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Lua Ul

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The Lua-UL package∗

Marcel Krüger
May 12, 2021

1 User-level interface
Lua-UL uses new capabilities of the LuaTeX engine to provide underlining/
strikethrough/highlighting etc. support without breaking ligatures, kerning
or restricting input. The predefined user-level commands are \underLine,
\highLight, and \strikeThrough. (\highLight will only work correctly if
the luacolor package is loaded) They are used as

This package is \strikeThrough{useless}\underLine{awesome}!

This package is uselessawesome!

For limited compatibility with soul, the soul package option allows you to
use the traditional macro names from soul instead:

This package is \st{useless}\ul{awesome}!

The \highLight command highlights the argument in yellow by default.

This color can be changed either by providing a color as optional argument or
by changing the default through \LuaULSetHighLightColor:

∗ This document corresponds to Lua-UL v0.1.4, dated 2021/05/12.

Lots of stuff is \highLight{important enough to be highlighted},
but only few things are dangerous enough to deserve
\highLight[red]{red highlighting.}

Let's go back to traditional \highLight{highlighting}.

Lots of stuff is important enough to be highlighted, but only few things

are dangerous enough to deserve red highlighting.
Let’s go back to traditional highlighting.

2 Expert interface
\newunderlinetype Sometimes, you might try to solve more interesting problems than boring un-
derlining, strikethrough or highlighting. Maybe you always wanted to be your
own spell checker, want to demonstrate your love for ducks or you think that
the traditional \strikeThrough is//////////////
not visible enough. For all these cases, you
can define your own “underlining” command based on a TEX \[cxg]leaders
For this, use
\newunderlinetypehmacro namei[hcontext specifieri]{h\leaders commandi}
First, you have to pass the name of the command which should enable your
new kind of underlining. (If you want to have an additional command which
takes an argument and underlines this argument, you will have to define this
manually.) The optional argument provides a “context”: This “context” has to
expand to a string (something that can appear in a csname) which changes if
the leaders box should be recalculated. The leader will be cached and reused
whenever the context evaluates to the same string. So if your leaders should
depend on the fontsize, the expansion of the context should contain the font
size. If you leaders contain text in the current font, your context should include
\fontname. The default context includes the current size of 1ex and the current
color if luacolor is loaded.
The final argument contains the actual leader command. You should omit
the final glue normally passed to \leaders, so e.g. write \leaders\hbox{ . }
without appending \hfill or \hskip1pt etc. In most cases, the height and
depth of your underlines is passed on to TeX to ensure that a deep underline
does not intercept other lines. On the other hand, running dimensions work fine
if you use a rule.

For example, the special underline commands demonstrated above are im-
plemented as


Here \underWavy uses a custom context because it doesn’t change depending

on the current font color.
If you only want to use \newunderlinetype and do not want to use the
predefined underline types, you can use the minimal package option to disable

3 The implementation
3.1 Helper modules
First we need a separate Lua module pre_append_to_vlist_filter which pro-
vides a variant of the append_to_vlist_filter callback which can be used
by multiple packages. This ensures that we are compatible with other pack-
ages implementing append_to_vlist_filter. First check if an equivalent to
pre_append_to_vlist_filter already exists. The idea is that this might even-
tually get added to the kernel directly.
if luatexbase.callbacktypes.pre_append_to_vlist_filter then

local call_callback = luatexbase.call_callback

local flush_node = node.flush_node

local prepend_prevdepth = node.prepend_prevdepth
local callback_define

HACK: Do not do this at home! We need to define the engine callback directly,
so we use the debug library to get the “real” callback.define:
for i=1,5 do
local name, func = require'debug'.getupvalue(luatexbase.disable_callback, i)
if name == 'callback_register' then
callback_define = func
if not callback_define then
error[[Unable to find callback.define]]

local function filtered_append_to_vlist_filter(box,

local current = call_callback("pre_append_to_vlist_filter",
box, locationcode, prevdepth,
if not current then
elseif current == true then
current = box
return call_callback("append_to_vlist_filter",
current, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored)

luatexbase.callbacktypes.append_to_vlist_filter = nil
luatexbase.create_callback('append_to_vlist_filter', 'exclusive',
function(n, _, prevdepth)
return prepend_prevdepth(n, prevdepth)
'list', false)
Additionally we have a module lua-ul-patches-preserve-attr for patches
of external code to make it more compatible with attribute usage.
Currently this only caontains redefinitions of kernel commands. First some
local definitions
local getfont = font.getfont

local direct = node.direct

local getattr = direct.getattributelist

local getid = direct.getid
local getpenalty = direct.getpenalty
local getprev = direct.getprev
local getwidth = direct.getwidth

local setattr = direct.setattributelist

local setkern = direct.setkern

local insert_after = direct.insert_after

local is_glyph = direct.is_glyph
local newnode = direct.new
local todirect = direct.todirect
local tonode = direct.tonode

local glue_id = node.id'glue'

local kern_t = node.id'kern'
local penalty_id = node.id'penalty'

local italcorr_sub
for i, n in next, node.subtypes'kern' do
if n == 'italiccorrection' then italcorr_sub = i break end

local nests = tex.nest

Now we come to the interesting part: We redefine \sw@slant from the LATEX
kernel. The original definition uses \unskip and \unpenalty to remove glue
and penalties and then inserts italic correction before them. Then it inserts the
removed penalty and skip again. This looses the right subtype, attributes and
properties of the removed nodes, so we insert the italic correction kern directly
at the right position instead. When the character does not exists we still add
a 0pt italic correction to stay as compatible as possible with the \/ primitive
used in the original implementation.
local funcid = luatexbase.new_luafunction'sw@slant'
token.set_lua('sw@slant', funcid, 'protected')
lua.get_functions_table()[funcid] = function()
local nest = nests.top
local tail, after = todirect(nest.tail), nil
local id = getid(tail)
if id == glue_id then
if getwidth(tail) == 0 then return end
tail, after = getprev(tail), tail
id = getid(tail)
if id == penalty_id then

if getpenalty(tail) == 0 then return end
tail, after = getprev(tail), tail
local cid, fontid = is_glyph(tail)
if not cid then return end
local fontdir = getfont(fontid)
local characters = fontdir and fontdir.characters
local char = characters and characters[cid]
local kern = newnode(kern_t, italcorr_sub)
setkern(kern, char and char.italic or 0)
setattr(kern, getattr(tail))
% We lie about the head and ignore the return value since tail is never nil
insert_after(tail, tail, kern)
if not after then nest.tail = tonode(kern) end

3.2 Lua module

Now we can define our main Lua module:
local unset_t = node.id'unset'
local hlist_t = node.id'hlist'
local vlist_t = node.id'vlist'
local kern_t = node.id'kern'
local glue_t = node.id'glue'

local properties = node.direct.get_properties_table()

current_attr is not .direct since it’s used in place of a node callback argu-
local current_attr = node.current_attr
local has_attribute = node.direct.has_attribute
local set_attribute = node.direct.set_attribute
local dimensions = node.direct.dimensions
local flush_node = node.direct.flush_node
local getattr = node.direct.getattributelist
local getboth = node.direct.getboth
local getfield = node.direct.getfield
local getglue = node.direct.getglue
local getleader = node.direct.getleader
local getlist = node.direct.getlist
local setheight = node.direct.setheight
local setdepth = node.direct.setdepth
local getheight = node.direct.getheight
local getdepth = node.direct.getdepth
local getnext = node.direct.getnext
local getshift = node.direct.getshift
local insert_after = node.direct.insert_after
local insert_before = node.direct.insert_before
local nodecopy = node.direct.copy

local nodenew = node.direct.new
local setboth = node.direct.setboth
local setlink = node.direct.setlink
local hpack = node.direct.hpack
local setfield = node.direct.setfield
local slide = node.direct.slide
local setattr = node.direct.setattributelist
local setglue = node.direct.setglue
local setnext = node.direct.setnext
local setshift = node.direct.setshift
local todirect = node.direct.todirect
local tonode = node.direct.tonode
local traverse = node.direct.traverse
local traverse_id = node.direct.traverse_id
local traverse_list = node.direct.traverse_list
% The following two are needed to deal with unset nodes
local getList = function(n) return getfield(n, 'list') end
local setList = function(n, h) return setfield(n, 'list', h) end

local tokennew = token.new

local set_lua = token.set_lua
local scan_keyword = token.scan_keyword
local scan_list = token.scan_list
local scan_int = token.scan_int
local scan_toks = token.scan_toks
local put_next = token.put_next
local texerror = tex.error

local functions = lua.get_functions_table()

local char_given = token.command_id'char_given'

local underlineattrs = {}
local underline_types = {}
local underline_strict_flag = {}
local underline_over_flag = {}

local vmode do
for k, v in pairs(tex.getmodevalues()) do
if v == "vertical" then
vmode = k
local texnest = tex.nest

To avoid influence from \everyhbox we reset \everyhbox to an empty token

list directly before scanning. As an added complication, we need to use a name
which is guaranteed to be the primitive tokenlist and we might have to restore it

before reading the actual argument (There might be a reason why \everyhbox
was sat after all. Also we have to ensure that braces swallowed by LuaTeX are
balanced, otherwise we get hard to trace errors in alignment contexts.
local scan_raw_hlist do
local create = token.create
local lbrace, rbrace = token.new(0x7B, 1), token.new(0x7D, 2)
tex.enableprimitives('luaul@', {'everyhbox'})
local set_everyhbox do
local set_toks1, set_toks2 = {create'immediateassignment',
create'luaul@everyhbox', lbrace},
{rbrace, create'relax'}
function set_everyhbox(t)
local func = luatexbase.new_luafunction"luaul.restore_everyhbox"
local everyhbox_saved
functions[func] = function() set_everyhbox(everyhbox_saved) end
local toks = {rbrace, -- Housekeeping, only for balance reasons
lbrace, create'the', create'luaul@everyhbox', rbrace,
create'hpack', lbrace,
token.new(func, token.command_id'lua_call')}
function scan_raw_hlist()
assert(token.get_next().command == 1)
token.get_next() -- Scan a corresponding brace to keep TeX's brace tracking happy
local saved_toks = scan_toks(false, true)
everyhbox_saved = saved_toks
local list = scan_list()
return list

local saved_values = {}
local function new_underline_type()
for i=1,#underlineattrs do
local attr = underlineattrs[i]
saved_values[i] = tex.attribute[attr]
tex.attribute[attr] = -0x7FFFFFFF
local strict_flag = scan_keyword'strict'
local over_flag = scan_keyword'over'
local b = todirect(scan_raw_hlist())
for i=1,#underlineattrs do

tex.attribute[underlineattrs[i]] = saved_values[i]
local lead = getlist(b)
if not getleader(lead) then
texerror("Leader required", {"An underline type has to \z
be defined by leader. You should use one of the", "commands \z
\\leaders, \\cleaders, or \\xleader, or \\gleaders here."})
local after = getnext(lead)
if after then
texerror("Too many nodes", {"An underline type can only be \z
defined by a single leaders specification,", "not by \z
multiple nodes. Maybe you supplied an additional glue?",
"Anyway, the additional nodes will be ignored"})
setnext(lead, nil)
table.insert(underline_types, lead)
setList(b, after)
put_next(tokennew(#underline_types, char_given))
underline_strict_flag[#underline_types] = strict_flag
underline_over_flag[#underline_types] = over_flag
In append_to_vlist_filter we can not access the list attributes, so we just
take the current ones. They might be incorrect if the attribute changes in the
vlist, so we record the original value in a property then.
local function set_underline()
local j, props
for i=texnest.ptr,0,-1 do
local mode = texnest[i].mode
if mode == vmode or mode == -vmode then
local head = todirect(texnest[i].head)
local head_props = properties[head]
if not head_props then
head_props = {}
properties[head] = head_props
props = head_props.luaul_attributes
if not props then
props = {}
head_props.luaul_attributes = props
for i=1,#underlineattrs do
local attr = underlineattrs[i]
if tex.attribute[attr] == -0x7FFFFFFF then

j = attr
if not j then
j = luatexbase.new_attribute(
"luaul" .. tostring(#underlineattrs+1))
underlineattrs[#underlineattrs+1] = j
props[j] = props[j] or -0x7FFFFFFF
tex.attribute[j] = scan_int()

local function reset_underline()

local reset_all = scan_keyword'*'
local j
for i=1,#underlineattrs do
local attr = underlineattrs[i]
if tex.attribute[attr] ~= -0x7FFFFFFF then
if reset_all then
tex.attribute[attr] = -0x7FFFFFFF
j = attr
if not j then
if not reset_all then
texerror("No underline active", {"You tried to disable \z
underlining but underlining was not active in the first",
"place. Maybe you wanted to ensure that \z
no underling can be active anymore?", "Then you should \z
append a *."})
tex.attribute[j] = -0x7FFFFFFF
local new_underline_type_func =
local set_underline_func =
local reset_underline_func =
set_lua("LuaULNewUnderlineType", new_underline_type_func)
set_lua("LuaULSetUnderline", set_underline_func, "protected")
set_lua("LuaULResetUnderline", reset_underline_func, "protected")
functions[new_underline_type_func] = new_underline_type
functions[set_underline_func] = set_underline
functions[reset_underline_func] = reset_underline

A little helper to measure box contents and creating a glue node with inverted
local stretch_fi = {}
local shrink_fi = {}
local function fil_levels(n)
for i=0,4 do
stretch_fi[i], shrink_fi[i] = 0, 0
for n in traverse_id(glue_t, n) do
local w, st, sh, sto, sho = getglue(n)
stretch_fi[sto] = stretch_fi[sto] + st
shrink_fi[sho] = shrink_fi[sho] + sh
local stretch, shrink = 0, 0
for i=0,4 do
if stretch_fi[i] ~= 0 then
stretch = i
if shrink_fi[i] ~= 0 then
shrink = i
return stretch, shrink
local function new_glue_neg_dimensions(n, t,
stretch_order, shrink_order)
local g = nodenew(glue_t)
local w = -dimensions(n, t)
setglue(g, w)
% setglue(g, -dimensions(n, t), 0, 0, stretch_order, shrink_order)
setnext(g, n)
setglue(g, w, -dimensions(1, 1, stretch_order, g, t),
dimensions(1, 2, shrink_order, g, t),
stretch_order, shrink_order)
setnext(g, nil)
return g

Now the actual underlining

local add_underline_hlist, add_underline_hbox, add_underline_vbox
local function add_underline_vlist(head, attr, outervalue)
local iter, state, n = traverse_list(head) -- FIXME: unset nodes
local t
n, t = iter(state, n)
while n ~= nil do
local real_new_value = has_attribute(n, attr)
local new_value = real_new_value ~= outervalue

and real_new_value or nil
if underline_strict_flag[new_value] or not new_value then
if t == hlist_t then
add_underline_hbox(n, attr, real_new_value)
elseif t == vlist_t then
add_underline_vbox(n, attr, real_new_value)
n, t = iter(state, n)
elseif real_new_value <= 0 then
n, t = iter(state, n)
local nn
nn, t = iter(state, n)
local prev, next = getboth(n)
setboth(n, nil, nil)
local shift = getshift(n)
setshift(n, 0)
local new_list = hpack((add_underline_hlist(n, attr)))
setheight(new_list, getheight(n))
setdepth(new_list, getdepth(n))
setshift(new_list, shift)
setlink(prev, new_list, next)
set_attribute(new_list, attr, 0)
if n == head then
head = new_list
n = nn
return head
function add_underline_vbox(head, attr, outervalue)
if outervalue and outervalue <= 0 then return end
setList(head, add_underline_vlist(getList(head), attr, outervalue))
set_attribute(head, attr, outervalue and -outervalue or 0)
function add_underline_hlist(head, attr, outervalue)
local max_height, max_depth
local last_value
local first
local shrink_order, stretch_order
for n, id, subtype in traverse(head) do
local real_new_value = has_attribute(n, attr)
local new_value
if real_new_value then
if real_new_value > 0 then
set_attribute(n, attr, -real_new_value)
new_value = real_new_value ~= outervalue
and real_new_value or nil

set_attribute(n, attr, 0)
if id == hlist_t then
if underline_strict_flag[new_value]
or subtype == 3 or not new_value then
add_underline_hbox(n, attr, real_new_value)
new_value = nil
elseif id == vlist_t then
if underline_strict_flag[new_value] or not new_value then
add_underline_vbox(n, attr, real_new_value)
new_value = nil
elseif id == kern_t and subtype == 0 then
local after = getnext(n)
if after then
local next_value = has_attribute(after, attr)
if next_value == outervalue or not next_value then
new_value = nil
new_value = last_value
new_value = last_value
elseif id == glue_t and (
subtype == 8 or
subtype == 9 or
subtype == 15 or
false) then
new_value = nil
if last_value ~= new_value then
if not stretch_order then
stretch_order, shrink_order = fil_levels(head)
if last_value then
If the value changed and the old one wasn’t nil, then we reached the end of the
previous underlined segment and therefore know it’s length. Therefore we can
finally insert the underline.
Currently both the underline and the corresponding negative glue inherit
the attributes from when the underline was defined. This makes sure that these
nodes get consistent attributes (avoiding e.g. that only one of the nodes being
picked up in a later pass and therefore interfering with the underlining) and
that these are as much as possible under use control.
We can’t really predict what the most sensible value for attributes we don’t
control is, but by using this way any issues should be fixable with by adjusting

the context argument.
Currently this block gets duplicated a few lines down for the end of the list.
This should get refactored into it’s own function, but I have to be careful to
handle all the special cases there.
local glue = new_glue_neg_dimensions(first, n,
stretch_order, shrink_order)
local w, st, sh = getglue(glue)
local lead = nodecopy(underline_types[last_value])
setglue(lead, -w, -st, -sh, stretch_order, shrink_order)
setattr(glue, getattr(lead))
if underline_over_flag[last_value] then
head = insert_before(head, n, glue)
insert_after(head, glue, lead)
head = insert_before(head, first, lead)
insert_after(head, lead, glue)
if new_value then
first = n
local box = getleader(underline_types[new_value])
if not max_height or getheight(box) > max_height then
max_height = getheight(box)
if not max_depth or getdepth(box) > max_depth then
max_depth = getdepth(box)
last_value = new_value
if last_value then
local glue = new_glue_neg_dimensions(first, nil,
stretch_order, shrink_order)
local w, st, sh = getglue(glue)
local lead = nodecopy(underline_types[last_value])
setglue(lead, -w, -st, -sh, stretch_order, shrink_order)
setattr(glue, getattr(lead))
if underline_over_flag[last_value] then
insert_before(head, nil, glue)
insert_after(head, glue, lead)
head = insert_before(head, first, lead)
insert_after(head, lead, glue)
return head, max_height, max_depth
function add_underline_hbox(head, attr, outervalue, set_height_depth)

if outervalue and outervalue <= 0 then return end
local new_head, new_height, new_depth
= add_underline_hlist(getList(head), attr, outervalue)
setList(head, new_head)
if set_height_depth then
if new_height and getheight(head) < new_height then
setheight(head, new_height)
if new_depth and getdepth(head) < new_depth then
setdepth(head, new_depth)
set_attribute(head, attr, outervalue and -outervalue or 0)
function(b, loc, prev, mirror)
local props = properties[todirect(texnest.top.head)]
props = props and props.luaul_attributes
b = todirect(b)
if loc == "post_linebreak" then
for i = 1, #underlineattrs do
local attr = underlineattrs[i]
local current = props and props[attr] or tex.attribute[attr]
if current == -0x7FFFFFFF then
current = nil
add_underline_hbox(b, underlineattrs[i], current, true)
for i = 1, #underlineattrs do
local attr = underlineattrs[i]
local current = props and props[attr] or tex.attribute[attr]
local b_attr = has_attribute(b, attr)
if b_attr and b_attr ~= current then
local shift = getshift(b)
setshift(b, 0)
b = hpack((add_underline_hlist(b, attr)))
setshift(b, shift)
set_attribute(b, attr, 0)
return tonode(b)
end, 'add underlines to list')
function(head, group, size, pack, dir, attr)
When hpack_filter is called as part of an alignment, no attributes are passed.
It seems like a bug, but we will just substitute with the current attributes. Since

the callbacks are called after the group for the cell ended, these should always
be right.
if group == 'align_set' or group == 'fin_row' then
attr = current_attr()
head = todirect(head)
for i = 1, #underlineattrs do
local ulattr = underlineattrs[i]
local current
for n in node.traverse(attr) do
if n.number == ulattr then
current = n.value
head = add_underline_hlist(head, ulattr, current)
return tonode(head)
end, 'add underlines to list')
function(head, group, size, pack, maxdepth, dir, attr)
% if true then return head end
head = todirect(head)
for i = 1, #underlineattrs do
local ulattr = underlineattrs[i]
local current
for n in node.traverse(attr) do
if n.number == ulattr then
current = n.value
head = add_underline_vlist(head, ulattr, current)
return tonode(head)
end, 'add underlines to list')
Finally load lua-ul-patches-preserve-attr.

3.3 TEX support package

Now only some LATEX glue code is still needed Only LuaLATEX is supported. For
other engines we show an error.
\PackageError{lua-ul}{LuaLaTeX required}%
{Lua-UL requires LuaLaTeX.
Maybe you forgot to switch the engine in your editor?}

We support some options. Especially minimal will disable the predefined com-
mands \underLine and \strikeThrough and allow you to define similar com-
mands with your custom settings instead, soul tries to replicate names of the
soul package.
Just one more tiny helper.
The default for the context argument. Give that most stuff should scale verti-
cally with the font size, we expect most arguments to be given in ex. Addition-
ally especially traditional underlines will use the currently active text color, so
especially when luacolor is loaded we have to include the color attribute too.
The main macro.
{ E{*}{{}} m O{\luaul@defaultcontext} m }{%
\newcommand#2{}% "Reserve" the name
For \highLight, the color should be customizable. There are two cases: If
xcolor is not loaded, we just accept a simple color name. Otherwise, we ac-
cept color as documented in xcolor for PSTricks: Either a color name, a color
expression or a combination of colormodel and associated values.

Now a user-level command to set the default color.
The sizes for the predefined commands are stolen from the “soul” default values.
\leaders\vrule height -.65ex depth .75ex

\leaders\vrule height .55ex depth -.45ex
\leaders\vrule height .55ex depth -.45ex

\leaders\vrule height 1.75ex depth .75ex

\let\textul\underLine \let\ul\textul
\let\textst\strikeThrough \let\st\textst
\let\texthl\highLight \let\hl\texthl
Finally patch \reset@font to ensure that underlines do not propagate into
unexpected places.
\ifx \reset@font \normalfont
\let \reset@font \relax
\DeclareRobustCommand \reset@font {%
\MakeRobust \reset@font
\expandafter \let
\expandafter \helper
\csname reset@font \endcsname
\expandafter \endgroup
\expandafter \gdef
\csname reset@font \expandafter \endcsname
\expandafter {%
In the output routine, the page box is repacked before \reset@font is called,
so we have to ensure to reset the attributes before that. This will use some
awesome output routine hook as soon as that’s in the kernel, until then manual
patching it is.
At the time I am writing this the remaining code of the package contains
exactly ten times \expandafter. Interestingly, that’s also exactly the number
of \expandafters we use here.

Change History

0.0.1 more generic . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

General: Initial release . . . . . . . . 3 Optionally color
0.0.2 \strikeThrough . . . . . . . . . . 18
General: Add command to Patch \output . . . . . . . . . . . 19
disable active underlining . . . 10
Set attributes for negative glue
Allow \highLight color
node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
customization . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Patch \reset@font . . . . . . . . 19 Use xparse for all user
0.0.3 commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
General: Make streight lines over 0.1.2
hboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General: Allow long arguments
Use glue instead of kern to (again) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
allow handling unset lists . . . 11 0.1.3
0.0.4 General: Correctly detect
General: Consistently respect attributes in alignments . . . . 15
height and depth . . . . . . . . . 11
General: Ensure that \everyhbox General: Add lua-ul-patches-
doesn’t interfere with hlist preserve-attr . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Load lua-ul-patches-
0.1.1 preserve-attr . . . . . . . . . . . 16
General: Make color mechanism Patch \sw@slant . . . . . . . . . . . 4


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