly fermentable fibers, such as oligosaccharides and However, all of these recommendations are supported by
wheat bran fiber (by virtue of its oligosaccharide content), limited evidence and expert opinion only.
may contribute to increased gas production, thus
exacerbating symptoms of bloating, flatus, and gastro- Colorectal Cancer
intestinal discomfort in IBS.15,23,24
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Reducing the intake of highly fermentable fibers, as part Evidence that fiber decreases the risk of colorectal cancers
of a low FODMAP dietary approach (see the “The low is mixed, and further research is needed.30
FODMAP diet” section below), is recommended for the A 2012 analysis from the European Prospective Inves-
management of IBS and provides symptomatic relief in tigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study showed
∼75% of patients.15,23 that total dietary fiber was inversely associated with
Recommendations: Highly fermentable fibers, including colorectal cancer risk, with similar results for colon and
oligosaccharides and inulin, and also wheat bran, may rectal cancers. Dietary fiber sources from cereals, fruits,
exacerbate symptoms of IBS. The best evidence indicates and vegetables were similarly associated with a reduced
that reducing the intake of these fermentable fibers as part of risk of colon cancer.31 Only cereal fiber was associated
a low FODMAP dietary approach (see the “The low with a decreased risk of rectal cancer.31
FODMAP diet” section below) is effective in managing There is no evidence from randomized controlled trials
symptoms in the majority of IBS patients. Conversely, (RCTs) to suggest that increased dietary fiber intake will
soluble fiber supplements including psyllium, linseed, and reduce the incidence or recurrence of adenomatous
methylcellulose may be of therapeutic benefit, particularly polyps within a 2- to 8-year period.32 Longer term trials
in IBS-C. with higher dietary fiber levels are needed to evaluate this
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Recommendations: Evidence from cohort studies gen-
erally indicates a protective effect of a high-fiber diet against
Evidence for a therapeutic effect of dietary fiber in IBD is colorectal cancer; however, it is not certain whether this
lacking. However, due to the potential anti-inflammatory relationship is based on cause and effect. Further high-
and immune-modulating effects of fiber, this warrants quality studies are required to elucidate the relationship and
further investigation.25 identify potential mechanisms of action.
Restriction of dietary fiber in IBD is unnecessary except
in the case of significant intestinal stenosis.25 Clinical Indications for a Low-fiber Diet
Reducing the intake of highly fermentable fibers, as part
of a low FODMAP dietary approach, may be useful in Ingestion of low-fiber foods may help decrease diarrhea,
the symptomatic management of IBD patients who have gas, and bloating by slowing bowel movements and
coexisting IBS (see the “The low FODMAP diet” section reducing colonic fermentation.33
below).26,27 Short-term use of a low-fiber diet (< 10 g/d) may be
Recommendations: There is currently a paucity of evi- recommended for bowel cleansing purposes in the days
dence supporting a therapeutic role of dietary fiber in IBD. before diagnostic procedures such as colonoscopy,
Further high-quality studies are therefore required. The colonography, and laparoscopic gynecologic surgery. In
intake of dietary fiber should not be restricted in IBD comparison with traditional bowel preparation regimens
patients, except in the case of intestinal obstruction. IBD (clear fluid diet with the use of cathartic agents), studies
patients with coexisting IBS may benefit from reducing their have shown that a low-fiber diet approach may be better
intake of highly fermentable fibers as part of a low FOD- tolerated, have fewer side effects, and permit a reduction
MAP dietary approach. in the dosage of cathartic agents required without
compromising the quality of bowel preparation.33,34
Diverticular Disease A low-fiber diet is often recommended temporarily after a
flare-up of diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative
Higher intakes of dietary fiber may be associated with a colitis, or following gastrointestinal surgery. However,
reduced risk of diverticular disease.28,29 more studies are required to clarify whether this is of any
It is not clear whether a high-fiber diet is beneficial in therapeutic benefit.33 Despite this, short-term use poses a
patients with diverticulosis, as its pathogenesis is little nutritional risk, especially if delivered under the
probably multifactorial and complex. More studies are guidance of a dietitian,33 and reintroduction of fiber
needed to evaluate the role of fiber in the pathogenesis occurs in the long term.
and treatment of diverticular disease.28,29 Dietary advice regarding a low-fiber diet may include the
A few poor-quality studies have suggested that fiber may following: avoiding nuts and seeds, using more refined
improve symptoms associated with uncomplicated diver- breads and cereals, reducing the intake of fruits and
ticulosis and decrease the risk of diverticulitis. However, vegetables where possible, and peeling fruits and vegeta-
high-quality evidence is lacking.28,29 bles when consumed.33
During an episode of acute diverticulitis, a low-fiber diet In some cases, fiber is not the only dietary factor to be
is often recommended to minimize bowel irritation.28,29 considered when a low-fiber diet is recommended. Diet-
However, there is limited evidence to support this ary advice for patients with bloating, pain, and other IBS-
strategy. like symptoms may include avoidance of spicy foods,
Phase 3
challenges ments and bulk laxatives as additional fiber sources, the best
—The challenges are interpreted advice is to consume fiber in foods. Few fiber supplements
have been studied for physiological effectiveness.5 Increas-
FODMAP indicates fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, mon-
osaccharides, and polyols. ing fiber in the diet too quickly can lead to symptoms such
as gas, bloating, and abdominal cramping, so a gradual
increase in the intake should always be recommended.5
fatty foods, gut irritants (such as alcohol and caffeinated Good sources of dietary fiber include: whole-grain
beverages), and individual foods that are poorly products, fruit, vegetables, beans, peas and legumes, and
tolerated.20 nuts and seeds. Foods labeled “high in fiber” typically
Recommendations: Please refer to Table 11 in the WGO contain at least 5 g of fiber per serving. However, food-
online version of this guideline (www.worldgastroenterology. labeling requirements vary across countries.4,5
org/guidelines/global-guidelines) for clinical symptoms and Examples of common high-fiber foods include37:
pathophysiology of lactose intolerance. There is limited evi- ½ cup red kidney beans, cooked (6.5 g fiber).
dence to support the therapeutic use of a low-fiber diet in the ½ cup wheat bran cereal (9.1 g fiber).
context of gastrointestinal disease and surgery. However, this 1 cup butternut squash, baked (6.6 g fiber).
is common in clinical practice, and short-term use presents a 1 large orange (7.2 g fiber).
little nutritional risk. A low-fiber diet may be useful in the 1 cup raspberries (8.0 g fiber).
context of bowel preparation for diagnostic procedures and 1 cup whole-wheat spaghetti, cooked (5.9 g fiber).
may improve patient satisfaction and compliance. 1 cup broccoli, boiled (5.5 g fiber).
Consumers have an interest in increasing fiber intake,
but compliance and cost pose a challenge. Dietary change
Fiber Intake and Recommendations requires alterations in long-term habits and is difficult to
Targets for recommended dietary fiber intake vary achieve, despite the reported benefits. Maintaining dietary
globally (please refer to Table 6 in the WGO online version of change requires motivation, behavioral skills, and a sup-
this guideline at portive social and also political environment (please refer to
global-guidelines for the recommended and actual fiber intake Table 7 in the WGO online version of this guideline at:
in different countries).4,35 However, guidelines typically rec-
ommend an intake of > 20 g/d.4,5 Actual dietary fiber intake for a list of possible barriers to dietary change and
falls below recommendations in many countries worldwide, solutions).5,39
but it is notably higher in regions with predominantly plant- Many factors and complex interactions influence the
based diets such as sub-Saharan Africa (please refer to Fig. 1 in evolution and shape of individual dietary patterns over time:
the WGO online version of this guideline) (www. income, food prices (the availability and affordability of–5 healthy foods), individual preferences and beliefs, cultural
traditions, as well as geographical, environmental, social, How to Implement a Low FODMAP Diet:
and economic factors.36 Reintroduction and Problems/Limitations
The low FODMAP diet is best implemented with the
Cascade Guidelines—Dietary Fiber assistance of an experienced dietitian. Table 5 provides a
Please see Table 1 above. clinical management overview, including the roles of the
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What is the Low FODMAP Diet? celiac disease adequately excluded before their diet is
The low FODMAP diet was developed by researchers changed. This is important, as dietary modifications may
at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, to assist affect the accuracy of tests such as those for celiac disease.
patients with IBS.40–42 Research worldwide has now con- Patients should then be educated on ways of reducing high
firmed that the diet is effective in managing the symptoms of FODMAP foods in the diet, usually for a period of 2 to 6
IBS.43–47 While the evidence for efficacy in the first phase of weeks.59 The primary aim of this initial phase is to improve
the FODMAP diet (see Table 6 below) was rated as very symptom control. Patients are best educated by an experi-
low (due to heterogeneity of studies and risk of bias in enced dietitian on the FODMAP content of foods to ensure
RCTs) by the American College of Gastroenterology, the that they understand which foods to avoid—and impor-
Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, and the Korean tantly, which foods to include during the initial phase. No
Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, these entire food groups should be excluded; instead, mod-
organizations recommend that the diet should be used early ifications should be made to the types of food chosen in
in the management of patients with IBS.48–50 each food group. For example, consumption of apples,
“FODMAP” is an acronym that stands for: ferment- which have a high FODMAP content, might be changed to
able oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and intake of oranges, which have a low FODMAP content.
polyols. This is important for maintaining nutritional adequacy.59
The acronym groups together specific types of short- Patients should understand the mechanisms of FODMAPs
chain carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed or not and the effect of dose so that they can grasp the dietary
digested in the small intestine. Because of their small process.
molecular size, they increase the water content of the small The second phase is the rechallenge phase, the aim of
intestine through an osmotic effect, and because they are which is to identify specific dietary triggers in each indi-
readily fermented by bacteria, their delivery to the large vidual. It is unlikely that all high FODMAP foods cause
bowel results in gas production.40,41,51 FODMAPs can thus symptoms for every individual, and strategic challenges are
distend (or stretch) the bowel. In patients with IBS who are therefore used to identify tolerance levels for each FOD-
hypersensitive to this stretching, symptoms occur such as MAP subgroup.60 Guidance from a dietitian helps the
abdominal pain, bloating, excessive flatulence, and changes patient test each FODMAP subgroup, including dose-
in bowel habits (constipation and/or diarrhea).52 Please refer response, frequency of consumption, and the additive effect
to Figure 2 in the WGO online version of this guideline of multiple high FODMAP foods.60 Individual tolerance for
( FODMAPs varies widely. Tolerance within an individual
for classification of indigestible and slowly absorbed carbo- can also vary depending on other factors, including stress
hydrates according to their functional properties.53 levels.
The low FODMAP diet includes reducing dietary The final phase is the maintenance phase. The aim of
intake of the 5 main subgroups of carbohydrates: the maintenance phase is for the patient to reintroduce as
Fructose in excess of glucose—for example, many high FODMAP foods back into the diet as tolerated
honey, mango. while still maintaining good symptom control. Any foods
Lactose (when hypolactasia is present)—for example, that are well tolerated should be reintroduced into the diet.
milk, yogurt. Foods that are moderately tolerated may be reintroduced on
Sugar polyols (including sorbitol and mannitol)—for an occasional basis, while foods that are poorly tolerated
example, avocado, mushrooms. should continue to be avoided.60 In the long term, patients
Fructans—for example, wheat, onion, garlic. are encouraged to continue to challenge themselves with
GOS—for example, legumes, soy milk. poorly tolerated foods from time to time to reassess their
The aims of the low FODMAP diet are to help patients tolerance.
control their symptoms and subsequently to identify specific List of high FODMAP foods and low FODMAP
food triggers. This is done through an initial dietary alternatives: due to continuing and rapidly progressing
reduction of all FODMAPs, followed by strategic rechal- research into the low FODMAP diet, many food lists that
lenges. Patients are then able to follow their own modified are available—both printed and online—are unfortu-
version of the diet. It is not suggested that the strict low nately outdated and hence have inaccuracies.61 Table 7
FODMAP diet should be followed over the longer term. lists rich sources of FODMAPs and suitable low FOD-
The FODMAP content of a wide range of foods has MAP alternatives.38 The Monash University smartphone
been analyzed by the Department of Gastroenterology at application for the low FODMAP diet is the most useful
Monash University, with findings published in a number of tool, as it is regularly updated.58 The app costs US$10
research articles.54–57 The complete list of the FODMAP with no other fees, including all updates.
content of foods—classified as low, moderate, and high—is Potential adverse effects of the low FODMAP diet: Any
available to the public through a smartphone application major change to dietary intake carries risks of unwanted
developed by the university.58 effects such as reduced dietary fiber or an increased risk
of nutritional inadequacy in general. The effect of dietary belching, epigastric pain, and discomfort. Many patients
modification on quality of life must also be considered. In experience both FD and IBS simultaneously. Although data
addition, what is eaten is a major factor in defining the are limited for the effect of the low FODMAP diet specifi-
gastrointestinal microbiota.62 There is, therefore, a cally for FD, there are anecdotal reports that it can be used
potential that restricting FODMAPs, including prebiotic to manage symptoms.73 Further data are required to assess
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fructans and GOS, could have marked effects on the the effects of the low FODMAP diet in patients with FD.
composition of the microbiota.63
To date, there are only limited published data on the
nutritional adequacy of patients’ intake while on the short- Cascade Guidelines—FODMAP
term low FODMAP diet or in the long term following the Please refer to Table 2 above.
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Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance plasma glucose should increase by at least 1.4 mmol/L
Typical symptoms of lactose intolerance include (25.2 mg/dL); its failure to do so indicates lactose
abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and bor- malabsorption. The test’s sensitivity and specificity for
borygmi. It may also result in nausea and vomiting, lactase deficiency are high (both > 90%).
although these are less frequent.75 Genetic test.80 The genetic test identifies single nucleotide
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In patients with common adult-type hypolactasia, the polymorphisms associated with lactase persistence/non-
amount of ingested lactose required to produce symptoms persistence. For example, genotype CC correlates with
varies from 12 to 18 g or 8 to 12 ounces of milk. Ingestion of hypolactasia, while the TT genotype correlates with
small to moderate amounts of lactose usually produces lactase persistence. Not everyone with the CC genotype
bloating, cramps, and flatulence, but not diarrhea. Ingestion will develop symptoms of lactose malabsorption. How-
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of larger amounts of lactose, faster gastric emptying times, ever, the relevant mutations depend on the ethnicity of
and faster intestinal transit times all contribute to more the population studied.
severe symptoms. Several factors determine the onset of Intestinal biopsy. A jejunal biopsy can be used to assess
symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as lactose content in lactase activity, but it is less sensitive and more invasive
the diet, gut transit time, fermentation capacity of the gut than the lactose breath test. This test is not recommended
microbiome, visceral hypersensitivity,79 and (possibly) neu- in clinical practice.
ropsychological factors.80 Food challenge. A dietary challenge may be sufficient to
Please refer to Table 11 in the WGO online version of identify lactose malabsorption in many cases. The food
this guideline ( used for the challenge should be relevant to the
global-guidelines) for clinical symptoms and pathophysio- individual’s needs and food preferences. A standard
logy of lactose intolerance. challenge involves consuming 1 cup (250 mL) of skimmed
milk (since some persons are intolerant of dairy fat/
How to Diagnose: in Resource-limited triacylglycerol) in one sitting, with individual monitoring
and Well-resourced Settings of the symptom response. However, this should be
The diagnosis of lactose intolerance is based on self- adapted to the individual. For example, if a particular
reporting of symptoms after lactose ingestion.14 Determin- person rarely consumes this quantity of milk and would
ing the dose of lactose that persons with lactose intolerance rather challenge with 200 g of yogurt, then skimmed milk
can tolerate is critical in determining its implications for yogurt should be used for the food challenge.60
health.74 The presence of malabsorption of lactose is com-
monly not associated with symptoms. It is only when lactose How to Treat
malabsorption induces symptoms that “lactose intolerance” There are 2 key ways of treating lactose intolerance:
can be diagnosed. either through dietary avoidance of foods that contain sig-
Lactose hydrogen breath testing. Lactose hydrogen breath nificant amounts of lactose (Table 8) or by using β-gal-
testing is currently considered to be the most cost- actosidase to hydrolyze the lactose content of foods.
effective, noninvasive, and reliable measure of lactose Dietary modification—reduction of large quantities of
malabsorption.75 The breath test usually involves con- lactose. Most individuals with lactose intolerance can
sumption of 25 or 50 g of lactose, followed by measure- tolerate 12 to 15 g of lactose without gastrointestinal
ment of breath hydrogen and methane over the following symptoms being triggered.74 An average dairy-based meal
3 to 4 hours. Although diagnostic guidelines vary, an contains ∼ 12 g of lactose81; hence small quantities of
increase in breath hydrogen by 20 ppm (parts per million) lactose are likely to be well tolerated even in those with
above baseline or in methane by 10 ppm above baseline lactose intolerance. Consideration of the dosage of lactose
suggests lactose malabsorption.75 consumption is imperative for the management of lactose
Lactose “tolerance” test.80 This is a blood test for lactase intolerance. Dairy products such as hard cheese, an
deficiency, and the traditional term “tolerance” test is a excellent source of calcium, contain <1 g of lactose and
misnomer. The patient consumes 50 g of lactose dissolved should therefore be included in the diet of those with lactose
in water. Samples of capillary blood are obtained to test intolerance. Appropriate education is imperative to ensure
the plasma glucose concentration at −5, 0, 15, 30, 45, and adequate intake of calcium-rich foods.
60 minutes. When lactose malabsorption is present, the Consideration should be given to reducing the intake of
blood sugar will not rise after lactose ingestion; normally, large quantities of lactose. This can be done by reducing the
TABLE 8. Food Items That Are Restricted or Allowed in Individuals With Lactose Intolerance
Food Items to Be Avoided Food Items That Are Allowed
All kinds of milk: whole, low-fat, nonfat, cream, powdered, condensed, All fruits, vegetables, legumes
and evaporated
Chocolate containing milk All cereals
Cottage cheese, ice cream, creamy/cheesy sauces, cream cheeses, soft cheese, All meat, fish, and eggs
and mozzarella
Milk and creamer All vegetable fats
Lactose-free milk and soy milk
Hard cheeses and other lactose-free dairy products
Yogurts, unless unfermented milk is added back in
Source: WGO Handbook on Diet and the Gut, 2016.80
intake of products that are high in lactose and/or by using Intake of Fructose
lactose-free products. Dairy products such as cow’s milk Estimates of fructose consumption suggest that total
and yogurt can be preincubated with β-galactosidase to fructose intake has increased in recent years, largely due to
hydrolyze the lactose content. There is an increasing the increased use of high-fructose corn syrups. A study in
demand for lactose-free products in some countries, the United States that compared intake in the periods 1977-
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resulting in the availability of lactose-free milk, yogurt, 1978 and 1999-2004 found only a 1% increase in fructose
cheese, cream, and ice cream. However, the need for consumption as a percentage of energy intake, in compar-
products such as lactose-free cheese and cream is ques- ison with a 41% increase in total carbohydrate intake80,87—
tionable in view of their minimal lactose content.14 suggesting that the increase in fructose consumption is not
Enzyme supplementation. An alternative treatment for as significant as thought. Fruit and fruit products were the
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lactose intolerance is supplementation with lactase (β- main source of dietary fructose in 1999-2004.87
galactosidase) enzyme, which can be taken orally
together with food. Studies have shown that this is Use of Dietary Modification
effective in reducing breath hydrogen and in achieving Early studies investigating the effect of excess fructose
symptomatic improvement,82–84 although higher doses of on gastrointestinal symptoms focused on fructose alone or
lactose, such as 50 g, appeared to overwhelm the fructose in combination with sorbitol. However, these
enzyme’s capacity.83 fructose-restricted diets were poorly described. Since excess
fructose is often consumed together with other short-chain
Fructose Intolerance carbohydrates that have similar effects on the bowel (ie,
Definition of Terms FODMAPs), it is the combined role of these specific car-
bohydrates in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal symp-
Fructose: A monosaccharide commonly found in honey, toms, as opposed to their effects individually54–56 that
mango, apple, pear, and high-fructose corn syrup. results in symptoms. The grouping of these fermentable
Excess fructose: Fructose and glucose commonly coexist carbohydrates as part of the low FODMAP diet has been
in foods; excess fructose is defined as the presence of associated with symptom improvement in up to three
fructose in excess of glucose (also termed “free fructose”). quarters of patients with functional gastrointestinal
The absorption of excess fructose relies on low-capacity disorders.42,43,46,88
absorptive pathways that appear to be present along the
length of the small intestine. In this situation, fructose Recommendations
molecules are likely to remain in the small intestinal
lumen for longer and exert their osmotic effects over Fructose ingestion (in excess of glucose) is modified as a
much of its length, with or without “spill-over” into the component of the low FODMAP diet. Reduction of all
colon (ie, fructose malabsorption).14,51 The fructose that dietary FODMAPs, rather than fructose alone, has a more
reaches the large intestine is then available for colonic beneficial effect on reducing gastrointestinal symptoms.
fermentation, creating by-products of hydrogen and “Fructose malabsorption” is neither a diagnosis nor a
methane that can be measured in expired air. condition. Rather, dietary fructose may trigger IBS-like
Fructose malabsorption: Incomplete absorption of a given gastrointestinal symptoms, and its effects should be
dose of fructose in the small intestine, resulting in “spill- considered along with the effects of the other dietary
over” into the large intestine. Fructose malabsorption has FODMAPs (see the “The low FODMAP diet” section
been shown to be a normal phenomenon, occurring in above).
∼35% of healthy individuals.85 The clinical value of breath tests for identifying fructose
Fructose intolerance: This occurs when the consumption malabsorption is limited.
of fructose induces gastrointestinal symptoms. For food items that should be avoided, please refer to the
FODMAP composition table (Table 7).
Proposed Mechanisms
Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency
Fructose has been shown to have an osmotic effect, Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (also known as sucrose
increasing luminal water content in the small intestine and intolerance) usually manifests early in life and can result in
leading to distension (stretching) of the intestinal wall. If this carbohydrate malabsorption, causing symptoms of diarrhea,
is marked, or if visceral hypersensitivity is present, it may bloating, and abdominal pain, similar to the symptoms of
result in abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes diarrhea. diarrhea-predominant IBS. The cause of sucrase-isomaltase
This effect has been found to occur regardless of the degree deficiency is reduced small intestinal activity of an enzyme
of fructose absorption in the small intestine.51 It is, known as glucosidase. The enzyme is normally involved in
therefore, not the presence of malabsorption but rather the digestion of starch and sugars. With reduced glucosidase
the presence of visceral hypersensitivity such as that seen in activity, carbohydrates—particularly sucrose—then behave
functional gastrointestinal disorders that is likely to cause as FODMAPs, with increased osmotic activity and fermen-
the symptoms after fructose consumption.52 tation in the bowel, potentially leading to symptoms of IBS.89
Breath hydrogen testing used to be a popular tool to help in A role for sucrose-isomaltase deficiency in later-onset IBS is
targeting dietary therapy; it was thought that patients who poorly established.
had a negative fructose breath test did not require fructose
restriction. However, symptoms may occur regardless of the Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency
presence of malabsorption based on breath hydrogen or In congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, mutations
methane production due to the effects of fructose on the in the sucrase-isomaltase (SI) gene lead to severe symptoms.
small intestine. Breath hydrogen testing is therefore no This is a rare condition. However, recent studies have
longer recommended for assessing fructose absorption.86 identified multiple variations of the SI gene with reduced
function. About 2% to 9% of persons of North American WGO Global Guidelines: Celiac Disease (2016).1 The
and European descent may be affected, suggesting that it is 2017 update of this WGO Global Guideline has been
possibly an underrecognized condition.90 However, it has published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology.2
yet to be shown whether it is pathogenetically involved with Several uncontrolled studies have shown that a pro-
symptom induction in patients with functional gastro- portion of patients who meet the criteria for IBS will
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Animal studies have shown that villous atrophy, such as However, gluten has yet to be implicated as the causative
that occurring in untreated celiac disease, may result in a molecule in such patients. A subgroup who have an
sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. This should be reversible with increased density of intraepithelial lymphocytes and eosi-
healing of the villous atrophy.90 nophils in the small-bowel and often large bowel mucosae
have been shown to develop gastrointestinal symptoms after
Diagnosis double-blind placebo-controlled challenges to wheat and
A diagnosis of sucrose-isomaltase deficiency can be other proteins.99 Dietary restriction guided by the results of
established using duodenal or jejunal biopsies in children for such challenges has led to long-term symptomatic benefits in
assessment of sucrase, lactase, isomaltase, and maltase these patients.100 Further research in other centers is
activity.90 However, the biopsy samples must be immediately required to assess the generalizability of these findings.
frozen, and due to the complex freeze/thaw process required In the majority of individuals who do not have the
for sample analysis, inaccurate results may occur.91 Other above-mentioned histopathologic changes, GFD may be
methods of diagnosis are available, such as sucrose breath effective, but whether the patient needs to be gluten-free or
testing, but performing hydrogen breath testing in young whether gluten is a marker for other molecules contained in
children is problematic.91 More recently, genetic sequencing wheat, such as fructans, remains controversial. A recent
has become available to identify forms of congenital sucrase- study in Norway provided evidence that fructans, but not
isomaltase deficiency,90 although these results should be con- gluten or wheat protein, were the culprits in patients with
sidered in combination with the clinical picture. There are few self-reported gluten sensitivity.101
data on the value of performing such tests in adults. So-called “nonceliac” gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is
likely to represent a heterogenous group of patients, often
Treatment with IBS, and may include a proportion with non–
Limited evidence is available for the treatment of immunoglobulin E-mediated wheat protein sensitivity. The
sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. Treatment options include majority of these patients will have no evidence that they are
dietary restriction of sugars and starch, although this has intolerant of gluten itself—as consistently shown in RCTs
been poorly studied. Patients undertake an initial restrictive using double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over food
phase, followed by gradual reintroduction to determine challenges.102
tolerance. However, such dietary restrictions are difficult, There are currently no biomarkers of gluten sensitivity.
and patients are often noncompliant.91 An alternative to Determining HLA-DQ2/8 as a predictive marker for
dietary modification is enzyme replacement with sacrosi- wheat sensitivity cannot be recommended.97
dase, which has shown good effect in studies with small In the absence of biomarkers for NCGS, a double-blind
sample sizes.91,92 However, enzyme supplementation is placebo-controlled trial (DBPCT) to assess gluten-
costly and may not be available worldwide. induced symptoms has been considered in clinical
practice to be the best method of detecting NCGS after
Cascade Guidelines excluding celiac disease and wheat allergy. This approach
Please refer to Table 3. has been utilized in some areas of Europe but has been
seldom used in the rest of the world. However, a recent
OTHER DIETARY INTERVENTIONS IN IBS European study103 revealed the limitations of this test,
Certain food items trigger the symptoms experienced
by IBS patients, including foods that are rich in FODMAPs.
TABLE 9. Abbreviations Used in This WGO Guideline
See the “The low FODMAP diet” section above for
FODMAP diets in IBS. DBPCT Double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Among other dietary approaches, few have good- FD Functional dyspepsia
quality evidence of efficacy, safety, and nutritional ade- FODMAP Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides,
quacy. The exception is the gluten-free diet (GFD), which monosaccharides, and polyols
GFD Gluten-free diet
has been widely initiated by IBS sufferers in the United GOS Galacto-oligosaccharide
States without any input from health care professionals. IBD Inflammatory bowel disease
Reference may also be made to the following WGO IBS Irritable bowel syndrome
Global Guidelines93: IBS-C Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Global Perspective (2015), for IBS-D Diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
clinical recommendations on IBS diagnosis and manage- LDL Low-density lipoprotein
ment, including WGO cascade options—since neither the NCGS Nonceliac gluten sensitivity
epidemiology nor the clinical presentation of the condition, RCT Randomized controlled trial
nor the availability of diagnostic and therapeutic resources, SCFA Short-chain fatty acid
WDHD World Digestive Health Day
are sufficiently uniform throughout the world to support the WGO World Gastroenterology Organisation
provision of a single, gold-standard approach.94
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines (eg, diet, nutrition and obesity)111 (
North American/European Societies for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN/ESPGHAN) guidelines (for
children)112 (
nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8K2+Ya6H515kE= on 03/19/2024
World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) guideline: Coping with common gastrointestinal symptoms20 (
Fulltext/2014/08000/Coping_With_Common_Gastrointestinal_Symptoms_in.4.aspx and
World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) guideline on celiac disease2 (
British Dietetic Association (BDA): Dietary management of irritable bowel syndrome in adults23 (
suggesting that gluten is not the source of these patients’ 5. Slavin JL. Position of the American Dietetic Association:
symptoms, that a DBPCT is inadequate to determine health implications of dietary fiber. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:
whether gluten is causing the symptoms and that the 1716–1731.
DBPCT is not a satisfactory method of detecting gluten- 6. Kim Y, Je Y. Dietary fiber intake and total mortality: a meta-
analysis of prospective cohort studies. Am J Epidemiol.
induced symptoms in individual patients without celiac 2014;180:565–573.
disease. However, a standardized and rigorous method- 7. Threapleton DE, Greenwood DC, Evans CEL, et al. Dietary
ology for assessing NCGS, once developed, may fibre intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic
have merit. review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2013;347:f6879.
Many patients who suffer from IBS-like symptoms self- 8. Yang Y, Zhao L-G, Wu Q-J, et al. Association between
report “gluten sensitivity,” and their symptoms may dietary fiber and lower risk of all-cause mortality: a meta-
improve on a GFD.98 According to a recently published analysis of cohort studies. Am J Epidemiol. 2015;181:83–91.
study in Norway,101 this improvement is probably due to 9. Yao B, Fang H, Xu W, et al. Dietary fiber intake and risk of
a reduction in fructans rather than gluten or nongluten type 2 diabetes: a dose-response analysis of prospective
studies. Eur J Epidemiol. 2014;29:79–88.
wheat proteins. 10. American Association of Cereal Chemists. The definition of
The benefits of a low FODMAP diet may outweigh the dietary fiber. Report of the Dietary Fiber Definition
benefits of a GFD.104 Committee to the Board of Directors of the American
The ultimate role of diet in different IBS subtypes needs Association of Cereal Chemists. Cereal Foods World. 2001;46:
further research.105 112–126.
Despite uncertainty regarding the role of gluten, spe- 11. Livingston KA, Chung M, Sawicki CM, et al. Development of
cifically, in the genesis of symptoms in IBS, a trial of GFD is a publicly available, comprehensive database of fiber and
a reasonable intervention for people who feel that their health outcomes: rationale and methods. PLoS One. 2016;11:
symptoms become worse with gluten-containing foods. e0156961.
12. Howlett JF, Betteridge VA, Champ M, et al. The definition of
IBS patients with pain or bloating as the predominant dietary fiber—discussions at the Ninth Vahouny Fiber
symptom106 and patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS Symposium: building scientific agreement. Food Nutr Res.
(IBS-D) or mixed IBS may benefit most. 2010;54:1–9.
A GFD is difficult to implement and maintain, and it is 13. McRorie JW, McKeown NM. So D, Gibson PR, Muir JG, et al.
not inexpensive.107 Dietary fibres and IBS: translating functional characteristics to
The involvement of a trained registered dietitian is clinical value in the era of personalised medicine. Gut. 2021;20:
recommended. gutjnl-2021-324891.
14. Tuck CJ, Muir JG, Barrett JS, et al. Fermentable oligosac-
charides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols: role in
Abbreviations irritable bowel syndrome. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol.
Table 9. 2014;8:819–834.
15. Eswaran S, Muir J, Chey WD. Fiber and functional gastro-
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