Pest Worksheet
Pest Worksheet
Pest Worksheet
The Italian airline, Alitalia is losing $60 000 an hour. An agreement with trade unions should allow
the airline to access $400 million of European and government loans. After a year-long struggle
between the Alitalia management and the trade unions over a series of cost-cutting measures, several
senior managers departed. The trade unions said they will continue to protect members’ interests.
Employee opposition to change reflects the culture found in many Italian firms.
However, faced with financial disaster, even the trade union admits that Alitalia needs reform. Like
other airlines, Alitalia was hit hard by the impact of the 9/11 terrorist attack and by the growth of low
cost airlines. Domestic travelers fell by 11 % and increasing fuel costs has added to its problems.
Alitalia, facing a cash flow crisis, negotiated with trade unions to cut one quarter of its workforce and
to sell loss-making service operations such as maintenance and bookings. However, critics argue
Alitalia has not addressed problems as effectively as other airlines, which restructured and reduced
their workforces earlier. It failed to update its fleet with more economical and faster planes. The Italian
government, with more than 50 % ownership of the airline deliberately slowed management reform.
[Source: adapted from The Economist 11-17 September 2004 and The Guardian 7 September 2004]