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Household Questionnaire


Complete online
Your household access code is:

OR fill in this paper questionnaire.

If your address is incorrect or missing, write in
your correct address below:
Census 2021

We need your help to run the census, which

gathers vital information to help plan services
such as transport, education and healthcare.
All households should complete the
census on 21 March 2021 or as soon as
possible after.
If you prefer, you can complete the
questionnaire online:
1. Go to www.census.gov.uk This questionnaire has been completed to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
2. Enter the household access code on the
front of this questionnaire. Signature Date
3. Answer the questions and select submit.
Thank you for taking part.

If you have lost your envelope, please return

your completed questionnaire to:

Professor Sir Ian Diamond FREEPOST Census 2021

National Statistician
Where you can get help:
You must take part in the census by law. If www.census.gov.uk/help
you do not, or if you supply false information,
you could be fined. Some questions are clearly Contact Centre 0800 141 2021
labelled as being voluntary – it is not an
offence if you do not answer these.
NGT (18001) 0800 141 2021
Language helpline 0800 587 2021
Your information is protected by law.
Find out more in the leaflet that comes with
this questionnaire. H1
Page 1
Before you start
The householder is responsible for ensuring that this questionnaire is completed and returned.
The householder is the person who lives, or is present, at this address who:
• owns / rents (or jointly owns / rents) the accommodation; and / or
• is responsible (or jointly responsible) for paying the household bills and expenses
A household is:
• one person living alone; or
• a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and
share a living room or sitting room or dining area

What should I complete on this questionnaire?

• Household questions on pages 3 – 6 about this household and its accommodation.
• Individual questions on pages 7 – 31 for every person who usually lives in this household.
Every person who has been, or intends to be, in the UK for 3 months or more should be
included in these questions at their usual UK address.

household on 21 March 2021.

• Visitor questions on the back page (page 32) for all other people staying overnight in this

It is important to include visitors staying overnight in this household to make sure no one is missed. Visitors
who usually live elsewhere in the UK must also be included on a census questionnaire at their usual address.

You will find further information about who to include in this questionnaire in the
accompanying leaflet.

Will I need extra questionnaires?

• If there are more than 5 people in this household, or more than 3 visitors staying overnight,
you can choose either to complete the entire questionnaire online, or fill in this questionnaire and
contact us to request one or more Continuation Questionnaires.
• If any member of this household does not want to disclose their information to others in the household,
you can request an Individual Questionnaire. Remember to include these people in household questions
(H1 to H14) on this questionnaire, but leave blank their individual questions (1 to 51).
• If there is more than one household at this address, contact us to request one or more additional
Household Questionnaires.
You can request extra questionnaires online at www.census.gov.uk or by calling 0800 141 2021.

How should I complete my questionnaire correctly?


You should:
• use black or blue ink to answer
• tick your answers within the box, like this:
• print in capital letters within the boxes, one letter per box, like this: SMITH
• correct any mistakes by filling in the box, like this: or this: S MT I T H
• continue onto the next line (if possible) when a word will not fit, like this: P A D D I N G T O
• follow the GO TO instructions and leave any questions or pages you
do not need to answer completely blank; any marks or lines can be mistaken for answers

Page 2
Household questions
H1 Who usually lives here?
Tick all that apply. For more advice about who to include, see the accompanying leaflet

Me, this is my permanent or family home

Family members including partners, children, and babies born on or before 21 March 2021
Students and / or schoolchildren who live away from home during term time
Housemates, tenants or lodgers
People who usually live outside the UK who are staying in the UK for 3 months or more
People who work away from home within the UK, or are members of the armed forces, if this is their
permanent or family home

People who are temporarily outside the UK for less than 12 months
People staying temporarily who usually live in the UK but do not have another UK address, for example, relatives, friends
Other people who usually live here, including anyone temporarily away from home
OR no one usually lives here, for example, this is a second address or holiday home GO TO H4

H2 Counting everyone you included in question H1, how many people usually live here?

H3 Starting with yourself, list the names of all the people counted in question H2 including
children, babies and lodgers.
If a member of this household has requested an Individual Questionnaire, tick the box beside
their name and leave blank the Individual questions 1 to 51 for that person
First name Last name
(Person 1)
Person 2
Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

If there are more than 5 people, complete the entire questionnaire online or contact us to get a Continuation Questionnaire.

H4 Apart from everyone counted in question H2, who else is staying overnight here on 21 March 2021?
These people are counted as visitors. Remember to include children and babies.

Tick all that apply

People who usually live somewhere else in the UK, for example, boy / girlfriends, friends, relatives
People staying here because it is their second address, for example, for work. Their permanent or family home is elsewhere
People who usually live outside the UK who are staying in the UK for less than 3 months
People here on holiday
OR there are no visitors staying overnight here on 21 March 2021 GO TO H6

H5 Counting only the people included in question H4, how many visitors are staying overnight here on
21 March 2021?
Remember to answer the Visitor questions on the back page (page 32) for these people
If there is no one usually living here (there are only visitors staying here) GO TO H7

Page 3
Household questions — continued
H6 How are members of this household related to each other? If members are not related, tick the "Unrelated" box.
Using the same order you used in question H3 (page 3), write the name of everyone who usually lives here at the top of
each column. Remember to include children, babies and people who have requested an Individual Questionnaire
Tick a box to show the relationship of each person to each of the other members of this household
If no one usually lives here and there are no visitors staying overnight here on 21 March 2021 GO TO H7

Example: Name of Person 1 Name of Person 2

First name First name
This shows how a MARY ROBERT
household with 2 parents

Last name Last name
and 3 children are SMITH SMITH
related to each other
How is Person 2

DO NOT write
related to Person: 1
in this section Husband or wife

Legally registered
civil partner
Provide details
of members of the
Son or daughter
in the section
BELOW Brother or sister (including
half-brother or half-sister)

Name of Person 1 Name of Person 2 Name of Person 3

First name First name First name
Last name Last name Last name
How is Person 2 How is Person 3
related to Person: 1 related to Person: 1 2
Husband or wife Husband or wife
IN QUESTION H3 Legally registered civil partner Legally registered civil partner
Partner Partner
Son or daughter Son or daughter
GO TO H7 Stepchild Stepchild

Brother or sister (including Brother or sister (including

half-brother or half-sister) half-brother or half-sister)
Stepbrother or stepsister Stepbrother or stepsister

Mother or father Mother or father

Stepmother or stepfather Stepmother or stepfather
Grandchild Grandchild
Grandparent Grandparent
Relation – other Relation – other
Unrelated (including Unrelated (including
foster child) foster child)

Page 4
Person 5 (James) is the son of Person 1
(Mary) and Person 2 (Robert), and the
brother of Person 3 (Alison) and Person
4 (Stephen).

Name of Person 3 Name of Person 4 Name of Person 5

First name First name First name

Last name Last name Last name
How is Person 3 How is Person 4 How is Person 5
related to Person: 1 2 related to Person: 1 2 3 related to Person: 1 2 3 4
Husband or wife Husband or wife Husband or wife

Legally registered Legally registered Legally registered
civil partner civil partner civil partner
Partner Partner Partner
Son or daughter Son or daughter Son or daughter
Stepchild Stepchild Stepchild
Brother or sister (including Brother or sister (including Brother or sister (including
half-brother or half-sister) half-brother or half-sister) half-brother or half-sister)

Name of Person 4 Name of Person 5

First name First name
If there are more than
5 people, contact us to
Last name Last name
request a Continuation
How is Person 4 How is Person 5
related to Person: 1 2 3 related to Person: 1 2 3 4
Husband or wife Husband or wife
Legally registered civil partner Legally registered civil partner
Partner Partner
Son or daughter Son or daughter

Stepchild Stepchild

Brother or sister (including Brother or sister (including

half-brother or half-sister) half-brother or half-sister)
Stepbrother or stepsister Stepbrother or stepsister

Mother or father Mother or father

Stepmother or stepfather Stepmother or stepfather
Grandchild Grandchild
Grandparent Grandparent
Relation – other Relation – other
Unrelated (including Unrelated (including
foster child) foster child)

Page 5
Household questions — continued
H7 What type of accommodation is this? H11 If one or more people usually live here
A whole house or bungalow that is:
detached OR if there is no one usually living here
semi-detached (only visitors staying here)
GO TO page 32
terraced (including end-terrace)
A flat, maisonette or apartment that is: OR if no one usually lives here and there are no
in a purpose-built block of flats or tenement visitors staying overnight on 21 March 2021
GO TO the Declaration on the front page
part of a converted or shared house (including bedsits)
part of another converted building (for example,

former school, church or warehouse) H12 Does your household own or rent
this accommodation?
in a commercial building (for example, in an
office building, hotel, or over a shop) Tick one box only

A mobile or temporary structure:

Owns outright GO TO H14

a caravan or other mobile or temporary structure
Owns with a mortgage or loan GO TO H14

H8 Are all the rooms in this accommodation, including

the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, behind a door
Part-owns and part-rents (shared ownership)
that only this household can use? Rents (with or without housing benefit)

Yes Lives here rent-free

No, one or more rooms are shared with
another household
H13 Who is your landlord?
H9 How many bedrooms are available for use only
by this household?
Tick one box only
Include all rooms built or converted for use Housing association, housing co-operative,
as bedrooms charitable trust, registered social landlord
Council or local authority
Number of bedrooms
Private landlord or letting agency

H10 What type of central heating does this

accommodation have?
Employer of a household member

Relative or friend of a household member

Tick all that apply, whether or not you use it
Central heating is a central system that generates
heat for multiple rooms

No central heating
H14 Inavailable
total, how many cars or vans are owned, or
for use, by members of this household?

Mains gas Include any company cars or vans available

Tank or bottled gas for private use

Electric (including storage heaters)

Wood (for example, logs, waste wood or pellets)
Solid fuel (for example, coal) 2

Renewable energy (for example, solar thermal 3

or heat pumps)
District or communal heat network
5 or more, write in number

Page 6
Individual questions — Person 1 start here
P Thinking about the people listed in question H3,
are you Person 1?
6 Do you stay at another address for more than
30 days a year?
These days could be in a row or separate

No – enter the details for Person 1 in this section No GO TO 8

Yes, write in other UK address below
1 What is your name? (Person 1 in question H3)

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

OR yes, outside the UK, write in country

2 What is your date of birth?
Day Month

3 What is your sex?


A question about gender identity will follow if you are
aged 16 or over


I 7 What is that address?
Armed forces base address
Another address when working away from home
Student’s home address
Student’s term-time address
Another parent or guardian’s address
Partner’s address
Holiday home
4 On 21 March 2021, what is your legal marital or
registered civil partnership status? Other

Never married and never 8 Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time

registered a civil partnership GO TO 6
Married Yes No GO TO 10

In a registered civil partnership 9 During term time, where do you usually live?
Separated, but still legally married At the address on the front of this questionnaire
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership At the address in question 6 GO TO 51

Divorced At another address GO TO 51

Formerly in a civil partnership which is now
legally dissolved 10 What is your country of birth?
Widowed England GO TO 13
Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership Wales GO TO 13
Scotland GO TO 13

5 Who is (was) your legal marriage or registered

civil partnership to?
Northern Ireland GO TO 13
Republic of Ireland
Someone of the opposite sex Elsewhere, write in current name of the country

Someone of the same sex

Page 7
Individual questions — Person 1 continued
11 Ifdidyouyouwere not born in the United Kingdom, when
most recently arrive to live here?
15 What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box
Do not count short visits away from the UK to best describe your ethnic group or background

Month Year
A White
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
If you arrived before 21 March 2020 GO TO 13 Irish
If you arrived on or Gypsy or Irish Traveller
after 21 March 2020 GO TO 12

12 Including the time you have already spent here, how
long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom?
Any other White background, write in

Less than 12 months

12 months or more B Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

13 One year ago, what was your usual address? White and Black Caribbean

If you had no usual address one year ago, state White and Black African
the address where you were staying White and Asian
Any other Mixed or Multiple background, write in

The address on the front of this questionnaire

Student term-time or boarding school address in
the UK, write in term-time address below
Another address in the UK, write in below
C Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background, write in

OR outside the UK, write in country

D Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

14 How would you describe your national identity? Caribbean


Tick all that apply African background, write in below

Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean
British background, write in
Scottish E Other ethnic group
Northern Irish Arab
Other, write in Any other ethnic group, write in

Page 8
Individual questions — Person 1 continued
16 What is your religion? 22 Do you have any physical or mental health
conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last
This question is voluntary 12 months or more?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,
Protestant and all other Christian denominations) No GO TO 24

23 Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your
ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little

Not at all
Any other religion, write in

24 Do you look after, or give any help or support to,

anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems
17 This question is

related to old age?
intentionally left blank GO TO 18
Exclude anything you do as part of your
paid employment

Yes, 9 hours a week or less
Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
18 What is your main language?
Yes, 50 or more hours a week
English GO TO 20
25 If you are aged 16 or over GO TO 26
Other, write in (including British Sign Language)
If you are aged 15 or under GO TO 51

26 Which of the following best describes your

sexual orientation?
19 How well can you speak English? This question is voluntary
Very well Well Not well Not at all
Straight / Heterosexual

Gay or Lesbian
20 What passports do you hold? Bisexual

Tick all that apply

Other sexual orientation, write in
United Kingdom
Other, write in
27 Isyour
the gender you identify with the same as
sex registered at birth?
This question is voluntary
OR none
21 How is your health in general?
No, write in gender identity
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad

Page 9
Individual questions — Person 1 continued
28 The next set of questions is about your
33 Inof the last seven days, were you doing any
the following?
Record any qualifications you have ever achieved in Tick all that apply
England, Wales or worldwide, including equivalents, Include casual or temporary work, even if
even if you are not using them now only for one hour

29 Have you completed an apprenticeship? Working as an employee GO TO 39

For example, trade, advanced, foundation, modern Self-employed or freelance GO TO 39
Temporarily away from work ill,
Yes No
on holiday or temporarily laid off GO TO 39
GO TO 39
30 Have On maternity or paternity leave

you achieved a qualification at
degree level or above? Doing any other kind of paid work GO TO 39
For example, degree, foundation degree, HND or OR none of the above
HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing

Yes No 34 Which of the following describes what you were

doing in the last seven days?

Tick all that apply
31 Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Retired (whether receiving a pension or not)
Tick all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent Looking after home or family
5 or more GCSEs (A*–C, 9–4), O levels (passes) or Long-term sick or disabled
CSEs (grade 1)
Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or
Basic Skills course 35 Inforthe last four weeks, were you actively looking
any kind of paid work?
AS, A level or equivalent
2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
1 A level, 2–3 AS levels

1 AS level 36 Ifwithin
a job became available now, could you start it
two weeks?
NVQ or equivalent Yes
NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, No
City and Guilds Advanced Craft

NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft 37 Injobthe last seven days, were you waiting to start a
already accepted?
NVQ level 1

OR other or no qualifications No
Any other qualifications, equivalent unknown

No qualifications
38 Have you ever done any paid work?
Yes, in the last 12 months
32 Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces? Yes, but not in the last 12 months
Current serving members should only tick "no" No, have never worked GO TO 51

Yes, previously served in Regular Armed Forces

39 Answer the remaining questions for your main job
or, if not working, your last main job.
Yes, previously served in Reserve Armed Forces
Your main job is the job in which you usually work
OR no (worked) the most hours

Page 10
Individual questions — Person 1 continued
40 Inemployment
your main job, what is (was) your
46 If you had a job last week GO TO 47
If you were temporarily
away from work last week GO TO 47
If you did not have a job last week GO TO 51
Self-employed or freelance without employees
Self-employed with employees 47 Indoyour main job, how many hours a week
you usually work?

41 What is (was) the name of the organisation

or business you work (worked) for?
Include paid and unpaid overtime

0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 48 49 or more
If you are (were) self-employed in your own
business, write in your business name

48 How do you usually travel to work?
Tick one box only for the longest part, by distance,
of your usual journey to work
Work mainly at or from home
OR no organisation or work (worked) for Underground, metro, light rail, tram

a private individual

42 What is (was) your full job title? Bus, minibus or coach

Do not state your grade or pay band
Driving a car or van
Passenger in a car or van
On foot
43 Briefly describe what you do (did) in your main job.
49 Where do you mainly work?
At a workplace or report to a depot
At or from home GO TO 51
An offshore installation GO TO 51
44 What is (was) the main activity of your
organisation, business or freelance work?
No fixed place GO TO 51


50 What is the address of your workplace or depot?
If you are (were) a civil servant, write CIVIL SERVICE
If you are (were) a local government officer, write

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and give the name of your

department within the local authority


51 There are no more questions for Person 1.

GO TO questions for Person 2
OR if there are no more people in this household
45 Do (did) you supervise or oversee the work of
other employees on a day-to-day basis? GO TO the Visitor questions on the back page
OR if there are no visitors staying here overnight
Yes No GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 11
Individual questions — Person 2 start here
P Thinking about the people listed in question H3,
are you Person 2?
6 Do you stay at another address for more than
30 days a year?
These days could be in a row or separate

No – enter the details for Person 2 in this section No GO TO 8

Yes, write in other UK address below
1 What is your name? (Person 2 in question H3)

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

OR yes, outside the UK, write in country

2 What is your date of birth?
Day Month

3 What is your sex?


A question about gender identity will follow if you are
aged 16 or over


I 7 What is that address?
Armed forces base address
Another address when working away from home
Student’s home address
Student’s term-time address
Another parent or guardian’s address
Partner’s address
Holiday home
4 On 21 March 2021, what is your legal marital or
registered civil partnership status? Other

Never married and never 8 Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time

registered a civil partnership GO TO 6
Married Yes No GO TO 10

In a registered civil partnership 9 During term time, where do you usually live?
Separated, but still legally married At the address on the front of this questionnaire
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership At the address in question 6 GO TO 51

Divorced At another address GO TO 51

Formerly in a civil partnership which is now
legally dissolved 10 What is your country of birth?
Widowed England GO TO 13
Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership Wales GO TO 13
Scotland GO TO 13

5 Who is (was) your legal marriage or registered

civil partnership to?
Northern Ireland GO TO 13
Republic of Ireland
Someone of the opposite sex Elsewhere, write in current name of the country

Someone of the same sex

Page 12
Individual questions — Person 2 continued
11 Ifdidyouyouwere not born in the United Kingdom, when
most recently arrive to live here?
15 What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box
Do not count short visits away from the UK to best describe your ethnic group or background

Month Year
A White
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
If you arrived before 21 March 2020 GO TO 13 Irish
If you arrived on or Gypsy or Irish Traveller
after 21 March 2020 GO TO 12

12 Including the time you have already spent here, how
long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom?
Any other White background, write in

Less than 12 months

12 months or more B Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

13 One year ago, what was your usual address? White and Black Caribbean

If you had no usual address one year ago, state White and Black African
the address where you were staying White and Asian

Same as Person 1 Any other Mixed or Multiple background, write in

The address on the front of this questionnaire
Student term-time or boarding school address in
the UK, write in term-time address below
Another address in the UK, write in below

C Asian or Asian British

Any other Asian background, write in

OR outside the UK, write in country

D Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

14 How would you describe your national identity? Caribbean


Tick all that apply African background, write in below

Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean
British background, write in
Scottish E Other ethnic group
Northern Irish Arab
Other, write in Any other ethnic group, write in

Page 13
Individual questions — Person 2 continued
16 What is your religion? 22 Do you have any physical or mental health
conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last
This question is voluntary 12 months or more?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,
Protestant and all other Christian denominations) No GO TO 24

23 Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your
ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little

Not at all
Any other religion, write in

24 Do you look after, or give any help or support to,

anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems
17 This question is

related to old age?
intentionally left blank GO TO 18
Exclude anything you do as part of your
paid employment

Yes, 9 hours a week or less
Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
18 What is your main language?
Yes, 50 or more hours a week
English GO TO 20
25 If you are aged 16 or over GO TO 26
Other, write in (including British Sign Language)
If you are aged 15 or under GO TO 51

26 Which of the following best describes your

sexual orientation?
19 How well can you speak English? This question is voluntary
Very well Well Not well Not at all
Straight / Heterosexual

Gay or Lesbian
20 What passports do you hold? Bisexual

Tick all that apply

Other sexual orientation, write in
United Kingdom
Other, write in
27 Isyour
the gender you identify with the same as
sex registered at birth?
This question is voluntary
OR none
21 How is your health in general?
No, write in gender identity
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad

Page 14
Individual questions — Person 2 continued
28 The next set of questions is about your
33 Inof the last seven days, were you doing any
the following?
Record any qualifications you have ever achieved in Tick all that apply
England, Wales or worldwide, including equivalents, Include casual or temporary work, even if
even if you are not using them now only for one hour

29 Have you completed an apprenticeship? Working as an employee GO TO 39

For example, trade, advanced, foundation, modern Self-employed or freelance GO TO 39
Temporarily away from work ill,
Yes No
on holiday or temporarily laid off GO TO 39
GO TO 39
30 Have On maternity or paternity leave

you achieved a qualification at
degree level or above? Doing any other kind of paid work GO TO 39
For example, degree, foundation degree, HND or OR none of the above
HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing

Yes No 34 Which of the following describes what you were

doing in the last seven days?

Tick all that apply
31 Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Retired (whether receiving a pension or not)
Tick all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent Looking after home or family
5 or more GCSEs (A*–C, 9–4), O levels (passes) or Long-term sick or disabled
CSEs (grade 1)
Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or
Basic Skills course 35 Inforthe last four weeks, were you actively looking
any kind of paid work?
AS, A level or equivalent
2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
1 A level, 2–3 AS levels

1 AS level 36 Ifwithin
a job became available now, could you start it
two weeks?
NVQ or equivalent Yes
NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, No
City and Guilds Advanced Craft

NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft 37 Injobthe last seven days, were you waiting to start a
already accepted?
NVQ level 1

OR other or no qualifications No
Any other qualifications, equivalent unknown

No qualifications
38 Have you ever done any paid work?
Yes, in the last 12 months
32 Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces? Yes, but not in the last 12 months
Current serving members should only tick "no" No, have never worked GO TO 51

Yes, previously served in Regular Armed Forces

39 Answer the remaining questions for your main job
or, if not working, your last main job.
Yes, previously served in Reserve Armed Forces
Your main job is the job in which you usually work
OR no (worked) the most hours

Page 15
Individual questions — Person 2 continued
40 Inemployment
your main job, what is (was) your
46 If you had a job last week GO TO 47
If you were temporarily
away from work last week GO TO 47
If you did not have a job last week GO TO 51
Self-employed or freelance without employees
Self-employed with employees 47 Indoyour main job, how many hours a week
you usually work?

41 What is (was) the name of the organisation

or business you work (worked) for?
Include paid and unpaid overtime

0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 48 49 or more
If you are (were) self-employed in your own
business, write in your business name

48 How do you usually travel to work?
Tick one box only for the longest part, by distance,
of your usual journey to work
Work mainly at or from home
OR no organisation or work (worked) for Underground, metro, light rail, tram

a private individual

42 What is (was) your full job title? Bus, minibus or coach

Do not state your grade or pay band
Driving a car or van
Passenger in a car or van
On foot
43 Briefly describe what you do (did) in your main job.
49 Where do you mainly work?
At a workplace or report to a depot
At or from home GO TO 51
An offshore installation GO TO 51
44 What is (was) the main activity of your
organisation, business or freelance work?
No fixed place GO TO 51


50 What is the address of your workplace or depot?
If you are (were) a civil servant, write CIVIL SERVICE
If you are (were) a local government officer, write

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and give the name of your

department within the local authority


51 There are no more questions for Person 2.

GO TO questions for Person 3
OR if there are no more people in this household
45 Do (did) you supervise or oversee the work of
other employees on a day-to-day basis? GO TO the Visitor questions on the back page
OR if there are no visitors staying here overnight
Yes No GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 16
Individual questions — Person 3 start here
P Thinking about the people listed in question H3,
are you Person 3?
6 Do you stay at another address for more than
30 days a year?
These days could be in a row or separate

No – enter the details for Person 3 in this section No GO TO 8

Yes, write in other UK address below
1 What is your name? (Person 3 in question H3)

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

OR yes, outside the UK, write in country

2 What is your date of birth?
Day Month

3 What is your sex?


A question about gender identity will follow if you are
aged 16 or over


I 7 What is that address?
Armed forces base address
Another address when working away from home
Student’s home address
Student’s term-time address
Another parent or guardian’s address
Partner’s address
Holiday home
4 On 21 March 2021, what is your legal marital or
registered civil partnership status? Other

Never married and never 8 Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time

registered a civil partnership GO TO 6
Married Yes No GO TO 10

In a registered civil partnership 9 During term time, where do you usually live?
Separated, but still legally married At the address on the front of this questionnaire
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership At the address in question 6 GO TO 51

Divorced At another address GO TO 51

Formerly in a civil partnership which is now
legally dissolved 10 What is your country of birth?
Widowed England GO TO 13
Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership Wales GO TO 13
Scotland GO TO 13

5 Who is (was) your legal marriage or registered

civil partnership to?
Northern Ireland GO TO 13
Republic of Ireland
Someone of the opposite sex Elsewhere, write in current name of the country

Someone of the same sex

Page 17
Individual questions — Person 3 continued
11 Ifdidyouyouwere not born in the United Kingdom, when
most recently arrive to live here?
15 What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box
Do not count short visits away from the UK to best describe your ethnic group or background

Month Year
A White
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
If you arrived before 21 March 2020 GO TO 13 Irish
If you arrived on or Gypsy or Irish Traveller
after 21 March 2020 GO TO 12

12 Including the time you have already spent here, how
long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom?
Any other White background, write in

Less than 12 months

12 months or more B Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

13 One year ago, what was your usual address? White and Black Caribbean

If you had no usual address one year ago, state White and Black African
the address where you were staying White and Asian

Same as Person 1 Any other Mixed or Multiple background, write in

The address on the front of this questionnaire
Student term-time or boarding school address in
the UK, write in term-time address below
Another address in the UK, write in below

C Asian or Asian British

Any other Asian background, write in

OR outside the UK, write in country

D Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

14 How would you describe your national identity? Caribbean


Tick all that apply African background, write in below

Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean
British background, write in
Scottish E Other ethnic group
Northern Irish Arab
Other, write in Any other ethnic group, write in

Page 18
Individual questions — Person 3 continued
16 What is your religion? 22 Do you have any physical or mental health
conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last
This question is voluntary 12 months or more?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,
Protestant and all other Christian denominations) No GO TO 24

23 Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your
ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little

Not at all
Any other religion, write in

24 Do you look after, or give any help or support to,

anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems
17 This question is

related to old age?
intentionally left blank GO TO 18
Exclude anything you do as part of your
paid employment

Yes, 9 hours a week or less
Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
18 What is your main language?
Yes, 50 or more hours a week
English GO TO 20
25 If you are aged 16 or over GO TO 26
Other, write in (including British Sign Language)
If you are aged 15 or under GO TO 51

26 Which of the following best describes your

sexual orientation?
19 How well can you speak English? This question is voluntary
Very well Well Not well Not at all
Straight / Heterosexual

Gay or Lesbian
20 What passports do you hold? Bisexual

Tick all that apply

Other sexual orientation, write in
United Kingdom
Other, write in
27 Isyour
the gender you identify with the same as
sex registered at birth?
This question is voluntary
OR none
21 How is your health in general?
No, write in gender identity
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad

Page 19
Individual questions — Person 3 continued
28 The next set of questions is about your
33 Inof the last seven days, were you doing any
the following?
Record any qualifications you have ever achieved in Tick all that apply
England, Wales or worldwide, including equivalents, Include casual or temporary work, even if
even if you are not using them now only for one hour

29 Have you completed an apprenticeship? Working as an employee GO TO 39

For example, trade, advanced, foundation, modern Self-employed or freelance GO TO 39
Temporarily away from work ill,
Yes No
on holiday or temporarily laid off GO TO 39
GO TO 39
30 Have On maternity or paternity leave

you achieved a qualification at
degree level or above? Doing any other kind of paid work GO TO 39
For example, degree, foundation degree, HND or OR none of the above
HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing

Yes No 34 Which of the following describes what you were

doing in the last seven days?

Tick all that apply
31 Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Retired (whether receiving a pension or not)
Tick all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent Looking after home or family
5 or more GCSEs (A*–C, 9–4), O levels (passes) or Long-term sick or disabled
CSEs (grade 1)
Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or
Basic Skills course 35 Inforthe last four weeks, were you actively looking
any kind of paid work?
AS, A level or equivalent
2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
1 A level, 2–3 AS levels

1 AS level 36 Ifwithin
a job became available now, could you start it
two weeks?
NVQ or equivalent Yes
NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, No
City and Guilds Advanced Craft

NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft 37 Injobthe last seven days, were you waiting to start a
already accepted?
NVQ level 1

OR other or no qualifications No
Any other qualifications, equivalent unknown

No qualifications
38 Have you ever done any paid work?
Yes, in the last 12 months
32 Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces? Yes, but not in the last 12 months
Current serving members should only tick "no" No, have never worked GO TO 51

Yes, previously served in Regular Armed Forces

39 Answer the remaining questions for your main job
or, if not working, your last main job.
Yes, previously served in Reserve Armed Forces
Your main job is the job in which you usually work
OR no (worked) the most hours

Page 20
Individual questions — Person 3 continued
40 Inemployment
your main job, what is (was) your
46 If you had a job last week GO TO 47
If you were temporarily
away from work last week GO TO 47
If you did not have a job last week GO TO 51
Self-employed or freelance without employees
Self-employed with employees 47 Indoyour main job, how many hours a week
you usually work?

41 What is (was) the name of the organisation

or business you work (worked) for?
Include paid and unpaid overtime

0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 48 49 or more
If you are (were) self-employed in your own
business, write in your business name

48 How do you usually travel to work?
Tick one box only for the longest part, by distance,
of your usual journey to work
Work mainly at or from home
OR no organisation or work (worked) for Underground, metro, light rail, tram

a private individual

42 What is (was) your full job title? Bus, minibus or coach

Do not state your grade or pay band
Driving a car or van
Passenger in a car or van
On foot
43 Briefly describe what you do (did) in your main job.
49 Where do you mainly work?
At a workplace or report to a depot
At or from home GO TO 51
An offshore installation GO TO 51
44 What is (was) the main activity of your
organisation, business or freelance work?
No fixed place GO TO 51


50 What is the address of your workplace or depot?
If you are (were) a civil servant, write CIVIL SERVICE
If you are (were) a local government officer, write

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and give the name of your

department within the local authority


51 There are no more questions for Person 3.

GO TO questions for Person 4
OR if there are no more people in this household
45 Do (did) you supervise or oversee the work of
other employees on a day-to-day basis? GO TO the Visitor questions on the back page
OR if there are no visitors staying here overnight
Yes No GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 21
Individual questions — Person 4 start here
P Thinking about the people listed in question H3,
are you Person 4?
6 Do you stay at another address for more than
30 days a year?
These days could be in a row or separate

No – enter the details for Person 4 in this section No GO TO 8

Yes, write in other UK address below
1 What is your name? (Person 4 in question H3)

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

OR yes, outside the UK, write in country

2 What is your date of birth?
Day Month

3 What is your sex?


A question about gender identity will follow if you are
aged 16 or over


I 7 What is that address?
Armed forces base address
Another address when working away from home
Student’s home address
Student’s term-time address
Another parent or guardian’s address
Partner’s address
Holiday home
4 On 21 March 2021, what is your legal marital or
registered civil partnership status? Other

Never married and never 8 Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time

registered a civil partnership GO TO 6
Married Yes No GO TO 10

In a registered civil partnership 9 During term time, where do you usually live?
Separated, but still legally married At the address on the front of this questionnaire
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership At the address in question 6 GO TO 51

Divorced At another address GO TO 51

Formerly in a civil partnership which is now
legally dissolved 10 What is your country of birth?
Widowed England GO TO 13
Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership Wales GO TO 13
Scotland GO TO 13

5 Who is (was) your legal marriage or registered

civil partnership to?
Northern Ireland GO TO 13
Republic of Ireland
Someone of the opposite sex Elsewhere, write in current name of the country

Someone of the same sex

Page 22
Individual questions — Person 4 continued
11 Ifdidyouyouwere not born in the United Kingdom, when
most recently arrive to live here?
15 What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box
Do not count short visits away from the UK to best describe your ethnic group or background

Month Year
A White
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
If you arrived before 21 March 2020 GO TO 13 Irish
If you arrived on or Gypsy or Irish Traveller
after 21 March 2020 GO TO 12

12 Including the time you have already spent here, how
long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom?
Any other White background, write in

Less than 12 months

12 months or more B Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

13 One year ago, what was your usual address? White and Black Caribbean

If you had no usual address one year ago, state White and Black African
the address where you were staying White and Asian

Same as Person 1 Any other Mixed or Multiple background, write in

The address on the front of this questionnaire
Student term-time or boarding school address in
the UK, write in term-time address below
Another address in the UK, write in below

C Asian or Asian British

Any other Asian background, write in

OR outside the UK, write in country

D Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

14 How would you describe your national identity? Caribbean


Tick all that apply African background, write in below

Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean
British background, write in
Scottish E Other ethnic group
Northern Irish Arab
Other, write in Any other ethnic group, write in

Page 23
Individual questions — Person 4 continued
16 What is your religion? 22 Do you have any physical or mental health
conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last
This question is voluntary 12 months or more?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,
Protestant and all other Christian denominations) No GO TO 24

23 Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your
ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little

Not at all
Any other religion, write in

24 Do you look after, or give any help or support to,

anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems
17 This question is

related to old age?
intentionally left blank GO TO 18
Exclude anything you do as part of your
paid employment

Yes, 9 hours a week or less
Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
18 What is your main language?
Yes, 50 or more hours a week
English GO TO 20
25 If you are aged 16 or over GO TO 26
Other, write in (including British Sign Language)
If you are aged 15 or under GO TO 51

26 Which of the following best describes your

sexual orientation?
19 How well can you speak English? This question is voluntary
Very well Well Not well Not at all
Straight / Heterosexual

Gay or Lesbian
20 What passports do you hold? Bisexual

Tick all that apply

Other sexual orientation, write in
United Kingdom
Other, write in
27 Isyour
the gender you identify with the same as
sex registered at birth?
This question is voluntary
OR none
21 How is your health in general?
No, write in gender identity
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad

Page 24
Individual questions — Person 4 continued
28 The next set of questions is about your
33 Inof the last seven days, were you doing any
the following?
Record any qualifications you have ever achieved in Tick all that apply
England, Wales or worldwide, including equivalents, Include casual or temporary work, even if
even if you are not using them now only for one hour

29 Have you completed an apprenticeship? Working as an employee GO TO 39

For example, trade, advanced, foundation, modern Self-employed or freelance GO TO 39
Temporarily away from work ill,
Yes No
on holiday or temporarily laid off GO TO 39
GO TO 39
30 Have On maternity or paternity leave

you achieved a qualification at
degree level or above? Doing any other kind of paid work GO TO 39
For example, degree, foundation degree, HND or OR none of the above
HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing

Yes No 34 Which of the following describes what you were

doing in the last seven days?

Tick all that apply
31 Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Retired (whether receiving a pension or not)
Tick all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent Looking after home or family
5 or more GCSEs (A*–C, 9–4), O levels (passes) or Long-term sick or disabled
CSEs (grade 1)
Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or
Basic Skills course 35 Inforthe last four weeks, were you actively looking
any kind of paid work?
AS, A level or equivalent
2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
1 A level, 2–3 AS levels

1 AS level 36 Ifwithin
a job became available now, could you start it
two weeks?
NVQ or equivalent Yes
NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, No
City and Guilds Advanced Craft

NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft 37 Injobthe last seven days, were you waiting to start a
already accepted?
NVQ level 1

OR other or no qualifications No
Any other qualifications, equivalent unknown

No qualifications
38 Have you ever done any paid work?
Yes, in the last 12 months
32 Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces? Yes, but not in the last 12 months
Current serving members should only tick "no" No, have never worked GO TO 51

Yes, previously served in Regular Armed Forces

39 Answer the remaining questions for your main job
or, if not working, your last main job.
Yes, previously served in Reserve Armed Forces
Your main job is the job in which you usually work
OR no (worked) the most hours

Page 25
Individual questions — Person 4 continued
40 Inemployment
your main job, what is (was) your
46 If you had a job last week GO TO 47
If you were temporarily
away from work last week GO TO 47
If you did not have a job last week GO TO 51
Self-employed or freelance without employees
Self-employed with employees 47 Indoyour main job, how many hours a week
you usually work?

41 What is (was) the name of the organisation

or business you work (worked) for?
Include paid and unpaid overtime

0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 48 49 or more
If you are (were) self-employed in your own
business, write in your business name

48 How do you usually travel to work?
Tick one box only for the longest part, by distance,
of your usual journey to work
Work mainly at or from home
OR no organisation or work (worked) for Underground, metro, light rail, tram

a private individual

42 What is (was) your full job title? Bus, minibus or coach

Do not state your grade or pay band
Driving a car or van
Passenger in a car or van
On foot
43 Briefly describe what you do (did) in your main job.
49 Where do you mainly work?
At a workplace or report to a depot
At or from home GO TO 51
An offshore installation GO TO 51
44 What is (was) the main activity of your
organisation, business or freelance work?
No fixed place GO TO 51


50 What is the address of your workplace or depot?
If you are (were) a civil servant, write CIVIL SERVICE
If you are (were) a local government officer, write

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and give the name of your

department within the local authority


51 There are no more questions for Person 4.

GO TO questions for Person 5
OR if there are no more people in this household
45 Do (did) you supervise or oversee the work of
other employees on a day-to-day basis? GO TO the Visitor questions on the back page
OR if there are no visitors staying here overnight
Yes No GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 26
Individual questions — Person 5 start here
P Thinking about the people listed in question H3,
are you Person 5?
6 Do you stay at another address for more than
30 days a year?
These days could be in a row or separate

No – enter the details for Person 5 in this section No GO TO 8

Yes, write in other UK address below
1 What is your name? (Person 5 in question H3)

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

OR yes, outside the UK, write in country

2 What is your date of birth?
Day Month

3 What is your sex?


A question about gender identity will follow if you are
aged 16 or over


I 7 What is that address?
Armed forces base address
Another address when working away from home
Student’s home address
Student’s term-time address
Another parent or guardian’s address
Partner’s address
Holiday home
4 On 21 March 2021, what is your legal marital or
registered civil partnership status? Other

Never married and never 8 Are you a schoolchild or student in full-time

registered a civil partnership GO TO 6
Married Yes No GO TO 10

In a registered civil partnership 9 During term time, where do you usually live?
Separated, but still legally married At the address on the front of this questionnaire
Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership At the address in question 6 GO TO 51

Divorced At another address GO TO 51

Formerly in a civil partnership which is now
legally dissolved 10 What is your country of birth?
Widowed England GO TO 13
Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership Wales GO TO 13
Scotland GO TO 13

5 Who is (was) your legal marriage or registered

civil partnership to?
Northern Ireland GO TO 13
Republic of Ireland
Someone of the opposite sex Elsewhere, write in current name of the country

Someone of the same sex

Page 27
Individual questions — Person 5 continued
11 Ifdidyouyouwere not born in the United Kingdom, when
most recently arrive to live here?
15 What is your ethnic group?
Choose one section from A to E, then tick one box
Do not count short visits away from the UK to best describe your ethnic group or background

Month Year
A White
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
If you arrived before 21 March 2020 GO TO 13 Irish
If you arrived on or Gypsy or Irish Traveller
after 21 March 2020 GO TO 12

12 Including the time you have already spent here, how
long do you intend to stay in the United Kingdom?
Any other White background, write in

Less than 12 months

12 months or more B Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups

13 One year ago, what was your usual address? White and Black Caribbean

If you had no usual address one year ago, state White and Black African
the address where you were staying White and Asian

Same as Person 1 Any other Mixed or Multiple background, write in

The address on the front of this questionnaire
Student term-time or boarding school address in
the UK, write in term-time address below
Another address in the UK, write in below

C Asian or Asian British

Any other Asian background, write in

OR outside the UK, write in country

D Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

14 How would you describe your national identity? Caribbean


Tick all that apply African background, write in below

Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean
British background, write in
Scottish E Other ethnic group
Northern Irish Arab
Other, write in Any other ethnic group, write in

Page 28
Individual questions — Person 5 continued
16 What is your religion? 22 Do you have any physical or mental health
conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last
This question is voluntary 12 months or more?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,
Protestant and all other Christian denominations) No GO TO 24

23 Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your
ability to carry out day-to-day activities?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little

Not at all
Any other religion, write in

24 Do you look after, or give any help or support to,

anyone because they have long-term physical or
mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems
17 This question is

related to old age?
intentionally left blank GO TO 18
Exclude anything you do as part of your
paid employment

Yes, 9 hours a week or less
Yes, 10 to 19 hours a week
Yes, 20 to 34 hours a week
Yes, 35 to 49 hours a week
18 What is your main language?
Yes, 50 or more hours a week
English GO TO 20
25 If you are aged 16 or over GO TO 26
Other, write in (including British Sign Language)
If you are aged 15 or under GO TO 51

26 Which of the following best describes your

sexual orientation?
19 How well can you speak English? This question is voluntary
Very well Well Not well Not at all
Straight / Heterosexual

Gay or Lesbian
20 What passports do you hold? Bisexual

Tick all that apply

Other sexual orientation, write in
United Kingdom
Other, write in
27 Isyour
the gender you identify with the same as
sex registered at birth?
This question is voluntary
OR none
21 How is your health in general?
No, write in gender identity
Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad

Page 29
Individual questions — Person 5 continued
28 The next set of questions is about your
33 Inof the last seven days, were you doing any
the following?
Record any qualifications you have ever achieved in Tick all that apply
England, Wales or worldwide, including equivalents, Include casual or temporary work, even if
even if you are not using them now only for one hour

29 Have you completed an apprenticeship? Working as an employee GO TO 39

For example, trade, advanced, foundation, modern Self-employed or freelance GO TO 39
Temporarily away from work ill,
Yes No
on holiday or temporarily laid off GO TO 39
GO TO 39
30 Have On maternity or paternity leave

you achieved a qualification at
degree level or above? Doing any other kind of paid work GO TO 39
For example, degree, foundation degree, HND or OR none of the above
HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching or nursing

Yes No 34 Which of the following describes what you were

doing in the last seven days?

Tick all that apply
31 Have you achieved any other qualifications?
Retired (whether receiving a pension or not)
Tick all that apply
GCSEs or equivalent Looking after home or family
5 or more GCSEs (A*–C, 9–4), O levels (passes) or Long-term sick or disabled
CSEs (grade 1)
Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or
Basic Skills course 35 Inforthe last four weeks, were you actively looking
any kind of paid work?
AS, A level or equivalent
2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels
1 A level, 2–3 AS levels

1 AS level 36 Ifwithin
a job became available now, could you start it
two weeks?
NVQ or equivalent Yes
NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, No
City and Guilds Advanced Craft

NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft 37 Injobthe last seven days, were you waiting to start a
already accepted?
NVQ level 1

OR other or no qualifications No
Any other qualifications, equivalent unknown

No qualifications
38 Have you ever done any paid work?
Yes, in the last 12 months
32 Have you previously served in the UK Armed Forces? Yes, but not in the last 12 months
Current serving members should only tick "no" No, have never worked GO TO 51

Yes, previously served in Regular Armed Forces

39 Answer the remaining questions for your main job
or, if not working, your last main job.
Yes, previously served in Reserve Armed Forces
Your main job is the job in which you usually work
OR no (worked) the most hours

Page 30
Individual questions — Person 5 continued
40 Inemployment
your main job, what is (was) your
46 If you had a job last week GO TO 47
If you were temporarily
away from work last week GO TO 47
If you did not have a job last week GO TO 51
Self-employed or freelance without employees
Self-employed with employees 47 Indoyour main job, how many hours a week
you usually work?

41 What is (was) the name of the organisation

or business you work (worked) for?
Include paid and unpaid overtime

0 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 48 49 or more
If you are (were) self-employed in your own
business, write in your business name

48 How do you usually travel to work?
Tick one box only for the longest part, by distance,
of your usual journey to work
Work mainly at or from home
OR no organisation or work (worked) for Underground, metro, light rail, tram

a private individual

42 What is (was) your full job title? Bus, minibus or coach

Do not state your grade or pay band
Driving a car or van
Passenger in a car or van
On foot
43 Briefly describe what you do (did) in your main job.
49 Where do you mainly work?
At a workplace or report to a depot
At or from home GO TO 51
An offshore installation GO TO 51
44 What is (was) the main activity of your
organisation, business or freelance work?
No fixed place GO TO 51


50 What is the address of your workplace or depot?
If you are (were) a civil servant, write CIVIL SERVICE
If you are (were) a local government officer, write

LOCAL GOVERNMENT and give the name of your

department within the local authority


51 There are no more questions for Person 5.

If there are more people in your household, you will
need to request a Continuation Questionnaire.
45 Do (did) you supervise or oversee the work of
other employees on a day-to-day basis?
GO TO the Visitor questions on the back page
OR if there are no visitors staying here overnight
Yes No GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 31
Visitor questions
V How many visitors did you include in question H5?
One to three visitors – answer questions V1 to V4 below for each visitor
Four or more visitors – answer questions V1 to V4 below for the first three visitors, then go to www.census.gov.uk or
call 0800 141 2021 to request a Continuation Questionnaire

Visitor A
V1 What is this person’s name? V4 What is this person’s usual UK address?
First name

Last name

V2 What is this person’s date of birth?
Day Month Year

OR outside the UK, write in country

V3 What is this person’s sex?
Female Male

Visitor B
V1 What is this person’s name? V4 What is this person’s usual UK address?
First name Same address as Visitor A

Last name
V2 What is this person’s date of birth?
Day Month Year Postcode

V3 What is this person’s sex? OR outside the UK, write in country

Female Male

Visitor C
V1 What is this person’s name? V4 What is this person’s usual UK address?
First name Same address as Visitor A

Last name

V2 What is this person’s date of birth?

Day Month Year Postcode

V3 What is this person’s sex? OR outside the UK, write in country

Female Male

Now GO TO the Declaration on the front page

Page 32

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