Study of Hematological Profile of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Study of Hematological Profile of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Study of Hematological Profile of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Original Research Article
Department of Medicine, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Old Rajinder Nagar, New
Delhi, India
Dr. Preshika Rawat,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Hematological abnormalities are prevalent in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), with approximately
72% of patients experiencing anemia, primarily in the form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Other manifestations
include leukopenia (32%), lymphopenia (54%), and thrombocytopenia (23%). This study aimed to further investigate
these hematological manifestations, which may serve as presentations of SLE and might be overlooked if suspicion
levels are low.
Methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted over 18 months at a Sir Ganga Ram hospital, a tertiary
care centre. One hundred thirteen SLE cases, comprising newly diagnosed patients and previously diagnosed patients’
records, were reviewed, with 13 cases excluded based on exclusion criteria. One hundred patients with hematological
abnormalities and fulfilling ≥4 SLICC criteria for SLE diagnosis were included in the study.
Results: One hundred cases of SLE with hematological abnormalities (88 women, 12 men) were analyzed. At
presentation, 83% (n=84) of patients displayed hematological manifestations. The most prevalent abnormality was
anemia, present in 72% of the study group, with a mean hemoglobin level of 10.073 gm/dl. Additionally, leukopenia,
lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia were observed in 32%, 54%, 23%, and 14% of cases,
respectively. Neutropenia was detected in only 5% of cases.
Conclusions: Hematological manifestations are the most common presenting signs of SLE in North India. Anemia,
with a multifactorial basis, is the most frequent hematological abnormality throughout the disease course. A high
index of suspicion is crucial when evaluating cases of anemia in daily clinical practice.
Keywords: Anemia of chronic disease, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Iron deficiency anemia, Leukopenia,
Systemic lupus erythematosus, Thrombocytopenia
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 9 Page 3332
Deepak S et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2023 Sep;11(9):3332-3335
photosensitivity, discoid lupus); renal (e.g., acute or induced bone marrow suppression, infection, etc.)
chronic renal failure, acute nephritic disease); causes.12,13
neuropsychiatric (e.g., seizure, psychosis); pulmonary
(e.g., pleurisy, pleural effusion, pneumonitis, pulmonary Objective
hypertension, interstitial lung disease); gastrointestinal
(e.g., nausea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain); cardiac (e.g., The objective of this study was to investigate further, the
pericarditis, myocarditis); hematologic (e.g., cytopenias hematological manifestations which may be the
such as leukopenia, lymphopenia, anemia, or presentation of SLE and may be missed if the index of
thrombocytopenia).4 suspicion is low.
All the cellular elements of the blood and coagulation The study was conducted in the department of internal
pathway can be affected in SLE patients. SLE is medicine at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, India,
immunological disease, so hematological manifestations from December 2015-July 2017, following approval from
are expected to be more common than the other features, the hospital’s Ethics Committee. It was a descriptive
since antigens are more often present in blood and blood study including 100 patients, who were either newly
vessels than any other organ and in SLE auto antibodies diagnosed case of SLE (using SLICC criteria) or
are developed against any antigens and tissues.5 previously diagnosed cases obtained from the hospital
records. Patients under 18 years of age, pregnant women,
Sometimes, hematological abnormalities can be caused patients who were on treatment were excluded from the
by the pathophysiology of SLE itself, but times they can study.
be present in SLE due to some other etiology found in
patients with SLE but not be a manifestation of SLE. It is Hematological profile of both the group of patients were
important to distinguish hematological abnormalities as obtained and recorded. Descriptive statistics were
either manifestations of SLE, consequence of SLE analysed with SPSS version 17.0 software. Continuous
treatment or as part of another blood cell dyscrasias. variables were presented as mean±SD. Categorical
variables were expressed as frequencies and percentages.
Anemia is a common hematological abnormality in SLE. Association between two or more variables were
The most frequent cause of anemia in SLE is suppressed compared using chi squared test. P<0.05 was considered
erythropoiesis from chronic inflammation (anemia of statistically significant.
chronic disease) which is the most common form (60-
80%).6 Other causes are iron deficiency anemia, RESULTS
autoimmune haemolytic anemia and anemia due to blood
loss. Out of 100 patients that were found to have SLE during
the study period 88% were females and 12% were males
Leukopenia in SLE may occur as a result of thus clearly indicating preponderance for females (Table
lymphopenia, neutropenia or a combination of both. The 1).
prevalence of lymphopenia in SLE ranges from 20 to
81% and its degree may correlate with disease activity. Table 1: Gender distribution.
Both T and B lymphocytes are reduced, while natural
killer cells are typically increased.7 Leukopenia patients Sex Frequency Percentage Cumulative
with SLE are found to have reduced surface expression of Female 88 88.0 88.0
complement regulatory proteins CD55 and CD59.8,9 Male 12 12.0 100.0
Deficiency of these proteins may make these cells Total 100 100.0
susceptible to complement-mediated lysis. There is
increasing evidence that endogenous production of type 1
Table 2: Age distribution.
interferons (IFNs) is implicated in the pathogenesis of
neutropenia and lymphopenia in SLE. Elevated serum
Age Frequency % Cumulative %
levels of IFN-a in SLE correlate inversely with leucocyte
≤20 years 3 3.0 3.0
21-30 years 26 26.0 29.0
Thrombocytopenia with platelet count of <100000/mm3 31-40 years 26 26.0 55.0
may appear in 10-25% of SLE patients. It has a reported 41-50 years 21 21.0 76.0
prevalence ranging from 7 to 30% in large series of 51-60 years 18 18.0 94.0
patients with SLE.11 Thrombocytopenia may, like >60 years 6 6.0 100.0
anemia, result from a number of immune (antiplatelet Total 100 100.0
antibodies, anti-thrombopoietin antibodies,
antiphospholipid antibodies, etc.) and non-immune (drug- The patient’s age at the time of presentation varied from
18 years to 60 years with a mean of 39.85 years (SD
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 9 Page 3333
Deepak S et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2023 Sep;11(9):3332-3335
12.832 years). Out of 100 patients, 56 (56%) patients One study by Nossent et al of 126 patients with SLE
were under the age of 40 years. In male patients 9 out of showed that 47% had neutropenia, 27% had
twelve (75%) were >40 years indicating that SLE occur thrombocytopenia, 20% had lymphopenia and 13% had
in males in later part of year (Table 2). haemolytic anemia.15
Of the 72% of the patients who had anemia majority were Other hematological abnormalities included were
autoimmune hemolytic anemia with 26%, IDA were leukopenia present in 32% of patients. This comprised of
10%, ACD was 9% and mixed IDA/ACD were 14%. lymphopenia in 54%, neutropenia in 5%.
(Table 4). Thrombocytopenia was seen in 23% and pancytopenia in
14% of patients. Presence of leukopenia has been
DISCUSSION associated in some studies with anti-ds-DNA positivity, a
component of the SLE diagnostic criteria and prognostic
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypic indicator.22 Similarly, our patients with cytopenia at
systemic autoimmune disease with variable multisystem diagnosis were significantly found to be positive for anti-
involvement and heterogeneous clinical features, ranging dsDNA in 34% patients. This also suggests that in
from mild to life threatening. patients presenting with leukopenia and lymphopenia,
other signs and symptoms of SLE should be carefully
In a study conducted in a tertiary care centre in North looked into and anti-dsDNA can be ordered to confirm
Kerala it was found that hematological manifestations the suspicion.
were the most common initial manifestation of SLE and
it was one of the presenting manifestations in 82% of the The observational study lacked patient follow-up,
subjects.5 hindering assessment of the persistence of hematological
abnormalities and complications. Disease activity
A series of studies reviewed by BudMan showed that correlation was not explored, and coexisting
anemia occurred in 57-78% of patients with SLE.14 ACD manifestations were disregarded. Exclusion of paediatric
was the most common type of anemia. Anemia with patients limited generalization, and the small sample size
positive coombs test was seen in 10% of the cases. may have affected statistical power.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 9 Page 3334
Deepak S et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2023 Sep;11(9):3332-3335
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | September 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 9 Page 3335
The study by Gulati et al. (2023) aimed to investigate the prevalence and types of
hematological abnormalities present at the time of diagnosis in 100 patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) at a tertiary care center in New Delhi, India. The researchers conducted a
descriptive observational study, finding that anemia was the most common hematological
manifestation (72%), followed by lymphopenia (54%), leukopenia (32%), and thrombocytopenia
(23%). Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) was identified as the most prevalent type of anemia in
this cohort.
The strength of the study lies in its clinical relevance, addressing an important aspect of SLE,
as hematological manifestations are common and can significantly impact disease management and
outcomes, and its real-world clinical setting, enhancing the applicability of the findings to routine
clinical practice. The study specifically examined hematological manifestations at the time of SLE
diagnosis, providing valuable insights into the initial presentation of the disease.
However the study is limited by its small sample size, including only 100 patients, which may
not be representative of the broader SLE population. As a descriptive study without a control group, it
lacks the ability to explore underlying mechanisms or long-term consequences of hematological
abnormalities. The single-center setting in India may limit the generalizability of the findings to other
populations and healthcare settings. The researchers did not perform statistical tests to assess the
significance of the observed differences in hematological manifestations between different subgroups
of patients. Additionally, the discussion section could have been more comprehensive, exploring the
potential implications of the findings for clinical practice and future research.
Despite these limitations, the study offers valuable insights into the high prevalence of
hematological abnormalities at the time of SLE diagnosis, particularly anemia, in an Indian cohort.
The study's emphasis on autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) as a potential cause of anemia in
SLE patients is noteworthy. Future research should address the study's limitations by conducting
larger, multi-center studies with diverse populations and comprehensive follow-up data. Such studies
would enable a more in-depth exploration of the complex relationship between hematological
manifestations and SLE, ultimately contributing to improved diagnosis, treatment, and management of
this complex autoimmune disease.
Gulati, S., Kumar, V., Rawat, P., Chawla, K., Rishikesh Dessai, & Jain, S. K. (2023). Study of