2marks DAA
2marks DAA
2marks DAA
6. List the factors which affect the running time of the algorithm.
Factors affecting the running time of an algorithm include
● Input size
● Algorithm complexity
● Hardware and system architecture
● Compiler optimizations
● Data structure efficiency
● Implementation details.
1. What are the advantages of the Brute-force algorithm over other
● Simplicity and ease of implementation.
● Guaranteed solution if one exists.
● Applicable to a wide range of problems.
3. Write the general plan for divide and conquer algorithm strategy.
Break the problem into smaller subproblems of the same type.
Solve the subproblems recursively.
Merge the solutions of the subproblems to form the solution to the
original problem.
4. Apply Master's Theorem to solve the following recurrence equation
T(1) = 1.
1. What is a bi-connected component?
A maximal subgraph where removing any single vertex does not disconnect
the graph.
● If we remove a vertex ,it remains connected and is known as
● Articulation point is zero.
2. Apply the sum of subset algorithm to construct the state space tree for the
set S = {2, 5,4} and d=6
3. Classify the following problems as NP Hard or NP Complete.
Sum of Subset - NP Complete
Knapsack problem - NP Complete
Hamiltonian circuit problem - NP Complete
Assignment Problem - NP Hard
4. IfG is a forest with n vertices and k connected components, how many edges
does G have?
G is a forest with n vertices and k connected components,
No. of edges
10. Find the number of binary search trees that can be constructed using 5
The Catalan number 𝐶𝑛 is calculated using the formula:
C₅ = 142