Sound Synthesis
The following matlab code creates the first line of the popular song: Mary had a
little lamb.
fre=[329.6280 293.6650 261.6260 293.6650 0 329.6280 329.6280 .
329.6280 0 293.6650 293.6650 293.6650 0 329.6280 391.9950 3
f = @(f0,t) exp(-0.05*t) .* sin(2*pi*f0*t);
n = 10000; %number of sampling points for a half second note
t = [0:n]/(2*n); %play a note only a half second
song = [];
for k = 1:length(fre)
song= [song f(fre(k),t)];
Fourier Series
a0 X ⇣ ⇣ n⇡ ⌘ ⇣ n⇡ ⌘⌘
f (x) = + an cos x + bn sin x .
2 n=1
Convergence theory?
N =1 N =2
N =5 N = 25
Bishnu P. Lamichhane, Mathematics and Music
Sound Synthesis
2 n⇡x
bn = f (x) sin( ) dx
L 0 L
= (cos(n⇡) 1).
2 4
[1 ( 1)n ] =
bn = if n is odd,
(n⇡) (n⇡)
and bn = 0 if n is even. The Fourier series for L = 1 is, therefore,
X 1
4 1 4 X 1
f (x) = sin (n⇡x) = sin ((2n 1)⇡x)
⇡ n=1,3,5,... n ⇡ n=1 2n 1
N =1 N =2 N =5 N = 25
Bishnu P. Lamichhane, Mathematics and Music
Sound Synthesis
Mary Additive
Mary Simple
Bishnu P. Lamichhane, Mathematics and Music
Sound Synthesis
We want to break sound into smaller pieces. Since sound waves are periodic signals,
we can express using sine and cosine waves resulting in a Fourier series. Let
y : [0, T ] ! R be a continuous signal. For example, we can approximate a sound
signal y by using sin and cos like
Z n
ya = min y(t) (ai cos(wi t) + bi sin(wi t)) dt
0 i=1
1 This
Pn can be digitised by sampling the signal y and also the sum
i=1 (ai cos(wi t) + bi sin(wi t)) at a finite number of time points.
2 The optimisation problem is nonlinear if we minimise with respect to wi .
3 We can use some information of the sound signal like physical properties to
simplify wi .
Optimisation Bottleneck
If we approximate the global signal (a 1/2 second A4 note looks like below), we
do not capture the local property of the signal accurately.
If we approximate the the signal locally (using around 5-6 milliseconds note), we
lose the accuracy globally.
The main idea behind Frequency Modulation is that we modulate the frequency over
time resulting in change in frequency over time. A simple frequency modulation is
obtained by setting
F (t) = sin(2⇡fc t + I sin(2⇡fm t)),
where fc is called the carrier frequency, fm is called the modulation frequency and I
is called the index of modulation, which is also the strength of modulation or the
intensity of the modulation.
We can include more terms to model a wide variety of sounds:
Frequency Modulation
Using fc = 1, fm = 2 and I = 12 in the modulated signal
Frequency Modulation
d2 y dy
x2 2
+x + x2 k2 y = 0
dx dx
Bessel Function
Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable synthesis produces a sound signal by cycling through a table of values that
represent a waveform.The wavetable method generates di↵erent frequencies of a
signal by changing the speed with which it cycles through table entries.
1 Wavetable synthesis is based on creating periodic waveforms by employing
arbitrary periodic waveforms.
2 The output waveform changes in time as one wavetable is mixed with another,
creating a changing waveform.
3 Used in many commercial synthesisers: Waldorf, Ableton, PPG Wave, etc.
Final Slide