Map inside front cover Enemies 23
Introduction 1 11 Vomit Lizard 23
PC Backgrounds 3 12 Glass Lizard 23
11 Wasteland Wanderer 3 13 Scorpion 24
12 Shaved Bear 3 14 Sprinting Beast 24
13 Alqai 4 15 Dune Beetle 25
14 Dune Rider 4 16 Slough Lizardling 25
15 Rebel Azure Ape 5 21 Freshwater Grub 26
16 Sultanless Guard 5 22 Soldier of the Divine 28
21 Slough Lizardling 6 23 Narrowman Nomad 28
22 Eunuch 7 24 Great Worm Young 29
23 Life-Rider 7 25 Ruin Degenerate 29
24 Sandworm Rider 8 26 Glass Spirit 30
25 Rubble Dweller 8 31 False-Dune Snake 30
26 Coated Man
e 9 32 Dune Ghoul 31
31 Coated Squire 9 33 Desert Roc 31
32 Hyenaman Scavenger 10 34 Murder-Cacti 32
33 Refugee of the Past 11 35 Duneshark 32
34 Narrowman Nomad 11 36 Azure Ape 33
35 Freshwater Grub Agent 12 41 Rockborer 33
36 Sand-Sifter 12 42 Hiver Beetle 34
41 Sha’ir 13 43 Beaked Starfish 35
42 Retired Gladiator 13 44 Nightblooming Orchid Bees 35
What happened is long forgotten. Remains of it, barely understood by the
most learned scholars, are rife throughout the lands but most are too busy
surviving or maintaining their strangleholds on water and power, power and
water to ponder these relics.
The greatest living city of the desert is Shurupak, breeding ground of pleasure
and nightmare. All people, all faiths, all goods are valued in meretricious
Shurupak, ruled by the Many-Crowned Monarch and her terrible guard a
thousand-thousand strong. The wealth of the city is untouched, uncontested,
and many covet the throne. The Many-Crowned Monarch—bestudded
Monarch by
the titles of these many pretenders are not entirely false. They compete
endlessly in petty games, inevitably forgotten as the hubris of the current
ruler inevitably causes a fall. Those closest to Shurupak, (AlshgarAlshgar the
Nightmare Emirate, the Beggar Sultanate and the Valley of Wisdom to name
but a few) are the most ancient and stablest whilst the peripheral Emirs and
Maliks barely maintain their grasp for a generation or more.
Beyond this anarchic sprawl are the Wastes
Wastes—lands riddled with all manner
of nomadic groups and beasts dwelling beneath the sands, all bowing in
respect to the Worms roaming freely atwixt the dunes. The Alqai, four armed
metal‑workers, emerge from the Duneholds to sell exquisitely worked
goods or continue the ages-old war with the Dune Riders on their slender
sand‑slicing boats.