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Logcat 1729873366742

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--------- beginning of main

10-25 20:22:46.864 21239 21239 W libprocessgroup: Controller io is not found

10-25 20:22:46.864 21239 21239 W libprocessgroup: Controller io is not found
10-25 20:22:46.864 21239 21239 W libprocessgroup: Controller io is not found
10-25 20:22:46.970 21152 21152 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10493; state: DISABLED
10-25 20:22:46.975 21152 21253 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
10-25 20:22:47.005 21152 21253 D VendorTagDescriptor: addVendorDescriptor: vendor
tag id 14172875900359437128 added
10-25 20:22:47.033 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR13F2 API Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.033 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 1 facing
CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.043 21152 21152 I DecorView: setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false
color=fff6f6f8 d=android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable@a665bdc
10-25 20:22:47.048 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.048 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.048 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.048 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.052 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.052 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.052 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.052 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.063 21152 21152 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 210923482; UID 10493; state: DISABLED
10-25 20:22:47.063 21152 21152 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 37756858; UID 10493; state: ENABLED
10-25 20:22:47.111 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 2 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.122 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 23 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.122 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 3 facing
CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.127 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 facing
CAMERA_FACING_FRONT state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.127 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 52 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.128 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 58 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.128 21152 21167 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 60 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.166 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.166 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.166 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.166 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.168 21152 21186 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
10-25 20:22:47.168 21152 21186 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
10-25 20:22:47.168 21152 21186 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
10-25 20:22:47.168 21152 21186 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1
10-25 20:22:47.168 21152 21186 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
10-25 20:22:47.186 21152 21186 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/256 for video/mp4v-es
10-25 20:22:47.233 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.233 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.233 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.233 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.238 21152 21186 W CAM_A : Build number (A256EXXS5BXI1) is not a
number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
10-25 20:22:47.239 21152 21186 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.239 21152 21186 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.239 21152 21186 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.239 21152 21186 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.244 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.244 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.244 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.244 21152 21271 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.263 21152 21302 I CameraManager: registerAvailabilityCallback: Is
device callback = false
10-25 20:22:47.264 21152 21302 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
10-25 20:22:47.264 21152 21302 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT
10-25 20:22:47.264 21152 21302 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 2 status STATUS_PRESENT
10-25 20:22:47.264 21152 21302 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 3 status STATUS_PRESENT
10-25 20:22:47.266 21152 21152 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
10-25 20:22:47.266 21152 21152 I ProReC : setprogres0
10-25 20:22:47.267 21152 21152 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
10-25 20:22:47.267 21152 21152 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
10-25 20:22:47.268 21152 21152 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
10-25 20:22:47.271 21152 21152 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171228096; UID 10493; state: ENABLED
10-25 20:22:47.272 21152 21152 D ScrollView: initGoToTop
10-25 20:22:47.305 21152 21279 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR13F2 API Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.341 21152 21152 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 237531167; UID 10493; state: DISABLED
10-25 20:22:47.345 21152 21200 D NativeCustomFrequencyManager: [NativeCFMS]
10-25 20:22:47.351 21152 21152 I InsetsController: setRequestedVisibleTypes:
visible=false, mask=statusBars,
android.view.InsetsController.hide:1403 android.view.InsetsController.hide:1342
android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1709 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView:580
10-25 20:22:47.359 21152 21152 I InsetsController: onStateChanged:
from=android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1753, state=InsetsState:
{mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0,
77 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0}
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(477, 0 - 603, 77), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2340 physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2340
density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M 0,0 H -22.4 V 27.37777777777778 H 22.4 V 0 H 0 Z
@dp} rotation={0} scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(956, 0 - 1080,
77) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-311912193 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2340 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {99110001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,0]
[0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {99110004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][84,2340] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{99110005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2270][1080,2340] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {99110006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {99110024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[996,0][1080,2340] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {ba9b0000
mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0][1080,77] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{ba9b0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,111] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {ba9b0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,77]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,77] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
10-25 20:22:47.360 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: synced
displayState. AttachInfo displayState=2
10-25 20:22:47.364 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: setView =
com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@19e2cc5 TM=true
10-25 20:22:47.364 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : Starting IDS observe window
10-25 20:22:47.364 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : Getting Shared Preference for
Alexey070315.rad@2b6d9ea uid = 10493
10-25 20:22:47.374 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : App Alexey070315.rad@2b6d9ea has not
finished training
10-25 20:22:47.378 21152 21200 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI - treat SMPTE_170M as sRGB
10-25 20:22:47.378 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : Closing IDS observe window
10-25 20:22:47.378 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : Getting Shared Preference for
Alexey070315.rad@2b6d9ea uid = 10493
10-25 20:22:47.378 21152 21152 I IDS_TAG : IDS count updated to 2 for
10-25 20:22:47.380 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.381 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.382 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.383 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.383 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.383 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.383 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.383 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.384 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.384 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.420 21152 21152 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: new BLASTBufferQueue,
mName= ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x72abda3070
sc.mNativeObject= 0x717bd965d0 caller=
android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:1153 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:1079
10-25 20:22:47.421 21152 21152 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2340
mName = ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x72abda3070
sc.mNativeObject= 0x717bd965d0 format= -3 caller=
10-25 20:22:47.422 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2340) new=(0,0,1080,2340) relayoutAsync=false
req=(1080,2340)0 dur=27 res=0x403 s={true 0x72ebdcd420} ch=true seqId=0
10-25 20:22:47.424 21152 21271 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
power took 38 ms
10-25 20:22:47.433 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]:
performConfigurationChange setNightDimText nightDimLevel=0
10-25 20:22:47.433 21152 21152 D ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]:
mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0x72ebdcd420}
10-25 20:22:47.437 21152 21152 D ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4718
10-25 20:22:47.438 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
10-25 20:22:47.438 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]#1
10-25 20:22:47.489 21152 21165 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@7c9f8c4: frame = [0,0][1080,2340] reportDraw = true
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
10-25 20:22:47.519 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
10-25 20:22:47.531 21152 21347 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
10-25 20:22:47.532 21152 21347 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x723bdb8990 mBlastBufferQueue=0x72abda3070 fn= 1 mRenderHdrSdrRatio=1.0 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:792 <bottom of call stack>
10-25 20:22:47.532 21152 21347 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCallback
10-25 20:22:47.538 21152 21165 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 244358506; UID 10493; state: DISABLED
10-25 20:22:47.539 21152 21165 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE
10-25 20:22:47.608 21152 21261 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
10-25 20:22:47.624 21152 21261 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
10-25 20:22:47.639 21152 21165 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR13F2 API Level 2 User Id 0
10-25 20:22:47.659 21152 21261 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
10-25 20:22:47.769 21152 21200 I BLASTBufferQueue:
[ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]#0](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first
frame is available
10-25 20:22:47.774 21152 21200 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
10-25 20:22:47.775 21152 21200 D OpenGLRenderer: CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 21152 Tid :
10-25 20:22:47.775 21152 21152 I ViewRootImpl@85a7a10[CameraLauncher]:
reportDrawFinished seqId=0
10-25 20:22:47.775 21152 21152 I Choreographer: Skipped 46 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-25 20:22:47.851 21152 21152 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
10-25 20:22:47.858 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:47.858 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:47.858 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:47.858 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:47.977 21152 21182 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1936879478,
Samsung Rotation Vector Sensor, 200000, 0,
10-25 20:22:48.431 21152 21261 W eCameraEngR13F2: Long monitor contention with
owner GcaGeneric-2 (21253) at void lik.b()(:-1) waiters=0 in void lik.b() for 680ms
10-25 20:22:48.432 21152 21152 W eCameraEngR13F2: Long monitor contention with
owner GcaGeneric-2 (21253) at void lik.b()(:-1) waiters=1 in void lik.b() for 562ms
10-25 20:22:48.452 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:48.452 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:48.452 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:48.452 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:48.453 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:48.453 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:48.453 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:48.453 21152 21152 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:268]: Create:
static_metadata_list can not be empty.
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: CameraActivityController
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at eat.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at enl.a(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at dsd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at dvd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at kbj.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at eus.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyq.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at btj.d(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at btj.a(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at cak.run(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at bwx.run(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.454 21152 21152 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.455 21152 21152 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
10-25 20:22:48.465 21152 21261 E CAM_A : HalideRuntime.checkGcamHalideRuntime ->
10-25 20:22:48.469 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:48.471 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:48.471 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:48.471 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:48.479 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
10-25 20:22:48.479 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
10-25 20:22:48.479 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
10-25 20:22:48.479 21152 21261 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
10-25 20:22:48.480 21152 21261 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:268]: Create:
static_metadata_list can not be empty.
--------- beginning of crash
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: 00UiWorker
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: Process:
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR13F2, PID: 21152
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at lbg.run(Unknown Source:26)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to
invoke virtual method 'boolean com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at phe.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at lbg.run(Unknown Source:15)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: ... 4 more
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at eat.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at enl.a(Unknown Source:3)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at dsd.get(Unknown Source:30)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at dvd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at kbj.get(Unknown Source:73)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at eus.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyq.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at ewe.run(Unknown Source:60)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at dks.run(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at bvr.run(Unknown Source:58)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
10-25 20:22:48.482 21152 21261 E AndroidRuntime: ... 4 more
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: Interactivity failed!
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at eat.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at enl.a(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at dsd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at dvd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at kbj.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at eus.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyr.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at pyq.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at btj.d(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at btj.a(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at cak.run(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at bwx.run(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.483 21152 21443 W CAM_ActivityUiStartup: at
10-25 20:22:48.504 21152 21152 D SurfaceView: 192825108 setFixedSize -1x-1 ->
10-25 20:22:48.504 21152 21152 I SurfaceView@5fd0d67: onWindowVisibilityChanged(0)
true android.view.SurfaceView{5fd0d67 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of
10-25 20:22:48.504 21152 21152 D SurfaceView@5fd0d67: 100470119 updateSurface: has
no frame
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: Process:
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEngR13F2, PID: 21152
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at kqn.run(Unknown Source:9)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at bwx.run(Unknown Source:82)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at eat.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at enl.a(Unknown Source:3)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at dsd.get(Unknown Source:30)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at dvd.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at kbj.get(Unknown Source:73)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at eus.get(Unknown
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at pyq.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at btj.d(Unknown Source:15)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at btj.a(Unknown Source:0)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: at cak.run(Unknown Source:2)
10-25 20:22:48.505 21152 21152 E AndroidRuntime: ... 9 more
10-25 20:22:48.792 21152 21184 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
2, using defaults.
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Uncaught exception in background thread
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:26)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Caused by:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to
invoke virtual method 'boolean com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at phe.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:15)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : ... 4 more
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Caused by:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at eat.get(Unknown Source:493)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at enl.a(Unknown Source:3)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at dsd.get(Unknown Source:30)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at dvd.get(Unknown Source:175)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at kbj.get(Unknown Source:73)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at eus.get(Unknown Source:335)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyq.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at ewe.run(Unknown Source:60)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at dks.run(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at bvr.run(Unknown Source:58)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : ... 4 more
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Uncaught exception in background thread
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:26)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Caused by:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to
invoke virtual method 'boolean com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at phe.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:15)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : ... 4 more
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : Caused by:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean
com.google.googlex.gcam.Gcam.f()' on a null object reference
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at eat.get(Unknown Source:493)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at enl.a(Unknown Source:3)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at dsd.get(Unknown Source:30)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at dvd.get(Unknown Source:175)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at kbj.get(Unknown Source:73)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at eus.get(Unknown Source:335)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyq.get(Unknown Source:4)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at pyr.get(Unknown Source:13)
10-25 20:22:48.838 21152 21261 E CAM_A : at ewe.run

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