Pediatric Rehabilitation Lec5
Pediatric Rehabilitation Lec5
Pediatric Rehabilitation Lec5
Lecture : lec 5
Price : 2.5
PT 5
اربط حزام امانك فلقد أوشكت الرحهل عىل الانهتاء
Pediatric rehabilitation .lec 5
وان الفرق بين االطفاال والكبار !؟muscle test الدكتور بدأ المحاضرة بيتكلم عن ال
resistance ٗ١اػطٚ ذن٠ اسفغ اٌٚٗ اعحة أٛالٚ اٙػىغٚ ح١ ِغ اٌدارتgrade ؼًّ وزا١ش ت١ طثؼا اٌؾخـ اٌىث
Manual muscle test ٕذسج ذحد تٕذ اي١ تٛ٘ ٌٍٝ اindividual muscle test ًّؼ٠ مذس١٘ىزا ف تٚ
ٓخرٍف ػ١ تindividual muscle test الٔٗ ايmuscle test اٍّٙ ٘ؼشف اػmuscles ٌّا اػشف اي
ً صِاْ ٌىٓ ِخذٔاػ١تاٌرفقindividual muscle test احٕا اخذٔا ايfunctional muscle test , اي
ش١ ف االطفاي الٔٗ دا طفً فغfunctional اي
ترمذسdiagnostics اّٙٔٗ خذا ف االطفاي ألِٙ ٜدfoot ايfoot deformity بْٜ خاٛى٠ ً ٌّا اٌطف
ًّؼ٠ مذس١٘ ً ً٘ اٌطفٚbalance between ms ايٚ diagnosis ايٚdeformity ٔحذد ِٕٗ اي
foot ايٌٝتاٌراfoot deformity دٗ اي١مذس ٔر١٘ ال ِؼٚstanding and weight bearing on foot
.... ُ٘شٙشٖ خذا ٌىٓ أؽ١ورdeformities اٙ١حقً ف٠ ِّٓى
Talipes Equino Varus
Talipes Equino valgus
Talipes calceno Varus
Talipes calceno valgus
club foot = congenital club foot = postural ُا خذا تاعٙ١ٍِرؼاسف ػٚ ٖسٛٙ ِؾٞ دdeformity اي
ٞي اٌفرشٖ دٛ طcontracted ٍٗ فرشٖ اٌحًّ اٌطفً سخٟ فmall position دٗ اي١ترحقً غاٌثا ٔرٚ club foot
اٙ١ٌذ تٛر٠ ٚ ف اٌؼضالخtightness ًحق١فث
most tight and weak muscle in each ويجي بقي للسؤال المهم اللي بىتسأله اللي هي ال
؟deformity !
!؟ ٔثـٟٕا تّؼٙٔؼًّ ػىغٚ Deformity ف ايٛ ٕ٘ؾtalipes equinoverous deformity ٔرىٍُ ػٓ اي
( planter- inversion- adduction) ْفف وذا واٌٛ اٍٟ ػٟٕٔا ذا١ٕتؼ
Most tight muscles:-
planter flexion+ inversion ➡ ًّؼ١ٓ ت١ِ ٟلرٌٛ دٟٕؼ٠ position , ايٍّٟ ترؼٌٍْٟ اٌؼضالخ اٛ ترى
tibialis posterior
dorsiflexion + eversion ➡ ٍّٟ ترؼٌٍٟ اٌؼضٍٗ اٟٕؼ٠ position ػىظ ايٍّٟ ترؼٌٍٟ اٌؼضالخ ا
peroneus Tertius
facilitation و ازاي وعملهاms test مه دول ليهاms طبعا كل
Clinical differential diagnosis between upper and lower motor neuron lesion
ٖاسدْٙٔ ِذخً ِحاضشذٕا اٛى١٘ ٚ فاذدٌٍٝض اٌّشٖ ا٠ْٛ اخاتٗ عؤاي وٛى١٘ دا
motor neuron (efferent pathway ) ٓ١ؼح ت٠ ػٓ ِماسٔح عشphysiology ِٗ تظ الصَ ٔاخذ ِمذ
sensory neuron (afferent pathway) ٚ
Sensory neuron motor neurons
Transmit impalses of sensation such as more than 500,000 in CNS&PNS
pain, touch, temperature to CNS divided to ➡
upper motor neurons
lower motor neurons
ي حاخٗ تؼذ وذا ايٚ اAxon ايٟ ثُ فAnt.horn cell ِٓ ايٟ اإلؽاسج ترّؾlower ائٟاخذ تإٌا اْ ف
ـ ِخرٍف١ ذؾخٟٕ٠ي ٘رذٚ حاخٗ ِٓ دٟ فىً ِؾىٍح فmuscle ٓ اي٠تؼذٚneuromuscular junction
Differential diagnosis of Lower motor neurons lesion :
There is fasciculation especially in tongue , abnormal EMG
Ant.horn cell affection ِثاي ػٓ اي: ِثالٕٝؼ٠
ٛ٘ ٌٍٟ خذٔاٖ لثً وذا اٌٍٝاwerdnig Hoffman syndrome ّٗ ف االطفاي اعdisorder فدٛ ؽٌٛ
داcharacterized by hypotonia, hyporeflexia , delayed milestone, respiratory disorder
degeneration of Anterior Horn cell ٗي أٗ دا عثثLMNL بٜ خاٚ genetic disorder ٟٕ٠ذ١ت
ٚأpolio virus ٛ٘ ٌٍٝاvirus دا ِؼأا أٔٗ داdisorder اٍٙا حقٍٙ وLower motor neurons ايٌٛ ْ إر
ٖ دا ػثاسٚ ٗ٠ ٕ٘اخذٖ اٌّحاضشج اٌداinfantile paralysis ّٗاع
viral infection and affection of Motor neuron any one in Spinal cord , medulla, cerebral cortex
( characterized by Ms paralysis , ms weaker , hypotonia , hyporeflexia , asymmetrical voluntary
distribution )
إٌاطٞصms paralysis ٛ٘ ٌٍٝاtone ْ ف ايٛا ترىٍٙوmotor neurons تراػٗ ايaffinity ٕ٘ا ايٚ
" اخاخ اٌخافح١ االحرٞٚ ِرحشوح " رٟ وشاعٍٟا ػّٛؾ١ تٌٍٟا
Guillian Barre syndrome ٕ٘اخذ ف االطفاي ايpolyneuropathy حاالخ ايٜ صAxon تؼذ وذا اي
س خذاِٛٙؾ
myasthenia gravis ًّؼ١٘ neuromuscular junction تؼذ وذا اي
Myopathy وذاٟثم٠ muscle تؼذ وذا
warding Hoffman ُ ايٌٙٚق إٌٔٛا٘ا فٛ لٌٍٝاLMNL وً اٌّحطاخ تراػٗ ايٜٛ ِغرٍٝ ػLMNL تغثة
general topic ع نٛضٌّٛاسدٖ تراخذ اٙٔ اٚinfantile paralysis ٗ ٕ٘ؾشذ اي٠ أْ ؽاء هللا اٌّشٖ اٌداٚ
. ٌٗ ٌىً حاdiagnosis ًّػؾاْ اػشف اػ
extensive lesion of ٗد١ ٔرCP ايٜصfloppy infant ْٛى٠ ٚ UMNL ْٛى٠ ًا اٌطفِّٚىٓ تشد
ataxia or ٟ ِّىٓ ذثمٚ spastic or hypotonia , ٟثم٠ ٓاع ِّىٛٔ اCP ألٔٗ ايpyramidal tract
ًّ ترؼٌٍٝ اٌقفشا ف االطفاي اneonatal jaundice عثثٗ ايdyskinesia شايٙ أؽdyskinesia
bilirubin above ادٖ اي٠دٗ ص١ طفً خاٌه اففش وذا ٔرٌٛ ُٗٔ أِٙ داٚ hypotonia or fluctuating tone
٩ فً يٚ ٌٛ خُ دَ ) فٍٍِٝ ١١١ ً ٌى٢ ي١ ِٓ ( ْٛى٠ كٚ اٌّفشٛ٘ ٌٍٝ إٝؼ٠ physiological level
distraction to ًّؼ١ُ ت٠الخ ٌٍىثذ ػؾاْ ذٕؾظ أضٛرؼاٌح ب اِث٠ َ الصٟثم٠ physiological ِٓ اي١١ ٚأ
premature and suffer from اٛثم١ُ تّٙ ِٓ اٌدغُ الٔٗ اٌطفً دا ِؼظbilirubin خشج اي٠ فjaundice
ٛ٘ deficiency of liver enzymes ٗد١ ػشضٗ ٔرٟثم١ تٌٝ تاٌراhypoglycemia and hypothermia
ٟثم١٘ دا١٤ فً يٚ ٌٛ .... ُك اٌدغ٠سٖ ذطٍغ ػٓ طشٛ فٌٝسٖ ضاسٖ إٛ ِٓ فbilirubin ايٌٝٛح١ تٌٍٝا
ايphoto therapy الٔٗ ِغ ايblood transfusion and photo therapy حراج١ الصَ تٚ pathological
ىغش اي٠ ٚ absorption ًّؼ١دا تphoto therapy ف ٕ٘ا ايunder skin دٛخِٛ ٟثم١ تbilirubin
ترمً ٔغثٗ اٌقفشاٌٝ تاٌراٚ ُطشدٖ ِٓ اٌدغ٠ ٚ داbilirubin
ػٛٙففٛٔ ػؾاْ ِاCP child ظ١ٌ ٚ ِثالchild with CP يٛأٔٗ ٔمethics ٓ أٔٗ ِٓ اي١ طثؼا ػاسفN.b
ٗزٖ اٌقفٙت
addition to hypotonia and delayed milestone and speech disorder
ْطٍغ ٌغأٗ إر١رٗ ت١ ٌمٌٛ ٞمٍة ص١٘ ٗٔ اٌطفً اػشف أٍٟش ػٙ ػالِاخ ترظٟ فtransient ًٌ ٟ تإٌغثح تم
dyskinesia مٍة ي١٘
Nystagmus ➡هيقلبataxia
Clonus sign - positive Babinski ➡ هيقلبspasticity
sign of UMNL ٟثم١٘ ٓ١ وًّ تؼذ اٌغٕرٌٛ ٚ ٓ١ عٕرٚ ٌحذ عٕٗ اٟثم١ تpositive Babinski اي
ػىظٍٟ ػfunction ًّ اػٟٔ ٘رغاػذspasticity ٟ فٌٛ ٟ حرcentral ش ِٓ اي١ احغٓ ورtransient طثؼا ايٚ
قٌٕٛا٘ا فٛ لٌٍٟ اhypotonia اي
1. observation
ايٟس ِؼ ٘راللٛٙ ؽ٥ ٚ أ٤ ٛ٘ ٌٛ ... وذاِْٟ ِشٛى١٘ supine &prone ي حاخٗ ف ايٚ ا
ًِ ػاfrog like position ٛ٘ ٌٍٝ اbad posture ٟذاللphysiological tone flexor of upper limb
ٗ حشوٜؼ ا١ وذا ِفِٝ اٌضفذػٗ ِشٜص
2. traction response
ٕٝؼ٠ عٛ اعث٣٣ ِٓ ً ألٌٚذٛر١ تٌٍٝ األطفاي اٟد فٛخِٛ دا ِؼ
ٟؼ١حقً ف اٌطفً اٌطث١ دا تresponse ٌىٓ اي، اٌطفً اٌّثرغش
Application :
Introduce your thumb in child palm , with 4 fingers
liable ٗٔ الsubluxation or dislocation ػٍٛحق١ِ ْ ػؾاmore proximal ف تّغهfloppy ٗٔ تّا أ
pull to sit .... ٍّٗ اػٚ داgrasp ة اٌطفً ِٓ اي١ تد
In normal full term baby :
Head is supported on trunk , shoulder not dropped , and can sit Easily .
In floppy infant :
Due to hypotonia , and ms weakness and no physiological co-contraction ▶there is a rag
doll " excessive head extension / head lag "
3. ligament laxity
In UL : flexion wrist , thumb extension
with abduction ▶ thumb will reach to
forearm if lax
In LL : dorsum of foot will touch tibial chin
4. scarf sign
When child do horizontal adduction ▶ elbow
will cross the midline without limitations
6. popliteal angle
frog ضغ ايٚ ٕ٘ا تغثةٟؼ١ْ اوثش ِٓ اٌطثٛ ٘رى
7. vertical suspension
vertical ٗ ػٍّرٚ axilla د ِغىرٗ ِٓ ػٕذ اي١ خٌٛ ٟؼ١اٌطفً اٌطث
ٟ٘ ٌىٓ ٕ٘ا، control ٖ ػٕذٚ UL & LL flex ايٟ٘راللsuspension
tone ؼ١مغ الٔٗ ِف٠ ٚ ِٕهsink
8. horizontal suspension
ٚ سأعٗ ذمغٟ ٘رالل، ذن وذا٠ اًٍٝ اٌطفً ػ١ ترؾ
controlؼ١ٕٗ وذا ِف١ ػدUL & LL flial اي
treatment :
1. positioning :
ms weakness, دٗ اي١ ٔرsitting الٚ quadriped ِٓ weight bearing ًّؼ٠ اُ٘ حاخٗ الٔٗ ِثؼشفؼ
hypotonia, hyporeflexia
قٍة ٌٍحظاخ ترؼشف٠ لذسٌٛ ، ٗلفٛ ذٚ ٗؾرىٙي ذٚا ترحاٙٔا أٍٙس االَ ترؼًّ اخرثاس ٌطفٛٙ ؽ٣ ٓ ِٓ عٌٝ تاٌرا
ٚ س اطفايٛٗ ٌذور٠دٛذ ذٚ ِقٍثؼ ٌٍحظاخ ترشٚ مغ٠ ٚ إِٙ ٕخ٠ ٕٝؼ٠ sink ٞ ٗٔ تذا أٌٛ ، ٝؼ١ا طثٕٙأٔٗ ات
قٍة٠ مذسػ خاٌـ١ِ ٕٗ١ اٌؼدٜٗ ػاًِ ص١ تراللfloppy infant ثاْ اورش ف اي١ دا تٚ قٍة١ٌٗ أٔٗ ِؼ تٛذم
can't Maintain position against gravity
2. facilitation of milestone
3. facilitatory techniques for hypotonia
4. sensory facilitation
" increase sensory input to give motor response " through ....
A. extroceptive as wrapping , brief ice application , scratch
B. proprioception as tactile stimulation , squeezing , painful stimulation on opposite side ,
TVR , Electrical stimulation(ES)
ٚ ، convulsionsظ ايٚض١ الٔٗ تES ٖ ِؼٍّؼ ِؼاseizure ٖ طفً ػٕذٌٛ ٗٔ الES ِٓ ايٌُٝ اخذ تاِٙ
poor prognosis ٟثم١ ف تseizure ٖ ِؼاٟثم١ تcentral hypotonia CP ِؼظُ اطفاي اي
ٗقٍة سأع٠ ٗ١ٍخ٠ ٚ ٗ٘ؾذ أرثا٠ ٍْٛٗ اٌف٠ فرذhead control ػًٚ ِثال طفً ِؼٕذ٠تاٌّٛ اٜ ص
ٖطاسد١ حذ تٚ ٗ وأٔٗ ف غاتٜ صgame ُ ٕ٘ذخٍٗ فٙف١ اٌطفً تٌٛ ، ٟالغ االفرشاضٌٛ اvirtual reality ايٜ ص
ٗض تراػ١د اٌرشوٚض٠ ف
support body against gravity ًّؼ١ تٌٍٝؿ اٛ اٌّخقٟ اٌىشعٜ ص
7. weight bearing exercise from different positions
8. Rising Mechanism
( Gentle position from supine to sitting to stand or from prone to quadriped to
kneeling to half kneeling to standing )
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