Spark 4.10
Spark 4.10
Spark 4.10
In order to focus students’ attention and prepare them for the lesson ahead, I write imaginary creatures on the board.
Students brainstorm for ideas. Students may use the ideas as prompts to initiate a brief discussion or simply share facts
and stories related to the topic.
imaginary creatures
Pre- reading activity
I draw students’ attention to the title and the picture. I give students time to skim the first and the last paragraph for gist,
and then allow them to make predictions on the content of the text.
While- reading activity
I instruct students on how to proceed with the activity. Collaboration and reciprocal teaching is the key to the success of
this activity. While reading students work on new words. They learn the meaning of words based on the context, or they
may even look up their definition/ translation in the WORD LIST. I monitor the activity and assist students, if needed.
I Know I Want to know I Learnt
I instruct students on how to I instruct students on how to I invite students to think about
proceed with the activity. proceed with the activity. the question in exercise 2.
They will work in pairs. After explaining the task, I
They will have to guess and Collaboration and reciprocal allow students time to write a
say what they know about the teaching is the key to the few sentences. Various
topic given success of this activity. While students read their sentences
-What they know reading students work on new out to the class.
-how are these creatures like words. They learn the I explain any new words/
-why are they strange meaning of words based on phrases or concepts.
the context, or they may even Sum up of the text using the key
look up their definition/ words
translation in the WORD
LIST. I monitor the activity
and assist students, if needed.
Building questions about the