Assignments Activity #19 - Big Data Analytics Recommendation Assignments Activity #20 - Evaluating Amazon Data With EMR Notebooks
Assignments Activity #19 - Big Data Analytics Recommendation Assignments Activity #20 - Evaluating Amazon Data With EMR Notebooks
Assignments Activity #19 - Big Data Analytics Recommendation Assignments Activity #20 - Evaluating Amazon Data With EMR Notebooks
u The Internet of Things (IoT) is a reference to a collection of devices or objects that are
linked together using an Internet connection
u The hub for the collection (the “things” part) is what sends and collects data using the
Internet, which helps the devices to make decisions and remember particular patterns
and routines for action to be carried out without any manual involvement
u These devices can include multiple appliances that
need to be connected for reasons including
automation and real-time control of the device
u As the IoT has both real-time and historical data
stored, it can provide effective decision-making
instructions to devices, and control certain actions
and aspects of when and how they function
u This technology enables your systems and devices to
be automated cost-effectively
Examples of IOT 11
u Amazon Echo/Google Home - Voice assistants are some of the most popular
connected devices in consumer IoT
u Home Security - IoT connects a variety of sensors, alarms, cameras, lights, and
microphones to provide 24/7/365 security all of which can be controlled from a smart
phone. Example: Ring doorbell
u Activity Trackers - These sensor devices are designed to be worn during the day to
monitor and transmit key health indicators in real time, such as fatigue, physical
movement, oxygen levels and blood pressure. Example: Fitbit
u Smart Thermostats – Allows you to control the temperature of your home from
anywhere, with just a simple touch on your smart phone. They are also able learn by
following your daily routing and change the temperature of your home without
bothering you. Example: Nest
u Smart Cars - These vehicles are equipped with Internet
access and can share that access with others, just like
connecting to a wireless network in a home or office.
Example: Tesla
When was the term “IOT” was created? 12
u The year 1999 was easily one of the most significant for the IoT history, as Kevin
Ashton coined the term “the internet of things”
u Ashton was giving a presentation for Procter & Gamble where he described
IoT as a technology that connected several devices with the help of Radio-
Frequency Identification (RFID) tags for supply chain management
u He specifically used the word “internet” in the title of his presentation in order
to draw the audience’s attention since the internet was just becoming a big
deal that time
u While his idea of RFID-based device
connectivity differs from today’s IP
based IoT, Ashton’s breakthrough
played an essential role on the internet
of things history and technological
development overall
01 02 03
leaders plan to use loT will unlock new revenue already seen a return
04 05 06
u In revenue
Facts You terms, the total
Need to Know About IoT market in 2019 was worth $465 billion, The IoT will lead to a
01 02 03 07 08 09
leaders plan to use loT will unlock new revenue already seen a return loT will have a major impact the next 20 years for
loT in the next 3 years. from existing products/ on their investments over the next 3 years. infrastructure upgrades. TRILLION
services. in loT. to the global GDP.
- Wired - The Economist - - The Economist - Intel - GE
04 05 06 10 11 12
0.06% 40%
The IoT will lead to a Because of the
…IoT will have the biggest
impact in customer service
reduction in asset maintenance
will be saved per year
IoT there will be
07 08 09
of businesses believe
$41 trillion
will be spent over
loT could add
loT will have a major impact the next 20 years for
over the next 3 years. infrastructure upgrades. TRILLION Source:
IoT and Cloud Computing 14
2. Connectivity/Data Transmission –IOT Gateway 18
u An IoT gateway device bridges the communication gap between IoT devices,
sensors, equipment, systems and the cloud
u It provides a place to preprocess that data locally (at the ”edge” – aka “fog
computing”) before sending it on to the cloud
u When data is aggregated and summarized at the edge, it minimizes the
volume of data that needs to be forwarded on to the cloud, which can have
a big impact on response times and network transmission costs
u Another benefit is that it can provide
additional security for the IoT network and
the data it transports
u Since manages information moving in both
directions, it can protect data moving to
the cloud from leaks and IoT devices from
being compromised
3. Data Processing 19
u Once the data gets to the cloud, the IoT platform processes it
u After reaching the cloud infrastructure the data has to be analyzed so
that the right action can be taken
u This can be as simple as checking if the
temperature is within the acceptable
range or it could be complex such as a
situation where an intruder comes in
and the device has to identify it
through cameras
u The IoT application is made such that it
can process all the data at a fast rate
to take immediate actions
4. Data Visualization/Analytics 20
u The processed data is then delivered to the end-user
u This can achieve by triggering alarms on their phones or notifying
through texts or emails
u Depending on the IoT application, the user may also be able to perform
an action and affect the system
u For example, the user might remotely
adjust the temperature via an app on
their phone
u Some actions could be performed
u Rather than waiting for you to adjust the
temperature, the system could do it
automatically via predefined rules
Real Life Example – Controlling an AC 21
1. We have an AC in our room and the temperature sensor installed in it in the room will be
integrated with an IOT gateway to connect the temperature sensor inside the AC to the cloud
2. The cloud has detailed records about every device connected to it such as device id, a status
of the device and what time was the device last accessed
3. An end-user uses a mobile app interact with Cloud (and in turn devices installed in our homes)
4. A request will send to the cloud infrastructure with the authentication of the device and device
5. Once the cloud has authenticated the device, it sends a
request to the appropriate sensor network using gateway
6. After receiving the request, the temperature sensor inside
the AC will read the current temperature in the room and
will send the response back to the cloud
7. Cloud infrastructure will then identify the user who has
requested the data and will then push the requested
data to the app
How Big is IOT? 22
u By 2025, there will be 8Xs more IoT devices than human beings
u The relationship between IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing creates
new opportunities for business to harness exponential growth
u When data is needed to be extracted for analysis reasons in a
company, IoT is the source for that data and Big Data can analyze and
extract the relevant data to create the required information
u As well as processing large amounts of data
on a real-time basis, Big Data then stores the
information making it invaluable when it
comes to utilizing IoT’s capabilities and the
data it provides
u IoT and Big Data can show hidden
correlations, unidentified patterns and
expose new trends in your data set
IOT Concerns 24
u What do you think are some of the major concerns with IOT?
Security Challenges 25
u Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks
u A DDoS attack happens when all network devices are made to send limitless
messages that eventually cause congestion in the IoT network shut it down
u Network Hacks
u Takes place when an IoT device is compromised through the network that it is
connected to and allows a hacker to access and control the device
u Lack of Device Updates
u Companies are manufacturing IoT devices at an
increasing rate due to the growing demand and in the
market do not have considerable security updates, and
some of them are never updated at all
u Unsafe Communication
u Most of the IoT devices do not encrypt messages while
communicating over a network, which makes it one of the
biggest security challenges of IoT
Security Challenges - CloudPets 26
u IoT platforms are the middleware solutions that connect the IoT
devices to the cloud and help seamlessly exchange data over the
AWS and IOT… 33
u AWS IoT is an Amazon Web Services platform that collects and analyzes data
from internet-connected devices and sensors and connects that data to AWS
cloud applications
u It can collect data from billions of devices and connect them to endpoints for
other AWS tools and services, allowing a developer to tie that data into an
Collects, stores, organizes, and monitors data passed
from equipment by MQTT messages or APIs by providing
software that runs on a gateway in your facilities and
automates the process of collecting and organizing the
data and sending it to the AWS Cloud Detects and responds to
events from IoT sensors and
applications. Events are
patterns of data that
identify more complicated
circumstances than
expected, such as motion
Lets you efficiently run and detectors using movement
operationalize sophisticated signals to activate lights
analytics on massive volumes and security cameras.
unstructured IoT data
IOT Example #2 – Contact Tracing 36
u SafeTrack automatically generates a customizable contact tracing report based on the
infected person’s interactions
u Using AWS IoT Core, SafeTrack wearable integrates with the LoRaWAN (Low Power, Wide Area
networking protocol) network server, enabling the process of offloading contact tracing data to
The LoRaWAN gateway’s network server will forward the
wearable data to AWS IoT Core
Non-realtime data
can be written
Shadows can make a device’s directly to S3
state available to apps and other
services whether the device is
connected to AWS IoT or not
IOT Example #4 – Tracking Sporting Events 38
u Radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips or IoT devices can be worn by players or embedded
in the playing equipment. These devices emit 20–50 messages per second, which may include
player coordinate positions, player speed, statistics, health information, or more
u To process the game, leagues, coaches, or broadcasters can analyze this data using analytics
tools and/or machine learning Sagemaker can be used for model training. In
soccer, you can predict a goal percentage
based on the player’s position, acceleration,
and past performance history
u Your team has been tasked with producing the next great IOT idea
u Choose one of the following:
1. Design next great IOT device that uses 5G
u You can either taking an existing IOT device and make it better or design something new
u What impacts will 5G have?
u What type of analytics could be used in the cloud to help with your IOT device?
2. Using all the data that’s already being collected for an IOT device(s) of your
choice, what could you do with it to create the next big thing?
u This could be a new product, new analytics or anything else that requires the data
collected from IOT
u Download the template from Assignments > Activity #21 - IOT Idea
u 1 submission per team