LP Sensitivity
LP Sensitivity
LP Sensitivity
Essence of What-If Analysis
Continuing the Wyndor Case Study
Changes in One Objective Function Coefficient (Case 1,
Sec 3)
Simultaneous Changes in Objective Function
Coefficients (Case 2, Sec 4)
Single Change in a Constraint (Case 3, Sec 5)
Simultaneous Changes in the Constraints (Case 4, Sec
Essence of What-If Analysis
Formulate LP → solve for optimal solution → manager
implement the optimal solution → done!?
What would happen to the optimal solution if
What-if (sensitivity, post-optimality) analysis: important
part of most LP studies
To investigate the effect on the optimal solution if
Identify which parameters are most sensitive
Wyndor (before what-if analysis; revisited)
Wyndor product mix
– 3 plants with limited production capacity
– 2 new products to be introduced
Question: decide production rates of 2 products so as to maximize the total
profit (per week) subject to available production capacity.
Wyndor: Management's What-If Questions
What happens if the estimate of the unit profit of one of
Wyndor's new products is inaccurate? (Case 1)
What happens if the estimate of the unit profit of both of
Wyndor's new products are inaccurate? (Case 2)
What happens if a change is made in the number of
hours of production time per week being made available
to Wyndor's new products in one of the plants? (Case 3)
What happens if simultaneous changes are made in the
number of hours of production time per week being
made available to Wyndor's new products in all the
plants? (Case 4)
Case 1: Effect of changes in one objective
function coefficient
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $200.
No change occurs in the optimal solution.
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $500.
No change occurs in the optimal solution.
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $1,000.
The optimal solution changes.
Using SolverTable to create one-way table
Unit profit per door (cell C4)
varies from 100 to 1000 in
increments of 100
Show the optimal profit and the
optimal product mix (decision
variable cells) in a one-way table
Using the Sensitivity Report to Find the Allowable Range
Allowable range (increase/decrease) for objective coefficient:
– the range for the objective coefficient of a decision variable, within
which the optimal solution remains unchanged.
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$C$12 Units Produced Doors 2 0 300 450 300
$D$12 Units Produced Windows 6 0 500 1E+30 300
Case 2: Effect of simultaneous changes in
objective function coefficient
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $450.
The profit per window has been revised from $500 to $400.
No change occurs in the optimal solution.
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $600.
The profit per window has been revised from $500 to $300.
The optimal solution changes.
Using SolverTable to create two-way table
Both unit profit per door (C4)
and unit profit per window
(D4) are being varied
Show the number of windows
produced (D12 or
UnitsProduced_2) and the
optimal TotalProfit in a two-
way table
The 100 Percent Rule
The hours available in plant 2 have been further increased from 13 to 18.
The total profit increases by $750 per week ($150 per hour added in plant 2).
(“Shadow price” is still $150 per week.)
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
The hours available in plant 2 have been further increased from 18 to 20.
The total profit does not increase any further.
Using SolverTable to create one-way table
One-way table example:
show how the changing
cells and total profit change
as the number of available
hours in Plant 2 range
between 4 and 20.
(Exercise: how to create
the table?)
Using the Sensitivity Report
Shadow price: How much the optimal objective value changes when
the R.H.S of a constraint increase by 1.
Allowable range (increase/decrease) for RHS of constraint:
the range for the R.H.S of this constraint, over which the shadow
price remains valid.
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$C$12 Units Produced Doors 2 0 300 450 300
$D$12 Units Produced Windows 6 0 500 1E+30 300
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$7 Plant 1 Used 2 0 4 1E+30 2
$E$8 Plant 2 Used 12 150 12 6 6
$E$9 Plant 3 Used 18 100 18 6 6
Case 4: Effect of Simultaneous Changes in the
Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis
Creative use of data table, example
The 100 Percent Rule
Slides, lecture notes (incl. review questions)
Problem 1 (P&G Selling Soap)
Submission via Blackboard: due date (refer to Blackboard)
Requirement: (1) please upload a single Word file for question answers
(incl. explanation of your models and solutions) and a single Excel file
containing spreadsheets. Name them (work/spreadsheet files) properly.
(2) You may work individually or in groups of two. If you work in
a group, only one submission (via Blackboard) is required.
Preview for next class
Lecture notes “modeling with spreadsheets”