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NAME: Sitti Rahma M.



Lesson 2. Activity 1

INSTRUCTION: Answer the following questions or statements in your own words.

1. What is Peace Education?

Peace education is an education that promotes a culture of peace. It teaches people how to maintain
peace within the certain society. It is a means of socializing people for peace or of preventing violence
and injustice which it helps young people gain knowledge , enhance their skills in the area of peace.
2. What are the 5 levels of Peace?
A. Social Peace
B. Political Peace
C. Ecological Peace
D. Personal Peace
E. Institutional Peace
3. Determine what type of violence is shown in the pictures below. How do you feel upon seeing the

Answer: The pictures shown above are structural violence which there were a lot of children experienced poverty.
Social institution haven't provided their basic needs. No one cared children in poverty. Nobody cared their needs , their
health, and especially their future. I felt sad upon seeing these pictures, because I know how it is difficult for them to
feel the hungriness. They are suffering from extreme hunger. They didn't have a proper shelters and their health also
will be affected from this kind of poverty.

4. Determine what type of violence is shown in the pictures below. How do you feel upon seeing the

Answer: The pictures shown above are direct violence which there were children employed in any work that deprives
them of their childhood. It is harmful for their physical and mental development. There are a lot of intolerable abuse
that it has, such as slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities. Upon seeing these pictures,
it really breaks my heart because it is a far-reaching problem, especially for children living in poverty around the world.
Because children don’t have a voice or a platform, they are extra vulnerable to those who are looking to abuse them.

5. Determine what type of violence is shown in the pictures below. How do you feel upon seeing the
Answer: The pictures shown above are socio-cultural violence which there is a racism. We must live in this world with
equality which there's no discrimination. Yes, we are physically different from each other but we must equally accept
others if they are different from us . Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or
people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or
marginalized. If they are different, we must not hate them otherwise we must respect them , love them and accept
them with our heart. I felt sad upon seeing these pictures because they didn't have an equality. They discriminate others
that they didn't know how it hurts.


Determine what type of violence is shown in the pictures

below. How do you feel upon seeing the images?

Answer: The pictures shown above are direct violence which it shows tortureness and child abuse. People there are controlled
by their employer which they haven't freedom to do what they wanted to do. They are also punished by heinous punishment. I
felt sad when I saw these pictures because I know how it feels when you are controlled by stern boss. They are not treated

7. Determine what type of violence is shown in the pictures below. How do you feel upon seeing the
Answer: The pictures shown above are direct violence which it shows war. There are a lot of soldiers who sacrificed their
selves just to commit our peace against terrorism.War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or
paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. This violence is really destructive violence that it causes
death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability are some of the most threatening physical consequences of
war, while post-traumatic stress disorder , depression, and anxiety are some of the emotional effects. I felt sad from these
pictures , because there's no peace in that certain state. Terrorism has claimed tens of thousands of innocent victims.War, crime,
terror, and death have been the continuing lot of mankind under every type of human government.

8. Why is it important to educate for peace?

Answer: It is important to educate for peace and to learn also about peace because it helps us to maintain peace
in our society. It is essential for us to have the knowledge, skills and abilities to better address and manage
conflicts and advocate for social justice in our communities.We must cultivate our knowledge like a garden so
that we will get the sweetest fruit of it which is the peace. When we are uniting as one to plant these trees, the
peace will gradually grow between us. When we educate ourselves and others about it and learn from it, we'll
get the summit of peace.
9. As a person living in this generation, do you think there is hope for achieving world peace? Explain.
Answer: Yes, there is hope for achieving world peace because as of now we are spreading the knowledge of
peace. As what we have an education which is the "Peace Education" it helps youths/ students to gain more
knowledge about achieving the summit of peace. Through this,the students will know how to manage conflict
without violence, respect all forms of life, and engage in social justice activities. It is also strive to help students
appreciate intercultural diversity, learn the skill set for peaceful engagements, and envision a future without
war. There's a hope of peace when we are willing to educate about it and learn from it.
10. Define culture of Peace
Answer:As stated in the United Nations definition, “a Culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and
modes of behaviors and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to
solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations.” For me, culture of
peace is the peace wherein the people accepts individual's culture. In a certain society, we have different
cultures that cogitate our values, characteristics , attitudes and traditions. We have this peace to respect one
another. Therefore, for the culture of peace to become established, it is necessary to accept the principles of
uniqueness in diversity and to establish the social norms of respect, dignity, and the rights of every individual.

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