Please fill all the details in CAPITAL LETTERS and BLACK INK only. Fields with (STAR) are MANDATORY
Cust. ID No. :
Code :
Primary Account number
(For linking joint holder cust id) Appl. No.
Customer Relationship Form for new customers (In case of joint applicants, each applicant to fill a separate form)
Street Details: /
Locality: Land
City: State:
Country :
PIN (please specify if
other than India)
Mobile No.:
Email ID :
Street Details: /
Locality: Land
City: State:
Country :
PIN (please specify if
other than India)
2. Address proof :
I have met Mr./ Ms. ________________________________________________ in person at his/ her residence/ office/ others (please specify)
____________________________________________ and confirm that I have verified the copies of the Identity and address documents (as
applicable) against originals as produced by the applicant. I also confirm that the form has been signed by the applicant in my presence.
Name and Designation of the Bank Official authorising opening of the Account________________________________
1. Occupation
a) If Salaried, employed with Proprietorship Partnership Pvt. Ltd. Public Ltd. Public Sector
Government Multinational Others
b) If Self Employed, and
If in Business, nature of Business Manufacturing Trading Services Retailing Agriculture
Stock Broker Real Estate Shroffs and Moneylenders Others
If Professional, type of Profession Doctor CA/CS Lawyer Architect Consultant
Engineer Others
c) If Others House Wife Retired Student
d) If Agri Allied/Farmer,
Nil <=5 acres > 5 acres
details of landholding
2. Education Under Graduate Graduate Post Graduate Professional
3. Gross Annual Income (`) Nil < 1Lac 1Lac - 5 Lacs 5 Lacs - 10 Lacs 10 Lacs - 15 Lacs
15 Lacs - 20 Lacs 20Lacs - 25 Lacs 25 Lacs - 50 Lacs 50 Lacs - 1 Cr < 1 Cr
[See second proviso to rule 114B] [See proviso to clause (a) of rule 114C (1)]
Form of declaration to be filed by a person who does not have a permanent Form of declaration to be filed by a person who has agriculture income and
account number and who enters into any transaction specified in rule 114B is not in receipt of any other income chargeable to income-tax in respect of
transactions specified rule 114B
1. Full name and address of the declarant
1. Full name and address of the declarant
2. Particulars of transaction
3. Amount of the transaction 2. Particulars of transaction
4. Are you assessed to tax? Yes No 3. Details of the documents being produced in support of
5. If yes, (I) Details of Ward/Circle/Range where the last return of address in column (1) Yes No
income was filed I hereby declare that my source of income is from agriculture and
(ii) Reasons for not having permanent account I am not required to pay income-tax on any other income, if any.
number: Date:
6. Details of the document being produced in support of address Place:
in column (1)
Signature of the declarant
Passport Election Id Card PAN Card Driving License UIDAI Letter NREGA job card
BSR CODE - BSM to fill based on the occupation and gender details filled in AOF
Agri Allied / Farmers Business
41141 41142 41441 41442
(Landholding Nil, <=5 acres, > 5 acres) (Shroffs / Moneylenders, Stock Brokers,
Dealers in Bullion)
Business Salaried
(Manufacturing, Trading, Services, Retailing, Agriculture, (Proprietorship, Partnership, Pvt. Ltd.,
Real Estate) 41241 41242 Public Ltd., Public Sector, Government, 41341 41342
Professional Multinational, Wage salary earners,
(Doctor, CA/CS, Lawyer, Architect, Consultant, Engineer)
Housewife, Retired, Student
Employee ID :