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School Grade Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area MAPEH 6

Daily Lesson Log
Week/Teaching Date Quarter Quarter 2 – Week 3


A. Content Standards demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates understands the
the concept of understanding of understanding of importance
melody by using shapes, space, participation in and of keeping the school and
intervals in
colors, and the assessment of community environments
major scales
principles of physical activity and healthy.
and in the
minor scales emphasis, harmony physical fitness
and contrast in
digital painting and poster
design using
new technologies.
B. Performance applies learned concepts The learner… The learner participates demonstrates practices for
Standards of melody and other applies concepts on and assesses performance building and maintaining
elements to composition the use of software in in physical activities. healthy
and performance creating digital assesses physical school and community
paintings and graphic fitness environments
C. Learning sings or plays instruments in explains the elements and Assesses regularly explains the effect of living
Competencies solo or with group, principles applied in digital participation in physical in a healthful school and
melodies/songs in C Major, art. activities based on the community
G Major, and F Major A6PL-IIa Philippines physical activity
(Week 3-4)

D. Learning sings or plays instruments in 1. Reviews the concept Assesses regularly explains the effect of living
Objectives solo or with group, that art processes, participation in physical in a healthful school and
melodies/songs in C Major, elements and principles still activities based on the
G Major, and F Major apply even with the Philippines physical activity community
use of technologies. pyramid
(Week 3-4) H6CMH-IIb-2

Effects of Living in a
Singing Melodies in Major
II. CONTENT Drawing Software Hawk and Chicken Game Healthful Weekly Test
( Subject Matter) School and Community
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/ADM SLM/ADM SLM/ADM SLM/ADM
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Copy of the Weekly Test
Resources Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
A. Drill/Reviewing The teacher will let the Gallery Walk The class will play a short Can you rate your school
previous Lesson or student listen to the game called, group how clean the
presenting new lesson different songs. Ask the Look at the two arts, what is yourself into ____. environment. 5 is the
students what song they the difference between highest and 1 is the lowest.
are familiar with. the two? Explain it.
Did your body move fast?
We will have another fast
1. Bahay Kubo moving activity for today.
2. Pilipinas Kong Mahal
3. Manag Biday
4. Paru-parung Bukid From these two picture the
5. Ang Guryon traditional painting and
digital painting which what
Are you familiar with the do you like better?
How are you able to tell
the differences between
digital painting and non-
digital painting?
B. Establishing a purpose Let’s Try Are you familiar with digital
for the lesson Direction: Using pitch or painting?
letter names of C major Here are the ways on how
scale, answer the to prepare for digital
Musical Spelling on a sheet painting:
of paper. 1. Familiarize yourself with
the printing style and
You can use the graphic techniques you want to be
below. inspired with.
2. Understand the different How can you describe a
elements and principles of healthy school and
artwork design. Do you know this game? community environment?
3. Set your equipment and Why do you think this game A school and community
tools – setting your artwork named Hawk and environment is healthy if
from papers to computer Chicken? Can you guess? there are warm
is known as digitally atmosphere, healthy
formatting your art. interpersonal relations, free
from abuse and
To bring the artwork from discrimination and is able
paper to computer, you to provide health needs
need basic pieces of and services to each
hardware. members.
1. Computer – Obviously, A healthy community has a
you need a computer and clean and safe
operating system to run on environment. It should have
to create a digital painting. adequate access to food,
It is important that your water, shelter, and health
computer is powerful care services. It should be
enough to run software protective of its natural
programs. Having As much environment. It should have
Random Access Memory programs for the well-being
(RAM) as you can is a of its member. A healthy
feature to consider in community should be
successful digital painting. strong supported by
2. Scanner – absolutely everyone who lives in.
essential to digital painting.
Without one, you cannot
digitize your artwork. A
scanner is also useful for
scanning textures like real
canvass and watercolor
paper to make texture
supports (paper/canvass,
etc.) or patterns which you
can apply as background
for your paintings.
3. Digital tablet and Stylus –
a real world brush changes
the way it deposits paint
when its shape changes.
Push down on a brush tip
and spread out the bristles.
Make the stroke larger and
the shape changes.

Many computer software

are available to get started
with digital painting. It is
recommended that you
use Gimp, Photo Editor
open source (free wares)
for tablet PC and Paint
(Windows) for
Laptop/Desktop PC.
Together, these programs
have a wide array of tools
and options that you can
manipulate to turn your
work into a digitalized
C. Presenting examples/ Guided Activity The game Hawk and Group Activity
instances of the new The teacher will play the Chicken is also a game
lesson instrumental of Bahay Kubo Write your impression about that helps to develop your For us to understand the
with the notes. the digital art. Do this on agility and flexibility skills. characteristic of a healthy
your answer sheet. Muscle strength and community. The group will
endurance are also used have a short skit,
here. demonstrating on how to
This game is also called healthy environment looks
‘Touch the Dragon’s Tail’, like.
After playing the ‘Touch My Tail’ and
instrumental, it is the time more. To play it, you have Group 1
for the students to sing the to be smart and agile to 1. clean, safe and secure
song. grab the handkerchief. 2. has access to basic
Chicks need protection just needs (food, water,
like a player. The Chicken clothing, and shelter)
aims to keep her chicks 3. peaceful and orderly
from the hawk's hands. 4. has members who are
physically, mentally and
emotionally healthy
5. involves members in
community programs,
projects, and activities

Group 2
6. prompt and timely in
handling local community
and environmental
health issues, concerns and
7. respects the rights and
privileges of all members
8. promotes healthy
intrapersonal and
interpersonal relationships
among all members
9. free from abuse and
10. has open
interactions, and

Group 3
11. has accessible and
affordable health services
and facilities
12. preserves and
celebrates cultural and
historical heritage
13. has advanced and
productive economy
14. promotes sustainability
of natural resources
15. has well– developed
public infrastructure
D. Discussing new Let’s Review This is an outdoor collective Write YES if the statement
concepts and Review the major scales. Compare and contrast game. The more the describes healthy school
practicing new You may also sing the so-fa digital arts and hand-made players, the more fun and
syllable. arts using Venn Diagram. you will have. community environment
Do this on your answer  First, the HEN and the and NO if not. Do this on
sheet. HAWK will be chosen and your answer sheet.
the rest line up as A healthy school and
CHICKEN. community……
 CHICKENS will hold the __________a. have clean
Digital clothes of the person in and safe environment.
arts front of him with both __________b. are safe from
hands, thus composing a illnesses caused by dirty
chain, following their environment.
"mother"---the HEN. __________c. have pupils
 The HAWK will stand who are free from harm
before the line and face and injuries.
directly to the HEN. __________d. protect the
The HAWK will try every health of the people by
possible means to capture providing health services.
CHICKENS, and the __________e. do not meet
HEN's responsibility is to everyone’s basic needs.
stretch out her "wings" and
protect her children.
 When the HEN moves to
block the HAWK, all
CHICKENS should also
in the same direction so as
to avoid the HAWK's
attack. Moreover, they
should never loose hold of
each other's clothes,
otherwise, the chain will be
broken and they will be
easily caught by the HAWK.
 If any CHICKEN is that
unfortunate, he will
become the new HAWK
and the
HAWK will be a new
CHICKEN in the next round.
Usually catching the last
CHICKEN at the end of the
line is the most difficult.
E. Discussing new Group Activity: Hands-on Activity Complete the graphic You, Your Health, and Your
concepts and Use your imagination. organizer below in your School
practicing new skills Direction: Each group will Create a digital painting. It answer sheet. The school is not only part
#2. sing the different song. You can be a person, scenery, Complete it by writing of a bigger community, but
may search the tone in or your emotion. And inside each box the it is also by itself a
goggle. interpret it in your class. different skills you have community. It is composed
developed for playing of people who can
Group 1 – Hawk and Chicken Game. implement together plans
programs to keep the
school clean, safe and
healthy for the students,
employees and visitors.
As a pupil, you spend many
hours in school during the
Group 2 week. You are an
important part of the
school community. As such,
you play an important role
developing and
maintaining a healthy
school community.
Here are some things you
can do to fulfill your role as
Group 3 a responsible
member of the school
1. Help promote and
maintain cleanliness
 Do not litter
 Dispose trash and waste
2. Practice good personal
hygiene and healthy habits
 Take a bath and brush
your teeth before going to
 Wear clean, well-ironed
 Eat a balanced diet
 Get regular exercise
 Wash your hands before
and after meals, and after
using toilets
 If you are sick with a cold
or cough, cover your
mouth and avoid
direct contact with others.
If possible stay home until
you get well.
3. Follow safety rules and
security measures.
4. Use school facilities and
equipment properly and
with utmost care.
F. Developing Mastery Presentation Hands-on presentation Direction: Write YES if the Direction: List down the
(Lead to Formative item is a safety precaution effects of having a healthy
Assessment 3) in the game “Hawk and school environment inside
Chicken” otherwise write each shape to complete
NO. Write your answers in the graphic organizer.
your answer sheet. Accomplish this task on
__________1. Warm up your answer sheet.
before playing to avoid
sprains. Control your body
and body parts always.
__________2. Hit your
opponents hard so they
would easily notice you.
__________3. Watch where
your opponents are going.
Be aware of your
__________4. Identify and
move into open space
before playing.
__________5. Always
observe your personal
space while playing.
G. Finding practical Feed backing Choose the letter of the Direction: Write TRUE if the Put a check(/) if the
application of correct answer to statement tells about the sentence explains the
concepts and skills in complete the safety precautions effect of living in
statement. Write your during activities. Underline a healthful school and
daily living
answer on your notebook. the word/s that make the community and cross (X) if
1. Setting your artwork from sentence incorrect and not. Write your answer in
paper to computer is write the correct word on your notebook.
known as ____________ your the space provided. Do this ___1. The physical
art. in your answer sheet. environment in the
a. Digitally formatting ______________1. Warm up community is clean and
b. scan before playing to avoid safe.
c. print sprains. ___2. The pupils performed
2. _____________ is ______________2. Pushing or actively in all school
absolutely essential to hitting while playing the activities.
digital painting. Without game is allowed. ___3. There is no
one, you ______________3. If there is harmonious relationship in
cannot digitize your someone hurt, report it right the community.
artwork. after the game. ___4. Drug free community.
a. Printer ______________4. Always ___5. The family help each
b. computer observe your personal other and make decisions
c. Scanner space while playing. together.
3. RAM stands for ______________5. Tag your
_____________________-- opponents by using a soft
a. Random Access Memory tap.
b. Read Access Memory
c. Research Access
4. ____________ your image
is first,
5. ____________ it into
computer is the
second: step three is using
a computer program to
transform your work by
cropping, editing,
enhancing, lightening,
darkening, shading, adding
layering, styling, or just
about any other editing
graphic you can think of.
a. Drawing, scanning
b. painting, editing
c. shading, tracing
H. Making What have you learn from Give the importance of Give other fast moving What can you say about
Generalizations and this lesson? elements and principle of games that you know. the statement below?
Abstraction about the arts.


I. Evaluating Learning Give an example of songs Look around; give an How these physical What make a community
that have scale of C Major, example of object that activities make your body health?
G Major, F Major have, lines, colors, texture. healthy?

J. Additional Activities For next week, bring any Search for other digital arts. Search for other physical For next week, bring the
for Application or instrument. (flute, guitar, activity following:
Remediation etc.) Coloring materials, bond
For another song
performance using the
major scale.

A.No. of learners who ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
___ of Learners who
earned 80% in the 80% above 80% above 80% above 80% above
earned 80% above
B.No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require additional activities additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
for remediation who scored remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

below 80%

C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
have caught up with the caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson

D.No. of learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? well: well: well: well: well:
Why did these work? __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
__Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension

encounter which my __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G.What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
use/discover which I wish to __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
share with other teachers?
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

Prepared by: Checked & Noted:

Position Master Teacher 2

Principal IV

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