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DMSinfoE 9904

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Bosch Access Networks:

Broadband Radio Access Systems

Digital Multipoint System Series (DMS)
The DMS Series from Bosch Telecom offers a
new and advanced broadband wireless access
network solution.

The right connection.


Access networks are important configured via one common net- network. This system solution is
building blocks used to close the work management system. Thus, of special importance, if a quick
gap between the classical trans- the customer can select any suit- deployment is required and the
port (backbone) networks and able solution (or mixtures thereof) installation of a wired network
the end user. The Bosch Access to optimize his specific needs. is not possible or too expensive.
Network is the optimum solution Consequently, no compromise in
for this purpose as it supports all As an integral part of the Bosch quality can be accepted for the
physical media (fiber, copper, Access Network, the DMS (Digi- wireless solution.
coax and radio) in one single tal Multipoint System) forms the
system and is monitored and broadband wireless part of the

51 Mbit/s
on Demand ATM-PON



Telephony 64 kbit/s ATM-ONU ONU
Active Optical Network Network POTS
(STM-1) (STM-1, ISDN
CDN STM-4) MS1/4

Fast Internet

MSV5 MS1/4 Leased

Wireless Point-to- Lines
Local Multipoint
DECT Loop Radio Transmission

Access Network (all technologies)

DMS – a highly flexible system concept

Main features:
● Point-to-Multipoint system ● Efficient bandwidth utilization ● Integrated RF and micro-
concept ● Dynamic assignment of traffic wave radio technology
● Single and multiple cell capacity ● Software-controlled system
configurations ● High system capacity in functions
● Flexible sectorization cellular environment ● Quick and easy installation
topologies ● Configurable for business and and setup
● Seamless integration into residential access ● Planning tools for optimum
the Bosch Access Network ● Wide range of RF frequencies coverage
● Open and standardized ● Fixed network quality and ● Online interference manage-
interfaces availability ment (OIM) for further
● Full network management ● Advanced adaptive modem capacity optimization
control (OPEN NSÜ) technology

Narrowband Radio Network Management

Access System
TMN = Telecommunications
Single subscriber access for
Management Network
data (8 kbit/s to 256 kbit/s) RNU


Broadband Radio
Access System Feeder Service
Concentrated access for (e.g. ex-
POTS, ISDN and n x 64 kbit/s; optional
10BaseT, 2 Mbit/s, Leased Lines, RBS
Video on Demand (VoD),

Mobile networks Feeder network

(e.g. GSM, DECT,...) 2 Mbit/s

RBS: Radio Base Station
CDN: Central Distribution Node
RNU: Radio Network Unit

System block diagram

DMS system building blocks

Base station:

The DMS base station consists

of three main building blocks:
the outdoor sectorized trans-
ceiver units with integrated an-
tennas, the modular indoor units
for modulation, demodulation
and computer control and the
access concentrator for the con-
nection to the transmission net-
work and/or switch.

All units are fully modular and

allow a smooth migration and
incremental expansion from
small to very large systems. Due
to the unique feature of DMS to
access any transmission link in-
dividually, even a change in the
sectorization topology is possible
after an initial installation with-
out sector shutdown. Base station with concentrator

The base station interfaces are

open and standardized. Thus, a
high compatibility with existing
networks is ensured. The access
concentrator consists of open
interfaces to the radio modems
and network. Based on a varie-
ty of interface cards available,
any combination of services User terminals: Indoor and outdoor units are
(e.g. leased lines, switched ser- inter-connected by a single
vices and data) can be provided Due to the variety of services coaxial cable.
up to a node capacity of STM-4 in different frequency bands,
(622 Mbit/s). a whole family of user terminal The radio outdoor units with
equipment is available. Like integrated planar antennas
the base station, the user termi- have different sizes depending
nal consists of a frequency-inde- on the frequency range and
pendent indoor radio network multiple access scheme used.
unit (RNU) with the necessary Besides the very compact inte-
customer interfaces and a fre- grated solution, the connection
quency-dependent outdoor unit of a separate antenna for spe-
comprising the antenna and cial link range requirements is
transceiver equipment. possible.

Installation of an outdoor unit (frequency range: 10 GHz)

The standard application for For higher capacity demands

business access is covered by or special applications, various
RNU30. This access unit pro- other network units are
vides POTS, ISDN, transpa- available such as RNU2M
rent data and TCP/IP services (1 x 2Mbit/s) or RNUn x 2M
via plug-in modules with up to (n x 2Mbit/s). Based on these
30 physical interfaces with a open interface devices, a va-
granularity of 64 kbit/s and any riety of customary access multi-
traffic mixture up to a maximum plexers can be connected. For
capacity of 2 Mbit/s. single or multiple E1 or T1
connections, an access interface
For residential access, smaller unit is not required, since the
network units (e.g. RNU8) are radio modem directly provides
RNU8 Radio Network Unit available. these interfaces.

RNU30 Radio Network Unit RNU2M x n Radio Network Unit RNU2M-1 Radio Network Unit

DMS air interface

Operation modes FDMA/FBA mode FDMA/DBA mode

Depending on the different FDMA (Frequency Division If the traffic of a terminal is

applications, the air inter- Multiple Access) is a highly varying strongly (e.g. switched
face supports various efficient and flexible multiple circuit services like POTS and/
multiple access schemes, access scheme, as long as band- or ISDN or data), DMS sup-
in order to ensure an opti- width allocation is variable. ports the dynamic allocation of
mum spectrum utilization Within the DMS solution, en- transmission capacity (DBA
in all cases of application. hanced adaptive and variable mode: dynamic bandwidth al-
Each link can be individually modem technology allows to location). This feature permits
set to any operation mode individually set up any single a concentration of traffic over
independent of the others. (bidirectional) link from the the air and thus an even more
base station to the terminals efficient use of RF bandwidth.
according to the actual needs.
The following parameters of This concentration mode re-
the transmission link can be quires a signalling protocol
changed during operation with- from the user interface to the
out any bit loss: concentrating device (in most
cases the switch). In this case,
● Frequency DMS supports open switch
● Modulation scheme interfaces such as V5.1 and
● Data rate V5.2 for switched services and
● Power data. VB5 for ATM-based ser-
vices will be provided in a later
In the FBA (Flexible Band- version.
width Allocation) mode, these
parameters are monitored and
configured by the central net-
work management system
according to the bandwidth
requirements of the individual
user. This type of operation is
best suited for terminals with
constant or slowly varying
traffic or access network units
with preconcentration capabi-

In this case of application, the

air interface is used as a shared
medium, i.e. different users can
use the same frequency band.

W-CDMA mode Modulation schemes

FDMA/FBA and FDMA/DBA The selection of the modula-

are best suited for higher data tion schemes for the FDMA
rate access. This is only possi- modes is always a compromise
ble, if higher microwave radio between modulation efficiency,
frequencies with sufficient transmission quality and system
transmission bandwidth can be capacity especially in a cellular
used. In these frequency bands, environment.
LOS (line of sight) propaga-
tion conditions are required. In the DMS, modulation
Favourable transmission cha- schemes up to 16 levels with
racteristics can be achieved by a spectrum efficiency up to
using high-gain terminal an- 2.5 Bit/s/Hz are used dynamic-
tennas requiring careful point- ally and adaptively, i.e. based
ing to the base station and on the C/I (carrier to interfer-
guaranteeing a high immunity ence) ratio of any individual
to interference signals. link. Modulation schemes with
more than 16 levels are not
For residential applications, recommended due to the fact,
lower frequencies are more that in a real environment,
favourable, since they permit the required C/I is not avail-
NLOS (non-line of sight or able and the higher spectrum
near-line of sight) propagation. efficiency cannot be utilized.
Here wider beam antennas
with higher interference po-
tential are used. Remote Transmit Power
Control (RTPC)
For these applications, DMS
uses W-CDMA (Wideband Any individual link is remotely
Code Division Multiple Ac- power-controlled in both direc-
cess), a method with reduced tions. This guarantees mini-
system capacity in comparison mum interference potential
to FDMA, but with a high im- during clear sky propagation
munity to interferences, thus conditions and a sufficient fad-
facilitating the installation pro- ing margin for heavy rainfall
cess even further. conditions especially at high
microwave radio frequencies.

DMS applications and configurations

Typical applications System configuration Services, Interfaces

(Radio to the building) V5.1 or V5.2 Multiple ISDN (Uo, So)
Business access STM-1, STM-4 V.35, V.11
RNU30 Fast Internet (TCP/IP)
(Radio to the home) V5.1 or V5.2 ISDN (U0, So)
Residential access STM-1, STM-4 Fast Internet (TCP/IP)
Leased Lines FDMA/FBA E1 (2 Mbit/s)
STM-1, STM-4 T1 (1.5 Mbit/s)
RNU2M Fractional E1
RNU n¥ 2M Fractional T1
XMP-1-C n x 64 kbit/s
Microcell FDMA/FBA E1 (2 Mbit/s)
Networking STM-1, STM-4 Fractional E1
(GSM, DECT, PHS, PCS) RNU2M n x 64 kbit/s
V5.1 or V5.2

Example of a radio cell with mixed sectorization (15 °, 45 °, 2 x 90 °)

DMS system capacity

Switched services mode

mode mode
Frequency range [GHz] 3.5 10.5 24/26/28 3.5 10.5 24/26/28
RF bandwidth [MHz] 14 30 28 14 30 28
Sectorization [ °] 60 45 45 60 45 45
Number of terminals with 4 lines/CPE 200 576 536 420 1200 1080
Total number of lines 800 2304 2144 1680 4800 4320
Cell/trunk capacity [Mbit/s] 51 155 137 51 155 137
Number of terminals with 30 lines/CPE 45 112 88 108 344 312
Total number of lines 1340 3360 2640 3240 10320 9360
Cell/trunk capacity [Mbit/s] 85 215 170 85 215 170
Boundary conditions for capacity calculation: typical cellular coverage (with interference)
BER < 10 –7
for DBA: blocking: < 0.01%
traffic: 0.2 Erl/subscriber

Leased line mode

Frequency range [GHz] 3.5 10.5 24/26/28

RF bandwidth [MHz] 14 30 28
Sectorization [ °] 60 45 45
Number of E1 per sector 12 27 25
Number of E1 per cell (6/8 sectors) 72 216 201
Cell/trunk capacity [Mbit/s] 147 442 412
Total capacity of all channels 880 Mbit/s 2.2 Gbit/s 7.4 Gbit/s
in the frequency band [Mbit/s] at 26 GHz
Boundary conditions for capacity calculation: typical cellular coverage (with interference)
BER < 10 –7
mix of available modulation schemes

Internet traffic

Frequency range [GHz] 3.5 10.5 24/26/28

RF bandwidth [MHz] 14 30 28
Sectorization [ °] 60 45 45
Number of active Internet users per sector 900 3240 3000
Number of active Internet users per cell 5400 25920 24000
Boundary conditions: Peak rate: 2 Mbit/s, duty cycle: 3%

Technical characteristics

Air interface
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24.5 – 26.5
Multiple access scheme FDMA W-CDMA FDMA FDMA
Air interface protocol FBA and DBA DBA FBA and DBA FBA and DBA
Modulation schemes QPSK QPSK QPSK QPSK
(software-configurable) 8-TCM 8-TCM 8-TCM
16-TCM 16-TCM 16-TCM
Channel coding Convolutional Convolutional Convolutional Convolutional
(software-configurable) Trellis Trellis Trellis
Reed solomon Reed solomon Reed solomon
Demodulation Coherent Coherent Coherent Coherent
Viterbi decoder Viterbi decoder Viterbi decoder Viterbi decoder
Channel bandwidth [MHz] 14 14 30 28
Channel allocation duplex duplex duplex duplex
04040, 04040, 04040, 04040,
14-03 E 14-03 E 12-05 E 13-02 E
other frequency bands upon request

Base station
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24.5 – 26.5
Architecture Modular, scaleable, frequency-independent indoor units,
frequency-dependent outdoor units
Antenna sectorization 60° 15°, 45°, 90° 15°, 45°, 90°
Number of sectors per cell 1–6 1 – 8 (24) 1 – 8 (24)
Antenna type Planar, sector beam, low sidelobes, low cross-polarization
Interconnection indoor/outdoor Single coaxial cable
Network interfaces STM-1, STM-4, 34 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, QD2, Q3
Network protocols CAS, V5.1, V5.2, VB5

User terminal
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24.5 – 26.5
Architecture Modular, scaleable, frequency-independent indoor units,
frequency-dependent outdoor units
Interconnection indoor/outdoor Single coaxial cable
Antennas Planar, high gain, Planar, high gain, Planar, high gain,
low sidelobes, low sidelobes, low sidelobes,
low cross-polarization low cross-polarization low cross-polarization
30 cm parabolic
60 cm parabolic
User interfaces n x POTS, n x ISDN (Uo, So), V.35, V.11, n x 64 kbit/s,
(depending on network unit) 10BaseT, E1, fractional E1, n x E1(n up to 8), T1, fractional T1,
Local PC element manager

Link range (cell radius) and availability
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24/26/28
Rain zone up to E up to 15 km (*) up to 10 km 3 – 5 km
Data rate 2 Mbit/s
BER < 10 –6
Availability 99.995 %
Rain zone up to K up to 15 km (*) up to 10 km 3 – 5 km
Data rate 2 Mbit/s
BER < 10 –6
Availability 99.99 %
Rain zone up to P up to 15 km (*) up to 5 km 1 – 3 km
Data rate 2 Mbit/s
BER < 10 –6
Availability 99.95 %
Remarks: typical average values for standard system configuration, (*) range limited by
enhanced link ranges with special system configurations interference

Environmental specifications
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24/26/28
Temperature range Indoor units: ETS 300 019, Class 3.1
Outdoor units: ETS 300 019, Class 4.1
Power consumption Terminal: depending on the configuration
Base station: depending on the configuration
Physical dimensions Terminal: Outdoor units: 3.5 GHz: 220 x 280 x 70
w x h xd [mm] 10 GHz: 275 x 460 x 60
26 GHz: 212 x 389 x 83
Indoor units: RNU 30 : 435 x 305 x 249
RNU 8: 268 x 305 x 249
RNU2M: 19" rack mount 1 HU
RNU n x 2M: 19" rack mount 7 HU
Base station: Outdoor units: 3.5 GHz: 280 x 420 x 70
10 GHz: 275 x 460 x 110
26 GHz: 212 x 389 x 94
Indoor units: 19" rack mounting
acc. to system capacity
Wind speed Operation: 164 km/h
Survival: 250 km/h
Electromagnetic compatibility ETS 300 385, EN 50081-1, EN 50082-1, EN 55022, DIN VDE 0878, Part1/3
and safety EN 60950

Miscellaneous specifications
Frequency band [GHz] 3.4 – 3.6 10.15 – 10.65 24.5 – 26.5
Security, fraud prevention Standard: Identification of subscribers
via the network management system
Optional: SIMM card reader and software control
per link authentication
Optional: Encryption subsystem (software enabled)
DES standard
Alignment tool Installation and alignment kit
Planning tools Planning tools for business and cell/link planning upon request

Public Networks
D-71520 Backnang

Fax ++49 (7191) 3212

Bosch Telecom GmbH

Telephone ++49 (7191) 13-0
© Bosch Telecom GmbH • 081207 • Specifications subject to change • Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany • 03.99

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