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Model Curriculum for Three/Four Year

Degree Course (With Multiple Entry /Exit

Based on NEP-2020


Odisha State Higher Education Council, Bhubaneswar

Government of Odisha
1. Structure and Regulation………………………………..

2. Core Courses (4 Credits each)…………………………………

3. Multidisciplinary Courses………………………………….
(3 courses to be chosen from baskets of Multidisciplinary for Semester-I/II/III
with 3 credits each)

4. Ability Enhancement Courses…………………………..

(Odia and English are the compulsory courses under Semester-I/II respectively
with 4 Credits each)

5. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)……………………....

(3 courses to be chosen from baskets of SEC for Semester-I/II/III respectively
with 3 credits each)

6. Value Added Courses………………………………........

a. Environmental Studies and Disaster management compulsory under
Semester-I with 3 Credits
b. 3 courses to be chosen from baskets of VAC for Semester-III/V/VI with
3 credits each

7. Summer Vocational Course ……………………………

(Students may choose vocational courses after 2nd Semester and 4th Semester
for Certificate Course or Diploma Course respectively with 4 credit each opt for
Program Outcome:

The Department of Information Technology Management (ITM) is dedicated to

promote learning the various subjects and technologies in the field of
information technology and management. This program inspires the students
who want to shape their career in IT professional world. As the IT industry is
the fastest growing industry in India and in the world, this program generates
ample opportunities for employment. The program prepares the students for a
range of computer applications, techniques of computer networking, software
engineering, Web Development, Data Analytics, SQL, Python and Java etc.
which helps them to enter into the software industry. Apart from these, the
program focuses on principle of management and organization behaviour
through which the students gain the knowledge of management which help
them to effectively understand and handle managerial requirements in the
industry. This program incorporates human values and morality by responsibly
accepting the roles to work for the sustainable development of self and society.
It also focuses on acquiring the ability to survive in the environment of rapid
technological changes through dynamic learning. Students will develop
leadership and communication skills, goal setting, time management techniques
and to collaborate more effectively in teams in their workplaces.
Core I Data structure Using C

Course Objectives:

The course is designed to provide complete knowledge of C language and its use in data
structure. Students will be able to develop logics which will help them to write programs
C. Also, by learning the basic programming constructs they can easily switch over to any
other programming languages in future. It strengthens the ability of the students to
identify and apply the suitable data structure for the given real- w o r l d problems. It
enables them to gain knowledge in practical applications of data structures.

Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
 Learn various elements of C language including data types, Operators, expressions,
decision making implementation in programs.
 Write complex programs using arrays, structure, pointer & functions.
 Know the concept of stack, queue, linked list to represent data in various ways to
solve real time applications.
 Search and sort the data using various searching and sorting methods.


Introduction: Introduction to Programming Language, C h a r a c t e r s e t s , Keywords &

Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Input and Output statements (Formatted and
Unformatted), Data types and modifiers, Types of Operators, Precedence and associativity
of operators.
Control statements (Simple IF Statement, IF…ELSE, Nested IF…ELSE, IF...ELSE...IF
Ladder), Switch Statement. Looping: Do…WHILE, WHILE and FOR Loop. Array
Concept (1D and 2D Array).
Outcome: Students will able to understand the basics of C language to write programs
and to store the data using array.


Pointers and its types, Pointer arithmetic, Array of Pointers, Pointer to pointer. Storage
classes. Functions: Types, Function Calls, Recursion, String, Structure, Self-Referential
Structure, Array of Structures, Union.
Outcome: Students will be able to understand the use of Pointers in data structures, can
learn the reusability of codes through functions, can be able to write complex programs
in C.

Dynamic Memory allocation (calloc, malloc, realloc &, free). Stack: Definition,
Representation, Stack operations, Applications (Infix– Prefix– Postfix Conversion &
Evaluation). Queues: Definition, Representation, queue operations & Applications.
Linked Lists: Definition, Types (Single and Doubly Linked List), representation, and
Linked list insertion and deletion operations.
Outcome: Students will be aware of data arrangements and accessing those data for
various real-time applications.


Trees: Tree Terminologies, Binary Tree, Representation, Binary search Tree, Traversing
BST, Operations on BST, Heap Tree (max-Heap & Min-Heap). Sorting: Bubble Sort,
Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort. Searching: Linear Search, Binary Search.
Outcome: Students will be able to search and sort the data and will come to know about the
arrangements of data in a hierarchical manner.

Text Books:

 E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSIC”,4/e,

( TMH)
 Classic Data Structure, P. Samanta, PHI,2/ed

Reference Books:
 B. Kernighan &Dennis Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”,2/ePHI
 Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, “C: How to Program”,8/prentice Hall.
 P.C. Sethi,P.K. Behera,“Programming using C”,Kalyani Publisher,Ludhiana
 Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia
Publications, 2000.
 Sastry C.V.,Nayak , R,Ch. Rajaramesh, Data Structure & Algorithms, I.K.
International Publishing House Pvt .Ltd, New Delhi.
Tutorial C & Data Structure Lab Write C’
 Basic programs in C language.
 Programs using conditional statements (if. else, else if ladder, nested if, switch
 Programs using various loops
 Programs using 1D, 2 D and multidimensional array.
 Program based on pointers.
 Programs using functions, recursion and strings.
 Programs based on structure and union.
 Programs on command line arguments.
 To search an element and print the total time of occurrence in the array.
 To delete all occurrence of an element in an array.
 Array implementation of Stack.
 Array implementation of Linear Queue.
 To implement linear linked list and perform different operations such as node insert
and delete, search of an item, reverse the list.
 To implement double linked list and perform different operations such as node insert
and delete.
 Linked list implementation of Stack.
 Linked list implementation of Queue.
 To implement a Binary Search Tree.
 To perform binary search operation.
 Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Quicksort.

Core-II Operating Systems

Course Objectives:

This course has two components: a theory component to teach you the concepts and
principles that underlie modern operating systems, and a practice component to relate
theoretical principles with operating system implementation. In the theory component,
you will learn about processes and processor management, concurrency and
synchronization, memory management schemes, file system and secondary storage
management, security and protection, etc.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Understand the different services provided by Operating System at different level.

 Learn real life applications of Operating System in every field.
 Understand the use of different process scheduling algorithm and
synchronization techniques to avoid deadlock.
 Learn different memory management techniques like paging, segmentation and
demand paging etc.


Introduction to Operating System, System Structures: Operating system services, system

calls, system programs, Operating system design and implementation, Operating system
Outcome: Students will be able to know the basic components and services of operating

Process Management: Process Concept, Operations on processes, Process scheduling and

algorithms, Inter-process Communication, Concepts on Thread and Process, Deadlocks:
Deadlock detection, deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance fundamentals.
Outcome: Students will be able to discuss various scheduling algorithms and know the
concept of deadlock.

Memory Management Strategies: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging,
Segmentation, Virtual Memory Management: Concepts, implementation (Demand
Paging), Page Replacement, Thrashing.
Outcome: Students will be able to comprehend how an operating system virtualizes CPU and


Storage Management: File System concept, Access Methods, File System Mounting, File
Sharing and File Protection, Implementing File Systems, Kernel I/O Systems.
Outcome: Students will be able to understand the functionality of file systems.

Text Books:
 Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, and Greg
Gagne, Eighth Edition, WileyStudentEdition2009.

Reference Books:
 Modern Operating System, Tanenbaum, Pearson,4/Ed.2014.
 Richard F Ashley, Linux with Operating System Concepts, Chapman and
Hall/CRC Published, August 26, 2014.
 Richard Blum, Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, O’ Reilly.

Operating Systems Lab

 Write a program (using fork() and/or exec() commands) where parent and child
execute: same program, same code. same program, different code. Before
terminating, the parent waits for the child to finish its task.
 Write a program to report behavior of Linux kernel including kernel version, CPU
type and model. (CPU information)
 Write a program to report behavior of Linux kernel including information on
configured memory, amount of free and used memory. (memory information)
 Write a program to print file details including owner access permissions, file access
time, where file name is given as argument.
 Write a program to copy files using system calls.
 Write a program using C to implement FCFS scheduling algorithm.
 Write a program using C to implement Round Robin scheduling algorithm.
 Write a program using C to implement SJF scheduling algorithm.
 Write a program using C to implement non-preemptive priority-based
scheduling algorithm.
 Write a program using C to implement preemptive priority-based scheduling
 Write a program using C to implement SRTF scheduling algorithm.
 Write a program using C to implement first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocation
Core III Principle of Management

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to help the students to get aware towards varied management
principles and practices. This course covers the explanations about the fundamentals of
management disciplines in organizational context. It details the different functions of
management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Understand the concepts related to Business.

 Demonstrate the roles, skills and functions of management.
 Focus on the theories of management.
 Demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts, tools &
techniques used by executives in developing and executing
strategies and will appreciate its integrative and interdisciplinary

Nature of Management: Meaning, Definition, importance & Functions, Nature of

Management as Art, Science & Profession, levels of management, managerial tasks and
Different Schools of Thoughts: Classical School-contributions of Taylor and Henri Fayol
Neo-classical School-Human Relations approach and Behavioural Science Approach;
Modern School; System approach and Contingency approach.
Outcome: The students will be able to understand the basic concepts, principles, approaches
and practices of management. It inculcates the ability to apply multifunctional approach to
organizational objective.


Planning - Meaning - Need & Importance, types, – advantages & limitations, Forecasting
- Need & Techniques, Decision making - Types - Process of rational decision making &
techniques of decision making,
Organizing- Concept, importance, principles, different organization models-line and
staff; Functional; Depart mentation-need, basis, principles, Delegation of Authority-
Elements, steps barriers; Centralization and Decentralization of Authority; Span of
Management; concept and determining factors.
Outcome: The students will be able to have a conceptual knowledge about the planning and
decision making and also able to apply the concept of organizing for the effective functioning
of management.

Staffing - Meaning & Importance. Directing: concepts, importance of directing, Leadership:

Concept, importance, types, leadership traits, Tannenbaum& Schmidt’s Model and Blake
& Mouton’s Model.
Outcome: The students will be able to evaluate leadership style to anticipate the
consequences of each leadership style, diagnose qualities of efficient leadership, and able to
demonstrate elements of directing and its applications.


Motivation: Concept, importance, importance of need theory, and contributions of

McGregor, Maslow, Herzberg. Coordination: concepts, importance, principles and
implementation techniques. Control: concepts, importance, process and tools of control.
Outcome: The students will be able to demonstrate clear understanding of the concepts, tools
and models of Motivation, coordination and controlling.

Text Books:

 Harold Koontz and Iteinz Weibrich, Essential of Management, McGraw Hills

 K. Aswathapa, Essential of Business Administration, Himalaya Publishing House.

Reference Books:

 L.M. Prasad Principles & practice of management - Sultan Chand & Sons – New
 Tripathi, Reddy, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill.

Principle of Management
Guidelines for the Project:

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organizational problems. The project may be from any one of your areas related to the
concerned subject.
Project report: The Project Report must have the following.
 Cover Page – must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide with
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with page nos.
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in Index of

Index of Chapters:

 Chapter-I: Introduction & Review of literatures

 Chapter-II: Research Methodology
 Chapter-III: Conceptual & Theoretical
 Chapter-IV: Data Analysis & Interpretations
 Chapter-V: Conclusion, Findings, suggestions & Scope for further research.
 References, Annexure, etc.

Core IV Java Programming

Course Objectives:
 To understand the basic concepts and fundamentals of platform independent
object- oriented language.
 To demonstrate skills in writing programs using exception handling techniques
and multithreading.
 To understand streams and efficient user interface design techniques.
 Use the syntax and semantics of java programming language and basic concepts of
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Develop reusable programs using the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism,

interfaces and packages.
 Apply the concepts of Multithreading and Exception handling to develop efficient
and error free codes.
 Design event driven GUI and web related applications which mimic the real
word scenarios

Introduction to Java: Java History, Architecture and Features, Understanding the

semantic and syntax differences between C++ and Java, Compiling and Executing a Java
Program, Variables, Constants, Keywords (super, this, final, abstract, static, extends,
implements, interface) , Data Types, Wrapper class, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and
Bitwise) and Expressions, Comments, Doing Basic Program Output, Decision Making
Constructs (conditional statements and loops) and Nesting, Java Methods (Defining,
Scope, Passing and Returning Arguments, Type Conversion and Type and Checking,
Built-in Java Class Methods). Input through keyboard using Command line Argument,
the Scanner class, Buffered Reader class.
Outcome: Students will be able to identify java language components and how they work
together in applications.


Object-Oriented Programming Overview: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming,

Defining & Using Classes, Class Variables & Methods, Objects, Object reference,
Objects as parameters, in all classes, Garbage Collection. Constructor-types of constructor,
this keyword, super keyword. Method overloading and Constructor overloading.
Aggregation vs Inheritance, Inheritance: extends vs implements, types of Inheritance,
Interface, Up-Casting, Down-Casting, Auto-Boxing, Enumerations, Polymorphism,
Method Overriding and restrictions. Package: Pre-defined packages and Custom
Outcome: Students will be able to solve real world problem using OOP techniques.


Arrays: Creating & Using Arrays (1D, 2D, 3D and Jagged Array), Array of Object,
Referencing Arrays Dynamically. Strings and I/O: Java Strings: The Java String class,
Creating & Using String Objects, Manipulating Strings, String Immutability & Equality,
and Passing Strings to & from Methods, String Buffer Classes and String Builder
Classes. IO package: Understanding Streams File class and its methods, Creating,
Reading, Writing using
Classes: Byte and Character streams, File Output Stream, File Input Stream, File Writer,
File Reader, Input Stream Reader, Print Stream, Print Writer. Compressing and
Uncompressing File.
Outcome: Students will be able to solve the various problems in array and string, working
with file.

Exception Handling, Threading, Networking and Database Connectivity: Exception
types, uncaught exceptions, throw, built-in exceptions, creating your own exceptions;
Multi-threading: The Thread class and Run able interface, creating single and multiple
threads, Thread prioritization, synchronization and communication, suspending/resuming
threads. Using java.net package, Overview of TCP/IP and Datagram programming.
Accessing and manipulating databases using JDBC.
Outcome: Students will be able to develop multithreaded applications with synchronization,
working with how to handle exception.

Text Books:

 E. Balagurusamy, “Programming with Java”, TMH, 4/Ed.

Reference Books:
 Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference to Java”,
Java Programming Lab

Write the following programs using Java

 To find the sum of any number of integers entered as command line arguments.
 To find the factorial of a given number.
 To convert a decimal to binary number.
 To check if a number is prime or not, by taking the number as input from the
 To find the sum of any number of integers interactively, i.e., entering every number
from the keyboard, whereas the total number of integers is given as a command
line argument.
 Write a program that show working of different functions of String and String
Buffer classes like set Char At(), set Length(), append(), insert(), concat() and
 Write a program to create a – “distance” class with methods where distance is
computed in terms of feet and inches, how to create objects of a class and to see
the use of this pointer.
 Modify the– “distance” class by creating constructor for assigning values (feet
and inches) to the distance object. Create another object and assign second object as
reference variable to another object reference variable. Further create a third object
which is a clone of the first object.
 Write a program to show that during function overloading, if no matching
argument is found, then Java will apply automatic type conversions (from lower to
higher data type).
 Write a program to show the difference between public and private access
specifiers. The program should also show that primitive data types are passed by
value and objects are passed by reference and to learn use of final keyword.
 Write a program to show the use of static functions and to pass variable length
arguments in a function.
 Write a program to create a multilevel package and also creates a reusable class to
generate Fibonacci series, where the function to generate Fibonacci series is given
in a different file belonging to the same package.
 Write a program – “Divide by Zero” that takes two numbers a and b as input,
computes a/b, and invokes Arithmetic Exception to generate a message when the
denominator is zero.
 Write a program to show the use of nested try statements that emphasizes the
sequence of checking for catch handler statements.
 Write a program to create your own exception types to handle situation specific to
your application (Hint: Define a sub class of Exception which itself is a sub class
of Throw able).
 Write a program to demonstrate priorities among multiple threads.
 Write a program to demonstrate different mouse handling event like mouse
Clicked (), mouse Entered (), mouse Exited (), mouse Pressed (), mouse Released
( ) & mouse Dragged ().
 Write a program to demonstrate different keyboard handling events.
 Write a program to demonstrate the concept of boxing and unboxing.
 Create a multi-file program where in one file a string message is taken as in put from
the user and the function to display the message on the screen is given in another
file (make use of Scanner package in this program).
 Write a program that creates illustrates different levels of protection in classes/sub
classes belonging to same package or different packages
Core V Digital Logic

Course Objectives:

Introduce the concept of digital and binary systems. Be able to design and analyze
combinational logic circuits. Be able to design and analyze sequential logic circuits.
Understand the basic software tools for the design and implementation of digital circuits
and systems.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Convert different type of codes and number systems which are used in digital
communication and computer systems.
 Compare different types of logic families which are the basic unit of different
types of logic gates in the domain of economy, performance and efficiency.
 Analyze different types of digital electronic circuit using various mapping and
logical tools and know the techniques to prepare the most simplified circuit using
various mapping and mathematical methods.
 Design different types of digital electronic circuits for particular operation.


Character Codes, Decimal System, Binary System, Decimal to Binary Conversion,

Hexadecimal Notation, Boolean Algebra, Basic Logic Functions: Electronic Logic
Gates, Synthesis of Logic Functions, Minimization of Logic Expressions, Minimization
using Karnaugh Maps, Synthesis with NAND and NOR Gates, Tri-State Buffers.
Outcome: Students will be able to understand the various types of number systems and
their conversions and simplify Boolean expression and apply the Boolean theorems
through logical gates.


Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Addition/ Subtraction Logic

Unit, Design of Fast Adders: Carry-Look ahead Addition, Multiplication of Positive
Numbers, Signed- Operand Multiplication: Booth Algorithm, Fast Multiplication: Bit-
Pair Recoding Multipliers, Carry-Save Addition of Summands, Integer Division,
Floating-Point Numbers and Operations: IEEE Standard for Floating-point Numbers,
Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point Numbers, Guard Bits and Truncation,
Implementing Floating-Point Operations.
Outcome: Students will be able to design and implement variety of logical devices using
combinational circuits concept.

Flip-Flops, Gated Latches, Master-Slave Flip-Flops, Edge-Triggering, T Flip-Flops, JK

Flip Flops. Registers and Shift Registers, Counters, Decoders, Multiplexers,
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA),
Sequential Circuits, UP/DOWN Counters.
Outcome: Students will be able to analyze sequential circuits like registers and counters
using flip-flops.


Memory System: Semiconductor RAM Memories, Internal Organization of Memory Chips,

Static Memories, Asynchronous DRAMS, Synchronous DRAMS, Structure of Large
Memories, Memory System Considerations, RAMBUS Memory. Read-Only Memories:
ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash Memory, Speed, Size, and Cost of Memory.
Secondary Storage: Magnetic Hard Disks, Optical Disks, Magnetic Tape Systems.
Outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate and compare the construction of
programmable logic devices and different types of ROM and RAM.

Text Books:
 Carl Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky: Computer Organization, 5/e (TMH).

Refence Books:
 M. Morris Mano: Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson.

C-1: Paper 5: Practical/Tutorial: Digital Logic Lab

Introduction to Xilinx S/W (VHDL). Write the codes for the following using VHDL.

 Realizing all logic gates.

 Combination Circuit.
 MUX.
 Encoder.
 Decoder.
 PAL.
 PLA.

Also write the codes using VHDL for the following Sequential Logic Circuits:
 Flip Flops.
 Shift Registers.
 Counters.
 Memory Elements.

Core VI Computer Networks

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to provide an overview of the concepts and fundamentals of data
communication and computer networks. It will help the students in understanding of various
types of computer networks, different components of computer networks, various
protocols, e-mail and communication protocols, network naming and addressing, modern
technologies used in networking and their applications.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Understand network communication using the layered concept, Open System

Interconnect (OSI) and the Internet Model.
 Understand various types of transmission media, network devices.
 Understand the concept of flow control, error control and LAN protocols.
 Explain the design of and algorithms used in the physical, data link layers.
 Understand the working principles of LAN and the concepts behind physical and
logical addressing, subnetting and super netting.
 Analyze the contents in a given Data Link layer packet, based on the layer concept.
 Determine the various modulation and error detection and correction techniques
and their application in communication systems.


Introduction to Data Communications and Network Models: Protocols and Standards,

Layers in OSI Models, Analog and Digital Signals, Transmission Modes, Transmission
Impairment, Data Rate Limits, Performance, Digital Transmission, Network Devices &
Drivers: Router, Modem, Repeater, Hub, Switch, Bridge (fundamental concepts only).
Outcome: Students will have the basic knowledge about computer network, causes of
network errors, layers in networking and network devices & drivers.


Signal Conversion: Digital-to-Digital Conversion, Analog-to-Digital Conversion,

Digital-to- analog Conversion, Analog-to-analog Conversion. Transmission Media: Guided
Media, Unguided Media, Switching Techniques: Packet Switching, Circuit Switching,
Datagram Networks, Virtual- Circuit Networks, and Structure of a Switch.
Outcome: Students will have the knowledge about how data transmission takes place
through signals and use of switching techniques.


Error Detection and Correction: Checksum, CRC, Data Link Control: Framing, Flow and
Error Control, Noiseless Channels, Noisy channels, (Stop and Wait ARQ, Sliding
Window Protocol, Go Back N, Selective Repeat) HDLC, Point-to-Point Protocol. Access
Control: TDM, CSMA/CD, and Channelization (FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA).
Outcome: Students will come to know about identifying and correcting errors occurred
during data transmission.


Network Layer: Logical Addressing, IPv4 Addresses, IPv6 Addresses, Virtual-Circuit

Networks: Frame Relay and ATM, Transport Layer: Process-Process Delivery: UDP,
TCP. Application layers: DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP, Basics of WiFi (Fundamental
concepts only), Network Security: Authentication, Basics of Public Key and Private Key,
Digital Signatures and Certificates (Fundamental concepts only).
Outcome: Students will able to understand various protocols used in network to transmit
different types of data.

Text Books:
 Data Communications and Networking, Fourth Edition by Behrouza A. Forouzan,T

Reference Books:
 Computer Networks, A.S. Tanenbaum, 4th edition, Pearson Education.

Computer Network Lab using C/C++/any Simulator

 Simulate Even Parity generator and checker.

 Simulate two-dimensional Parity generator and checker.
 Simulate check sum generator and checker.
 Simulate Hamming code method.
 Simulate Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error detection algorithm for noisy
 Simulate and implement stop and wait protocol for noisy channel.
 Simulate and implement go backsliding window protocol.
 Simulate and implement selective repeat sliding window protocol.
 Simulate and implement distance vector routing algorithm.

Core VII Business Accounting

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to introduce problems of financial accounting such as

measuring and reporting issues related to assets and liabilities and preparing the financial
statements. Students are expected to gain the ability of using accounting information as a
tool in applying solutions for managerial problems, evaluating the financial performance, and
interpreting the financial structure.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Enable the students learn basic accounting principles, concepts, principles and
 Practice Financial and Management accounting applications.
 Construct the financial statements of company.
 Able to understand the provisions of Companies Act, 1956.
 Exposure on the different accounting software packages.


Introduction: Financial Accounting-definition and Scope, objectives of Financial

Accounting, Accounting v/s Book Keeping terms used in accounting, users of accounting
information and limitations of Financial Accounting. Conceptual Framework:
Accounting Concepts, Principles and Conventions, Accounting Standards concept,
objectives, benefits, briefer view of Accounting Standards in India, Accounting Policies,
Accounting as a measurement discipline, valuation Principles, accounting estimates.
Outcome: The students will be able to learn basic accounting principles, concepts, principles
and conventions which used in business transactions and its applications.


Recording of transactions: Voucher system; Accounting Process, Journals, Subsidiary

Books, Ledger, Cash Book, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance. Depreciation:
Meaning, need & importance of depreciation, methods of charging depreciation.
Outcome: The students will be able to prepare trial balance, bank reconciliation statement,
identify and rectify the errors in bank reconciliation statement and also understand methods
of charging Depreciation.


Preparation of final accounts: Preparation of Trading and Profit & Loss Account and
Balance Sheet of sole proprietary business.
Outcome: The students will be able to prepare financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles, employ critical thinking skills to analyze financial
data as well as the effects of differing financial accounting methods on the financial


Introduction to Company Final Accounts: Important provisions of Companies Act, 1956

in respect of preparation of final accounts, Understanding of final accounts of a
company. an overview of computerized accounting system –Salient features and
Outcome: The students will be able to understand the provisions of companies act 1956,
significance and application of computerized accounting system.

Text Books:
 Anil Chowdhry, “Fundamentals of Accounting & Financial Analysis”, Pearson
 Agarwal, R.Srinivasan, “Accounting Made Easy”, TMH

Reference Books:

 Amrish Gupta, “Financial Accounting for Management”, Pearson Education

 S.N.Maheshwari, “Financial Accounting for Management: Vikas Publishing

Business Accounting
 Introduction to Tally, Features and Versions of Tally.
 Components of Tally Screen, Creation, Alteration & Deletion of Company.
 Primary Group & Subgroup, Creation.
 Alteration & Display of Ledger Accounting.
 Recording of Transactions through vouchers.
 DisplayofFinancialreportsF11andF12configuration.
 Introduction to Inventory system: Advantages of maintaining inventory system in
Tally stock group Stock category, stock item units of measure, creation of
inventory system.
Core VIII Database Systems

Course Objectives:

To explain basic database concepts, applications, data models, schemas and instances. To
demonstrate the use of constraints and relational algebra operations. Describe the basics
of SQL and construct queries using SQL. To emphasize the importance of normalization in
databases. To facilitate students in Database design. To familiarize issues of concurrency
control and transaction management.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Apply the basic concepts of Database Systems and Applications.

 Use the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL in database creation and
 Design a commercial relational database system (Oracle, MySQL) by writing SQL
using the system.
 Analyze and Select storage and recovery techniques of database system


Introduction to Database and Database Users, Database System Concepts and

Architecture: data Models, schema, and instances, Conceptual Modeling and Database
Design: Entity Relationship (ER) Model: Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, Keys,
Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints, Weak Entity
Types, ER Naming Conventions. Enhanced Entity- Relationship (EER) Model.
Outcome: Students will understand the database, its types, uses and applications. They
will able to understand various data models.


Database Design Theory and Normalization: Functional Dependencies, Join

Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary Keys, Second and third Normal Forms,
Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Multi valued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form.
Outcome: Students will understand details of database design and will be able to design
the real time data using various normal forms.


Relational data Model and SQL: Relational Model Concepts, Basic SQLs, SQL Data
Definition and Data types, Constraints in SQL, Retrieval Queries in SQL, INSERT,
DELETE, UPDATE Statements in SQL, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus:
Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT, Binary Relation: JOIN and
Outcome: Students will able to access and manipulate the data using SQL.


Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory: Introduction to

Transaction Processing, Properties of Transactions, Recoverability, Serializability,
Concurrency Control: locking techniques and Time-Stamp Ordering.
Outcome: Students will learn about transaction processing in real world, how to handle
data when more than one user accessing the same database using various methods.

Text Books:

 Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6th edition, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.

Navathe, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

 An Introduction to Database System, Date C.J.- Pearson Education, New


Database Systems
Create and use the following database schemas to answer the given queries.



Eno Char (3) NO PRI

Ename Varchar (50) NO

Job_type Varchar (50) NO

Manager Char (3) Yes FK

Hire_date Date NO

Dno Integer YES FK

Commission Decimal (10,2) YES

Salary Decimal (7,2) NO

Field Type NULLKEY

Dno Integer No PRI

Dname Varchar (50) Yes

Location Varchar (50) Yes

Query List:
 Query to display Employee Name, Job, Hire Date, Employee Number; for
each employee with the Employee Number appearing first.
 Query to display unique Jobs from the Employee Table.
 Query to display the Employee Name concatenated by a Job separated by a
 Query to display all the data from the Employee Table. Separate each Column
by a comma and name the said column as THE_OUTPUT.
 Query to display the Employee Name and Salary of all the employees earning more
 $2850.
 Query to display Employee Name and Department Number for the Employee
 Query to display Employee Name and Salary for all employees whose salary is
not in the range of $1500 and $2850.
 Query to display Employee Name and Department No. of all the employees in
Dept10 and Dept 30 in the alphabetical order by name.
 Query to display Name and Hire Date of every Employee who was hired in 1981.
 Query to display Name and Job of all employees who don’t have a current
 Query to display the Name, Salary and Commission for all the employees who
earn commission.
 Sort the data in descending order of Salary and Commission.
 Query to display Name of all the employees where the third letter of their name is
 Query to display Name of all employees either have two ‘R’s or have two ‘A’s in
their name and are either in Dept No=30 or their Mangers Employee No= 7788.
 Query to display Name, Salary and Commission for all employees whose
Commission Amount is 14 greater than their Salary increased by 5%.
 Query to display the Current Date.
 Query to display Name, Hire Date and Salary Review Date which is the 1st Monday
after six months of employment.
 Query to display Name and calculate the number of months between today and
the date each employee was hired.
 Query to display the following for each employee <E-Name> earns <Salary>
monthly but wants <3* Current Salary>. Label the Column as Dream Salary.
 Query to display Name with the 1stletter capitalized and all other letter lower case
and length of their name of all the employees whose name starts with ‘J’, ‘A’ and
 Query to display Name, Hire Date and Day of the week on which the employee
 Query to display Name, Department Name and Department No for all the
 Query to display Unique Listing of all Jobs that are in Department #30.
 Query to display Name, Department Name of all employees who have an ‘A’ in
their name.
 Query to display Name, Job, Department No. and Department Name for all the
employees working at the Dallas location.
 Query to display Name and Employee no. Along with their Manger’s Name and
the Manager’s employee no; along with the Employees Name who do not have a
 Query to display Name, Department No. And Salary of any employee whose
department No. and salary matches both the department no. And the salary of any
employee who earns a commission.
 Query to display Name and Salaries represented by asterisks, where each asterisk
(*) signifies $100.
 Query to display the Highest, Lowest, Sum and Average Salaries of all the
 Query to display the number of employees performing the same Job type
 Query to display the no. of managers without listing their names.
 Query to display the Department Name, Location Name, No. of Employees and
the average salary for all employees in that department.
 Query to display Name and Hire Date for all employees in the same dept. as
 Query to display the Employee No. And Name for all employees who earn more
than the average salary.
 Query to display Employee Number and Name for all employees who work in a
department with any employee whose name contains a ‘T’.
 Query to display the names and salaries of all employees who report to King.
 Query to display the department no, name and job for all employees in the
Sales department.
Core IX Organizational Behaviour

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to learn the modern trends, theories and changes in
organizational behaviour. This course covers the explanations about the human behavior
in the organizational context. It details the impact of individual, group and organizational
factors on human behavior. The course also focuses on understanding the behavior of the
employees working in the organization. It highlights the significance of Challenges and
Opportunities of OB, perception, attribution, learning, organizational change,
organizational culture, motivation, leadership and conflict management.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 Understand the behaviour of people in the organization.

 Analyze the complexities associated with management of individual behaviour in
the organization.
 Understand the motivation (why) behind behaviour of people in the organization.
 Cover the explanations about human behavior in the organizational context.
 Impact of individual, group and organizational factors on human behavior.
 Understand the concept of personality, learning and attitude.


Organizational Behaviour- Meaning, Definition and importance, Foundations of OB,

OB Models, and Challenges to OB.
Outcome: The students will be able to understand the conceptual framework of the
discipline of OB, OB Models and its practical applications in the organizational set up.


Individual Behaviour: Perception: Definition &Concept; Personality: Concept,

Determinants and Personality Types (Type A and Type B, Big Five Model, MBTI Model);
Learning: Concept and Theories (Classical and Operant Conditioning); Attitude:
Components& Formation.
Outcome: The students will be able to interpret key concepts and theories of perception,
learning with regard to individual differences and apply these appropriately to specific

Group Behaviour: Group Dynamics: Meaning, Formation and Types of Groups (Formal
& Informal Groups), Stages of Group Development, Individual vs. Group decision making.
Group vs Team. Types of Team. Group Communication: Communication Types,
Communication Process, Barriers to communication; Effective Communication
Outcome: The students will be able to interpret the key concepts and theories with regard to
group behaviour and apply these appropriately to specific situations.


Motivation-Meaning, Nature &Importance. Motivational Theories (Maslow’s Need

Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg’s two factor Theory, McClelland’s Need Theory, Vroom’s
Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory); Motivational Challenges. Leadership - Leadership:
Nature and Importance; Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories (Trait Theory,
Behaviour Theory, Contingency Theory).
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how the organizational behavior can
integrate in understanding the motivation behind behavior of people in the organization.
Students also able to identify and develop effective motivational and leadership skills.

Text Books:

 Organizational Behaviour: L.M. Prasad

 Organizational Behaviour: Rao &Narayana
 Organizational Behaviour: Gupta and Joshi (KP)
Reference Books:

 Organizational Behaviour: K Aswathappa(HPH)

 Organizational Behaviour: Stephen Robbins(PHI)

Organizational Behavior

Guidelines for Project

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organisational problems. The project may be from any one of your areas related to the
concerned subject.

Project report: The Project Report must have the following:

 Cover Page – must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide
with date
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with
page nos.
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in Index of

Index of Chapters:

 Chapter-I: Introduction & Review

of literatures
 Chapter-II: Research
 Chapter-III: Conceptual & Theoretical
 Chapter-IV: Data Analysis &
 Chapter-V: Conclusion, Findings, suggestions & Scope for further research.
 Chapter-VI: References, Annexures etc.

Core X Foundation of Data Science and Data Analytics

Course Objectives:
This course is intended to understand data management like data collection, processing,
analysis, interpretation and visualization by applying quantitative modelling and data analysis
techniques for real world business problems. The course also provides the knowledge of
statistical data analysis techniques utilized in business decision making.
Course Outcome: On completion of this course the students will be able to
 Explain various software tools for data storage, analysis and
 Visualize the data.
 Choose EDA, inference and regression techniques.
 Apply R programming for analyzing statistical data for business decision making.
 Analyze different clustering methods for big data sets.
Definition of Big Data, Big data characteristics & considerations, Data Repositories –
analyst perspective, Business drivers for analytics, Typical analytical architecture, Business
Intelligence Vs Data Science, Drivers of Big Data analytics, Role of data scientist in Big
data ecosystem, Application of Big data analytics.
Outcome: The students will have to get Fundamentals of Big Data, Use software tools for
data storage, analysis and visualization in big-data analytics.

Need of Data analytic lifecycle, Key roles for successful analytic project, various phases
of Data analytic lifecycle: Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning, Model Building,
Communicating Results, Operationalization.
Outcome: The students can utilize EDA, inference and regression techniques.
Introduction to R: GUI of R, Getting data into & out of R, Data types in R, Basic operations,
Descriptive Statistics.
Outcome: The students can apply R programming for analyzing statistical data for business
decision making.

Overview of Clustering, K- means, Association Rules, Apriori Algorithm, Linear Regression,
Logistic Regression.
Outcome: The students can understand different clustering methods for big data sets.

Text Book:
 David Dietrich, Barry Hiller, “Data Science & Big Data Analytics”, EMC
education services, Wiley publications,2012
Reference Book:
 Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, "The Elements of
Statistical Learning", Springer, Second Edition, 2011.
Core XI Web Technology

Course objectives:

On completion of this course, a student will be familiar with client server architecture and
able to develop a web application using web technologies. Students will gain the skills and
project- based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.
Students are able to develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, students will be able to

 Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.

 Create web pages using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets.
 Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client - s i d e programming).
 Work with PHP application (Server-side Programming) for any database operation.


Web Essentials: Clients, Servers and Communication: The Internet –Basic Internet
protocols–The WWW, HTTP request message –response message, web client’s
webservers –case study. Introduction to HTML: HTML, HTML domains, basic structure
of an HTML document–creating an HTML document, mark up tags, heading, paragraphs,
line breaks, HTML tags. Elements of HTML, working with text, lists, tables and frames,
working with hyperlink, images and multimedia, forms and controls.
Outcome: Students will be able to explain client and server-side communication and
able to design web applications


Introduction to cascading style sheets: Concepts of CSS, creating style sheet, CSS properties,
CSS styling (background, text format, controlling fonts), working with the block elements
and objects. Working who lists and tables, CSS ID and class. Box model (introduction,
border properties, padding properties, margin properties), CSS colour, groping,
Dimensions, display, positioning, floating, align, pseudo class, Navigation bar, image
Outcome: Students will be able to design web pages using CSS and BOX model

Java scripts: Client-side scripting, what is java script, simple java script, variables,
functions, conditions, loops and repetitions. Java scripts and objects, java script own
objects, the DOM and web browser environment, forms and validations. DHTML:
Combining HTML, CSS, java scripts, events and buttons, controlling your browser.
Outcome: Students will be able to integrate java script in a web page and check for
validation (Client-side programming)


PHP: Starting to script on server side, PHP basics, variables, data types, operators,
expressions, constants, decisions and loop making decisions. Strings – creating,
accessing strings, searching, replacing and formatting strings. Arrays: Creation, accessing
array, multidimensional arrays, PHP with Database.
Outcome: Students will be able to explain server-side scripting and their

Text Book:

 Web Technologies–Black Book–Dream Tech Press

 Matt Doyle, BeginningPHP5.3(wrox -Willey publishing)
 John Duckett, Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS and Javascript.

Reference Book:

 HTML, XHTML and CSS Bible,5ed, Willey India-Steven M. Schafer.

Web Technology Lab

 Acquaintance with elements, tags and basic structure of HTML files.

 Practicing basic and advanced text for formatting.
 Practice use of image, video and sound in HTML documents.
 Designing of webpages- Document layout, list, tables.
 Practicing Hyperlink of webpages, working with frames.
 Working with forms and controls.
 Acquaintance with creating style sheet, CSS properties and styling.
 Working with background, text, font, list properties.
 Working with HTML elements box properties in CSS.
 Develop simple calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
operation using java script.
 Create HTML page with java script which takes integer number as a input and
tells whether the number is odd or even.
 Create HTML page that contains form with fields name, Email, mobile number,
gender, favorite colour and button; now write a java script code to validate each
entry. Also write a code to combine and display the information in text box when
button is clicked.
 Write a PHP program to check if number is prime or not.
 Write a PHP program to print first ten Fibonacci numbers.
 Create a MySQL database and connect with PHP.
 Write PHP script for storing and retrieving user information from MySQL table.
 Write a HTML page which takes Name, Address, Email and Mobile number from
user (register PHP).
 Store this data in MySQL database.
 Next page displays all user in HTML table using PHP (display .PHP).
 Using HTML, CSS, Java script, PHP, MySQL, design an authentication module of
a webpage.

Core XII Software Engineering

Course Objectives:

Basic knowledge and understanding of the analysis and design of complex systems. To
apply software engineering principles and techniques. Ability to develop, maintain and
evaluate large-scale software systems. To provide the idea of decomposing the given
problem into Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance phases. To
provide an idea of using various process models in the software industry according to
given circumstances. To gain the knowledge of how Analysis, Design, Implementation,
Testing and Maintenance processes are conducted in a software project. To perform
independent research and analysis. Ability to work as an effective member or leader of
software engineering teams.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Understand of software process models such as waterfall and evolutionary model

is required.
 Understand the problem statement and able to describe the Requirement analysis,
creating a data model, use cases, computing function point, effort, architectural
design and path testing of a software project.
 Learn about Software requirements and SRS documents.
 Understand project management's responsibilities, which includes planning,
scheduling, risk management, and so on.
 Explain the differences between data models, object models, context models, and
behavioral models.
 Familiar with implementation difficulties like modularity and coding standards.
 Gain knowledge of verification and validation methods, such as static analysis and
 Know about different software testing methodologies such as unit and integrated
testing etc.
 Describe how to measure software and how to avoid software risks.


Introduction: Evolution of Software to an Engineering Discipline, software development

projects, Software Lifecycle Models: Waterfall Model and its Extensions, Rapid Application
Development (RAD), Agile Development Models, Spiral Model.
Outcome: Students will be able to understand fundamental principles of Software
engineering discipline & get an idea of various life cycle models used in software


Software Project Management: Software Project Management Complexities, Responsibilities

of a Software Project Manager, Project Planning, Metrics for Project Size Estimation,
Project Estimation Techniques, Empirical Estimation Techniques, COCOMO, Halstead’s
Software Science, Staffing Level Estimation, Scheduling, Organization and Team Structures,
Staffing, Risk Management, Software Configuration Management.
Outcome: Students will get a brief idea of various project management activities & will
understand various cost estimation techniques, organization team structure and
management of staff & risk handling.


Requirement Analysis and Specification: Requirements Gathering and Analysis,

Software Requirement Specifications, Formal System Specification Axiomatic
Specification, Algebraic Specification, Executable Specification and 4GL.Software
Design: Design Process, Characterize a Good Software Design, Cohesion and Coupling,
Layered Arrangements of Modules, Approaches to Software Design (Function Oriented
& Object-Oriented).
Outcome: Students will get knowledge of various requirement analysis techniques and
design process during software development work.


Coding and Testing: Coding: Code Review, Software Documentation, Testing, Unit
Testing, Black Box and White Box Testing, Debugging, Program Analysis Tools,
Integration Testing, System Testing, Software Maintenance.
Outcome: The students will understand of coding and testing process & will able to
learn maintenance in software development projects.

Text Book:
 Fundamental of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, Fifth Edition, PHI
Publication, India.

Reference Books:

 Software Engineering– IanSommerville,10/Ed, Pearson.

 Software Engineering Concepts and Practice – Ugrasen Suman, Cengage Learning
India Pvt, Ltd.

Software Engineering

Guidelines for Project

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to
implement software engineering. The project may be from any one of your areas related
to the concerned subject.

Project report: The Project Report must have the following:

 Cover Page – must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide
with date
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with page
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in Index of Chapters

Sample Projects:

 Criminal Record Management: Implement a criminal record management system

for jailers, police officer sand CBI officers.
 Route Information: Online information about the bus routes and their frequency and
 Car Pooling: To maintain a web-based intranet application that enables the
corporate employees within an organization to avail the facility of carpooling
 Patient Appointment and Prescription Management System
 Organized Retail Shopping Management Software
 Online Hotel Reservation Service System
 Examination and Result computation system
 Automatic Internal Assessment System
 Parking Allocation System
 Wholesale Management System
Core XIII Digital Marketing

Course Objective:

The key aim of this course is to understand the concepts of marketing management, to learn
about the marketing process for different types of products and services, to understand
the tools used by marketing managers in decision situations and to understand the
marketing environment.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Demonstrate strong conceptual knowledge in the functional area of marketing

 Demonstrate effective understanding of relevant functional areas of marketing
management and its application.
 Demonstrate analytical skills in identification and resolution of problems
pertaining to marketing management.
 Understand the ‘Marketing mix’ elements and the strategies and principles
underlying the modern marketing practices.
 Explore for themselves the role of a marketing manager and the boundaries of


Marketing: Objectives of Marketing, Marketing vs Selling, Marketing Environment,

Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Buying Process, Factors influencing consumer decision
making, Product: Product concept, Product classification, New Product Development,
Product lifecycle, Product mix.
Outcome: The students will be able to identify core concepts of marketing and the role of
marketing in business and society. able to analyse the impact of different environmental
factors, factors affecting consumer buying behavior, and different strategies related to
product and its application.


Price: Objective of pricing, Factors Influencing Product Pricing, Pricing policies.

Distribution: Channel of Distribution- Meaning and Importance, Types of Distribution
Channel. Promotion: Meaning, Importance of Promotion, Types of Promotion, Factors
affecting promotion mix decisions.
Outcome: The students will be able to develop marketing strategies based on price, place and
promotion objectives. Develop analytical skills in identification and resolution of problems
pertaining to price, place and promotion mix.

Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital

Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape. Fundamentals
of Social Media Marketing & its significance, Facebook Marketing-Different types of
Ad formats, LinkedIn Marketing- LinkedIn Strategy, Twitter Marketing- Twitter usage,
Twitter Ads, Twitter ad campaigns.
Outcome: The students will be able to use the digital platform in the optimal way to
formulate possible solutions to marketing problems faced by several firms and also able to
Identify and utilize various tools through social media.


Digital Advertising, Different Digital Advertisement, Performance of Digital

Advertising: - Process & players, Display Advertising Media, Digital metrics. YouTube
Advertising: - YouTube Channels, YouTube Ads, Type of Videos, Buying Models,
Targeting & optimization, Designing & monitoring Video Campaigns, Display
Outcome: The students will be able to explain the key digital marketing activities needed for
competitive success and also Leverage digital strategies to gain competitive advantage for
business and career. Able to initiate marketing strategies through the use of Social Media
Platform like Face book, Twitter, YouTube & LinkedIn etc.

Text Books:
 Marketing Management in Indian Context, Sontakki, KP
 Marketing Management, Karunakaran,
 Digital Marketing –Kamat and Kamat-Himalaya
 Digital Marketing, S.Gupta, McGraw-Hill

Reference Books:
 Marketing Management, Kotler, Keler, Koshi, Jha, Pearson

Digital Management

Guidelines for the Project:

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organizational problems. The project may be from any one of your areas related to the
concerned subject.

Project report: The Project Report must have the following.

 Cover Page – must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide
with date
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with
page nos.
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in Index of

Index of Chapters:

 Chapter-I: Introduction & Review of

 Chapter-II: Research Methodology
 Chapter-III: Conceptual & Theoretical
 Chapter-IV: Data Analysis & Interpretations
 Chapter-V: Conclusion, Findings, suggestions & Scope for
further research.
 Chapter-VI: References, Annexures, etc.
Semester VI
Core XIV Theory of Computation

Course Objectives:

This course focuses on the basic theory of Computer Science and formal methods of
computation like automata theory, various machines, grammars and Turing Machines.
To explore the theoretical foundations of computer science from the perspective of formal
languages and classify machines by their power to recognize languages.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Understand the basic properties of formal languages and grammars.
 Differentiate among regular, context-free and recursively enumerable
 Make grammars to produce strings from a specific language.
 Minimize the finite automata.
 Acquire concepts relating to the theory of computation and computational
models including decidability and intractability.
 Design and deal with Turing machines.
 Get the basic foundation of compiler design.

Alphabet, Languages, Grammars, Finite Automata (DFA, NFA), Regular operations,

Regular Languages/Grammars, Regular Expressions, Finite Automaton With ἐ -Moves,
Equivalence of NFA and DFA.
Outcome: The students will be able to understand the basic properties of formal languages
and grammars, DFA & NFA.


Minimization of Finite Automata, Closure Properties of Regular operations, Pumping

Lemma of Regular Languages, Context Free Grammars, Context Free Languages,
Derivation Tress, Ambiguity, Properties of Context Free Languages, Left and Right
Linear Grammars.
Outcome: The students can minimize the finite automata, understand Pumping lemma and
Right linear and Left Linear grammar.


Chomsky Normal Form (Elimination of Useless Symbols, Unit Productions, Null

Productions), Pushdown Automata, Deterministic Pushdown Automata, Equivalence of
Pushdown Automata and Context Free Languages.
Outcome: The students can be able to Design Push down automata, convert a grammar to


Turing Machines, Turing Computability, Type 0 Languages, Techniques for Turing

Machine Construction, Multihead And Multitape Turing Machines, Church Turing
thesis, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Set, Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages.
Outcome: The students will be able to Design and deal with Turing machines. Get the basic
foundation of compiler design, Differentiate regular, context-free and recursively enumerable

Text Books:
 Introduction to the theory of Computation, Michael Sipser, Cengage
 Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation, J. E.
Hopcrpft and J. D. Ullman, Pearson Education, 3rdEdition.

Reference Books:
 JFLAP - An Interactive Formal Languages and Automata Package
Rodger, Finley, ISBN:0763738344
 JFLAP User Manual and Exercises, Tobias Fransson. Available in the Web.

Practical/Tutorial: Theory of Computation Lab

Use Java Formal Language and Automata Language (FLAP) software Package (can be
downloaded from www.jflap.org) to carry out the following experiments:

 Regular Language-Create: DFA, NFA, Regular Grammar, and Regular

 Regular Language – conversions: NFA to DFA to Minimal
DFA, NFA to regular expression & vice versa.
 NFA to regular grammar & vice-versa.
 Context-free language–create: push-down automaton, context-free grammar.
 Context-free language – transform: PDA to CFG, CFG to PDA (LL parser),
CFG to PDA (SLR Parser), CFG to CNF, CFG to LL parse table and parser,
CFG to SLR parse table and parser.
 Recursively Enumerable language: Turing machine (1 tape), Turing
machine (multi tape), Turing machine (building blocks), unrestricted
Core XV Python Programming

Course Objectives:
To acquire programming skills in core Python. To acquire Object Oriented Skills in
Python. To develop the ability to write database applications in Python.

Course Outcome: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Explain basic principles of Python programming

 Implement object-oriented
 Implement database and GUI applications


Python: Features of Python , Installing Python for windows and setting up paths, writing
and Executing of a python programs, Python Virtual machine, Frozen binaries,
Comparison between C, Java and python , Comments , Doc strings ,How python sees
variables, Data
identifiers & reserved words, Naming convention in python.
Outcome: Students will be able to understand the syntax and basic concepts of python
programming language.


Various Operators in Python, Input & Output, Control statements, if statements, while
loop, for loop, infinite loop, nested loop, else suit, break, continue, pass, assert, return
statements, command line arguments.
Arrays in python, advantages using arrays, creating arrays, importing the array module,
indexing and slicing on arrays, Processing the arrays, Comparing arrays.
Strings in Python, creating strings, Length of a string, indexing in strings, slicing strings,
Concatenation and Comparing strings, Finding Sub Strings, Replacing a String.
Outcome: Students will be able to build basic programs using fundamental programming


Functions in Python, define a function, calling a function, return from function, pass by
object Reference, Positional arguments, Default arguments, Recursive functions.
Introduction to OOP, features of OOP, creating classes, the self-variable, constructor,
types of variables, namespaces, types of methods.
Outcome: Students will be able to articulate the OOPs concepts as well as use of functions.


Inheritance: Define inheritance, types of inheritance, and constructors in inheritance,

overriding superclass constructors& methods, the super () method, MRO Polymorphism:
Duck typing philosophy of Python, operator overloading, method over riding,
interfaces in python.
Exceptions: Errors in a python program, Exceptions, Exception handling, Types of
Exceptions, the Exception block, the assert statement, user defined exceptions.

Python Database Connectivity: DBMS, types of databases used with Python, installation
of MySQL database, setting path, verifying MySQL, installing MySQL connector,
working with MySQL database, Using MySQL from python, retrieving rows, deleting rows,
updating rows in a table.
Outcome: Students will be able to articulate the OOPs concepts such as inheritance and able
to know how to handle exception and python database connectivity.

Text Books:

 T.Budd, Exploring Python, TMH, 1stEd, 2011.

 Core Python Programming, Dr.R. Nageswar Rao, Dreamtech Press.
 Python Programming for Absolute Beginners, Michael Dawson,
CENGAGE Learning.

Reference Books:

 Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers, How to think like a

computer scientist: Learning with Python, Freely available online.2012.

Online References:

 Python Tutorial/Documentation www.python.or 2015

 http://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html
 http://interactivepython.org/courselib/static/pythonds
 http://www.ibiblio.org/g2swap/byteofpython/read/

Software Lab based on Python Programming

 Write a menu driven program to convert the given temperature from Fahrenheit to
Celsius and vice versa depending upon user’s choice.
 Write a Program to calculate total marks, percentage and grade of a student.
Marks obtained in each of the three subjects are to be input by the user. Assign
grades according to the following criteria: Grade A: Percentage>=80, Grade B:
Percentage>=70 and <80Grade C: Percentage>=60 and <70Grade D:
Percentage>=40 and <60GradeE: Percentage<40.
 Write a menu-driven program, using user-defined functions to find the area of
rectangle, square, circle and triangle by accepting suitable input parameters from
 Write a Program to display the first n terms of Fibonacci series.
 Write a Program to find factorial of the given number.
 Write a Program to find sum of the following series for n terms: 1 –2/2! +3/3!
 Write a Program to calculate the sum and product of two compatible matrices.
 Install MySQL and connector and write Python programs to retrieve, inserting,
delete, update rows in a table.

Core XVI Advanced Computer Architecture

Course Objectives:

The students will understand the Concept of Parallel Processing and its applications. The
students will able to implement the Hardware for Arithmetic Operations and can analyze the
performance of different scalar Computers. Also, they can develop the Pipelining Concept for
a given set of Instructions.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able


 Demonstrate concepts of parallelism in hardware/software.

 Discuss memory organization and mapping techniques.
 Describe architectural features of advanced processors.
 Interpret performance of different pipelined processors.
 Explain data flow in arithmetic algorithms
 Development of software to solve computationally intensive problems


Digital Electronics: Boolean algebra, Combinational circuits, Karnaugh map, Flip-flops,

Sequential circuits. RISC processors, RISC vs CISC, Classification of Instruction set
Architecture, Performance measurement, Basic parallel processing techniques:
Instruction level, Thread level and Process level. Classification of parallel architecture.
Outcome: The students can implement Boolean algebra and be able to understand
combinational and sequential circuits, design and implementation of parallel processing


Pipeline: Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction pipeline. Hazards in a pipeline: Structural, data and
control hazard, Overview of hazard resolution techniques. Dynamic instruction
scheduling, Branch prediction techniques, Instruction-level parallelism using software
approaches, Superscalar techniques.
Outcome: The students can interpret the performance of different pipelined processor and
significance of superscalar techniques.

Basic concept of hierarchical memory organization, Main memories, Cache memory

design and implementation, Cache coherence problem and synchronization mechanisms,
Virtual memory design and implementation, Secondary memory technology, RAID. Bus
structures and standards, Synchronous and asynchronous buses. Types and uses of storage
Outcome: The students will familiar with fundamentals of memory organization, design and
implementation of cache memory, structural representation of bus architecture


Interfacing I/O to the rest of the system, Reliability and availability, I/O system design,
Platform architecture. Centralized vs. distributed shared memory, Interconnection
topologies, Multiprocessor architecture, Symmetric multiprocessors, Cache coherence
problem, Synchronization, Memory consistency, Multicore architecture. Distributed
computers, Clusters, Grid, Mainframe computers.
Outcome: Students will know about the importance of multiprocessor and multi computers.

Text Books:

 Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface by

David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
 Computer System Architecture by M.Mano, 3rdEdition, Pearson Education, 2007.
Reference Books:

 Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by J.Hennessey and

D.Patterson, 5thEdition, Morgan Kaufman.
 Advanced Computer Architecture: A design Space Approach by D.Sima, Addison-

Core XVII Computer Graphics

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to understand the principles of computer graphics including two-
dimensional transformation, three-dimensional transformation, clipping algorithms,
polygon filling, line drawing algorithms, rendering, projection of objects and demonstrates
its application in various fields of computer science.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course, students will be able to

 Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and

applications of computer graphics.
 Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in
composite form.
 Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to
graphics display device.
 Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of
3D scene on 2D screen.
 Render projected objects to naturalize the scene in 2D view and use of
illumination models for this.

A survey of computer graphics: Computer Aided Design, Presentation Graphics, Computer

Art, Entertainment, Education Training, Visualization, Image Processing, Graphical User
Interface. Overview of graphics system: Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems,
Random Scan Systems, Input Devices, Hard-copy Devices, Graphics Software. Output
primitives: Points and lines, DDA and Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm, Midpoint
circle algorithm, Filled area primitives. Attributes of output primitives: Line attributes,
Curve attributes, Colour and grayscale levels, Area-fill attributes, Character attributes,
Bundled attributes.
Outcome: The students will have the idea of basics of computer graphics and different
primitives used to draw different shapes in graphics.


Two dimensional geometric transformations: Basic Transformation (Translation, Rotation,

Scaling), Matrix representation and homogenous coordination, Composite
Transformation, Reflection, Shear. Two-dimensional viewing: The viewing Pipe-line,
Viewing Coordinate Reference frame, Window-to-viewport coordinate transformation.
Clipping: Line Clipping (Cohen Sutherland Algorithm), Polygon clipping (Sutherland-
Hodgeman Algorithm).
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how to transform and represent objects in
two-dimensional geometry and different clipping methods to fit the objects inside a window.


Three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations: Translation, Rotation,

Scaling, Reflections, Shears, Composite Transformation. Three-dimensional viewing:
Viewing pipeline, Viewing coordinates, Projections (Parallel and Perspective).
Three-dimensional object representation: Polygon Surfaces, Quadratic surfaces,
Spline Representations, Bezier Curves and surfaces, B-Spline Curves and surfaces
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how to transform and represent objects in
three-dimensional geometry.

Visible-surface detection methods: Classification of visible-surface detection
algorithms, back-face detection, Depth-Buffer method, A-Buffer method, Scan-line
method, Depth- sorting method. Illumination Models: Basic illumination models,
Displaying light intensities, Halftone Patterns and Dithering Technique, Polygon
Rendering Methods (Gouraud and Phong shading)
Outcome: The students will come to know about how to detect visible parts of an object and
different illumination models to shine the objects.

Text Books:

 Computer Graphics C Version, by D. Hearn and M. P. Baker, 2 nd Edition, Pearson

Education, 2002.

Reference Books:

Computer Graphics Lab

 Background concept of enabling graphics mode in C and usage of various graphic

functions available in graphics.h.
 Simple animation programs using graphics library.
 Implementation of DDA and Bresenham’s line drawing.
 Midpoint circle algorithms.
 Implementation of translation, rotation, scaling, line clipping, polygon clipping.

Core XVIII Project Management

Course Objectives:

To help the students to understand the various aspects of projects; project Identification,
project Appraisal, project planning and scheduling, project implementation, project
evaluation of the projects. It touches the practical aspects of project analysis and

Course Outcome: After completion of this course, the students will be

 Able to know the concept of project and project management and types of
projects to know all the stages in the project life cycle from concept to
 Know the whole concepts of projects that can be fit into the gamut of finding a
gap in terms of customers’ needs for goods and filling the gap.
 Know the various aspects of project appraisal like economic, commercial,
financial, management appraisal.
 Know the estimation of cost of a project and to identify the gap between
conventional financing and project financing.
 Understand the various sources of finance available for meeting the project cost.
 Know the project scheduling techniques in detail.
 Understand the concepts of evaluation of projects during the course of


Concept of Projects, phases of a project- Pre-investment phase, Investment Phase and

operational phase, Types of Projects, Objectives of Project Management, Importance of
Project Management, Project Management Life Cycle, Project Identification, Project
formulation, Project Selection.
Outcome: The students will understand project concepts, various phases and types &
objective of project management, life cycle, formulation and selection process.


Project feasibility studies - Opportunity studies, General opportunity studies, specific

opportunity studies, pre-feasibility studies, functional studies or support studies,
feasibility study– components of project feasibility studies.
Outcome: The students will understand various types of feasibility study carried out during
project & will learn various components of project feasibility studies.


Project planning and project design, Major cost components of project and Estimation of
cost of project, Network analysis, PERT and CPM Techniques, Project Implementation
practices in India.
Outcome: The students will have a clear understanding of project planning and design. Brief
understanding of cost estimation techniques.


Project report, Project appraisal, plant location, design and layout, Project financial
feasibility- break even analysis, Profitability analysis and social cost benefit analysis.
Outcome: The students will understand various project reports, appraisal, design layout and
cost profit analysis concepts.

Text Books:

 Desai Vasant, ‘Project Management’, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

Reference Books:

 Singh Narendra, ‘Project Management & Control’, Himalaya Publishing House,

 Prasana Chandra, ‘Project Preparation, Appraisal and Implementation’, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi

Mini Project: Project Management

Guidelines for Project

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organizational problems. The project may be from any one of your areas related to the
concerned subject.

Project report: The Project Report must have the following:

 Cover Page must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide
with date
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with
page nos.
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected in Index of

Index of Chapters:

 Chapter-I: Introduction & Review of literatures

 Chapter-II: Research Methodology
 Chapter-III: Conceptual & Theoretical
 Chapter-IV: Data Analysis & Interpretations
 Chapter-V: Conclusion, Findings, suggestions & Scope for
further research.
 Chapter-VI: References, Annexures, etc.
Core XIX Machine Learning

Course Objectives:

To introduce the students to the basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning. To
develop skills of using recent machine learning software for solving practical problems. To
gain experience of doing independent study and research.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Explain concept of machine learning, the concept of learning task, various types of
learning techniques.
 Describe artificial neural networks, perceptions, learning rules, background
propagation algorithms.
 Analyze various supervised learning methods.
 Assess various unsupervised learning –k means, reinforcement learning methods.

Introduction – Types of Machine Learning, Designing a Learning System, Issues in Machine
Learning; The Concept Learning Task - General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses, Find-S,
List then eliminate algorithm, Candidate elimination algorithm, Inductive bias - Decision
Tree Learning - Decision tree learning algorithm, Instance based Learning, Nearest neighbors
Artificial Neural Networks – Perceptrons, Learning rules, Gradient descent and the Delta
rule, Adaline, Madaline Network, Multilayer networks, Derivation of Backpropagation rule-
Backpropagation Algorithm- Convergence, Generalization; – Evaluating Hypotheses –
Estimating Hypotheses Accuracy, Basics of sampling Theory, Radial basis function
networks, Support Vector Machine.
Supervised Learning- Linear Regression (Gradient Descent, Normal Equations), Weighted
Linear Regression (LWR), Logistic Regression, Generative Models (Gaussian Discriminant
Analysis, Naive Bayes), Learning – Bayes theorem, Concept learning, Bayes Optimal
Classifier, Naïve Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief networks, Tree Ensembles (Decision trees,
Random Forests, Boosting and Gradient Boosting).
Unsupervised Learning- K-means, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Expectation
Maximization (EM), Variational Auto-encoder (VAE), Factor Analysis, Principal
Components Analysis (PCA), Independent Components Analysis (ICA), Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA), Vector Quantization – Self Organizing Feature Map. Reinforcement
learning: Markov decision process (MDP), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Bellman
equations, Value iteration and policy iteration, Linear quadratic regulation, Linear Quadratic
Gaussian, Q-learning, Monte Carlo Methods.

Text Books:
 T. Mitchell, “Machine Learning” Mcgraw HillPublisher.
 T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman “The Element of Statistical Learning” 2e2008

Reference Books:
 E. Alpaydin,: Introduction to Machine Learning. Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice
Hall of India.
 C. M. Bishop, Pattern recognition and Machine Learning, Springer Lab Experiments

Machine Learning Practical

Basic operations in Python implementation.

 Loading data from Training set and testing the Models.
 Learn to predict values with Linear Regression.
 Learn to predict states using Logistic Regression.
 Learn the definition of a Perceptron as a building block for neural networks, and
the perceptron algorithm for classification.
 Learn the definition of a Neural Network, learn to train them using Back
propagation network.
 Train Decision Trees to predict states and classification.
 Learn the Bayes rule, and how to apply it to predicting data using the Naive
Bayes algorithm.
 Learn to train a Support Vector Machine to separate data linearly.
 Use Kernel Methods in order to train SVMs on data that is not linearly separable.
 Learn the basics of clustering Data, Cluster data with the K-means algorithm.
 Cluster data with Gaussian Mixture Models.
 Optimize Gaussian Mixture Models with Expectation Maximization.
 Learn to scale features in your data, learn to select the best features for training
 Reduce the dimensionality of the data using Principal Component Analysis and
Independent Component Analysis and LDA
 Learn how to define Markov Decision Processes to solve real-world problems.
 Learn about policies and value functions, Derive the Bellman Equations.
 Write your own implementations of iterative policy evaluation, policy
improvement, policy Iteration, and value Iteration.
 Implement classic Monte Carlo prediction and control methods.
 Learn how to tune hyper parameters of an estimator.
 Plotting of Validation curve and learning curve to evaluate the model.
 Evaluating Estimator performance, Cross validation

Core XX Data Mining & Data Warehousing

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to introduce the concepts of multidimensional schemas suitable

for data warehousing, data warehouse architectures, data mining algorithms,
functionalities to support critical thinking, business intelligence gathering, problem solving
and to derive business rules for decision support system.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Design a data mart or data warehouse for any organization. Know about data
mining tasks and issues.
 Extract knowledge using data mining techniques.
 Understand and implement classical models and algorithms for organization
needs. Characterize the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by
association rule mining, classification and clustering of large data sets.


Introduction: Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification

of Data Mining systems, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of a Data Mining System
with a Database or a Data Warehouse System, Major issues in Data Mining. Data
Preprocessing: Need for Preprocessing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and
Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization. Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology
for Data Mining: Data Warehouse, Multidimensional Data Model, Data Warehouse
Outcome: The students will be able to differentiate between data warehousing and data
mining. They will understand the steps required for data mining.


Data Cube Technology. Data Generalization: Efficient Methods for Data Cube Computation,
Further Development of Data Cube and OLAP Technology. Mining Frequent Patterns,
Associations and Correlations: Basic Concepts, Efficient and Scalable Frequent Item set
Mining Methods, Mining various kinds of Association Rules, From Association Mining to
Correlation Analysis, Constraint-Based Association Mining.
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how to represent data in
multidimensional way and how are associated and correlated to each other.

Classification and Prediction: Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction,

Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Rule-Based
Classification, Classification by Back propagation, Support Vector Machines,
Associative Classification, Lazy Learners, Prediction, Accuracy and Error measures,
Evaluating the accuracy of a Classifier or a Predictor, Ensemble Methods.
Outcome: The students will come to know the importance of classifying data using
different classification methods.


Cluster Analysis Introduction: Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, A Categorization of Major

Clustering Methods, Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density-Based
Methods, Grid- Based Methods, Model-Based Clustering Methods, Clustering High-
Dimensional Data, Constraint- Based Cluster Analysis, Outlier Analysis.
Outcome: The students will know how to cluster data using different techniques.

Text Books:

 Data Mining–Concepts and Techniques–J.Hanand M.Kamber, Morgan Kaufmann

Publishers, Elsevier, 2nd Edition, 2006.

Reference Books:

 Introduction to Data Mining– P.Tan, M.Steinbach and V.Kumar, Pearson


Core XXI Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Course Objective:

This course will enable to the students to know how to analyze the asymptotic
performance of algorithms and demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data
structures, to apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis, to
synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations and to get idea
regarding P, NP class.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Analyze time complexities times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

 Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic
design situation calls for it.
 Derive and solve recurrences describing the performance of divide- and-conquer
 Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation
calls for it.
 Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic
design situation calls for it.
 Explain the major graph algorithms and their analyses.
 Analyze the future studies of algorithm by using N, NP class.


Introduction to Algorithm, Space and Time Complexity, Asymptotic notations, worst

case, best case and average case, Substitution method, Recursion-tree method, master
Outcome: The students can argue the correctness of algorithms using inductive proofs and
invariants. Also, can analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic


Divide and Conquer Technique: Quick sort, Randomized quick sort, Priority Queue, Heap
Sort, Rabin-Karp String Matching, Binary Search, Finding Minimum Maximum.
Outcome: The students can describe, analyze and synthesize the divide-and-conquer
paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.


Greedy Method: Activity selection problem, Huffman Codes, Fractional Knapsack, Job
sequence with deadlines, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees-Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm.
Outcome: The students can describe, analyze and synthesize the greedy paradigm and
explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.


Dynamic programming: Matrix chain multiplication, Longest Common Subsequence,

Travelling Salesman Problem, Single Source Shortest Path: The Bellman Ford algorithm,
Dijkstra’s Algorithm, All pair Shortest path: Floyd Warshall algorithm. P, NP, NP-Hard,
NP Completeness and reducibility, P Space, NP Space
Outcome: The students can describe, synthesize and analyze the dynamic-programming
paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

Text Books:
 Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, 3rd Edition, MIT

Reference Books:

 Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahani, 2nd

, University Press.

Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab

Writing an efficient sorting algorithm (Quick Sort, Heap sort). Designing efficient algorithm
for inserting, deleting and searching in a binary tree, Huffman Codes, Minimum cost
spanning tree (Prims and Kruskal), Activity selection problem, Longest Common
Subsequence, Travelling salesman problem, The Bellman Ford algorithm, Floyd
Warshall algorithm.

Core XXII Cryptography and Network Security

Course Objectives:

 To understand basics of Cryptography and Network Security.

 To be able to secure a message over insecure channel by various means.
 To make the student learn different encryption techniques along with hash
functions, MAC, digital signatures and their use in various protocols for network
security and system security.

Course Outcomes: On Completion of this course, the students will be able to

 Learn about how to maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of a

data and analyze, design classical encryption techniques and block ciphers.
 Understand and analyze public-key cryptography, RSA and other public-key
cryptosystems. Design message authentication and analyze and design hash and
MAC algorithms.
 Understand security protocols for protecting data on networks and analyze and
design digital signature.


Security Attacks (Interruption, Interception, Modification and Fabrication), Security

Services (Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Non-repudiation, Access Control
and availability) and mechanisms, OSI Security Architecture, Cryptography,
Cryptanalysis, Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Technique: Monoalphabetic
Ciphers, Polyalphabetic Ciphers (Playfair, Vigenere, Hill), Transposition Technique.
Outcome: The students will know about basics of security and different models of


Data Encryption Standard (DES), Block Cipher Principles, Stream Cipher, Block Cipher,
Strength and Weakness of DES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Modular
Arithmetic, Euclid’s Algorithm.
Outcome: The students will be understanding about data encryption standards and types
of ciphers.


Finite Fields of the form GF(P), Principle of Public Key Cryptosystems, Applications for
Public Key Cryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm, Diffie Hellman Key Exchange.
Authentication Requirement, Authentication Functions: Message Encryption, Message
Authentication Code, Hash Function, Message Digest Algorithm: MD5.
Outcome: The students will come to know why authentication is required and use of
crypto systems.


Digital Signatures: Direct Digital Signature, Arbitrated Digital Signature, Authentication

Protocol: Mutual Authentication, Symmetric Encryption Approach, Public Key
Encryption Approach, Digital Signature Standard, Kerberos (Version4).
Outcome: The students will be able to understand the importance of digital signatures.

Text Books:

 Cryptography and Network Security by Behrouz A. Forouzan

Reference Books:

 Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices by William

Core XXIII Project Work

Exam/Viva Mark-100
Project Guidelines:

Project is an assignment to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals through

effective application of theoretical concept. The objective of the project course is to help the
student develop ability to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organizational problems. The project may be from any one of your areas related to the
concerned subject.

Project report: The Project Report must have the following:

 Cover Page – must have the name and roll no. of the student and the name &
designation of the guide along with the title of the Project.
 Acknowledgement, declaration, Certificate of originality signed by the guide with
 Detailed tables & figures of contents with page
 All pages of the Project Report must be numbered as reflected.

Note: Project Guidelines are mentioned at the end of the syllabus.


C-1: PAPER-1: Data Structure using C’

1. What is a literal in C language? 1 Mark

2. Explain pointer to pointer. 2 Marks
3. Write algorithms for PUSH and POP operations of stack. 5 Marks
4. Write a C’ program to implement Quick Sort. 8 Marks


1. Define multi-threading. 1 Mark

2. What are the necessary conditions for deadlock? 2 Marks
3. List out different services of operating systems and explain each service. 5 Marks
4. Explain Banker's deadlock-avoidance algorithm with an illustration. 8 Marks


1. Define the term Management. 1 Mark

2. Explain the advantages and limitations of forecasting in the planning process. 2 Marks
3. Compare and contrast the leadership styles based on Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s Model
and Blake & Mouton’s Model. 5 Marks
4. Discuss the concept of coordination in management. Explain its importance,
and techniques of implementation, highlighting its role in achieving organizational
harmony and efficiency. 8 Marks


1. What is Object Oriented Programming? 1 Mark

2. Explain this keyword with an example. 2 Marks
3. How does Java support inter thread communication? 5 Marks
4. Explain with an example to handle multiple catch blocks for a nested try block.
8 Marks


1. Convert (67A9)16 into decimal. 1 Mark

2. Implement OR gate using NAND gates only. 2 Marks
3. Differentiate between Latch and flip flop ad explain JK Flip with truth table. 5 Marks
4. Write short notes on (Any Two) (4*2=8 Marks)
a. RAMBUS Memory
b. Programmable Array Logic (PAL)
c. Tri-State Buffers.


1. What is a topology? 1 Mark

2. Write two benefits of data link layer. 2 Marks
3. What is CSMA/CD? Explain. 5 Marks
4. Explain IP V4. How does it differ from IP V6? 8 Marks


1. What is the purpose of preparing Trading and Profit & Loss Account in financial
accounting? 1 Mark
2. Explain the difference between Accounting and Bookkeeping. 2 Marks
3. Walk through the steps involved in preparing Trading and Profit &amp; Loss Account
and Balance Sheet for a sole proprietary business. Discuss the importance of each
statement in financial analysis. 5 Marks
4. Compare and contrast manual accounting systems with computerized accounting
systems. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each system, considering their
impact on financial management and decision-making. 8 Marks


1. Define entity set. 1 Mark

2. Explain select operation in Relational algebra. 2 Marks
3. Explain two-phase locking protocol for concurrency control. 5 Marks
4. With suitable example describe various normal forms. 8 Marks


1. Define Perception in the context of individual behaviour. 1 Mark

2. Explain the foundations of Organizational behaviour and their significance in
understanding workplace dynamics. 2 Marks
3. Compare and contrast Formal and Informal groups, and discuss their impact on
organizational dynamics. 5 Marks
4. Discuss the nature and importance of leadership in organizational settings.
Compare and contrast Trait Theory, Behaviour Theory and Contingency Theory
of leadership, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in different situations.
8 Marks


1. Define big data. 1 Mark

2. What is business intelligence? 2 Marks
3. Explain basic data types in R. 5 Marks
4. What is the role of data scientist in big data ecosystem? 8 Marks
1. Write the characteristics of DHTML. 1 Mark
2. Differentiate between the 'BITWISE AND' and the 'LOGICAL AND' operator in
2 Marks
3. Write the differences between GET and POST methods. 5 Marks
4. Define CSS. Explain inline, internal, external and embedded style sheets with
examples. 8 Marks


1. What is software engineering? 1 Mark
2. What is cohesion in software design? 2 Marks
3. Describe RAD model in software development. 5 Marks
4. What is software design? Explain various criteria for good software design.
8 Marks
1. State the objective of pricing in marketing. 1 Mark
2. Compare Traditional Marketing with Digital Marketing, highlighting their key
differences. 2 Marks
3. Discuss the Marketing Environment and its impact on marketing strategies. Also,
explain the factors influencing consumer decision-making. 5 Marks
4. Explore YouTube Advertising as a digital marketing strategy. Discuss YouTube
channels, ads, types of videos used in advertising, buying models, targeting and
optimization strategies, and how to design and monitor successful video campaigns.
8 Marks
1. Define Regular Language. 1 Mark
2. Design a DFA which recognize strings having odd numbers of zeros. 2 Marks
3. Design PDA for anbn. 5 Marks
4. State and prove Pumping lemma for regular grammar. 8 Marks


1. What is the purpose of global keyword in Python? 1 Mark
2. What are the features of tuple data structure? 2 Marks
3. Explain different data types in Python. 5 Marks
4. Explain the use of join() and split() string methods with examples. Describe why
strings are immutable with an example. 8 Marks


1. What is control hazard? 1 Mark
2. Differentiate between RISC and CISC. 2 Marks
3. Explain Cache coherence problem. 5 Marks
4. Why does Hazard occur? Define types of Hazard and briefly discuss hazard
resolution techniques. 8


1. What is a frame buffer? 1 Mark
2. What is the 2-D rotation transformation? Write the matrix formula. 2 Marks
3. What is Bezier curve? Derive the formula of it. 5 Marks
4. Explain Z-Buffer. How does it differ from A-Buffer? 8 Marks


1. Define feasibility study. 1 Mark
2. What is Project appraisal? 2 Marks
3. What is project? Explain objective of project management. 5 Marks
4. What is project management? Explain project management life cycle in details.
8 Marks
1. A decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their
possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility is
called as ______. 1 Mark
2. Define Machine learning. 2 Mark
3. How to choose a target function explain with an example. 5 Marks
4. Give three computer applications for which machine learning approaches seem
appropriate and three for which they seem inappropriate. 8 Marks


1. Define data mart. 1 Mark
2. Describe Dataware House architecture. 2 Marks
3. Explain Bayesian classification method. 5 Marks
4. Compare and contrast the features of among partition methods. 8 Marks


1. Write the complexity of Quick sort? 1 Mark
2. Define an algorithm. 2 Marks
3. What is greedy method? How does it differ from divide & conquer method? 5 Marks
4. Explain different asymptotic notion with example. 8 Marks


1. What is the use of cipher? 1 Mark
2. Distinguish between cryptography and cryptoanalysis. 2 Marks
3. Explain Euclid’s algorithm. 5 Marks
4. What is digital signature? What are its types? Briefly describe the standards of it.
8 Marks


Odisha Mining Corporation
National Aluminum Company
Mahanadi Coal Fields Ltd.
Steel Plants (Govt. & Private)
Airport Authority of India
Paradeep Port Trust
& All Govt and Private owned Organizations

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