Team Roles Measure
Team Roles Measure
Team Roles Measure
GOMXXX10.1177/1059601114562000Group & Organization ManagementMathieu et al.
Group & Organization Management
2015, Vol. 40(1) 6–34
Team Role Experience © The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permissions:
and Orientation: A
DOI: 10.1177/1059601114562000
Measure and Tests of
Construct Validity
We review and synthesize previous team research and suggest that individuals’
previous experiences and orientations combine to yield predispositions to
occupy six different team roles, which we refer to as Team Role Experience
and Orientation (TREO) dimensions. We report the development of a
survey measure of TREO dimensions and establish its content validity using
a sample of subject matter experts’ item classifications. Furthermore, we
provide evidence that TREO dimensions are distinguishable from, but related
to, measures of the “Big 5” personality constructs. We also illustrate the
temporal stability of the measures. Moreover, we test the predictive validity
of TREO scores as related to peer ratings of members’ behaviors during
team activities. We discuss future theoretical and research implications of
TREO dimensions, and potential future applications of the measure.
group or team composition or diversity, personality, roles or role behavior,
teams or teamwork
Corresponding Author:
John E. Mathieu, School of Business, University of Connecticut, 2100 Hillside Road, Unit
1041MG, Storrs, CT 06269-1041, USA.
Mathieu et al. 7
Teams are widely recognized as the basic building blocks of most modern-
day organizations (Ilgen, Hollenbeck, Johnson, & Jundt, 2005; Kozlowski &
Ilgen, 2006; Mathieu, Maynard, Rapp, & Gilson, 2008). Team-based designs
enable organizations to quickly align their human resources with the multi-
tude of changing work demands and competitive pressures. Enhancing team
effectiveness offers a powerful means by which organizations can gain and
maintain competitive advantage. Team effectiveness can be driven by a num-
ber of factors such as a supportive organizational environment, team-oriented
external leadership, design features, dynamic processes and emergent states,
and a host of other variables (Mathieu et al., 2008). However, research and
practice have suggested that the best teams are well designed up-front. Teams
that have an optimal mix of members’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
characteristics (KSAOs) are better positioned to work well together and to
perform effectively than are teams composed of a less-optimal combination
of members (Bell, 2007; Ilgen, 1999). In short, team composition serves as
the foundation upon which other team factors are built, and represents a key
enabling feature of teams. Moreover, understanding how a team is “com-
posed” can provide insights for targeted team development activities.
Numerous characteristics have been used to index team composition,
including personality, functional expertise, competencies, goal orientations,
teamwork orientations, and a host of other attributes (Klimoski & Zukin,
1999; Mathieu, Tannenbaum, Donsbach, & Alliger, 2014). Importantly, these
individual attributes motivate and enable individuals to occupy different
team roles (Stewart, Fulmer, & Barrick, 2005). A role is generally defined as
a cluster of related and goal-directed behaviors taken on by a person within a
specific situation (Stewart, Manz, & Sims, 1999). Teams rely on different
members to fulfill different critical needs such as organizing work, maintain-
ing group harmony, and aligning their efforts with those of others in an orga-
nization (Aritzeta, Swailes, & Senior, 2007; Stewart et al., 2005). Accordingly,
both research and practice will benefit from a greater understanding of indi-
vidual differences that are associated with team role fulfillment, and from
tools to assess those differences.
Although the existing literature has advanced numerous team role taxono-
mies, we believe that there have been a number of major barriers to a produc-
tive discourse on the topic. Team roles are largely considered a critical part of
effective teaming (Ancona & Caldwell, 1988; Belbin, 1993) and viewed as a
basic feature of work teams (Sundstrom, De Meuse, & Futrell, 1990). Yet, the
topic has received relatively little empirical attention beyond the introduction
of team role classifications. Although a number of taxonomies of team roles
exist in the literature (Bales, 1950; Belbin, 1981, 1993; Benne & Sheats, 1948;
Parker, 1994; Humphrey, Morgeson, & Mannor, 2009), work in this area is
8 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
stifled due to a lack of integration and the absence of publicly available and
construct valid measures of role propensities. Accordingly, we have several
goals for this article. First, we briefly review and synthesize previous work that
has focused on team roles. From this, we distill six different roles that have
potential widespread applicability. Second, we argue that individuals’ previous
experiences, on one hand, and personal orientations and predilections, on the
other hand, combine to yield predispositions to occupy these different types of
team roles. We suggest that this synthesis of preferences and experiences rep-
resents individual differences that are predictive of individuals’ future role-
related behaviors in teams. We refer to these individual differences as Team
Role Experience and Orientation (TREO) dimensions. Third, we describe the
potential relations between TREO dimensions and other variables in a nomo-
logical network, and suggest that TREO dimensions are distinguishable from,
but related to, measures of traditional “Big 5” personality dimensions.
Fourth, we describe the development and validation of a survey measure of
TREO dimensions. This effort includes qualitative grounding and content
validity work by subject matter experts (SMEs) to generate and classify survey
items. It also involves gathering data from two development samples, evaluat-
ing and refining the construct validity of the items, and then administering the
revised measures to two validation samples. Fifth, we evaluate the discriminant
validity of the TREO measures from measures of Big 5 personality dimensions,
and test their pattern of relations using meta-analyses. Sixth, we demonstrate
the stability of TREO scores over time using a fifth sample. And finally, we test
the predictive validity of TREO measures as related to peers’ ratings of role-
related behaviors exhibited over the course of a 2-month long team business
simulation exercise. We conclude with a discussion of our findings in terms of
the nomological network associated with team’s role-related behaviors and
potential applications of TREO measures in the future.
In sum, the primary contributions of this work are threefold. We synthe-
size the diverse prior team role taxonomies and offer a six-dimensional
framework designed to balance comprehensiveness with parsimony. Second,
we develop measures of those six dimensions and provide evidence of their
psychometric properties, construct validity, and predictive validity. The items
are presented in the appendix and are freely available for research purposes.
Finally, we outline an agenda for future research incorporating the six-dimen-
sional role taxonomy.
Thompson, 2011) and teams (Hackman, 1990). Aritzeta et al. (2007) noted
that there are two heritages in the team role literature. One approach, which
we could term role as position, equates roles with expected behavior associ-
ated with the particular position that a team member occupies (e.g., Katz &
Kahn, 1978). Essentially, this view focuses on the characteristics and
demands of jobs and how they give rise to certain expected role behaviors of
occupants. A second approach, “role as person,” suggests that roles can be
defined as a combination of the values, attitudes, and behaviors of individu-
als who occupy particular locations in a social network. From this perspec-
tive, roles emerge from a combination of members’ natural inclinations or
preferences, as well as the social-psychological dynamics of the group (Ilgen
& Hollenbeck, 1991). We adopt this latter approach because we are interested
in developing indices of individual differences that may predispose people to
fulfill particular roles in teams.
Early research attempted to outline typologies of roles that team members
take when interacting with others (e.g., Bales, 1950; Benne & Sheats, 1948).
Benne and Sheats (1948) examined small discussion groups that were
engaged in problem-solving activities. They observed the appearance of two
types of roles: Task and Maintenance. Behaviors such as facilitating and
coordinating group activities, suggesting new ideas and ways of solving
problems fell under the “task role.” In contrast, behaviors that encouraged
praising, agreeing, and accepting the contribution of others within the group
were considered part of the “maintenance role.” Bales (1950, 1970) built on
this team role research by analyzing the interactions between members of
small groups and categorized their behaviors into task-oriented and socio-
emotional categories. Task roles are held by those group members who
engage in behaviors that are designed to facilitate task completion. Task
activities involve behaviors such as delegation and the coordination of group
communication. Socio-emotional leaders are those group members who
engage in behaviors that are designed to facilitate positive relations within
the group. Socio-emotional activities involve behaviors such as encourage-
ment and compromising. Interestingly, Bales and colleagues argued that task
and relationship roles emerge as a result of one another in that when task
leaders work toward the completion of goals, they engage in behaviors that
do not promote positive group relations, such as criticizing and giving orders.
As such, most successful groups would have some members specializing in
task activities and other members specializing in socio-emotional activities to
balance the group dynamics. These early studies centered on the individual’s
behaviors within a group and the classification of these behaviors into broader
roles. Benne and Sheats (1948) and Bales (1950) provided insight into two
critical functions that roles are instrumental in performing: task execution
10 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
Having reviewed psychometric studies it is clear that neither the eight role nor
the nine role version of the TRSPI has unequivocal psychometric support and
most of the studies show low or at best average effect sizes indicating only
partial psychometric support. (p. 110)
McCaulley, & Most, 1985). It not only has norms but also has evidence of
internal reliability and concurrent validity; however, there appears to be little
or no evidence of the factorial structure of the measure (to confirm the clas-
sification or taxonomic scheme), or any evidence of the predictive or con-
struct validity of the test.
Parker (1994, 1996) developed a set of team player styles, which fall into
four types: (a) contributor, (b) collaborator, (c) communicator, and (d) chal-
lenger. In contrast to Belbin’s emphasis on preferred team roles, Parker
focused on personal style—a function or process may be performed in a vari-
ety of ways depending on the team members’ personal style. In her review of
team roles, Sadler-Smith (2000) note that according to Parker, an individual
who approaches a function such as planning with a Contributor style, may
adopt a tactical, statistical, specific, measurable, and conservative approach,
whereas an individual with a Collaborator style facing the same process
would use a strategic, visionary, open, and involving approach. While
Margerison and McCann’s and Belbin’s team roles are based on Jungian tra-
dition (Jung, 1923), Parker argued that his style-based team roles provide
more latitude for different members taking different team roles and feedback
for improvement. There is little research exploring the applicability or valid-
ity of Parker’s work, with the exception of Kirnan and Woodruff’s (1994)
study that found evidence of construct reliability and validity of peer to
Barry (1991) classified leadership behavior approaches within self-man-
aged teams. He described the following four types of leadership roles: (a)
envisioning leadership (innovative and vision fostering), (b) organizing lead-
ership (giving orders on missions), (c) spanning leadership (facilitating the
activities that connect the team to the organization), and (d) social leadership
(developing and maintaining the psychology and sociability of the team).
DuBrin (1995) advanced 10 team roles: (a) knowledge contributor, (b) pro-
cess observer, (c) collaborator, (d) people supporter, (e) challenger, (f) lis-
tener, (g) summarizer, (h) conciliator, (i) mediator, and (j) gate keeper. No
validation evidence has been provided in support of Barry’s or DuBrin’s
largely practitioner-based leadership roles.
Mumford, Van Iddekinge, Morgeson, and Campion (2006) attempted to
address the fragmentation in the team role literature by sorting existing roles
into categories they suggested captured the essence of each role. Their pro-
cess fit 120 roles into 10 unique team knowledge roles that they in turn clus-
tered into three broader categories of task, social, and boundary-spanning
roles. Task roles share the common function of carrying out the work that
constitutes the team’s objective and included (a) contractor, (b) creator, (c)
contributor, (d) completer, and (e) critic. Social roles involve maintaining the
Mathieu et al. 13
McCann and
TREO Benne and Sheats Belbin Ancona and Margerison Barry DuBrin Parker Mumford et al.
roles (1948) Bales (1950) (1981, 1993) Caldwell (1988) (1989) (1991) (1995) (1994) (2006)
Organizer Coordinator; Gives and asks Coordinator, Assessor Organizing Collaborator, Collaborator Contractor,
group observer; for orientation shaper thruster summarizer calibrator
gate keeper opinion,
Doer Procedural, Completer– Concluder, Contributor Completer,
technician, finisher, controller, creator,
recorder specialist, reporter contributor
Challenger Evaluator-critic Disagrees Monitor, Challenger Challenger Critic
Innovator Plant/idea Creator Envisioning Knowledge Innovator
generator contributor
Team Encourager, Shows solidarity, Team/company Upholder, People Communicator,
Builder follower, tension release, worker social supporter, cooperator
compromiser, agrees listener
Connector Resource Task coordinator, Explorer Spanning Collector,
investigator scout, consult
teams will be a joint function of what they have done in past teams (past
experience), as well as roles that they would like to occupy (behavioral pre-
dispositions). Taking both an orientation and experience approach allows us
to consider both work history and natural inclinations providing a more holis-
tic method to measuring individual team roles. We believe that the result will
increase the likelihood of clearly validated team roles.
Table 1 lists the roles identified by previous theorists clustered into six
TREO categories. As illustrated, the various sources list up to 10 specific
types of roles, yet empirical evidence has yet to demonstrate their discrimi-
nant validity (see Aritzeta et al., 2007, for a detailed review). In short, we
doubt whether there are 10+ empirically distinguishable team roles that
members may occupy. Alternatively, many approaches have reduced their
role profiles to two or three clusters (e.g., task vs. maintenance) that may
obscure important differences. We endeavored to strike a balance between
comprehensiveness and inclusion versus discriminant validity and parsi-
mony, and propose a six-dimensional framework. Admittedly, this synthesis
represents our beliefs about the number and nature of important team roles,
based on our collective experience working with hundreds of different teams
across a wide variety of settings. Yet, this framework is also grounded in the
extant literature as detailed below. Table 2 lists the TREO dimensions and
their associated definitions. Notably, the TREO dimensions are designed to
represent individuals’ general propensities to fulfill different team roles inde-
pendent of any particular team context. In other words, we envision these
dimensions as reflecting individual differences in propensities, not situated
preferences or self-reports of behavior in a given context.
We distilled two team roles that are primarily directed at getting task work
accomplished. First, we define “Organizer” as someone who acts to structure
what the team is doing. An Organizer also keeps track of accomplishments
and how the team is progressing relative to team and individual goals and
timelines. This dimension is prominent in Benne and Sheats’ (1948) coordi-
nator and gate keeper dimensions, Barry’s (1991) organizer, and DuBrin’s
(1995) and Parker’s (1994) collaborator facet. Team success rests not only on
the extent to which members can process information and coordinate their
actions but also on the sheer fact that work gets accomplished. In other words,
getting work done is a prime role feature in teams. This may be manifested
differently in different teams working on different tasks, but the common ele-
ment is that some members need to devote themselves to getting task work
done. Accordingly, we define the second task work oriented dimension as
“Doer” as someone who willingly takes on work and gets things done. A
Doer can be counted on to complete work, meet deadlines, and take on tasks
to ensure the team’s success. This theme was evident in Benne and Sheats’s
16 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
Role Definition
Organizer Someone who acts to structure what the team is doing. An
Organizer also keeps track of accomplishments and how the
team is progressing relative to goals and timelines.
Doer Someone who willingly takes on work and gets things done.
A “Doer” can be counted on to complete work, meet
deadlines, and take on tasks to ensure the team’s success.
Challenger Someone who will push the team to explore all aspects
of a situation and to consider alternative assumptions,
explanations, and solutions. A Challenger often asks “why”
and is comfortable debating and critiquing.
Innovator Someone who regularly generates new and creative ideas,
strategies, and approaches for how the team can handle
various situations and challenges. An Innovator often offers
original and imaginative suggestions.
Team Builder Someone who helps establish norms, supports decisions, and
maintains a positive work atmosphere within the team. A
Team Builder calms members when they are stressed, and
motivates them when they are down.
Connector Someone who helps bridge and connect the team with
people, groups, or other stakeholders outside of the team.
Connectors ensure good working relationships between
the team and “outsiders,” whereas Team Builders work to
ensure good relationship within the team.
validity across the orientation and behavioral experience subscales, and their
discriminant validity from measures of the Big 5 personality scales.
We made some minor wording changes to some items, and then adminis-
tered the TREO and Big 5 items to another sample of 341 military officers and
a second sample of 515 upper-level undergraduate business students for cross-
validation purposes. Again, analyses of these data confirmed the internal con-
sistencies of the different scales, their convergent validity across the orientation
and behavioral experience subscales, and their discriminant validity from mea-
sures of the Big 5 personality scales. We further generated hypothesized pat-
terns of correlations between the TREO and Big 5 measures. Then, using “bare
bones” meta-analyses (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004), we synthesized the results of
the four samples and concluded that the TREO scales, by and large, exhibited
a pattern of correlations with the Big 5 measures that were consistent with the
anticipated nomological network. Finally, we used a fifth sample of 172 upper-
level business students from a small college to evaluate the stability of TREO
scores over a 2.5-month long period. Each of the dimensions exhibited signifi-
cant test–retest correlations (mean r = .52, p < .001).
In sum, the supplement to this article details how the 48-item TREO mea-
surement tool (shown in the appendix) was developed and its psychometric
Mathieu et al. 19
A sample of 225 students who were enrolled in seven capstone business strat-
egy courses taught at a large northeastern public university were recruited for
this study. Besides typical class activities, the students worked in four- to six-
person teams on a business strategy simulation for 10 weeks. We collected
TREO survey responses and demographics from students using an online sur-
vey before they began the simulation in their classes. Reliabilities for the
TREO scales were all above .80 and are detailed in Table 4. We collected peer
ratings of members’ TREO-related behaviors exhibited during the simulation
3 months later using another online survey. We had complete information for
196 students who were members of 66 teams that competed in the simulation.
This sample was 64% men with an average age of 21 (SD = 5.1), and 87%
reported their ethnicity as White with the remainder distributed across other
categories. They represented a spectrum of business majors (Accounting =
20%, Finance = 29%, Marketing = 14%, Management = 19%, other = 18%)
and had an average overall grade point average of 3.51 (SD = .27).
The “StratSim Management” business strategy simulation is based on the
automobile industry and students function as the top management teams of
virtual firms competing with one another (S. W. James & Deighan, 2008).
The simulation calls for teams to make strategic decisions over time concern-
ing a number of business functions (i.e., operations, marketing, finance, and
R&D) for their firms for each weekly round. Students’ grades were based, in
part, on how well their team performed, as measured by a variety of objective
indices (e.g., the change in firm stock price).
20 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
TREO scales Organizer Doer Challenger Innovator Team Builder Connector Overall
The simulation lasted 10 weeks, with each week representing one virtual
year of operation. During each period, teams used a decision interface to
gather information about topics including virtual macroeconomic parameters,
general market conditions, competitive landscape, and a rich array of demo-
graphic information on customer segments and their preferences. They made
a wide variety of decisions concerning matters such as product attributes (e.g.,
safety, capacity, economy, interior design); operations (e.g., manufacturing
capacity); sales and marketing (e.g., pricing, targeted or generic advertising,
geographic dealership coverage); financial decisions (e.g., cash flow, issuing
or buying back bonds, loans, and common stock); as well as other strategic
decisions such as launching new models or discontinuing existing models,
bidding for business-to-business contracts, and licensing to and from competi-
tors. Team decisions were uploaded and processed by the software in a
dynamic and competitive simulation environment, which incorporated all
decisions of all teams in any given industry, thus leading to considerable vari-
ance between industry-level outcomes, such as competitiveness, innovative-
ness, rivalry, and so on. The simulation software then provided outcome
figures for macroeconomy, customer preferences, industry, and each firm’s
performance. Detailed feedback reports were made available for each com-
pany, along with nonproprietary information on competitors, as well as the
industry and the macroeconomic environment as a whole, per demand of
Mathieu et al. 21
teams within the simulation interface. Notably, members were free to structure
themselves and develop various roles and modes of operation as they desired.
Table 3 presents correlations between participants’ TREO responses and their
peers’ ratings of the extent to which they exhibited TREO-related behaviors
over the course of the 10-week simulation. Predictive validities are itali-
cized in Table 4 and show significant correlations for all dimensions
(Organizer r = .33, p < .01; Doer r = .18, p < .01; Challenger r = .16, p < .05;
Innovator r = .18, p < .05; Team Builder r = .24, p < .01) except Connector
(r = .10, ns). Moreover, the corresponding predictive validity coefficients
were the highest correlations per peer rating for Organizer, Doer, Challenger,
and Team Builder dimensions.
Among the non-predictive validity correlations that were evident, TREO
Doer (r = .20, p < .01) and Team Builder (r = .21, p < .01) scores correlated
significantly with peers’ ratings of members’ Organizer behaviors, whereas
TREO Organizer (r = .23, p < .01) and Doer (r = .15, p < .05) scores also
correlated with peers’ ratings of members’ team building behaviors.
Interestingly, TREO Doer (r = .14, p < .05), Challenger (r = .19, p < .05), and
Connector (r = .16, p < .05) scores all correlated significantly with members’
ratings of Innovator type behaviors. In terms of predicting peers’ overall
evaluations of members’ contributions to the team, the TREO dimensions of
Organizer (r = .27, p < .01), Doer (r = .17, p < .05), and Team Builder (r =
.24, p < .05) all evidenced significant correlations.
In sum, the results from this sample are encouraging. First, peers evidenced
sufficient agreement on the extent to which students exhibited TREO aligned
behaviors while working together on a business simulation. Second, TREO
scale responses demonstrated significant predictive validity with their corre-
sponding peer ratings of their behaviors 3 months later. Third, the exception to
this pattern concerned the Connector dimension for which peers had markedly
lower inter-rater agreement and the predictive validity was not significant.
This is not particularly surprising, however, as the business simulation
afforded virtually no opportunities for boundary-spanning activities to mani-
fest. Finally, at least in terms of this business simulation context, the bundle of
high Organizer, Doer, and Team Builder TREO scores appears to be associ-
ated with high ratings of individuals’ subsequent team contributions.
We had several goals for this article. First, we offered a review and synthesis
of the team role literature. We argued that better incorporating individuals’
potential to occupy various team roles holds great promise for advancing our
understanding of team composition. We distilled six integrative types of team
Mathieu et al. 23
Role Theory
Team role theory dates back to at least the 1940s and Kurt Lewin’s Research
Center for Group Dynamics. In the years since then, numerous taxonomies
have been advanced, lists of team roles have proliferated, and there have been
limited attempts at integration. In areas where integration has occurred (e.g.,
Belbin’s framework), the construct validity of measurement tools has been
questioned (e.g., Aritzeta et al., 2007; Broucek & Randell, 1996; Dierendonck
& Groen, 2011; Furnham et al., 1993) and freely available measures are lack-
ing. We offer an integration of this literature in terms of six team role dimen-
sions, and have developed, validated, and made freely available an instrument
(TREO) to measure individuals’ propensities to occupy the roles for research
We should note that the intercorrelations of the six TREO dimensions
were fairly high, averaging approximately r = .70, p < .001, across our item
development and validation samples. We hasten to add, however, that those
correlations are among latent variables that, in effect, are corrected for mea-
surement attenuation. In other words, latent variable correlations are always
higher than observed correlations if the measurement scales have less than
perfect reliabilities. Therefore, although the high inter-dimensional correla-
tions are still a source of concern, they are not as problematic as they appear
using conventional thresholds. The confirmatory factor analysis results con-
sistently illustrated that the TREO dimensions were empirically distinguish-
able. Moreover, the TREO scale correlations with the Big 5 personality
variables differed across dimensions, indicating that they are not redundant
(see supplement Table S8). That said, it does appear that there could be a
24 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
higher order latent structure underlying the six dimensions: (a) a task-ori-
ented factor (i.e., Organizer and Doer), (b) a change-oriented factor (i.e.,
Challenger and Innovator), and (c) a socio-emotional or linkage dimension
(i.e., Team Builder and Connector). Whether there is value in differentiating
the six TREO dimensions or operating at a higher level of abstraction remains
a question for future research. We suspect that the relative value of either
approach would hinge on the purpose of any particular investigation. But
what is clear from our and previous research is that it is not likely the case
that there are 10 or more clearly distinguishable team role dimensions.
However, there is evidence to support the six TREO dimensions.
We restricted our work to examining TREO as a measure of individual
differences and differentiated it from measures of other individual differ-
ences. Certainly, TREO can be used to predict the likelihood that individuals
will take on certain type of roles and exhibit certain types of behaviors in
teams. But the TREO measure is also perhaps valuable in terms of assessing
and testing team compilation models. For example, the popular Belbin (1993)
framework advocates composing a team to have an ideal “balance” of styles.
Individuals are categorized as one of nine types on the basis of their or
observers’ ratings, and presumably teams are more effective to the extent that
they have a greater rather than lesser variety of team roles present. The
empirical evidence on the value of such balance is inconsistent (cf. Senior,
1997; Smith et al., 2012), and there are shortcomings in the way in which the
framework is implemented (e.g., classifying individuals ipsatively into one
and only one type, equating different varieties of balance, etc.). Nevertheless,
the general idea that different member combinations or profiles may be more
or less advantageous in different situations warrants far more scrutiny
(Mathieu et al., 2014).
We advocate using individuals’ TREO scores in a more holistic fashion than
merely to categorize members into types. For example, perhaps a team might
benefit from having at least one member who is high on Organizer scores, one
who is high on team building, and at least two who have high Doer scores. In
this situation, there may be two different individuals who fulfill the Organizer
and team building needs, or there may be a single person who fulfills both
needs for a team. Naturally, this begs the question of whether it is preferable for
one person to be occupying multiple team roles, or whether it is better to spread
the fulfillment of different roles across members. This represents an interesting
question for future theory, research, and application.
Roles may be naturally related to certain positions (Ilgen & Hollenbeck,
1991; Sluss et al., 2011). For example, an individual may occupy a for-
mal leadership position whereby he or she would be expected to organize
work, provide individuals with performance-related feedback, and take
Mathieu et al. 25
We developed the TREO measures using SME input and then explored dif-
ferent facets of its construct validity using seven different samples. Although
leveraging multiple samples is certainly advantageous, the fact that we sam-
pled military officers and business students does raise questions about the
generalizability of our findings. Additional evidence of the construct validity
of the TREO measures using different populations is warranted. Moreover,
the relative importance of TREO versus other individual differences is wor-
thy of investigation. For example, are individuals with certain TREO profiles
seen as more valuable team members than individuals who possess task-spe-
cific knowledge, general intelligence, or experience in a particular domain?
Do TREO profiles interact with any of these other KSAOs as related to
important individual or team outcomes? Additional research along these lines
would be welcome.
The TREO dimensions did evidence relatively high intercorrelations.
Notably, items are implicitly worded in terms of positive attributes—about
one’s propensity to fulfill important team roles. Thus, dimension correlations
may be inflated to the extent that respondents exhibited any social desirabil-
ity bias. Incorporating measures that assess such bias would be a welcome
26 Group & Organization Management 40(1)
Improving our understanding of team role propensities and being able to
measure them in a reliable manner can have several practical applications
starting with initial team formation through ongoing team, leader, and per-
sonal development. When composing a team, knowledge of candidates’ team
role propensities could be used to avoid configurations that are more likely to
result in team dysfunction. For example, Belbin (1993) recommends com-
posing teams to maximize members’ role differentiation. However, optimal
(and suboptimal) team configurations may well be more complex than sim-
ply establishing diversity. For example, a team that is low on Doers or has no
one who is an Organizer is apt to struggle, as is a team with too many or too
few Challengers. Research is needed to better understand the types of profiles
that are likely to be problematic, but a psychometrically sound measure is the
starting point for such research.
Once a team is formed, understanding its members’ TREO profile may
provide insights as to the utility of other team interventions. Use of the TREO
tool can provide a common language for discussing team members’ prefer-
ences and inclinations, enhancing awareness, and perhaps enabling the team
to better anticipate each other’s reactions in various situations. In effect,
knowing each other’s predispositions may enhance the effectiveness of team
Mathieu et al. 27
TREO Scale Items
Based on my prior experiences, as a member of different teams . . .
46. I promote my team’s mission and goals with other teams or units.
47. I can typically provide a strong rationale to refute ideas that I believe
are unsound.
48. I encourage my teammates when I know they have a difficult assign-
ment or challenge.
Item Mapping
Authors’ Note
All opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the authors and not necessarily
those of the sponsoring organizations.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article: The work was supported by Grant
NNX11AR22G from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and Contract W91WAW-08-C-0021 from the Army Research Institute awarded to the
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Author Biographies
John E. Mathieu is a Professor of Management at the University of Connecticut, and
holds the Friar Chair in Leadership and Teams at UConn. His primary areas of interest
include models of team and multi-team effectiveness, leadership, training effective-
ness, and cross-level models of organizational behavior.
Scott Tannenbaum is President of the Group for Organizational Effectiveness
(gOE), a New York-based consulting and research firm. Formerly a tenured professor,
his research has been cited over 8000 times and he is a Fellow of SIOP and APS.
Michael R. Kukenberger is an assistant professor in the Department of Management
at the Peter T. Paul School of Business and Economics at University of New
Hampshire. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior at the University of
Connecticut and his primary areas of research interest include shared and team leader-
ship, team effectiveness, team and individual learning and multilevel theory
34 Group & Organization Management 40(1)