Circles, Inscribed and Central Angle
Circles, Inscribed and Central Angle
Circles, Inscribed and Central Angle
rcle. I. Identify what being describe in the II. Name the parts of the given circle.
following. following.
1. An angle formed by two rays whose 1. An angle formed by two rays whose
vertex is the center of the circle and two vertex is the center of the circle and two
radii as its sides. radii as its sides.
2. A set of all points in a plane that are 2. A set of all points in a plane that are
equidistant from a fixed point called the equidistant from a fixed point called the
center. center.
3. Measure of one rotation in a circle. 3. Measure of one rotation in a circle.
4. This is where the circle is named after. 4. This is where the circle is named after.
5. An arc of a circle that measures less Name of The Circle: 5. An arc of a circle that measures less Name of The Circle:
than a semicircle. Radius: than a semicircle. Radius:
6. It a chord that passes through the center Diameter: 6. It a chord that passes through the center Diameter:
of a circle. Chords not diameter: of a circle. Chords not diameter:
Major Arc (1): Major Arc (1):
7. The degree measure of a semicircle. Minor Arc (3): 7. The degree measure of a semicircle. Minor Arc (3):
Semicircle: Semicircle:
8. It is half of the circle. 8. It is half of the circle.
Central Angle : Central Angle :
9. An angle whose vertex is on circle and Inscribed Angle : 9. An angle whose vertex is on circle and Inscribed Angle :
whose sides contain chords of the circle. whose sides contain chords of the circle.
10. A line segment from the center to any II.I Give what is being asked. Show 10. A line segment from the center to any II.I Give what is being asked. Show
point on the circle. your solutions. point on the circle. your solutions.
11. Measure of minor arc. Using the given figure above, find the 11. Measure of minor arc. Using the given figure above, find the