4 - Growth + Media
4 - Growth + Media
4 - Growth + Media
of Bacteria
Growth and Cell Division
• Microbial Growth Defined: Growth is an orderly increase in
the quantity of cellular constituents.
• It depends upon the ability of the cell to form new protoplasm
from nutrients available in the environment.
• Replication of DNA
Nonsynchronous growth: A
natural situation in which an
actual culture has cell dividing at
one rate and other cells dividing
at a slightly slower rate
Growth Rate and Generation Time
•Bacterial growth rates during the phase of exponential growth, under
standard nutritional conditions (culture medium, temperature, pH, etc.),
define the bacterium's generation time.
Generation Time
Bacterium Medium
Escherichia coli Glucose-salts 17
Bacillus megaterium Sucrose-salts 25
Streptococcus lactis Milk 26
Streptococcus lactis Lactose broth 48
Staphylococcus aureus Heart infusion broth 27-30
Lactobacillus acidophilus Milk 66-87
n = log b – log B
n = log b – log B
n = 3.3 log b / B
G= t______
3.3 log b / B
G= 240 minutes
Solve for G 3.3 log 107/104
G = 24 minutes
Microbes growing continuously in a chemostat
• Stationary Phase:
•Obligate aerobes.
1. Carbon sources
2. Nitrogen sources
3. Sulfur and phosphorus
4. Trace elements (e.g. copper, iron,
zinc, and cobalt)
5. Vitamins (e.g. folic acid, vitamin B-
12, vitamin K)
A USDA scientist working
on his microbial brew – a
mix of some 80 ingredients
to support growth of
nutritionally fastidious
Fastidious means
organisms have special
nutritional requirements
that can be difficult to meet
in the laboratories.
Such as Nisseria gonorrhoae,
mycobacterial lapre, Chlamydial spp.
Spiroplasma spp.
responsible for hundreds of crop and animal diseases
Locations of Enzymes
• Exoenzymes: production of enzymes that are
released through cell or plasma membrane. These
are mainly hydrolases, they add water as they split
large molecules. Namely, Amylase, cellulase,
sucrase, maltase, lactase, lipases, proteases,
caesinase, gelatinase etc.
1. Activation
2. Germination proper
3. Outgrowth
Bacterial endospores in two Clostridium species
•Things to remember
Top view
Lateral view
Types of Culture Media
• Natural Media: In nature, many species of
microorganisms grow together in oceans, lakes,
and soil and on living or dead organic matter
• Casein Hydrolysate
• Serum
• Blood agar
• Chocolate agar
Selective, Differential, and Enrichment
• Selective medium: encourages growth of some
organisms but suppresses growth of others
(e.g. antibiotics)
Minimal - no organics other than C source; have Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe,
NH4, Cl, PO4, SO4
Growth on SBA
+ -
+ -
Haemophilus Legionella
Glucose fermented Lactose Fermented
+ - + -
Vibrio Brucella Escherichia Salmonella
Bordetella Klebsiella Shigella
Campylobacter Proteus
Pseudomonas Yersinia
Sterilization and
• Disinfectant: Typically chemical agents
that are applied to inanimate objects