Ali - Bibi Fmpo Bundle
Ali - Bibi Fmpo Bundle
Ali - Bibi Fmpo Bundle
First Respondent
Second Respondent
Third Respondent
Fourth Respondent
Updated: 06.10.23
Hearing: 13.10.23
06/10/2023 10:45:49
A. Preliminary Documents
1. Position Statement (Local Authority) 07-08-2023 A1
D. Other Documents
1. Risk Assessment & Management Plan re Ali / Bibi 06-09-2023 D 1 - D 10
E. Previous Proceedings
1. Form FL401A 10-05-2016 E1-E4
2. Directions Order 10-05-2016 E5-E6
3. Forced Marriage Protection Order 10-05-2016 E7-E9
4. Forcd Marriage Protection Order 01-06-2016 E 10 - E 13
5. Order 21-06-2016 E 14
6. Order (Directions) 14-07-2016 E 15 - E 16
7. Final Order 16-08-2016 E 17
8. Statement (Mother) 03-06-2016 E 18 - E 23
9. Statement of Sonia Bains Social Worker 03-06-2016 E 24 - E 27
10. Statement of Service 22-06-2016 E 28
11. Statement of Service 12-07-2016 E 29
12. Domestic Violence Risk Assessment 22-12-2015 E 30 - E 34
13. Crime Report 24-12-2015 E 35 - E 42
14. Bedfordshire Police - Child at Risk Report 05-05-2016 E 43 - E 45
06/10/2023 10:45:49
A. Preliminary Documents
CASE NO. LU16F03470
AND IN THE MATTER OF HALEEMA BIBI (21.12.2002), SHAMAS ALI (24.12.2004),
SAMIYA BIBI (30.01.2007) AND SHAIBAAN ALI (03.02.2008)
3. Shamas turned 18 within the last 12 months and is understood to no longer reside
within this locality.
4. The Local Authority has had a limited amount of time to consider its position with
respect to the application, and before it can finalise, enquiries and an assessment
of risk will need to be undertaken. A timescale of four weeks is required.
Thereafter, the Local Authority would propose a period of two weeks for the
respondents to reply, and a hearing to be listed in the 8th week.
Elaine Addy
Legal Services
7 August 2023
B. Application and Orders
B 10
B 11
B 12
B 13
C. Statements and Affidavits
C 10
D. Other Documents
Ethnicity Unknown (F1)
Current Employment
Factors & Risks
Special Factors
Risks to the Service User
Risks from the Service User
Other Risks
Health Conditions
Personal Details
Long Term Primary Support Reason
Professional Involvements
Role Professional Team Job Title Start Date End Date Contact Number
Social Worker Sheerah Smith Learning Disabilities & Autism Social Worker 14-Aug-2023
Placement Status Home Care
Select all applicable
Location where Risk Assessment was Mr Shamas Ali is currently residing with his mother and two younger siblings. As requested by Mr
Completed Ali, I have not listed his current address or past areas where he has lived as he would like this to
remain confidential.
Miss Haleema Bibi is residing with her partner, young son, and partner's parents in a separate
household which is located in a different area of the county to Mr Ali. Again, as requested by Miss
Bibi, I have not listed her current address or past areas where he has lived as she would like this to
remain confidential.
Was the client actively involved in the Yes
completion of this risk assessment?
How did you facilitate client involvement? Mr Ali was contacted on 18/08/2023 by phone call and 25/08/2023 by WhatsApp video call. It was
Provide details of steps taken to engage on these occasions which information was gathered to formulate part of this risk assessment.
(even if none), include communication / Miss Haleema was contacted on 25/08/2023 by videocall and phone call. Information was gathered
language etc. for this risk assessment.
Ms Samina Bibi, Mr Ali and Miss Bibi's mother, was contacted on 29/08/2023 by phone call and
information was gathered for this risk assessment.
Mr Ali, Miss Bibi and Ms Samina Bibi were able to communicate verbally and in English. There were
no communication barriers identified.
Information from the police was obtained, and with consent from Mr Ali and Miss Bibi, the social
services where Mr Ali and Miss Bibi currently live and have previously lived since the
implementation of the FMO, was contacted also.
Where did you source the information for this risk assessment?
Source Details
Interview Mr Ali was contacted by phone call on 18/08/2023, and WhatsApp video call on 25/08/2023.
with the
Court reports I have read the FMO order dated 16/08/2026, alongside the initial application to the court, the statement from the social worker
and and Mr Ali's mother, and domestic violence risk assessment and crime report by the police. These were all submitted to the
depositions court with the application for the FMO which was granted in 2016.
Parents / Mr Ali's sister, Haleema Bibi, was contacted on 18/08/2023 and 25/08/2023. Information was gathered by her from phone calls
Relatives and Microsoft teams video call.
Social I made contact with Luton Borough Council children's services on 14/08/2023. Information was provided regarding Mr Ali and
worker / Miss Bibi's history.
social work
file There are no records in Luton adult services relating to Mr Ali, Miss Bibi, or their family.
Social Adult service where Mr Ali currently resides was contacted on 15/08/2023 and 18/08/2023. Adult services have confirmed Mr
worker / Ali is not known to them.
social work
file Children services for the council where Mr Ali currently resides was contacted on 04/09/2023. No response.
Social Council where Miss Bibi currently lives was contacted on 04/09/2023 and 06/09/2023. Miss Bibi is known to them.
worker /
social work
Social A council where Mr Ali and Miss Bibi previously lived following the implementation of the FMO was contacted on 25/08/2023.
worker / On 29/08/2023. On 06/09/2023, they provided information for this risk assessment.
social work
Police PCN check was carried out by the police in relation to Jalil Ahmed on 18/08/2023.
services PCN check completed by the police for Mr Ali Akbar on 31/08/2023.
Unfortunately, the police were unable to complete checks on Rashida Bi due to not having her date of birth. (Please note, the
date of birth is not listed on any historical documents. Mr Ali and Miss Bibi and their mother did not have this information to
Parents / Contact made with Shamina Bibi, Mr Ali and Miss Bibi's mother, via telephone call on 29/08/2023 to gather information for the
Relatives risk assessment.
Why is this risk assessment being carried This risk assessment and management plan is being completed in respect of the potential risks in
out? the event that the Forced Marriage Order (FMO) is discharged in full.
Details of concerns/information that has
led to this risk assessment being Mr Ali and his sister, Miss Haleema Bibi, would like a full discharge of the FMO which has been in
completed place since 2016. The FMO currently prevents Mr Ali and Miss Bibi from having access to their
passports to leave the country and to get married.
Both Mr Ali and Miss Bibi are now over the age of 18, and would like a full discharge of FMO so they
can have their passports back for ID purposes, jobs, and travel purposes. Based on the
conversations that I, Sheerah Smith - Social Worker, have had with both Mr Ali and Miss Bibi, I
understand there is no underlying disturbance or impairment of the mind which may cause doubts to
their capacity regarding marriage and various types of abuse and exploitation which could
potentially occur from having access to their passports and the FMO fully discharged. From
speaking with them, I have no doubts regarding their decision making and feel they are able to
make sound decisions to consent to marriage in the future, and to protect themselves from various
types of exploitation and abuse, if required, moving forwards.
Does the client know and understand that Yes
a risk assessment is being completed?
Details Mr Ali and Miss Bibi were both informed on 18/08/2023 that an updated risk assessment has been
required by the courts following their application to fully discharge the FMO. It was explained that I
would need to gather information from themselves and other sources, such as the police and other
local authorities, to formulate the risk assessment.
Is there a specific decision to be made or Review of current risks
are you using the assessment to review
current risks and / or management plan?
Details To review the risks posed to Mr Ali and Miss Bibi, and establish if any risk management plans are
required to protect them moving forwards.
Have circumstances changed, or are they About to change
about to change?
Details Mr Ali and Miss Bibi would like to remove the FMO in place. This is currently used as a protection
measure to safeguard them from going abroad and being forced to get married.
Has there been a recent incident? No
Details No recent incidents have occurred. The concerns regarding this were initially raised in 2016.
Has anything happened to raise concerns No
about the degree of risk presented by the
client? Or concerns about the client's
degree of vulnerability?
Details No incidents have occurred to raise the degree of risk towards Mr Ali or Miss Bibi or their
Details of what would happen if no risk Mr Ali and Miss Bibi would have more freedom to make decisions in relation to their lives. For
management plan etc. example, Mr Ali and Miss Bibi can choose to take abroad or enter into marriage. I Sheerah Smith -
Social Worker, have no doubts regarding their decision making and feel they are able to make
sound decisions to consent to marriage in the future, and to protect themselves from various types
of exploitation and abuse, if required, moving forwards. There also does not appear to be any
underlying disturbance or impairment of the mind which may cause doubts to their capacity
regarding marriage and various types of abuse and exploitation which could potentially occur from
having access to their passports and the FMO fully discharged.
How does this risk assessment relate to Not that I am aware of. Mr Ali does not appear to be known by local services and doesn't appear to
other health or social services have needs for care and support, at this time.
assessments or plans that are being or Miss Bibi does not believe she has care and support needs, and it hasn't been highlighted or implied
have been undertaken? by records obtained by her current local authorities social services.
Client Perception On 25/08/2023, Mr Ali was able to verbally share his thoughts and feelings about the FMO order. Mr
The allocated worker should describe Ali expressed that he doesn't feel he is at risk from forced marriage anymore. Mr Ali recognises it
how the client perceives the risks they was initially implemented because he was a child at the time and was unable to protect himself. He
pose or are subject to. If there are recognises the risks his father may present to him, and thus chooses to not have any form of
communication difficulties in assessing contact with him at present. If he changes his mind and wants contact in the future, Mr Ali is aware
this, they should be clearly described, of ways on how to protect himself during contact, from various types of abuse and exploitation. Mr
together with the efforts made to Ali retains contact with his grandfather, Mr Ali Akbar, but feels the risk is managed due to Mr Akbar's
overcome them. health needs and being in older age, preventing him from pressuring him and possibly pursuing past
motives. Mr Ali states that they don't tend to talk about marriage, and have an ordinary grandson to
grandfather relationship where they talk about general life. Mr Ali has no contact with Ms Rashida Bi
and doesn't feel the need to contact with her in the future as she has had no involvement in life up to
now. Mr Ali feels that FMO is having more of a negative impact on his life as its making it difficult for
him to engage in business deals he would like to make, travel abroad, and also get a job as he has
no access to photo ID. Mr Ali would like the FMO discharged so he can have access to his passport
again. Mr Ali does believe in marriage and would like to get married one day, and understand the
implications with getting married and how it is his choice when, how and whom he marries. He is
also aware that the women also needs to consent to marriage.
On 25/08/2023, Miss Bibi was able to verbally share her thoughts and feelings about the FMO. Miss
Bibi has similar views to her brother, Mr Ali. Miss Bibi feels she is managing the potential risks from
her father. Miss Bibi is in contact with her father, but is wary of the risks he presents and thus is
careful with the information she shares. She recognises the risks to her younger siblings if specific
information was shared with their father, therefore she does not allow him to know personal details
such as the areas they are living etc. Miss Bibi does not have any contact with Rashida Bi and some
contact with her grandfather. Miss Bibi states that her grandfather has spoken about marriage with
her, but this is informal and she doesn't feel pressured because the person they intended for her to
marry, is now married with someone else, and she is also in a stable relationship with a child and
pregnant with her second. Miss Bibi feels her partner and his family are protective factors in her life
and very supportive of her. Miss Bibi is aware of how to protect herself if she ever did feel unsafe or
pressured into marriage. Miss Bibi, similar to her brother, would like to travel abroad for family
holidays and have access to her passport for ID purposes.
Risk Assessment
Client Critical Event History
Chronological list of events that have happened in client's life that may be relevant to assessment of risk
Context / comment
Event History Date Description (Triggers / environment /
characteristics etc)
Significant 24- Mr Ali and Miss Bibi left with their Mum, Mrs Samina Bibi, and two other Information taken from the
changes in Sep- younger siblings. Mr Ali's mother made the decision to leave to prevent two sons documents which were initially
living 2014 being sent to Pakistan in order to prepare them for future arranged marriages. filed to apply for the initial FMO
arrangements in 2016.
Ms Samina Bibi reported that she stayed in a refuse for 6 weeks initially, then
another project for 6 months, Luton between 2015- 2016, another place between Information about addresses
May 2016 - March 2019, then their current area in March 2019. was also obtained by Ms
Samina Bibi.
Disclosures / 05- Mum presented at the police station requesting help to prevent her children being Information taken from the
allegations May- forced into marriages. documents which were initially
2016 filed to apply for the initial FMO
in 2016.
Significant 10- Graham Cole, Luton council legal services makes an application for forced marriage Information taken from the
changes in May- order for Mr Ali and his siblings. This contained information obtained from the documents which were initially
care support 2016 statement made by Sonia Bains, social worker for the Luton's Council's children filed to apply for the initial FMO
services, from 10/05/2016. in 2016.
Significant 16- Forced marriage order approved in the family court. Information taken from the
changes in Aug- documents which were initially
care support 2016 Mr Ali is protected from being entered into a forced marriage as per this order. filed to apply for the initial FMO
in 2016.
Significant 26- Application dated 07/06/23 to discharge FMO from 2016, received by LBC on Information taken from Luton
changes in Jul-2 26/07/23. Councils position statement
care support 023 dated 07/08/2023.
26- Mr Ali's application to discharge the FMO is listed for hearing on 08/08/2023. Information taken by hearing
Jul-2 notice letter received Luton
023 Council dated 26/07/2023.
Significant 02- Miss Bibi application to discharge the FMO is listed for hearing on 08/08/2023. Information taken from hearing
changes in Aug- notice received by Luton
care support 2023 Council on 02/08/2023.
Risk Matrix
Mr Ali is aware of the signs of
various types of exploitation
and abuse and how to protect
himself. Such as, contacting
the police, not sharing his
personal details with his
family, choosing not to have
contact with family members.
Miss Bibi
Miss Bibi has limited contact
with her father, Mr Jalil
Ahmed. She doesn't disclose
personal information such as
the area she is living.
Miss Bibi has no contact with
Rashida Bi.
Miss Bibi has some contact
with her grandfather, Mr Ali
Akbar. Although there are
talks of marriage, she doesn't
feel there is any intent and
she doesn't feel pressured.
The person who was initially
intended to marry Miss Bibi is
said to be married
themselves now.
Miss Bibi is in a stable
relationship. She has a child
and is expecting her second
child. She lives with her
partner and partners in a
different area. She feels they
are protective factors and
supportive of her situation.
Miss Bibi doesn't have an
impairment of the brain or
mind that may impact her
capacity regarding marriage.
She thus has capacity to
consent to marriage if she
wishes, in the future. Miss
Bibi understands the age she
can get married, consent
required from both parties,
how to end a marriage and
the implications with this, and
the expectations in marriage,
such as sex and the way to
treat a partner.
Miss Bibi is aware of the
signs of various types of
exploitation and abuse and
how to protect herself. Such
as, contacting the police, not
sharing her personal details.
Controls Level
Risk Description Describe control measures in place to with
minimise risk Contr
Domestic abuse including: physical harm, emotional and psychology harm - Curr [LO Mr Ali [LO
ent risk is low as Mr Ali doesn't have any contact with his dad and Miss Bibi's contact is W] W]
Mr Ali has no contact with his
limited. Miss Bibi is aware how to protect herself from potential harm, when engaging in Impa Impa
father, Mr Jalil Ahmed.
contact. Miss Bibi is said to have a good relationship with her partner and there are no ct ct
current concerns about domestic violence in their relationship, despite historical (Mod Mr Ali has no contact with (Min
allegations recorded by their local social services. erate Rashida Bi. or) /
)/ Mr Ali has some contact with Likeli
Likeli his grandfather, Mr Ali Akbar, hood
hood but he is said to be in ill (Rar
(Rar health. e)
e) Mr Ali currently chooses to
keep his personal details,
such as address and number,
confidential from the majority
of his family.
Mr Ali states he is wary of
those around him and can
practice self defence, if ever
required. He is also aware
how to contact the police and
has a mobile phone to use in
case he needs to call the
emergency services.
Mr Ali is aware of the signs of
coercive control, emotional
and psychology abuse, and
physical abuse. He is aware
of ways in which he can
protect himself.
Miss Bibi
Miss Bibi has limited contact
with her father, Mr Jalil
Ahmed. She doesn't disclose
personal information such as
the area she is living.
Miss Bibi has no contact with
Rashida Bi.
Miss Bibi has some contact
with her grandfather, Mr Ali
Akbar, who is said to be in ill
Miss Bibi is in a stable
relationship. She lives with
her partner and partners
family, in a different area. She
feels they are protective
factors and supportive of her
situation. Due to living
together, they tend to know
where she is each day.
Miss Bibi is aware of the
signs of various types of
exploitation and abuse and
how to protect herself. She
aware how to contact the
police and has a mobile
phone to use in case she
needs to call the emergency
Controls Level
Risk Description Describe control measures in place to with
minimise risk Contr
Flight risk - Despite conversations in the past to take Mr Ali to Pakistan to live and [LO Risk would increase slightly as Mr Ali [MO
prepare him for marriage, the current risk is low due to a FMO being in place to prevent W] and Miss Bibi would have the means DER
Mr Ali and Miss Bibi from going abroad and entering into a marriage. Luton council are Impa (their passports) to go abroad. ATE]
currently holding onto their passports to prevent them leaving the country. Mr Ali ct Nevertheless, there are still control Impa
doesn't speak with his father, and Miss Bibi doesn't share personal information about (Min measures in place to manage/reduce ct
herself with her father. or) / this risk. (Maj
Likeli or) /
hood If Mr Ali and Miss Bibi ever do decide Likeli
(Rar to go abroad, the potential risks hood
e) subjected to their siblings would be (Rar
managed as they would still have the e)
FMO orders in place, and are
therefore still protected from being
taken abroad and entered into
Mr Ali
Mr Ali is not in contact with
his father, Jalil Ahmed or
Rashida Bi. However, he
does have some contact with
his grandfather Akbar. Mr
Akbar could potentially
persuade Mr Ali to go abroad.
Nevertheless, Mr Ali has
capacity about marriage and
can choose to enter in to
marriage if he wishes.
Mr Ali currently lives with his
mother who has evidenced
her ability in the past to report
any concerns she has to the
Mr Ali is aware of ways in
which he can protect himself
from various types of
exploitation and abuse, such
as emotional and
psychological, if he does feel
pressured to do something he
doesn't want to.
Mis Bibi
Miss Bibi is not in contact with
Rashida Bi. However, she
does have some contact with
her grandfather, Mr Akbar,
and father, Mr Jalil Ahmed.
Mr Akbar and Mr Ahmed
could potentially persuade
Miss Bibi to go abroad.
Nevertheless, Miss Bibi has
capacity about marriage and
can choose to enter in to
marriage if she wishes.
Miss Bibi is aware of the
signs of various types of
abuse and how to protect
Miss Bibi lives with her
partner and his family. They
are protective factors and can
report any concerns.
Miss Bibi is aware of ways
she can protect herself if she
does feel pressured / at risk
of emotional or psychological
exploitation and abuse, to do
something she doesn't
want to.
D 10
E. Previous Proceedings
E 10
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