Quick Crossword 40
Quick Crossword 40
Quick Crossword 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10
11 12
14 15 16
17 18
20 21 22
23 24
Across Down
1 Natural illumination (8) 1 River sediment (4)
5 Ward (anag.) (4) 2 Bring up; rear (7)
9 Expressing emotions (of poetry) (5) 3 Ineptness (12)
10 Speak very quietly (7) 4 In what way (3)
11 Brusque and surly (12) 6 Become ready to eat (of fruit) (5)
14 Regret with sadness (3) 7 Fretting (8)
15 Borders (5) 8 Designed to distract (12)
16 Our star (3) 12 A finger or toe (5)
17 In accordance with general custom (12) 13 Wristband (8)
20 Vocabulary list (7) 16 Kitchen implement (7)
22 Severe (5) 18 Bond or connection (5)
23 Elephant tooth (4) 19 A hole that lets liquid escape (4)
24 Reproduce recorded sound (4,4) 21 Zero (3)
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