Assessing Risk - Ensuring Internal Audit's Value
Assessing Risk - Ensuring Internal Audit's Value
Assessing Risk - Ensuring Internal Audit's Value
Risk assessments in their various forms (e.g., annual audit planning,
engagement planning, enterprise risk management, etc.) are a key
building block for numerous internal audit activities, deliverables, and
communications such as periodic audit planning schedules, audit
engagement planning memos, audit reports, ERM activities, and audit
committee reports. However, many internal auditors and internal audit
functions struggle to find the right risk assessment framework that
balances stakeholder needs and resources available for this time-
intensive activity. Likewise, many internal auditors struggle with execution
of risk assessment activities such as establishing practical and consistent
measurement criteria for rating and ranking risks as well as keeping a
keen focus on the risks that are most important to their stakeholders. Risk
assessment is at the forefront of ensuring internal audit’s value to its
stakeholders. Without effective risk assessment activities, an internal
audit function has little assurance that it is deploying its resources in a
way that fulfills its mission within the organization.
2 Days
Knowledge Level:
Field of Study:
Advance Preparation:
Delivery Format:
Nature of Risk
Course Closing