Waves NEET
Waves NEET
Waves NEET
Waves TEST
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
1 Hour
• This test contains 45 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct. Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the
Response Grid provided on each page.
• You have to evaluate your Response Grids yourself with the help of solutions provided at the end of this book.
• Each correct answer will get you 4 marks and 1 mark shall be deduced for each incorrect answer. No mark will be given/
deducted if no bubble is filled. Keep a timer in front of you and stop immediately at the end of 60 min.
• The sheet follows a particular syllabus. Do not attempt the sheet before you have completed your preparation for that
• After completing the sheet check your answers with the solution booklet and complete the Result Grid. Finally spend time
to analyse your performance and revise the areas which emerge out as weak in your evaluation.
1. Where should the two bridges be set in a 110cm long wire 4. The equation of a plane progressive wave is y = 0.9 sin
so that it is divided into three parts and the ratio of the
frequencies are 3 : 2 : 1 ? é xù
4p êt - ú . When it is reflected at a rigid support, its
(a) 20cm from one end and 60cm from other end ë 2û
(b) 30cm from one end and 70cm from other end 2
(c) 10cm from one end and 50cm from other end amplitude becomes of its previous value. The equation
(d) 50cm from one end and 40cm from other end of the reflected wave is
2. When a wave travel in a medium, the particle displacement
é xù
is given by the equation y = a sin 2p (bt– cx) where a, b and (a) y = 0 .6 sin 4 p ê t + ú
c are constants. The maximum particle velocity will be twice ë 2û
the wave velocity if é xù
(b) y = - 0.6 sin 4 p ê t + ú
1 1 ë 2û
(a) c = (b) c = pa (c) b = ac (d) b =
pa ac é xù
3. The wave described by y = 0.25 sin (10px – 2pt), (c) y = - 0.9 sin 8p ê t - ú
where x and y are in meters and t in seconds, is a wave ë 2û
travelling along the: é xù
(a) –ve x direction with frequency 1 Hz. (d) y = - 0.6 sin 4 p ê t + ú
ë 2û
(b) +ve x direction with frequency p Hz and wavelength l
= 0. 2 m. 5. A person carrying a whistle emitting continuously a note of
(c) +ve x direction with frequency 1 Hz and wavelength l 272 Hz is running towards a reflecting surface with a speed
= 0.2 m of 18 km h–1. The speed of sound in air is 345 m s–1. The
(d) –ve x direction with amplitude 0.25 m and wavelength l number of beats heard by him is
= 0.2 m (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) zero
RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. A closed organ pipe (closed at one end) is excited to support 15. What will be the frequency of beats formed from the
the third overtone. It is found that air in the pipe has superposition of two harmonic waves shown below?
(a) three nodes and three antinodes y
(b) three nodes and four antinodes
(c) four nodes and three antinodes
(d) four nodes and four antinodes
7. A wave disturbance in a medium is described by –1.0 (a)
æ pö y
y( x , t ) = 0.02 cos ç 50pt + ÷ cos(10px ) where x and y are
è 2ø 1.0
in metre and t is in second. Which of the following is correct?
(a) A node occurs at x = 0.15 m 0
(b) An antinode occurs at x = 0.3 m
(c) The speed wave is 5 ms–1 (b)
(d) The wavelength is 0.3 m (a) 20 Hz (b) 11 Hz (c) 9 Hz (d) 2 Hz
8. In a resonance column, first and second resonance are 16. What is the effect of increase in temperature on the frequency
obtained at depths 22.7 cm and 70.2 cm. The third resonance of sound produced by an organ pipe?
will be obtained at a depth (a) increases (b) decreases
(a) 117.7 cm (b) 92.9 cm (c) no effect (d) erratic change
(c) 115.5 cm (d) 113.5 cm 17. A cylinderical tube open at both ends, has a fundamental
9. An engine approaches a hill with a constant speed. When it frequency f in air. The tube is dipped vertically in water so
is at a distance of 0.9 km, it blows a whistle whose echo is that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of air
heard by the driver after 5 seconds. If the speed of sound in column is now
air is 330 m/s, then the speed of the engine is : (a) f / 2 (b) f (c) 3f / 4 (d) 2 f
(a) 32 m/s (b) 27.5 m/s (c) 60 m/s (d) 30 m/s 18. The transverse displacement y (x, t) of a wave on a string is
10. Two identical piano wires kept under the same tension T given by y( x, t ) = e
- ax2 + bt 2 + 2 abxt ).
have a fundamental frequency of 600 Hz. The fractional
increase in the tension of one of the wires which will lead to This represents a:
occurrence of 6 beats/s when both the wires oscillate b
together would be (a) wave moving in –x direction with speed
(a) 0.02 (b) 0.03 (c) 0.04 (d) 0.01 (b) standing wave of frequency
11. Two sound sources emitting sound each of wavelength l b
are fixed at a given distance apart. A listener moves with a 1
(c) standing wave of frequency
velocity u along the line joining the two sources. The number b
of beats heard by him per second is a
u 2u u u (d) wave moving in + x direction with speed
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2l l l 3l 19. A longitudinal wave is represented by
12. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, æ xö
with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of sound. What is x = x 0 sin 2 pç nt - ÷
the percentage increase in the apparent frequency ? è lø
(a) 0.5% (b) zero (c) 20 % (d) 5 % The maximum particle velocity will be four times the wave
13. Velocity of sound in air is 320 m s–1. A pipe closed at one velocity if
end has a length of 1 m. Neglecting end correction, the air px 0
column in the pipe cannot resonate with sound of frequency (a) l = (b) l = 2px 0
(a) 80 Hz (b) 240 Hz (c) 320 Hz (d) 400 Hz
14. The driver of a car travelling with speed 30 m/sec towards (c) l = 0 (d) l = 4px 0
a hill sounds a horn of frequency 600 Hz. If the velocity of 2
sound in air is 330 m/s, the frequency of reflected sound as 20. Two tones of frequencies n 1 and n2 are sounded together.
heard by driver is The beats can be heard distinctly when
(a) 555.5 Hz (b) 720 Hz (c) 500 Hz (d) 550 Hz (a) 10 < (n1 – n 2) < 20 (b) 5 < (n1 – n 2) > 20
(c) 5 < (n1 – n 2) < 20 (d) 0 < (n1 – n 2) < 10
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
GRID 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Space for Rough Work
Physics P-55
21. A pipe of length 85 cm is closed from one end. Find the 29. The equation Y = 0.02 sin (500pt) cos (4.5 x) represents
number of possible natural oscillations of air column in the (a) progressive wave of frequency 250 Hz along x-axis
pipe whose frequencies lie below 1250 Hz. The velocity of (b) a stationary wave of wavelength 1.4 m
sound in air is 340 m/s. (c) a transverse progressive wave of amplitude 0.02 m
(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4 (d) progressive wave of speed of about 350 m s–1
22. A vehicle, with a horn of frequency n is moving with a velocity
30. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect about
of 30 m/s in a direction perpendicular to the straight line
joining the observer and the vehicle. The observer perceives waves ?
the sound to have a frequency n + n1. Then (if the sound (a) Waves are patterns of disturbance which move without
velocity in air is 300 m/s) the actual physical transfer of flow of matter as a whole.
(a) n1 = 10n (b) n1 = 0 (b) Waves cannot transport energy.
(c) n1 = 0.1n (d) n1 = – 0.1n (c) The pattern of disturbance in the form of waves carry
23. A source of sound gives 5 beats per second, when sounded information that propagate from one point to another.
with another source of frequency 100/sec. The second (d) All our communications essentially depend on
harmonic of the source, together with a source of frequency transmission of signals through waves.
205/sec gives 5 beats per second. What is the frequency of 31. An organ pipe P1, closed at one end vibrating in its first
the source? harmonic and another pipe P2, open at both ends vibrating
(a) 95 sec–1 (b) 100 sec–1
–1 in its third harmonic, are in resonance with a given tuning
(c) 105 sec (d) 205 sec–1
24. If we study the vibration of a pipe open at both ends, then fork. The ratio of the lengths of P1 and P2 is :
which of the following statements is not true ? 8 1 1 1
(a) Odd harmonics of the fundamental frequency will be (a) (b) (c) (d)
3 6 2 3
generated 32. Two vibrating tuning forks producing waves given by
(b) All harmonics of the fundamental frequency will be y1 = 27 sin 600pt and y2 = 27 sin 604 pt are held near the ear
of a person, how many beats will be heard in three seconds
(c) Pressure change will be maximum at both ends
(d) Antinode will be at open end by him ?
25. 41 forks are so arranged that each produces 5 beats per sec (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 12
when sounded with its near fork. If the frequency of last 33. A source of sound A emitting waves of frequency 1800 Hz
fork is double the frequency of first fork, then the frequencies is falling towards ground with a terminal speed v. The
(in Hz) of the first and the last fork are respectively. observer B on the ground directly beneath the source
(a) 200, 400 (b) 205, 410
receives waves of frequency 2150 Hz. The source A receives
(c) 195, 390 (d) 100, 200
26. Two points are located at a distance of 10 m and 15 m from waves, reflected from ground of frequency nearly: (Speed
the source of oscillation. The period of oscillation is 0.05 of sound = 343 m/s)
sec and the velocity of the wave is 300 m/sec. What is the (a) 2150 Hz (b) 2500 Hz (c) 1800 Hz (d) 2400 Hz
phase difference between the oscillations of two points? 34. Consider the three waves z 1, z2 and z3 as
p 2p p z1 = A sin (kx – wt)
(a) (b) (c) p (d)
3 3 6 z2 = A sin (kx + wt)
27. A sound absorber attenuates the sound level by 20 dB. The z3 = A sin (ky – wt)
intensity decreases by a factor of
(a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 10000 (d) 10 Which of the following represents a standing wave?
28. A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the (a) z1 + z2 (b) z2 + z3
equation y(x, t) = 0.005 cos (a x – bt). If the wavelength and (c) z3 + z1 (d) z1 + z2 + z3
the time period of the wave are 0.08 m and 2.0s, respectively, 35. A sonometer wire supports a 4 kg load and vibrates in
then a and b in appropriate units are fundamental mode with a tuning fork of frequency 416 Hz.
0.08 2.0 The length of the wire between the bridges is now doubled.
(a) a = 25.00 p , b = p (b) a = ,b =
In order to maintain fundamental mode, the load should be
p p
0.04 1.0 p changed to
(c) a = ,b = (d) a = 12.50p, b = (a) 1 kg (b) 2 kg (c) 4 kg (d) 16 kg
p p 2.0
36. The vibrations of a string of length 60 cm fixed at both the 41. A whistle of frequency 1000 Hz is sounded on a car travelling
towards a cliff with velocity of 18 m s–1 normal to the cliff. If
æ 4p x ö
ends are represented by the equation y = 2 sin ç cos velocity of sound (v) = 330 m s–1 , then the apparent
è 15 ÷ø
(96pt) where x and y are in cm. The maximum number of frequency of the echo as heard by the car driver is nearly
loops that can be formed in it is (a) 1115 Hz (b) 115 Hz (c) 67 Hz (d) 47.2 Hz
(a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 5 (d) 15 42. The transverse wave represented by the equation
37. If n1, n2 and n3 are the fundamental frequencies of three æ pö
segments into which a string is divided, then the original y = 4 sin ç ÷ sin (3x - 15t ) has
fundamental frequency n of the string is given by (a) amplitude = 4
(a) n = n1 + n2 + n3
1 1 1 1 (b) wavelength = 4
(b) n = n + n + n 3
1 2 3 (c) speed of propagation = 5
1 1 1 1
(c) = + + (d) period = p
n n1 n2 n3 15
43. If the intensities of two interfering waves be I1 and I2, the
(d) n = n1 + n2 + n3 contrast between maximum and minimum intensity is
38. An echo repeats two syllables. If the velocity of sound is maximum, when
330 m/s, then the distance of the reflecting surface is (a) I1 > > I2 (b) I1 << I2
(a) 66.0 m (b) 33.0 m (c) 99.0 m (d) 16.5 m (c) I1 = I2 (d) either I1 or I2 is zero
39. What is the effect of humidity on sound waves when 44. The fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe of length
humidity increases? 20 cm is equal to the second overtone of an organ pipe open
(a) Speed of sound waves is more at both the ends. The length of organ pipe open at both the
(b) Speed of sound waves is less ends is
(c) Speed of sound waves remains same (a) 100 cm (b) 120 cm (c) 140 cm (d) 80 cm
(d) Speed of sound waves becomes zero 45. The equation of a travelling wave is y = 60 cos (180 t – 6x)
40. If the ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in beats is 49, where y is in mm, t in second and x in metres. The ratio of
then the ratio of amplitudes of two progressive wave trains maximum particle velocity to velocity of wave propagation is
is (a) 3.6 × 10–2 (b) 3.6 × 10–4
(a) 7 : 1 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 49 : 1 (d) 16 : 9 (c) 3.6 × 10–6 (d) 3.6 × 10–11