HBI 0603 en
HBI 0603 en
HBI 0603 en
General 1
Hardware Descriptions 2
Design 3
PLC Start-Up 8
Drive Start-Up
(Preconditions) 9
NC Start-Up with
HMI Advanced 10
Abbreviations A
References B
EC Declaration of
Conformity C
Printing history
Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.
The status of each edition is shown by the code in the “Remarks” column.
A . . . . . New documentation.
B . . . . . Unrevised reprint with new order no.
C . . . . . Revised edition with new status.
If factual changes have been made on the page since the last edition,
this is indicated by a new edition coding in the header on that page.
trademarks. The other designations in this publication may also be trade marks, the use of which by third
parties may constitute copyright violation.
Further information is available on the Internet under: Other functions not described in this documentation might be
http://www.ad.siemens.de/sinumerik executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
This publication was produced with Interleaf V7.
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its the hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might
contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders exist. The information contained in this document is, however,
will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the
grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. following edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved Subject to technical changes without prior notice
Notes for the The SINUMERIK documentation is divided into three levels:
S General documentation
S User Documentation
S Manufacturer/Service Documentation.
For more information about the SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC documentation
as well as documentation for all SINUMERIK controls, please contact your local
SIEMENS office.
Hotline If you have any questions about the control, please contact the hotline:
SW version The SW versions stated in the documentation apply for the SINUMERIK 840Di
Objective This manual provides detailed information on the specific hardware and start-
up/installation of a SINUMERIK 840Di system.
This manual provides information about the control system design and the
interfaces of the individual components. Furthermore, the procedure for starting
up the SINUMERIK 840Di with PROFIBUS DP drives (in particular SIMODRIVE
611 universal) is described.
For detailed information about individual functions, function assignment and
performance data of individual components, please refer to the appropriate
document for the subject concerned (e.g. manuals, function descriptions etc.).
User-oriented activities such as the creation of parts programs and control
operating procedures are described in detail in separate documentations
(Programming Guide, Operator’s Guide, etc.).
Definition: For the purpose of this manual and product labels, a “qualified person” is one
Who are who is familiar with the installation, mounting, start–up and operation of the
qualified equipment and the hazards involved.
personnel? S Training and education i.e. authority to switch on and off, to earth and tolabel
circuits and devices according to safety technology standards.
S Training and education in maintenance and use of adequate safety equip-
ment according to safety technology standards.
S First aid training.
Warning notes The following warning notes with graded degrees of importance are used in this
documentation: Explanation of symbols
! Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided will result in
death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
! Used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or in propertyda-
Used without safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
Used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not
avoided, may result in an undesirable result or state.
! Important indicates an important or especially relevant item of information.
Notice refers to an important item of information about the product, handling of
the product or part of the documentation which is particularly relevant in the
current context.
Machine manufacturer
This symbol appears in this documentation whenever the machine manufac-
turer can influence or modify the described functional behavior. Please ob-
serve the information provided by the machine manufacturer!
Warnings and To safeguard your own personal safety as well as protect the product described
safety information and all connected equipment and machines against damage, please read and
observe the following warnings and safety information.
! Operational electrical equipment has parts and components which are athazar-
dous voltage levels.
! S Repairs to equipment supplied by Siemens must always be carried out by
SIEMENS after-sales service personnel or by repair centers authorized
by SIEMENS. Parts or components must always be replaced by parts or
components specified in the spare parts list.
S Always disconnect the power supply before you open the unit.
S EMERGENCY STOP devices in compliance with EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE
0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the automationde-
vice. Resetting the EMERGENCY STOP device must not result in any un-
controlled or undefined system restart.
S Wherever faults in the automation device have the potential to cause sub-
stantial material damage or even human injury, i.e. they can present adan-
ger, additional external precautions must be taken or devices provided
which will guarantee or enforce a safe operating state in the event of a fault
(e.g. through independent limit value switches, mech. interlocks, etc.).
! S Connecting and signal leads must be installed such that inductive and ca-
pacitive interference cannot impair automation functions.
! Handling of ESD modules:
S When you are handling ESD-sensitive devices, make sure that you, your
workplace and the device packaging are grounded well.
S Do not bring ESD-sensitive modules into the vicinity of visual display units,
monitors or TV sets (minimum distance to the screen > 10 cm).
Proper use The unit may be used only for the applications described in the catalog, and
only in combination with the equipment and components recommended and
approved by SIEMENS (e.g. SINUMERIK 840D/FM-NC).
MCI board
ET 200
I/O devices
Ext. HHU/
611 universal
progr. MCP
HT 6
1.1.1 System software packages and options (SW 2.1 and higher)
System software For optimum adaptation of the SINUMERIK 840Di to the automation task, Sie-
packages mens can provide various system software packages:
The system software packages are each designed for the following quantities:
Mode groups 1 2 1 2 1 1)
Channels per 1 2 1 1 1)
mode group
Basic: Number of components available in the basic version
Max.: Maximum possible number of components with additional options
1. SW 2.1 and higher: 4
SW 2.2 and higher: 6
Performance In addition to the system software packages, the SINUMERIK 840Di can be
options adapted to requirements using various Performance options:
IIPO cycles The following minimum IPO cycle times can be set with various system software
packages or using the performance options:
Position controller The position controller cycle times are not subject to any restrictions concerning
cycles system software packages or performance options.
The hardware basis for the SINUMERIK 840Di is an industrial PC (further re-
ferred to as PCU (PC Unit) from Siemens A&D in conjunction with the MCI
board (Motion Control Interface).
PCU The SINUMERIK 840Di is available with the following PCU variants, each with
24V power supply:
S PCU 50
– Pentium II 333MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 2 expansion slots
– Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 2 expansion slots
– Celeron 566MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 2 expansion slots
– Celeron 1.2GHz, 256MB SDRAM, 2 expansion slots
S PCU 70
– Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 4 expansion slots.
PCU Interfaces The PCU features interfaces to connect the new SINUMERIK front panels (OP
0xx) as well as standard PC interfaces for connecting e.g. monitor, keyboard,
mouse and Ethernet connection.
MCI board The MCI board is a 2/3 long PCI plug-in card (265mm) with integrated SIMATIC
S7-compatible PLC315-2DP as a routing-capable DP master. In addition, it has
interfaces for:
– PROFIBUS DP with Motion Control Functionality
– MPI (Multi Point Interface)
– MCI board extension (option).
PROFIBUS DP Drives and external I/Os are connected to the SINUMERIK 840Di in a distrib-
interface uted system by means of the PROFIBUS DP interface with Motion Control ca-
pability (synchronous and equidistant data exchange between DP master and
DP slaves).
MPI interface Machine control panel, handheld operator and programming units (e.g. PG 740)
are connected through the MPI interface.
MCI board A maximum of four fast digital I/Os, two sensing probes and two handwheels
extension each can be connected using the optional MCI board extension.
The MCI board extension occupies mechanically one slot in the PCU. The elec-
trical connection, however, is exclusively made using a ribbon cable connected
to both sides.
MCI board extension The MCI board extension slot variation is an electrically compatible successor
slot variation version to the MCI board extension module described above. It was extended
(option as by the option of operating differential handwheels or TTL handwheels.
from 11.00)
MCI board extension The MCI board extension external variation is a module that is electrically identi-
external variation cal with the MCI board extension internally. To free the PCI slot of the PCU,
(option as which is normally already taken up, for other purposes, in this variation mechan-
from 02.01) ical fixture is implemented in a modified housing cover of the PCU.
Drives For interpolating traversing of axes on the PROFIBUS, the SINUMERIK 840Di
uses the functionality defined in the PROFIDrive profile drive technology (Ver-
sion 1.4.2, 01. Sept. 00) “Motion Control with PROFIBUS DP”.
To this aim, Siemens offers the following drives:
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal
with option module MotionControl with PROFIBUS DP
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
with option module MotionControl with PROFIBUS DP
In addition to traversing axes with interpolation, it is also possible to have the
drives positioned at PROFIBUS automatically and independently of other drives
(operating mode: Positioning).
To this aim, Siemens offers the following drives:
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal
with option module MotionControl with PROFIBUS DP
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
with option module MotionControl with PROFIBUS DP
To operate drives with an analog setpoint interface, the following PROFIBUS
module is available:
– ADI4 (Analog Drives Interface for 4 Axis).
I/Os For use as distributed I/Os, the module range SIMATIC DP ET 200 (for the con-
nection conditions, see SIMATIC Documentation) and the low-cost I/O Module
PP 72/48 are available.
Operator panel Choose one of the new operator panel fronts from the SINUMERIK range (OP
front 010, OP 010C, OP 010S, OP 012, OP 015) as an operator component.
The software basis of the SINUMERIK 840Di consists of the components listed
For a detailed list of the installed software components or the ones required to
prepare for installation, please refer to Section 1.2, Page 1-32.
Windows NT The operating system basis of the SINUMERIK 840Di is Windows NT 4.0.
Windows NT is the platform on which all applications, such as the individual
user interfaces of the HMI modular system and the start-up tools run.
Since Windows NT, however, is only conditionally real-time capable, as known
(in this context, the term “soft real time” is used), SIEMENS has developed a
method that allows the operation of the NC system software in hard real time,
without modifying Windows NT.
NC The NC system software mostly has the same functionality as the SINUMERIK
system software 840D.
It comprises both simple Motion Control processes (positioning and linear inter-
polation) and complex automation tasks as they occur in conjunction with ma-
chining centers, handling and mounting, up to machine tools and machine tool-
related applications.
NCK The NCK (Numerik Control Kernel) is part of the NC system software that real-
izes the real-time capability of the SINUMERIK 840Di.
The NCK is characterized by the following features:
– The NCK is automatically started when Windows NT powers up.
– The NCK cyclically runs in the background.
– The current status of the NCK is displayed on the SINUMERIK 840Di
standard user interface 840Di start-up:
Menu command Window > Diagnostics > NC/PLC.
– The NCK is automatically quitted when Windows NT is quitted.
– When the NCK is quitted, it will write the SRAM data from NC and PLC to
the hard disk of the PCU as a backup copy.
– The maximum portion of NCK computation can be specified using an NC
machine data unselect.
Distribution of Windows NT and the NCK share the available processor power. The CPU time
computation time share used by the NCK (standard 65%) can be altered in the machine data. See
Subsection 10.3.8, Page 10-290 “Cycle times”.
PLC The PLC system software, like the NC system software, largely has the same
system software functionality as the SINUMERIK 840D.
840Di start-up The Windows-based user interface 840Di start-up (see Section 1.5, page 1-38)
has the basic operation functionality to allow the operator to become familiar
with the SINUMERIK 840Di.
840Di start-up is part of the scope of supply of a SINUMERIK 840Di and is al-
ready installed on the hard disk of the PCU.
Optional HMI com- The following components of the SINUMERIK HMI modular system can be used
ponents optionally:
An operator interface configured in this way can only be run if the ProTool/
ProRuntime System is installed.
Screen resolution The following points must be taken into account for screen resolution and depth
and depth of color of color settings on the PCU.
S Screen resolution
The standard screen resolution setting depends on the optimized value that
was set for the operator panel. This value was defined for technical reasons
and should be adhered to. Screen resolutions greater than 1024*768 pixels
are not supported.
S Color depth
The default color depth setting is 256 colors. Higher values can, in certain
circumstances, increase the amount of processor time used by Windows NT
and sporadically also by the real-time operating system.
For safe operation in all real-time operating modes, the permissible color
depth is restricted to 65536 colors.
In unfavorable situations, e.g. if the software causes a high load on the CPU
(e.g. due to a large number of axes or short interpolation cycles), sporadic
real-time violations or a time-out on the interpolation level of the NCK can
Terminating the The NCK is integrated in Windows NT as a “LogB Service”. To exit or start the
NCK function, go to:
Windows NT start bar: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services > “LogB
Service” > Exit or Start
! Please pay attention to the following points with regard to the screen resolution
and depth of color of the PCU.
S The maximum color depth is restricted to 65536 colors and the maximum
screen resolution is restricted to 1024*768 pixels. Otherwise, in unfavorable
situations, e.g. if the NC software causes a high load on the CPU, sporadic
real-time violations or a time-out on the interpolation level of the NCK can
In order to offer high quality and wide functionality of the entire system, SINUM-
ERIK 840Di comes completely configured and ready to operate.
To this aim, the system components used are subject to a certification proce-
dure with Siemens as the system manufacturer. This is to certify and document
the compliance with the real-time capability of the whole configuration in impor-
tant operating modes.
In the case of any modifications to or expansions of PC components (hardware
or software), no binding statements can be made regarding compliance with the
product features if any amendments are made by third persons. These are the
sole responsibility of the OEMs or the user who has made the modifications.
Fatal exceptional If Windows NT detects a fatal exceptional error during the operation of the NC
error system software, the following steps are carried out:
(Blue Screen)
S Windows NT will stop.
S An error message will appear on the screen.
S NC and PLC will continue to operate as normally.
S The NC will signal the detected fatal exceptional error to the PLC by means
of the interface signal “PC OS fault”.
Depending on the current machining situation, the PLC user program can either
continue the machining or end it.
After completion of the machining, the PLC user program can request a shut-
down of the PC by sending the interface signal “PC shutdown” to the NC.
Due to the interface signal “PC shutdown”:
– the retentive NC and PLC data are stored
– NC and PLC ended.
For a brief description of the interface signals “PC OS fault” and “PC shut-
down”, please refer to Subsection 16.1.1, Page 16-499.
The interface signal “PC shutdown” must be reset in the organization block
OB100 (cold restart) of the PLC.
Loss of voltage A loss of voltage lasting more than five msecs is detected by the POWER FAIL
functionality of the SINUMERIK 840Di as a fault scenario and the following ac-
tions are initiated:
– The background lighting of the operator panel display is switched off
– The NC and PLC are shut down correctly
– The NC and PLC user data are saved in the SRAM of the MCI board.
With the next power-up of the SINUMERIK 840Di, the battery-backed user data
are available again. The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus immediately ready again
without data loss.
If the power supply is recovered before final shutdown of the PCU, the following
message box will be displayed:
1. Data consistency after a loss of voltage can only be ensured if the power
supply of the PCU is at least 24V.
2. In the remaining time left by the internal power backup, Windows NT can no
longer be ended correctly. This implies the risk that the Windows NT instal-
lation can be damaged so that the SINUMERIK 840Di can no longer be run.
It is therefore urgently recommended to use an uninterruptible power sys-
tem (UPS) (see Subsection 1.1.8, page 1-29).
3. If the MCI board or its battery is replaced after a loss of voltage, this will
result in a data loss of the user data battery-backed on the SRAM of the
MCI board. How to proceed further: see Subsection 6.3.4, page 6-183.
Overtemperature With the SINUMERIK 840Di, three different temperatures are monitored for
reaching their appropriate threshold values:
1. Housing temperature
2. CPU module temperature
3. CPU temperature.
Error response
Windows NT is shut down correctly as follows:
– Windows NT start bar: Start > Shutdown
– PLC interface signal: “PC shutdown”, see Subsection 16.1.1,
page 16-499.
If you switch off the PCU without first having correctly shut down Windows NT,
please observe the following:
1. Data consistency of the NC and PLC user data can only be ensured if the
power supply of the PCU is at least 24V.
References /BH/ Operator Components, Manual
Chapter: PCU 50
2. In the remaining time left by the internal power backup, Windows NT can no
longer be ended correctly. This implies the risk that the Windows NT instal-
lation can be damaged so that the SINUMERIK 840Di can no longer be run.
It is therefore urgently recommended to use an uninterruptible power sys-
tem (UPS) (see Subsection 1.1.8, page 1-29).
3. If the MCI board or its backup battery is replaced after the PCU has been
switched off, this will result in a data loss of the user data battery-backed on
the SRAM of the MCI board. How to proceed further: see Subsection 6.3.4,
page 6-183.
Physical SRAM The PCU has POWER FAIL detection that, in conjunction with the NC system
software, ensures that on a loss of voltage or power-off of the PCU without Win-
dows NT first having been shut down correctly the NC and PLC user data are
backed up in the SRAM of the MCI board.
However, in the remaining time left by the internal power backup, Windows NT
can no longer be ended correctly.
This can be avoided by using a UPS, e.g. SITOP POWER DC UPS MODULE
15 (see Section 2.11, page 2-90). The UPS also backs up the power supply of
the PCU for a settable duration or until a set battery voltage limit has been
During this time, the user can correctly shut down Windows NT manually, or
automatically by means of a status message from the UPS to the PLC, which
then passes the interface signal “PC shutdown” to the NC.
Virtual SRAM In conjunction with the virtual SRAM (see Subsection 10.4.3, Page 10-300), it is
absolutely necessary to use a UPS system. Furthermore, when parameterizing
the time for which the UPS is to maintain the voltage supply, the time required
by Windows NT to produce the memory dump to the hard disk of the PCU after
detecting a serious exception (Blue Screen) should be considered.
Connection The stated UPS has the following options for connections to signal the current
options status to the SINUMERIK 840Di:
One of the follwoing connection variants must be used for full back-up protec-
– Variant 1: Connection 1) and 2)
– Variant 2: Connection 3)
2) Free wiring
ET 200 I/Os
1) Serial connection
3) Free wiring
SINUMERIK 840Di A range of different system software packages are available for the SINUMERIK
System software 840Di system:
Table 1-2 Order numbers for the SINUMERIK 840Di system software
PCU hardware
System software Order No. PCU 50 PCU 50 PCU 50 PCU 50 PCU 70
333MHz 500MHz 566MHz 1.2GHz 500MHz
Standard 840Di 6FC5 258-jAX10-jAjj n n n n n
Export 840DiE 6FC5 258-jAY10-jAjj n n n n n
Standard 840Di 6FC5 258-jAX20-jAjj n n n n n
Export 840DiE 6FC5 258-jAY20-jAjj n n n n n
Standard 840Di 6FC5 258-jAX30-jAjj – n n n n
Export 840DiE 6FC5 258-jAY30-jAjj – n n n n
j 6FC5 258-0 . . .-0AF0, current software version on the hard disk
6FC5 258-X . . .-YAF0, specific software version on the hard disk
6FC5 258-0 . . .-0AG2, software maintenance/update service on CD-ROM
6FC5 258-X . . .-YAG3, update when order placed, specific software version, on CD-ROM
specific software version: e.g. 2.1: X = 2, Y = 1
for more detailed information, please refer to: Ordering information Catalog NC 60
n possible
– not possible
Additional soft- The following software components are included in the scope of delivery of the
ware components SINUMERIK 840Di system and are either installed on the PCU hard disk or pro-
vided on CD for installation:
Basic software The basic SINUMERIK 840Di software encompasses the following compo-
– Basic PCU software
– Windows NT 4.0
– Service menu
– PCU-specific drivers
– Basic 840Di software
– 840Di start-up
– NCK-specific real-time drivers
Engineering Tools The Engineering Tools include applications for start-up of the
– SinuCom NC
Start-up tool for SINUMERIK 840Di NC
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal tool box
– SimoCom U
Start-up tool for SIMODRIVE 611 universal / E and SIMODRIVE
POSMO SI, CD/CA drives
(installed/must still be installed: F:\SimoComU\<version>\
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal drive firmware
(firmware file: F:\Sys611U\<version>\611u.ufw)
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal option module: “Motion Control with PRO-
FIBUS DP” firmware
(firmware file: F:\611UToolbox\dpc31\<version>\v1sl.ufw)
– SIMODRIVE POSMO SI, CD/CA drive firmware
(firmware file: F:\SysPosmo\<version>\posmo.ufw)
SIMATIC S7 The SIMATIC S7 AddOn software contains sample programs and sample ap-
AddOn software plications:
The components supplied as SIMATIC S7 add-on software
– Basic PLC program
– DriveOM
– SlaveOM
must be installed on the computer (PG/PC) on which the S7 software (e.g. SI-
MATIC Manager S7) is installed for creating the S7 project for the SINUMERIK
Before installing the software, please read the information (*.txt, *.rtf, *.wri) con-
tained in the directory of the respective application.
For the start-up of the components used in conjunction with the SINUMERIK
840Di, such as:
It is recommended to carry out the start-up of the SINUMERIK 840Di in the
order of the sections of the present Manual.
Software To start up the SINUMERIK 840Di, the following software is needed, which is
part of a SINUMERIK 840Di:
Additional soft- To start up the SINUMERIK 840Di, the following software is needed, which is
ware not part of a SINUMERIK 840Di:
Additional hard- To start up the SINUMERIK 840Di, the following hardware components are ad-
ware ditionally needed:
A programming device is not needed if:
– the SIMATIC Manager STEP7 is installed on the PCU of the SINUMERIK
– an existing PC is used to install additional software.
For installing software on the PCU, see Chapter 15, Page 15-455.
S /LIS/ Lists
– Overview of Functions
– Machine, Setting Data and Variables
– Interface Signals and PLC Blocks.
Duty to obtain an Since certain control functions require an export approval acc. to the German
export approval Export List, the SINUMERIK 840Di is offered in two variations.
The standard version (SINUMERIK 840Di) can contain the full scope of
functions of the control but this does mean that it requires export approval with
regard to its type.
In the export version SINUMERIK 840DiE, e.g. the following options are not
For a complete overview of the options not available with the export version,
please refer the SINUMERIK Order Catalog NC 60.
Although the relevant option bits can be set, they are not effective (alarm when
programming these functions). With regard to its type, the export version does
not require an export approval.
(This does not pertain to an export approval that may result from the intended
purpose of application, and this can additionally result.)
The configuration of the control system is determined by the system software
that is offered in two versions (standard and export), i.e. the duty to obtain an
approval for the system software (for the relevant information, see delivery note
and/or invoice) is transferred to the control system with the particular
This must also be observed, in particular, in the case of updates/upgrades of
the system software, since this may have an influence on the duty to obtain an
export approval.
Identification of In addition to the information provided on the delivery note and invoice, the
the control hardware components supplied with the system software are also clearly
identified by adhesive labels as standard or export versions.
The adhesive labels supplied additionally in the packaging are intended to
identify the control after installation and start-up and they must be stuck into the
control logbook. In the case of license orders, an appropriate number of
adhesive labels is supplied, which must be handled in the same manner.
When the control has been booted, the export version can be identified by the
additional character ’E’ in the Service screen of the NCU version.
S HMI Advanced (option): Diagnostics operating area > Service displays >
Version > Version NCU
The identification of the control variation obtained by these measures is
important for service personnel and can also be helpful in providing evidence of
conformance for exports, in particular when making use of the negative
certificates that are provided for the export version.
Menu bar The menu bar comprises the following menu commands:
S File
S Edit
S Window
S Display.
Context-sensitive The functions that can be called using the menu commands File and Edit are
menu functions context-sensitive, i.e. in all cases, only the functions are offered which are pos-
sible, depending on the window currently active.
S The window for display of the axis actual values is selected. The menu com-
mand Edit provides no further functions.
SINUMERIK 840Di: A SINUMERIK 840Di control system can only be ordered as a complete system
Complete system (PCU and MCI board).
PCU 50 with Pentium II 333MHz, 128MB RAM and MCI board, 24V power
Order No.: 6FC5 220-0AA00-1AA0
PCU 50 with Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB RAM and MCI board, 24V power
Order No.: 6FC5 220-0AA01-1AA0
PCU 50 with Celeron 566MHz, 128MB RAM and MCI board,
24V power supply
Order No.: 6FC5 220-0AA20-0AA0
PCU 50 with Celeron 1.2GHz, 256MB RAM and MCI board,
24V power supply
Order No.: 6FC5 220-0AA22-0AA0
PCU 70 with Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB RAM and MCI board,
24V power supply
Order No.: 6FC5 220-0AA02-1AA0
SINUMERIK 840Di: The following hardware components are available as spare parts:
Spare parts
Pentium II 333MHz, 128MB RAM and Windows NT 4.0 US,
24V power supply
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 210-0DF01-0AA0
Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB RAM and Windows NT 4.0 US,
24V power supply
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 210-0DF05-0AA0
Celeron 566MHz, 128MB RAM and Windows NT 4.0 US,
24V power supply
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 210-0DF20-0AA0
Celeron 1.2GHz, 256MB RAM and Windows NT 4.0 US,
24V power supply
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 210-0DF22-0AA0
Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB SDRAM and Windows NT 4.0 US,
24V power supply
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 210-0DF04-0AA0
S MCI board
Spare part Order No.: 6FC5 222-0AA00-1AA0
Operation and
display S SINUMERIK operator panel fronts
– OP 010
Order number: 6FC5 203-0AF00-0AA0
– OP 010C
Order number: 6FC5 203-0AF01-0AA0
– OP 010S
Order number: 6FC5 203-0AF04-0AA0
– OP 012
Order number: 6FC5 203-0AF02-0AA0
– OP 015
Order number: 6FC5 203-0AF03-0AA0
memory medium S Floppy Disk Drive 3.5’’ incl. 0.5m interconnecting cable
Order number: 6FC5 235-0AA05-0AA1
Power supply of
the PCU S SITOP POWER standard 24V/10A
Order No.: 6EP1 334-1SH01
power supply (UPS) S SITOP POWER DC UPS module 15
Order No.: 6EP1 931-2EC11
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal
with option module MotionControl with PROFIBUS DP
2.2.1 Module
X111: MPI
*) locking screws
Internal thread: UNC 4-40
Order No.:
MCI board Designation Order No. (MLFB)
MCI board (as a spare part) 6FC5 222-0AA00-1AA0
Some parts of the MCI board are always alive due to the backup battery. To
avoid short circuits, do not place the MCI board on electrically conductive mate-
Order No.:
bus connector Designation Order No. (MLFB)
Bus connector RS-485 for PROFIBUS DP and MPI
Order No.:
Backup battery Designation Order No. (MLFB)
Backup battery 6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0
For MPI connection on the MCI board, you must use a connector with straight
cable outlet (180°).
S Connection cable
see Subsection 3.3.1, Page 3-131.
S Connection cable
see Subsection 3.3.1, Page 3-131.
The MPI and PROFIBUS DP interfaces are isolated both to one another and
with regard to the PCU.
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
Backup battery 6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0
General rules Please observe the following general rules when handling batteries:
for handling
S Do not charge them!
S Do not heat or burn them!
S Do not drill or squeeze them!
S Do not manipulate them in any other fashion neither mechanically, nor
! Improper handling of backup batteries results in the hazard of inflammation,
burning or explosion.
Criteria for The 3V lithium battery to back up the SRAMs and the clock module is monitored
changing the in stages:
Battery voltage Message
2.7 ... 2.9V Alarm: “2100 NCK battery warning threshold reached”
2.4 ... 2.6V Alarm: “2101 NCK battery alarm”
Alarm: “2102 NCK battery alarm”
The alarm “2101 NCK battery alarm” is output if battery low voltage is detected
in cyclic operation.
The alarm “2102 NCK battery alarm” is output if battery low voltage is detected
during power-up.
Changing the To avoid data loss, the battery on the MCI board should be changed at the lat-
battery est if the alarm “2100 NCK battery warning threshold reached” has occurred for
the first time.
! When operating electrical devices, certain parts of these devices are inevitably
under hazardous voltage.
Improper handling of these devices may therefore result in loss of life, severe
personal injury or substantial material damage.
When servicing these devices, you should therefore observe all notices pro-
vided in this Section and attached to the product itself.
– This device may only be serviced by accordingly qualified personnel.
– Before starting any maintenance and service work, disconnect the device
from mains.
– Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
– Strictly observe the prescribed maintenance intervals, as well as the in-
structions for repair and replacement.
The module contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Electrostatically discharge your own body before touching the module. To do
so, touch an earthed, conductive object (e.g. blank cubicle parts, socket protec-
tion contact) immediately before starting work on the module.
4. Remove the screws from the cover of the housing (Fig. 2-2) and open the
housing of your PC, observing the relevant safety regulations.
5. Optional:
Remove interconnecting cable to the MCI board extension module, interface
6. Remove the fastening screw of the module holding-down device (Fig. 2-3)
and remove the module holding-down device.
screws for
the module
Guide rail
10. Remove the cable connection X3 (battery connector) from the module.
11. Remove the used battery and dispose of it acc. to the relevant standards.
12. Install the new battery and plug the battery connector onto the connection
contacts without applying force (X3).
Marking of the
battery connector
13. Locate the battery on the module using the battery receptacle.
The clamps must lock into place audibly.
14. Insert the module into the appropriate slot on the mother board and fasten it
using the fastening screw on the cover plate.
15. Mount the module holding-down device.
16. Close the cover plate of the housing of your PC and fasten it using the two
housing screws.
17. Connect your PC to mains again and start it.
The specified safety regulations, certifications, degree of protection and class
of protection only apply for the case that the module is plugged in a
2.3.1 Module
The MCI board extension provides the following functions as an optional
expansion board of the MCI board:
– Four binary inputs (isolated)
– Four binary outputs (isolated)
– Two measuring inputs (isolated)
– Two handwheels (non-isolated).
*) locking screws
Internal thread: UNC 4-40
Order number:
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
MCI board extension (option) 6FC5 222-0AA00-0AA0
Never plug or remove the cable distributor at the X121 interface of the mod-
ule under voltage.
Before you plug or remove the cable connector, switch off the PCU (shut down
Windows NT correctly!). Otherwise, short circuits might occur on the module, as
a result of which the module could be destroyed.
The connecting cable with the MCI board is part of the scope of supply and is
already plugged into the MCI board extension slot variation.
! When operating electrical devices, certain parts of these devices are inevitably
under hazardous voltage.
Improper handling of these devices may therefore result in loss of life, severe
personal injury or substantial material damage.
When servicing these devices, you should therefore observe all notices pro-
vided in this Section and attached to the product itself.
– This device may only be serviced by accordingly qualified personnel.
– Before starting any maintenance and service work, disconnect the device
from mains.
– Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
– Strictly observe the prescribed maintenance intervals, as well as the in-
structions for repair and replacement.
The module contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Electrostatically discharge your own body before touching the module. To do
so, touch an earthed, conductive object (e.g. blank cubicle parts, socket protec-
tion contact) immediately before starting work on the module.
4. Remove the fastening screw of the module holding-down device (Fig. 2-8) of
the MCI board and remove the module holding-down device.
screws for
the module
Guide rail
Interface overview
Signal designations
MPGs 0, 1 5V Supply voltage 1 / 2nd Handwheel 0, 5V
MPG 0, 1 0V Supply voltage 1 / 2nd Handwheel 0 V
MPG 0, 1 A, XA 1st / 2nd Differential handwheel input, A, XA
MPG 0, 1 B, XB 1st / 2nd Differential handwheel input, B, XB
MEPUS 0, 1 1. / 2nd Sensor probe input (signal: 24V)
MEPUC 0, 1 1st / 2nd Sensor probe input, (reference: 0V)
INPUT [0...3] 1st to 4th Binary NC input ...
GNDEXT External ground (reference ground for binary NC inputs)
OUTPUT [0...3] 1st to 4th Binary NC output
M24EXT External 24V supply (–) for binary NC outputs
P24EXT External 24V supply (+) for binary NC outputs
Signal type
O Output
VO Voltage Output
I Input
VI Voltage Input
The maximum current carrying capacity of the handwheel interface of the MCI
board extension module is 1A for both handwheels. 500mA per handwheel.
The specified safety regulations, certifications, degree of protection and class
of protection only apply for the case that the module is plugged in a SINUM-
2.4 MCI board extension slot variation (SW 11.00 and higher)
The MCI board extension slot variation is an electrically compatible successor
version of the MCI board extension module described in Section 2.3, page 2-56.
The module has been extended by the option of operating differential hand-
wheels or TTL handwheels.
2.4.1 Module
Switch S1
X121: Cable
*) locking screws
Internal thread: UNC 4-40
Order number:
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
MCI board extension slot variation (option) 6FC5 222-0AA00-0AA1
Never plug or remove the cable distributor at the X121 interface of the mod-
ule under voltage.
Before you plug or remove the cable connector, switch off the PCU (shut down
Windows NT correctly!). Otherwise, short circuits might occur on the module, as
a result of which the module could be destroyed.
Switch S1 With switch S1 you can select the type of handwheel that is to be operated on
the module:
– Differential handwheels:
Switch S1 closed (as-delivered state)
– TTL handwheel:
Switch S1 open.
Differential or TTL handwheels can only be operated alternately.
Switch S1:
Switch position open
You select between differential and TTL handwheels on the module using
switch S1 before installing the module.
The connecting cable with the MCI board is part of the scope of supply and is
already plugged into the MCI board extension slot variation.
! When operating electrical devices, certain parts of these devices are inevitably
under hazardous voltage.
Improper handling of these devices may therefore result in loss of life, severe
personal injury or substantial material damage.
When servicing these devices, you should therefore observe all notices pro-
vided in this Section and attached to the product itself.
– This device may only be serviced by accordingly qualified personnel.
– Before starting any maintenance and service work, disconnect the device
from mains.
– Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
– Strictly observe the prescribed maintenance intervals, as well as the in-
structions for repair and replacement.
The module contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Electrostatically discharge your own body before touching the module. To do
so, touch an earthed, conductive object (e.g. blank cubicle parts, socket protec-
tion contact) immediately before starting work on the module.
4. Remove the fastening screw of the module holding-down device (Fig. 2-12)
of the MCI board and remove the module holding-down device.
screws for
the module
Guide rail
S Pin assignment:
Table 2-9 Pin assignment: Interface X121
Digital inputs Please note the following points about the digital inputs:
– Isolated from the board electronics
– Connected to the same ground (GNDEXT)
Digital outputs Please note the following points about the digital outputs:
– Isolated from the board electronics
– Connected to the same ground (GND24EXT), as is their the external
24V power supply
Handwheels The handwheels are not isolated from the board electronics.
The optional power supply of the handwheels (P5) is electronically protected
with 2A. The maximum continuous load is 1A. Per handwheel 500mA.
Sensor probes Please note the following points about sensor probes:
– The sensor probes are isolated among themselves and from all other
potential areas (board electronics, dig. inputs, dig. outputs, and
Sensor probes The sensor probes are isolated among themselves and from the board electron-
Table 2-10 Technical data for MCI board extension, slot version
Degree of protection IP 20
Class of protection Class of protection I, acc. to VDE 0106 P1:
1982 (IEC 536)
Safety regulations EN61131-1
Certifications CE, UL, CSA
Electrical data
Max. typical
Power consumption without 500mW 350mW
Power consumption with I/Os 2.1W 850mW
both handwheels per handwheel
Max. current-carrying capacity 1A 500mA
of the 5V power supply
Mechanical data
Dimensions Short PCI card
Weight 110g
Climatic environmental conditions
Heat dissipation Open-circuit cooling
Operation Storage/transportation
Temperature limit values 5 ... 55°C –40 ... 70°C
Tested to DIN IEC 68-2-1, DIN IEC 68-2-2
(DIN EN 60068-2-2), DIN IEC 68-2-14
Limit values of rel. humidity 5 ... .80% 5 ... .95%
Tested to DIN IEC 68-2-30
per min. per hour
Temperature change Max. 1K Max. 10K
Condensation not admissible
Quality assurance acc. to ISO 9001
Vibrational load during operation
Class 3M4
Frequency range 10 ... 58Hz/58... 200Hz
Const. excursion/acceleration 0.075mm/1g
Tested to DIN EN 60068-2-6
– module in PCU 50
Shock load during operation
Acceleration 50m/sec2
Duration of nominal shock 30msecs
Tested to DIN EN 60068-2-6
– module in PCU 50
The specified safety regulations, certifications, degree of protection and class
of protection only apply for the case that the module is plugged in a SINUM-
2.5.1 Module
Order number:
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
MCI board extension external variation (option) 6FC5 222-0AA01-0AA0
Never plug or remove the cable distributor at the X121 interface of the mod-
ule under voltage.
Before you plug or remove the cable connector, switch off the PCU (shut down
Windows NT correctly!). Otherwise, short circuits might occur on the module, as
a result of which the module could be destroyed.
Switch S1 With switch S1 you can select the type of handwheel that is to be operated on
the module:
– Differential handwheels:
Switch S1 closed (as-delivered state)
– TTL handwheel:
Switch S1 open.
Differential or TTL handwheels can only be operated alternately.
Switch S1:
Switch position open
You select between differential and TTL handwheels on the module using
switch S1 before installing the module.
Performing The MCI board extension external variation is already supplied in the modified
installation housing cover. The connecting cable with the MCI board is part of the scope of
supply and is already plugged into the MCI board extension external variation.
Before you can operate the MCI board extension external variation, you must
remove any internal MCI board extension module and replace the housing
To install the module, proceed in the sequence described below.
! When operating electrical devices, certain parts of these devices are inevitably
under hazardous voltage.
Improper handling of these devices may therefore result in loss of life, severe
personal injury or substantial material damage.
When servicing these devices, you should therefore observe all notices pro-
vided in this Section and attached to the product itself.
– This device may only be serviced by accordingly qualified personnel.
– Before starting any maintenance and service work, disconnect the device
from mains.
– Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
– Strictly observe the prescribed maintenance intervals, as well as the in-
structions for repair and replacement.
The module contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Electrostatically discharge your own body before touching the module. To do
so, touch an earthed, conductive object (e.g. blank cubicle parts, socket protec-
tion contact) immediately before starting work on the module.
3. Remove the screws from the cover of the housing (Fig. 2-15) and open the
housing of your PC, observing the relevant safety regulations.
Fig. 2-16 Modified housing cover with MCI board extension external variation
6. Make sure that the latches of the connectors have securely engaged on
both modules.
– MCI board: Interface X2
– MCI board extension: Interface X4
7. Close the housing completely and fix it again with the two housing screws.
8. Connect your PC to mains again and start it.
159 105
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
Cable distributor 6FX2 006-1BA02
Cable connection The cable distributor consists of a connector jacket for a 37-pin Sub-D
connector with enlarged interior. The cable distributor is used to split the I/O
electronic handwheel extension interface (X121) to a maximum of 7 single
cables. These must be connected in the order shown in Table 2-12, page 2-78.
To supply the digital outputs, an external 24V supply is possible at the cable
Plug the appropriate single cable into the opened cable distributor and connect
it to the associated connector X1 to X10. When doing so, place the cable into
the appropriate cable entry.
Make sure that the shield jackets that became free have a large conductive
connection to the metallic contact areas of the cable distributor. See Fig. 2-20,
Page 2-77. Install the upper terminal clamp such that its “teeth” point towards
the “teeth” of the lower terminal clamp and then fasten the upper part of the
This will reliably press the cable shields between the contact areas of the
contact springs and contact them safely. The shield potential is reliably routed to
the housing of the PCU using the contact springs of the cable distributor on the
front panel of the PCU.
Position of the
Cable guides
Terminal clamp
Contact areas
S2 S5 S1
S4 S6 S3
S1 to S6:
Sub-D socket connector
DIP-FIX switches The DIP-FIX switches in the interior of the cable distributor must be set as
Switch S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
open X X X X
closed X X
assignment Table 2-12 Connector assignment
When assembling the cable distributor, make absolutely sure that the supplied
washer is installed correctly and the coding pins are installed.
Mounting The cable distributor is fastened using the two supplied adapter plates at the
X121 cable distributor interface of the MCI board extension module using
Adapter plate
Signal names
MPG0, 1 5V Supply voltage 1 / 2nd handwheel 0, 1 5V
MPG0, 1 0 V Supply voltage 1 / 2nd handwheel 0,V
MPG0, 1 A, XA 1. / 2nd Differential handwheel input, A, XA
MPG0, 1 B, XB 1. / 2nd Differential handwheel input, B, XB
MEPUS 0, 1 1. / 2nd Measuring pulse signal
MEPUC 0, 1 1. / 2nd Measuring pulse Common (reference ground)
INPUT [0...3] 1. to 4th Binary NC input
MEXT External ground (reference ground for binary NC inputs)
OUTPUT [0...3] 1. to 4th Binary NC output
M24EXT External 24V supply (–) for binary NC outputs
P24EXT External 24V supply (+) for binary NC outputs
The maximum current carrying capacity of the handwheel interface is 1A for
both handwheels. 500mA per handwheel.
RD red
OG orange
BN brown
BK black
GN green
YE yellow
VT violet
BU blue
top *)
Fig. 2-22 PCU 50: Perspective view with installed hard disk drive
Order number
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
PCU 50 as spare part with Windows NT 4.0 US, with-
out MCI board:
PCU 50 333MHz, 128MB 6FC5 210-0DF01-0AA0
PCU 50 500MHz, 128MB 6FC5 210-0DF05-0AA0
PCU 50 566MHz, 128MB 6FC5 210-0DF20-0AA0
PCU 50 1.2GHz, 256MB 6FC5 210-0DF22-0AA0
Features Together with the MCI board, the SINUMERIK industrial PC “PCU 50” serves as
the basis for the SINUMERIK 840Di control system. The key features of the
PCU 50 are as follows:
S Processor versions:
– Pentium II 333MHz, 128MB SDRAM
– Pentium III 500MHz, 128MB SDRAM
– Celeron 566MHz, 128MB SDRAM
– Celeron 1.2GHz, 256MB SDRAM
S Hard disk min. 4.8GB (replaceable)
S Windows NT 4.0 operating system US version
S Interfaces:
– Parallel interface LPT1
– Serial interfaces 1 x RS-232-C (25–pole), 1 x RS–232–C (9–pole)
– PS/2 keyboard interface
– PS/2 mouse interface
– MPI/PROFIBUS DP (max. 12 Mbaud)
– VGA interface for external monitor
– Ethernet connection 10/100 Mbaud
– Interfaces to the operator panel:
LVDS interface for SINUMERIK-OP,
USB interface for SINUMERIK-OP (internal)
– USB interfaces:
with Pentium II/III 366/500MHz: 1 x USB interface
with Celeron 566MHz/1.2GHz: 2 x USB interfaces
S Expansion slots
– 1 PCI expansion slot (length: max. 265mm, occupied by the MCI board)
– 1 x shared ISA/PCI expansion slot (length: max. 175mm, occupied with
option MCI board extension and MCI board extension slot variant).
(SW 2.2 and In SW 2.2 and higher, distributed connection of PCU and operator panel is pos-
higher) sible via Videolink (option).
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
Distributed configuration
top *)
Fig. 2-23 PCU 70: Perspective view with installed hard disk drive
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
PCU 70 as spare part with Windows NT 4.0 US, with-
out MCI board:
PCU 70 500MHz, 128MB 6FC5210-0DF04-0AA0
Features The PCU 70 is essentially a PCU 50 with two extra expansion slots (PCI). It has
the following features:
S Processor min. Pentium III, 500MHz
S User memory (RAM) max. 512MB
S Hard disk min. 10.4GB (swappable)
S Windows NT 4.0 operating system US version
S Robust design (continuous operation, high noise immunity)
S Dimensions (W x H x D): 297x267x122mm
S Easy-to-service design
S Screen resolution 640x480 (VGA), up to 1024x768 (XGA)
S Power supply: 24VDC
S Interfaces:
– Parallel interface LPT1
S Expansion slots
– Three PCI expansion slots (length: max. 265mm); 1 expansion slot occu-
pied by the MCI board)
– 1 x shared ISA/PCI expansion slot (length: max. 175mm, occupied with
option MCI board extension and MCI board extension slot variant).
(SW 2.2 and In SW 2.2 and higher, distributed connection of PCU and operator panel is pos-
higher) sible via Videolink (option).
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
Distributed configuration
Overview The individual SINUMERIK operator panel fronts can be connected using the
PCU interfaces for TFT and STN displays:
– OP 010
– OP 010C
– OP 010S
– OP 012
– OP 015.
Alpha key
Soft keys and direct keys
key group
key group
key group
Soft keys interface
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
SINUMERIK OP 012 6FC5 203-0AF02-0AA0
S Shift key for switchover to the second key level (not for switching over the
letters, since uppercase letters only)
S Integrated mouse
S Status LEDs for power supply and overtemperature
S Front USB interface
S Degree of protection IP65
S Can be combined with the component PCU 50
S External floppy disk drive can be connected.
References A complete documentation of the OP 012 operator panel front is to be found in:
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
OP 012 operator panel front.
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
Floppy disk drive 3.5’’ incl. 0.5m cable 6FC5 235-0AA05-0AA1
Cover of floppy disk drive with shutter, cover and bear- 6FC5 247-0AA20-0AA0
ing block
Features The AT-compatible floppy disk drive serves to archive data and programs on
3.5’’ diskettes. It can be installed, e.g. in the front panel of the control cubicle.
References For a complete description of the external 3.5’’ floppy disk drive, please refer to:
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
floppy disk drive 3.5’’
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
SITOP POWER Standard 24V/10A 6EP1 334-1SH01
Features The SITOP POWER Standard 24V/10A power supply mode provides the follow-
ing features:
Order number
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
SITOP POWER DC UPS module 15 6EP1 931-2EC11
Features The SITOP POWER DC UPS Module 15 provides the following features:
S Compact design
S Input voltage 24VDC
S Settable buffer time by DIP switches in the range between 5 to 315 sec. or
up to enforced shutdown by deep discharging.
S RS-232 interface (serial interface) for the additional output of all signals to a
Serial interface The connection from the SITOP POWER DC-UPS module 15 to the serial inter-
face of the PC is made using a 9-pin SUB-D interconnecting cable:
Order number
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
SITOP POWER storage battery module 6EP1 935-6MD11
S It has two maintenance-free, closed lead-acid batteries from the same lot,
which are installed in a holder and connected in series
2.12.1 Module
1 8
X1: Power supply ON
Dig. input/outputs
(50-pin ribbon cable connector)
Order number
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
I/O Module PP72/48 6FC5 611-0CA01-0AA0
Features The I/O module PP72/48 is a simple and low-cost module (without a separate
housing) for connecting digital input/outputs as part of an automation system
based on PROFIBUS DP.
The module has the following important features:
S Connecting cable
The required connecting cables must be provided by the user:
– Wire, conductor cross-section: 1.0–1.5mm2 (AWG17–AWG16)
S Power supply
For data concerning the power supply, see Subsection 2.12.3, page 2-101.
1 – – –
2 – – –
3 RxD/TxD-P B Receive/transmit data P (B line)
4 RTS O Request to Send
5 DGND VO Data reference potential (M5V)
6 VP VO Power supply voltage plus (P5V)
7 – – –
8 RxD/TxD-N B Receive/transmit data N (A line)
9 – – –
1) VO Voltage Output
O Output
B Bi-directional
S Connector
– 6ES7972-0BA40-0XA0; cable outlet 350, without PG socket connector
– 6ES7972-0BB40-0XA0; cable outlet 350, with PG socket connector
– 6ES7972-0BA11-0XA0; cable outlet 900, without PG socket connector
– 6ES7972-0BB11-0XA0; cable outlet 900, with PG socket connector
S Cables:
– 6XV1830-0EH10; by the meter, non-trailable
– 6XV1830-3BH10; by the meter, trailable
PROFIBUS The PROFIBUS address of the ADI4 can be set in the range 1 to 127 using
address (S1) switch S1.
Switch Meaning
1 PROFIBUS address: 20 = 1
2 PROFIBUS address: 21 = 2
3 PROFIBUS address: 22 = 4
4 PROFIBUS address: 23 = 8
5 PROFIBUS address: 24 = 16
6 PROFIBUS address: 25 = 32
7 PROFIBUS address: 26 = 64
8 not used
A newly set PROFIBUS address will only come into effect after power ON.
Digital inputs
PP72/48 P24OUT Pin number:
: :
: :
: :
: :
+24V stabilized
A max. current of Iout = 0.5A on X111, X222, X333: Pin 2 must not be ex-
ceeded. An exceeding of the maximum current might destroy the module.
Digital outputs
Driver 32
: :
: :
: :
: :
Driver 46
1 (M)
S Supply voltage
To power the digital outputs, an external 24VDC power supply source must
be connected to DOCOMx (X111, X222, X333: Pins 47, 48, 49, 50).
The reference ground of the external power supply source must be con-
nected to X111, X222, X333: Pin 1 (GND).
For further data, see Subsection 2.12.3, page 2-101.
At the user end, it must be ensured that the maximum current drawn per
DOCOMx Pin (X111, X222, X333: Pins 47, 48, 49, 50) does not exceed 1A.
The power supply (+24VDC) for the digital outputs must therefore be con-
nected to all 4 pins (X111, X222, X333: Pin 47, 48, 49, 50) for each DOCOMx.
LED: Status display The module has three LEDs through which the module status is displayed.
ADI4 module To power the ADI4 module (+24VDC), an external power supply source is
required. The power supply is connected through the screw terminal block X1.
Digital outputs To power the digital outputs (+24VDC), an external power supply source is
required. The power supply is connected through terminals X111, X222, X333,
pins 47, 48, 49, 50 (DOCOMx).
Digital inputs If the internal power supply from X111, X222, X333, Pin 2 (P24OUT) is not used
to power the digital inputs, it can be replaced by an external power supply
source (+24VDC) as an option.
The reference ground of the power supply source must be connected with X111,
X222, X333, Pin 1 (GND). X111, X222, X333, Pin 2 (P24OUT) then remains
Specification of The external power supply voltages must be generated as functional extra-low
the power supply voltages with safe electrical isolation (according to IEC 204-1, Section 6.4,
voltages (+24VDC) PELV) and must be grounded centrally by the user.
The reference ground of the terminals X111, X222, X333. pin 1 (GND) must be
connected to a common grounding point with the reference ground of the power
supply of the I/O module PP27/48.
The external power supply voltages must be generated as function extra-low
voltages with safe electrical isolation (IEC 204-1, Section 6.4, PELV) and must
be grounded centrally by the user.
Moreover, the external power supply voltages for the I/O modules PP72/48, the
digital outputs, and optionally the digital inputs must meet the specifications
according to Table 2-23.
minimum 20.4V
nominal 24V
max. 28.8V
minimum (dynamic) 18.5V
maximum (dynamic) 30.2V
Non-cyclic overvoltage
max. (absolute, transient) 35V
max. duration 500msecs
min. recovery time 50secs
max. events per h 10
Voltage failure for min. power supply voltage
max. duration 1) 50msecs
min. recovery time 1s
max. events per h 10
Power consumption
max. approx. 40W
S Polarity reversal
S Short-circuit (elec. current limitation of the outputs)
S Overload (fuse protection).
2.12.4 Grounding
The installation of the module must be performed acc. to EN 60204.
If a large-area, permanent metallic connection with the central ground point
through the rear panel is not possible, the mounting plate must be connected to
the grounding by means of a line (cross section >10mm2).
! A protective conductor must be connected.
10 10 170
Degree of protection IP 00
Class of protection Class of protection I, acc. to VDE 0106 P1:
1982 (IEC 536);
Protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies and
water to IEC 529
Certifications CE/CSA, CE
Power consumption
At nominal load 11W
Mechanical data
Dimensions WxHxD [mm] 194x325x35
Weight approx. 0.3kg approx. 1.2kg
without mounting plate with mounting plate
Climatic environmental conditions
Heat dissipation Open-circuit cooling
Operation Storage/transportation
Temperature limit values 0 ... 50°C –20 ... 55°C/–40 ... 70°C
Limit values of rel. humidity 5 ... 95% 5 ... 95%
not condensing not condensing
Condensation not admissible
Atmospheric pressure 700 ... 1060 hPa 700 ... 1060 hPa
Transportation height – –1000 ... 3000m
Shock loading during transportation
Free fall in transport package v1000mm
2.13 ADI4 (analog drive interface for 4 axes) (SW 09.01 and
2.13.1 Module
PROFIBUS address:
equivalent to
AH = 10D
Diagnostic LEDs
H2: EXCH RDY Connection for protective ground
screw M6
Order No.
Designation Order No. (MLFB)
ADI4 6FC5 211-0BA01-0AA1
Features The interface module ADI4 is suitable for operating up to four drives with an
analog setpoint interface on the PROFIBUS DP.
The module has the following important features:
To power the module and the digital outputs, an external power supply source
(+24VDC) is required.
Please observe the following framework conditions for operating the ADI4 DP
S Connecting cable
The required connecting cables must be provided by the user:
– Wire, conductor cross-section: 1.0–1.5mm2 (AWG17–AWG16)
S Supply voltage
For specification of the supply voltage, see Subsection 2.13.4, page 2-119.
S Connector
– 6ES7 972-0BA41-0XA0; 350 angle for cable outlet, without PG connec-
tion socket
– 6ES7 972-0BB41-0XA0; 350 angle for cable outlet, with PG connection
– 6ES7 972-0BA12-0XA0; 900 angle for cable outlet, without PG connec-
tion socket
– 6ES7 972-0BB12-0XA0; 900 angle for cable outlet, with PG connection
S Cables:
– 6XV1 830–0EH10; by the meter, non-trailable
– 6XV1 830–3EH10; by the meter, trailable
PROFIBUS The PROFIBUS address of the ADI4 can be set in the range 1 to 127 using
address (S2) switch S2.
Switch Meaning
1 PROFIBUS address: 20 = 1
2 PROFIBUS address: 21 = 2
3 PROFIBUS address: 22 = 4
4 PROFIBUS address: 23 = 8
5 PROFIBUS address: 24 = 16
6 PROFIBUS address: 25 = 32
7 PROFIBUS address: 26 = 64
8 not used
A newly set PROFIBUS address will only come into effect after power ON.
Pin number:
Signal: 14 ... 17
“Drive enable”
Axis 1 ... 4 47 ... 50
S Preassembled cables
– Order No. (MLFB) 6FX2 002-3AD01-1jj0
Cable length: v35m
Data about the length codes are to be found in:
References: /Z/ Catalog NC Z.
Pin Designation1) yp 2)
Type Function
incremental absolute (SSI)
1 Not assigned – –
2 – CLSx O SSI shift cycles
3 – CLSx_N O SSI shift cycles negated
4 P5MS VO Power supply voltage 5VDC
5 P24SSI VO Power supply voltage 24VDC
6 P5MS VO Power supply voltage 5VDC
7 GNDEXT VO Reference for power supply
8 Not assigned – –
9 GNDEXT VO Reference for power supply
10 Rx_S – I Zero mark signal
11 XRx_S – I Zero mark signal negated
12 XBx_S – I Encoder signal track B negated
13 Bx_S – I Encoder signal track B
14 XAx_S – I Encoder signal track A negated
– DATAx_N I SSI data inverted
15 Ax_S – I Encoder signal track A
– DATAx I SSI data
1) X Number of the encoder interface with X4-1=1, X4-2=2, X5-1=3, X5-2=4
2) VO Voltage Output
I Signal Input
O Signal Output
If cable lengths longer than 25m or 35m are required with incremental encod-
ers, you can use encoder types with a supply voltage of +24VDC instead.
To ensure error-free transmission of encoder data, do not exceed the max.
cable lengths shown in the table.
Supply voltage 1)
minimum 5.1V 20.4V
nominal 5V 24V
max. 5.3V 28.8V
max. 3.6Vpp
Current load
per encoder connection 0.3A
max. 1.35A 1A
1) P5MS: Supply voltage for encoders (+5VDC)
P24SSI: Supply voltage for encoders (+24VDC)
Only SSI Multiturn encoders can be used as absolute measuring systems.
S Pin assignment:
Table 2-31 Pin assignment: Digital output interface (X6-1)
1 (P24EXT2)
Driver 3
: :
: :
: :
: :
Driver 9
12 (MEXT2)
S Supply voltage:
An external power supply source 24VDC must be connected to the power
supply of the digital outputs at X6-1, pin 1 (P24EXT2).
The reference ground of the external power supply source must be con-
nected with X6-1, pin 12 (MEXT2).
For further data, see Subsection 2.13.8, page 2-124.
The lengths of the digital signal lines must not exceed 30m.
S Pin assignment:
Table 2-33 Pin assignment: Digital input interface (X6-2)
ADI4 P24OUT Pin number:
(+24VDC) 1
: :
: :
: :
: :
0V +24V
12 P24OUText
ext. power supply
M +24V stabilized
minimum 20.4V
nominal 24V
max. 28.8V
max. 3.6Vpp
Current load
typical 0.1A
max. 1A
Power consumption
typical 3.02W
max. 30.2W
Insulation class A, acc. to DIN 57110b
Module status The module status is displayed on 4 diagnostic LEDs on the front of the module.
Table 2-36 Diagnostic LEDs (H1/H2)
Mounting The housing of the ADI4 module must be connected with the back wall of the
cabinet and this, in turn, to the motors/machine through a low-resistance contact
for high-frequency interference currents. The ideal way of mounting the module
is on an unpainted mounting wall. The mounting wall must be connected to the
motors/machine by a large-area and conductive contact. Painted cabinet walls
and DIN rails, or similar mounting accessories with a small contact area do not
fulfill this requirement.
Cable routing Power and signal cables must always be laid apart. All signal cables of the I/O
interfaces (X6-1/X6-2) must be routed together. Single cores whose signals are
related must be twisted. Signal cables and encoder cables must ideally be laid
All cables within the cabinet must be routed as close as possible to the cabinet
walls, long routing through the open space can cause interference (antenna
effect). The vicinity of sources of interference (contactors, transformators, etc.)
must be avoided, placing a shield plate between the cable and the source of
interference, if necessary. Cable extension through terminals, etc. must be
avoided. To protect interference from external sources, signal cables must be
! The ADI4 is designed for operation in an enclosed cabinet. Operation outside
an enclosed cabinet is not permissible.
ADI4 module To power the ADI4 module (+24VDC), an external power supply source is
required. The power supply source is connected through terminal X1
(P24EXT1) on the front panel of the ADI4 module. See Subsection 2.13.2,
page 2-107.
Digital outputs To power the digital outputs (+24VDC), an external power supply source is
required. The power supply is connected through terminal X6-1, pin 1
(P24EXT2). See Subsection 2.13.2, page 2-107.
Digital inputs If the internal power supply from X6-2, Pin 1 (P24OUT) is not used to power the
digital inputs, it can be replaced by an external power supply source (+24VDC,
max. 1A) as an option.
The reference ground (GND) of the external power supply source must be con-
nected with X6-2, pin 12. X6-2, pin 1 (P24OUT) remains open.
Specification of The external power supplies for the ADI4 module, the digital outputs, and op-
the power supplies tionally the digital inputs must meet the specifications in Table 2-30.
Table 2-37 Specification of the external power supplies
Supply voltage 1)
P24EXT1 P24EXT2 P24OUText
minimum 18.5V
nominal 24V
max. 30.2V
max. 3.6Vpp
Current load
typical 0.5A – 0.1A
max. 1A 8A 1A
Power consumption
typical 12W – 3.02W
max. 30.2W 241.6W 30.2W
1) P24EXT1: Supply voltage of the ADI4 module
P24EXT2: Supply voltage for the digital outputs
P24OUText: Optional supply voltage for the digital inputs
The external power supply voltages must be generated as functional extra-low
voltages with safe electrical isolation (DIN EN 60204-1, Section 6.4, PELV).
On the module side, power supplies P24EXT1 and P24EXT2 must be protected
S Overvoltage
S Short-circuit (elec. current limitation of the outputs)
S Polarity reversal
S Overload
– P24EXT1: Fuse 2.5A/250V
– P24EXT2: Fuse 8A/125V.
2.13.5 Grounding
The installation of the module must be performed acc. to EN 60204.
The user must ground the power supply voltages. From terminal X1, pin 2
(MEXT1) or X6-1, pin 12 (MEXT2) it is necessary to establish a link with a
central grounding point of the system.
If a large-area, permanent metallic connection with the central ground point
through the rear panel is not possible, the module must be connected to the
grounding rail by means of a line (cross section >10mm2).
! A protective conductor must be connected.
The housing front has an M6 screw bottom right for connecting the protective
conductor. See Subsection 2.13.1, page 2-105.
Order No.
ADI4 Preassembled cable
MSTB 2.5/3-ST-5.08, Phoenix Ext. power supply
X1 Cable:
Ext. power supply 24VDC
Wire (1.0 to 2.5mm2)
6ES7 972-0BA41-0XA0
6ES7 972-0BB41-0XA0
6ES7 972-0BA12-0XA0
X2 6ES7 972-0BB12-0XA0 SINUMERIK 840Di
6XV1 830-0EH10
6XV1 830-3EH10
Incremental encoder with
6FX8 002-2CD01-1jj0 (5V) RS422 (TTL) (5V or 24V)
Connections for encoders 1 – 4
Absolute value encoder
6FX8 002-2CC11-1jj0 with SSI
1) 6FX2001-5...
Pulse encoder
6FX8 002-2CE02-1jj0 ROD320
v 35m in the 1FT5 motor
Ğ13 6.5
80 1)
Necessary clearance for adequate
80 1)
I/O Module PP72/48 Handheld unit
type B-MPI
Machine control panel PC/PG e.g. PG740 Terminal HT 6
Fig. 3-1 SINUMERIK 840Di system overview: PROFIBUS DP and MPI (as a diagram)
For details on general accessories, such cables, connectors and prefabricated
cables, please refer to in:
References: /Z/ Catalog NC Z, Accessories and Equipment
*) *)
PROFIBUS DP connection conditions:
References /POS1/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A User Manual
Distributor box
X5 or Handheld
Terminal HT 6
MCI board
Distributor box
PC/PG e.g. PG740 (4-core
confirmation technique)
Fig. 3-4 SINUMERIK 840Di MCI board and MPI bus components
Cable distributor
3.2.4 PCU 50
MCI board
Power supply
X101 X111
for 24 VDC
PS2 mouse
PS/2 mouse COM1 COM2
LPT1 VGA MPI/L2-DP Ethernet
PC card slot
PS/2 keyboard
MCI board extension
3.2.5 PCU 70
Slot 3 (slave)
Slot 4 (slave)
X101 X111
power supply
PS/2 mouse
Expansion slots
1) Slot 1 (Master/slave)
Connections Note
Assignment as with PCU 50 The MCI board must only be run in slot 1
2) Slot 2 (master/slave)
MCI board extension (option)
The connections of the PCU 70 correspond to those of the PCU 50.
Dig. I/O
(max. of 4 each)
6FX2002-4AA41-1jj0 Probe (max. of 2)
MCI board extension
Cable distributor
Cables: Electronic
6FX2002-4AA21-1jj0 handwheel
v25m (max. of 2)
Cables: Distributor 4)
6FX2002-4AA21-1jj0 6FX2006-1BG00 Mini HHU
v25m, for handwheel signals
X4 6FX2002-4AA21-1jj0
1) 4) HHU
v25m, for handwheel 6FX2006-1BC01
type B-MPI
signals 6FX2006-1BF00
The following is included in
the scope of supply of the
1) 6)
Distributor for 4-core Cables: Handheld
MCI board extension
6FX2002-1AA23-1jj0 terminal HT 6
6FX2006-1BH01 v40m
Programming device
200m, 1.5 Mbaud
e.g. PG740
1) 7)
Machine control panel
1) e.g. SIMODRIVE 611
2) 7) universal
X111 PP 031-MC or
MCI board
3) 100m, 12 MBaud
1) 1) 1)
I/O module PP72/48 Interf. modules ADI4
Standard PC e.g. ET200M
interfaces 5)
Fig. 3-9 Connection overview PCU 50, MCI board and MCI board extension
1) Connector:
6ES7972-0BA40-0XA0; cable outlet 350, without socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6ES7972-0BB40-0XA0; cable outlet 350, with socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6ES7972-0BA11-0XA0; cable outlet 900, without socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6ES7972-0BB11-0XA0; cable outlet 900, with socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6XV1830-0EH10; yard ware, non-trailable
6XV1830-3BH10; yard ware, trailable
2) Connector:
6GK1500-0EA02; cable outlet 1800, without socket connector for program-
ming device
6XV1830-0EH10; yard ware, non-trailable
6XV1830-3BH10; yard ware, trailable
3) Connector:
6ES7972-0BB40-0XA0; cable outlet 350, with socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6ES7972-0BB11-0XA0; cable outlet 900, with socket connector for pro-
gramming device
6XV1830-0EH10; yard ware, non-trailable
6XV1830-3BH10; yard ware, trailable
4) The cable is included in the scope of supply of the HHU or the mini HHU.
5) For an overview of the standard PC interfaces, see Fig. 3-6, page 3-129
and Fig. 3-7, page 3-129.
References: /BH/ Operator Components Manual
Component PCU 50.
6) – HT 6 always plugged: Max. of 200m from connector X111 to HT 6
– HT 6 not always plugged: Max. of 200m from connector X111 to HT 6
With repeater only:
RS485 (6ES7972-0AA01-1XA0)
Otherwise, total length of MPI from connector
X111 to distributor v5m
– The line -4EA04 is not permitted.
Always connect the HT 6 at an end of the MPI path (integrated bus ter-
The HT 6 can also be connected to a distributor with 3-core confirmation.
– Distributor: 6FX2006-1BC01
– Cable: 6FX2002-1AA83-1jj0
The length codes for preassembled cables 6FXj002–... can be found in:
References: /BU/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC
Ordering information
Catalog NC 60@2000/2001
For supplementary conditions (if any) applicable to the individual accessories,
please refer to:
Accessories and Equipment for Special-Purpose
Catalog NC Z.
Shielded Only use the cables specified in the individual diagrams to ensure safe
signal cables interference-free operation of the system. Generally, the shield must be
conductively connected to the housings on both ends.
Installation rules In order to achieve maximum noise immunity of the whole system (control
system, power section, machine), observe the following EMC measures:
S Make sure that the signal lines have a sufficient clearance from strong
magnetic fields (e.g. motors and transformers).
S Make sure that the distance (interference injection area) between the cables
listed below is as low as possible:
– Signal line and signal line
– Signal line and appropriate equipotential bonding conductor
– Equipotential bonding conductor and appropriate protective conductor.
! For further notes on interference suppression measures and the connection of
shielded cables, please refer to
References: /EMV/ EMC Installation Guide.
Handling of ESD modules:
S When you are handling ESD-sensitive devices, make sure that you, your
workplace and the device packaging are grounded well.
An exception are modules with their own power supplies (e.g. battery).
These may not be placed on conductive surfaces, as this might result in
short circuits and thus destroy the component on the module.
S Do not bring ESD-sensitive modules into the vicinity of visual display units,
monitors or TV sets (minimum distance to the screen > 10 cm).
On the SINUMERIK 840Di, nodes must not be plugged in or removed during
operation on the MPI bus.
MPI bus addresses Each node at the MPI bus must have a bus address in the range (0...31).
S Is the data transfer rate of all nodes whose data transfer rate is set manually
(DIP switches) set to 1.5 Mbaud?
In some components (e.g. HHU and HT 6), the terminating resistor is installed
S The Handheld Unit (HHU) and the Handheld Terminal 6 (HT 6) have inte-
grated terminating resistors.
If possible do not use stubs at all.
4. Each MPI node must be connected first to the bus and then be enabled.
When disconnecting the node, first disable the node. Then you can discon-
nect the node from the bus.
5. A maximum of 2 of the following components can be connected per bus
– Machine control panel (MCP)
– Handheld unit (HHU)
– Handheld Terminal 6 (HT 6)
6. Do not enable the bus terminating resistors at the distributor boxes of an
HHU or HT 6, since they are already integrated in the appropriate device.
7. Maximum cable lengths:
PCU 50
HT 6 with OP 012 and
ON HMI Advanced
MPI bus PCU 50
Terminating resistor MCI board
in the connector enabled
Terminating resistor
Standard MPI The following figure 5-2 shows a SINUMERIK 840Di with the user interface run-
addresses ning on the PCU:
PG 740 customer operator HT 6
0 6 14
MPI bus PLC (PCU with MCI board)
HMI Advanced
X Address at MPI bus
Fig. 5-2 Default addresses at the MPI bus with SINUMERIK 840Di
+Y +X +C
[.] 1 –Z +Z
10 100 –C –X –Y % %
1000 10000
Fig. 5-3 Machine control panel front side; example: Version T (turning machine)
A programming device is not required if the SIMATIC Manager STEP7 is
installed on the SINUMERIK 840Di.
How to install additional software is described in Chapter 15, page 15-455.
Automation To start up the MCP, the automation system must be electrically and mechani-
system cally connected completely with respect to NCK, PLC and MCP.
The drives must be secured against accidental moving.
Electrical The MCP’s electrical connections and connections for MPI communication are
connection made using the interfaces on the rear side of the MCP.
1 2 3 4
3 1
4 2
For a detailed description of the electrical and mechanical design and of the
MCP interfaces, please refer to:
References: /BH/ Operator Components, Manual
Section: Machine control panel (MCP)
Display of After the MCP has been electrically connected, all LEDs on the front side of the
software version MCP flash until no communication takes place between MCP and PLC.
Simultaneously pressing the two keys “Feed stop” and “Feed enable” (in the
bottom right corner) displays the version number of the current software version
using the LEDs now lighting continuously.
Version number = V “Number of lighting LEDs in the left LED group”
“Number of lighting LEDs in the middle LED group”
“Number of lighting LEDs in the right LED group”
Version number V4.1.5 is displayed in the example (Fig. 5-5).
+Y +X +C
[.] 1 –Z +Z
10 100 –C –X –Y % %
1000 10000
Left key/LED group Right key/LED group Enable software version display
(both keys simultaneously)
Middle key/LED group
Data transfer rate The data transfer rate is set using switch S3 on the rear side of the MPI module.
It is 1.5 Mbaud on the MPI bus of the SINUMERIK 840Di.
Setting on S3: see Table 5-1, page 5-143.
S3 switch The parameters are set using switch S3 on the rear side of the MCP.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meaning:
ON Data transfer rate = 1.5 Mbaud
OFF Data transfer rate = 187.5 kbaud
ON OFF 200msecscycle transmit pattern/2400msecs receive monitoring
OFF ON 100msecscycle transmit pattern/1200msecs receive monitoring
OFF OFF 50msecscycle transmit pattern/ 600msecs receive monitoring
ON ON ON ON MPI address: 15
OFF ON ON OFF 6 (default setting)
ON Type = interface to customer operator panel
OFF Type = MCP
ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF Default setting
ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF Default setting for 840Di
Data transfer rate: 1.5 Mbaud
Cyclical transmit pattern: 100msecs
MPI address: 6
Type: MCP
Program structure The PLC program has a modular structure. It consists of the following function
The user (machine manufacturer) must call the relevant part of the basic
in the OBs 1, 40 and 100, as shown in Fig. 5-6.
OB 100 FB 1
Restart e.g. MCP parameters
User program
OB 1
Cyclic Mode grp.
processing GP-OB 1 Channel
FC 14
FC 6
FC 19/25/26
User FC (9/15/16/18)
program HPU_MCP
con. axes/
FC 7/8/22 spindles
TM_Trans FB 2/3/4
Read/ write
var., PI
FC 17 services
FC 10
Error and FC 13
messages HHU:
Display control
OB 40 FC 3
G group
Process alarm GP_PRAL
Setting the The MCP communication parameters are designated in function block FB1 with
communication MCPx... (with x = 1 or 2).
parameters (FB1) In addition to a first MCP, a second MCP or an HT 6 (for HT 6, see Section 5.7,
page 5-161) can be active as another operator component at the same time.
The MCP2... parameters are only needed if in addition to the 1st MCP, a 2nd
MCP or HT 6 is used:
MCP2In: POINTER; // address of the MCP/HT 6 2 input signals
MCP2Out: POINTER; // address of the MCP/HT 6 2 output signals
A maximum of two MCP/HT 6 can be operated on an MPI line. To be able to
use MCP and HT 6 on an automation system alternately or simultaneously, the
user (machine manufacturer) has to adapt the PLC program accordingly.
References For a detailed description of the basic PLC program or of function block FB 1,
please refer to:
/FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine: P3, Basic PLC Program
Section: FB 1: RUN_UP Basic program, start-up section
NC interface FC 19 (for version “M” MCP, milling) or FC 25 (for version “T” MCP, turning)
parameter transfers the signals of the MCP to the NC through the interface.
Block FC 19 or FC 25 is part of the basic PLC program. It is the user’s (ma-
chine manufacturer’s) responsibility to call the block correctly and/or assign the
interface the appropriate parameters.
Use the terminating resistor integrated in the MPI connector according to the
general rules for connecting components to the MPI bus.
Since function block FB1 is not yet parameterized in the basic PLC program,
communication with the PLC does not yet take place and all LEDs on the
MCP front panel flash.
2. Checking the software version
Simultaneously pressing the keys “Feed stop” and “Feed enable” displays
the software version using the LEDs located on the front side.
3. Parameterizing function block FB 1 (editing the FB 1 parameters in OB 100
using the SIMATIC Manager STEP7)
The MCP will be parameterized as the first and only MCP as an example:
MCPNum: INT:= 1; // one MCP is connected
// P# = pointer to
MCP1In: P#E 0.0; // address of input data (8 bytes)
MCP1Out: P#A A 0.0; // address of input data (8 bytes)
5. Load the modified blocks into the PLC and then restart the PLC.
6. After communication with the PLC has been established, the LEDs on the
MCP front stop flashing.
S Mode: Referencing
S Spindle Stop
S Feed hold
light up continuously.
Use The MPI (multi-point interface) is a module for connecting custom made opera-
tor panels to a SINUMERIK 840Di.
To this aim, the module provides 3 I/O interfaces with a total of 64 digital outputs
with C-MOS level (5V).
Electrical The MPI module’s electrical connections and connections for MPI communica-
connection tion are made using the interfaces on the rear side of the module.
SW version
x.x H3
X10 H4
S3 H2
Fig. 5-7 Position of the interfaces on the rear side of the MPI module
For a detailed description of the electrical and mechanical design, as well as for
the interfaces of the MPI module, please refer to:
Display of soft- A label indicating the current software version is to be found on the firmware
ware version EPROM (see Fig. 5-7).
Data transfer rate The data transfer rate is set using switch S3 on the rear side of the MPI module.
It is 1.5 Mbaud on the MPI bus of the SINUMERIK 840Di.
Setting on S3: see Table 5-2, page 5-149.
Switch S3 The data transfer rate is set using switch S3 on the rear side of the MPI module.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meaning:
ON Data transfer rate = 1.5 Mbaud
OFF Data transfer rate = 187.5 kbaud
ON OFF 200msecs cycle transmit pattern/ 2400msecs receive monitoring
OFF ON 100msecs cycle transmit pattern/ 1200msecs receive monitoring
OFF OFF 50msecs cycle transmit pattern/ 600msecs receive monitoring
ON ON ON ON MPI address: 15
OFF ON ON OFF 6 (default setting)
ON Type = MPI module
OFF Type = MCP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Meaning:
ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF ON Default setting
ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF ON Default setting for 840Di
Data transfer rate: 1.5 Mbaud
Cyclical transmit pattern: 100msecs
MPI address: 6
Type: MPI module
30 70
20 80
10 90
0 110
Hardware The following hardware components are required to start up the HHU:
Distributor box
The distributor box incorporates the MPI module interface, the HHU interface,
as well as a terminal block for connecting EMERGENCY STOP, enable keys,
handwheel and 24V power supply.
HHU connection cable
The HHU is connected to the distributor box using the HHU cable.
MPI bus cable
Under no circumstances may the MPI connector for connecting the HHU con-
tain an integrated bus terminating resistor, since a bus terminating resistor is
already integrated in the HHU.
A programming device is not required if the SIMATIC Manager STEP7 is
installed on the SINUMERIK 840Di.
How to install additional software is described in Chapter 15, page 15-455.
Software The following software components are required to start up the HHU:
Basic PLC program
The basic PLC is included on the SINUMERIK 840Di installation CD. (Start se-
tup.exe; Products –> Basic PLC Program.)
HHU-related blocks of the basic PLC program are FB1 (HHU parameter) and
FC13 (display control).
SIMATIC Manager S7 is used for adapting the basic PLC and user programs
(e.g. call of FC 13).
Automation In order to start up the HHU, the automation system must be electrically and
system mechanically connected completely with respect to NC, PLC and MCP.
The drives must be secured against accidental moving.
Connecting the In order to connect HHU electrically and for communication along the MPI bus,
HHU electrically a distributor box is used.
The distributor box has an interface to the MPI bus, as well as a terminal block
for connecting EMERGENCY STOP, enable keys, handwheel and 24V power
Connecting If you wish to connect more than two HHUs to a bus segment or if the HHU can-
several HHUs not be connected at the bus end, it is generally recommended to use a PROFI-
BUS repeater for connecting the HHUs.
Distributor box
Repeater RS-485
Open terminating resistor
If a HHU is connected to the bus ends, no repeater is required.
For a detailed description of the electrical and mechanical design, as well as for
the interfaces of the HHU module, please refer to:
References: /BH/ Operator Components, Manual
Section: Handheld Unit and Distributor Box.
Setting the MPI The relevant parameters for the MPI communication of the HHU:
S MPI address
S Data transfer rate
S IDLE time
are set using DIP switches. The relevant DIP switches S1 and S2 are integrated
in the HHU.
To check or modify the parameters, disconnect the HHU from mains. After loos-
ening the fastening screws, you can remove the HHU front plate.
1.5 Mbaud
2 IDLE time
S1 4
S2 Default MPI
S2 address 15D
Data transfer rate The data transfer default setting must be changed from 187.5 kbaud to
1.5 Mbaud. To do so, set switch 3 of DIP switch S1 to ON.
To run the HHU on the MPI bus of the SINUMERIK 840Di, the data transfer rate
has to be set to 1.5 Mbaud.
MPI address The MPI address is set to FH = 15D by default. This address can normally be
Table 5-3 MPI addresses that can be set using S2
S2 MPI address
1 2 3 4
ON ON ON ON FH = 15D (default address)
Display of soft- After the HHU has been electrically connected, the message: “Waiting for PLC”,
ware version and the software version and the MPI address are displayed on the screen until no
MPI address communication between HHU and PLC takes place.
Program structure The PLC program has a modular structure. It consists of the following function
FB 1
OB 100
Restart e.g. HHU parameters
User program
OB 1
Cyclic Mode grp.
processing GP-OB 1 Channel
FC 14
FC 6
FC 19/25/26
User FC (9/15/16/18)
program HPU_MCP
con. axes/
FC 7/8/22 spindles
TM_Trans FB 2/3/4
Read/ write
var., PI
FC 17 services
FC 10
Error and FC 13
messages HHU:
Display control
FC 3
OB 40
G group
Process alarm GP_PRAL
Setting the MPI The MPI parameters are set on the PLC side in function block FB 1. Since the
parameters data transfer rate of the MPI bus with SINUMERIK 840Di is 1.5 Mbaud, the pa-
(FB 1) rameters have to be set as follows:
HHU: INT:= 2; // the HHU is operated on an MPI bus
HHU MPI BOOL:= FALSE // at 1.5 Mbaud
To be able to use HHU on an automation system alternately or simultaneously
together with MCP/HT 6, the user (machine manufacturer) has to adapt the
PLC program accordingly.
References For a detailed description of the basic PLC program or of function block FB 1,
please refer to:
/FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine: P3, Basic PLC Program
Section: FB 1: RUN_UP Basic program, start-up section
Section: FC 13: BHGDisp Display control for handheld unit.
Global data GD stands for global data. Global data serve to exchange smaller volumes of
data between two or several automation components.
The data exchange is carried out by the operating systems of the automation
components involved. This has the advantage that no further programming is
required with respect to this communication.
GD circle parameters The GD circle parameters of a node (here: HHU) must be set for SEND and
RECEIVE separately.
S GD circle number
S GBZ number
S Object number.
Default setting The GD circle parameters of the HHU are assigned default values. Normally,
these default values can be kept.
Setting the GD The current values of the GD circle parameters of the HHU can be set and/or
circle parameters checked on the HHU display (see Fig. 5-13).
Activate display
While the message “Waiting for PLC” is displayed on the HHU display, the up-
permost right and left keys must be pressed simultaneously (see Fig. 5-13).
Then the first GD circle parameter is displayed.
Modify value
The value of a GD circle parameter can be modified within its admissible range
of values using the + or – keys (see Fig. 5-13).
Display next parameter
Use the 2nd key from the left in the uppermost key row (see Fig. 5-13) to ad-
vance to the next parameter. After the last GD circle parameter has been
reached, the set values will be automatically saved in the HHU (flash EPROM).
Activate display
(press simultaneously)
next parameter
Current value + 1
Current value – 1
Setting the GD The GD circle parameters on the side of the PLC are set side in function block
circle parameters FB 1. For editing FB1, it has to be loaded into SIMATIC Manager STEP7.
(FB 1) The HHU GD circle parameters of FB1 must comply with the GD circle parame-
ters set in the HHU.
In this context, you should note that the GD circle parameters for sending and
receiving HHU and PLC (FB1) must be identical one across the other, i.e. the
send parameters of the HHU are the receive parameters of the PLC and the
receive parameters of the HHU are the send parameters of the PLC.
Send-GD-No HHUSendGDNo
Send-Obj-No HHUSendObjNo
Rec-Obj-No HHURecObjNo
The GD circle parameters of sender and receiver must be identical crosswise.
BHGTimeout:= S5T#700MS
BHGCycl:= S5T#400MS
BIT7 in the 1st output byte (parameter: HHUOut; in the example, A 8.7), must
be set to fixed value 1.
7. Load the modified function block into the PLC and then restart the PLC.
8. After communication with the PLC has been established, the message
“Waiting for PLC ...” will disappear from the HHU display.
Now, the display set by way of the block FC13 will appear on the display.
References: /FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine: P3,
Basic PLC Program
Section: FC 13: HHUDisp Display control for
handheld unit
A programming device/PC is not required if the SIMATIC Manager STEP7 is
installed on the SINUMERIK 840Di.
The installation of additional software on the SINUMERIK 840Di is described in
Chapter 15, page 15-455.
Automation In order to start up the HT 6, the automation system must be electrically and
system mechanically connected completely with respect to NC, PLC and HT 6.
The drives must be secured against accidental moving.
Electrical In order to connect HT 6 electrically and for the MPI communication, a distribu-
connection tor box is used.
Under no circumstances may the MPI connector for connecting the HT 6 be
enabled, since the HT 6 already contains an integrated bus terminator.
Please observe the warning notices with respect to the MPI cables and the
EMERGENCY STOP jumper. (For a detailed description, please refer to the
relevant references).
For a detailed description of the electrical and mechanical design of the distribu-
tor box, as well as for the electrical and data interfaces of the HT 6, please refer
References: /BH/ Operator Components, Manual
Section: Handheld Terminal HT 6
Data transfer rate The HT 6 detects the data transfer rate at the MPI bus automatically. With the
SINUMERIK 840Di, it is 1.5 Mbaud.
MPI address The factory-set MPI address of the HT 6 is 14 by 14D (D = decimal). The default
address can only be modified using the HT 6 system software.
Display of the The current software version of the HT 6 is displayed in a menu of the user in-
software version terface. After power-up of the HT 6, you will get to this menu using the following
sequence of operations:
2. Soft keys Diagnosis > Service display > Version > Vers. MMC.
Program structure The PLC program has a modular structure. It consists of the following function
OB 100 FB 1
Restart e.g. HHU parameters
User program
Cyclic Mode grp.
processing GP-OB 1 Channel
FC 14
FC 6
FC 19/25/26
User FC (9/15/16/18)
program HPU_MCP
con. axes/
FC 7/8/22 spindles
TM_Trans FB 2/3/4
Read/ write
var., PI
FC 17 services
FC 10
Error and FC 13
messages HHU:
Display control
OB 40 FC 3
Process alarm GP_PRAL
G group
The MCP2... parameters are only needed if in addition to the 1st MCP/HT 6 a
HT 6 is additionally used:
MCP2In: POINTER; // address of the MCP/HT 6 2 input signals
MCP2Out: POINTER; // address of the MCP/HT 6 2 output signals
A maximum of two MCP/HT 6 can be operated on an MPI line. To be able to
use MCP and HT 6 on an automation system alternately or simultaneously, the
user (machine manufacturer) has to adapt the PLC program accordingly.
References For a detailed description of the basic PLC program or of function block FB1,
please refer to:
/FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine: P3, Basic PLC Program
Section: FB 1: RUN_UP Basic program, start-up section
Block FC 26 or FC is part of the basic PLC program. It is the user’s (machine
manufacturer’s) responsibility to call the block correctly and/or assign the inter-
face the appropriate parameters.
The terminating resistor in the MPI bus connector on the distributor box for
connecting the HHU must be disabled. (The HT 6 has an integrated MPI bus
terminating resistor).
Once power is present on the HT 6, the start screen for communication with
the HT 6 system software is displayed for some seconds. (Use key “6” be-
neath the key labeling “PARAM” to get to the data transfer rate selection
menu of the serial interface of the HT 6).
After the waiting time has expired or pressing a key, the message:
Waiting for PLC
V04.01.01 date time
is displayed.
Since function block FB 1 in the basic PLC program is not yet parameter-
ized, communication with the PLC does not yet take place.
2. Parameterizing function block FB 1 (editing FB 1 in SIMATIC Manager
The HT 6 is parameterized as the first and only MCP as an example:
// P# = pointer to
MCP1In: P#E 0.0; // address of input data (8 bytes)
MCP1Out: P#A A 0.0; // address of input data (8 bytes)
3. Insert block FC 26 into the cyclic part of the PLC program (see Fig. 5-16).
4. Load the modified blocks into the PLC and then restart the PLC.
5. After communication with the PLC has been established, the message
“Waiting for PLC ...” will disappear from the HT 6 main screen.
References For a detailed description of the actions to be taken and the devices required,
please refer to:
/BH/ Operator Components Manual
Section: Handheld Terminal HT 6
Connecting and disconnecting the HT 6 during operation.
Data transfer rate With the SINUMERIK 840Di, the data transfer rate at the MPI bus is 1.5 Mbaud.
S HMI Advanced
With HMI Advanced, the data transfer rate must be set to 1.5 Mbaud in the
menu “Start-up/MMC/operator panel”.
S HMI Advanced
HMI Advanced is always supplied with several languages; default language
is English.
Protection levels The protection levels for the user data are set in the machine data 9200 to
User data 9299.
RS-232 interfaces The RS-232 interface settings are stored from MD 9300 onwards. The settings
for three different devices are made in the “Services” menu using an input dis-
Language To be able to switch between the two configured languages even when the op-
switchover erator is not familiar with the selected language, the switchover between the
languages must be performed “blindfolded”:
1. Select menu bar.
2. Select “Start-up” (3rd horizontal soft key from right).
3. Switch to the highest level with RECALL.
4. Select “Change language” (3rd vertical soft key from top).
HMI Advanced HMI Advanced offers several possibilities to switch over the language during
Language The selectable languages are set and managed in a file. When the language is
switchover switched in online operation, the first language remains as originally set and
concept only the second language can be changed.
Switchover The vertical soft key labeled “Change language” in the “Start-up” display is used
between two to switch between two languages. The switchover takes effect immediately. This
languages key can only be used to switch between two predefined languages.
Online change of Different languages are selected in the “Start-up/MMC/Languages” display (pro-
the 2nd language vided that languages are loaded).
This screen displays a list from which the user can choose the desired lan-
guage(s). The user selects the desired language and acknowledges his/her
selection with “OK”. The user can then change over between the first language
and the language just set by selecting the “Change language” soft key in the
“Start-up” display. The 2nd language can always be changed in online mode.
Installing HMI Advanced contains the languages German and English as default lan-
language guages. The two supplementary packages (1 and 2) are also available.
packages Supplementary package 1: European languages:
GR German (standard)
SP Spanish
FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian
Supplementary package 2: Asian languages:
KO Korean (Korea) pictographic language
TW Chinese (Taiwan) pictographic language
CH Chinese (Mandarin) pictographic language
Defining useable In the file c:<installation path>\mmc2\mmc.ini, the languages that can be
languages used in the MMC are configured. Any modifications to the file described in the
following can be made using the editor provided to the user under Start-up/
Default setting Two languages can be configured from the languages listed below:
without activating GR German (standard)
pictographic SP Spanish
languages FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian
First language German, second language English
File MMC.INI must be altered as shown below:
Excerpt from mmc.ini:
When editing file MMC.INI, take care to ensure that you change only the high-
lighted (bold print) texts. Make sure that your entries are spelled correctly.
Default setting Two languages can be configured from the languages listed below:
with pictographic GR German (standard)
languages SP Spanish
FR French
UK English (standard)
IT Italian
TW Chinese (Taiwan) pictographic language
CH Chinese (Mandarin) pictographic language
First language German, second language Chinese
File MMC.INI must be altered as shown below:
AddOn products To be able to operate the control with pictographic languages, the appropriate
AddOn product must be installed for each selectable language. Languages
based on different AddOn products cannot be configured at the same time.
When you change the “LanguageList”, “FontList”, “LBList” and “AddOnProd”
lines, make sure that you only manipulate (shift, delete) the “;” character repre-
senting the comment.
When editing file MMC.INI, take care to ensure that you change only the high-
lighted (bold print) texts. Make sure that your entries are spelled correctly.
6.1.1 Checklist
SINUMERIK 840 Di The following checklist will help you to start up the supplied components without
undue problems and to guarantee high availability on your product:
SIMODRIVE 611 With regard to the SIMODRIVE 611 universal inverter systems, some additional
universal points must be observed. For more detailed information, please refer to the fol-
lowing references:
References: /FBU/ Description of Functions, SIMODRIVE 611 universal.
Limit values All components are dimensioned for defined mechanical, climatic and electrical
environmental conditions. No limit value may be exceeded, neither during op-
eration, nor during transport.
In particular, the following must be observed:
– Mains conditions
– Pollution burden
– Hazardous gases
– Climatic environmental conditions
– Storage/transportation
– Shock load
– Vibratory load
– Ambient temperature.
The individual steps for a commissioning are listed below in the recommended
1. The whole plant is mechanically and electrically connected and tested acc.
to the checklist (see above) for errors.
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal inverter system
– Motors
– SIMATIC S7 I/O components
– HMI user interfaces.
2. The order numbers (MLFB) of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives and
SIMATIC S7-I/O components should be available.
When creating the SIMATIC S7 project, they are used to check whether the
component chosen from the hardware catalog by “HW Config” corresponds
to the component used on the plant.
3. Configure the SINUMERIK 840Di completely on first booting
(Section 6.2, page 6-175).
4. Create the PLC default program (basic PLC program, PLC user program
and configuration) supplied for the PLC or your own SIMATIC S7 project and
load it into the PLC (Chapter 7, page 7-203).
5. Prepare the SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives for communication on PROFI-
BUS DP (Chapter 9, page 9-263).
6. Carry out ramp-up of the NC (channels, axes and spindles, etc.)
(Section 10.5, page 10-308)
7. Setting up the alarm texts (Chapter 11, page 11-403).
8. Carry out ramp-up of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives through PROFI-
BUS DP using SimoCom U.
References: /FBU/ Description of Functions, SIMODRIVE 611 universal.
9. Carry out a dry run for all axes and for the spindle
(Chapter 12, page 12-411).
10. Carry out the drive optimization of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives us-
ing HMI Advanced (Chapter 13, page 13-417) and/or SimoCom U
11. Carry out a user data backup (series machine ramp-up file)
(Chapter 14, page 14-449).
12. If necessary carry out also a complete data backup (partition and/or hard
disk image) (Section 15.3, page 15-471).
6.2.1 Basic ramp-up of the system software (SW 2.2 and higher)
Objective of basic After a basic start-up described in the following, the following prerequisites must
ramp-up be provided:
Delivery state At delivery, the hard disk of the PCU is already partitioned for running SINUM-
ERIK 840Di and any other SINUMERIK applications. The software applications
included in the delivery are ready for installation and are located on the hard
disk under D:\Setup\Apps\<Application1> . . . <Application n>.
Installing the When the PCU is first booted, the following menu is displayed:
Welcome to SINUMERIK !
Install NOW
CANCEL installing
Menu commands:
S Install NOW
All the applications displayed will be installed in the listed order. During the
installation procedure follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
You must not switch off the PCU during the entire installation procedure. Loss
of data!
S CANCEL installing
None of the listed applications are installed.
Notice! It is not possible to repeat the installation process at a later time.
The installation menu is not displayed the next time the PCU is booted. It is
not possible to repeat the installation process.
Completion Once the PCU has powered up again, you can continue with the basic start-up
procedure of the PLC (Subsection 6.2.3, page 6-179).
6.2.2 Basic start-up of the system software (SW 2.1 and lower)
Objective of basic After a basic start-up described in the following, the following prerequisites must
start-up be provided:
S SINUMERIK 840Di-NC and PLC are operated in cyclic operation
S If a machine control panel is connected, no alarms or messages should be
S The displayed axes of the NC can be traversed by simulation.
Loading the The first step of basic start-up is to copy the SINUMERIK 840Di system soft-
system software ware and Windows NT to the PCU hard disk.
On delivery, the hard disk of the PCU is already partitioned for operation of the
SINUMERIK 840Di and any further SINUMERIK applications, and the software
required for basic start-up is installed:
– The boot software and further software required for start-up is to be
found at C:
– The disk image with the SINUMERIK 840Di system software and Win-
dows NT are to be found at D:\Images
The drives E: and F: are empty.
Selecting the When the PCU is booted for the first time, the following menu appears:
Please Select SINUMERIK HMI Version to install:
1 SINUMERIK 840Di Software <version>
9 Service menu
Use the appropriate key “1” ... “8” to select the version you want to install and
then press “Y” to confirm.
After your confirmation, the appropriate disk image is copied to the hard disk
(drives C:, E: and F:) .
The contents of the hard disk will then be as follows:
1st partition/drive C:
The drive C: contains:
– MS DOS 6.2
Service menu Use the key “9” to call the service menu.
Please select:
3 DOS Shell
5 SINUMERIK System Check
6 Reboot System (warm restart)
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
9 Exit
SINUMERIK The menu item 5 SINUMERIK System Check will grant you access to a follow-
System Check ing menu to choose the error checks:
– Logic check of the directory/file system
– Physical check of the hard disk.
S Backup
create ghost images of individual partitions or of the entire hard disk and to
save them locally under D:\Images or to transfer them to an external com-
puter using a parallel or network connection.
S Restore
load ghost images from an external computer using a parallel or network
The backup/restore process is described in detail in Section 15.3, page 15-471.
Starting the After installing the system software (SW 2.1 and lower)/completing the installa-
SINUMERIK tion procedure (SW 2.2 and higher), a the system is automatically rebooted. The
Desktop PCU will then power up and the default menu of the boot manager is displayed:
Service menu (hidden)
To start the SINUMERIK desktop (Windows NT), press the input key to confirm
or wait the preset time until the boot process is started automatically.
Carrying out After the SINUMERIK desktop (Windows NT) has appeared, only the supplied
basic start-up PLC series machine start-up must be loaded into the PLC for basic start-up.
To do so, proceed as follows:
1. Start the “SinuCom NC” start-up tool from the Windows NT taskbar:
Start > Programs > SinuCom NC > SinuCom NC
2. Use SinuCom NC to load the supplied series machine start-up file
PLC_BSP.ARC into the PLC.
Menu command: File > SeriesStart-up archive > ReadIn
Dialog: Read-in archive
– Optional field: Data management
– Button: “NEXT”
– Select the file PLC_BSP.ARC from the Archive folder.
– Button: “FINISH”.
Basic start-up has then been completed. NC and PLC run in cyclic mode.
If a machine control panel is connected, the LEDs of the machine control panel
should now no longer flash and no more alarms should be present on the NC.
Testing the When you press the keys “Feed Start” and “Feed Stop” when the machine con-
system software trol panel powers up (all LEDs flash), the software version of the machine con-
trol panel is displayed.
This means that the system software of the machine control panel has booted
correctly and waits until the cyclic communication is established by the PLC.
Check the MPI Whether the machine control panel on the MPI bus is detected, can be checked
communication as follows:
S HMI Advanced
With HMI Advanced, the active nodes at the MPI bus are displayed with
operating area Start-up > MMC > Operator panel > Bus node.
MPI default The MPI default addresses of the individual components are:
– PLC = 2
– NC = 3
– Machine control panel = 6.
If the machine control panel is displayed as an MPI node with address 6, it has
been detected correctly.
Error note If the machine control panel continues to flash, check the parameterization of
the PLC block FB1, Subsection 5.4.3, page 5-143.
6.3 Ramp-up
The PCU powers up and the menu of the boot manager is displayed:
OS Loader ...
Service menu (not visible)
The user data of the NC (machine data, setting data, user variables, parts pro-
grams, cycles, etc.), as well as the retentive data of the PLC are battery-backed
in the static memory area (SRAM) of the MCI board.
With each “NCK power ON RESET” (warm restart) or shutting down Windows
NT correctly, the contents of the SRAM is saved to the hard disk of the PCU as
an SRAM image. In this case, the SRAM image valid until then also be saved to
the hard disk of the PCU as an SRAM backup.
In certain error or service cases, it is also possible to use the SRAM image or
backup to be able to continue work immediately without recommissioning the
Serial No. SRAM SRAM image SRAM backup Used user data / remark
MCI board MCI board (hard disk) (hard disk)
Known yes not applicable not applicable MCI / normal ramp-up
Known no yes not applicable IMAGE / no message box or alarms;
see Subsection 6.3.4; case 1
Known no no yes BACKUP / message box and alarm;
see Subsection 6.3.4; case 2
Known no no no Start-up / Restart-up required
Unknown yes yes not applicable MCI or IMAGE / Request carried out;
see Subsection 6.3.6
Unknown yes not applicable not applicable MCI / message box;
(SW update) see Subsection 6.3.5
Unknown yes no yes MCI or BACKUP / Request carried out; if BACKUP
is selected, message box and alarm will occur;
see Subsection 6.3.4; case 2
Unknown yes no no MCI / message box;
see Subsection 6.3.5
Unknown no yes not applicable IMAGE / MessageBox;
see Subsection 6.3.4; case 1
Unknown no no yes BACKUP / message box and alarm;
see Subsection 6.3.4; case 2
Unknown no no no Start-up / Restart-up required
IMAGE: The user data battery-backed in the SRAM image on the hard disk of the
PCU will be used.
BACKUP: The user data battery-backed in the SRAM backup on the hard disk of the
PCU will be used.
Start-up The user data of the NC will be deleted and default machine data
will be loaded.
Correct Before you change the backup battery of the MCI board, the SINUMERIK 840Di
shutting down or Windows NT must be shut down correctly.
For shutting down, use one of the following options:
Inverting SRAM If SRAM memory cells are inverted when changing the battery, this will be de-
memory cells tected during ramp-up. In this case, the SRAM image will be written back to the
SRAM of the MCI board and the SINUMERIK 840Di is thus ready immediately.
If Windows NT is shut down not correctly before changing the backup battery,
an inversion of the SRAM memory cells during the battery change cannot reli-
ably be detected.
The SINUMERIK 840Di must then be restarted.
After the MCI board has been changed, the further procedure depends on the
past history. The following cases are distinguished:
1. An up-to-date SRAM image exists.
2. An up-to-date SRAM image does not exist.
Case 1: Before the MCI board has been changed, Windows NT could not be shut down
An up-to-date SRAM correctly. An up-to-date SRAM image is thus provided.
image exists During ramp-up, the MCI board is detected as a new one using the serial num-
ber. The SRAM image will then be written back to the SRAM of the MCI board.
The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus ready again immediately.
A note will appear in a message box, which must be acknowledged with “OK”:
1. If the MCI board is detected defective during the ramp-up of the SINUM-
ERIK 840Di, the last SRAM image is kept when shutting down Windows NT.
After the MCI board has been changed, proceed as described above.
2. If the MCI board is changed due to a supposed or an actual error (in the
case of suspected errors, sporadic errors, etc.), it is recommended to restart
up the SINUMERIK 840Di-NC and PLC; otherwise, data errors could be
taken over from the SRAM image.
Case 2: A defect of the MCI board has occurred during operation of the SINUMERIK
An up-to-date SRAM 840Di. Windows NT has possibly been shut down correctly, but no SRAM
image does not exist image could be created.
After the MCI board has been changed, it will be identified as “unknown” using
the serial number. Since no up-to-date SRAM image exists, the SRAM backup
is written back into the SRAM of the MCI board. The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus
ready again immediately.
The user data or the operating state of the SINUMERIK 840Di must be checked
to see whether they are suitable to be worked with in the future. It might be nec-
essary to perform commissioning of the SINUMERIK 840Di NC and PLC again.
A note will appear in a message box, which must be acknowledged with “OK”.
S Alarm: “4065 Battery-backed memory has been restored from the hard
disk (possible data loss)”
For safety reasons, the alarm must be acknowledged explicitly by the operator
before performing the necessary NCK power ON reset.
See Subsection 10.10.1, page 10-395.
If an MCI board used in a new PCU once is further used or if the 840Di software
is reinstalled on a SINUMERIK 840Di that is already started up, then the bat-
tery-backed user data in the SRAM of the MCI board are kept.
To achieve this, it is essential that the current NC and PLC software version of
the SINUMERIK 840Di complies with the software version with which the bat-
tery-backed user data of the SRAM have been created.
The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus ready again immediately.
A note will appear in a message box, which must be acknowledged with “OK”:
If you do not wish to use the battery-backed user data further, you must repeat
ramp-up of the SINUMERIK 840Di.
If it is detected during the ramp-up that both the SRAM image on the hard disk
of the PCU and the SRAM of the MCI board have battery-backed valid, but dif-
ferent user data (both components were already used in a SINUMERIK 840Di),
it is not possible to make an automatic selection.
The following message box is displayed with which the user has to decide
which user data have to be used further.
If you want to use the user data from MCI card press “Yes”
If you want to use the user data from the hard disk press “No”
Yes No
Case 1: In case of a power failure, the SINUMERIK 840Di will save the user data in the
SRAM saved SRAM of the MCI board thanks to the Power Fail detection integrated in the
PCU. An SRAM image, however, cannot be created any more in this case.
When the power returns or with the next ramp-up, the data will be available
The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus ready again immediately.
Saving of the user data in the SRAM of the MCI board in case of power failure
is only guaranteed if the PCU is operated within its defined specifications.
References /BH/ Operator Components Manual
Section: Component PCU 50
Case 2: If the SINUMERIK 840Di has been operated outside its defined specifications, it
SRAM not is under certain circumstances possible that the user data could not be saved in
saved the SRAM. Therefore, proceed as described in Subsection 6.3.4, page 6-183
case 2.
If the SINUMERIK 840Di is operated with a UPS system, the shutdown system
must be configured appropriately. See Subsection 10.10.2, page 10-399. When
the shutdown signal is present, the NC and PLC are terminated first and Win-
dows NT then shut down correctly.
1. Ramp-up If ramp-up takes place while the shutdown signal is present, Windows NT is
shutdown again straight away.
as of 2nd. ramp-up As of 2nd ramp-up with shutdown signal present produces the following system
– Windows NT is not shut down correctly again
– NC and PLC are not started
– The following message box appears:
The circuit on the MCI board extension module and the configuration of
the shutdown signal (see Subsection 10.10.2, Page 10-399) can be
checked and modified if necessary.
If the shutdown signal is no longer present after acknowledging the mes-
sage box, the NC and PLC are started. Otherwise, Windows NT is shut
down correctly.
To obtain the required specifications required for network operation, please
contact the appropriate network administration.
Computer name In order to set the computer name of the PCU, open the control panel using the
Windows NT task bar Start > Settings > Control Panel.
In the control panel, open Network and type the name of the new computer.
TCP/IP In order to establish a network connection using the TCP/IP protocol, the PCU
must be assigned an unambiguous IP address in the network.
To do so, choose: Start > Settings > Control Panel.
In the “Control Panel”, open Network. From the register: “Protocols” select the
TCP/IP protocol and click the button: “Properties” to call the Properties dialog:
The SINUMERIK desktop provides various ways of installing and updating soft-
This function can be also be run from the service menu (Chapter 15, page
Original Before starting SINUMERIK HMI, the HMI-spec. system environment is put in
HMI environment the as-delivered state. For that purpose, the content of directories
– F:\OEM
is backed up and then the directories are cleared.
Current Before SINUMERIK HMI is started, the backed up files from the above directo-
HMI environment ries are loaded.
This function can be executed through the service menu (Subsection 6.5.4,
page 6-195).
For authorizing the SIMATIC STEP7 software previously installed on the PCU,
you can use the function
S STEP7 authorizing
in the form of a script file.
This function can be executed through the service menu (Subsection 6.5.2,
page 6-194).
The two COM interfaces of the PCU are by default set in such a way that serial
devices (except for a serial mouse) can be used connected to them.
After you have activated the serial mouse, a PS/2 mouse that you were pre-
viously using will no longer work.
Testing system The following function is available for testing system components
components S Check SINUMERIK System
in the form of a script file. The function tests the following system components:
This function can be executed through the service menu (Subsection 6.5.5,
page 6-196).
System If a “serious exception” (blue screen) occurs, system information is written to the
information following file:
S D:\Memory.dmp.
OEM OEM configuration provides the possibility of running Windows programs before
directories starting the SINUMERIK System Software. The appropriate Windows programs
or links must be routed to special directories.
1. C:\RunOEM\SeqOnce
Programs stored here are run once and sequentially1).
2. C:\RunOEM\Seq
Programs stored here are run on each ramp-up and sequentially1).
1) Sequentially means that a program is not launched until the previous pro-
gram has been closed.
3. C:\RunOEM\ParOnce
Programs stored here are run once. They run parallel with the HMI system
4. C:\RunOEM\Par
Programs stored here are run on each ramp-up . They run parallel with the
HMI system software.
Order of execution
S Subdirectories
The subdirectories are executed in the order listed above.
S Programs
The programs within a subdirectory are started in the order in which they
have been placed in the subdirectory chronologically.
Data files In addition to executable programs, you can also place data files in the subdi-
rectories. They will be opened in the application with which their file type is as-
S File type: “.txt” –> Notepad
S File type: “.htm” –> Internet Explorer
You will find information and constraints on the current basic software on the
SINUMERIK desktop in files:
S SIEMENSE (English)
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Functions The service menu provides the following functions at DOS level:
Activation The service menu is started from the boot manager with the operating se-
quence “Cursor down” and “Enter”.
A password of protection levels 0–2 is required to execute the service menu:
– System
– Manufacturer
– Service.
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK tools and options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Under menu item: Two SINUMERIK Tools and Options, you can execute the
following actions:
S The SIMATIC STEP7 software has already been installed on the PCU.
Operator action Select SINUMERIK Tools and Options with key “2”.
Following menu:
1 Activate Step7 for PCU
Authorization can also be performed on the SINUMERIK desktop by starting
the function “STEP7 Authorizing”.
P 840Di Services
Version display: The version of the basic software is displayed with the command:
Basic software S C:\BaseVers.txt.
P 840Di Services
Under menu item: 4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode), you can perform the
following actions:
After you have selected the function, the system is rebooted. The function is
actually executed during the ensuing ramp-up of Windows NT before the HMI
system software is started.
S The SINUMERIK desktop can also be started if you press key “3” while SI-
NUMERIK background image is being displayed during ramp-up of the
PCU (time range: 3 sec).
S The HMI environment can also be set on the SINUMERIK desktop by start-
ing the functions:
– Original SINUMERIK HMI Environ
– Current SINUMERIK HMI Environ.
P 840Di Services
Under menu item: SINUMERIK System CHECK, the following system compo-
nents are checked:
After you have selected the function, the system is rebooted. The function is
actually executed during the ensuing start-up of Windows NT before the HMI
system software is started.
You can also starting testing of the system components from the SINUMERIK
desktop by starting the function “Check SINUMERIK System”.
6.5.6 Backup/Restore
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
You will find a detailed description of the backup/restore functions (data backup)
in Section 15.3, page15-471.
P 840Di services
Under menu item: 840Di Services, 840Di-spec. functions are requested that are
then executed during the ensuing ramp-up of the SINUMERIK 840Di NC or
PLC functions:
S Set PLC Mode to STOP
S Set PLC Mode to RUN
S Set PLC Mode to RUNP
S Set PLC Mode to MRES
Notice! This function deletes all PLC data.
After you have selected the function, the system is rebooted. While the PCU is
started up, the following message box is displayed indicating execution of an
840Di Service:
A point-to-point connection between PCU 50 and an external computer
(PG/PC) requires an Ethernet cable of the type “Twisted Pair Crossed 10ba-
seT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
Network protocol: In order to check whether the network protocol NetBEUI is installed, open con-
NetBEUI trol panel using the Windows 9x task bar Start > Settings > Control Panel on
the external computer.
Open Network in the control panel. The network components installed are dis-
played in the “Configuration” tab. If the network protocol NetBEUI is not dis-
played between them, it must now be installed.
Dialog: Dialog: Network
Start Tab: Configuration
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Select network component type
Choose from the list: Protocol
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Select Network Protocol
Choose from the “Manufacturers” list: Microsoft
Choose from the “Network protocols” list: NetBEUI
Sharing file access In order to check or share access to files for other users, select the: Configura-
tion tab and click there the button: “File and Print Sharing...”
Computer name In the case of a point-to-point connection, the computer name and the designa-
and tion of the workgroup of the external computer is random.
workgroup To determine or set the computer name and the workgroup, select the tab:
Dialog: Tab: Identification
End Computer name: <COMPUTER NAME>
Workgroup: <WORKGROUP>
Sharing access to In order to share access to the drive/directory or determine the sharing name,
the drive/directory start the Windows Explorer on the external computer and select the drive/direc-
or determining tory to be released for shared access for the PCU.
sharing names
The access control is set in the Windows Explorer in the tab: “Access control”
of the Properties dialog of a drive/directory. If the tab: “Access control” is not
displayed, the computer is or was part of a Domain network and the system
administration has switched off the tab display for safety reasons.
In order to be able to make the settings required for the point-to-point connec-
tion, the tab must be unhidden. This can be done using the program “pole-
dit.exe”. Poledit.exe is to be found on the Win9x CD under: admin\app-
tools\poledit or available for free download under http://www.microsoft.com/win-
Open the Properties dialog (right mouse button > Properties) of the drive/di-
rectory and define the sharing name and the access rights.
Dialog Dialog: Properties of <drive>/<directory>
Tab: Share access
Optional field: Choose “Shared As:”
Sharing name: <SHARED AS>
Button: “Rights...”
Dialog: Access by share access rights
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Add users and groups
Names: Choose a name from the list
e.g. “User” or “Everybody”
Button: “Add”
Access type: <Read>
Option menu To license the options you can with the SINUMERIK 840Di you can access the
machine data block by double-clicking with the left mouse button as soon as
SinuCom NC has established the online link (Fig. 6-3).
SinuCom NC – [[Online]SinuCom_NC_Project]
Machine data
Sinumerik – Project objects
Sinumerik 840Di(1) [connected]
Machine data MD block1
License key The option menu allows setting of new and additional options in the appropriate
input fields (Fig. 6-4).
The procedure described above (Items 1. to 4.) is triggered with button “Get a
new License Key” (Fig. 6-4). The follow further instructions in the following dia-
log boxes.
Cycles in DRAM
PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS DP is an international, open field bus standard laid down in the Eu-
ropean field bus standard EN 50170 Part 2. PROFIBUS DP is optimized for fast,
time-critical data communication on the field level.
The components communicating on PROFIBUS DP are subdivided into master
and slave components.
1. Master (active node)
Components operating on the bus as master determine the data exchange
on the bus and are therefore also designated active nodes.
PROFIBUS DP with Communication between SINUMERIK 840Di (NC and PLC), as the master, and
Motion Control the slave components on PROFIBUS DP is based on PROFIBUS DP with the
extension MotionControl extension.
The MotionControl extension is characterized by:
This is the message frame structure for cyclic DP communication using the
drive “SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
Message frame The message frames for cycle data transmission have the following basic struc-
structure ture:
Drive A Drive B
The useful data for drive B are only transmitted when “DP slave 611U” is
operated as a double-axis module.
Useful data The useful data for cyclic operation are termed parameter process data objects
structure (PPO). The are subdivided into two areas within the message frame:
S Parameter area (PIV, parameter identifier value)
This part of the message frame is for reading and/or writing parameters and
for reading out faults.
S Process data area (PDA, process data)
This area contains the control words, setpoints, or additional information and
actual values.
The following data are transmitted with the process data:
– Control words and setpoints (requests: master ––> drive) or
– status words and actual values (responses: drive ––> master).
Actual values At the time TI, all equidistant drives (DP slaves) read in the current actual posi-
tion values. In the next DP cycle, at time TDX, the actual values are transferred
to the DP master.
Position controller At the time TM, with TM > TDX, the NC position controller is started, calculating
the new speed setpoints using the actual position values transferred.
Setpoints At the beginning of the next DP cycle at time TDX, the speed setpoints are trans-
ferred from DP master to the DP slaves (drives).
At the time TO, the speed setpoints are accepted by all servo drive controls as
the new default.
Master or position TM
controller R
1 2
controller cycle
DP slave: 1 to 3
DPV1 After cyclic communication an acyclic service is sent, if the token holding
time TTH was not exceeded. TTH is calculated by the configuring system.
TOKEN Token passing is either performed from the station to itself or to other
RES The reserve is used as an “active pause” for the station to send the token
to itself until the equidistant cycle is terminated.
The actual values for the current DP cycle/position controller cycle are
transferred from the DP slave drives to the NC position controller.
The setpoints calculated by the NC position controller are transferred to
the DP slave drives.
PROFIBUS DP and The configuration of PROFIBUS DP is carried out within the framework of a
SIMATIC S7 SIMATIC S7 project (further referred to as S7 project).
To create an S7 project for a SINUMERIK 840Di, the following components are
S DriveOM/SlaveOM.
Programming The SIMATIC Manager STEP7 required to create the S7 project can be installed
device (PG)/PC on any PG/PC with MPI connection, which fulfills the following requirements:
S CD-ROM drive
S MPI connection with 1.5 Mbaud.
To transfer the S7 project to the PLC of the SINUMERIK 840Di, the PG/PC must
be linked with the MPI interface of the MCI board.
SINUMERIK 840Di The SIMATIC Manager STEP7 required to create the S7 project can also be
installed on the SINUMERIK 840Di.
(The installation of additional software on the SINUMERIK 840Di is described in
detail in Chapter 15, page 15-455).
Windows applications executed on the SINUMERIK 840Di have direct access
to the PLC through the internal MPI interface of the MCI board. To transfer the
S7 project into the PLC of the SINUMERIK 840Di, no additional MPI cable is
therefore needed.
SIMATIC Manager For creating the S7 project for the SINUMERIK 840Di, a SIMATIC Manager
STEP7 STEP7 is required:
The SIMATIC Manager STEP7 is not included in the scope of supply of the
840Di Rack The 840Di Rack is a SIMATIC-300 station preconfigured for the requirements of
the SINUMERIK 840Di. The following versions are available in the hardware
catalog of HW config.:
The 840Di Rack is part of the PLC Toolbox and is automatically installed in the
SIMATIC Manager STEP7 when installing the basic PLC program also included
in the PLC Toolbox.
The basic PLC program must be installed on that computer on which the SI-
MATIC Manager STEP7 required to install the S7 project is already installed.
For installing the basic PLC program, please observe the appropriate notes in
the file:
– <installation path>\readme.txt.
After the basic PLC program has been successfully installed, the 840Di Rack is
already available in the hardware catalog of “HW Config” (configuration tool in
the SIMATIC Manager STEP7) in order to be integrated into the S7 project:
DriveOM/ The SlaveOM (Slave Object Manager) for SINUMERIK 840Di allows dialog-
SlaveOM based configuration of the following drives in conjunction with a SINUMERIK
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal or universal E
– ADI4 (Analog Drive Interface for Four Axes).
If the SlaveOM is used in conjunction with other PLC-CPUs, a consistency er-
ror is signaled when compiling the configuration and no system data blocks are
The two Object Managers DriveOM and SlaveOM are part of the SINUMERIK
840Di installation. Before using the SlaveOM, first both Object Managers must
be installed in the defined order.
1. Install the DriveOM
2. Install the SlaveOM.
The Object Managers DriveOM and SlaveOM must be installed on that com-
puter on which the SIMATIC Manager STEP7 for creating the S7 project is al-
ready installed.
To install the Object Managers, please refer to the appropriate notes in the file:
– <installation path>\readme.txt.
After the SlaveOM has been installed, the following DP slave drives are avail-
able in the hardware catalog of “HW Config” (hardware configuration tool within
the SIMATIC Manager) for being inserted into the S7 project:
DMF file All properties of a DP slave are stored in a DMF file (device master file) in ASCII
format. STEP7 requires one DMF file each for each DP slave so that the DP
slave can be selected from the hardware catalog.
If a DP slave is not displayed in the hardware catalog, its specific DMF file must
be installed in “HW Config” using the menu command Tools > Install new DMF
After the DMF file has been installed, the DP slave is available in the hardware
catalog of “HW Config” for being inserted into the S7 project:
The DMF files must be installed on that computer on which the SIMATIC Man-
ager STEP7 required to install the S7 project is already installed.
To install a DMF file, please refer to the appropriate notes in the file:
– <installation path>\readme.txt.
Only two enabled terminating resistors are permitted per bus line.
network Field device Field device
MCI board
(max. of 100m) ON
Terminating resistor in
Drive Drive the connector enabled
universal universal Terminating resistor in
the connector not en-
For details regarding the creation and editing of SIMATIC S7 projects, please
refer to the Documentation on SIMATIC Manager STEP7 or the corresponding
online help.
S Hardware configuration
S PROFIBUS addresses: DP master and DP slaves
S Equidistant PROFIBUS DP cycle
S Equidistant time.
Creating an A new S7 project is created in the SIMATIC Manager using the menu command
S7 project File > New Project.
Type a name you want to assign the project and click OK to confirm the dialog.
The Project window will appear where the structure of the S7 project is dis-
Inserting a To insert the hardware into the S7 project, first a SIMATIC 300 station must be
300 station chosen and pasted to the project:
1. Possibility
– Position the cursor on the Project window
– Right mouse button Insert New Object > SIMATIC Station-300
2. Possibility
Menu command Insert > Station > SIMATIC Station-300.
Open the station and start “HW Config” by double-clicking the hardware icon.
7.3.2 HW Config
Station window The station window is split. The upper part displays the structure of the station
graphically, and the lower part provides a detailed view of the selected module.
To check whether a module selected from the hardware catalog complies with
the module in the automation system, the following procedure is recom-
1. Put down the MLFB numbers of all modules used in the automation system.
2. Select the appropriate module from the hardware catalog and compare the
order number (MLFB) with the MLFB number of the module displayed in the
hardware catalog. Both MLFB numbers must be the same.
standard designation: DP master
standard designation: S7 FM NCU.
Configuring the After 840Di Rack has been inserted, the dialog box for configuring DP master
DP master opens automatically.
Use the Properties dialog box of DP master to make the following settings:
S Subnetwork
S Equidistant DP cycle
S Equidistant time.
Equidistant time The SINUMERIK 840Di will accept the set equidistant DP cycle as the NC
system clock cycle and position controller cycle.
position controller cycle = NC system clock cycle = equidistant DP
The time that can be set for the equidistant DP cycle depends on:
1. The cyclic communication load by the drives and field devices on PROFI-
2. The capacity utilization of the cyclic position controller level of the NC by the
number of position-controlled machine axes and the active functions.
It is recommended to put down the S7 subnetwork ID, since it will be needed
later to parameterize the routing settings of the axis start-up tool SimoCom U.
See Subsection 9.1.6, page 9-269.
Configuring the After DP master has been configured, 840Di Rack with PROFIBUS DP is now
PLC displayed in the Station window.
Parameterizing the You can use the axis start-up tool SimoCom U to start up all DP slaves 611U
MPI interface connected to PROFIBUS from a SINUMERIK 840Di. To allow this, the PLC
must route SimoCom U to PROFIBUS. This requires that the MPI interface of
the PLC is networked.
To do so, open the Properties dialog box by double-clicking on the PLC in 840Di
The following settings are made in the dialog box:
S Interface type
S Address
S Data transfer rate.
With SINUMERIK 840Di, the MPI address of the PLC must always be set to “2”.
Configuring the The NC installed in the 840Di Rack is called S7 FM NCU. To allow communica-
NC tion between NC and PLC, the following setting are required:
The MPI address of NC and PLC are tightly connected one to another.
MPI addr. of NC = (MPI addr. of PLC) + 1
The input/output address of the NC must be set to 256.
In the case of values other than 256, auxiliary functions provided from the PLC
will no longer be acknowledged to the NC and the parts program execution is
thus no longer continued.
The SIMATIC I/O devices of the series ET200, e.g. ET200M, are integrated into
the S7 project as usual and configured.
To simplify parameterization of the equidistant communication on the PROFI-
BUS DP, you must first insert all the SIMATIC S7 I/Os you require into the con-
figuration before parameterization of the DP drives (e.g. DP slave 611U or
To check whether a module selected from the hardware catalog complies with
the module in the automation system, the following procedure is recom-
1. Put down the MLFB numbers of all modules used in the automation system.
2. Select the appropriate module from the hardware catalog and compare the
order number (MLFB) with the MLFB number of the module displayed in the
hardware catalog. Both MLFB numbers must be the same.
The configuration with regard to the I/O modules PP72/48 is carried out using
the DMF file SIEM80A2.DMF.
For installation of the DMF file, see Subsection 7.1.3., page 7-209 DMF files.
To make parameterization of equidistant communication with PROFIBUS DP
easier, we recommend inserting all required DP slaves 611U into the configura-
tion before setting the times for equidistant communication.
Inserting To insert a DP slave PP72/48 into the configuration, open the hardware catalog
using menu command View > Catalog.
The DP slave PP72/48 is to be found at:
S Profile: Standard
PROFIBUS DP > further field units > IO > PP input/output module
Click with the left mouse button on the DP slave PP72/48 in the hardware cata-
log (see Note) and drag it onto the DP master system in the station window,
holding down the left mouse button.
As DP slave PP72/48, the directory symbol with the designation “PP input/
output module” and not the module symbol beneath with the designation “uni-
versal module” must be selected.
Make sure that the cursor that appears as a crossed-out circle when dragging
the DP slave is positioned exactly on the DP master system so that it can be
inserted into the configuration.
The DP master system is displayed in the station window with the following
When you release the left mouse button, the DP slave PP72/48 is inserted into
the configuration.
Selecting the When inserting DP slave PP72/48 into the configuration, the set configuration of
set configuration the module must be selected with regard to the I/O addresses.
The dialog offers the following configurations to choose from:
1. I/O 6/9 O222 I212121
2. I/O 6/9 O411 I212121
3. I/O 6/9 O42 I41
For DP slave PP72/48, select the 1st configuration and click OK to confirm the
PROFIBUS After the dialog to choose the set configuration, the dialog “PROFIBUS proper-
Parameters ties Interface PP input/output” is displayed.
The following PROFIBUS parameters must either be set or verified:
– PROFIBUS address
– Data transfer rate
– Profile.
The PROFIBUS address of DP slave PP72/48 set in the S7 project must match
with the PROFIBUS address set on the module using switch S1 (see Section
2.12, page 2-93).
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration of DP slave PP72/48
PROFIBUS address
2. I/O module PP72/48
PROFIBUS address (switch S1)
Setting the After the dialog has been quitted, the DP slave PP72/48 is inserted into the DP
I/O addresses master system. Inserting of the detail view makes visible DP slave PP72/48 in
the station window.
The I/O addresses are assigned by “HW Config” automatically. These I/O ad-
dresses should be modified in view of the following supplementary conditions:
I/O address range For compatibility reasons and for future system expansions, the I/O addresses
of the NC 256–271 should not be assigned.
Selective access In the case of I/O addresses > 256, the PLC cannot access the individual input/
outputs. The input/output data must first be copied to internal flags of the PLC.
To this aim, use the system functions SFC14 and 15.
For the reasons above, it is recommended to assign the I/O addresses to the
range between 0 and 255.
The ADI4 DP slave can only be operated on an equidistant PROFIBUS DP.
SlaveOM Parameterization of the configuration with regard to the ADI4 modules, called
DP slave ADI4 here, is performed with the SlaveOM for SINUMERIK 840Di.
For installing the SlaveOM, see Section 7.1, page 7-203f: DriveOM / SlaveOM
To simplify parameterization of the equidistant communication on the PROFI-
BUS DP, you must first insert all the DP slaves (drives, ADI4, I/O modules, etc.)
you require into the configuration before parameterization of the DP drives,
before you set the times for equidistant communication.
ADI4 DP slave To insert an DP slave in the configuration, open the hardware catalog via the
Insertion menu command View > Catalog.
The DP slave ADI4 is to be found at:
S Profile: Default
Select DP slave ADI4 by clicking with the left mouse button on it and drag it to
the DP master system in the Station window while holding down the mouse but-
The DP master system is displayed in the station window with the following
When you release the left mouse button, the DP slave ADI4 is inserted into the
Make sure that the cursor, which appears as a crossed-out circle when drag-
ging the DP slave, is positioned exactly on the DP master system so that the
DP slave is inserted into the configuration.
S PROFIBUS parameters
– PROFIBUS address
S Function parameters
– Encoder type
– Unipolar spindle
– Shutdown ramp
– Shutdown delay time.
Step 1 should first be carried out for all DP slaves ADI4 required for the configu-
Step 2 Step 2 includes parameterization of the times for equidistant cyclic communica-
tion. Step 2 should be carried out finally, for any DP slave ADI4.
The settings made during the operational sequence above can be transferred to
all of the remaining DP slaves ADI4 using the matching function of SlaveOM.
PROFIBUS parameters
PROFIBUS On insertion of a DP slave ADI4 into the configuration, the dialog: Properties –
address PROFIBUS Interface ADI4 opens.
SlaveOM has set the PROFIBUS address to the next free PROFIBUS address.
Any PROFIBUS address is possible but it must match the address set on the
ADI4 using DIP switch S2.
The PROFIBUS address of DP slave ADI4, which is set on the SlaveOM, must
match with the PROFIBUS address set in the drive:
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration of DP slave ADI4
PROFIBUS address
2. ADI4 module DIP switch S2
PROFIBUS address
After you have confirmed this dialog using the button: “OK”, the dialog:
“DP Slave properties” opened.
Message frame The ADI4 DP slave is operated with the specific message frame type: Four axes
type each with an encoder (standard message frame 3) and I/O data:
Low High
G1_XIST2 Actual value
(slave –> master)
The message frame type of DP slave ADI4, which is set on the SlaveOM, must
match with the PROFIBUS address set on the NC.
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration DP slave ADI4
Message frame type (3)
I/O addresses A communication between NC and the individual axes of the DP slaves ADI4 in
the SINUMERIK 840Di can only take place if the I/O addresses for setpoint and
actual value of an axis are the same.
This prerequisite is taken into account by SlaveOM automatically when inserting
a DP slave ADI4 into a configuration.
The standard default of the NC machine data:
S The I/O addresses for set and actual values of an axis must be the same.
I/O address actual value = I/O address setpoint
If a DP slave ADI4 is inserted into an S7 project due to a copying process
(e.g. from another S7 project), the I/O addresses are assigned exclusively
under the control of “HW Config”.
This may have the consequence that one axis are assigned different I/O
addresses for set and actual values. In this case, the I/O addresses must
be corrected manually.
S To avoid access conflicts between PROFIBUS DP drives and I/O modules,
you need to set values w272 for ADI4 DP slave I/O addresses.
Consistency The default setting with regard to the consistency of the I/O data is whole
This setting results in:
S Direct accesses from the PLC user program (e.g. byte, word or double word)
to this address range are not admitted by the PLC operating system.
S Accesses to this address range must be carried out using the system func-
tions SFC 14 and SFC 15.
The terms isochronous, clock-synchronous, and equidistant (same length) are
used as synonyms in various documents.
Function parameters
In dialog box: DP slave properties –> Encoder tab, the function parameters are
entered (see Fig. 7-4 with sample values for the individual parameters).
DP slave properties
Parity Parity
MsgLength: 21 MsgLength: 21
Encoding: Encoding
Binary Gray
Baudrate: Baudrate:
187.5 kbps 187.5 kbps
Unipolar spindle
1st Axis 2nd Axis 3rd Axis 4th Axis
OK Cancel Help
Encoder type: Encoder type “does not exist” for encoder x means that axis x does not exist or
Does not exist must not be used. In the PROFIBUS message frame, empty useful data are
transmitted for this axis.
Both rotary and linear incremental measuring systems can be used, as the spe-
cific parameters of the measuring system are set in den NC machine data (see
Subsection 10.5.5, page 10-317ff).
The baudrate must be set identically for all SSI encoders. If different baudrates
are set, the baudrate of the SSI encoder with the highest encoder number is
Encoder control Description of the encoder control word (extract) with regard to:
word S Reference mark search
S In-process measurement.
S In-process measurement.
A rising and falling edge can be activated simultaneously.
The sensor signal is detected depending on the direction. The values are read out
one after the other.
4 Bit 6, 5, 4 Meaning
000 Basic setting
5 Com- 001 Activate function x
010 Read value x
6 011 Cancel function x
Unipolar spindle With radio button “Unipolar spindle” the voltage range of the analog output volt-
age is switched over:
Shutdown ramp You can set a linear time function in parameter “Shutdown ramp”. When this
time period is exceeded, if an error is detected in ADI4, all drives of ADI4 are
decelerated to setpoint 0.
If you set the parameter to 0, the drives coast to standstill.
S Unit: [msec]
Max. setpoint
current setpoint
0 t [msec]
Parameter value:
Shutdown ramp
Shutdown In the “Shutdown delay time” parameter you can set a time delay after which all
delay time drives of ADI4 are decelerated to setpoint 0 if a temperature alarm occurs.
After the “Shutdown delay time” has elapsed the “Shutdown ramp” parameter is
taken into account.
S Unit: [sec]
Tolerable Parameter “Tolerable sign-of-life failures” states the number of tolerable sign-of-
sign-of-life failures life failures of the DP master. If the parameterized number is exceeded, the set-
point interfaces of all drives are shut down to value 0 using the “Shutdown
Reserved bits for Via the parameter “Additional substitute bits for fine resolution”, you can specify
fine resolution the desired pulse multiplication of the encoder increments currently read in the
encoder increments and transferred in the encoder actual value G1_XIST1.
In conjunction with SINUMERIK 840Di, the number of additional bits for fine
resolution should currently be set to the value 11. This corresponds to a pulse
multiplication of: 211 = 2048.
S Parameter “Additional substitute bits for fine resolution” must currently al-
ways be set to 11.
S In accordance with the parameter “Additional substitute bits for fine resolu-
– MD30260: ABS_INC_RATIO (ratio of absolute resolution to incremental
the value: 2“Additional substitute bits for fine resolution” = 211 = 2048 must be en-
tered in the machine data.
611U conformant With parameter “611U conformant mode” is used for selection of the signal
mode source conformant with SIMODRIVE 611 universal for referencing the axis.
In 611U conformant mode, the signal source for referencing the axes (zero mark
or BERO) is no longer set in the standard message frame (encoder control word
G1_STW, page 7-226), but with the digital output word.
Step 1: End When you terminate the dialog box “DP slave properties” with the button: “OK”,
the data are transferred and the dialog box is closed. Step 1 of parameterization
of DP slave 611U is then complete.
Setting the final Once the components (drives, ADI4, I/O devices, etc.) have been inserted in the
parameters for configuration and parameterized, the parameters are set for the equidistant DP
ADI4 cycle while taking the framework conditions listed below into consideration, (see
Subsection 7.3.8, page 7-238).
Boundary When setting the parameters for the equidistant DP cycle, with ADI4 it is neces-
conditions sary to take the following framework conditions into account:
(SW 2.1 and
higher) DP slave properties
General Configuration Clock synchronization
Basic time [msec]
Master application cycle 2.000 = 1 2.000
Basic time [msec]
DP cycle [msec]: 2.000 = 16 x 0.125
TI Factor
Basic time [msec]
Actual-value sensing 0.250 = 2 x 0.125
TO Factor
Basic time [msec]
Setpoint acceptance x
1.000 = 8 0.125
DT 0
Max.: TDP
Min.: 2*125msec
Min.: TDX+125msec
Max.: TDP
1*125msec 2*125msec 3*125msec 4*125msec 5*125msec 6*125msec 7*125msec 8*125msec
DP slaves ADI4:
– Order No.: 6FC5 211–0BA01–0AA0
– Order No.: 6FC5 211–0BA01–0AA1
exhibit different behavior with respect to parameterization of the actual value
recording (Ti) and setpoint acceptance (To) that deviates from one of the
above–mentioned boundary conditions.
SlaveOM The drives are parameterized using the SlaveOM for SINUMERIK 840Di (for
installation of the SlaveOM, see Section 7.1, page 7-203: DriveOM / SlaveOM).
To simplify parameterization of the equidistant communication on the PROFI-
BUS DP, you must first insert all the DP slaves (drives, ADI4, I/O modules, etc.)
you require into the configuration before parameterization of the DP drives,
before you set the times for equidistant DP communication.
Inserting In order to insert a DP slave 611U into the configuration, open the hardware
DP slave 611U catalog using the menu command View > Catalog.
The DP slave 611U is to be found at:
S Profile: Default
Select DP slave 611U by clicking with the left mouse button on it and drag it to
the DP master system in the Station window while holding down the mouse but-
The DP master system is displayed in the station window with the following
When you release the left mouse button, the DP slave 611U is inserted into the
Make sure that the cursor, which appears as a crossed-out circle when drag-
ging the DP slave, is positioned exactly on the DP master system so that the
DP slave is inserted into the configuration.
Expanded In SW 2.2 and higher, “expanded message frame configuration” has been pro-
message frame vided to transfer drive data to the NC in the cyclic PROFIBUS message frame in
configuration addition to the process data for the selected standard message frame type (102
(SW 2.2 and to 107).
higher) The expanded message frame configuration is described in Section 16.2,
page 16-501.
S PROFIBUS address
S Number of axes and encoders (message frame type)
S I/O addresses
S Expanded message frame configuration (SW 2.2 and higher).
Step 1 should first be carried out for all DP slaves 611U required for the configu-
PROFIBUS Inserting a DP slave 611U into the configuration will open the dialog for parame-
address terizing the PROFIBUS DP properties.
SlaveOM sets the PROFIBUS address to the next free PROFIBUS address
The PROFIBUS address can generally be freely selected. It must, however,
match the PROFIBUS address set in the drive (e.g. with SimoCom U) (parame-
ter P0918).
The PROFIBUS address of DP slave 611U, which is set on the SlaveOM, must
match with the PROFIBUS address set in the drive:
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration of DP slave 611U
PROFIBUS address
2. SIMODRIVE 611 universal
Parameter P0918 (PROFIBUS node address.)
Message frame After this dialog has been confirmed using the button: “OK”, the dialog: “DP
type Slave properties” opened.
Depending on the drive functionality to be used, you must select the correct
message frame type from the listbox: default. The selected message frame type
only defines the number of cyclically transferred process data units within the
cyclic message frames.
The number of cyclically transferred process data units depends on:
– The number of axes per drive module
– The number of encoders used per axis
– The drive functionality used.
The following message frame types are predefined for parameterization of the
DP slave 611U:
Encoder 3
The message frame type of DP slave 611U, which is set on the SlaveOM, must
match with the PROFIBUS address set on the NC and the drive:
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration DP slave 611U
Message frame type
3. SIMODRIVE 611 universal
Parameter P0922 (PROFIBUS message frame type selection).
For a detailed description of the different message frame types, please see:
I/O addresses A communication between NC and the individual axes of the DP slaves 611U in
the SINUMERIK 840Di can only take place if the I/O addresses for setpoint and
actual value of an axis are the same.
This prerequisite is taken into account by SlaveOM automatically when inserting
a DP slave 611U into a configuration.
S The I/O addresses for set and actual values of an axis must be the same.
I/O address actual value = = I/O address setpoint
If a DP slave 611U is inserted into an S7 project due to a copying process
(e.g. from another S7 project), the I/O addresses are assigned exclusively
under the control of “HW Config”.
This may have the consequence that one axis are assigned different I/O
addresses for set and actual values. In this case, the I/O addresses must
be corrected manually.
S To avoid access conflicts between PROFIBUS DP drives and I/O modules,
you need to set values w272 for ADI4 DP slave 611U I/O addresses.
The I/O address set by the SlaveOM for an axis must match the I/O address
set in the NC.
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration of DP slave 611U
I/O address
MD13060 DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS[n], (logical drive address).
To avoid any modifications to the I/O addresses in NC machine data:
it is recommended to use the default values of the machine data when config-
uring the I/O addresses within the configuration:
1. Axis: Default I/O address = 272
mth Axis: Default I/O address = 272 + (m-1)*20
The default setting for the machine data is described in Subsection 10.5.1,
page 10-308.
Consistency The default setting with regard to the consistency of the I/O data is whole
This setting results in:
S Direct accesses from the PLC user program (e.g. byte, word or double word)
to this address range are not admitted by the PLC operating system.
S Accesses to this address range must be carried out using the system func-
tions SFC 14 and SFC 15.
S Because DP slaves 611U can be assigned both to the NC and to the PLC,
check system functions SFC 14 and SFC 15 when writing data to see
whether the drive belongs to the writing component. If this is not the case,
the data access is denied.
Dependencies: The overview example shows the interrelations or interdependencies when con-
PROFIBUS DP figuring the PROFIBUS DP communication between the components:
communication S NC
S DP master
S DP Slave 611U
NC DP master
I/O address, message frame type PROFIBUS address, slot and I/O address
MD13050: DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS[ n ] (message frame type)
1. machine axis: 272 PROFIBUS address: 10
2. machine axis: 292 Axis 1: Slot 5/6, I/O addr. 272
Check MD 13060: DRIVE_TELE- Axis 2: Slot 9/10, I/O addr. 292
GRAM_TYP[ n ] (Message frame type: 102)
1. machine axis: 102
2. machine axis: 102
DP save 611U
PROFIBUS address, message frame type
PROFIBUS address: 10
Message frame type: 102
Axis 1 / Drive A
Axis 2 / Drive B
Fig. 7-8 Dependencies: NC, PLC/DP master and DP slave (SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
1 NC
Due to the I/O address and the message frame type of the machine axis, which
are entered in the machine data:
the NC reads and writes the axis data from/into the appropriate I/O range of the
PLC/DP master:
1st machine axis: I/O address 272
Message frame type 102
2nd machine axis: I/O address 292
Message frame type 102
For configuring the drive within the framework of the NC start-up, please refer to
2 DP master
The information regarding the individual DP slaves are known to the DP mas-
ters from the PROFIBUS SDB generated from the configuration.
DP master equidistantly transfers the data to/from the DP slaves cyclically using
the following information:
PROFIBUS addr. 10: Setpoint: Slot 5, I/O address 272
Actual value: Slot 6, I/O address 272
Setpoint: Slot 9, I/O address 292
Actual value: Slot 10, I/O address 292
Message frame type 102
For a 2 axis-closed-loop control module of a SIMODRIVE 611 universal, the
following assignment applies:
3 DP save 611U
DP slave interprets the message frames received from the DP master because
of the drive parameters
Final After all PROFIBUS components (drives, ADI4, I/O devices, etc.) have been
parameterization inserted into the configuration and parameterized, the equidistant DP cycle is
parameterized in the final step.
After all the planned DP slaves have been inserted into the configuration and
parameterized individually, the following parameters of the equidistant DP
slaves are set in two separate steps for final parameterization of the equidistant
DP communication:
The procedure of final parameterization of equidistant DP communication is
exemplified by one DP slave 611U. For other equidistant DP slaves, e.g. SIMO-
DRIVE POSMO SI, CD/CA; ADI4; etc., proceed analogously.
If a project you want to perform final parameterization on contains DP slave
ADI4 interfaces, please observe the boundary conditions for the following pa-
S Equidistant DP cycle TDP
S Master cyclic portion TDX.
S Actual-value sensing TI
S Setpoint acceptance TO.
Activation of the If you double-click on a DP slave 611U in the station window, the dialog box:
equidistant “DP slave properties” opens.
DP cycle We recommend activating the equidistant DP cycle for all DP slaves 611U by
activating the equidistant DP cycle within the selected DP slave 611U and finally
During the adjustment, all:
S DP slave properties
displayed in the tab: Clock Synchronization
are transferred to all DP slaves of the same type in the configuration, here DP
slave 611U.
DP slave properties
General Configuration Clock synchronization
OK Cancel Help
If there are different types of equidistant DP slaves in a S7 project, e.g. different
SIMODRIVE drives, ADI4, etc., the following steps:
1. Synchronize drive to equidistant DP cycle
2. Adjust
must be performed for each type of DP slave first before you can go on to set
the other parameters.
Equidistant master After synchronization to the equidistant DP cycle has been activated for all DP
cyclic portion slaves, the timer requirement of the cyclic portion of DP communication must be
TDX calculated.
Calculation is performed by the DP master on activation of the equidistant bus
Equidistant DP When calculating the cyclic portion of the PROFIBUS communication, the time
cycle TDP for the equidistant DP cycle is automatically changed to the time required as the
minimum. This change must be undone by reentering the time intended for the
equidistant DP cycle.
Isosynchronism Node Cables
Configured: 0 Total: 0
Details ...
OK Cancel Help
On tab card “Clock synchronization” the following parameters are now set for
each type of DP slave:
DP slave properties
General Configuration Clock synchronization
OK Cancel Help
DP cycle The DP cycle time of the DP slave 611U must be set to the cycle time of the DP
TDP master displayed under “equidistant DP cycle”.
For DP cycle time TDP the following condition must be fulfilled:
DP cycle = isosynch. DP cycle
Master application The parameter: Master Application Cycle TMAPC defines the integer ration be-
cycle TMAPC tween the master application (NC position controller) and the equidistant DP
Using ratios other then 1:1, the dead times of the position controller can be re-
duced if NC hardware of the lower performance range is used.
On a DP slave 611U used with SINUMERIK 840Di, the ratio between the mas-
ter application cycle TMAC and DP cycle time TDP must be 1:1.
Master application cycle = DP cycle
Actual-value The parameter: Actual-value sensing Ti defines the time at which the actual
sensing value (actual position value) can be read in from a DP slave 611U.
TI It is recommended to use the same value for the time of actual-value sensing Ti
for all DP slaves 611U, in particular, if the axes interpolate.
The following condition must be observed for the time of actual-value
sensing TI:
DP cycle >= actual value acquisition >= basic time
Setpoint The parameter: Setpoint Acceptance To defines the time when the speed set-
acceptance point of the NC position controller is accepted by a DP slave 611U.
TO It is recommended to use the same value for the time of setpoint acceptance To
for all DP slaves 611U, in particular, if the axes interpolate.
The following condition must be observed for the time of setpoint
acceptance TO:
DP cycle >= setpoint acceptance >= equidistant master cycl. portion +
basic time
Adjustment Press the button: Adjust, to transfer the values shown on tab card: “Clock Syn-
chronization” of the current DP slave 611U to the other DP slaves 611U of the
This adjustment must be carried out at the end, and the dialog must then be
confirmed with OK.
If there are different types of equidistant DP slaves in a S7 project, e.g. different
SIMODRIVE drives, ADI4, etc., the following parameters:
S Equidistant DP cycle TDP
S Master application cycle TMAPC
S Actual-value sensing TI
S Setpoint acceptance TO.
must be set for each type of DP slave as described above and adjustment
must be performed.
By adjustment, the values displayed on tab card: “Clock Synchronization” are
only transmitted to the DP slave of the same type.
Prerequisites for For loading the configuration into the PLC, the following prerequisites must be
loading fulfilled:
Generating system The system data blocks (SDB) are generated by compiling the current configu-
data blocks ration using “HW Config”. They contain the relevant information required for
communication of the module with the entire system.
Consistency check Before saving and compiling the current configuration, it is recommended to
check the consistency of the configuration using the menu command Station >
Check Consistency.
If “HW Config” finds any inconsistencies within the configuration, an error dialog
box appears, which displays the appropriate error messages and possible rem-
Save and The menu command Station > Save and Compile saves the current configura-
Compile tion in S7 as an object: Station and is then compiled. The compilation includes
a consistency check of the parameterized settings.
System data If no inconsistencies are contained within the current configuration, the system
blocks data blocks are generated and stored in the folder Blocks of the corresponding
The system data blocks for the created configuration are to be found at:
System data blocks cannot be edited separately, but always only in its entity as
a configuration.
Making the Before loading the configuration (system data blocks) into the PLC, first the re-
MPI connection quired MPI connection must be established.
HW Config on an If the configuration is transferred from an external PG/PC (e.g. PG740), the fol-
external PG/PC lowing requirements must be fulfilled:
HW Config on a If the configuration is transferred from the PC in which the MCI board is installed
local PC (e.g. SINUMERIK 840Di with PCU50), the following requirements must be ful-
Parameterizing the Parameterization of the MPI interface is carried out with the SIMATIC Manager
MPI interface using menu command Tools > Set PG/PC Interface.
Parameterization of the MPI interface can be effected or changed from the
SIMATIC Manager at any time.
Checking The PLC status and thus also the MPI connection to the PLC can be checked
PLC status from “HW Config” using the menu command Target System > Status.
MPI interface
If the current operating status of the PLC is displayed, the MPI connection oper-
ates correctly.
If the current status of the PLC is not displayed, first check the MPI interface for
correct parameterization. If no connection is established to the PLC despite cor-
rectly set MPI interface, an overall reset of the PLC must be carried out.
General PLC reset General reset of the PLC can be performed using 840Di Start-up or HMI Ad-
vanced (option):
S 840Di start-up
– Start 840Di start-up: Windows NT taskbar > Start > Programs >
SINUMERIK 840Di > 840Di start-up.
– Open the dialog box: Menu command Window > Diagnosis > NC/PLC.
S HMI Advanced (840Di SW 2.2 and higher and HMI Advanced SW 6.2)
– Open the dialog box: Operating area switchover > Start-up > NC/PLC
Loading the The configuration is loaded in “HW Config” using the menu command Target
configuration system > Load into module.
For loading a configuration, the PLC must be in the STOP state. If “HW Config”
detects on loading that the PLC is still in the RUN state, a dialog box will appear
where you can set the PLC to the STOP state.
From the dialog box “Choose Target Module”, choose the module into which
you want to load the current configuration. In this case: PLC315-2DP M/S
Operating a PLC To load the configuration, put the PLC in the STOP condition. The STOP condi-
with a new tion of the PLC is interpreted by the NC as a failure of the PLC, and an appropri-
configuration ate alarm response is output.
(RUN) After the configuration has been loaded into the PLC successfully, for resyn-
chronization of NC and PLC, NC reset must be initiated, e.g. using 840Di
8.1.1 Commissioning
When commissioning the PLC, first a general reset of the PLC has to be carried
out after the SINUMERIK 840Di has been turned on and booted.
In order to obtain a defined initial state of the whole system (NC and PLC), it is
recommended also to delete the NC data when commissioning the PLC.
General PLC reset General reset brings the PLC to a defined initial state by deleting and initializing
all system and user data.
Deleting NC data After a request to delete NC data, all user data (zero offsets, tool offsets, etc.)
are deleted and the system data (machine data) are reinitialized with the next
ramp-up of the NC.
General reset of General reset of the PLC and deletion of NC data can be performed using
PLC and 840Di Start-up or HMI Advanced.
deleting NC data
S 840Di start-up
– Start: Windows NT taskbar: Start > Programs > SINUMERIK 840Di >
840Di Start-up
– Open the dialog box: Menu command Window > Diagnosis > NC/PLC
S HMI Advanced (840Di SW 2.2 and higher and HMI Advanced SW 6.2)
– Open the dialog box: Operating area switchover > Start-up > NC/PLC
The following parameters are reset by the general PLC reset:
– MPI address of the PLC = 2
– MPI data transfer rate = 1.5 Mbit/s
2. Delete NC data
NC group
Button: “General NCK reset”
3. Trigger NC reset
In order to start cyclic operation or NC/PLC communication, NC reset (but-
ton: “NCK Reset”) must be initiated:
The subsequent power up of the SINUMERIK 840Di is successfully completed
if the following display appears in the dialog:
S NC status:
NC group
6 NCs in cyclic operation
S PLC status:
PLC group
LED RUN lights continuously.
Since no PLC program is executed after general PLC reset, the following
alarms are displayed:
S Alarm: “120201 Communication failed”
S Alarm: “380040 PROFIBUS DP: Configuring error 3, parameter”
S Alarm: “2001 PLC not booted”.
These alarms have no influence on how to continue.
PLC program The PLC program has a modular structure and is differed by:
– Basic program
– User program.
Basic PLC The basic PLC program provides the data and function blocks for the basic
program communication between PLC and NC.
The modules of the basic PLC program are part of a SIMATIC S7 library sup-
plied with SINUMERIK 840Di. Before you can use it in an S7 project, the library
must be installed in the SIMATIC Manager STEP7.
PLC user program The PLC user program is the user-specific part of the PLC program by which
the basic PLC program has been added or extended.
User memory The user memory provided for basic PLC and user programs of the PLC inte-
grated on the MCI board: AS315-2 DP, amounts to 64KB by default.
Optionally, a user memory of up to 288KB is possible.
The PLC315-2DP complies with the following performance data regarding the
max. number of blocks and their max. length:
Installation The basic PLC program is part of the PLC toolbox supplied with SINUMERIK
840Di. To be able to use the blocks of the basic PLC program in a SIMATIC S7
project, the library has to be installed in SIMATIC Manager STEP7 first.
The basic PLC program must be installed on that computer on which the SI-
MATIC Manager STEP7 required to install the S7 project is already installed.
For installing the basic PLC program, please observe the appropriate notes in
the file:
– <installation path>\readme.txt.
Using basic PLC In order to be able to use the blocks of the basic PLC program in your own S7
program modules project, these have to be copied from the supplied library into the folder: Blocks
of the corresponding module.
The example project mentioned in the following refers to the S7 project created
within the framework of the PROFIBUS DP configuration, Section 7.3, page
Description of For a complete description of the basic PLC program, its structure and all mod-
the basic PLC ules including their call parameters, please refer to:
program References: /FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine
Section: P3, Basic PLC Program
OB 100 FB 1
FC 2 Mode grp.
Cyclic Channel
processing GP–OB 1 Axis
FC 14
FC 6
(not FMNC)
FC 19/25
program FC (9/15/16/18)
con. axes/
FC 7/8/22 spindles
TM_Trans FB 2/3/4
Read/ write
var., PI
FC 17 services
Star/delta FC 13
FC 10 Display
Error and control
OB 40 FC 3
GP_PRAL G group
Process alarm
Processing The individual blocks in the basic PLC program can be processed in the SI-
modules MATIC Manager STEP7:
S Select the appropriate block, e.g. OB 100 in the folder Blocks of the corre-
sponding Module.
S Use the menu command Edit > Open Object to open the block or double-
click with the left mouse button on the block.
Prerequisites for For loading the PLC program into the PLC, the following prerequisites must be
loading fulfilled:
Making the Before loading the configuration (system data blocks) into the PLC, first the re-
MPI connection quired MPI connection must be established.
SIMATIC Manager If the configuration is transferred from an external PG/PC (e.g. PG740), the fol-
STEP7 on an lowing prerequisites must be fulfilled:
external PG/PC
S An MPI card exists (e.g. CP5611)
S The MPI drivers are installed
S Current interface parameterization: CP5611(MPI)
S Data transfer rate: 1.5 Mbps
S The MPI interface of the PG/PC is linked with the MPI interface of the MPI
board (X111) using an MPI cable.
SIMATIC Manager If the configuration is transferred from the SINUMERIK 840Di, the following re-
STEP7 on quirements must be fulfilled:
S The MPI drivers are installed
S Current interface parameterization: SINUMERIK MCI board (MPI)
S Data transfer rate: 1.5 Mbps
Parameterizing the Parameterization of the MPI interface is carried out with the SIMATIC Manager
MPI interface STEP7 using menu command Tools > Set PG/PC Interface.
Dialog: Properties
Group: Network Parameters
Transmission rate: 1.5 Mbps
Parameterization of the MPI interface can be effected or changed from the
SIMATIC Manager STEP7 at any time.
Operating status: When the PLC program is loaded in the RUN operating status, each block
STOP loaded becomes active immediately. This can result in inconsistencies when
executing the active PLC program.
To load the PLC program, it is therefore recommended to set the PLC to the
STOP operating status.
To this aim, choose the module (in the example project: PLC315-2DP
M/S 2AF03) from the SIMATIC manager. Using the menu command Target
System > Operating Status, the dialog box Operating Status opens. Use the
button “STOP” to bring the PLC to the required operating status.
Loading the PLC To load the entire PLC program, choose the folder Blocks of the corresponding
program module from the SIMATIC Manager using the left mouse button.
Use the menu command Target System > Load to load the PLC program into
the corresponding module.
If the folder “Blocks” of the appropriate module contains system data blocks,
you will be asked at the end of the loading process whether you want to load
them, too.
– No: The loaded configuration remains stored.
– Yes: The new configuration is loaded.
Operating status: After the PLC program has been loaded, the PLC has to be brought to the RUN
RUN operating status again.
To this aim, choose the module (in the example project: PLC315-2DP
M/S 2AF03) from the SIMATIC manager. Using the menu command Target
System > Operating Status, the dialog box Operating Status opens. Use the
button “RUN” to bring the PLC to the required operating status.
Triggering The STOP condition of the PLC which is taken by the PLC for a short time on
NC reset loading is interpreted by the NC as a PLC failure with an appropriate alarm re-
After the PLC program has been loaded successfully, for re-synchronization of
NC and PLC, NC reset must be initiated, e.g. using 840Di start-up:
S 840Di start-up
Dialog: NC/PLC Diagnosis
Group NC
Button: “NC-Reset”
The creation and loading of a series machine start-up file within the framework
of data backup can be carried out using
– SinuCom NC (part of the SINUMERIK 840Di installation)
– HMI Advanced (option).
HMI Advanced:
/IAM/ MMC/HMI Installation and Start-Up Guide
The start-up behavior of a SIMATIC-CPU module can be set for the following
start-up modes:
S Restart
S Cold restart (warm restart)
S Cold start.
The start-up mode of a module is set using the dialog Properties, Register
Start-up of module.
The menu command Edit > Object Properties in the SIMATIC STEP7 Man-
ager can only be used for reading access to the module properties.
To modify the properties, open the dialog in “HW Config” after you have se-
lected the module using the menu command Edit > Object Properties or by
double-clicking on the module.
SINUMERIK 840Di The start-up mode of the PLC with SINUMERIK 840Di is fixed to COLD RE-
PLC START. This setting cannot be modified.
Boot type: In the case of COLD RESTART, OB 100 is passed prior to the cyclic processing
COLD RESTART (OB 1). Then the cyclic operation starts with calling OB 1.
The following data are kept in the case of COLD RESTART:
Retentive ranges The ranges of the timers, counters and flags that are to be retentive must be set
using the dialog Properties, register Retention of the PLC-CPU module.
The retention of the data areas can only be achieved with the backup supply
(backup battery) active. If the battery backup is empty, the PLC will not restart.
S UStack, BStack and non-retentive flags, timers and counters will be deleted
NC communication Communication of the PLC with the NC is carried out using the NC/PLC inter-
face. The interface is divided into the following areas:
S Mode groups
S Channels
S Axes/spindles
S General NC data.
Data exchange through the NC/PLC interface is carried out in the basic PLC
program at the beginning of OB 1. This ensures that the data for the PLC re-
main constant over the entire PLC cycle.
The current G functions of the NC channels are transferred to the PLC (pro-
vided function is activated) on the process alarm level (OB 40).
Sign-of-life A cyclic, mutual sign-of-life monitoring function is activated between PLC and
monitoring NCK once ramp-up and the first OB1 cycle have been completed.
In case of failure of the PLC or in case of STOP of the PLC program execution,
the following alarm is displayed:
Monitoring and The menu command Target System > Monitor/Control Variable is used to
controlling the start the tool “Monitor/control variable”.
variable “Monitor and control variable” can be used to:
S Display the current values of individual variables of the PLC user program or
the CPU module: Monitor variables.
S Assign individual variables of the PLC user program or the CPU module
fixed values: Control variables.
S Assign individual I/O outputs of the PLC user program or the CPU module
fixed values in the STOP operating status: Enable PO and activate control
S Assign individual variables of the PLC user program or the CPU module
fixed values which cannot be overwritten by the PLC user program: Force
Variable types You can specify or display values of the following variable types:
Further test The menu command Target System > ... provides the following further test
functions functions:
PLC status Use the soft keys Operating Area Switchover > Diagnosis > PLC Status to
display call the dialog box PLC Status Display.
The dialog PLC Status Display serves to monitor and control variables of:
Input syntax: The following two tables show the input syntax of the fields: Operand and
– Operand Format of the PLC status display.
– Format
Table 8-2 Input field: Operand
Syntax Meaning
En.x Input byte n, bit x
IBn Input byte n
IBn Input word n
IBn Input double-word n
DBn.DBXm.x Data block n, byte m, bit x
DBn.DBBm Data block n, byte m
DBn.DBWm Data block n, word m
DBn.DBDm Data block n, double word m
On Output n
Fn Flag n
Tn Timer n
Cn Counter n
Syntax Meaning
H Hexadecimal
D Decimal
B Binary
F Floating point (only in conjunction with
double word)
Monitoring After the variable to be displayed has been input in the field Operand using the
syntax described above, the current value of the variable is displayed in the
format you have set.
Controlling: Start Use the soft key Change to switch over to the Control mode. Now you can use
the field Value to specifynew values for the displayed variables.
The entered value must be within the definition range of the set format.
Controlling: End As long as the Control mode is active, the entered values are not imported.
Only when you quit the mode using the soft key Accept, the entered values are
written to the variables and processed in the PLC program.
S First start-up
S Series start-up.
First start-up A first start-up must only be carried out if no matching parameter record is avail-
able for the drive in the form of the parameter file.
Series machine A series machine start-up must only be carried out if no matching parameter
start-up record is available for the drive in the form of the parameter file.
The parameter file is then loaded into the drive to be started up using SimoCom
U in online mode (for online mode, see: Subsection 9.1.2, page 9-265).
Recommended Within the framework of SINUMERIK 840Di, the procedure described above
procedure (Point 3.) is recommended:
For SimoCom U to be able to enter online operation with the SIMODRIVE drives
connected to the PROFIBUS, the PROFIBUS address specified in the S7 proj-
ect (see Section 7.3, page 7-211f) must be set on DP slave 611U or UE in ques-
tion using the display and operator unit.
+ P – Control unit
Preconditions The precondition for setting the PROFIBUS address on the control unit is that
no faults or warnings are displayed.
If faults or warnings are displayed (display: E_xxxx), press the “–” key to switch
from the alarm mode to parameterization mode.
References For detailed information on start-up of SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives, refer
/FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal, Description of Functions
Section: Parameterizing the board
Parameterization using the display and operator unit
Section: PROFIBUS DP master settings
For SimoCom U to be able to enter online operation with the SIMODRIVE drives
connected to the PROFIBUS, the PROFIBUS address specified in the S7 proj-
ect (see Section 7.3, page 7-211f) must be set on DP slave POSMO SI/CD/CA
in question using the DIL switches of the PROFIBUS unit in question.
Switch position
12 34 1 2345 678
Ï 2 3 4
3 4 5 6 7 8
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (reserved)
Terminating resistor (1) (2) (4) (8) (16) (32) (64)
inactive = OFF Example: PROFIBUS address = 37
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: 1 + 4 + 32 = 37
S The valid settable address are: 3 to 126
To set the PROFIBUS address and terminating resistor it is necessary to re-
move the PROFIBUS unit.
References For detailed information on start-up of SIMODRIVE POSMO CD/CA and SI uni-
versal drives, refer to:
Section: Connecting the PROFIBUS unit.
The MPI interface through which SimoCom U accesses the drives connected to
PROFIBUS by means of routing, must be parameterized as follows:
– Access point of application
– Interface parameterization
The MPI interface can be parameterized direct from SimoCom U. To do so, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Start SimoCom U from the WINDOWS NT taskbar:
Start > Programs > SimoComU > SimoComU
2. In SimoCom U, open the interface dialog using the menu command:
Tools > Communication.
If “SINUMERIK MCI board (MPI)” cannot be selected for the interface parame-
terization, the interface has to be installed first.
Finally, the routing information must be set in the interface dialog of Simo-
Com U.
To use the PLC as a router between MPI and PROFIBUS DP, the MPI network-
ing of the PLC must be parameterized in the S7 project.For network rules, see
Subsection 7.3.2, page 7-212.
With SINUMERIK 840Di, the routing of the MPI interface to the PROFIBUS DP
is provided the PLC. Therefore, the MPI address of the PLC must be specified
as the “MPI No”.
With SINUMERIK 840Di, the PLC always has the MPI address 2.
Entering the Enter the 8-digit PROFIBUS S7 subnetwork ID of DP master (S7 project) in the
PROFIBUS S7 12-digit input screen form of the SimoCom U dialog as follows:
subnetwork ID Example:
S7 project: 8-digit S7 subnetwork ID:
0010 – 0005
Determining If you do not have the PROFIBUS S7 subnetwork ID, you can call it using the
subnetwork ID To do so, proceed as follows:
S Open the hardware configuration of the station (double-click with left mouse
button on: Hardware; “HW Config” will be started)
S Open DP master (in the example project: DP master) (double-click with left
mouse button on DP master)
S You will find the subnetwork ID as follows using the property dialog of DP
The online operation with the drives connected to PROFIBUS can now be
After parameterization of the MPI interface and entry of the routing information,
SimoCom U can enter online operation with the SIMODRIVE drives.
Display of the The SIMODRIVE drives with which SimoCom U could start the online operation
drives are displayed in the SimoCom U main screen:
– Drive and dialog browser (left window)
– Status overview (upper status bar).
Installation SimoCom U is part of the 611U toolbox supplied with the SINUMERIK 840Di in
S <Installationspfad>\siemens\611UToolbox\SimoComU
To instal SimoCom U on the PCU, start file setup.exe and follow the further
installation instructions.
Before installing SimoCom U, please observe the appropriate notes in the file:
<installation path>\readme.txt.
Online help After installation, the documentation for SimoCom U is available electronically.
Use the menu command Help in SimoCom U to call information on the topics:
– Short introduction...
– How to Use WINDOWS Help...
– Help Topics...
– Key Operation...
– Wiring...
– About SimoCom U...
Machine data Machine data are system variables used to adapt the NC to the machine.
S $ System variable
S M Machine data
S k Component
k identifies the components of the NC parameterizing the appropriate machine
S C Channel
S A Axis
S D Drive
Activation The activation with respect to a machine data specifies in which status of the
NC a change of a machine data becomes active.
Activation categories are:
S Power ON
S Reconfiguration
S Reset
S Effective immediately.
Setting data Setting data are system variables telling the NC the current machine properties.
S $ System variable
S S Setting data
S k Component
k identifies the components of the NC parameterizing the appropriate machine
S C Channel
S A Axis
Activation In contrast to machine data, changes of setting data always come immediately
into effect.
Overview The machine data are divided into the following areas:
of machine data Table 10-1 Overview of machine data
Area Designation
from 1000 to 1799 Machine data for drives ($MD_....)
from 9000 to 9999 Machine data for operator panel ($MM_....)
from 10000 to 18999 NC-specific machine data ($MN_....)
from 19000 to 19999 Reserved
from 20000 to 28999 Channel-specific machine data ($MC_....)
from 29000 to 29999 Reserved
from 30000 to 38999 Axis-specific machine data ($MA_....)
from 39000 to 39999 Reserved
from 51000 to 61999 General machine data for compile cycles
from 62000 to 62999 Channel-specific machine data for compile cycles
from 63000 to 63999 Axis-specific machine data for compile cycles
Overview of The setting data are divided into the following areas:
setting data Table 10-2 Overview of setting data
Area Designation
from 41000 to 41999 General setting data ($SN_....)
from 42000 to 42999 Channel-specific setting data ($SC_....)
from 43000 to 43999 Axis-specific setting data ($SA_....)
Data description For a detailed description of the machine or setting data, please refer to the de-
scription of the function that uses the machine data in question, e.g.:
References: /FB/ Description of Functions – Basic Machine
/FB/ Description of Functions – Extended Functions
/FB/ Description of Functions – Special Functions
To search for information regarding machine and setting data, it is recom-
mended to use the search functions in the electronic documentation:
Machine data To display and input machine data, appropriate screen forms are provided.
screen forms
The screen forms are found on the HMI Advanced user interface at:
Area Switchover –> Start-up –> Machine Data.
To input machine data, at least the password of protection level 2 (default:
“EVENING”) must be set.
Bit editor To facilitate the input of machine data in the bit format (HEX), a bit editor is pro-
If the input cursor is on a machine data in HEX format in the MD list, you can
call up the editor by pressing the toggle key (in the middle of the cursor keys).
Fig. 10-1 Input screen form of the bit editor for HEX machine data
You can set or reset single bits by clicking them with the mouse or by selecting
them with the cursor keys by pressing the toggle key.
S With the soft key OK, you can terminate the bit editor and accept the value
S With the soft key Abort, you can quit the bit editor and discard the value set.
The previous setting is then valid again.
Access rights The access to programs, data and functions is protected user-oriented using
eight hierarchical protection levels. These are divided into
(see Table 10-3):
S Four password levels for SIEMENS, machine manufacturers and final users
S Four keyswitch positions for end users.
This provides a multi-stage safety concept to manage the access rights.
Setting the For the four possible password levels with their access permissions, the pass-
password words can be entered in the control area DIAGNOSIS by actuating the soft key
References: /BA/ Operator’s Guide
Resetting Please note that a password remains valid until access authorization is reset
the password with the soft key DELETE PASSWORD.
Access rights are thus not automatically deleted by power ON!
Possible Up to eight characters are possible for a password. When choosing the pass-
characters word, it is recommended to limit yourself to the character set of the operator
panel. If the character has less than 8 characters, the remaining characters are
interpreted as a blank.
Default The following default passwords are defined for the protection levels 1 though 3:
passwords Protection level 1 SUNRISE
Protection level 2 EVENING
Protection level 3 CUSTOMER
A system power-up with loading the default machine data (after “Delete NCK
data”, e.g. using 840Di Start-up) will reset the passwords to the default values.
In order to provide safe access protection, the default passwords should be
Redefining The protection levels of machine and/or setting data can be modified both with
protection levels respect to complete machine or setting data ranges and for single data.
Data areas
Single data The protection level of individual machine and/or setting data can be modified in
the file SGUD.DEF.
The axial machine data item CTRLOUT_SEGMENT_NR requires protection
level 3 for reading and protection level 2 for writing.
REDEF $machine data string APR n APW m
APR n: Defining the protection level for reading (Read) the data
APW m: Defining the protection level for writing (Write) the data
Through the use of the machine data display filter, it is possible to reduce the
number of displayed machine data of a certain area, e.g. general machine data
or channel machine data, for special purposes.
Machine data Display filters are provided for the following machine data areas:
S General machine data
Display filter To parameterize the display filter of a machine data area, use the vertical soft
key Display Options... in the appropriate machine data area.
Display filter for channel machine data
Operating area: Start-up –> Machine Data –> Channel MD –> Display Options...
The parameter: Display Filter of the corresponding machine data description
indicates to which display group a machine data item belongs to.
References: /LIS/ Lists
Display groups A display group contains machine data within a machine data area which be-
long to the same topic.
By selecting/deselecting the display groups, the number of displayed machine
data of the current machine data area increases or decreases.
Expert mode If the Expert mode display filter is disabled, only the machine data of a machine
data range are displayed which are required for the basic functionality of the
Index from The index filter refers to the machine data fields. On the display, these machine
to data can be identified by the field index attached to the machine data string.
Example: 10000 AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB[index]
If the index filter is activated, machine data fields are only displayed in the
specified index area.
10.3.1 Resolutions
The resolutions of linear and angle positions, velocities, accelerations and jerk
differ by:
S the input resolution, i.e. the input of data from the user interface or using
the parts programs
S the display resolution, i.e. the display of data on the user interface
S the computational resolution, i.e. the internal representation of the data
input through the user interface or the parts program.
Input and display The input and display resolution is determined by the control unit used whereby
resolution the display resolution for position values can be modified using the MD 9004:
DISPLAY_RESOLUTION (display resolution).
MD 9011: DISPLAY_RESOLUTION_INCH (INCH unit system display resolu-
tion) can be used to configure the display resolution for position values with inch
setting. With inch setting, it is thus possible to display up to six digits after the
For programming in parts programs, the input resolutions indicated in the Pro-
gramming guide.
Computational The computational resolution defines the maximum number of effective decimal
resolution places for all data the physical unit of which is referred to a length or an angle,
e.g. position values, velocities, tool offsets, zero offsets, etc.
The desired computational resolution is defined using the machine data
S 1,000 increments/mm
S 1,000 increments/degree.
The computational resolution thus also determines the maximum achievable
accuracy for positions and selected offsets. However, it is essential that the
measuring system is adapted to this degree of accuracy.
Rounding The accuracy of angle and linear positions is limited to the computational reso-
lution by rounding the product of the programmed value with the computational
resolution to an integer number.
Example of rounding:
Tip To keep the executed rounding more traceable, it is reasonable to use powers
to the 10th for the computational resolution (100, 1000, 10.000).
Display resolution In MD 9004: DISPLAY_RESOLUTION, you can set the number of decimal
places after the decimal point for the position values on the operator panel.
Limit values for The limitation of the input limits depends on the display and input possibilities on
input and the operator panel.
display This limit is reached at 10 digit positions plus decimal point plus sign.
Machine data
Default Machine and setting data having a physical unit are interpreted in the input/out-
put units listed in Table 10-6 by default, depending on the scaling system (met-
The internally used units which the NC uses are independent and fixed.
Table 10-6 Normalization of phys. units of machine data and setting data
User-defined The user can define different input/output units for machine and setting data.
To this aim, an adaptation between newly selected input/output units and the
internal units must be made in
MD 10220 no
Scaling factor Internal scaling
MD 10230 Scaling factor
Enter the selected input/output unit expressed in the internal units 1mm,
1 degree and 1 sec in MD 10230: SCALING_FACTORS_USER_DEF[n].
Example 1:
The machine data input/output of linear velocities is to be carried out in m/min,
instead of mm/min (default). The internal unit is mm/sec.
Via MD 10220: SCALING_USER_DEF_MASK Bit2 = 1 is used to enter the
scaling factor for linear velocities as a user-defined value.
The scaling factor is calculated using the following formula:
Example 2:
In addition to the change of example 1, the machine data input/output of linear
accelerations, is to be performed in ft/sec2, instead of m/sec2 (default).
(The internal unit is mm/sec2.)
Machine data
Table 10-8 Normalization of phys. units of machine data and setting data: Machine data
The scaling of machine data having physical units is defined by the following
machine data:
The control has been started up with default values. Axis A1 is declared as a
linear axis.
If a scaling machine data item is altered, then the control outputs alarm
“4070 Scaling data changed”.
Modifying The following procedure is recommended when modifying scaling machine data
manually manually:
1. Set all scaling machine data
2. Carry out NCK reset
3. Set all dependent machine data after the NC has powered up.
840Di start-up Via the SINUMERIK 840Di standard user interface 840Di start-up:
Menu command Window > Diagnosis > NC/PLC
With deleting the NCK data, all user data are lost.
To avoid data loss, a series machine start-up file should be created before the
NCK data are deleted. How to create a series machine start-up file is described
in Section 14.2, page 14-451.
MD11200: INIT_MD The input values in MD11200: INIT_MD (loading the default machine data with
the next NC boot), which are listed below, various data areas can be loaded
when the NC boots next time.
After setting the machine data, NCK reset must be carried out twice:
1. NCK RESET: The machine data is activated.
2. NCK RESET: Depending on the input value, the appropriate machine data
are set to their default values and MD11200: INIT_MD is reset again to the
value “0”.
The unit system is switched over for the entire machine using a soft key in the
HMI Advanced operating area “MACHINE”. The switch will only be accepted if:
S Bit 0 of MD20110: RESET_MODE_MASK is set in each channel
S all channels are reset
S the axes are not traversed with JOG, DRF or the PLC
S constant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPS) is not active.
For the duration of the switching, actions, such as parts program start or mode
change, are blocked.
If the switch cannot be carried out, this is indicated by an appropriate message
on the operator interface. This definition ensures that the program currently exe-
cuted always finds a consistent data record with reference to the unit system.
The switch to the unit system itself is internally carried out by writing of all ma-
chine data required and then activating them by RESET.
MD10240: SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC and the corresponding settings
G70/G71/G700/G710 in MD20150: GCODE_RESET_VALUES are switched for
all channels configured automatically.
During this process, the value specified in MD20150: GCODE_RE-
SET_VALUES[12] changes between G700 and G710.
This process is carried out irrespective of the protection level currently set.
System data When switching over the unit system, from the view of the user, all length-re-
lated specifications are converted to the new unit system automatically. These
data include:
S Positions
S Feedrates
S Accelerations
S Jerk
S Tool offsets
S Programmable, settable and external zero offsets, DRF offsets
S Compensation values
S Protection zones
S Machine data
S Jog and handwheel weightings.
After switching, all above mentioned data are available in the physical quantities
as specified in Subsection 10.3.2 (page 10-283).
Data for which no unambiguous physical quantities are defined, such as:
S R parameters
S GUDs (Global User Data)
S LUDs (Global User Data)
S PUDs (Program global User Data)
S Analog input/outputs
S Data exchange through the FC21
will not be subject to automatic conversion. It is the user’s task to take into ac-
count the unit system currently active (MD 10240: SCALING_SYS-
The unit system setting currently active can be read from the PLC interface us-
ing the signal “Inch unit system” DB10.DBX107.7. The unit system change
counter can be read in DB10.DBB71.
Machine data
Computational The range of values of the traversing ranges directly depends on the selected
resolution and computational resolution (see Subsection 10.3.1, page 10-281).
traversing ranges With the default assignment of the machine data for the computational
S 1,000 increments/mm
S 1,000 incr/degr.
the following traversing ranges result:
Traversing range in the metric system Traversing range in the inch system
Linear axes 999,999.999 [mm; degrees] 399,999.999 [Inch; degrees]
Rotary axes 999,999.999 [mm; degrees] 999,999.999 [inch; degrees]
Interpolation parameters I, J, K 999,999.999 [mm; degrees] 399,999.999 [Inch; degrees]
Machine data
On the SINUMERIK 840Di the system clock cycle, the position controller cycle,
and the interpolation cycle of the NC are based on the DP cycle time configured
in STEP7 “HW Config”. See Section 7.3, page 7-211f.
System clock cycle The system clock cycle is set fixed to the ratio of 1:1 with regard to the DP cycle
time. In the machine data, the active value is displayed. This setting cannot be
Position controller The position controller cycle is set fixed to the ratio of 1:1 with regard to the sys-
cycle tem clock cycle. This setting cannot be modified.
Position controller The position controller cycle offset (TM) must be set such that the following con-
cycle offset ditions are fulfilled within a PROFIBUS DP/system clock cycle:
– The cyclic communication with the DP slaves (drives) must be com-
pleted before the position controller is started.
Condition: TM > TDX
– The position controller must be completed before the DP cycle/system
clock is completed.
Condition: TM + TPos < TDP
Position controller
DP slaves: R R
R Computational time
RES Reserve: “active break” until the equidistant cycle has elapsed
– Tpos max
Display using HMI Advanced (Option):
Operating area switchover > Diagnosis > Service displays >
System resources
Error response
S t=1
The position controller cycle offset has been chosen too small. The cyclic
PROFIBUS DP communication with the drives was not yet completed with
the start of the position controller.
Remedy: Increasing the position controller cycle offset.
S t=2
The position controller cycle offset has been chosen too large. The cyclic
PROFIBUS DP communication with the drives started before the position
controller was completed. The position controller requires more
computational time than available within the DP cycle.
– Remedy: Reducing the position controller cycle offset
– Remedy: increasing the DP cycle time.
The DP cycle time is set using STEP7 “HW Config”. See Section 7.3,
page 7-211f.
Interpolation cycle The interpolation cycle can be freely selected in integer multiples of the position
controller cycle.
NCK CPU time The processor power of the PCU must be shared between the NC and Win-
share dows NT. By default, the NC is assigned 65%.
The value for the CPU time share of the NC is the maximum value that the NC
will only use in the worst case. If the NCK requires less computation time, it will
cede it dynamically to Windows NT.
Part 1 Part 2
Windows NT (general) Windows NT (position controller
Part 1 Part 2 and
Individual setting An individual setting can only be made by the following formula:
MD10185 >= 300 * (Tpos max * MD10070 + TIPO max + 0.2msecs) / MD10071
– Tpos max [ms] and TIPO max [ms]: maximum netruntimes of the position controller or
Display on HMI Advanced (optional):
Operating area switchover > Diagnosis > Service displays >
System resources
S The values displayed in menu: System resources of HMI Advanced refer to
the total power of the CPU, not to the CPU time share of the NCK set in MD
S The values for Tpos max and TIPO max are considerably influenced by ap-
plications active under Windows NT due to cache effects of the PCU proc-
essor. To calculate these value, it is therefore necessary to activate Win-
dows NT applications demanding a lot of CPU time in parallel with execu-
tion of NC parts programs.
When the maximum values for Tpos and TIPO displayed as you proceed as
described above no longer change, you can calculate the above formula
with a value of 200 instead of 300.
The maximum value for the NCK CPU time share of 75% must not be ex-
ceeded. A value greater than 75% can lead to significant impairment (slow-
ing down) of Windows NT applications. If necessary, the values must be
adapted to the system clock cycle/position controller cycle (DP cycle time)
and/or interpolation cycle.
Error response
S Alarm: “4240 CPU time overflow on the IPO or position controller level”
Error causes/remedy
The DP cycle time/position controller cycle, the interpolation cycle, or the NC
CPU time share is set in such a way that not enough CPU time is available for
one of the two cyclic levels of the NC (position controller or interpolator).
Calculate the maximum values for Tpos max and TIPO max (see above) and adjust
the following machine data:
You must adjust the system clock cycle by changing the DP cycle time using
STEP7 “HW Config”. To do that, proceed as you would for final parameteriza-
tion of a DP slave 611U. See Subsection 7.3.7, page 7-231f.
Machine data
! If you have changed the time cycles, check that the operating response of the
control is correct in all operating modes before ending the start-up process.
The smaller the cycle times (PROFIBUS DP cycle) are selected, the higher is
the control quality of the drive and the surface finish of the workpiece.
10.3.9 Velocities
Max. axis velocity The maximum possible axis velocities and spindle speeds depend on the ma-
or spindle speed chine design, drive dynamics and the encoder limit frequency of the individual
Max. progr. The maximum programmable tool path velocity results from the maximum axis
tool path velocity velocities of the axes involved in the path programmed.
Max. tool path The maximum tool path velocity at which traversing is possible within a parts
velocity program block results as follows:
progr. path length in parts program [mm or degrees]
IPO cycle [secs]
Upper limit To guarantee that parts program blocks are executed continuously (control mar-
gin), the NC limits the tool path velocity within a parts program block to 90% of
the max. possible tool path velocity as follows:
For example, in the case of parts programs generated by means of CAD sys-
tem, which contain extremely short blocks, this limiting of the path velocity can
result in a strong reduction of the path velocity over several parts program
The function “Online compressor” can help to avoid such sudden velocity dips.
References: /PGA/ Programming Guide Advanced
Section: Compressor COMPON/COMPCURVE
Lower limit The minimum tool path or axis velocity at which traversing is possible results
Vmin 10 3
Computational resolution[mm orIncr.
] * IPO cycle [secs]
Hardware The dynamic (DRAM) or static (SRAM) memory available in each case depends
configuration on the hardware configuration of the components used (PCU and MCI board)
and the memory available for SINUMERIK 840Di.
1) DRAM component (main memory) occupied by SINUMERIK 840Di and thus no longer
available for Windows NT.
User data The memory areas of the user data are preset to expedient values during gen-
eral reset of the NC. The size of the individual areas can be set for optimized
utilization of the user memory, e.g. for:
S Parts programs
S Tool management
S Tool offset
S User variables
S R parameters
S Compensation
S Protection zones
S Frames.
(see Subsection 10.4.2, Page 10-298):
Memory allocation must take place before actual commissioning of the NC,
since all user data are lost when changes to the memory allocation are made
(e.g. parts programs, tool offsets)!
Machine data, setting data and option data are retained after a memory
Activation The MDs for the memory configuration are activated by power ON.
References: /FB/ Description of Functions
S7 Memory Configuration
Before you enlarge DRAM areas, you should first check whether the free
memory is sufficient:
Machine data
The free SRAM should not be less than 15,000 bytes to ensure that data (e.g.
tool offsets) can be read in at all times.
Reconfiguration of Modifying the machine data listed in Table 10-14 results in a reconfiguration of
the SRAM the SRAM with a loss of all user data. Before the change comes into effect in
the NC, the following alarm message is output:
When reconfiguring the SRAM memory, all user data are lost. To prevent data
loss, a series machine start-up file should be created prior to reconfiguration
(see Section 14.2, Page 14-451).
Machine data
Virtual SRAM If more user memory is required than is available via the SRAM of the MCI
board, the function “Virtual SRAM” can be used with SW 2.3 and higher.
The “Virtual SRAM” function is activated via HMI Advanced (option) (see Sub-
section 10.10.2, Page 10-399).
Mode of During operation of the NCK, the memory area of the virtual SRAM is physically
functioning located in the main memory (DRAM) of the PCU. When Windows NT is shut
down correctly, this memory area is written to the hard disk of the PCU as reten-
tive memory.
During start–up of the NCK, the “SRAM” data are loaded from the hard disk of
the PCU to the main memory (DRAM) of the PCU and made available to the
NCK again as virtual SRAM. The status of the “SRAM” corresponds to the sta-
tus at the time of last proper shutdown.
On loss of voltage or on deactivation of the PCU without proper shutdown of
Windows NT beforehand, all user data stored in the virtual SRAM will be lost. A
UPS system (see Subsection 1.1.8, Page 1-29) is therefore absolutely neces-
sary in conjunction with the virtual SRAM.
System security The Windows NT system settings stated below can generally prevent loss of
data in the event of a serious exception (Blue Screen) detected by Windows
The necessary Windows NT system settings are check during start/up of the
SINUMERIK 840Di. If setting are incorrect, a message box appears with the
appropriate text.
The necessary Windows NT system settings have already been made for all
new SINUMERIK 840Di systems delivered. The following systems are excep-
– PCU50 333MHz / 500MHz with more than 128MB main memory
– PCU50 566MHz / 1,2GHz with more than 256MB main memory
With these systems, the relevant Windows NT system settings must be made
manually during the commissioning phase.
System Properties
System Startup
Automatically reboot
OK Cancel
2. Virtual Memory
Windows NT start bar: Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Per-
formance > Virtual Memory
Drive: E: [WinNT]
Space Available: 560 MB
Initial Size [MB]: 135 MB
Registry Size
To ensure that there is also sufficient storage space o n the hard disk of the
PCU in the event of an error, the storage space required for the function “Virtual
SRAM” is reserved immediately on selection of the function
(see Subsection 10.10.2, Page 10-399).
After acknowledging the relevant message box, start–up of the SINUMERIK
840Di is continued. Following start–up, the control operates normally, even if
the settings that caused the alarm are not corrected.
The user data will then be lost however if a subsequent serious exception Win-
dows NT (Blue Screen) then occurs. In the start–up of the SINUMERIK 840Di
that follows, the last valid version on the user data are loaded to the virtual
SRAM and the follwoing alarm issued (also refer to Loss of data, Page
S Alarm: “4065 non–volatile memory restored from hard disk
(data loss possible)”
Serious exception If a serious exception (Blue Screen) occurs, an appropriate message box ap-
(Blue Screen) pears. SINUIMERIK 840Di NCK and PLC continue to operate normally. To pre-
vent loss of user data, Windows NT must be terminated by one of the following
2. At the time when the user switches off the system, the UPS takes charge of
the supply voltage for the SINUMERIK 840Di. Correct termination of Win-
dows NT must now be requested via one of the shutdown signals described
3. After request for correct shutdown of Windows NT by the shutdown signal,
the standard Windows NT Blue Screen appears with a message to indicate
that the memory dump has been started:
– Beginning dump of physical memory
– Dumping physical memory to disk:
4. On completion of the memory dump, Windows NT issues the following mes-
– Physical memory dump complete
– Contact your system administrator or technical support group
5. The UPS can now switch off the power to the SINUMERK 840Di.
The next start–up of the SINUMERIK 840Di takes considerably longer due to
the necessary restoring activities. The following message box appears to inform
the user:
The control must not be switched off / terminated until start–up of the SINUM-
ERIK 840Di is complete. Otherwise, all user data will be lost (requiring re/com-
missioning of the SINUMERIK 840Di–NCK and PLC).
Data loss If the memory area of the virtual SRAM could not be written to the hard disk of
the PCU, e.g. because the control was switched off without correctly terminating
Windows NT, the current user data are lost.
During the next start–up of the SINUMERIK 840Di that follows, the last valid
version on the user data are loaded to the virtual SRAM. The SINUMERIK
840Di is thus ready again immediately.
The user data or the operating state of the SINUMERIK 840Di must be checked
to see whether they are suitable to be worked with in the future. It might be nec-
essary to perform commissioning of the SINUMERIK 840Di NC and PLC again.
The following alarm is displayed:
S Alarm: “4065 Battery-backed memory has been restored from the hard
disk (possible data loss)”
For safety reasons, the alarm must be acknowledged explicitly by the operator
before performing the necessary NCK POWER ON reset.
See Subsection 10.10.1, Page 10-395ff.
Function For historical reasons, the passive file system of the NCK in which the user
data, such as parts programs, user cycles, etc. are located is in the SRAM area
of the NCK.
The SINUMERIK 840Di has retained this system architecture, among other rea-
sons, because of the increased data security:
– Data retention also in case of a power fail event
– Protection from overwriting because no access to this memory area is
possible by Windows NT applications.
The function DRAM file system permits relocation of data areas are in the
SRAM area of the NCK by default into the DRAM file system by activating a
machine data. The memory that that releases in the SRAM can be used, for
example, for more or larger parts programs.
Retentive back- Because when you switch off the NCK, the memory content of the DRAM is lost,
ground memory the DRAM file system requires a retentive background memory. The DRAM file
system is reloaded from this retentive background memory every time the NCK
is booted. On the SINUMERIK 840Di, the hard disk of the PCU is used as the
background memory.
Clearing the To ensure data consistency, not only the entire SRAM but also the retentive
NC memory background memory of the DRAM file system is cleared with the function “Clear
NC data”, for example, before restart-up of the NCK.
Machine data The maximum size of the DRAM file system in Kbytes can be set in the ma-
chine data:
S MD18351: MM_DRAM_FILE_SIZE (size of DRAM file system).
To ensure system compatibility with the SINUMERIK 840D, the DRAM file sys-
tem of the SINUMERIK 840Di requires configuration of a flash file system (FFS).
The size of the FFS in Kbytes can be set in the machine data:
The size of the DRAM file system and the FFS should currently be set to be
equal, but in any case, the FFS must be greater than or equal to the DRAM file
The max. size per file system is 4MB.
Cycles In SW 2.2 and higher, Siemens, machine manufacturer and user cycles can be
swapped to the DRAM file system. This swapping has no effect on the use of
the cycles.
Relocation of cycles The cycle areas that are to be relocated into the DRAM file system are selected
in the machine data:
S MD11290: DRAM_FILESYSTEM_MASK (selection of directories in the
– Bit 0 = 1: Siemens cycles (CST)
– Bit 1 = 1: Machine manufacturer cycles (CMA)
– Bit 2 = 1: User cycles (CUS)
Saving cycles Selection of the cycle areas to be saved to retentive background memory on a
NCK power ON reset (reboot) or correct termination of Windows–NT is carried
out per machine data:
S MD11291: DRAM_FILESYST_SAVE_MASK (select directory backup to
– Bit 0 = 1: Siemens cycles (CST)
– Bit 1 = 1: Machine manufacturer cycles (CMA)
– Bit 2 = 1: User cycles (CUS)
On account of the preset value of the machine data, all cycle areas are saved in
the retentive background memory per default.
Loading cycles On loading a series machine start-up file or one of the individual cycles to the
NCK, the cycles are first written to the retentive background memory and then
load to the DRAM file system when the function is selected.
Changing relocated Cycles relocated into the DRAM file system can be changed (edited). The
cycles changes take effect immediately. Retentive storage of the changes in the back-
ground memory is not effected until the next:
– “NCK power ON reset” (warm start)
– Proper shutdown of Windows NT.
If the SINUMERIK 840Di is switched off or if a “serious exception” (blue screen)
has occurred although
– “NCK power ON reset” (warm start)
– Proper shutdown of Windows NT
has not been performed, all changes to the cycles made until that time will be
Alarms The following error status can occur in connection with relocation of cycles into
the DRAM file system:
During start-up of the NCK, the cycles are loaded from the background
memory into the DRAM file system. If the configured memory is no longer
sufficient during loading, from this time on cycles still to be loaded will be
loaded into the SRAM file system. If there is insufficient space in the SRAM,
too, loading is stopped and the following alarm is output:
– Alarm: “6690 cycles from the NC card cannot be copied into the passive
file system”
Adaptation of the DRAM file system size in the machine data:
– MD18351: MM_DRAM_FILE_MEM_SIZE (size of DRAM file system)
Machine data
Definition The term “axis” is often used either as a single term in conjunction with SINUM-
ERIK 840Di or as a compound, e.g. machine axis, channel axis, etc. To provide
an overview of the philosophy used as the basis, this term will be explained
here in brief.
Generally, 3 types of axes are distinguished:
1. Coordinate axes
2. Machine axes
3. Geometry and special axes.
Coordinate Coordinate axes (abscissa, ordinate, applicate) are the axes of a Cartesian
axes coordinate system.
Machine axes Machine axes are the motion units existing on a machine, which can also be
designated as linear or rotary axes, depending on their useable movement.
Geometry and The geometry and special axes serve to program traversing movements in
special axes parts programs.
Channel axes The total of all machine, geometry and special axes assigned to a channel is
designated as channel axes.
In this context, the geometry and special axes constitute the program-techno-
logical part of the machining process, i.e. they are used for programming in the
parts program.
The machine axes constitute the physical part of the machining process, i.e.
they carry out the programmed traversing movements on the machine.
Geometry axes The geometry axes constitute the rectangular Cartesian basic coordinate sys-
tem of a channel.
Generally, (Cartesian arrangement of the machine axes) direct imaging of the
geometry axes to the machine axes is possible. If the arrangement of the ma-
chine axes, however, is not Cartesian at right angles, the imaging is performed
using a kinematic transformation.
Additional axes Additional axes are all other channel axes that are not geometry axes. Unlike
for geometry axes (Cartesian coordinate system), for additionalaxes, no geo-
metrical relation is defined, neither between special axes, nor with respect to the
geometry axes.
The assignment of drives, machine axes, channel axes and geometry axes
using the corresponding machine data is shown in the illustration below.
Machine axis 1
[0] = 1
The machine data
The machine data
Machine data
The axis names for channel and geometry axes are used in the parts program
for programming general traversing movements or to describe the workpiece
contour. The axis names are used for
path axes
synchronized axes
positioning axes
command axes
gantry axes
coupled-motion axes
master value coupling axes.
Machine data
I/O addresses TIn order to allow the NC to communicate with the drives connected to PROFI-
BUS DP, it must know the I/O addresses of setpoint and actual value of the
The I/O addresses of the axes set in the SIMATIC S7 project are entered in
Default values The default values of the machine data are dimensioned such that they leave
sufficient distance per axis with one measuring circuit each, beginning from I/O
address 272 (the I/O addresses from 256 plus 16 bytes for the PLC are re-
served for the PROFIBUS drives):
Default values
Any changes in the I/O addresses must be carried out consistently:
Message The message frame type describes the data volume and the data structure of
frame type the message frames exchanged between NC and drive on PROFIBUS DP dur-
ing the cyclic communication.
For parameterizing the message frame type, see Section 7.3, page 7-211.
You will find a detailed description of the message frame structure of each mes-
sage frame type in the following documents, in each case in Section: Commu-
nication on PROFIBUS DP:
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and universal E:
References: /FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal, Description of Functions
References: /POS1/ User Manual SIMODRIVE POSMO A
References: /POS3/ User Manual SIMODRIVE POSMO SI/CD/CA
References: /Subsection 7.3.6; page 7-220.
The message frame type defined in the S7 project is entered in machine data
Default values The default values of the machine data refer to the default message frame type
of SIMODRIVE 611 universal with 1 or 2 axes per drive module and 1 motor
encoder per axis.
A change of the message frame type has to be carried out consistently:
The order of the drives to which reference is made in the machine data
must be identical in both machine data.
ADI4 With an ADI4 module you can operate up to 4 drives with analog setpoint inter-
face on an isochronous PROFIBUS.
In addition to performing the above mentioned drive configuration, for these
drives you also need to deactivate all the SIMODRIVE 611U-specific DP func-
tions that are active by default. In the drive-specific machine data:
Machine data
In order to guarantee that the control runs up reliably, all machine axes are de-
clared as simulation axes (without hardware).
The motor measuring system is always used for the speed control function.
Motor and motor measuring system must therefore always be connected to the
same drive module.
NCK reset Once the drive configuration and setpoint/actual value assignment have been
parameterized, an NCK reset must be executed to initiate a warm restart. After
the NC has powered up, the set configuration is effective.
Machine data
Interface signals
Table 10-20 Switching over the position measuring system: Interface signals
DB Bit, Byte Name Ref.
Axis/spindle-specific Signals from PLC to axis/spindle
31, ... 1.5 Position measuring system 1
31, ... 1.6 Position measuring system 2
Rotary measuring The diagrams below show the general possibilities of arranging a rotary
system incremental measuring system with regard to motor and load, as well as the
resulting values for the appropriate machine data.
on the motor n
Meas. Load
gearbox gearbox Table
F M Ball screw
Table gearbox
Leadscrew ENC_RESOL
Motor Spindle Spindle n
Machine data
Linear measuring The diagrams below show the general possibilities of arranging a rotary
system incremental measuring system with regard to motor and load, as well as the
resulting values for the appropriate machine data.
Load gearbox
Linear scale
Machine data
Encoder types SINUMERIK 840Di currently supports the following absolute encoders:
EQN 1325
EQN 1325 Manufacturer of the absolute encoder EQN 1325 is Heidenhain. It is also pos-
sible to use compatible encoders of other manufacturers.
The absolute encoder EQN 1325 has the following properties:
Measuring An absolute encoder can currently exclusively be used as a motor encoder (in-
systems direct measuring system).
F M Ball screw
gearbox nSpindle LEADSCREW_PITCH
ENC_TYPE=4 Motor =
Machine data
For detailed information on measuring systems that can be connected to the
ADI4, please refer to:
References: /ADI4/ Analog Drive Interface for 4 Axes
Section: Hardware Description
Sample The sample configuration below illustrates the general procedure for configuring
configuration the NC for a 2nd measuring system of a machine axis connected via ADI4. The
following assumptions are made:
2 measuring systems should be parameterized for the 1st machine axis.
– 1st measuring system: Motor measuring system of drive
– 2nd measuring system: Direct measuring system
A SIMODRIVE 611U 1 axis module with connection option for a measuring
system (motor sensor) is used as a drive.
The 2nd measuring system is connected via the sensor interface of the 1st
axis of an ADI4 module (generally, connection is possible to any axis of the
ADI4 module)
(0) 840Di
2 PLC315–2DP (10) SIMOD (15) ADI4
X2 DP Master
4 S7 FM NCU.
I/O addresses and The I/O addresses and messages frame types for the drive and ADI4 axis are
message frame set to the following values during configuration:
types Drive
– I/O address: 258
– Message frame type: Message frame 102
DP slave properties
– I/O address: 472
– Message frame type Standard message frame 3
DP slave properties
NC machine data The general and axis–specific NC machine data must then be set as follows:
Drive assignment
The axis of the SIMODRIVE 611U drive module is assigned to the NC as 1st
machine axis. This is done by entering its I/O address and the message frame
type under Index 0:
MD13050: DRIVE_LOGIC_ADRESS[0] = 258
The I/O address and the message frame type of the 1st axis of the ADI4 module
is entered in the next free machine data (e.g. Index 3):
MD13050: DRIVE_LOGIC_ADRESS[3] = 472
Machine data
Interface signals
Table 10-25 Switching over the position measuring system: Interface signals
DB Bit, Byte Name Ref.
Axis/spindle-specific Signals from PLC to axis/spindle
31, ... 1.5 Position measuring system 1
31, ... 1.6 Position measuring system 2
The DSC function eliminates the deadtime that necessarily exist at the speed
setpoint interface normally used between the NC and drive due to relocation of
the position controller into the drive.
That results in the following advantages for an axis operated with DSC:
The speed feedforward control can be used in conjunction with DSC.
Prerequisites Before you can activate DSC mode, the following preconditions must be fulfilled:
Switch ON/OFF The DSC function is switched ON in the axis-spec. NC machine data
Before you can switch off DSC operation you might have to adapt (reduce) the
KV factor of the axis. Otherwise, instability of the position control loop might
Speed setpoint If you use DSC, a speed setpoint filter for rounding the speed setpoint steps is
filter no longer necessary. The speed setpoint filter is then only of any use with differ-
ence injection to support the position controller, for example, to suppress reso-
Measuring system DSC is only possible in conjunction with the motor measuring system.
Machine data
Optimization of the control loop (current, speed, and position control loop) of the
drives can be performed with:
You will find detailed information about frequency measurement and optimiza-
tion of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E, POSMO CD/CA and SI drives in the
online help of the start-up tool SimoCom U under:
Menu command: Help > Help topics > Index
– Measuring function
– Optimization of speed control loop.
For the recommended procedure with respect to scaling machine data, please
refer to Subsection 10.3.3, page 10-285.
Machine data
Setting data
Positioning axes are channel axes traversing parallel to the path axes without
interpolating with them.
Positioning axes can be traversed either from the parts program or from the
Positioning axis If a positioning axis is programmed in the parts program without specifying an
feedrate axis-specific feedrate, the feedrate entered in
Machine data
Interface signals
Indexing axis are rotary or linear axes that may only be traversed within their
traversing range to defined positions, the indexing positions.
Traversing to indexing positions using the parts program or manually is only
effective if the corresponding machine axis has been successfully referenced.
The indexing positions are stored in tables.
Indexing position The indexing positions are stored in one of 2 possible tables.
MD10900: INDEX_AX_LENGTH_POS_TAB_1 (number of positions of in-
dexing table 1)
Machine data
Interface signals
Per machine axis, 6 parameter sets are available. They are used as follows:
with a spindle:
quick accommodation of the position controller to modified properties of the
machine during operation, e.g. when switching the gearbox.
For machine axes involved in tapping or thread cutting, the parameter sets
corresponding to the current gear stage of the spindle becomes active.
All sets of parameters corresponding to the gear stages of the spindle have
to be parameterized.
The following applies to spindles:
With spindles, each gear stage is assigned a parameter set of its own. The
parameter set is selected from the PLC using the interface signal DB31, ...
DBX16.0 – 16.2 (actual gear stage).
All sets of parameters corresponding to the gear stages of the spindle have
to be parameterized.
For example, in HMI Advanced, the active parameter set of a machine axis is
displayed in the control area “DIAGNOSIS” in the screen form “Service Axis”.
Spindle gear
Parameter set no. Axis Spindle stage
Machine data The following machine data of a machine axis depend on the parameter set:
n = parameter set number (0 ... 5)
Setpoint position
Position Speed Current
interpolator nset iset
controller controller controller Encoder
nact iact
Actual position
Traversing If the axis does not traverse into the desired direction, the appropriate
direction adaptation is made in
Control direction If the control direction of the position measuring system is incorrect, it can be
adjusted with
Loop gain In order to obtain high contour accuracy, a high loop gain (KV factor) of the
position controller is required. However, an excessively high KV factor causes
overshoot, instability and impermissibly high machine loads.
The maximum permissible KV factor is dependent on the dynamic response of
the drive and the mechanical system of the machine.
If “0” is entered for the loop gain factor, the position controller will be discon-
Definition of the The servo gain factor is defined as the ratio of velocity in m/min and the
KV factor resulting following error in mm
Velocity [m/min]
KV =
Following error [mm]
i.e. with a Kv factor of 1 and a velocity of 1 m/min, the following error will be
1 mm.
To adapt the input/output unit of the Kv factor selected by default to the internal
unit [1/sec], the following machine data are assigned by default:
When entering the servo gain factor, take into account that the amplification
factor of the entire position control loop is also dependent on other parameters
of the controlled system.
These factors are:
Tacho adjustment on the speed controller
Tacho generator on drive.
Machine axis that interpolate one with another must have the same following
error at the same velocities.
This can be achieved by setting the same KV factor or dynamic response
adaptation in:
The real servo gain factor can be checked with the following error in the service
e.g. HMI Advanced: Operating area “DIAGNOSIS” > Service displays >
Service axis.
Checking the If a KV factor is already known for the machine in question, this can be set and
servo gain checked. For checking, reduce the acceleration of the axis in
nset nset
[V] [V]
“Poor” “Good”
t [msec] t [msec]
No overshoots may occur while the drive is approaching the static statuses; this
applies to all speed ranges.
Overshoot in the The reasons for an overshoot in the control loop can be:
control loop Acceleration too high (current limit is reached)
Error in speed controller (reoptimization necessary)
Mechanical backlash
Mechanical components canted.
For safety reasons set the KV factor to a little less than the maximum possible
The real KV factor must precisely match that set because monitoring functions
are derived from the KV factor that would otherwise respond (e.g. contour
Acceleration The machine axes are accelerated and decelerated at the acceleration entered
This value should allow the axes to be accelerated and positioned rapidly and
accurately while ensuring that the machine is not unduly loaded.
Default values The default values of the acceleration are in the range from 0.5 m/sec2 to 2 m/
Checking the The sign of a properly adjusted acceleration of a machine axis is acceleration
acceleration and positioning free from overshoot at rapid traverse rate and maximum load
(heavy workpiece).
After the acceleration has been entered, the axis is traversed rapidly and the
actual current values and current setpoint are recorded.
With SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives, the current actual value and the current
setpoint can be recorded using the SimoCom U start-up tool (trace function).
For further information, please refer to the online help of SimoCom U.
This recording shows whether the drive reaches the current limit. During this,
the current limit can be reached for a short time.
However, the current must be well below the current limit before the rapid tra-
verse velocity or the final position is reached.
Slight load changes during machining must not cause the current limit to be
reached. Excessive current during machining causes falsification of the contour.
For this reason, the acceleration value should be a little bit less than the maxi-
mum acceleration value.
Machine axes can have different acceleration values, even if they interpolate
with each other.
Machine data
Automatic It is possible to perform automatic speed setpoint matching if the drive supports
matching acyclic services on the PROFIBUS DP
Acyclic services on the PROFIBUS DP are supported by the following
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E
and the value 0 must be entered in machine data:
During start-up of the NC, speed setpoint matching between the NC and the
drive is then performed automatically.
If automatic speed setpoint matching fails for one axis, the following message
is output on a traverse request for his axis:
Message “Wait, axis enable missing”
This axis and any axes that interpolate with it are not traversed.
ADI4 Because ADI4 does not support acyclic services on the PROFIBUS DP, manual
speed setpoint matching must be performed.
In the two axis-specific NC machine data:
The max. upper limit for the speed setpoint is set in machine data
Values greater than 100% make sense in connection with ADI4 because the
DACs of the ADI4 limit the output voltage to 10V.
Calculation of the If the motor speed required for speed setpoint matching is not known directly, it
motor speed can be calculated as follows with reference to the required axis velocity (linear
axis) or load speed (rotary axis/spindle):
– vAxis [ mm/min ]
– MD31060: DRIVE_RATIO_NUMERA (numerator load gearbox)
– nMotor [ rpm ]
– nLoad [ rpm ]
Checking Incorrect speed setpoint matching has a negative impact on the real servo gain
matching of the axis.
To check speed setpoint matching it is necessary for a defined traverse velocity
to compare the actual following error with the desired following error that should
be set if speed setpoint matching is correct.
Traversing velocity
Desired following error =
Machine data
Digital drives Digital drives are not subject to drift or compensate for it automatically.
ADI4 Because ADI4 does not support acyclic services on the PROFIBUS DP, drift
compensation must be performed manually by entering the appropriate
compensation value in the axial machine data
Manual Manual drift compensation is performed with the axis at zero speed as follows:
drift compensation
– Zero speed of the axis
– Axis enables pending
Speed-controlled axis
The drift causes constant traversing of the axis. To compensate for the drift,
the compensation value is incremented/decremented step by step depend-
ing on the direction of the drift until the axis reaches zero speed.
Position-controlled axis
The drift causes a constant following error or position setpoint , 0. To com-
pensate for the drift, the compensation value is incremented/decremented
step by step depending on the direction of the drift until following error or
position setpoint = 0 is displayed.
HMI Advanced:
Operating area switchover > Diagnosis > Service displays > Service
! If an axis is used for the function DSC (Direct Servo Control)
Machine data
If the above mentioned setting data are unequal to 0, the JOG velocity results
as follows:
1. SD: JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate in JOG mode) = 0
=> linear feed (G94)
Linear axes:
JOG speed = SD41110: JOG_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for G94)
Rotary axes:
JOG speed = SD41130: JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for
rotary axes)
2. SD: JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate in JOG mode) = 1
Machine data
Setting data
Static monitoring The static monitoring functions with reference to a machine axis are:
Exact stop coarse Window around the setpoint position within which exact stop coarse is detected.
Exact stop fine Window around the setpoint position within which exact stop fine is detected.
Delay time Delay time after which the actual value must have reached the tolerance
Exact stop fine window “Exact stop fine” when the setpoint position is reached.
Standstill position Position tolerance which a standing machine axis may not leave.
MD36030: STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill position tolerance)
Alarm: “25040 Zero speed control” and follow-up mode”.
Delay time Delay time after which the actual value must have reached the tolerance
Zero speed control window “Standstill position tolerance” when the setpoint position is reached.
Clamping tolerance Tolerance window for a standing machine axis while the signal “Clamping
process running” is present at the PLC interface.
IS “Clamping process
Time t
Working area The permissible working area of the machine axes can be adapted to the partic-
limitation ular machining situation using the “dynamic” working area limitation.
Software Two software limit switch pairs are provided per machine axis. The active soft-
limit switches ware limit switch pair is selected in the PLC.
All position monitoring functions are only active with valid reference point of the
corresponding reference point of the machine axis.
Hardware If the PLC signals that a hardware limit switch has been reached, the machine
limit switches axis is stopped with the parameterized brake response.
Dynamic The dynamic monitoring functions with reference to a machine axis are:
Speed setpoint The speed setpoint monitoring prevents that the max. admissible motor speed
monitoring is exceeded.
It must be set such that the max. speed (rapid traverse) can be reached and, in
addition, a certain control margin remains.
SIMODRIVE 611 The max. permissible motor speed is specified in P1401:0 “Speed for max.
universal useful motor speed” of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal assigned to the machine
Speed setpoint [ %]
Error causes/remedy
+ to speed
Kv controller
Position controller monitoring
The limitation of the speed setpoint will turn the control loop into a nonlinear
control loop.
Generally, this will result in deviations from the contour and longer dwelling of
the machine axis within the speed setpoint limitation.
Actual velocity Monitoring due to the actual velocity of the machine axis determined based on
monitoring the encoder values
Error causes/remedy
and stopping the machine axis using a speed setpoint ramp whose
characteristic is set in
Error causes/remedy
Contour errors are due to signal distortions in the position-control loop.
HMI Advanced
Operating area: DIAGNOSIS > Service displays > Service of axis
Error causes/remedy
The position control resumes automatically after the axes have stopped.
The axis concerned must be re-referenced.
Encoder The zero mark monitoring of the encoder of a machine axis checks whether
zero mark pulses were lost between two zero mark passes.
MD 36310: ENC_ZERO_MONITORING (zero mark monitoring)
is used to enter the number of detected zero mark errors at which the
monitoring is to respond.
Special feature:
A value of 100 will additionally disable the hardware monitoring of the encoder.
Error response
Error causes/remedy
Cycl. monitoring of The position difference between the two encoder or position measuring systems
encoder of a machine axis is monitored with
position tolerance
MD36510 ENC_DIFF_TOL (measuring system synchronism tolerance)
Error response
Control loop
Following error Actual-value
STSTILL_VELO_TOL processing 1
STANDSTILL_POS_TOL IS “Position measuring system 1/2 active”
Referencing When referencing a machine axis, the actual position value system of the ma-
chine axis is synchronized with the machine geometry.
Depending on the encoder type used, the machine axis is referenced with or
without traversing movements.
Reference point For all machine axes which are not equipped with an encoder providing an ab-
approach solute actual position value, referencing is carried out by traversing the machine
axis, the so-called reference point approach.
The reference point approach can be carried out either manually in JOG mode,
submode REF, or using a parts program. Reference point approach is started
using traversing keys PLUS or MINUS (depending on the parameterized refer-
ence point approach direction).
Phase-independent The following machine data and interface signals are independent with re-
data spect to the individual phases of reference point approach:
IS “Referenced/synchronized”
(DB31, ... DBX60.4 and 60.5)
Zero marker of position
measuring system
Reference-point approach velocity
Reference-point positioning velocity
Reference-point shutdown velocity
Phase 1: The following machine data and interface signals are important:
Traversing to the
reference cam
MD34010: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference cam approach in the
negative direction)
Properties of phase 1:
The feed override (the feed override switch) is active
The feed stop (channel-specific and axis-specific) is active
The machine axis can be stopped and started again using NC Stop/NC Start
If the machine axis traverses a distance defined in
(max. distance to the reference cam)
without reaching the reference cam
– IS: DB31, ... DBX12.7 (“Reference point approach delayed”) = 0
the axis stops, and
– alarm 20000 “Reference cam not reached”
is output.
! If the reference cam is not adjusted exactly, it is possible that a wrong zero
marker is evaluated after the reference cam has been left. As a result, the
control system will take a wrong machine zero.
Software limit switches, protection areas and work area limits will thus also be
active for the wrong positions. The difference corresponds to " one encoder
Danger for man and machine exists.
Phase 2: The following machine data and interface signals are important:
Synchronizing to the
encoder zero marker
MD 34040: REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (shutdown speed)
(direction reversal to reference cam)
(maximum path from cam to reference mark).
Properties of phase 2:
Feed override (the feed override switch) is not active.
100% is fixed, an abortion is carried out at 0%
Phase 3: The following machine data and interface signals are important:
Traversing to the
reference point
MD34070: REFP_VELO_POS (reference-point positioning velocity)
MD34080: REFP_MOVE_DIST (reference point distance to the zero mark)
MD34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference-point offset additive)
MD34100: REFP_SET_POS (reference point value).
IS: DB31, ... DBX2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (“Reference point values 1...4”)
IS: DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5 (“Referenced/synchronized 1, 2”).
Properties of phase 3:
Feed override (the feed override switch) is active.
Feed stop (channel-specific and axis-specific) is active.
The machine axis can be stopped and started again using NC Stop/NC
Clearance-coded When clearance-coded reference marks are used, referencing is divided into 2
reference marks phases:
1. Synchronizing by overtraveling 2 reference marks
2. Traversing to target point
IS “Referenced/synchronized”
(DB31, ... DBX60.4 and 60.5)
MD 34040:
(Reference-point shutdown velocity) t
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase-independent The following machine data and interface signals are independent with re-
data spect to the individual phases of reference point approach:
(distance between reference marks)
Phase 2: The following machine data and interface signals are important:
Traversing to the
target point
MD 34070: REFP_VELO_POS (target point positioning velocity)
MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (absolute offset)
Set MD 34100: REFP_SET_POS (target point)
MD 34330: REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER (with/without target point)
IS: DB31, ... DBX60.4, DBX60.5 (“Referenced/synchronized 1, 2”).
Properties of phase 2
The feed override (the feed override switch) is active.
The feed stop (channel-specific and axis-specific) is active.
The machine axis can be stopped and started again using NC Stop/NC
Determining the To determine the absolute offset between the measuring system zero point and
absolute off-set the machine zero, the following procedure is proposed:
1. Determine the actual position of the measuring system
After two reference marks following one after the other (synchronized) have
been overtraveled, the actual position of the length measuring system can be
read on the user interface at “Actual position”.
MD 34090: REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference point/absolute offset) must
be zero at this time.
2. Determine the absolute machine actual position
Traverse the machine axis to a position at which the actual machine position
can be exactly measured with reference to machine zero, e.g. using a laser
3. Calculate the absolute offset.
! After you have determined the absolute offset and made an entry in
Absolute encoder Referencing of an axis with absolute encoders is carried out automatically when
the NC powers up if the corresponding axis is detected adjusted.
The following two requirements must be fulfilled:
The measuring system of the machine axis, which is active when the NC
powers up, uses the absolute encoder.
The acceptance of the absolute encoder is carried out without axis movement.
Adjustment In the case machine axes are equipped with absolute encoders, the measuring
system is not synchronized by approaching a reference point, but it is adjusted.
When adjusting the axis, the actual value of the absolute encoder is matched
with the machine zero once during the start-up and then enabled.
The adjustment can be carried out in three different ways:
Operator-assisted adjustment
Automatic adjustment with probe
Adjustment with BERO.
Any other kinds of referencing with absolute encoders will not be supported.
Operator-assisted The machine axis to be adjusted is moved to a defined machine position, and
adjustment then the appropriate actual value is set in the NC.
Chronological sequence
1. Parameterize the referencing mode to “No reference point approach; accep-
tance of MD34100: REFP_SET_POS” by setting value “0” in:
MD34200: ENC_REFP_MODE[n] (referencing mode)
2. Approach a known machine position
Traverse the machine axis in JOG mode to a known position.
The direction in which the position is approached must correspond to the
direction set in
MD34010: REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (ref. point approach in
the minus direction)
(0 = positive direction, 1 = negative direction).
This known position must be approached at slow velocity and always from the
same direction to make sure that the actual value is not invalidated by the
backlash in the drive system.
The machine axis is marked adjusted by the NC by the change of the dis-
played value in the axis-specific machine data:
MD34210: ENC_REFP_STATE[n] (status of absolute encoder)
from 1 = “Encoder adjustment enabled” to 2 = “Encoder is adjusted”.
The axis will not move if the traversing key is pressed!
The value entered in MD34100: REFP_SET_POS[n] (ref. point value) is dis-
played on the actual-value display of the appropriate traversing key.
8. The adjustment of the absolute encoder of this machine axis is thus com-
Adjusting several For time-optimized adjustment of several machine axes, the following procedure
axes is recommended:
1. Traverse all or several machine axes (as far as permitted by the machine
design) to the adjustment point (see above, Points 1 – 5).
2. Switch over to: JOG/REF mode (Point 6).
3. Carry out the adjustment for each machine axis (Point 7).
The status in
MD34210: ENC_REFP_STATE[n] (status of absolute encoder)
is only reset by the NC automatically in the case of gear change.
In all the other cases, the user must reset the status to 0 = “Encoder not ad-
justed” by himself/herself and provide for readjustment.
Interface signals
Machine data
The spindle mode of a machine axis is a subset of the general axis functionality.
For this reason, the machine data required to start up an axis have also to be
set for a spindle.
The machine data to parameterize a spindle are therefore to be found under the
axis-specific machine data (from MD 35000 onwards).
After the default machine data have been loaded, no spindle is defined.
Spindle modes The diagram below illustrates the spindle modes and possible transitions
between them.
gearbox gearbox
gearbox changed COUPON COUPOF
Rigid tapping
Power ON 0
0 1 2 3
Axis mode
Positioning mode
Speed mode without
Standard adjustment
Axis mode It is possible to switch directly from spindle mode to axis mode provided the
same drive is used for both modes.
1. Transition to axis mode by programming the spindles using their axis names
or by M70.
2. If the axis is not synchronized, e.g. position control enabled with M70, the
axis has to be referenced with G74 first. Only then the mechanical position
will coincide with the programmed position.
3. It is switched over to the current feedforward control mode marked by the
machine data and commands FFWON and FFWOF.
Special features The following characteristics apply to the axis mode of a spindle:
1. The feed override switch is valid.
2. The IS “Reset” (DB21, ... DBX7.7) does not end axis mode by default.
3. The interface signals DBB16 to DBB19 and DBB82 to DBB91 in DB31, ...
are not important if the IS “Axis/no spindle” (DB31, ... DBX60.0) is set to
4. The axis mode can be enabled in any gear stage. If the positional actual-
value encoder is mounted on the motor (indirect measuring system), differ-
ent positioning and contour accuracies may result between the gear stages.
5. If axis mode is active, it is not possible to switch over the gear stage. To this
aim, it is necessary to switch over to control mode using M41 to M45.
6. In axis mode, the machine data of the 1st parameter record (index zero) will
apply to be able to make adaptations.
Parameter sets In Spindle mode of a spindle, the NC will select the parameter set that suits the
current gear stage best.
Gear stage x => parameter set (x+1) => index [x]
In axis mode of a spindle, the NC always selects the 1st parameter set (index
[0], independent of the current gear stage.
The machine data listed in the following are gear stage-dependent machine
data of a spindle:
Adapting the When parameterizing the measuring systems of spindles, the same conditions
encoder apply as for parameterization of the measuring systems of rotary axes. This
multiple is 2048.
For incremental measuring systems, see above, Subsection 10.5.5,
page 10-317.
For absolute measuring systems, see above, Subsection 10.5.6, page 10-320.
If the motor encoder is used for actual-value sensing, the encoder matching
data must be entered in the machine data for each individual gear stage if
several gear stages are present.
Pulse The maximum multiplication of the appropriate drive is always used as the
multiplication multiplication of the increments.
SIMODRIVE 611 The pulse multiplication with SIMODRIVE 611 universal is 128.
360 1 1 int. increments
resolution = * * * 1000 = 5.625
500 * 128 1 1 Encoder pulse
Gear stage 1
Gear stage 2
Speeds, gear In SINUMERIK 840Di, data for five gear stages are implemented. These stages
stages are defined by a minimum and maximum speed for the stage itself and by a
minimum and maximum sped for the automatic gear stage changeover.
A new gear stage is output only if the newly programmed speed setpoint cannot
be traversed in the present gear stage. For the sake of simplification, the oscilla-
tion times for gear stage changeovers can be specified directly in the NC; the
oscillation function must otherwise be implemented in the PLC. The oscillation
function is initiated in the PLC.
Max. spindle speed
Max. speed of gear stage 2
Max. speed for gear stage 2 changeover
Max. speed of gear stage 1
Max. speed for gear stage 1 changeover
Min. speed for gear stage 2 changeover ÉÉÉ
Min. speed of gear stage 2
Min. speed for gear stage 1 changeover
Min. speed of gear stage 1
Min. spindle speed
1 2 gear stage
Fig. 10-29 Example of speed ranges with automatic gear stage selection (M40)
Velocities for The speeds of the spindle in conventional mode are entered in the machine
conventional data:
MD 32010: JOG_VELO_RAPID (conventional rapid traverse) or
MD32020: JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity).
The direction of rotation is specified using the appropriate directional keys for
the spindle on the MCP.
Setpoint The speeds for drive control must be transferred to the drive as scaled values.
adjustment The values are scaled in the NC using the selected load gear and the appropri-
ate drive parameter.
Speed n
Normalization value
The desired speed on the spindle is obtained using a mechanical gear stage.
Machine data
Table 10-41 Speeds and setpoint adjustment for spindle: Machine data
Axis-specific ($MA_ ...)
31050 DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM Load gear denominator G2
31060 DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA Load gear numerator G2
32010 JOG_VELO_RAPID Conventional rapid traverse
32020 JOG_VELO Conventional axis velocity
35010 GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE Gear stage change possible
35020 SPIND_DEFAULT_MODE Spindle park position
35030 SPIND_DEFAULT_ACT_MASK Activate spindle park position
35040 SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET Spindle activated by reset
35200 GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL[n] Acceleration in speed control mode
35220 ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT Speed limit for reduced acceleration
35230 ACCEL_REDUCTION_FACTOR Reduced acceleration
35400 SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO Oscillation speed
35410 SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL Acceleration on oscillation
35430 SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR Start direction on oscillation
35440 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CW Oscillation time for M3 direction
35450 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CCW Oscillation time for M4 direction
Interface signals
Table 10-42 Speeds and setpoint adjustment for spindle: Interface signals
DB number Bit, Byte Name Ref.
Axis-specific Signals from PLC to axis/spindle
31, ... 4.6 Traversing keys minus
31, ... 4.7 Traversing keys plus
The NC provides an “oriented spindle stop” function with which the spindle can
be moved into a certain position and held there (e.g. for tool changing pur-
poses). Several programming commands are available for this function which
define the approach and program processing.
References: /PA/ Programming Guide
S1 Spindles
To absolute position (0 – 360 degrees)
Incremental position (+/– 999999.99 degrees)
Block change when position reached
Block change on block end criterion.
The control brakes the spindle down to creep speed at the acceleration rate for
speed operation.
If the creep speed has been reached (INT “Spindle in setpoint range”), the con-
trol branches into position control mode and the acceleration rate for position
control mode and the KV factor become active.
The interface signal “Fine exact stop” is output to indicate that the programmed
position has been reached (block change when position reached).
The acceleration rate for position control mode must be set such that the current
limit is not reached. The acceleration rate must be entered separately for each
gear stage.
If the spindle is positioned from zero speed, it is accelerated up to a maximum
speed corresponding to creep speed; the direction is defined in machine data.
The contour monitoring function is activated as soon as the control mode
switches to position control.
Machine data
Interface signals
To allow the spindle to be positioned from the NC, its position has to be adjusted
using the measuring system. This operation is called “synchronization”.
As a rule, synchronizing is done to the zero mark of the connected encoder or
to a BERO as zero mark substitute.
The machine data
SIMODRIVE 611 The drive SIMODRIVE 611 universal supports the connection of a BERO as a
universal zero mark substitute for synchronizing the spindle.
For the exact procedure of operating a BERO on SIMODRIVE 611 universal,
References: /FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal, Description of Functions
Section:Motion Control with PROFIBUS DP
(from SW 3.1)
Zero mark substitute on PROFIBUS
gearbox Motor Motor
If the spindle encoder is not mounted directly on the spindle and there are
speed-transforming gears between the encoder and spindle (e.g.
motor-mounted encoder), then a BERO signal connected to the drive
module must be used for synchronization.
The control then automatically resynchronizes the spindle after each gear
change. No manual intervention is required on the part of the user.
Machine data
Interface signals
Spindle in If the spindle reaches the tolerance range specified in machine data
setpoint range
MD35150: SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance)
the interface signal
Gear stage speed The max./min. gear stage speed is entered in:
MD35130: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (max. speed of gear stage)
MD35140: GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (max. speed of gear stage)
The speed cannot leave this range when the appropriate gear stage is en-
The encoder limit frequency value must be such that the mechanical encoder
speed limit is not exceeded or else the synchronization from high speeds will be
IS: Referenced/synchronized
limited by G25 and G26
Speed range of spindle
or spindle chuck
Machine data
Setting data
Interface signals
The digital and analog input/outputs connected on PROFIBUS DP are provided
for both NC and PLC.
It is the sole responsibility of the user to avoid access conflicts:
On the side of the NC: Parts program/synchronized action
On the side of the PLC: PLC user program.
Max. number The maximum number of digital or analog input/outputs that can be used for the
NC is:
Total MCI board PROFIBUS
extension modules
Analog inputs 8 – 8
Analog outputs 8 – 8
Digital inputs 36 4 32
Digital outputs 36 4 32
The first digital input and output byte is permanently assigned to the MCI board
extension module (option). Therefore you can connect a maximum of 4 addi-
tional input/output bytes to the PROFIBUS DP via signal modules. See config-
uration example Subsection 10.6.6, page 10-384.
Machine data The number of used analog and digital inputs/outputs is set in the following ma-
chine data parameters:
Analog input/outputs
MD10300: FASTIO_ANA_NUM_INPUTS (“Number of active analog NC in-
MD10310: FASTIO_ANA_NUM_OUTPUTS (“Number of active analog NC
Digital input/outputs
MD10350: FASTIO_DIG_NUM_INPUTS (“Number of active digital NC input
MD10360: FASTIO_DIG_NUM_INPUTS (“Number of active digital NC out-
put bytes”)
On the NC side, the analog and digital inputs/outputs are assigned to the re-
spective signal modules on the PROFIBUS DP via the appropriate I/O ad-
dresses in the machine data:
Digital input/outputs
MD10366: HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTIN[n] (“hardware assignment of external
digital inputs”), per input byte where n = 0–3
MD10368: HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTOUT[n] (“hardware assignment of ex-
ternal digital outputs”), per output byte where n = 0–3.
Input format
05 00 I/O high I/O low
S7 I/O address Low part
S7 I/O address High part
always 00
always 05 (identifier:
The first digital I/O bytes defined in each case via machine data:
always refer to the 4 digital input/outputs on the MCI board extension mod-
ule. Explicit assignment in machine data is not possible. Therefore, the ma-
chine data required to assign the digital and analog input/outputs refer ex-
clusively to the signal modules connected via the PROFIBUS DP.
The digital input/outputs are organized as follows:
Hardware assign machine data: Byte by byte
System variables: Bit by bit
Digital inputs The following example uses the configuration of 3 digital input bytes to illustrate
the connection between digital input bytes and system variables.
The following prerequisites apply for the sample configuration:
– MCI board extension module: 1 input byte.
– PROFIBUS–DP signal modules: 2 input bytes
The MCI board extension module always uses one digital input byte. Digital
input bytes from external signal modules must therefore always be counted as
additional input bytes:
where m = number of input bytes from external signal modules
Since the 1st input byte is internally permanently assigned to the MCI board
extension module, only the input bytes of the external signal modules need to
be explicitly assigned to the system variables.
MD10366: HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTIN[0] –> 1. external input byte
MD10366: HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTIN[1] –> 2. external input byte
MD10350: FASTIO_DIG_NUM_INPUTS = 3 = 1 + m
where: 1 –> 1. Dig. input byte of the MCI board extension module
(alwazs permanently 1, see text)
m=2 –> 2nd and 3rd dig. input byte via PROFIBUS I/O modules
(number of input bytes used by external signal modules)
Digital outputs The configuration of digital outputs is analogous to the example described
above for digital inputs.
Position controller
RPos. RInterpol.
and interpolator
DP slave: 3
Signal module
Fig. 10-34 Time behavior when outputting an output signal with optimized DP cycle
RES Reserve: “active break” until the equidistant cycle has elapsed
Set the system variables, e.g. $A_OUT[8] in the parts program or
synchronized action
Connect the signal to the output of the module.
The I/O addresses of the modules are assigned automatically by “HW Con-
fig”. (Manual adjustment is possible.)
Each I/O address refers to an input/output byte.
Fig. 10-35 Example configuration: SINUMERIK 840Di with ET200 and ADI4
Slot Module I address O address Comment
4 Drive modules
5 Drive modules 258...275 1. Axis
6 Drive modules 258...267 1. Axis
7 Drive modules
8 Drive modules
9 Drive modules 332...349 2nd Axis
10 Drive modules 332...341 2nd Axis
11 Drive modules
12 Drive modules
13 Drive modules 350...367 3rd Axis
14 Drive modules 350...359 3rd Axis
15 Drive modules
16 Drive modules
17 Drive modules 312...329 4th Axis
18 Drive modules 312...321 4th Axis
19 Drive modules
20 Drive modules
21 Drive modules 330...331 I word
22 Drive modules 330...331 O word
The structure of the PROFIBUS message frame is described in Subsection 7.3.6,
page 7-220f.
Number of ET200
input bytes 3 input bytes
1 input byte.
Although only four input bytes are used, five must be declared. The 1st input
byte is always assigned to the MCI board extension module, even if it does not
Number of ET200
output bytes 2 output bytes
2 output bytes.
Although only four output bytes are used, five must be declared. The 1st output
byte is always assigned to the MCI board extension module even if it is not
Machine data
Setting data
Interface signals
Siemens The following technological functions are available from Siemens as loadable
compile cycles compile cycles:
– 1D/3D clearance control in position controller cycle
Order No.: 6FC5 251-0AC05-0AA0
References: /FB3/ Description of Functions Special Functions
Section clearance control (TE1)
– Continue Machining at the Contour (Retrace Support)
Order No.: 6FC5 251-0AE72-0AA0
References: /FB3/ Description of Functions Special Functions
Section Continue Machining-Retrace Support (TE7)
– Fast Laser Switching Signal
Order No.: 6FC5 251-0AE74-0AA0
References: /FB3/ Description of Functions Special Functions
Section Cycle-Independent Path-Synchronous Switching
Signal Output TE8
When you order one of the listed technological functions, you are given the cor-
responding software license number. To obtain the compile cycle itself as a
loadable file (extension .ELF for executable and linking format), please contact
your local Siemens sales representative.
Compile cycles created by Siemens are options that require explicit activation
and licensing.
References: Ordering information Catalog NC 60.2002
User To create your own compile cycles, in addition to the necessary NCK-specific
compile cycles development environment, you need the SINUMERIK Open Architecture com-
ponent “OA package NCK”.
To use the SINUMERIK Open Architecture component “OA package NCK”, you
need to conclude an OEM contract.
Requirements: The following requirements must be met to enable loading a compile cycle to
Control the NCK:
1. A flash file system (FFS) of at least 512KB is set up on the NCK.
2. To transfer the compile cycle to the control, you need one of the following
transfer media:
– Floppy disk drive (option)
– Network connection via the Ethernet interface of the PCU with the exter-
nal PC/PG containing the compile cycles file.
3. To copy the compile cycle to the FFS of the NCK, you need SinuCom NC
Version 6.2.12 or higher.
Several compile cycles can be copied to the NCK FSS in succession; you don’t
need to perform an NCK reset after each copy procedure.
Interface If the interface version of the compile cycle is incompatible with the interface
versions version of the NCK system software, the following alarm is issued:
Dependencies If a compile cycle has a functional dependency on another one which is not
loaded to the NCK, the following alarm is issued:
System enables If the compile cycle is not enabled in conjunction with SINUMERIK
840Di/840DiE, the following alarm is issued:
Not enabled for SINUMERIK 840Di
Alarm “7200 CC<identifier>_ELF NO_840Di”
Not enabled for SINUMERIK 840DiE
Alarm “7200 CC<identifier>_ELF NO_EMBARGO”.
If after booting the NCK, alarm “7200 . . .” appears, then none of the loaded
compile cycles are active.
Activating and To activate the technological function loaded with the compile cycle to the NCK,
licensing the you need to set and license the respective option.
option For information about how to activate and license options, please see Section
6.8, page 6-201.
Activating the Each loaded compile cycle generates a technological function-specific global
technological machine data:
$MN_CC_ACTIVE_IN_CHAN_<identifier>[n], with n = 0, 1
in the machine data number range 60900 to 60999.
You can activate the entire technological function in the individual NC channels
or individual subfunctions via the above mentioned general NCK machine date.
For a description of the machine data, please see Subsection 10.7.4, page
Version display: The compile cycles loaded in the FSS NCK are displayed together with the re-
HMI Advanced spective version of HMI Advanced (option) in the following menu:
(option) Operating area switchover > Service > Version > Compile cycles
machine data
60900 + i CC_ACTIV_IN_CHAN_XXXX[n]
with i = 0. 1. 2nd 3 ... with: XXXX = function identifier, n = 0 or 1
MD number n = 0: Activation of the technological function in the NC channels
n = 1: Additional functions within the technological function
Default settings: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: FFFF
Changes valid after RESET Protection level: 2 / 7 Unit: –
Data type: UINT16 valid from SW: 2.2
Meaning: Activation of the technological function in the NC channels
The technological function is activated in the NC channels via the MD with the index n = 0.
Bit 0 = 1: Technological function activated in NC channel 1
Bit n = 1: Technological function activated in NC channel n+1
For more details about which NC channels a technological function can be activated,
please refer to the manuals below.
Additional functions within the technological function:
Additional functions within the individual technological function can be activated via the MD
with the index n = 1. See References below.
References: /FB3/ Description of Functions Special Functions TE1 – TE8.
The drives available for SINUMERIK 840Di:
can be operated by default with mode 0 (abrupt shut-down of PROFIBUS DP
communication). This corresponds to the initialized default setting of the ma-
chine data (see Subsection 10.8.2, page 10-393).
machine data
MD number PROFIBUS shutdown handling
Default settings: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: 2
Changes valid after RESET Protection level: 2 / 7 Unit: –
Data type: UINT8 valid from SW: 2.2
Meaning: Shut-down modes of PROFIBUS DP communication:
0= PROFIBUS DP communication is shut down at the DP master end without any
1= PROFIBUS DP is switched to CLEAR mode for at least 20 clock cycles.
PROFIBUS DP communication is then shut down.
If it is not possible to switch the PROFIBUS DP to CLEAR mode, the
procedure described in step 2 is followed.
To be used for: SINUMERIK 840D with DP-Link module.
2= Null vales are transmitted for at least 20 clock cycles for all DP slave drives
connected to PROFIBUS DP for the following frame data:
– Control word 1
– Control word 2
PROFIBUS DP communication is then shut down.
To be used for: SINUMERIK 840Di with PLC 315-2DP, 314-2C, 317-2DP.
Operating path The menu for NC/PLC diagnosis is located under the follwoing operating path:
S Operating area switchover > Diagnosis > NC/PLC Diagnosis > Diagnosis
6 Running
Acknowledge BATL
alarm 4065
General NCK reset BATF RUN PLC
NCK latency times
RUN General
BUSF Reset
0 NCK reset
0 Time (sec) 73
Diagnostics Settings
S NCK status
The output field displays the current status of the NCK:
– 0 not started
– 1 started
– 2 Initialize data
– 3 Initialize data
– 4 Start–up
– 5 Wait for PLC
– 6 Running
– F NCK error
S NCK reset
The “NCK Reset” button initiates an NCK POWER ON reset.
On NCK POWER ON reset, all machining activities are aborted. Maximum
deceleration for drives in motion does not take place at the acceleration
characteristic but at the current limit.
After start–up, the NC status is Reset. Machine and user data are not
After “General NCK resetart”, it is necessary to recommission the NC or load a
series start–up file (see Section 14, Page 14-449).
Alarm 4065 can also be acknowledged with a NCK–POWER ON reset per
“General NCK reset”. Then, the NC must be recommissioned or a series ma-
chine start-up file (see Chapter 14, Page 14-449) loaded.
Use the button PLC “RUN–P” to bring the PLC to the status ”RUN–PRO-
GRAMMING”. In this state, it is possible to modify the PLC user program
without activating the password.
Use the button “PLC RUN” to bring the PLC to the ”RUN” status. Only read
access via a programming unit is possible in this operating state. Changes
cannot be made to the PLC user program until the password has been set.
Use the button “PLC STOP” to bring the PLC to the status ”STOP”. Process-
ing of the PLC program is halted and all outputs are set to alternative values.
Use the button “PLC MRES” to bring the PLC to the “STOP” state and then
perform a general PLC reset. The follwoing actions are carried out by the
1. The PLC deactivates all existing connections.
2. The user data are deleted (data and program blocks)
3. The system data blocks (SDB) are deleted.
4. Non–volatile data are copied to RAM again by the PLC after the general
5. The diagnosis buffer, MPI parameters, time and operating hour counter
are not reset.
S Status displays
The states displayed by the LEDs proivde the following information:
S SF (System Fault)
Lights up on PLC system fault, e.g. hardware, programming, parameter-
ization, computation, timing, battery and communication faults.
Lights up when the FORCE function is active.
Use the FORCE function to set user variable to fixed values that the user
program must not exceed. Detailed information is provided in the online
help of the SIMATIC Manager STEP 7.
Group: NCK The NCK latency time group combines the following information:
latency time S NCK latency time
The foundation for the SINUMERIK 840Di Real–time property is the cyclic
activation of the NC system software at defined intervals.
Since the NC and Windows NT share the available processor resources of
the PLC, there can be delays (latency times) when calling the NCK. Latency
times greater than 200µsecs are Real–time violations, for which the func-
tional integrity of the NC is not longer guaranteed.
The latency time display of the NCK can be used to continuously monitor
the latency behavior of the NCK over a period of 50 seconds. Following re-
placement of extension of the HW and/or SW components, it is thus pos-
sible to determine whether, and if so to what extent, these have an effect on
the real–time behavior of the NCK.
For details of real–time properties of the SINUMERIK 840Di, refer to Subsec-
tion 1.1.4, Page 1-24.
Operating path The menu for the SINUMERIK 840Di–specific settings is located under the foll-
woing operating path:
S Operating area switchover > Diagnosis > NC/PLC Diagnosis > Settings
Diagnostics Settings
Modifying data On switchover to the menu, the data displayed are read–only. To modify the
data, first press the soft key: Modify.
The siye of the SRAM memory area is displayed in the following machine data:
This selection option assigns the 1 MB physical SRAM SRAM of the
MCI boards to the NCK for storing retentive data. Approx. 512KB, de-
pending on the configuration of the NCK (number of channels, number of
axes, etc.) are available to the user as user memory.
On loss of voltage or if the PCU is deactivated without terminating Window NT
correctly, all user data are lost. A UPS system (see Subsection 1.1.8, Page
1-29) is therefore absolutely necessary in conjunction with the virtual SRAM.
S deactivated
No input signal present
S Low active
On detection of the low level (0) at the configured input,
SINUMERIK 840Di NCK / PLC and then Windows NT are terminated
S High active
On detection of the high level (1) at the configured input,
SINUMERIK 840Di NCK / PLC and then Windows NT are terminated.
Accept changes To accept the changes made press the soft key: Accept. The message box that
appears must also be confirmed by pressing the soft key: Accept.
Use the soft key: Abort to discard all changes and display the original settings
Accepting user
non–volatile the changes
memorycan result in the loss of2560
NC user data. / HD non–volatile
Ensure that these data have been stored in a series machine start-up file.
1. Memory
Signal setting
input for have been
shutdown changed.
Changes do not become effective until after a full system reboot.
Signal source deactivated
2. The shutdown behavior has been modified.
Signal level – of voltage.
Wrong configuration results in data loss on loss
Diagnostics Settings
It is strongly recommended that you create a series machine start-up file as
described above prior to making any changes. See Chapter 14, page 14-449.
S SinuCom NC
S 840Di start-up
S HMI Advanced.
By changing/modifying the texts or files or by creating new texts/files, a flexible
adaptation to the current requirements is possible.
Storage of the Files containing the alarm and message texts are stored on the hard disk in
text files directory <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\.
Structure of the The alarm and message texts to be used are set in the file <installation
file MBDDE.INI path>\mmc2\mbdde.ini. To this aim, the appropriate paths to the application-
specific standard and user files must be stored in the section [Textfiles] of the
Extract of the file “MBDDE.INI”:
MMC= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alm_
NCK= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\aln_
PLC= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\plc_
ZYK= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alz_
CZYK= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alc_
UserPLC= <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\myplc_
Standard The standard alarm and message texts in ASCII format are stored in the
text files following files on the hard disk:
– MMC : <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alm_XX.com
– NCK : <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\aln_XX.com
– PLC : <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alp_XX.com
– ZYK : <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alz_XX.com
– CZYK : <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\alc_XX.com
“XX” stands for the abbreviation of the appropriate language (see Table 11-1,
page 11-405).
The standard text files should not be modified for adaptation of the alarm and
message texts. In the case of a software update, the inserted or modified user-
specific texts would be lost by overwriting the existing data. It is therefore ur-
gently recommended to store user-specific alarm and message texts in sepa-
rate user text files.
User You can replace the alarm and message texts stored in the standard text files
text files by your own user-specific text files or extend them.
To edit the text files, any ASCII editor can be used.
When editing the text files with a different editor, make sure that they are then
stored in ASCII format.
The alarm and message texts from the user files replace the standard texts with
the same alarm and message numbers.
Texts for alarm or message numbers not contained in the standard texts are
additionally provided.
The maximum length of an alarm or message text displayed over two lines is
110 characters.
Storage path The user-specific text files must be copied with operating area:
Services into the directory:
<installation path> \dh\mb.dir.
Language The language assignment of the user-specific alarm texts is done using the
dependency of name of the text file. The appropriate code and the file extension .com are
the alarm texts added to the user file name entered in MBDDE.INI:
Language Abbreviation
German gr
English uk
French fr
Italian it
Spanish sp
Announcement in The user-specific text files that are now in the directory: <installation path>
the system \dh\mb.dir are announced to the system using an appropriate entry in the file
To make sure that the modified file MBDDE.INI is not overwritten in the case of
a software update, it is strictly recommended to store it in the intended
USER path (<installation path>\user\mbdde.ini).
If the text file MYPLC_GR.COM is created on an external PC and then read in
through the serial interface (e.g. with PCIN), the following lines must be con-
tained at the beginning of the file:
Any modifications to alarm texts come only into effect after the appropriate user
interface has been rebooted.
When creating text files, make sure that the date and time are correctly set on
the PCU. Otherwise the user texts might not be displayed on the screen cor-
Alarm numbers The following alarm numbers are available for alarms relating to cycles, compile
cycles and the PLC:
Table 11-2 Alarm numbers for cycle, compile cycle and PLC alarms
Format of the The text file for cycle and compile cycle alarms has the following structure:
text file for Table 11-3 Structure of text file for cycle alarm texts
cycle alarm texts
Alarm number Display Help ID Text or alarm number
60100 1 0 “No D number %1 programmed”
60101 1 0 60100
... ... ... ...
65202 0 1 “Axis %2 in channel %1 is still moving”
// Alarm text file for cycles in German
Text or The associated text is given in inverted commas with the position parameters.
alarm number
S The characters ” and # must not be used in alarm texts.
The character % is reserved for displaying parameters.
S If the user wishes to use an existing text, he can insert a reference to the
appropriate alarm text. 5-digit alarm number instead of “text”.
S The alarm text file may contain comment lines which must start with “//”. The
maximum length of the alarm text is 110 characters for a 2-line display. If the
text is too long, it is cut off and the symbol “*” added to indicate missing text.
Format of the The ASCII file for PLC alarm texts has the following structure:
text file for
PLC alarm texts Table 11-4 Structure of text file for PLC alarm texts
Text or The associated text is given in inverted commas with the position parameters.
alarm number
S The characters ” and # must not be used in alarm texts.
The character % is reserved for displaying parameters.
S If the user wishes to use an existing text, he can insert a reference to the
appropriate alarm text. 6-digit alarm number instead of “text”.
S The alarm text file may contain comment lines which must start with “//”. The
maximum length of the alarm text is 110 characters for a 2-line display. If the
text is too long, it is cut off and the symbol “*” added to indicate missing text.
In addition to the current alarms, an alarm log showing the alarms occurred hith-
erto is displayed on the user interface in the form of a list. The properties of the
alarm list can be changed in the MBDDE.INI file.
Section Meaning
Alarms General information on the alarm list:
e.g. time/date format of the messages
TextFiles Path/file specification of the alarm/text files:
e.g. UserPLC = <installation path>\dh\mb.dir\myplc_
HelpContext Names and paths of the help files: e.g. File0=hlp\alarm_
DEFAULTPRIO Priorities of the various alarm types: e.g. POWERON=100
PROTOCOL Log properties:
e.g. file=.\proto.txt <name and path of log file>)
KEYS Information on keys that can be used to delete alarms:
e.g. Cancel = +F10 <Use key combination Shift+F10 to delete an
Section: [Alarms] The settings in this section define the following properties of the alarm list:
S TimeFormat
Here, the pattern is entered which is to be used for output of date and time.
It is the same as the CTime: Format of the Microsoft Foundation Classes.
S MaxNo
defines the maximum size of the alarm list.
defines the order in which the alarms are included in the alarm list:
DBxx The data block designated DBxx depends on the maximum configuration of the
machine axes currently validated for SINUMERIK 840Di.
Enables on
the drive
112 Setting-up mode
9 +24V
63 Pulse enable
9 +24V
64 Drive enable
9 +24V Mains supply module
48 DC link start
9 +24V
Enabling through The following signals must be made available at the PLC interface for axis or
PLC interface spindle:
IS “Servo enable” (DB31-DBxx, DBX2.1)
IS “Pulse enable” (DB31-DBxx, DBX21.7)
IS “Position measuring system 1 or 2” (DB31-DBxx, DBX1.5, DBX 1.6)
The following signals on the interface must not be set or else the axis/spindle
motion will be disabled:
IS “Feed/spindle override switch” (DB31-DBxx, DBB0) not at 0%
IS “Axis/spindle lock” (DB31-DBxx, DBX1.3)
IS “Follow-up mode” (DB31-DBxx, DBX1.4)
IS “Distance to go/spindle reset” (DB31-DBxx, DBX2.2)
IS “Feed stop/Spindle stop” (DB31-DBxx, DBX4.3)
IS “Traversing key lock” (DB31-DBxx, DBX4.4)
IS “Ramp-function generator lock” (DB31-DBxx, DBX20.1)
Limit switches Setting the limit switches and checking the interface signals:
direction no Check:
Is path no
evaluation Check:
O.K.? MD31000–31080: (encoder matching)
1) Speed setpoint matching
1 – ADI4: –> MD32250 00
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal / E; POSMO CD/CA, SI
–> MD32250 = 0
Traverse with
1. Feedrate 1000 mm/min
2. Rapid traverse
rotational no Check:
direction MD32100: AX_MOTION_DIR
speed no
= Check:
Set MD31000–31080: (encoder matching)
1) Speed setpoint matching
– ADI4: –> MD32250 00
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal / E; POSMO CD/CA, SI
–> MD32250 = 0
no All gear
stages tested?
Position no
spindle? End
no All gear
stages tested?
Start-up: In the operating area Start-up of HMI Advanced, the following functions can be
drive/servo chosen from the menu item Drives/Servo for analyzing speed and position con-
troller of a drive, as well as individual drive/servo data:
A measurement of the torque control loop with HMI Advanced is not possible
within the framework of SINUMERIK 840Di.
Measuring The measuring functions make it possible to evaluate the most important speed
functions and position control loop quantities in the time and frequency range of a drive
without any external measuring instruments.
Integrated FFT The integrated FFT analysis (Fast Fourier Transformation) provides a powerful
analysis means to assess the control loop quality and, in addition, also to analyze the
given mechanical properties.
The FFT analysis should be used whenever:
– unsteady speed or position signal curves indicate problems with stability
– only long rise times can be obtained in the speed loop.
Circularity test The circularity test serves to analyze the contour accuracy on the quadrant tran-
sitions of circular contours achieved by means of friction compensation (con-
ventional or neural quadrant error compensation).
References: /FB/, Description of Functions, Extended Functions
K3, Compensations
Section: Circularity test
Servo trace Servo trace provides a graphically assisted analysis of the time response of
servo and drive data. For example:
S Actual position
S Setpoint position
S Following error
S Contour deviation.
Saving The diagrams determined can be archived using file functions. Thus, they can
measurement be used both for documenting the machine settings and to facilitate remote
results diagnosis.
Explanation Several measuring functions are provided to display the time and/or frequency
response of drives and closed-loop controls in graphic form on the screen. For
this purpose, test signals with an adjustable interval are connected to the drives.
Measurement/ The test setpoints are adapted to the application in question by means of mea-
signal parameters surement or signal parameters, the units of which are determined by the rele-
vant measuring function or operating mode. The measurement or signal param-
eter units are subject to the following conditions:
Size Unit
Velocity Metric system:
Specified in mm/min or rev/min for translatory or rotary motions
Inch system:
Specified in inch/min or rev/min for translatory or rotary motions
Distance Metric system:
Specified in mm or degrees for translatory or rotary motions
Inch system:
Specified in inches or degrees for translatory or rotary motions
Time Specified in msec
Frequency Specified in Hz
The default setting for all parameters is 0.
Prerequisites for To ensure that no erroneous traversing movements due to parts programs can
starting measuring be carried out, the measuring functions have to be started in JOG mode.
! When traversing movements are carried out within the framework of measuring
functions, no software limit switches and working area limitations are moni-
tored, since these are carried out in follow-up mode.
Prior to starting traversing motions, the user must therefore ensure that the
axes are positioned such that the traversing limits specified within the frame-
work of the measuring functions are sufficient to prevent collision with the ma-
Starting measuring Measuring functions initiating a traversing movement are only selected using
functions the specific soft key. The actual start of the measuring function and thus of the
traversing movement is always carried out with NC START on the machine con-
trol panel.
If the main screen of the measuring function is quitted without the traversing
motion being initiated, the selection of the traversing function is canceled.
Once the traversing function has been started, the main screen can be quitted
without any affect on the traversing motion.
JOG mode must be selected when measuring functions are started.
Further safety The user must ensure that when the measuring functions are used:
– the EMERGENCY STOP button is always within the reach;
– no obstacles are in the traversing range.
Interface signals: In conjunction with the measuring functions, another 2 axis-specific interface
Drive test signals are provided:
S DB31-DBx, DBX61.0 “Drive test traversing request”
Traversing enable S DB31-DBx, DBX1.0 “Drive test traversing enable”
In the PLC user program, this can be used in conjunction with measuring func-
tions to realize an additional axis-specific traversing enable.
Activation The interface signals are activated from the main menu of the appropriate mea-
suring function in the group “Drive test traversing enable”. See Fig. 10-37,
page 10-395.
Choose the type of traversing enable from the selection list either by using the
Toggle key or by clicking with the right mouse button on the desired enable
– Without PLC
Traversing of the axis to be measured is enabled depending on the
interface signals typical for JOG mode (servo enable, pulse enable, etc.).
– With PLC
Traversing of the axis to be measured is enabled in addition to the
interface signals typical for JOG mode depending on the interface signal.
“Drive test traversing enable”.
Toggle key
Traversing range The measuring functions have their own traversing range monitoring. This tra-
monitoring versing range monitoring can be used to limit or monitor the traversing range of
an axis to be measured without referencing this axis.
The basis is the absolute axis position displayed in the “Status” group at the
time of measurement.
Activation The traversing range monitoring is activated from the main menu of the ap-
propriate measuring function in the group “Traversing range”. See Fig. 10-37,
page 10-395.
Choose the type of traversing range monitoring from the selection list “Monitor-
ing” either using the Toggle key or by clicking with the right mouse button on
the desired type of traversing range monitoring:
– Inactive
The axis is traversed without monitoring of the traversing range.
– Active
The axis is traversed with monitoring of the traversing range, depending
on the traversing range limits set:
– Upper limit
– Lower limit.
You will find detailed information about frequency measurement and optimiza-
tion of the torque/current and speed control loop of the SIMODRIVE 611 univer-
sal/E, POSMO CD/CA and SI drives in the online help of the start-up tool Simo-
Com U:
Menu command: Help > Help topics > Index
– Measuring function
– Optimization of speed control loop.
A measurement of the torque control loop with HMI Advanced is not possible
within the framework of SINUMERIK 840Di.
You will find information about optimization of the torque/current and speed
control loop of the SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E, POSMO CD/CA and SI drives
in the online help of the start-up tool SimoCom U, Index: Optimization of speed
control loop.
Functionality This measurement function basically analyses the response to the motor mea-
suring system. Depending on which basic measurement setting has been se-
lected, various measurement parameters lists as described below are made
Procedure The traversing range monitoring function is set and the enabling logic (external/
internal) selected in the speed control loop measurement main screen.
1. Set the traversing range monitoring function and enabling logic in the main
Four different types of measurement are available for testing the speed con-
trol loop:
– Reference frequency response
– Setpoint step change
– Interference frequency response
– Disturbance step change
– Speed controller system
Measurement Amplitude
parameters: This parameter determines the height of the test signal amplitude. This should
Reference and give rise to only a very low speed of a few (approximately 1 to 2) revs/min at the
interference motor end.
The bandwidth parameter is used to set the analyzed frequency range. The
larger this value, the finer the frequency resolution and the longer the measure-
ment time. The maximum value is given by the position control cycle (Tposition
The measurement requires a slight speed offset of a few motor revolutions per
minute. The offset must be set to a higher value than the amplitude.
S The Offset is run up using an acceleration ramp.
S The acceleration value is defined for one
axis: check MD 32300: MAX_AX_ACCEL
spindle: check MD 35200: GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL
S The actual measuring function becomes active only when the offset value is
A low offset of a fed motor revolutions per minute can be selected to rule out an
influence of the static friction.
S The Offset is run up using an acceleration ramp.
S The acceleration value is defined for one
axis: check MD 32300: MAX_AX_ACCEL
spindle: check MD 35200: GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL
S The actual measuring function becomes active only when the offset value is
Settling time
This value represents the delay between measured data recording/test setpoint
output and the injection of the offset.
0 Settling time Measuring period
Fig. 13-3 Setpoint signal with measuring function speed control loop – step
Additional The measurement parameters and the measurement results (diagrams) can be
information loaded and/or saved using the soft key File functions.
Functionality This measurement function basically analyses the response to the motor posi-
tion measuring system. If the function is activated for a spindle without position
measuring system, the NCK will generate an error message. Depending on
which basic measurement setting has been selected, various measurement
parameters lists as described below are made available.
1. Set the traversing range monitoring function and enabling logic in the main
One of three different types of measurement can be selected:
Measurement: The reference frequency response determines the transmission response of the
Reference position controller in the frequency (active position measuring system). The set-
frequency point filters, Kv value and feedforward control must be parameterized such that
response resonance is avoided wherever possible over the entire frequency range. In the
case of dips in the frequency response, the setting of the feedforward control
balancing filters should be checked. Excessive resonance requires:
1. Decrease of the Kv value
2. Decrease of the feedforward control value
3. Use of setpoint filters.
The effects of these measures can also be checked in the time range.
Measurement Amplitude
parameters: This parameter determines the height of the test signal amplitude. It should be
Reference set to the smallest possible value (e.g. 0.01mm).
frequency Bandwidth
response The bandwidth parameter is used to set the analyzed frequency range. The
larger this value, the finer the frequency resolution and the longer the measure-
ment time. The maximum value is given by the position control cycle (Tposition
The measurement requires a slight speed offset of a few motor revolutions per
minute. The offset must be set such that no speed zero crossings occur at the
set amplitude.
Measurement The transient response and positioning response of the servo loop in the time
parameters: range, in particular, the effect of setpoint filters, can be assessed using the step
Setpoint step excitation and the ramp excitation.
change and If an offset value other than zero is input, the step change is stimulated during
setpoint ramp traversal. For the sake of clarity, the displayed position actual value does not
include this speed offset. The following measurement quantities are possible:
– Actual position value (active position measuring system)
– Control deviation (following error)
This parameter determines the height of the preset setpoint step change or
Measurement time
This parameter determines the period of time to be recorded (maximum value:
2048 position controller cycles).
Settling time
This value represents the delay between measured data recording/test setpoint
output and the injection of the offset.
Ramp duration
In basic setting Setpoint ramp the position setpoint is preset according to the
set ramp duration. In this case, the acceleration limits which currently apply to
the axis or spindle are effective.
A jerk-controlled motion can be set axis-specifically using
Settling time Ramp Measuring period
Speed time
At maximum axis velocity, there is a (virtual) step change in the velocity (contin-
uous line).
The curves represented by the dashed line correspond to a realistic, finite
value. The offset component is excluded from the display graphic in order to
emphasize the transient processes.
Step height In order to avoid damage to the machine, the step height for the setpoint step
change is limited to the value specified in
Display of You can have the measurement results displayed by pressing soft key Display
measurement in the relevant main menu of the measuring function after completion of mea-
results surement.
Soft keys: When the soft keys X marker ON and Y marker ON are pressed, a vertical or
X marker ON horizontal line with a circle is displayed on the measurement curve.
Y marker ON The corresponding values, e.g. for damping, frequency, degrees, etc. are dis-
played in the appropriate diagram.
Use the cursor keys to move the markers:
Soft keys: If a marker is active, pressing the soft key 2nd marker will display a 2nd line in
2nd marker, the diagram. These two lines define the range that you can then have displayed
zoom, over the entire display range by pressing soft key Zoom.
fullscreen The process of zooming a range (marker ON, 2nd marker, zoom) can be re-
peated as often as desired until the maximum size of representation is reached.
Use the soft key Fullscreen to switch the display of the diagrams back to their
original size.
X and Y markers can be active at a time.
Soft key: Use the soft key Scale to change the scaling of the traces and of the marker
Scale ranges in the two graphs.
The scaling can be switched over between auto (default setting) and fixed. The
Y range (Y min/max) to be displayed can only be changed in fixed mode.
Soft keys: Use the Graphics ... soft key shown in Fig. 13-6, page 13-431 to call the follow-
Graphics ... ing functions:
– Switching over the display from double to single graphics and vice versa
(this function also exists in the scaling menu Fig. 13-7, page 13-432)
– Printing graphics
Printing the graphics into a file (bitmap) or output to a connected printer.
– Printer selection
Selecting the output of the graphics to a bitmap file or to a connected
The trace function with a graphical user interface serves to record the time
change of data (values, signals, states, etc.) in the servo range and partially in
the range of the drives, too.
You can select measuring signals and set the measuring parameters with soft
keys and drop-down lists.
The function is operated using the mouse or keyboard.
Main menu You can access the main screen of this trace function using the soft keys Area
Servo trace switchover > Start-up > Drives/servo > Servo trace.
You accept a
value using the
input key.
13.6.3 Parameterization
Signal selection
Input field: The cursor must be positioned on the “Axis/spindle name” list box of the trace
Axis/spindle name concerned. You can select it with the soft keys Axis+ and Axis– or by accepting
a value from the drop-down list.
Input field: The cursor must be positioned on the “Signal selection” list box of the trace
Signal selection concerned. You can select a value by accepting it from the drop-down list.
Input field: The measuring time is written directly into the “Measuring duration” input field.
Measuring duration
Input field: Direct input of pretriggering and posttriggering.
Triggering time With negative input values (sign minus –) recording starts in advance of the
triggering event by the time set.
With positive input values (without sign) recording starts
the time set after the triggering event.
Input field: The trigger type is chosen from the drop-down list Trigger.
Trigger The trigger always refers to trace 1. Once the triggering conditions are fulfilled
traces 2 to 4 are started simultaneously.
Settable triggering conditions:
S No trigger, i.e. measurement starts when you operate the soft key Start (all
traces are started in synchronism).
S Positive edge
S Negative edge.
Soft key: Selection of axis/spindle when the cursor is positioned on the appropriate list
Axis + field “Axis/spindle name”.
Axis – You can also select the axis/spindle directly in the list box from the drop-down
list using the cursor.
Soft key: The soft key Start starts recording of the trace function.
With the Stop or RESET soft key, you can cancel a running measurement.
Soft key: Within the framework of the trace function, it is also possible to select data using
Physical its physical address.
This function is only required in exceptional cases, for example, if the informa-
tion provided by the known signals (see “Signal selection” list field) is not
Before using this function, you should contact the SINUMERIK hotline.
The input of all parameters is carried out in the hexadecimal number format.
Input field: This screen form is used to select the data format to be evaluated when record-
Screen form ing.
– Byte: 0000 00FF
– Word: 0000 FFFF
– Double word: FFFF FFFF
Input field: The input field “Threshold” is only used to enter the triggering threshold for the
Threshold physical address of trace 1. If you exit the input screen form with the Ok soft
key, this hex value is then entered in the field “Threshold” of the main screen
of the trace function.
13.6.4 Measuring
Soft key: After parameterization has been completed, you then enable measurement by
Start pressing soft key Start.
The measurement is carried out once the set trigger condition of trace 1 is ful-
End of The measurement is completed after the set measurement duration is expired.
With the end of the measurement, the graphics are prepared automatically. Use
the “Display” soft key to call the display functions of the graphics (see next Sec-
Soft key: With the Stop soft key, you can cancel a running measurement at any time. A
Stop canceled measurement cannot be displayed.
If you press the Display soft key after the set measurement time has expired
and the measurement results have been prepared automatically, you can call
the graphical display function of the measurement results.
Soft keys: When the soft keys X marker ON and Y marker ON are pressed, a vertical or
X marker ON horizontal line with a circle is displayed on the measurement curve.
Y marker ON The corresponding values, e.g. for damping, frequency, degrees, etc. are dis-
played in the appropriate diagram.
Use the cursor keys to move the markers:
Soft keys: If a marker is active, pressing the soft key 2nd marker will display a 2nd line in
2nd marker, the diagram. These two lines define the range that you can then have displayed
zoom, over the entire display range by pressing soft key Zoom.
fullscreen The process of zooming a range (marker ON, 2nd marker, zoom) can be re-
peated as often as desired until the maximum size of representation is reached.
Use the soft key Fullscreen to switch the display of the diagrams back to their
original size.
X and Y markers can be active at a time.
Soft key: Use the soft key Scale to change the scaling of the traces and of the marker
Scale ranges in the two graphs.
The scaling can be switched over between auto (default setting) and fixed. The
Y range (Y min/max) to be displayed can only be changed in fixed mode.
Soft keys: Use the Graphics ... soft key shown in Fig. 13-11, page 13-439 to call the fol-
Graphics ... lowing functions:
– Switching over the display from double to single graphics and vice versa
(this function also exists in the scaling menu Fig. 13-12, page 13-440)
– Printing graphics
Printing the graphics into a file (bitmap) or output to a connected printer.
– Printer selection
Selecting the output of the graphics to a bitmap file or to a connected
Description Use the File functions soft key to call the appropriate screen form.
Here you can save, load and delete the parameters, axis-specific machine data
and measurement results set for the measurements.
The file functions are not intended as a replacement for a complete copy of the
system and user data, e.g. for archiving or series machine start-up, but only for
the simplified and flexible management of the specific measurement data.
Assigning In the “File” group, you can select an existing file from the drop-down list or
file names enter one in the text field underneath.
Selecting the In the Directory group, you can select the directory where you want to save the
directory file. This can also be a directory in the Services operating area you have
created by yourself or the basic directory of the data management (list entry:
standard directory).
Selecting the In the Data group, you can select the data you want to save.
data type
You can only select one data type. Use either the mouse button or the cursor or
toggle key for selection.
Creating If you do not wish the data of the trace function to be stored in the “default direc-
subdirectories tory”, you can create user-specific directories.
New directories are created in the operating area Operating area switchover >
Services > Manage data. New subdirectories can be created below the Diag-
nosis directory.
For the description of the operating area Services, please refer to:
References: /BA/ Operator’s Guide
Printer selection The soft key Graphics in the main screens of the measuring functions opens
the menu to select the printer and to print the graphics.
Soft key: Use the soft key Printer selection to open the appropriate menu, Fig. 13-15,
Printer selection page 13-445.
Choose the type of file output from the selection list of the menu “Select printer”
using either the Toggle key or by double-clicking with the right mouse button on
the desired file output type:
– Bitmap file
– Printer
Toggle key
Output to Choose the printer to which you wish the file to be output from the list field using
printer either the Toggle key or by double-clicking with the right mouse button on the
desired printer.
Soft key: Use the soft key Print graphics Fig. 13-14, page 13-444 to output the graphics
Print graphics to the set medium:
– Printer
– Bitmap file.
Bitmap file If you wish the graphics to be output to a bitmap file, the following specifications
are still required in the submenu “File name for bitmap printout”:
– File names
– Directory.
Assigning In the File name group, you can select an existing file from the drop-down list or
file names enter one in the text field underneath.
Selecting the In the Directory group, you can select the directory where you want to save the
directory file.
This can also be a directory in the operating area Services > Data you have
created by yourself or the basic directory of the data management (list entry:
standard directory).
For the description of the operating area Services, please refer to:
References: /BA/ Operator’s Guide
An automatic controller adjustment with HMI Advanced is not possible within the
framework of SINUMERIK 840Di.
SIMODRIVE 611 For a description how to carry out an automatic controller adjustment of SIMO-
universal DRIVE 611 universal drives, please refer to:
References: /FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 Universal, Descriptions of Function
Section:Description of Functions
Optimizing current and speed controllers
User data User data are called all data or data areas that can be entered by the user to
achieve the specific functionality of the SINUMERIK 840Di or the
SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives.
In the case of a data backup, e.g. after start-up of the control system, the user
data selected through the user interface are written to a so-called series ma-
chine start-up file.
After the series machine start-up file has been read in, the control system is in
its original status again as it was at the time of data backup.
Times for The past has shown that the following times are recommended to carry out data
data backup backups:
S After start-up,
S After changing machine-specific settings,
S In service cases (e.g. after a hardware replacement, software upgrade, etc.),
to resume production without longer downtimes.
Before activating memory-configuring machine data (a warning appears), a data
backup must be carried out.
Data backup of A data backup can currently not yet be carried out uniformly for all components
various (SINUMERIK 840Di-NC, PLC, HMI Advanced (option) and SIMODRIVE 611
components universal).
A data backup must therefore be carried out separately for the following compo-
NC, PLC, HMI The data backup with respect to the NC, PLC and HMI Advanced (option) user
user data data is carried out with
For detailed information regarding the data backup of the components men-
tioned above, please refer to:
References: SinuCom NC:
Online help
HMI Advanced:
/BAI/ Operator’s Guide – HMI Advanced
SIMODRIVE 611 A data backup with respect to SIMODRIVE 611 universal drives is carried out
universal using the start-up tool SimoCom U. When doing so, one parameter file each is
drive data saved per drive on the hard disk of the PCU.
SimoCom U is part of the SINUMERIK 840Di installation.
The creation of a series machine start-up file is divided into the following steps:
1. Open the menu to create a series machine start-up file:
Operating area switchover > Services > key:up “>” > Series machine
start-up > Create start-up archive
2. Select the contents and assign the file name
3. Create the series machine start-up file by selecting the device to which you
wish the file to be output
Because of its file extension “.arc”, the series machine start-up file is also called
Selecting contents A series machine start-up file can be created for the following components:
Compensation data must only be archived if the series machine start-up file is
to be reloaded into the same control system (backup).
NC The contents of a series machine start-up file created for the NC comprises
mainly the following data:
– Configuration data
– Option data
– Machine data
– Setting data
– Tool offset
– Workpieces
– Parts programs
– Cycle programs
– GUDs (Global User Data).
PLC The contents of a series machine start-up file created for the PLC comprise all
blocks loaded at the time when the data backup was made:
– OB (organization blocks)
– FB (function blocks)
– SFB (system function blocks)
– FC (functions)
– SFC (system functions)
– DB (data blocks)
– SDB (system data blocks).
HMI The contents of a series machine start-up file created for the HMI Advanced
comprise all data stored in the HMI database in the directory “dh” at the moment
when the data backup was made.
Creation and The creation and output of the series machine start-up file is started with select-
starting output ing the component to which the file is to be output.
Components that can be selected:
– RS-232-C
– PG (programming device, e.g. PG740)
– Floppy disk drive (option)
– Archive (HMI data management on the hard disk of the PCU)
– NC Card.
When creating a series machine start-up file that contains PLC data, the PLC
image that is saved during this process is dependent on the status of the PLC at
the time of creation.
Depending on the status of the PLC, the following PLC images result:
– Original image
– Instantaneous image
– Inconsistent image.
Original image The original image of the PLC is represented by the PLC data immediately after
loading the S7 project into the PLC.
Operating sequence:
1. Set the PLC to the operating status STOP
2. Load the appropriate S7 project into the PLC using the SIMATIC Manager
3. Create a series machine start-up file with PLC data
4. Set the PLC to the operating status RUN.
Instantaneous If you cannot use the procedure described above, you can use the following
image alternative procedure to save an original image:
Operating sequence:
1. Set the PLC to the operating status STOP
2. Archive the PLC data
3. Set the PLC to the operating status RUN.
Inconsistent An inconsistent image results if a series machine start-up file with PLC data is
image created and the PLC is in the status RUN (cyclic operation).
The data blocks of the PLC are saved at different times with contents that under
certain circumstances may meanwhile have changed. This may result in a data
inconsistency that after copying the data backup back into the PLC may under
certain circumstances result in PLC stop in the user program.
The creation of a series machine start-up file with PLC data while the PLC is in
the RUN status (cyclic operation) may result in an inconsistent PLC image in
the series machine start-up archive.
After this series machine start-up file has been copied back, this data inconsis-
tency in the PLC user program may under certain circumstances result in the
stop of the PLC.
Changing the PLC To change the PLC operating status, proceed as follows:
operating status
S With 840Di start-up:
– Start 840Di start-up Windows NT taskbar > Start > Programs > SI-
NUMERIK 840Di > 840Di start-up.
– Open the dialog box: Menu command Window > Diagnosis > NC/PLC.
S With HMI Advanced (840Di SW 2.2 and higher and HMI Advanced SW 6.2
and higher)
– Open the dialog box: Operating area switchover > Start-up > NC/PLC
S Change the PLC operating state: Group PLC, buttons: “STOP” and “RUN”.
S NC and PLC must then be resynchronized: Group PLC, buttons: “NC Re-
Reading in a series machine start-up file is divided into the following steps:
1. Open the menu to read in a series machine start-up file:
Operating area switchover > Services > key:up “>” > Series machine
start-up > Read in start-up archive
2. Select the series machine start-up file
3. Start read in: Start
Because of the file extension “.arc” of the series machine start-up files, this is
also called archive.
Short description This section describes installation or updating of software applications and data
backup of the entire hard disk (disk images) or partitions (partition images) of
the PCU on the basis of preinstalled PCU basic software.
All actions described here are started from the Service Menu under MS DOS.
The Service menu is selected from the menu of the Boot Manager that is dis-
played when booting after turning on the PCU.
Scope of basic The PCU basic software that is already preinstalled on the PCU hard disk when
software the SINUMERIK 840Di is supplied comprises:
For information on the PCU basic software, please refer to the file
For the versions of the system components contained in the PCU basic soft-
ware, please refer to the file C:\BaseVers.txt.
The PCU hard disk is divided into four partitions (three primary partitions and an
extended partition).
S For reasons of data security, the SINUMERIK 840Di system software, the
Windows NT system software and the Service software are installed in dif-
ferent partitions.
S A boot manager is provided so that you can boot the system either with Win-
dows NT (SINUMERIK 840Di user interface) or MS DOS (Service menu).
Partitions The diagram below shows the partitioning of the hard disk when the control sys-
tem is supplied:
1st partition/drive C:
Drive C: contains MS DOS 6.2, tools (e.g. Norton Ghostt) and scripts
implemented by the service menu.
2nd partition/drive D:
Drive D: contains:
– The Images directory with the images preinstalled and created by
the user
– The Install directory into which the software to be installed is to be
copied first before the installation process itself is carried out under
Windows NT.
– The Update directory for later installation of Windows NT system
3rd partition/drive E:
Drive E: is reserved for the Windows NT system software.
4th partition/drive F:
Drive F: contains the Windows NT applications, e.g. the SINUMERIK
840Di system software.
Further applications, such as HMI system software, HMI-OEM applica-
tions, SIMATIC Manager S7/M7 or customer-specific applications (e.g.
user interfaces created using Protool/Pro MC), will also be installed here.
Boot manager When booting the PCU, the boot manager menu offers the following options to
menu choose from:
– Service menu (hidden).
SINUMERIK Select the menu item SINUMERIK and you will get to the Windows NT desktop.
Under Windows NT you can:
With power-up under Windows NT, the NC system software is automatically
started in the background.
Service menu Select the hidden menu option Service menu (CursorDown key and Input
(hidden) key) to start the SINUMERIK service software.
In the Service menu under MS DOS, you can:
Point-to-point connections require a “twisted” Ethernet cable (Converted
Twisted Pair).
Installing the net- To install the network protocol NetBEUI, open Control Panel using the Windows
work protocol 95/NT taskbar Start > Settings > Control Panel on the external computer.
NetBEUI Open Network in the Control Panel.
Dialog Dialog: Network
Register: Protocols
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Select Network Protocol
Network Protocol <NetBEUI protocol>
Determining the To determine the computer name, open the Windows 95/NT taskbar Start >
computer name Settings > Control Panel on the external computer.
In the “Control Panel”, open Network.
Dialog Dialog: Network
Register: Identification
Computer Name: <COMPUTER NAME>
Various SINUMERIK OPs allow to enter uppercase letters. Therefore, to enter
the user name and the password of the external computer (PG/PC), either use
only uppercase letters or connect a standard PC keyboard to the PCU.
Sharing access to In order to share access to the drive/directory or determine the sharing name,
the drive/directory start the Windows Explorer on the external computer and select the drive/direc-
or determining tory to be released for shared access for the PCU.
sharing names Open the Properties dialog (right mouse button > Properties) of the drive/di-
rectory and define the sharing name and the access rights.
Dialog Dialog: Properties of <drive>/<directory>
Tab: Share access
Optional field: Choose “Shared As:”
Sharing name: <SHARED AS>
Button: “Rights...”
Dialog: Access by share access rights
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Add users and groups
Names: Choose a name from the list
e.g. “User” or “Everybody”
Button: “Add”
Access type: <Read>
Brief description The following describes the necessary operator actions to install/update SI-
NUMERIK 840Di system software on the PCU from an external computer
Operating actions
1. Backup the NC and PLC user data by creating a series machine start-up file.
See Chapter 14, page 14-449.
2. Install//update the SINUMERIK 840Di system software. According to your
requirements, please see:
– Parallel link and external FAT16 drive:
Subsection 15.2.2, page 15-460.
– Parallel link and external FAT32 drive:
Subsection 15.2.3, page 15-463.
– Network link (Ethernet):
Subsection 15.2.4, page 15-466.
3. Initialize the control by deleting NC data and performing a general PLC re-
set. See Subsection 8.1.1, page 8-249.
4. Read in the series machine start-up file created in Step 1. See Section 14.4,
page 14-454.
Brief description The operator actions explained in the following will copy software from an exter-
nal computer (PG/PC) from a FAT16 drive into the installation directory
D:\INSTALL on the PCU by means of a parallel link.
When the control is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the software
(setup.exe) contained in the installation directory D:\INSTALL is installed auto-
Before you copy the software into the D:\Install directory make sure that suffi-
cient free memory space is available.
Operating actions
1. Power OFF the PCU.
2. Use a parallel data transfer cable (PC-Link or LapLink cable) to link the par-
allel port of the external PC (LPT1) with the parallel port of the PCU (LPT1).
3. Copy the software to be installed on the PCU into the directory C:\MMC102
(create it if it does not yet exist) of the external computer (PG/PC).
If not enough space is available on drive C: or C: is not a FAT16 drive, you
can also use another local drive (e.g. D:) .
Direct installation from CD is not possible.
4. On an external computer (PG/PC), start the program intersrv.exe under DOS
or under Windows 95 from a DOS prompt. As the parameter, specify the
drive on which the software to be installed is found.
intersrv <drive> (e.g. C:)
The following menu will appear:
C: <size>
The PCU must be switched OFF. If the PCU is switched ON, switch it OFF now.
5. Now switch on the PCU (again) and choose the menu item “Service menu”
(hidden) from the menu of the boot manager.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
8. From the following menu, choose the menu item Install via Serial/Parallel
Line using the key “2”.
The software to be installed is now transferred from the ext. computer
(PG/PC) to the PCU into the directory D:\INSTALL.
If the transfer is completed, a power-up of the PCU following the Windows
NT procedure is carried out and the software that is to be found under
D:\INSTALL is installed automatically.
9. Exit the Server mode on the external computer (PG/PC):
Key combination: Alt + F4
Brief description The operator actions explained in the following will copy software from an exter-
nal computer (PG/PC) from a FAT32 drive to the installation directory
D:\INSTALL of the PCU using a parallel link using the tool: Interserve/Interlink.
When the control is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the software
(setup.exe) contained in the installation directory D:\INSTALL is installed auto-
Before you copy the software into the D:\Install directory make sure that suffi-
cient free memory space is available.
Operating actions
1. Make sure that the program interlnk.exe is installed on the ext. computer
Windows 95 / Windows 3.11
dir c:\windows\command\interlnk.exe
dir c:\dos\interlnk.exe.
If the program interlnk.exe is not installed, copy it (e.g. from the HMI102 di-
rectory of the HMI installation CD) into the appropriate directory.
Add the following line to the file CONFIG.SYS:
device=c:\windows\command\interlnk.exe /AUTO
Now, switch the ext. computer off.
2. Use a parallel data transfer cable (PC-Link or LapLink cable) to link the par-
allel port of the external PC (LPT1) with the parallel port of the PCU (LPT1).
3. Now, turn on the PCU and choose the menu option “Service menu” (hidden)
from the menu of the boot manager using the CursorDown key and then
press the Input key.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
C: <size>
D: <size>
C: <size> F:
D: <size> G:
The drive display in the menu under “Client”, e.g. as G: means that drive D:
of the PCU can be addressed from the ext. computer (PG/PC) as drive G: .
8. Now copy the software to be installed from the ext. computer into the drive
D:\INSTALL of the PCU.
copy <path>\*.* G:\INSTALL\
9. If the copying process is complete, exit INTERSVR on the PCU (key com-
bination: Alt + F4).
When the control is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the software
(setup.exe) contained in the installation directory D:\INSTALL of the PCU is
installed automatically.
Brief description The operator actions explained in the following will copy software from an exter-
nal computer (PG/PC) into the installation directory D:\INSTALL on the PCU
using a network link (Ethernet).
For data transfer, a local point-to-point connection between the external com-
puter and the PCU is established using the standard Ethernet cable of the type
“Twisted Pair Crossed 10baseT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
When the control is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the software
(setup.exe) contained in the installation directory D:\INSTALL is installed auto-
A point-to-point connection between PCU 50 and an external computer
(PG/PC) requires an Ethernet cable of the type “Twisted Pair Crossed 10ba-
seT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
S The drive/directory of the ext. computer (PG/PC) where the software you
wish to copy is to be found for sharing with the PCU.
Before you copy the software into the D:\Install directory make sure that suffi-
cient free memory space is available.
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Select the menu option Service menu (hidden) using the CursorDown key
and then press the Input key.
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Windows 95
Any user name; if a password is required, type the password you have
specified to share access to the directories.
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect form all Network Drives
4 Change Install Directory
5 Install from F:\INSTALL
To this aim, choose Change Install Directory using the key “4”.
In the input screen form that now appears, type the appropriate drive letter
(in the example: “H:”) and possibly any further path if the software is not
installed directly in the shared drive/directory (in the example:
R3344\MY_INSTALL), but in a subdirectory of MY_INSTALL.
The complete network settings are displayed in the Service menu, and the
installation directory in the menu item Install from ..., (in the example:
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
4 Change install directory
5 Install from H:<PFAD>
7. To start the data transfer, choose Install from H:<PATH> using the key “5”.
– When the transmission is complete, the PCU will reboot.
When the control is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the software
(setup.exe) contained in the installation directory D:\INSTALL is installed auto-
SHOW connected Use the menu item Show connected Network Drives to display all network
network drives drives currently linked with the PCU.
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
4 Change install directory
5 Install from H:<PATH>
DISCONNECT from Use the menu item Disconnect from all Network Drives to disconnect all links
all Network Drives to network drives.
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
4 Change install directory
5 Install from H:<PATH>
Choose Disconnect form all Network Drives using the key “3”.
The network connections are then displayed in the Service menu as -none-.
Brief description The operating actions explained in the following are intended to make a backup
copy of the entire hard disk of the PCU (disk image) and to transfer it to an ex-
ternal computer (PG/PC) using a parallel link.
S A directory for the backup copy is installed on the external computer and
enough memory capacity is provided.
S In the BIOS of the PCU and of the external computer, the parallel interface is
set to EPP or ECP.
Before you transfer the backup copy (disk image), make sure that enough free
memory space is available on the ext. computer (PG/PC).
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Select the menu option Service menu (hidden) using the CursorDown key
and then press the Input key.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Following menu:
1 Hard disk Backup/Restore with GHOST
4 Partitions Backup/Restore with GHOST
4. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup/Restore with Ghost using the
key “1”.
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to <PATH>, Mode...
3 Hard disk Backup from <PATH>, Mode...
5. Now select the menu option Configure GHOST parameters using the key
“1” to set the following parameters:
– Connection type (PARALLEL)
– Path or File name under which you wish the backup copy to be stored
on the external computer.
Following menu:
1 Set Connection Mode PARALLEL
2 Set Connection Mode LOCAL
3 Change Backup Image Filename
4 Change Restore Image Filename
5 Change Machine Name
6 Manage Network Drives
S To set the connection mode “Parallel link”, choose the menu item Set Con-
nection Mode PARALLEL using the key “1”.
S To set the path or the file name under which you wish the backup copy to be
stored on the external computer, select the menu option Change Backup
Image Filename using the key “3”.
6. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup to ... using the key “2”.
7. This item will only apply if local images exist. Otherwise, Point 8. is dis-
played immediately.
Following menu:
1 Backup WITHOUT Local Images
3 Backup WITH Local Images
If you do not wish to save the local backup copies of saved partitions avail-
able on the hard disk of the PCU, then choose:
– Backup WITHOUT Local Images using the key “1”.
Otherwise, choose:
– Backup WITH Local Images using the key “2”.
8. A message window appears:
– You will be prompted to check whether the connection between the PCU
and the external computer is established.
– The path and the file name under which the backup copy will be stored
on the external computer is displayed. In the example:
– Now start Norton Ghostt on the external computer (PG/PC) under DOS
or Windows 95/ 3.11 in a DOS prompt window with:
ghost –lps
– Then press the “Y” key to start the backup process.
Brief description The operating actions explained in the following are intended to restore a
backup copy of the entire hard disk of the PCU (disk image) from an external
computer using a network link.
S A directory for the backup copy is installed on the external computer and
enough memory capacity is provided.
S In the BIOS of the PCU and of the external computer, the parallel interface is
set to EPP or ECP.
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Select the menu option Service menu (hidden) using the CursorDown key
and then press the Input key.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Following menu:
1 Hard disk Backup/Restore with GHOST
4 Partitions Backup/Restore with GHOST
4. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup/Restore with Ghost using the
key “1”.
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to <PATH>, Mode...
3 Hard disk Backup from <PATH>, Mode...
5. Now select the menu option Configure GHOST parameters using the key
“1” to set the following parameters:
– Connection type (PARALLEL)
– Path or File name under which you wish the backup copy to be stored
on the external computer.
Following menu:
1 Set Connection Mode PARALLEL
2 Set Connection Mode LOCAL
3 Change Backup Image Filename
4 Change Restore Image Filename
5 Change Machine Name
6 Manage Network Drives
S To set the connection mode “Network Connection”, choose the menu item
Set Connection Mode PARALLEL using the key “1”.
S To set the path or the file name of the backup copy to be restored, choose
the menu item Change Backup Image Filename using the key “4”.
– Specify the complete path, e.g.:
and the appropriate file name, e.g.:
under which the backup copy will be stored on the external computer.
Use the key “9” to return to the previous menu after you have confirmed the
modified GHOST parameters.
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to <PFAD>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode PARALLEL
3 Hard disk Backup from <PATH>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode PARALLEL
6. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup from... using the key “3”.
Following menu:
1 Windows NT
2 Win95
3 WfW3.11
7. Use this menu to choose the operating system used as the basis for the
backup copy. In the case of SINUMERIK 840Di, this is exclusively Windows
NT. Therefore, choose Windows NT using the key “1”.
Following menu:
What kind of disk partitioning do you want?
1 Standard Partitioning (default)
2 User-defined Partitioning
If you abort the transfer, inconsistent data will be available on the PCU, and the
system can possibly no longer be booted.
To boot the PCU, you will need a boot diskette.
1 Input Machine Name MANUALLY
2 Input Machine Name RANDOMLY
9 Abort
S Abort
The computer name taken over with the image is kept.
Changes to the computer name and system ID are made using the program
Norton Ghost Walkert.
The network settings can be later modified/determined under Windows NT.
Windows NT taskbar: Start > Settings > Control Panel: Network
10. After Norton Ghost Walkert has updated the computer name and system
ID, the following menu is displayed:
When the PCU is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the partitions E:
and F: will be checked by the diagnostic program CHKDISK in succession
whereby the PCU is rebooted automatically.
After completion of the check, the system with the restored backup copy is ac-
Brief description The operating actions explained in the following are intended to make a backup
copy of the entire hard disk of the PCU (disk image) and to transfer it to an ex-
ternal computer (PG/PC) using a network connection.
For data transfer, a local point-to-point connection between the external com-
puter and the PCU is established using the standard Ethernet cable of the type
“Twisted Pair Crossed 10baseT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
A point-to-point connection between PCU 50 and an external computer
(PG/PC) requires an Ethernet cable of the type “Twisted Pair Crossed 10ba-
seT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
Before you transfer the backup copy (disk image), make sure that enough free
memory space is available on the ext. computer (PG/PC).
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Select the menu option Service menu (hidden) using the CursorDown key
and then press the Input key.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
4. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup/Restore with Ghost using the
key “1”.
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to <PATH>, Mode...
3 Hard disk Backup from <PATH>, Mode...
5. Now select the menu option Configure GHOST parameters using the key
“1” to set the following parameters:
– Connection type (LOCAL)
– Network parameters of the PCU
– Path or File name under which you wish the backup copy to be stored
on the external computer.
Following menu:
1 Set Connection Mode PARALLEL
2 Set Connection Mode LOCAL
3 Change Backup Image Filename
4 Change Restore Image Filename
5 Change Machine Name
6 Manage Network Drives
S To set the connection mode “Network Connection”, choose the menu item
Set Connection Mode LOCAL using the key “2”.
S To set the network parameters of the PCU, choose the menu item Manage
Network Drives using the key “6”.
Following menu:
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for configuring the Ghost param-
eters” Fig. 15-3 (page 15-482).
S To set the path or the file name under which you wish the backup copy to be
stored on the external computer, select the menu option Change Backup
Image Filename using the key “3”.
– Specify the network drive (in the example: “H:”) under which the backup
copy will be stored on the external computer.
If necessary you can enter an additional path specification that will be
added to the path specification of the network drive. In this way, you can
store the backup copy in a subdirectory, with reference to the shared
drive/directory of the external computer.
– Type the desired file name under which you wish to store the backup
copy: e.g. SICHER01.GHO
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for configuring the Ghost param-
eters” Fig. 15-3 (page 15-482).
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for saving/restoring hard disks” after
you have confirmed the confirmation warning regarding the modified GHOST
Following menu:
1 Configure GHOST Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to H:\<PATH>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode LOCAL
3 Hard disk Backup from H:\<PATH>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode LOCAL
6. To start the data transfer, choose the menu item Hard disk Backup to ...
using the key “2”.
Following menu:
1 Backup WITHOUT Local Images
3 Backup WITH Local Images
7. If you do not wish to save the local backup copies of saved partitions (see
next section) available on the hard disk of the PCU, then choose:
– Backup WITHOUT Local Images using the key “1”.
Otherwise, choose:
– Backup WITH Local Images using the key “2”.
A message window appears:
– You will be prompted to check whether the connection between the PCU
and the external computer is established.
– The destination path in which the backup copy will be stored on the ex-
ternal computer is displayed.
– Press “Y” to start the backup process.
The actual backup process is now carried out by Norton Ghostt.
The following information is displayed in the message window that opens:
– The progress of the data transfer is displayed.
– The paths are displayed.
– The volume of data to be transferred is displayed.
Size of backup copy with compressing: 4.8GB hard disk –> approx. 330MB
image file.
Time for transfer: approx. 15min.
SHOW connected Use the menu item Show connected Network Drives to display all network
network drives drives currently linked with the PCU.
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
DISCONNECT from Use the menu item Disconnect from all Network Drives to disconnect all links
all Network Drives to network drives.
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
Choose Disconnect form all Network Drives using the key “3”.
15.3.4 Restoring the hard disk backup using a network link (Ethernet)
Brief description The operating actions explained in the following are intended to make a backup
copy of the entire hard disk of the PCU (disk image) and to restore it from an
external computer (PG/PC) using a network connection.
For data transfer, a local point-to-point connection between the external com-
puter and the PCU is established using the standard Ethernet cable of the type
“Twisted Pair Crossed 10baseT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
A point-to-point connection between PCU 50 and an external computer
(PG/PC) requires an Ethernet cable of the type “Twisted Pair Crossed 10ba-
seT/100baseTX Ethernet Cable”.
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Choose the menu item Service Menu (hidden).
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
4. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup/Restore with Ghost using the
key “1”.
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to <PATH>, Mode...
3 Hard disk Backup from <PATH>, Mode...
5. Now select the menu option Configure GHOST parameters using the key
“1” to set the following parameters:
– Connection type (LOCAL)
– Network parameters of the PCU
– Path or File name under which you wish the backup copy to be stored
on the external computer.
Following menu:
1 Set Connection Mode PARALLEL
2 Set Connection Mode LOCAL
3 Change Backup Image Filename
4 Change Restore Image Filename
5 Change Machine Name
6 Manage Network Drives
S To set the connection mode “Network Connection”, choose the menu item
Set Connection Mode LOCAL using the key “2”.
S To set the network parameters of the PCU, choose the menu item Manage
Network Drives using the key “6”.
Following menu:
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for configuring the Ghost param-
eters” Fig. 15-5 (page 15-488).
S To set the path or the file name under which you wish the backup copy to be
stored on the external computer, select the menu option Change Backup
Image Filename using the key “4”.
– Specify the network drive (in the example: “H”) under which the backup
copy will be stored on the external computer.
If necessary you can enter an additional path specification that will be
added to the path specification of the network drive. In this way, you can
restore the backup copy from a subdirectory, with reference to the
shared drive/directory of the external computer.
– Type the desired file name under which you wish to store the backup
copy: e.g. SICHER01.GHO
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for configuring the Ghost param-
eters” Fig. 15-5 (page 15-488).
Use the key “9” to return to the “Main menu for saving/restoring hard disks” after
you have confirmed the confirmation warning regarding the modified GHOST
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Hard disk Backup to H:\<PFAD>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode LOCAL
3 Hard disk Backup from H:\<PATH>\SICHER01.GHO, Mode LOCAL
6. Choose the menu item Hard disk Backup from... using the key “3”.
Following menu:
1 Windows NT
2 Win95
3 WfW3.11
7. Use this menu to choose the operating system used as the basis for the
backup copy. In the case of SINUMERIK 840Di, this is exclusively Windows
NT. Therefore, choose Windows NT using the key “1”.
Following menu:
What kind of disk partitioning do you want?
1 Standard Partitioning (default)
2 User-defined Partitioning
If you abort the transfer, inconsistent data will be available on the PCU, and the
system can possibly no longer be booted.
To boot the PCU, you will need a boot diskette.
8. With restoring the backup copy to the PCU, the last valid computer name
with which the PCU has been identified on the network has been overwrit-
To make sure that the PCU is assigned a valid computer name again, you
must type a new name of the computer. The following menu will appear:
1 Input Machine Name MANUALLY
2 Input Machine Name RANDOMLY
9 Abort
S Abort
The computer name taken over with the image is kept.
Changes to the computer name and system ID are made using the program
Norton Ghost Walkert.
The network settings can be later modified/determined under Windows NT.
Windows NT taskbar: Start > Settings > Control Panel: Network
9. After Norton Ghost Walkert has updated the computer name and system
ID, the following menu is displayed:
When the PCU is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the partitions E:
and F: will be checked by the diagnostic program CHKDISK in succession
whereby the PCU is rebooted automatically.
After completion of the check, the system with the restored backup copy is ac-
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show Connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
the menu option Show Connected Network Drives using the key “2”.
Following menu:
Status Local Name Remote Name
1 Connect to Network Drive
2 Show connected Network Drives
3 Disconnect from all Network Drives
the menu option Disconnect form all Network Drives using the key “3”.
What is to be The operating actions explained in the following are intended to make a backup
done? copy of the partitions C:, E: and F: of the PCU hard disk (partition image) and to
transfer it to D:\IMAGES.
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Choose the menu item Service Menu (hidden).
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Following menu:
1 Configure GHOST Parameters
2 Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL
3 Partitions Restore, Mode LOCAL
4 Delete Image
Make sure that the displayed max. number of possible partition backups is
not yet reached.
How to change the max. number, see Subsection 15.3.8 (page 15-495).
To delete partition backups, see Subsection 15.3.9 (page 15-496).
5. Choose the menu item Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL using key “2”.
Following menu:
Image Name:
6. Type the name under which you wish the partition backup to be stored
(max. 7 characters). In the example: IBNZWST
If more than one partition backup is possible, the input option of a descrip-
tion is offered.
When you select a partition backup to restore it, this description is displayed
together with date and time to identify the partition backup.
To facilitate the identification of the partition backup, a clear description
should be used. In the example: Start-up intermediate version 1.
When you confirm the specifications above, the partition backup will be
After the partition backup has been made, a check can then be carried out
using CRC Check.
Storing a partition When saving a partition C:, E: and F: an independent image file with the name
backup of the partition backup in front of it is created under D:\IMAGES for each of the 3
saved partitions, e.g.:
– for partition C: IBNZWST.GH1
– for partition E: IBNZWST.GH3
– for partition F: IBNZWST.GH4
When restoring the partition backup, however, the 3 individual files will be ad-
dressed as one partition backup with the description entered under Point 6.
From the menu displayed in the Subsection 15.3.7 under Point 4. (page
15-493), select
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL
3 Partitions Restore, Mode LOCAL
4 Delete Image
Choose the menu item Change Maximum Backup Images using key “1”.
Type the new number in the following menu and confirm the question: “Save
GHOST parameters” with “Yes”.
From the menu displayed in the Subsection 15.3.7 under Point 4. (page
15-493), select
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL
3 Partitions Restore, Mode LOCAL
4 Delete Image
Choose the partition backup you want to delete from the next following menu
and confirm the warning questions with “Yes”.
Brief description Use the operator actions explained in the following to restore a partition backup
of the partitions C:, E: and F: of the PCU hard disk (partition image).
Operating actions After the PCU has been turned on, the menu of the boot manager is displayed.
1. Select the menu option Service menu (hidden) using the CursorDown key
and then press the Input key.
The following menu will appear:
1 Install/Update SINUMERIK System
2 SINUMERIK Tools and Options
3 DOS Shell
4 Start Windows NT (Service Mode)
5 SINUMERIK System Check
7 Backup/Restore
8 Start PC Link
P 840Di Services
Following menu:
1 Configure Ghost Parameters
2 Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL
3 Partitions Restore, Mode LOCAL
4 Delete Image
5. Choose the menu item Partitions Backup, Mode LOCAL using key “3”.
Following menu:
1 PCU Basic Software V06.01.04 Win NT 4.0
2 Start-up intermediate version 1
[05.10.2000; 04.03.15pm]
6. The descriptions that have been specified for the individual partition back-
ups are displayed. Choose the partition backup you want to restore.
In the example: “Start-up intermediate version 1” using the key “2”.
After confirmation, a warning is displayed:
CAUTION: All data will be overwritten!
If you confirm again, the partitions of the hard disk are restored.
Following menu:
It seems, that Ghost Restore succeeded.
When the PCU is booted for the next time under Windows NT, the partitions E:
and F: will be checked by the diagnostic program CHKDISK in succession
whereby the PCU is rebooted automatically.
After completion of the check, the system with the restored backup copy is
The PROFIdrive profile provides two different possibilities for defining the quan-
tity and meaning of message frame data transferred between the DP master
and DP slave drives within the framework of the cyclic PROFIBUS communica-
1. Select a predefined standard message frame
You can uniquely define the quantity and meaning of the transferred data by
selecting a standard message frame type in the associated components DP
slave drive, DP master and NC.
2. Customizable message frame configuration
With customizable message frame configuration, a user-specific frame type
is defined, in which you need to separately inform each associated compo-
nent – DP slave, DP master and NC – of the quantity and meaning of the
transferred data.
With SW 2.2 and higher, the SINUMERIK 840Di system offers expanded message frame configura-
tion which allows you to cyclically transfer drive data in addition to process data from the drive (DP
slave) to the NC (DP master) by combining standard message frames and customized message
frame configuration.
Message frame The drive data transferred in addition to the standard message frame process
configuration data must always be appended at the end of the standard message frame.
NC According to the selected functionality, for each axis the additional drive data is
system variable available on the NC side in individual specified system variables or the entire
frame as an array of neutral data words via a general system variable. In both
cases, the system variables are read-only.
Select the required setting in the NC machine data:
Specific The specific drive data listed below is transferred in individually specified sys-
system variables tem variables with the machine data setting:
The drive data must be configured as additional process data on the drive with the exact meaning
in the exact order specified in Table 16-1.
Table 16-1 Specific drive data
Transfer of specific drive data can only take place if the following is applicable:
Standard message frame data + additional data v max. number process data.
Currently a message frame can contain up to 16 process data items (PDA1 to
General The entire message frame with standard process data and additional process
system variable data is transferred in a general system variable as an array of 16-bit integer
data words via:
S System variable: $VA_DP_ACT_TEL[n, a]
with n = index: 0,2,...15
a = machine axis identifier.
When using the system variable $VA_DP_ACT_TEL[n, a], it is only permissible
to use a constant as index n.
Data formats The user must take the following points into account with regard to the data for-
mats of the process data stored in the system variables:
S The process data are transferred in the message frame in the following for-
– unsigned 16-bit integer (UINT16)
They are stored in the system variables in the format
– signed 32-bit integer (INT32)
In the necessary format conversion, bit 15 of the unsigned 16-bit integer
PDA value is transferred to bits 16 to 31 of the signed 32-bit integer value in
the system variable.
For the physical unit as well as the drive-end weighting of the drive actual
values transferred in the additional PDA, please refer to the data description
of the specific drive documentation.
Bit 31...16 = bit 15 Bit 31...16 = bit 15 Bit 31...16 = bit 15 Bit 31...16 = bit 15
31 16 15 0 31 16 15 0 31 16 15 0 31 16 15 0
The responsibility for possibly necessary format conversions or correct inter-
pretation of the physical unit and significance of a system variable used in parts
programs or synchronized actions lies exclusively with the user. Due to system
restrictions, it is not possible for the NC to perform a consistency check.
16.2.2 Requirements
The following conditions must be met to configure an expanded message frame:
S Drive
The drive to be used for the expanded message frame configuration must
support customizable message frame configuration in addition to selection
of standard message frames.
– SW 2.2 and higher
– Option: “Evaluation of internal drive variables”,
Order No.: 6FC5 251-0AB17-0BA0
– NC machine data for activating the data transfer for the additional PDA in
the system variables:
S MD 36730: DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING[n] (acquisition of additional
drive actual values)
Standard Before performing the expanded message frame configuration, please define
configuration the following:
– Which standard message frame the drive axis/axes is supposed to oper-
ate with.
– How many additional drive actual values/PDA are to be transferred.
It is advisable to configure each component first with the appropriate standard
message frame and then expand the frame by the additional PDA.
Step 1: Before performing the expanded message frame configuration, you need to
Configuring the configure the DP slave 611U with the standard message frame required for this
DP master drive.
Expanded To transfer the additional process data, you need to change the configuration of
message frame the DP slave 611U as follows:
configuration 1. The length of the PDA which is already configured with the standard mes-
sage frame must been expanded by the length of the additional PDA.
2. As the I/O address of setpoint and the actual value of an axis must be the
same, change the I/O address of the setpoint to the I/O address of the ac-
tual value which is automatically adapted by the HW Config if necessary.
S The I/O address for setpoint and actual values of an axis must be the same.
I/O address actual value = = I/O address setpoint
S The axis I/O address set via the SlaveOM must match the I/O address set
in the NC.
No automatic adjustment takes place!
The following data must be identical.
1. SIMATIC S7 configuration of DP slave 611U
I/O address
MD13060: DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS[n] (logical drive address)
After increasing the length of the actual value PDA (dialog box: DP slave Prop-
erties > Configuration > Actual value > Length), when the Properties dialog box
is opened again, in message frame type:
Dialog: DP slave properties
Tab: Configuration
Default: <Message Frame Type>
the message frame type that was originally selected is no longer displayed, but
the message frame that matches the modified PDA or no message frame type.
Step 2: Before performing expanded message frame configuration, you first need to
Configuring the perform the standard configuration or start-up of the drive.
DP slave 611U
Standard For the standard configuration/start-up of the drive, please see:
S Start-up (requirements)
– Subsection 8.1, page 8-249
S Standard configuration/start-up
– SIMODRIVE 611 universal and universal E:
References: /FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal, Description of
References: /POS3/ User Manual SIMODRIVE POSMO SI/CD/CA
– SimoCom U start-up tool
References: Online help for SimoCom U.
Expanded To configure the additional drive actual values, modify the standard configura-
message frame tion of the drive e.g. starting at standard message frame 102 as follows with the
configuration SimoCom U start-up tool:
Before configuring the additional drive actual values, please ensure that the
correct drive – and if using a multiple axis module, the correct axis – was
selected in the SimoCom U start-up tool.
Online to drive 12A => data are modified directly in the drive!
Online to drive 12A => data are modified directly in the drive!
PROFIBUS OFF1 Control of clock-synchronized PROFIBUS
5 Torque reduction (TorRed) 5 Message word (MessW)
Step 3: Before configuring the expanded message frames, you first need to perform the
Configuring the standard configuration on the NC for the drive.
Standard How to proceed with the standard configuration of a drive is described in Sec-
configuration tion 10.5.3, page 10-313.
Expanded On the NC for the expanded message frame configuration, you only need to
message frame activate PDA transfer in the respective system variable.
configuration – Option: “Evaluation of internal drive variables”,
Order No.: 6FC5 251-0AB17-0BA0
– NC machine data for activating the data transfer in the system variables:
S MD 36730: DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING[n] (acquisition of additional
drive actual values)
After configuring the expanded message frames, the standard message frame
with which the axis is driven is only explicitly visible in the NC machine data:
S MD 13060: DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE[n] (drive message frame type)
Restrictions The following restrictions are applicable with regard to the “expanded message
frame configuration” function:
S Additional data can only be transferred from the drive to the SINUMERIK
840Di NC (actual value channel). You cannot transfer data in the other direc-
tion, i.e. from the NC to the DP slave drive (setpoint channel).
S You can only have read access to the drive data stored in the system vari-
Consistency check At SINUMERIK 840Di boot, the NC checks the consistency of the process data
configuration (PDA) of the parameters relevant to the cyclic PROFIBUS commu-
– MD 13060: DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE[n] (drive message frame type)
S DP master (configuration)
– DP Slave Properties > Configuration > Setpoint: Length
– DP Slave Properties > Configuration > Actual Value: Length
S Drive
– Parameter P0922 message frame selection
– Parameter P0915[x] PDA setpoint assignment
– Parameter P0916[x] PDA actual value assignment.
If the number of process data expected from the NC set in the message frame (telegram) type pa-
rameter in the NC machine data:
S MD 13060: DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE[n] (drive message frame type)
is greater than the number of process data configured with STEP7: HW Config for the DP slave
S DP Slave Properties > Configuration > Setpoint: Length
S DP Slave Properties > Configuration > Actual Value: Length
or if the process data configuration determined at the drive-end from the drive parameters:
S P0922 message frame selection
S P0915[x] PDA setpoint assignment
S P0916[x] PDA actual value assignment
does not match the message frame type of the NC machine data, then the following alarm is issued:
S Alarm 26015 “Axis axis identifier machine data $MN_DRIVE_TELE-
GRAM_TYPE[index] value not permissible”.
! For reasons relating to the system, the consistency check – which is performed
during SINUMERIK 840Di boot and based on acyclic communication with the
drive – runs parallel in time with the already active cyclic communication be-
tween NC and drive.
As setpoint and actual values are already being exchanged between the NC
position control and drive as part of the cyclic communication, uncontrolled
system states can occur on the drive side due to faulty process data configura-
tions which cannot be detected yet at this point in time.
The same applies if acyclic communication is not supported by a drive, or if
acyclic communication was deactivated for a drive via the axis-specific NC ma-
chine data:
General machine
MD number Bit-coded screen for selecting the functional scope expected by the NCK with PROFIBUS
Default settings: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: FFFF FFFF
Changes effective after power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: –
Data type: DWORD valid from SW: 2.1
Meaning: Meaning of set bits:
Bit 0: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive alarm mapping
Bit 1: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive type detection
Bit 2: Deactivation of the 611U-specific parameter accesses encoder drivers
Bit 3: Deactivation of the 611U-specific parameter accesses output drivers
Bit 4: Activation third-party drive: DSC bits (CTW1.12/STW1.12)
Bit 5: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive parks (CTW2.7/STW2.7)
Bit 6: Deactivation of the 611U-specific travel to fixed stop (CTW2.8/STW2.8)
Bit 7: Deactivation of the 611U-specific motor changeover internal (STW2.9–11)
Bit 8: Deactivation of the 611U-specific ramp block (CTW1.13)
Bit 9: Deactivation of the 611U-specific function generator functions (CTW1.8/STW1.13)
Bit 14: Selection of non-cyclic DP communication: 0=DPT; 1=DPV1
Bit 15: Deactivation of consistency check for PROFIBUS message frame configuration
CTW: Control word (PDA word in the PROFIDrive message frame to DP slave)
STW: Status word (PDA word in the PROFIDrive message frame from DP slave)
PDA: Process data
MD irrelevant with ...... –––
machine data
MD number Detection of additional drive actual values
Default settings: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: 4
Changes effective after power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: –
Data type: BYTE valid from SW: 2.1
Meaning: MD: DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING (acquisition of additional drive actual values) informs the
NC which additional drive actual values are transferred in the PROFIDrive message frame
and in which system variables they should be stored.
0: No additional drive actual values
1: The following drive actual values are transferred and stored in system variables:
Actual value System variable
Torque setpoint $AA_TORQUE
Active power $AA_POWER
Current actual value t$AA_CURR
2: The entire PROFIDrive message frame is stored in a system variable:
Actual value System variable
PROFIDrive message frame $VA_DP_ACT_TEL
MD irrelevant with ...... –––
System variable
Name $VA_DP_ACT_TEL[n, a]
Meaning Word by word mapping of the PROFIBUS message frame from the
DP slave
Data type INTEGER
Value range [0, 65535]
Indexes n: Array index Value range [0,20]
a: Machine axis Value range Machine axis identifier
Accesses Parts program Synchronized OPI
Read Read Read
Attributes Implicit preprocessing stop Cross-channel
Read Yes
16.2.6 Alarms
Detailed information on the individual alarms can be found in:
References: /DA/ Diagnostics Guide
For systems with HMI Advanced you can refer to the online help.
16.3.2 Requirements
Basic The following basic requirements must be met to set the parameters for torque
requirements reduction resolution:
– There must be a parameter in the drive via which the resolution for the
torque reduction can be set at the drive end.
– The drive is operating with a message frame type containing the control
word: TorRed (torque reduction) e.g. SIMODRIVE standard message
frame 102 to 107.
Automatic To simplify the start-up of torque reduction, the SINUMERIK 840Di NC carries
adjustment out an automatic matching procedure using the torque reduction resolution
parameterized in the drive. The following requirements must be met:
– The drive supports acyclic communication and it is enabled on the NC
side. For information on how to enable acyclic communication on the
NC, please see the description of NC machine data:
S MD 13070: DRIVE_FUNCTION_MASK[n] (used DP functions)
– Parameter P881 is present in the drive with the corresponding meaning
and a scaling of 16384 ¢ 1%.
During SINUMERIK 840Di boot and in the state: “Incoming station” of the DP slave 611U, the SI-
NUMERIK 840Di NC cyclically reads parameter P881 from the drive and transfers it to the appropri-
ate axis-specific NC machine data:
Manual If the requirements are not met for automatic adjustment, then the parameters
adjustment can be set manually for the SINUMERIK 840Di NC if the resolution of the torque
reduction is parameterized in principle in the mappable range (0.01% to 10%).
If third-party drives are used, please read the manufacturer’s documentation to
see whether and how to set the parameters on the drive.
Parameter P0881 The resolution of the torque reduction is parameterized in the DP slave 611U in
S P0881 Torque reduction evaluation
Setpoint torque Setpoint torque Tset of the drive is therefore calculated by:
P0881 * TorRed[%]
Tset = Tmax * ( 1 – )
16384 * 100%
Maximum possible drive torque from rated motor torque and parameter P1230 Torque limit value.
The percent specified via FXST for the reduced drive (control word in SIMODRIVE standard mes-
sage frame 102 to 107).
Automatic To simplify the start-up of torque reduction, as standard the NC tried to perform
parameterization an automatic matching procedure. The adjustment is carried out in the following
system states:
– SINUMERIK 840Di boot
– “Incoming station” of the DP slave 611U.
The NC reads the resolution set in the parameters on the drive via parameter P0881 using acyclic
communication and transforms the read value into the format of the above mentioned machine
If the detected drive-end resolution is not equal to the resolution currently set in the parameters in
the NC machine data, the value determined by the drive is transferred to the NC machine data. The
resulting NC-end rescaling of the torque reduction for this machine axis is indicated in the following
S Alarm 26024 “Axis axis identifier machine data $MA_PROFI-
BUS_TORQUE_RED_RESOL value adapted”.
If the value of parameter P0881 converted into NC format lies outside the admissible limit values,
the value set in the NC machine data is retained. An alarm is then not issued.
You can disable automatic adjustment via:
S MD 13070: DRIVE_FUNCTION_MASK[n], bit 15 = 0
Manual If one of the requirements listed above for automatically adjusting the torque
parameterization reduction resolution is not met, it is possible to set the parameters manually to
achieve consistence if the torque reduction resolution was parameterized in the
mappable range (0.01% to 10%).
Online to drive 12A => data are modified directly in the drive!
It is the start-up engineer’s responsibility to ensure that the parameter settings
are consistent in the SINUMERIK 840Di NC and all relevant drives for which
torque reduction is being performed.
The following data must be consistent in terms of values and meaning:
1. SINUMERIK 840Di NC machine data
MD 37620: PROFIBUS_TORQUE_RED_RESOL (torque reduction resolu-
tion on PROFIBUS (LSB weighting))
2. Drive
With automatic adjustment:
Parameter P0881 torque reduction evaluation
With manual adjustment:
The parameter corresponding in meaning to the DP slave 611U: pa-
rameter P0881.
If automatic adjustment cannot be performed by the SINUMERIK 840Di NC
due to requirements that are not met, of if the drive returns a value for parame-
ter P0881 that lies beyond the NC machine data limit values, or if the torque
reduction is not rescaled on the NC end, no alarm is issued. The machine data
General machine
MD number Bit-coded screen for selecting the functional scope expected by the NCK with PROFIBUS
Default settings: 0 min. input limit: 0 max. input limit: FFFF FFFF
Changes effective after power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: –
Data type: DWORD valid from SW: 2.1
Meaning: Meaning of set bits:
Bit 0: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive alarm mapping
Bit 1: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive type detection
Bit 2: Deactivation of the 611U-specific parameter accesses encoder drivers
Bit 3: Deactivation of the 611U-specific parameter accesses output drivers
Bit 4: Activation third-party drive: DSC bits (CTW1.12/STW1.12)
Bit 5: Deactivation of the 611U-specific drive parks (CTW2.7/STW2.7)
Bit 6: Deactivation of the 611U-specific travel to fixed stop (CTW2.8/STW2.8)
Bit 7: Deactivation of the 611U-specific motor changeover internal (STW2.9–11)
Bit 8: Deactivation of the 611U-specific ramp block (CTW1.13)
Bit 9: Deactivation of the 611U-specific function generator functions (CTW1.8/STW1.13)
Bit 14: Selection of non-cyclic DP communication: 0=DPT; 1=DPV1
Bit 15: Deactivation of consistency check for PROFIBUS message frame configuration
CTW: Control word (PDA word in the PROFIDrive message frame to DP slave)
STW: Status word (PDA word in the PROFIDrive message frame from DP slave)
PDA: Process data
MD irrelevant with ...... –––
machine data
MD number torque reduction resolution on PROFIBUS (LSB weighting)
Default settings: 1 min. input limit: 0.01 max. input limit: 10
Changes effective after NEWCONF Protection level: 2 / 7 Unit: %
Data type: DOUBLE valid from SW: 2.2
Meaning: For the drives connected via PROFIBUS, the MD defines the resolution of the torque re-
duction transferred in the cyclic SIMODRIVE standard message frames 102 to 107 (control
word: TorRed). The torque reduction is e.g. required as part of the function “Travel to fixed
stop” (FXST).
At automatic adjustment, the machine data must be set so that it is consistent with the
meaning of drive parameter P0881: “Torque reduction evaluation”; or with manual adjust-
ment with the drive-end interpretation of the control word: TorRed.
The default value of 1% corresponds to the resolution that was valid prior to SW 2.2.
16.3.7 Alarms
Detailed information on the individual alarms can be found in:
References: /DA/ Diagnostics Guide
For systems with HMI Advanced you can refer to the online help.
BA Operating Mode
BB Ready
BP Basic program
COM Communication
DB Data Block
DW Data Word
ETC ETC key > extension of soft key bar in the same menu
FIFO First in First Out: Memory that operates without addresses where the data
are always read out in the same order in which they were stored.
GEO Geometry
HASH Software procedure for mapping a large quantity of identifiers onto a finite
memory area
HW Hardware
INC Increment:
IS Interface signal
ISO Code Special punchtape code, number of punched holes per character always even
K1 Channel 1
MD Machine data
MDA Manual Data Automatic: NC mode for entering and processing individual part
program blocks or block sequences.
NC Numerical Control:
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: Numerical Control Kernel with block preparation,
travel range etc.
PG Programming unit
PO Power ON
POSMO CA Positioning Motor Compact AC: Positioning Motor Compact AC: Complete drive
unit with integrated power and control modul as well as positioning unit and pro-
gram memory; AC infeed.
PPO Parameter Process data ObjectCyclic data message frame for PROFIBUS DP
transmissionand “Variable speed drives” profile
RAM Random Access Memory in which data can be read and written
SD Setting data
SK Soft key
SW Software
T Tool
TC Tool Change
TO Tool Offset
µC Microcontroller
Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation
Catalog ST 70
Order No.: E86060-K4670-A111-A8-7600
Cable, Connectors & System Components for SIMATIC, SINUMERIK,
Masterdrives and SIMOTION
Catalog NC Z
Order No.: E86060-K4490-A001-B1-7600
Electronic Documentation
User Documentation
Manufacturer/Service Documentation
a) Lists
b) Hardware
Please enter the ID No.: 15257461 in the ’Search’ field (top right)
and click on ’go’.
ADI4 – Analog Drive Interface for 4 Axes (02.03 Edition)
Order No.: 6FC5297-0BA01-0BP1
c) Software
D2 Interactive Programming
F1 Travel to Fixed Stop
G2 Velocities, Setpoint/Actual-Value Systems, Closed-Loop
H2 Output of Auxiliary Functions to PLC
K1 Mode Group, Channel, Program Operation Mode
K2 Axes, Coordinate Systems, Frames, Actual-Value System for
Workpiece, External Zero Offset
K4 Communication
P1 Transverse Axes
P3 Basic PLC Program
R1 Reference Point Approach
S1 Spindles
V1 Feeds
W1 Tool Offset
d) Installation and
Product Support
DRAM file system, 10-305 Exact stop fine, Delay time, 10-343
Drift compensation, 10-339 EXCHANGE
Drive configuration, 10-313 LED: ADI4, 2-118
ADI4, 10-314 LED: PP72/48, 2-101
I/O addresses, 10-313 Expanded message frame configuration, 7-231,
Message frame type, 10-313 16-501
Drive optimization, 10-326 Expert mode, 10-280
Drive Optimization using HMI Advanced, 13-417 Export version, 1-37
Drive start-up (preconditions), 9-263 External, floppy disk drive, 3-129
DriveOM, 1-33, 7-208 External operator panel (PCU with HMI
Drives, 2-45 Advanced), 5-168
General information, 1-22 External power supply, PP72/48, 2-94
Dry Run, axis, 12-413
Dry run
Axis and spindle, 12-411
Axis enabling, 12-411
Drive enable, 12-411 Failure safety, 1-26
Preconditions, 12-411 Fatal exceptional error, 1-26
Spindle, 12-415 Fault analysis, 6-191
DSC, 10-325 FB 1
Dx, 7-206 HPU, 5-165
Dynamic monitoring, 10-345 MCP, 5-144
Velocity monitoring, 10-347 FFT analysis, 13-417
Dynamic Servo Control, 10-325 Final parameterization, DP slaves gen., 7-238
Firmware, MCP, 5-140
First start-up, 611u, 9-263
Floppy disk drive , 2-44
E Floppy disk drive 3.5’’, 2-87
EC Declaration of Conformity, C-535 FORCE, 10-397
Electrical connection Frequency response measurement, 13-423
HHU, 5-153
HT 6, 5-163
MPI interface, 5-148
Electrical installation
MCI board and MPI bus, 3-128 GC, 7-206
MCI board and PROFIBUS DP, 3-127 GD circle parameterization
MCI board extension, 3-128 HHU, 5-157
PCU 50, 3-129, 3-130 PLC: BHG, 5-158
PCU 70, 3-130 Gear stage speed, 10-374
EMC measures, 4-135 General, 1-19
Encoder cut-off frequency, 10-374 General NCK reset, 10-396
Encoder monitoring General PLC reset, 7-246, 10-397
Cut-off frequency, 10-348 General reset of PLC, 8-250
Cyclic monitoring of position tolerance, 10-349 Geometry axes, 10-308
Position tolerance when switching over the Global Control Message Frame Type, 7-206
encoder, 10-349 Graphic display, drive optimization, 13-431
Zero mark monitoring, 10-349 Grounding
Encoder types, Absolute measuring system, ADI4, 2-121
10-320 PP72/48, 2-102
Endlessly rotating rotary axis, 10-327 Group fault, 10-397
EQN 1325, 10-320
Equidistant DP cycle, 7-240
Setting, 7-213
Equidistant master cyclic portion, 7-240
Equidistant time, 7-213 H1, Module status, ADI4, 2-118
ESD measures, 4-136 H2, Module status, ADI4, 2-118
ET 200, 2-45 Handheld terminal HT 6, 5-161
Exact stop Handheld unit (HHU), 5-151
Coarse, 10-343
Fine, 10-343
S2, PROFIBUS address, ADI4, 2-108 SIMODRIVE 611 universal, 7-231, 9-263, 16-504,
S3 16-512
MCP, 5-141 BERO, 10-371
MPI interface, 5-149 Max. useful motor speed, 10-346
S7 project, 8-255 Motor monitoring speed, 10-346
Configuring the NC, 7-215 Pulse multiplication, 10-366
Configuring the PLC, 7-214 Speed evaluation PROFIBUS, 10-369
Creating, 7-211 Speed setpoint matching, manual, 10-336
Sample PLC application, 1-34 SIMODRIVE 611 universal E, 7-231, 16-504,
Saving measurement results, 13-418 16-512
Screen, PCU with HMI Advanced, 5-168 SIMODRIVE 611u, See also: DP slave 611u,
Screen resolution 7-231, 16-504, 16-512
Setting, 1-25 SIMODRIVE POSMO CD/CA, 7-231, 16-504,
Switchover, 1-25 16-512
Selecting a series machine start-up archive, se- Speed setpoint matching, manual, 10-336
lecting the contents, 14-451 SIMODRIVE POSMO SI, 7-231, 16-504, 16-512
Selecting the version, 6-177 Speed setpoint matching, manual, 10-336
Serial mouse, 6-190 SinuCom NC, General information, 1-24
Series Machine Start-Up, 14-449 SINUMERIK Desktop, 6-179
Series machine start-up, 611u, 9-263 SINUMERIK desktop, 6-188
Series machine start-up archive SITOP POWER 10, 2-88
Creation using HMI Advanced, 14-454 SITOP POWER ACCUMODULE
Creation using HMI Advanced, 14-451 24VDC/10A/3,2AH, 2-44
Series machine start-up file, creating a, 8-257 SITOP POWER DC UPS module 15, 2-44
Serious exception, 10-300, 10-303 SITOP POWER lead-acid battery module
Service menu, 6-193 24VDC/10A/3.2AH, 2-92
Service Mode, 6-195 SITOP POWER standard 24V/10A, 2-44
Services, 6-197 SlaveOM, 1-33, 7-208, 7-231
Servo gain, Checking the, 10-334 Software components, Overview, 1-32
Servo gain factor, Definition, 10-333 Software limit switches, 10-344
Servo loop, setpoint step change, 13-429 Software version
Servo trace, 13-418 HHU, 5-155
Setpoint acceptance, 7-242 HT 6, 5-163
Setting data, 10-274 MPI interface, 5-149
Activation, 10-274 Software version, MCP, 5-142
Identifier, 10-274 Spare parts, 2-43
Normalization physical quantities, 10-283 Speed control loop
Overview, 10-275 Interference frequency response, 13-424
Setting the HMI environment, 6-189 Reference frequency response, 13-424
Settings, 10-399 Setpoint and disturbance step change, 13-425
SF, 10-397 Speed control loop measurement, 13-423
SF–DP, 10-397 Speed setpoint matching, 10-336
Sharing names, 6-200 Automatic, 10-336
Shielded signal cables, 4-135 Speed setpoint monitoring, 10-345
Shutdown, 10-301
Shutdown behavior, 10-400
Shutting down correctly, 1-28
Sign-of-life monitoring, 8-259
Signal distortion, 10-348
SIMATIC ET 200, 2-45
SIMATIC Manager STEP7, 7-207
On an external PG/PC, 8-255
On SINUMERIK840Di, 8-255
SIMATIC S7 I/O devices, 7-216
SIMATIC S7 project, 7-211
SIMODRIVE drives, 7-231
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE60-0BP2
Edition: 06.2003
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Address on this sheet. Suggestions for improvement are
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Overview of SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Documentation
General Documentation User Documentation
840D/810D 840D/840Di/ Accessories 840D/810D/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/
810D/ FM-NC 810D 810D 810D
Program. Guide Operator’s Guide System Overview Configuring Operator Description of Description of
– Short Guide – ManualTurn (HW) *) Components Functions Functions
– Fundamentals *) – Short Guide ManualTurn – 810D (HW) *) – ManualTurn Synchronized
– Advanced *) – ShopMill – 840D – ShopMill Actions
– Cycles – Short Guide ShopMill – ShopTurn
– Measuring Cycles – ShopTurn
– ISO Turning/Milling – Short Guide ShopTurn
Manufacturer/Service Documentation
611D 840D/840Di/ 840D/840Di/ 840D/810D 840D/810D 840D/840Di/
840D/810D 810D 810D 810D
Description of Description of Description of Configuring Kit Description of Motion Control Information System
Functions Functions Functions HMI Embedded Functions – Computer Link SinCom
Drive Functions *) – Basic Machine *) Tool Manage- Operator Interface – Tool Information System SinTDI
– Extended Functions ment OP 030 – DNC NC Program Management
– Special Functions – Tool Data Inform./TDI Ident Connec.
– Tool Data Information Communication
Manufacturer/Service Documentation
840D 840D/840Di 840D 840D
810D 611D 611D