Multiple Essays
Multiple Essays
Multiple Essays
I have been interested in Healthcare and Science since I was six years old
because of various science projects that during my upbringing in Peru have
propitiated an environment of involvement in technological and scientific
solutions for humankind and the world.
My family influenced my interest in science by always being supportive and
encouraging, not to mention that some of my relatives are doctors,
pharmacists, and pathologists, stretchily related to science and healthcare.
So, most of the influence I have had from my family is support,
encouragement, and inspiration.
Due to the big part of my life that science constitutes, I participated in
science research at my school in Peru about spirulina and its cultivation,
preservation of bees, and biopolymer use as a solution to soil erosion.
Furthermore, after finishing my required sciences, I decided to take Human
Anatomy and Physiology Honors when I arrived at Wooster High School
because I am interested in being a doctor. I have also accompanied Dr. Paul
J. Park at Renown Regional Medical Center for a day of work only to confirm
at the end of the journey that I would love to become a doctor.
Various events led me to envision my future and work towards it, practicing
my love and caretaking for mankind that comes from God, as well as the
need for future scientific research towards creating solutions for societies
ever-evolving issues, helped me determine that science is what I desire to
work on and dedicate my studies to.
My proudest achievement in Healthcare and Science is being among the five
best investigation works in my district about the importance of the
nutritional value of the blue algae, spirulina. The project took two months of
preparation in the year 2019.
One of the stages of the project consisted of the in-laboratory cultivation of
spirulina to demonstrate the simplicity of it, since one of the purposes of the
project was to promote consuming this Peruvian specie qualified as super
Spirulina grows naturally in freshwater lakes, rivers, ponds, brackish and
alkaline media promoted by the melting of the ice of the Andes that crosses
the country. Thus, this is a significant detail for the intended production of
the algae to solve our research problematic in Peru: malnutrition and
Before the exposition day, we included spirulina powder in beverages and
sweets and gave them to our classmates to prove that it can be added to
any diet as a supplement.
For the exposition of the project, we demonstrated the steps of the
preparation of a small population of spirulina in a laboratory and explained
how the growth of this specie works overtime, its value, and the issues it
could solve.
STEM professionals with a Latino background are more aware of the needs
of people with similar backgrounds and cultures and understand differences
between other minorities as well. They notice each person’s cultural needs
and are empathetic because of the conditions in which whether themselves
or their compatriots have lived in back in their own countries. Also, because
of the information we know about our main ancestors: The Olmecs, Aztecs,
Mayas, and Incas, among others.
Since we come from countries that are marked by several and often mixed
cultures that influence our way of seeing the world, we can understand
when, for example, someone doesn’t want a regular childbirth and instead
desires a vertical one like the people descending from the Amazonian
cultures in my country.
Latino people have witnessed how living conditions in our countries can be
something we are not proud about: Inequality, poor access to water,
sanitation, and electricity; deficient health and education systems, etc. We,
as STEM professionals assist any person or community with those issues,
because we have seen it.
Of course, another way culture and ancestors influence in STEM Latino
professionals is data that inspires us such as that the most effective cranial
trepanations in the pre-Hispanic time, with approximately 50% of survival,
were performed by the Paracas Incas in Peru.
People that were born in Latin America, or have parents that were, are
promising people who will, with proper preparation, reach goals that surely
involve assisting other’s needs in the STEM fields.