Experiment 9 PA Lab
Experiment 9 PA Lab
Experiment 9 PA Lab
In this example, the rule takes the original financial data (['Original Value']) and
multiplies it by the exchange rate for the corresponding currency and date.
Adjust for Different Types of Conversion Rates: If you need different rates (spot,
average, etc.), make sure to include logic to select the appropriate rate based on
business rules.
Example Scenario
Let’s say you are converting sales data from EUR to USD. You would:
1. Input your sales data in EUR in the main financial data cube.
2. Store the EUR to USD exchange rate in the Exchange Rate cube.
3. Write a rule that takes the EUR sales data, multiplies it by the EUR to USD
exchange rate from the Exchange Rate cube, and stores the result in a separate
measure (e.g., “Sales in USD”).
4. Test the conversion and ensure that the dashboard shows the correct USD values.