AI Unit 5
AI Unit 5
AI Unit 5
Forward Chaining
2. Backward Chaining
This is a goal-driven reasoning approach where the system starts with a hypothesis or a goal
(something to prove) and works backward to determine which facts or conditions would
support that conclusion. It’s often used to diagnose issues by determining the cause of an
observed effect. The examples provided include diagnosing medical conditions like stomach
pain, blood cancer, or dengue.
Backward Chaining
Applications of Expert Systems
1. Medical Diagnosis: Expert systems assist doctors by analyzing symptoms and
medical history to suggest possible diagnoses or treatment options. For example,
MYCIN, an early expert system, helped identify bacterial infections and recommend
2. Financial Services: In finance, expert systems are used for credit scoring, fraud
detection, and investment advice. They analyze financial data and patterns to make
informed decisions.
3. Technical Support: Expert systems can troubleshoot and provide solutions for
technical issues. They guide users through problem-solving steps based on pre-
defined rules and knowledge.
4. Manufacturing: In manufacturing, expert systems help optimize production
processes, perform quality control, and manage inventory by analyzing data and
making recommendations.
Benefits of Expert Systems
1. Consistency: Expert systems provide consistent and reliable recommendations,
reducing the variability that can occur with human decision-making.
2. Availability: They are available 24/7 and can handle multiple queries simultaneously,
providing timely assistance and support.
3. Cost-Effectiveness: By automating expert-level decision-making, organizations can
save on the costs associated with hiring and training human experts.
4. Knowledge Preservation: Expert systems preserve valuable knowledge and
expertise, making it accessible even if the original experts are no longer available.
Limitations of Expert Systems
1. Knowledge Limitation: The effectiveness of an expert system depends on the
completeness and accuracy of the knowledge base. If the knowledge is outdated or
incomplete, the system’s performance may be compromised.
2. Lack of Flexibility: Expert systems are limited to the rules and knowledge they are
programmed with. They may struggle with novel or ambiguous situations that fall
outside their predefined rules.
3. Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance are required to keep the knowledge
base current and relevant, which can be resource-intensive.
Knowledge Acquisition in AI
Knowledge Acquisition refers to the process of gathering, organizing, and incorporating
knowledge into an AI system, particularly expert systems. In AI, it involves collecting
knowledge from human experts or other reliable sources and storing it in a format that the
system can use to make decisions, solve problems, or give recommendations.
This process is crucial for building intelligent systems, as the quality of their decision-making
ability depends heavily on the quality and accuracy of the knowledge they possess.
Types of Knowledge in AI:
1. Declarative Knowledge:
o Refers to factual knowledge about the world, such as facts, concepts, and
objects. It can be easily stated or described.
o Example: "The capital of France is Paris."
2. Procedural Knowledge:
o Knowledge about how to perform tasks or solve problems, such as algorithms
or processes.
o Example: A recipe for baking a cake or steps for diagnosing a medical
3. Heuristic Knowledge:
o Knowledge based on experience, intuition, or expert judgment. It involves
rules of thumb or best practices.
o Example: "If the computer is running slowly, try restarting it."
Steps in Knowledge Acquisition:
1. Identifying the Domain:
o The first step is to define the specific area or domain for which the knowledge
is being acquired. For example, the domain could be medicine, engineering,
finance, or law.
2. Extracting Knowledge from Experts:
o Knowledge is often extracted directly from human experts who possess
specialized experience in a domain. Techniques include:
Interviews: Directly questioning experts about how they make
Observation: Observing experts while they perform tasks to capture
their knowledge and problem-solving approaches.
Protocol Analysis: Asking experts to think aloud as they solve
problems, revealing their thought process.
3. Codifying Knowledge:
o Once knowledge is collected, it must be codified or structured in a way that
the AI system can understand. Common methods include:
Rule-Based Representation: Representing knowledge in the form of
if-then rules.
Frames: Using data structures to store stereotypical situations or
Semantic Networks: Structuring knowledge as a network of
interconnected concepts.
4. Building the Knowledge Base:
o After the knowledge has been extracted and codified, it is stored in a
knowledge base, which is the repository of facts, rules, and procedures used
by the system to reason and make decisions.
5. Verification and Validation:
o The acquired knowledge is tested and refined to ensure its accuracy and
reliability. Experts and system users verify that the system’s decisions are in
line with real-world expert judgment.
6. Updating and Maintaining Knowledge:
o Knowledge acquisition is an ongoing process, as new information or
discoveries need to be incorporated into the system. This ensures the AI stays
relevant and up-to-date.
Knowledge Acquisition Methods:
1. Manual Knowledge Acquisition:
o Knowledge is manually gathered and entered into the system by knowledge
engineers, who work with domain experts to extract, formalize, and structure
2. Automated Knowledge Acquisition:
o AI systems can automatically gather and learn knowledge from data, using
machine learning techniques. This is common in modern AI systems, which
use algorithms to learn patterns and rules from large datasets.
3. Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition:
o Multiple experts or users contribute to building the knowledge base
collaboratively, often through crowd-sourcing platforms or expert
Challenges in Knowledge Acquisition:
1. Tacit Knowledge:
o Many experts possess tacit knowledge, which is difficult to articulate. It’s the
type of knowledge gained through personal experience and intuition that
cannot always be easily captured in rules or data.
2. Knowledge Transfer:
o It can be challenging to transfer knowledge from human experts to machines
in a way that preserves the nuances of decision-making.
3. Dynamic Knowledge:
o Knowledge in certain domains changes frequently (e.g., medical research or
technology). Keeping the system's knowledge base updated can be difficult.
4. Knowledge Representation:
o Deciding how to best represent knowledge in a format that an AI system can
efficiently use is a critical aspect of the acquisition process. Too much
complexity can slow down processing, while oversimplification can lead to