Samp 2 Sol
Samp 2 Sol
Samp 2 Sol
(1) Give the interval of definition for the solution of the initial-value problem
cos(3t) 0 sin(2t) e−2t
x000 + x + x= , x(2) = x0 (2) = x00 (2) = 0 .
4−t 5−t 1+t
Solution. The equation is linear and is already in normal form. Notice the following.
The coefficient of x0 is undefined at t = 4 and is continuous elsewhere.
The coefficient of x is undefined at t = 5 and is continuous elsewhere.
The forcing is undefined at t = −1 and is continuous elsewhere.
The initial time is t = 2.
Plotting these points on a time-line gives
——-◦———————————-•————————◦————◦——→ t
−1 2 4 5
Therefore the interval of definition is (−1, 4) because:
• the initial time 2 is in (−1, 4);
• all the coefficients and the forcing are continuous over (−1, 4);
• the forcing is undefined at t = −1;
• the coefficient of x0 is undefined at t = 4.
Remark. All four reasons must be given for full credit.
◦ The first two reasons are why a (unique) solution exists over the interval (−1, 4).
◦ The last two reasons are why this solution does not exist over a larger interval.
(2) Suppose that Z1 (t), Z2 (t), and Z3 (t) are solutions of the differential equation
z 000 + 2z 00 + (1 + t2 )z = 0 .
Suppose we know that Wr[Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ](1) = 5. What is Wr[Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ](t)?
Solution. The Abel Theorem says that w = Wr[Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ](t) satisfies w0 + 2w = 0.
It follows that w(t) = ce−2t for some c. Because w(1) = Wr[Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ](1) = 5, this
initial condition implies that ce−2·1 = 5, whereby c = 5e2 . Therefore w(t) = 5e2 e−2t ,
which means that
Wr[Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ](t) = 5e2 e−2t .
(3) Show that the functions X1 (t) = 1, X2 (t) = cos(t), and X3 (t) = sin(t) are linearly
Solution. The Wronskian of these functions is
1 cos(t) sin(t)
Wr[X1 , X2 , X3 ](t) = det0 − sin(t) cos(t)
0 − cos(t) − sin(t)
= 1 · (− sin(t)) · (− sin(t)) − (− cos(t)) · cos(t) · 1
= sin(t)2 + cos(t)2 = 1 .
Because Wr[X1 , X2 , X3 ](t) 6= 0, the functions are linearly independent.
(5) Let L be a linear ordinary differential operator with constant coefficients. Suppose
that all the roots of its characteristic polynomial (listed with their multiplicities) are
−2 + i3, −2 − i3, i7, i7, −i7, −i7, 5, 5, 5, −3, 0, 0.
(a) Give the order of L.
Solution. Because there are 12 roots listed, the degree of the characteristic
polynomial must be 12, whereby the order of L is 12.
(6) Give the natural fundamental set of solutions associated with t = 0 for each of the
following equations.
(a) v 00 − 6v 0 + 9v = 0
Solution. The general initial-value problem associated with t = 0 is
v 00 − 6v 0 + 9v = 0 , v(0) = v0 , v 0 (0) = v1 .
This is a homogeneous linear equation for v(t) with constant coefficients. Its
characteristic polynomial is
p(z) = z 2 − 6z + 9 = (z − 3)2 .
This has the double real root 3, which yields a real general solution
v(t) = c1 e3t + c2 t e3t .
v 0 (t) = 3c1 e3t + 3c2 t e3t + c2 e3t ,
when the general initial conditions are imposed, we find
v(0) = c1 = v0 , v 0 (0) = 3c1 + c2 = v1 .
These are solved to find c1 = v0 and c2 = v1 − 3v0 . So the solution of the general
initial-value problem is
v(t) = v0 e3t + (v1 − 3v0 )t e3t = (1 − 3t)e3t v0 + t e3t v1 .
Therefore the natural fundamental set of solutions associated with t = 0 is
N0 (t) = (1 − 3t)e3t , N1 (t) = t e3t .
(7) Let D = . Solve each of the following initial-value problems.
(a) D2 y + 4Dy + 4y = 0 , y(0) = 1 , y 0 (0) = 0 .
Solution. This is a homogeneous linear equation for y(t) with constant coeffi-
cients. Its characteristic polynomial is
p(z) = z 2 + 4z + 4 = (z + 2)2 .
This has the double real root −2, which yields a real general solution given by
y(t) = c1 e−2t + c2 t e−2t .
y 0 (t) = −2c1 e−2t − 2c2 t e−2t + c2 e−2t ,
when the initial conditions are imposed, we find that
y(0) = c1 = 1 , y 0 (0) = −2c1 + c2 = 0 .
These are solved to find c1 = 1 and c2 = 2. Therefore the solution of the
initial-value problem is
y(t) = e−2t + 2t e−2t = (1 + 2t)e−2t .
(8) Give a real general solution for each of the following equations.
(a) ü + 4u̇ + 5u = 3 cos(2t)
(b) x00 − x = t et
Dividing this equation by 4 gives L 41 (t2 −t) et = t et . Hence, xP (t) = 14 (t2 −t) et .
x0P (t) = A0 t2 + A1 t et + 2A0 t + A1 et
= A0 t2 + (2A0 + A1 )t + A1 et ,
we see that
LxP (t) = x00P (t) − xP (t)
= A0 t2 + (4A0 + A1 )t + 2A0 + 2A1 et − A0 t2 + A1 t et
Therefore a real general solution is y = YH (t) + YP (t) where YH (t) and YP (t) are
given above. This yields
1 + et
t −t 1 t t e +1 1 −t
y = c1 e + c2 e + 2 e − 1 + e log − 2 e log .
2 2
Remark. The two general solutions found above differ slightly. However, they
are equivalent in the sense that both contain all solutions of the nonhomogeneous
equation. The point is that the c1 and c2 that appear in each of them are not
the same c1 and c2 . Can you find a relationship between them?
>> symsy(t)
>> ode = diff(y,t,2) + 2*diff(y,t) + 5*y == 16*exp(t);
>> ySol(t) = dsolve(ode)
Solution. The commands ask MATLAB for a real general solution of the equation
D2 y + 2Dy + 5y = 16et , where D = .
MATLAB will produce something equivalent to the answer
This can be seen as follows. This is a nonhomogeneous linear equation for y(t) with
constant coefficients. The characteristic polynomial is
p(z) = z 2 + 2z + 5 = (z + 1)2 + 4 = (z + 1)2 + 22 .
It has the conjugate pair of simple roots −1 ± i2. A real general solution of the
associated homogeneous problem is
yH (t) = c1 e−t cos(2t) + c2 e−t sin(2t) .
The forcing 16et has degree d = 0, characteristic µ + iν = 1, and multiplicity m = 0.
A particular solution yP (t) can be found by using either Key Identity Evaluations,
the Zero Degree Formula, or Undetermined Coefficients.
Below we show that each of these methods gives the particular solution yP (t) = 2et .
Therefore a real general solution is
y = c1 e−t cos(2t) + c2 e−t sin(2t) + 2et .
Up to notational differnces, this is the answer that MATLAB produces. Your answer
does not have to be given in MATLAB format!
Key Indentity Evaluations. Because d = m = 0, we only need to evaluate the
Key Identity at z = µ + iν = 1, to find
L(et ) = p(1)et = (12 + 2 · 1 + 5)et = 8et .
Multiply this by 2 to obtain L(2et ) = 16et . Hence, yP (t) = 2et .
Zero Degree Formula. For a forcing f (t) with degree d = 0, characteristic µ + iν,
and multiplicity m that has the form
f (t) = αeµt cos(νt) + βeµt sin(νt) = eµt Re (α − iβ)eiνt ,
(10) Let D = . Consider the equation
Lr = D2 r − 6Dr + 25r = et .
(b) Use g(t) to express a particular solution RP (t) in terms of definite integrals.
Solution. A particular solution RP (t) is given by
Z t Z t
RP (t) = g(t − s)e ds = 4 1
e3(t−s) sin 4(t − s) es ds .
0 0
Because sin 4(t − s) = sin(4t) cos(4s) − cos(4t) sin(4s), this particular solution
is given in terms of definite integrals as
Z t Z t
−3s s2 2
1 3t
RP (t) = 4 e sin(4t) 1 3t
e cos(4s)e ds − 4 e cos(4t) e−3s sin(4s)es ds .
0 0
Solution. Because this problem has variable coefficients, we must use either the
general Green function method or the variation of parameters method to solve
it. To apply either method we must first bring the equation into its normal form
d2 q 2 dq 2
− + 2 q = tet over t > 0 .
dt t dt t
Because Wr[t, t2 ](t) = t2 6= 0 over t > 0, we know that t and t2 constitute a
fundamental set of solutions to the associated homogeneous equation.
General Green Function. The Green function G(t, s) is given by
s s2
t t2 st2 − ts2 st(t − s) t
G(t, s) = 2
= 2 2
= 2
= (t − s) .
s s 2s − s s s
1 2s
The Green function formula then yields the solution
Z t Z t Z t
q(t) = G(t, s) f (s) ds = (t − s) se ds = t (t − s)es ds
1 1 s 1
Z t Z t
= t2 es ds − t ses ds = t2 (et − e) − t(t − 1)et = −et2 + tet .
1 1
These are solved to obtain c1 = 0 and c2 = −e. Therefore the solution of the
initial-value problem is
q(t) = −et2 + t et .
Solution (c). This will be shown during the review session if someone asks for it.
(13) When a 4 gram mass is hung vertically from a spring, at rest it stretches the spring 9.8
cm. (Gravitational acceleration is g = 980 cm/sec2 .) At t = 0 the mass is displaced
3 cm above its rest position and released with no initial velocity. A dashpot imparts
a damping force of 2 dynes (1 dyne = 1 gram cm/sec2 ) when the speed of the mass
is 4 cm/sec. There are no other forces. (Assume that the spring force is proportional
to displacement and that the damping force is proportional to velocity.)
(a) Formulate an initial-value problem that governs the motion of the mass for t > 0.
(DO NOT solve this initial-value problem, just write it down!)
Solution. Let h(t) be the displacement of the mass from its rest position at
time t in centimeters, with upward displacements being positive. The governing
initial-value problem then has the form
mḧ + cḣ + kh = 0 , h(0) = 3 , ḣ(0) = 0 ,
where m is the mass, c is the damping coefficient, and k is the spring constant.
The problem says that m = 4 grams. The spring constant is obtained by bal-
ancing the weight of the mass (mg = 4 · 980 dynes) with the force applied by
the spring when it is stetched 9.8 cm. This gives k 9.8 = 4 · 980, or
4 · 980
k= = 400 dynes/cm .
The damping coefficient is obtained by balancing the force of 2 dynes with the
damping force imparted by the dashpot when the speed of the mass is 4 cm/sec.
This gives c 4 = 2, or
2 1
c= 4
= 2
dynes sec/cm .
Therefore the governing initial-value problem is
4ḧ + 12 ḣ + 400h = 0 , h(0) = 3 , ḣ(0) = 0 .