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Fertility Profamilia Actualizado 4 - 43PM

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For 58 years, Profamilia has been promoting the

Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Profamilia Fertilidad has more than 20 years of experience accompanying Colombian families in
their dream of having a child. The fertility units have contributed to the formation of more than
1,200 happy homes through quality services provided by expert professionals in the
management of infertility.

In Profamilia Fertilidad you will find two specialized clinics in Bogota and Cali designed to
provide a comfortable and modern service in a space of trust and security, where the medical
team with high experience in the global approach to infertility will assist you through assisted
reproduction techniques with psychological support.

Additionally, we are affiliated to the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction - RED
LARA and the Association of Colombian Centers of Human Reproduction - ACCER. We are
also certified by INVIMA for meeting the technical health requirements of sperm banks and
other gamete banks, which guarantees a quality seal in everything we do.


Everything you need to know,

about fertility and its treatments

Infertility is defined by the WHO as a disease and is a deficiency of the male or female
reproductive system consisting of the inability to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of
regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

Approximately 80 million people in the world suffer from infertility, this is so common that at least
1 in 6 heterosexual couples have difficulty conceiving. At least 12% of women of reproductive
age who want to become pregnant do not succeed.

In addition, same-sex couples or single-parent families often need medical support in order to
have a child.
Infertility is a condition that affects 15-20% of couples of reproductive age. Within the field of
reproductive health, infertility implies a disease that does not compromise the physical integrity
of the individual or threaten his or her life. However, it can have a negative impact on the
development of the person, producing frustration and weakening the personality, since many
couples and individuals consider having children as a life goal. Compared to other species,
humans are highly inefficient in terms of reproduction. The fertility rate per cycle is about 20%
and the cumulative pregnancy rate in couples with proven fertility is approximately 90% after
twelve months and 94% after two years.

The causes of the increase in infertility may be due to at least 4 factors: This increase could be
due to at least four factors: postponement of the moment when the decision to have children is
made, alterations in semen quality due to habits such as smoking and alcohol, changes in
sexual behavior and obesity or unhealthy lifestyle habits.

The study of the infertile couple has always been focused considering different factors:
ovulatory (present in about 15% of couples), tubal-peritoneal (observed in ~35% of couples),
male factor (35% of cases) and unexplained cause (15% of couples). About 40% of all infertile
couples have a combination of factors. Three major changes in the approach to infertility have
occurred during the last two decades.

Thirdly, the development of molecular biology and genetics have become very important for the
study, diagnosis and evaluation of couples, many of them considered until now as “infertile
couples without explanation”.

When should I see a specialist in human reproduction?

- If you are under 35 years old and have been having unprotected sex for 1 year or more and
have not achieved pregnancy.
- If you are over 35 years old and have been having unprotected sex for 6 months or more and
have not achieved pregnancy.
- If you are a single woman or a woman without a male partner and you want to get pregnant.
- If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, polycystic ovary, if you have undergone
surgery on your ovaries.
- If you want to know how your ovarian reserve is.
- If you wish to undergo a fertility preservation treatment (egg vitrification).
- If you are a carrier of a genetic disease that you do not want to transmit to your children.
- If you have had more than 2 miscarriages.


At Profamilia Fertility you will find two specialized clinics,

one in Bogotá and the other in Cali.
Our priority is personalized and humanized attention to couples with infertility, people who wish
to become pregnant, or those who wish to preserve fertility, since we have a global approach to
infertility as a disease.

Quality and innovation. Our doctors are trained outside the country, attend national and
international congresses for continuous updating. We have a clinic management area who is
responsible for conducting internal audits, whose main objectives are patient safety, assisted
reproduction laboratory and cryobank. We have a well-structured maintenance and equipment
renewal plan to guarantee optimal and updated operation. We work with the best medications
chosen individually by our doctor for each particular case.

We offer comprehensive management to our patients who undergo fertility treatments and
therefore receive psychological support throughout the process.

Our financing systems

We have financing systems through agreements with Banco Davivienda and Welli so that you
can access all the services we have for you.

Specialized Medical consultation

Medical consultation of female fertility.

Performed by a gynecologist specializing in human reproduction where transvaginal ultrasound
is performed to have a complete evaluation of the uterine cavity and ovaries.

Male fertility medical consultation.

Performed by a fertility specialist urologist.

Psychology consultation.
Performed by psychologists specialized in clinical, couple and family aspects.

Genetics consultation.
Performed by a physician specialized in human genetics.
Services and treatments
At Profamilia Fertilidad we have a wide portfolio of services to make the dream of having a child
come true.
Ask about our financing system and agreements.

Assisted Reproduction Treatment


Ovarian stimulation - directed intercourse.

Through the use of medication and ultrasound monitoring will indicate the precise time of
ovulation to have sex and thus have a higher probability of achieving pregnancy.

Intrauterine insemination.
After ovarian stimulation, a capacitated semen sample (homologous, from the couple or
heterologous, from a donor) will be deposited in the uterus through a special catheter.


Conventional In Vitro Fertilization.

After ovarian stimulation, the oocytes are collected and in the in vitro laboratory the oocytes and
sperm are placed in contact with each other in specialized media so that fertilization can occur
spontaneously. This technique ensures the contact of the sperm with the eggs. Embryo tracking
is performed to then select the best embryo and transfer it to the woman's uterus.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).

After ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, it is a highly complex technique in which, under the
microscope, the embryologist selects the best sperm to inject it directly into each egg obtained.
This technique ensures that the sperm enters the egg and is indicated when there is poor
quality in the semen sample, among others. The objective of the treatment is to transfer an
embryo to the uterus of good quality, that is, poor quality in the semen sample, among others:
The goal of the treatment is to transfer an embryo to the uterus of good quality.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

This technique allows us to optimize the results of assisted reproduction treatments by selecting
genetically healthy embryos to be transferred. The indications for this treatment are various,
from the presence of hereditary genetic diseases, the woman's age and even improving the
chances of pregnancy by identifying genetic alterations in the embryos associated with the age
of the parents.
Services and treatments

At Profamilia Fertilidad we have a wide portfolio of services to make the dream of having a child
come true.
Ask about our financing system and agreements.


Fallopian tube recanalization.

It consists of the union of the fallopian tubes by means of microsurgery, in other words, it is the
reversal of tubal ligation.

Vasovasostomy or recanalization of ducts.

It consists of the union of the vas deferens by means of microsurgery, in other words, it is the
reversal of vasectomy.

Services and treatments

At Profamilia Fertilidad we have a wide portfolio of services to make the dream of having a child
come true.
Ask about our financing system and agreements.


Fertility preservation

These techniques allow the freezing of male and female germ cells, sperm and eggs. With a
survival rate close to 100% and with results comparable to those obtained when fresh
procedures are performed. They are an alternative for those who wish to preserve fertility
electively or for those who for medical or professional reasons must preserve their fertility in
order to achieve their dream of becoming parents.

Donated Sperm and Egg Bank

We have a bank of donated sperm and eggs. Our bank rigorously selects gamete donors (eggs
and sperm) with the highest quality standards in order to offer our patients confidence and
peace of mind in their treatments.

Services and treatments

At Profamilia Fertilidad we have a wide portfolio of services to make the dream of having a child
come true.
Ask about our financing system and agreements.

Diagnostic methods and therapeutic support

- Specialized clinical laboratory

- Basic and specialized spermogram
- Sperm capacitation
- Sperm fragmentation test
- Sperm FISH
- Management of semen samples from seropositive patients
- Testicular biopsy
- Ultrasound
- Hysterosonography

Pharmaceutical service

We have a wide portfolio of medications for human reproductive treatments and other
medications for sexual and reproductive health.

Donation Program


Why become a sperm or egg donor?

Sperm and egg donation is a voluntary, altruistic and anonymous act by which a healthy man or
woman, supported by the right to decide about their body, give part of their gametes (eggs and
sperm), to help women or couples to achieve the dream of having a child, since, due to age,
surgery or other pathologies they do not have eggs or sperm, or their quality does not allow
them to achieve a pregnancy using their own cells.

Sperm donation

In which cases is the use of donor sperm necessary?

- Women with a male partner with an absence of spermatozoa, of very poor quality or when he
is a carrier of a genetic disease.
- Single women or women without a male partner who wish to become pregnant.

Who can be a sperm donor?

- Men over 18 years old and under 27 years old.

- Have full capacity to make decisions and be in good physical and psychological health.
- Desire to donate anonymously and altruistically.
- Have no personal or family history of malformations or other alterations linked to genetic or
metabolic disorders.
- No personal or family history of psychiatric disorders.
- Not to be adopted, since it limits the control of family history.

What is the semen donation procedure like?

- Personal interview
- Semen analysis: two spermograms are performed at different times.
- Psychological evaluation
- Medical evaluation by urologist
- Medical tests, including screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
- Genetic analysis: karyotype and study of carriers of genetically transmissible diseases.
- Donation: once the donor is qualified as suitable, he/she can start with the donation process,
which consists of collecting a seminal sample periodically.

Egg donation

The use of donor eggs is necessary when available:

- Women with early ovarian failure.

- Women with significant alterations in egg quality.
- Women with important alterations in the quantity of the eggs.
- Women with advanced age
- Women who are carriers of genetic disorders
Who can be an egg donor?

- Women over 18 years of age and up to 27 years of age.

- Have full capacity to make decisions and be in good physical and psychological health.
- Desire to make the donation in a nominative and ultraistic way.
- Not having personal or family history of malformations or other alterations linked to genetic or
metabolic alterations
- No personal or family history of psychiatric disorders.
- Not to be adopted, since it limits the control of family history.

What is the egg donation procedure like?

- Medical evaluation by a gynecologist that includes an ultrasound scan

- Hormone analysis
- Psychological evaluation
- Medical tests, including screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
- Genetic analysis: karyotype and study of carriers of genetically transmissible diseases.
- Donation: once the donor is qualified as suitable, she can start the ovarian stimulation to be
able to donate.

Do you know where and how to do it?

Profamilia Fertilidad has a comprehensive human reproduction program for the management of
infertility, covering all related areas.

Being a sperm or egg donor is above all an act of solidarity that makes possible the desire of
men and women to become parents.

This service is valid only for people residing in Bogota and Cali.


Can I get pregnant if I have polycystic ovary syndrome?

On the road to fulfilling the dream of becoming a mother, one of the most common hormonal
imbalances is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This condition affects the functioning of our
ovaries and is due to a hormone problem that occurs during the reproductive years. With this
condition, you may not have periods very often or, on the contrary, they may last for many days.
You may also have high levels of androgens, a male sex hormone that promotes the
development of male sexual characteristics and is usually at lower levels in women.
The three main characteristics of PCOS are irregular periods, which means that your ovaries do
not release eggs regularly (ovulation). Excess androgens, meaning high levels of male
hormones in your body, which can cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair,
acne, oily skin and hair, alopecia. And polycystic ovaries, which are evidenced in that they are
enlarged and contain many fluid-filled sacs (follicles) in the periphery of the ovary. You should
know that if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, despite the name, there are actually no cysts.
However, with the presence of at least two of the above characteristics, you may be diagnosed
with this condition.

Signs and symptoms of PCOS are usually evident during the late teens or early 20s and, in
addition to irregular periods or no periods at all, may include difficulty becoming pregnant as a
result of irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), usually on the
face, chest, back or buttocks, weight gain, thinning and hair loss, oily skin or acne. This
condition is also associated with an increased risk of developing health problems.

Although its exact cause is unknown, factors that could play a decisive role are:

Insulin resistance. This hormone is produced by the pancreas and allows cells to use sugar,
your body's main energy supply. If cells become resistant to the action of insulin, blood sugar
levels may rise, which could cause the body to produce more insulin to try to lower blood sugar.
Dark, velvety patches of skin on the lower neck, armpits, groin or under the breasts are a sign of
insulin resistance. An increased appetite and weight gain may be other signs.

Too much insulin could cause the body to produce too much of the male hormone androgen.
You could have problems with ovulation, the process in which eggs are released from the ovary.

Low-grade inflammation. White blood cells make substances in response to infection or injury.
This response is called low-grade inflammation. Research shows that people with polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a type of long-term, low-grade inflammation that causes the
polycystic ovaries to produce androgens. This can lead to heart and blood vessel problems.

Heredity. Research suggests that certain genes may be linked to polycystic ovary syndrome.
Having a family history of PCOS may play a role in the development of the condition.

Excess androgens. With this hormonal disorder, the ovaries may produce high levels of
androgens. Having too much androgen interferes with ovulation, meaning that eggs do not
develop regularly and are not released from the follicles where they develop. Excess androgens
can also cause hirsutism and acne.

How can you know if you have polycystic ovaries? As we have seen, polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS) is a common condition that affects the functioning of a woman's ovaries and therefore
requires medical diagnosis. Polycystic ovaries contain a large number of follicles up to 8 mm
(approximately 0.3 inches) in size. These follicles are sacs in which eggs develop. If you have
the syndrome, these sacs often do not grow or mature to release an egg, which means that
ovulation does not occur.

To treat this condition, lifestyle changes are recommended initially.

If you are overweight, a low-calorie, sugar-free diet combined with moderate exercise activities
is suggested. A modest reduction of this, for example, losing 10% of your body weight, could
help in the improvement of this condition. In addition, it may increase the effectiveness of

There are also medications to regulate your period, your health care provider may suggest:
metformin, to reduce insulin resistance, combined birth control pills, progestin therapy. He or
she may also recommend clomiphene, letrozole or gonadotropins to help you ovulate if you
want to get pregnant. That is why it is important that you consult your doctor to find out if you
have this condition and what treatment you need, because polycystic ovary syndrome is one of
the most common causes of female infertility. In fact, many women discover that they have it
because of the difficulty in getting pregnant.

Remember that during each menstrual cycle the ovaries release an egg. This process is known
as ovulation and generally occurs once a month, but those who have polycystic ovary syndrome
do not ovulate or do so infrequently, which means that their periods are irregular or absent and
that is why it is difficult for them to conceive a baby.

Solve all your doubts with Profamilia Fertility, remember to consult as soon as possible to
provide you with the most appropriate treatment.

#Let's make it happen, together we will make the dream of having a child possible!

What is ovarian reserve and how does it impact fertility?

Women are born with a limited ovarian endowment, that is, with a limited number of eggs.
Precisely, we call ovarian reserve to the amount of eggs we have in our ovaries at a certain time
of our life and that affects the possibility of getting pregnant, either naturally or through assisted
reproduction techniques.

The ability we have to conceive a child normally decreases as we age, because the older we
get, the fewer eggs we have and the quality of these will also be reduced, not to mention the
increased risk of having more abnormalities in their chromosomes (genetic material) that could
cause the pregnancy to end in miscarriage. These factors together influence lower pregnancy
rates and higher miscarriage rates in women who decide to become mothers at an older age.
While it is true that the chance of becoming pregnant decreases with age, because there is a
reduction in ovarian reserve, the exact age at which this happens varies from woman to woman.
Some studies suggest that the decrease in the reserve of oocytes (which are the eggs)
accelerates after 37 years of age in a progressive manner. However, there are women in whom
it occurs earlier than normally expected.

Moreover, it is estimated that about one third of couples will have problems getting pregnant if
the woman is 35 years of age or older, because it is at this time when there is a significant
decrease in her ovarian reserve and egg quality.

As we can see, our oocyte endowment is genetically determined. Oocytes are formed during
our fetal development and the ones we have are produced before our birth. By the fifth month of
gestation the ovaries of the female fetus contain an average of seven million oocytes, but at
birth a good number are lost and between one and two million will remain. And they continue to
decrease as we age. The point is that, today, in the modern world, we women are increasingly
postponing motherhood and opting to become pregnant after the age of 35-37, when we have
already fulfilled ourselves in other areas of life, such as academics and work, but at this age the
ovarian reserve plummets. And, no matter how much we follow a healthy lifestyle, the biological
clock will not stop and against this, and all that it entails, we cannot fight.

Age, then, significantly affects our ovarian reserve and also the quality of the oocytes, that is to
say, it conditions the possibility of becoming pregnant. Ovarian surgeries and endometriosis, by
producing ovarian cysts, reduce the ovarian reserve. También existe una entidad, la
insuficiencia ovárica prematura (FOP), conocida como falla ovárica prematura, de origen
genético y por la cual los óvulos se agotan antes de los 40 años.

Por eso si planeas embarazarte es importante que conozcas tu reserva ovárica, si es normal o
baja y, además de tu edad cronológica, tengas claro que también cuenta la edad biológica de
tus ovarios y, por consiguiente, tomes decisiones a tiempo. Hay pruebas que permiten
determinar de una manera fácil y precisa tu reserva ovárica, como una ecografía pélvica
transvaginal para hacer el recuento de folículos antrales y con la medición de hormonas.

¿Cómo podemos saber si contamos con una reserva ovárica normal? Asistiendo a una
consulta con un especialista en reproducción asistida para que evalúe ecográficamente y
realice el RFA (recuento de folículos antrales). Y con la medición de la hormona antimülleriana,
una hormona específica en la evaluación de la reserva ovárica, cuyos niveles se miden a través
de una prueba de sangre.

Si tienes una reserva ovárica baja va a ser más difícil lograr un embarazo. Por fortuna, existen
tratamientos para la preservación de la fertilidad, o se pueden hacer varias estimulaciones
ováricas para acumular óvulos e intentar tener el número ideal para contar con más
posibilidades de éxito en una fertilización in vitro.
Ovarian stimulation occurs with the administration of hormonal medications (ovulation
medications) that hyperstimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. It is sometimes called
enhanced follicular recruitment or controlled ovarian stimulation.

Solve all your doubts with Profamilia Fertility, remember to consult as soon as possible to
provide you with the most appropriate treatment.

#Let's make it happen, together we will make the dream of having a child possible!

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