Compact - T - 90 - Turbo - Ds - Ds PF 056 25032024 1744 en 8555
Compact - T - 90 - Turbo - Ds - Ds PF 056 25032024 1744 en 8555
Compact - T - 90 - Turbo - Ds - Ds PF 056 25032024 1744 en 8555
for supply, exhaust and recirculated air filtration in ventilation systems posing special safety
requirements for arrestance capability, such as
in intake air filtration of gas turbines and compressors on- and off-shore
Number of pockets 12 8 12
Class to ISO 16890 ISO ePM2,5 65% ISO ePM2,5 65% ISO ePM10 75%
Face velocity
3.2 2.5 3.2
Frame PUR
medium from tear-resistant synthetic organic fibers.
highly robust and maximum performance gives high resilience and low
free of glass fibers, non-corroding and microbiologically inactive. pressure differences and excellent efficiency.
meets all the criteria laid down in VDI Guideline 6022 “Hygiene high dust-holding capacity and moisture resistance results in a long
Requirements for HVAC systems and units”. service life and economic efficiency.
functional reliability due to leak-proof welded configuration of the filter frame and filter medium are self-extinguishing to DIN 53438 (Fire class
pockets, foamed-in polyurethane front frame. F 1).
aerodynamically optimized welded-in spacers (long-pocket filters only). In the supply air for turbomachinery, T 90 pocket filters can be relied
upon to arrest aggressive, abrasive particles, thus minimizing blade
dimensionally stable construction of the filter element as a whole.
fouling and erosion, and upgrading the efficiency and availability of the
uniformly high quality of the filters is assured by our certified quality turbomachinery involved.
management system to ISO 9001, as well as by type-testing to EN 779
due to their 12 pockets, T 90 12L and T 90 PRE 12L pocket filters are
and ISO 16890.
suitable for applications with the highest service life requirements.
Viledon® is a registered and protected trademark of Carl Freudenberg KG. © Freudenberg Filtration Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
For cost-efficiency or system-specific reasons it may be appropriate to change the filters before reaching the final pressure drop stated. It can also be exceeded in certain applications.
The information or figures given are subject to tolerances due to normal production fluctuations. Our explicit written confirmation is required in each case for the correctness of the information. Subject to technical
alterations. You will find instructions on how to handle and dispose of loaded filters in our information on product safety and eco-compatibility.
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