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Blight Drone Rules

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June 17, 2011


The Time of the Imperium is ending. The enemies of Mankind circle in their billions. For the Imperium to have a chance, all must take up arms or be destroyed.

Codex: Chaos Legions

5th Edition Redux
The Children of the Dark Gods March in TRIUMPH. Let the age of man end Codex Chaos Legions Build 0.810 End Times Edition

Ye would march into Hells Mouth and be surprised to find daemons?

~ Unknown Rogue Trader, M31 Produced by Herald of Nurgle, hosted on Scribd and BoLS Lounge (http://lounge.belloflostsouls.com) V0.810, Dated 14/06/2011

[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011


The tales you are about to read speak of great heresy, of betrayal in the highest reaches, and of the rise of Chaos. Of ten thousand long years of banishment. Of ten thousand long years of pain. The Legions within the Eye of Terror have not forgotten. While the Loyalists split their might into that of chapters, they remained whole and pure kept sane only by the reasoning that vengeance is likely to fail when placed into the hands of a madman. But Power Corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. The remaining members of the original legions are none like the noble warriors who sallied from Terra to begin the Great Crusade and less still than the kinslayers who left Terra at the end of the Horus Heresy. But a Marine never forgets and Primarchs forget even less than that. It is likely at any point that perhaps any one of the Chaos Primarchs has a plot being planned, to bring death to the inheritors of the Emperor s legacy the Imperium Welcome to Codex Chaos Legions. This is an UNOFFICIAL set of rules which allow you to form a warband that far more accurately depicts the legion that you want to collect! The following links may be useful. They contain additional Chaos Legion resources: - Wargear and Army Summary: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AoJoGUMp8Y0ndFdDU DA2WmtjbFBIbU1ackpfeUNfNkE&hl=en&output=html - BoLS Lounge Blog http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/blog.php?u=309


Legion Tactics The basic Legion Tactics will give the unit the Stubborn universal special rule while involved in Close Combat. Other Legions replace this rule with their own versions. Daemon: Units with the Daemon special rule have the following rules: Fearless, Deep Strike, Eternal Warrior. If a unit of Daemons enters play within 6 of a Chaos Icon, they may charge on the turn that they arrive. Grey Knight rules for Chaos Legions affect only models with this SPECIFIC rule noted in their profile Marks of Chaos A set of Chaos Marks have been included on Page 3 for general use. All versions of the Chaos Marks, unless noted, use these effects. If a model is part of a Cult Legion (noted in brackets next to that god s name), they do not need to purchase another mark it is included in that army s Legion Tactics . Characters may not join a unit which does not bear the same mark, and do not benefit from Marks bestowed upon the unit by Icon Bearers or such. Please note that while an Icon may be required to gain a Mark, the Icon is not required to retain it. Invulnerable Saves in Chaos Legions There are a number of pieces of Wargear which modify a unit s Invulnerable Save or other statistics. If these are removed during the game by an effect, all benefits are lost immediately, except where specifically noted an example is the Chaos Icons above.


Eugh, this part of the process seems to be the most annoying, if I might be honest with you. I m close enough to finishing this book that i m really enthused and excited But at the same time, i m close to finishing this book. What project could I possibly move onto next when the first was such a glorious design? I ve considered 3 forces Tau Empire, Eldar, and another Campaign book for my next part of this Time of Ending series (yes it s being called that now) but there are too many rumors across these that I don t want to start the project and get told oh yeah, Tau are next That s just pointless And it happened with the Dark Eldar book I was producing last year. Ah well. This book represents 2 years of design and labor. It isn t the prettiest of books, it doesn t have massive amounts of pictures or breaks It is text, text, and more text. BUT the text in here is original, even if the concept isn t. Feel free to download this off of Scribd or wherever and use as is, hell you can use the format etc if you want. I am not claiming ownership of any of this content, due to the subject matter. If you improve on it, send me a link, or comment on the Scribd page! Enjoy the book! Herald of Nurgle Count the Seven!

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June 17, 2011



KHORNE (Chosen Legion: World Eaters) The Blood God, God of War
The common perception of Khorne is of a giant raging demon, with the head and legs of a growling ram and the body of some unfathomable thing, with a pair of axes always at the ready. This could very well be true, aside from the raging part. It would be foolish to think of Khorne as a callous warbeast, though this could very well be the case, for Khorne is more a creature of martial prowess. He bears no cares for himself or his enemies, sure, allowing him to run berserk on the field of battle, but if anything he represents power in all forms of melee. Khorne expects his followers to be knowledgeable about all forms of close combat with axe, lance, sword or spear and for them to adapt to the combat they are involved in, with Honour, and veneration of a good foe. So it is that while they rush forward, there is always the sight of a salute to their doomed foes. Models with a Mark of Khorne gain +1 to Hit (up to 3+) in combat and the Martial Honour special rule. This means that at the start of any combat, the whole unit must choose to gain either +1 Strength or +1 Attack.

NURGLE (Chosen Legion: Death Guard) Lord of Death, Grandfather Nurgle

The domain of man has always been obsessed with death from the vestigial mummies of the Pharaohs to the Living Saints of the 41st Millenium, many rituals and beliefs are formed on the nature of life and, indeed, unlife. It could be said that Nurgle is the embodiment of death, or of entropy the pursuit of death and the realisation that, in the end, everything must be morbid for everything dies. Some say that this is why he is the most powerful Chaos God but this is far from true. Nurgle is more about the insidious death of his victims than all out warfare, unlike perhaps all three other Chaos Gods. Nonetheless, the death of foes on the field of battle empowers Nurgle as much as any god, and quite often his Daemons will ally with those of other powers to spread the diseased word of their Lord. Models with a Mark of Nurgle gain +1 Toughness, and count as equipped with Defensive Grenades.

SLAANESH (Chosen Legion: Emperors Children) Doom of the Eldar, Pleasure Incarnate
The warp is a fickle place, which distorts time and space and bears them as puppets. So it is with Slaanesh he is the youngest of the Chaos Gods, one born with the depravities of the Eldar race, and is the embodiment of all that damned civilization s past excesses. Slaanesh is a being of no gender both man and woman yet neither whose beauty is enough to damn a man s soul to his realm for all eternity. Slaanesh is the pursuer of perfection, and of a perfect sin, or perfect blight. These obsess him, forcing the prisoners of his realm to endure the consequences of his experiments into this sick field. From Gluttony to Pride to Avarice, and many other original sins, there is a place in Slaanesh s great Warpborn Palace for all sorts of human damnation, and it is said that were a man to wander through it and somehow not be destroyed by the forces within such a turbulent place, they would be trapped for all eternity by their darkest desires. Models with a Mark of Slaanesh gain +1 Initiative, +d6 to any Run movements and the Move Through Cover special rule. Page 3

TZEENTCH (Chosen Legion: Thousand Sons) Changer of Ways, Master of Sorcery

For all eternity, Tzeentch has planned in a cocoon in the middle of the warp. Always shifting to fit a fickle personality, the most mysterious Chaos God of all has never been seen by any bar the most powerful dead Psykers of Humanity s past, and then only when they seek to do bargain with him. The Lord of Sorcery is the source of all magic and psychic prowess in all of the universe and beyond, and to become a Sorcerer or Psyker of any sort, a novice must triumph over his whispers for all of their life, or else be doomed to spend eternity in an insane grip, confusing reality with fiction and, eventually, most likely dying a painful death as their own powers overwhelm their poor senses. For those who can master magic, there are infinite possibilities. For those who cannot, there is only the Changer of Ways ahead of them. Models with a Mark of Tzeentch bear a 4+ Invulnerable Save (or +1 to an existing Invulnerable Save) and may use 2 Psychic Powers per turn (if Psykers).

[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Even amongst the tattered remains of the Legions which assaulted the Emperor s Palace on Terra, there are those who have been touched and given special privileges by the Primarch. These are the Masters of Chaos the equivalent to a Captain in the Imperial Space Marines, these are the true legends of the Legion and the true nightmares of any loyalist. Though not as highly ranked in the Dark Gods favor as the Ascended Champions (or Daemon Princes to mere mortals), the Masters demand great respect from their followers. These are men of true cunning; the ones who all intrigue will flow around. They are highly trained, but still noble soldiers who will prefer the honorific duel than the all out bloodbath though sometimes it is hard to see whether there is any difference between the two. The Dark Gods smile upon any soldier who attempts to distinguish themselves and the duel is a perfect opportunity to do so for any who are being looked upon with wanting eyes in the warp. Masters are the lords of many things from combat to tactics, they will command respect from all their opponents and complete control of any and all servants. It does not pay to anger one of the Primarch s chosen champions on the field of combat, and those who fail to learn this valuable lesson will soon be numbered among the fields dead.

Depending on the Legion that they belong to, a Master will have a different outlook on the field. Those belonging to the Word Bearers see the battlefield as the ultimate expression of zeal, and the greatest chance to ascend into the ranks of Chaos greatest warriors. Within the World Eaters, the plan will be fairly different a fully flung grasp for the opponent, and the total annihilation of all that oppose Khorne. The Thousand Sons will be another contrast, with the movement of units much like the taking of pieces on a chess board. The Night Lords will be hard and fast, wiping out entire platoons and companies before their commanders can even issue orders to them. This is the way of Chaos functional, and deadly when used in the right hands. The luckiest or as some could say, the least lucky of Masters will have the pleasure of being blessed by the Dark Gods personally. This could be by the addition of a new ship to his fleet, or the offering of a thousand virgins for the lord to do away with . However, it is more likely to be in the form of a weapon. These are the Daemon Weapons, and only those in good favor with Chaos will have any chance of surviving against one of these sacred weapons. In addition to these are the Daemonic Mutations small gifts, such as the ability to ignore fire, or being able to breathe acid onto the Master s foes. All that is known is that all Gifts are eventually as deadly as one another to the bearer

Chaos Lord Chaos Lieutenant

6 5

5 5

5 4

4 4

3 2

5 5

4 3

10 10

3+ 3+

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Infantry) Special Rules: y Fearless y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Legion Tactics Diabolic Splendor: The Visage of a Master blessed with the gleam of the Gods blinds his foes and bolsters his allies. At the start of any Assault Phase in which a model with Diabolic Splendor is in combat, you may select a single enemy unit with at least 1 model in base contact with the bearer. The unit must immediately take a Leadership test if failed, no enemy model from that unit in base contact with the bearer may attack in that turn of combat. Fearless models may reroll this test.

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June 17, 2011


The Dark Gods wait in the shadows. They know all, they see all and they touch all. This will generally be in the form of Daemonic Gifts, but once in each few million champions of the gods there will be one mighty enough to command their respect through ritual combat or events of extreme decadence or more obscure methods. These are the Ascended Champions.


Ascended Champions are formed from the stuff of Chaos itself. They have left their mortal husks to live out an existence in the hands of their patron. There are no undivided champions here they have laid their lot in the eternal game, and have been rewarded until all existence ends. Most Ascended Champions still wear their old Power Armour though this will be twisted from the transformation ritual that doth changes the form of man from quiet youth to slavering tyrant. They will also bear a giant weapon gifted also from their patron which will essentially hold all of the abilities given through that Champion s lifetime. It is theorised that without this weapon, the Champion is powerless and will be under the thrall of the weapon s thief. Unfortunately, none have been able to test this theory all have died or been reduced to nervous wrecks in the process.

For one to approach an Ascended Champion, they will require prior summons. Such creatures are egotistical monsters who would slay a man simply for forgetting the correct honorific. This is a task in itself a Champion of Khorne may name itself Bloodreaper , but one of Tzeentch could take a more challenging name such as Mutandititusmujicas . Most Ascended Champions also bear titles in life such as Lord of the Festering Host or The Chosen of Horus . These will be more obvious, but still awkward to a first time quirkier. An Ascended Champion will most commonly have a large horde of his patrons daemons to serve his every whim. Whether this is to be his servants or to launch an assault upon a certain world is up to the Prince in question, but regardless of use the Champion will often march into war with an army of millions in tow flooding the enemy with the mass of bodies they control at that moment. These are the final forms of Chaos. The last enemy to face. You would be lucky to not meet them on the fields of battle ever


3+ Wargear: Axe of Fallen Kings: Ascended Champions still bear a love of the large weaponry from their days as a mortal champion into battle, even if they have evolved beyond a need to use them. An Ascended Champion with an Axe of Fallen Kings may choose to use it in a grand swipe instead of taking the Champion s normal attacks, instead make a single attack for each enemy model in base to base contact with the Champion. This may not be used in the same turn as Majesty of Chaos. Majesty of Chaos: Contained within the Champion s chest is a pure source of Chaos which can be unleashed upon his command. The Majesty of Chaos may be used successfully once per game, at the beginning of any Close Combat Phase in which the Ascended Champion is engaged in melee, after Charges have been made but before any attacks are made. The Ascended Champion rolls a single roll to hit, using their Ballistic Skill. On a successful hit, all enemy models in that combat within 6 of the Champion will be affected by the Majesty of Chaos. These models each take a single Strength 3 hit, which will wound on a maximum of 6, allocated and resolved as shooting (the attacks have no AP value and may not cause Pinning or other such effects). Wounds caused by this attack count towards combat resolution, and are struck essentially at Initiative 11.

Unit Type: y Monstrous Creature Special Rules: y Daemon y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Legion Tactics Daemonic Character: An Ascended Champion may join any non-single model unit with the Daemon special rule as if he were an Independent Character. The Champion may be deployed via Deep Strike with this unit, counting as a single Reserve. They may leave this unit freely during the Movement Phase. Mind an Abyss: Psychic Powers which affect leadership values do not work on Ascended Champions or the squad they have joined. Ascended Champions will always count as rolling a 1 for characteristic based tests (i.e. Initiative Tests against Jaws of the World Wolf) and are therefore unaffected by them. In addition to this, the Champion s Eternal Warrior cannot be ignored by weapon effects (this takes priority over any ability saying as such, except where noted).

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

In order for any warband to survive, it requires itself to stay in favor with two crucial elements the Warp, and the Legions. In order to satisfy both conditions, there exists the Legion Sorcerer chosen delegate of the Legion, and open conduit to the true majesty of the Warp. They are the ones who guide the ships through the warp, and the ones who will aid in the summoning of the great forces of Daemons and other factions. In order for a unit to teleport accurately onto the field, a Sorcerer is required otherwise, they could end up miles from the intended destination, or worse still totally lost in the depths of space and time. Legion Sorcerers have the ability to form pacts of power referred to as Daemonic Pacts which allow them to use great powers of a psychic nature. A Sorcerer can augment his frame with the essence of chaos, force lesser men to kill themselves, or perhaps cause the implosion of a planet. Such power is not to be handled carelessly, however for one thing the Dark Gods do love is trickery and deceit, as well as the total corruption of anyone who believed themselves to be above their influence. It is easy enough to tap into the warp successfully but it is easier still to fall and die to that same holy power.


Among the many ranks available in a Legion, that of the Legion Sorcerer is most important but in some legions, this is not known. For example, the World Eaters slaughtered all of their Librarians upon the moment that they entered Khorne s worship, and it is a well known fact that the first members of any planet to be killed by the World Eaters will usually based upon their psychic presence, if only to make it easier for such worlds to be torn apart isolated from their allies amongst the millions of planets in the galaxy. All Sorcerers are apt at their art, but those chosen by the Chaos God Tzeentch are greater at the art of Magic and Witchcraft than any of the other god s followers. Tzeentch is the god of Sorcery, and eventually all Psykers in the universe will have to accept that he is the God that they worship. For each power mastered by the Imperium s Librarians or Primaris Psykers, those blessed by Tzeentch will have mastered twenty. For each blessed Sorcerer who has fallen in battle, fifty of the Imperium s will have fallen as well. Psychic Duels between fellow Tzeentchian sorcerers will take days or even weeks to end, such is their great power, and it is only a matter of time before more join their fold for each Psyker that resists His presence, five will join the ranks.



Chaos Sorcerer Sorcerer Lord

5 6

5 5

4 4

4 4

2 3

5 5

2 3

10 10

3+ 3+

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Psyker y 5+ Invulnerable Save Psyker: A Legion Sorcerer is a Psyker, and uses powers from the Chaos Space Marine set on the opposite page. When you are choosing your army each Psyker in your army may select up to 2 Psychic Powers. Psykers may each use 1 power per turn unless noted. Note that if the Psyker is given a Mark of Chaos, they must select at least one of their god s unique powers Greater Channeling: A Sorcerer blessed with Greater Channeling does not merely forge the powers of the warp into a makeshift weapon. Nay, he is one with them. Whenever a Sorcerer with Greater Channeling casts a Psychic Power, he may do so on 3d6 (pick the lowest 2d6). Please note that it is only when the two remaining dice are Double 1 or Double 6 that he will take a Perils of the Warp test.

Wargear: Chaos Familiars: Familiars are gifts from the Dark Gods, which can help a Sorcerer focus and be more likely to succeed when using a Psychic Power. If a Psychic Test whether for a Force Weapon or Power is failed, a Sorcerer who has purchased a Chaos Familiar may re-roll that test. If this is also a fail, the Sorcerer will automatically suffer a wound (with no saves allowed) as the Familiar simply sits back and watches the fireworks. Book of Secrets: This book contains many of the spells used by Psykers across the galaxy, and how to halt their effects. When an enemy Psyker within 18 of a model bearing a Book of Secrets successfully uses a Psychic Power (including a Force Weapon), roll a d6. On a 5+, that power (or weapon) is neutralised and does not take place. If a Perils of the Warp attack was caused by the test, roll for the Book of Secrets after any saves are made.

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June 17, 2011



Thunder s Call Shooting Attack Bolts of thunder erupt from your grasp, destroying the foe s body and soul Range 30 / S: 4 / AP: 3 / Assault 3, Twin Linked, Pinning Gift of Chaos Any Assault Phase Using your god-given powers, you sculpt the world in their image their chaotic image For this game turn, all Force Weapon attacks dealt by the Psyker will deal instant death on the successful roll to hit of a 6. Wind of Chaos Shooting Attack A bolt of pure chaos pours out of your mouth, destroying everything it touches with reckless abandon Make a single template attack. Models under this template are wounded (with no saves allowed) on a 3+. Friendly models MAY be hit by this attack. Vehicles hit and successfully wounded by Wind of Chaos will instead take d3 Glancing Hits. Curse of the Machine Spirit Shooting Attack Even the staunchest of spirits may be corrupted by the power of a god! Select a single vehicle in line of sight. It immediately takes a single Penetrating Hit with an AP of 1. Curse of the Machine Spirit may be used alongside one other shooting attack, at the same target. Daemonic Vitality Friendly Movement Phase Through the power of the warp, even the worst wounds may be ignored Each player rolls off with a d6 each. For each point that you defeat the opponent by, the Psyker regains a wound (which may bring them above the maximum). For the rest of the game turn after Daemonic Vitality is used, the Psyker is classed as a Daemon. Forced into the Grave Shooting Attack The silence of the grave eventually reaches out for all Place a marker on the table within 12 of the Psyker and scatter it as a Barrage weapon. Any model between the Psyker and his marker must pass a Weapon Skill test or else be removed with no saves allowed. Models with the Furious Charge, Stubborn or Counter Attack rule may reroll this test if failed. Warptime Any Assault Phase As your opponent tears your head off, you take a small step back in time and proceed to use this knowledge to stop such events from recurring Use this power at the beginning of any Assault Phase. For that phase, all failed rolls to hit, wound, or make a save may be re-rolled by the Psyker. Divine Wrath (Marked Models Only) Shooting Attack Channeling the power of his faith, the Sorcerer banishes his foe Range 24-2d6 / S : 6 / AP: D6 / Assault X, Ignores Invulnerable and Cover Where X = 15 the result of the psychic test. If the test was failed, the Psyker s unit will take the hits. Iridescent Blaze of Tzeentch Enemy Movement Through faith in your god, the opponent is stunned as a wall of flames erupts from the earth consuming any and all who try to enter through it. Declare at the end of your turn that you are using this power it begins to take effect for your opponent s next player turn. Select a single enemy unit this unit may not move in that movement phase, and immediately takes d6 Strength 5 AP hits, with the Pinning special rule, allocated as shooting. The unit may move as normal in further phases, but moves as if in Difficult Terrain. Phantasmagoria Platonism of Tzeentch Shooting Attack The Frenzied thrashings of a thousand forgotten breaths are launched as one from the Sorcerer s grasp. Roll an Artillery Dice this is the range of the Platonism. Then make an attack with the following profile against any single enemy unit within that range (they may be outside of line of sight): Strength D6 / AP 5 / Assault 2d6, Melta, Ignore Cover If the Psychic Test was failed for the attack, d3 friendly units within the range will be hit by the attack, as chosen by the opponent. Creeping Pestilence of Nurgle Friendly Assault Phase The Plague consumes all, and entropy is certain in all things. Best to accept this and die than allow a long death Use this power at the beginning of your Assault Phase. All Nurgle units within 14 inches of the Sorcerer will charge 7+d6 inches this turn. In the next player turn, all enemy units within 7 inches of where this Psychic Power was used must move as if through Dangerous Terrain. Paramount Plague of Nurgle Shooting Attack When a master of the plague casts this spell, it is the lucky man who escapes unharmed. This is a psychic shooting attack. When used, all units without a Mark of Nurgle within 6 will take 7 Strength d6+1 Hits (the AP is also equal to the d6 roll), which ignore the effects of Feel No Pain. Absolute Justice of Slaanesh Shooting Attack Freedom from trouble, freedom from zeal. Select a single unit within 18 inches of the Sorcerer using this psychic power. It immediately moves 12-2d6 inches towards the Psyker, moved by the Psyker s controlling player (the unit must remain in coherency and may be moved into Difficult or Dangerous Terrain without penalty), and gains the Rage special rule for the next player turn. The the unit must make a Pinning and Dangerous Terrain test at the end of the movement. Exquisite Excess of Slaanesh Enemy Movement Come little children, come on and run. Declare at the end of your turn that you are using this power it begins to take effect for your opponent s next player turn. All enemy units which have line of sight to the Sorcerer or his unit must make a Leadership Check. If failed they will gain the Rage special rule for this game turn and must make d6 Armor Saves if failed, a model is overwhelmed by long denied urges and loses a wound.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Over the course of the Horus Heresy, the Imperium changed. Brother killed Brother, Friend battled Friend. Over its course, 9 Legions turned traitor 8 remained Loyalists. The Dark Angels literally broke in two. Lion El Jonson was of course outraged the purest of the chapters, the Dark Angels were Legion 1. The first Legion, some could say. And THEY were the only ones split in two.


The Fallen are the lost sons of the Dark Angels the ones who chose to side with Luthor a pawn of the Dark Gods in a whole new, corrupted, generation of His sons. When Luthor fell, there was a vast explosion of pure Psychic Energy which caused the scattering of all these Fallen Angels across the galaxy and throughout time and space. Now these Fallen fights to avenge themselves or so the majority do. Some of this same Fallen have come to fight still for Chaos, not learning anything from the Lion and Luthor s demises. Though they are a random element in the universe, they are still an element. They still contribute to wars. They still contribute to death.

Being from the Heresy Era, the Fallen still possess a near perfect geneseed, making them far harder than the marines of this millennium. It is no surprise, then, that it requires such a large gathering of these new Dark Angels to bring down a large target. These witch hunts or Scourings will usually claim millions of innocent lives as the Dark Angels fight to wipe out these hives of scum. It is even worse when these Fallen are gathered in a large hive at this point, the only possible solution is to bombard the entire planet and pray that the Fallen do not escape. Unfortunately they always do. There are countless millions of Fallen infesting the universe at points however, there is a small paradox to this. The power of Chaos gives the Fallen the ability to teleport randomly throughout time and space. This could mean that some of the Fallen are younger or perhaps older versions of other Fallen, who are themselves older or perhaps younger versions of OTHER Fallen. How can one kill such a foe?

Fallen Martyr Fallen Angel Unit Type: y Infantry

6 5

5 5

4 4

4 4

3 2

5 4

2 2

10 9

3+ 3+ Wargear: Fallen Angels can be used as HQ Choices, Elite Choices, or Troops Choices. Besides unit composition all units bear the same options and Wargear though their scoring status may differ between individual models. Chaos Jetbike: Though the Legions may have lost their Jetbikes, the Fallen retain theirs. A model equipped with a Chaos Jetbike gains +2 to their Toughness and changes their unit type to Jetbike. Models with a Chaos Jetbike also have +1 to their Invulnerable Save.

Special Rules: y 6+ Invulnerable Save y Preferred Enemy (Dark Angels) y Infiltrate Ungraspable: Only Fallen Angel units purchased as a Troop Choice may count for Kill Points or Capture/Contest Objectives. Hunt the Fallen: Whenever the Dark Angels are faced with the threat of Fallen Angels, they will fight ever the harder to remove their threat. In Games involving Fallen Angels, all Ravenwing and Deathwing units will gain the Preferred Enemy (Fallen Angels) and Furious Charge special rules. Random Appearance: At any point in the game, Fallen can vanish. Roll a d6 at the end of each player turn. On a 1, that unit of Fallen must re-enter Reserves.

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June 17, 2011


Once every thousand years, there is a howling gale in the warp, as hundreds of Daemons detect simultaneously the beginning of a summoning circle. From then, it s a race against time to escape that wretched place and enter the material universe. Only the strongest or wisest Daemons have the raw power to accomplish this feat, empowered by the offerings made by the summoned. These Greater Daemons are manifested in our universe as vast avatars to their god s power, equipped with the signature weaponry of their lord s power.





Unit Type: y Monstrous Creature Special Rules: y Daemon y Mind an Abyss y Daemonic Character y 4+ Invulnerable Save

Khornate Powers: Axe of Khorne: The Axe of Khorne is a giant two handed axe, who s every swing unleashes more and more of the bearer s rage. The bearer of the Axe of Khorne has the Rage and Furious Charge special rules. For each successful wound dealt by the Axe (after saves), the bearer may make an additional attack. Roar of the Ancients: The daemon raises a giant guttural howl from the bottom of its throat, boiling the blood of its foe. The bearer of a Roar of the Ancients has a Shooting Attack with the following profile: Range Str AP Profile Roar of the 24 7 4 Assault d3, Blast, Ancients Pinning

Tzeentch Powers: Pandemonium Staff: Bound within the Staff is a fickle Greater Daemon, whose cries for freedom echo across the field. As well as being a Force Weapon, once per game the Pandemonium Staff may be unleashed, allowing the bearer to re-roll any failed rolls to hit and wound for that player turn in combat. Infinite Bombardment: Drawing upon the warp, the daemon shapes a vast orb of destruction. The bearer of Infinite Bombardment may use either of the following abilities each turn: Range Str AP Profile Infinite Flux Arc 36 D3 D3+2 Heavy d3, Sniper Infinite Spatial 24 D6 D6 Heavy d3, Small Vortex Blast, Pinning

Nurgle Powers: Nurgle s Rot: The most deadly disease known by Nurgle followers is that of Nurgle s rot. At the beginning of each shooting phase, all units within 6+d6 (roll at start of game turn) of the Greater Daemon without a Mark of Nurgle will take d3+1 Strength 3 hits, which do not allow Cover Saves. If the Daemon is in combat, units in the same combat take 3 hits immediately (do not roll) and other units are not affected. Cauldron of Flies: The decaying carcass of the Greater Daemon is the perfect breeding spot for Flies. The bearer of a Cauldron of Flies has a Shooting Attack with the following profile: Range Str AP Profile Cauldron of d6x7 7 Heavy d6-1, Pinning, Flies Poisoned Attacks (d6+) Please note that on a 1 for the Poisoned Attacks, the Flies will automatically wound. The Cauldron of Flies may not cause Instant Death with its shooting attacks.

Slaanesh Powers: Spirit Collector: The supper of the Daemon is human souls, clenched from still breathing chests. This is a normal shooting attack, with the following profile. Range Str AP Notes Spirit Collector 12 2 D3+1 Heavy 2d6 Note: The Spirit Collector wounds on a maximum of a 6 against non Fearless enemy units. It does not affect Vehicles Howling Blade: The Howling Blade is a Special Close Combat Weapon. For each model killed by the Daemon s Spirit Collector, the Blade gains a new ability: Dead The Effect 0-5 Is not yet active 6-9 Bearer gains the Hit and Run special rule 10-14 Bearer may fire the Spirit Collector into own Combat 15-21 Bearer gains the Rending special rule 22+ Bearer may not be hit on anything below a 3+ with Shooting or Combat attacks, however they also gain a -1 modifier to their own Cover Saves and those of any unit the Spirit Collector is fired at. These results stack

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Most generals say a battle can be won based entirely on the quality of your common trooper. This is generally incorrect when referring to Imperial armies seeing as Guardsmen make relatively poor troopers but when referring to the Chaos Legions it is in fact true. Chaos Legionnaires are the lifeblood of any Chaos Army, and such s their strength that if enough of them are massed, nothing will stop them.


The standard member of a Chaos Legion will bear a few key weapons of the trade a Boltgun, often borne by them since the Heresy itself, a Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon, making them incredibly deadly in hand to hand combat, and Grenades. This ranks them amongst the most tactically versatile forces in the Galaxy able to shift their gear to fit the zone of battle being fought in. Each Legion will also bear a certain specialisation a trait apparent even in the days of Horus, where they were wielded as a full toolkit by the Warmaster. For example, the Iron Warriors are a perfect parallel to the Imperial Fists, being that both are siege experts. The Night Lords are a raiding force much like the White Scars, and Horus own legion (known now as the Black Legion) were perfectionists comparable to the Ultramarines of Guilleman.

When a legion marches to war, tens of thousands of their legionnaires will march alongside. These will be arrayed into three key groups the core Chaos Legionnaires who mirror Tactical Squads used by the Adeptus Astartes, tank busting Havocs which are largely superior to the Devastators used by Guilleman s successors, and Raptors whose presence often gets used to mount a full out assault on the enemy. These groups are heavily armoured all bearing the same Power Armour as their loyalist brethren as well as being armoured with another aid pure diabolic zeal. A Chaos Legionnaire will never give up, as they are dedicated entirely to the cause. Such is the gift and also the curse of one of the Emperor s banished sons gifted with a tactical mind and a battle honed body, but cursed with an eternal need for conflict. It has long been debated what would happen to the Space Marines if the universe were suddenly at peace. Would they die fighting the flow of events, or re-merge with common society? Such will never be known, for the only peace in the Imperium will be found within death.





Chaos Legionnaire Aspiring Champion Unit Type: y Infantry

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

1 1

4 4

1 1

9 10

3+ 3+

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Boltgun Drill (Havocs Only) Boltgun Drill: Chaos Havocs count as Relentless whenever they use a Boltgun or Plasma Gun. However, if they launch an assault in the same turn that Boltgun Drill is used, they will not gain the standard +1 attack bonus for charging.

Page 10

June 17, 2011


Over the course of the Horus Heresy, Jump Pack squadrons were introduced into each of the Legions. These would be used by the Assault Marines those who had proven to excel in the art of the close assault and soon replaced the Rhino in their favoured method of reaching the field.


soldiers who are perfectly happy to sell their services to any master willing to pay the price. To aid their already deadly reputation, the Raptors model their armies on natural figures of dread. For example, it is common for the image of a Hawk or a Daemon to be used obvious predators and obvious to cause fear in the enemy. One Legion in particular has become known for especially large use of Raptors. Known still as the Night Lords, it is unnaturally common that entire companies will be equipped with the same Raptor Jump Pack burning a path through the enemy with great speed and dynamic zeal. The Raptor Jump Pack used by the Night Lords has been modified to constantly emit a disorientating shrill which will burst ear drums and paralyse their prey with fear. However, the same can unfortunately be said for their own side for none shall want to work alongside the Raptors for fear of death.

These Jump Pack armies were trained as a lightning force one which would react to even the smallest breach in the enemy line. This gave them a reputation as shock troops held until truly necessary to be launched. Such strategy slowly changed some of these marines into men of true terror who would act independently and deal large amounts of damage to the enemy. Soon enough, large portions of the enemy would surrender instead of chance the brutal Raptors as they were called. Post Heresy, these marines still remain though they are confined to the Chaos Legions mainly now. The Raptor Squadrons are filled with elite troopers whose single kill counts are beyond measure. They are a crew of arrogant



Chaos Raptor Raptor Champion

4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

1 1

4 4

2 2

9 10

3+ 3+

Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Swooping Slice y Sweeping Assault (Infantry Raptors only) Swooping Slice: Whenever a unit of Raptors charges, the reacting unit will not gain the benefit of cover, and may only react d6 inches. Sweeping Assault (Raptor models on Foot only): Those Raptors forced to walk across the battlefield still move with an unnatural grace, allowing them to cover far more ground than the normal man. A model with the Sweeping Assault special rule charges 6+d6 inches, and will react 6+d3 inches rather than the usual 6 inches when charged by an enemy unit.

Wargear: CHAOS RAPTORS ON BIKES ONLY Chaos Bike: Some Raptors have exchanged their Jump Pack skills with Bike handling instead. A model with a Chaos Bike benefits from the Ride to ruin special rule, and gains +1 Toughness (which does not count towards Instant Death, and is not included in the profiles above). Their Unit Type is Bikes. Ride to Ruin: Raptors with Chaos Bikes have the Skilled Rider special rule. In addition, they will count as Initiative 5 on the charge. CHAOS RAPTORS WITH PACKS ONLY Raptor Jump Pack: The Raptor Jump Pack is a heavily modified version of the Jump Pack which is enhanced to make it far more frightening for opponents. A model with a Raptor Jump Pack benefits from the Talons of the Raptor special rule. Their Unit Type is Jump Infantry. Talons of the Raptor: If a unit of Raptors ends its move upon a piece of Difficult or Dangerous terrain, do not take the usual Dangerous Terrain tests you must however make a Difficult Terrain Test to get out of that cover.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

It is the will of the gods that ambition and a good hunger for power are to be awarded, and such is the case for Exalted Champions. Exalted Champions are Chaos Legionnaires which have risen above even their unit s Aspiring Champions in order to become figures of dread for the Imperium. A single Exalted Champion can achieve nigh-limitless accomplishments. The gift of strength means that even the reckless Thunderwolves of the Space Wolves Chapter can easily be brought to heel, the gift of courage means that only the most grim of battles will force a champion to surrender, and the gift of the gods... the gift of the gods constantly drives the champion to better himself, and to work in the name of his masters for all eternity if need be. Exalted Champions are known by the Imperium in many forms depending on their specialisms. A Champion which remains with his Legionnaires is known simply as an Exalted Champion, but a Champion of Havocs is known as a Master of Fire while a Champion of Raptors is known as the Grave Reaper. These are apt names, for these exemplify the ideals that these champions aspire to.


A Master of Fire doesn t use the weapon... he becomes the weapon. He will use enhanced auto-senses to pick out foes with his mind even as his likely warp attached weapon moves into position to land a telling blow on the target. A Master of Fires also carries a Signum a targeting artefact to assist those falls which do not share his prodigious firing abilities. A Grave Reaper on the other hand is the embodiment of the ethos Survival of the Fittest . The Reaper strikes faster, harder, and harsher than any of the Raptors in his squad, and are known for their spontaneous fits of rage as the daemons growing inside him hunger for even more blood and gore. A Grave Reaper is constantly hunted by the battle call and will be ready at any point to answer it. The Imperium has many enemies, and these come in many forms, but while Chaos remains willing to adapt and give its servants the ways to do so, the Imperium will not. This is why their threat is so great.



Exalted Champion Grave Reaper Master of Fire Unit Type: y Infantry

4 5 4

4 4 5

4 4 4

4 4 4

1 2 2

4 4 4

3 3 2

10 10 10

3+ 3+ 3+

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Acute Senses y Boltgun Drill (Master of Fire Only) Chosen Champions: An Exalted Champion (of any type) will inherit the special rules of any unit they join.

Page 12

June 17, 2011


Ten Thousand Years Ago, gods walked alongside mere men on the field of battle. The Primarchs Fulgrim, Angron, Perturabo, Magnus, Mortarion, Lorgar, Horus, Konrad Kurze, and Alpharius Omegon all represented the fledgling Imperium and more importantly the core aspect of their daughter legions on the field of battle.


If you think that the standard Legionnaire is dangerous, you have not seen Chosen. They fight as a true Child of Chaos would in the knowledge that regardless of the outcome of the battle, they will be blessed and praised above all others Legion s Chosen the name which has been given by the Imperium for the fools who wear the Emperor s sacred Terminator Armour will deep strike right into the midst of the foe in order to ensure a great sacrifice to the Chaos Powers... even if this sacrifice is themselves, mind body and soul. Legion s Veterans will carry damned ammunition and weaponry which burns with the diabolic fires of the Forge of Souls which claims their victim s corpses and souls in the name of one of the Chaos Powers or even their Legion s Primarch. But regardless of weaponry, the Chosen of Chaos stand ever ready to reap a grim toll of the Imperium s finest.

In these battles, these men become like giants, and these giants conquered the universe. Out of these battles were born Veterans. Out of these Veterans were born the Chosen of Chaos. Chosen are the most feared of all the diabolic mortal servants, though to call them mortal is a foolish choice of words. The Chosen have achieved countless glorious victories for the Chaos Powers over the hundreds of years they have served the Chaos Gods, and reap the benefits of such with hundreds of small mutations which make the deadly Chaos Marine even deadlier.





Chaos Chosen Chosen Terminator Chosen Champion Crusader Champion CHAOS CHOSEN Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Heroic Intervention

4 4 5 5

4 4 5 5

4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4

1 1 2 2

4 4 5 5

2 2 3 3

10 10 10 10

3+ 2+ 3+ 2+

CHOSEN TERMINATORS Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Heroic Intervention Heroic Intervention: See Left. Brutal Charge: Crusader Sergeants chosen as part of a Chosen Terminator unit have the Brutal Charge special rule, and thus gain +2 Attacks on the charge rather than +1. Glory to the Primarch: A Unit with this special rule, and all characters attached, gain the Fearless special rule in Close Combat, and may also choose whether to automatically fail morale checks during the Movement or Shooting Phases.

Heroic Intervention: A unit with this special rule may launch an assault on the same turn that they deep strike, as long as they do not choose to make any actions during the Shooting Phase.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

If there is one feature of chaos that is most pronounced it is the idea that all power comes with a sacrifice. Such is apparent within the Possessed.


Wargear: Daemonic Mutations: Possessed which bear mutations will gain special abilities which alter the flow of the game, as described below.
Daemonic Stamina: May run 2d6 (pick the highest). Gains the Fleet special rule Daemonic Strength: :Gains +d3 Strength, rolled for at the start of each assault phase, and a Heavy Close Combat Weapon Daemonic Sundering: May not be combined with Daemonic Strength. Gains a Power Weapon Daemonic Chains: May not be combined with Daemonic Stamina. Loses 1 from any movement, including charges. Reduces Initiative of enemy models in base contact by 2. Daemonic Lightning: May use Thunders Call, see CSM Psychic Powers, without a psychic test. However, ability becomes Assault 1. Daemonic Resilience: Gains +1 Toughness and Feel No Pain. May not be combined with Daemonic Chains or Stamina Daemonic Will: Ignores effects of Psychic Powers on a 4+. May re-roll Psychic Tests if Psyker. Daemonic Aura: Reduces Leadership of enemy models in base contact by 2. Shooting attacks cause Pinning Daemonic Stature: Gains +1 Strength and +1 Toughness. May not be combined with Daemonic Chains or Daemonic Resilience Daemonic Alchemy: Worth 2 Kill Points when finished off. Any unit finished off by this unit is worth doubled kill points Daemonic Hunting: May not be combined with Daemonic Aura or Daemonic Stature. Gain Scout, Infiltrate, and Stealth special rules Daemonic Slam: Gain +2 Strength on the charge, at the cost of 1 Weapon Skill. Gain Fleet and Move Through Cover Daemonic Fire: Gain a Flamer attack. May not be combined with Daemonic Lightning or Daemonic Will. Daemonic Flux: Gain +1 Wound and Stealth. Lose Fearless special rule.

Possessed Chaos Space Marines are those who have fallen far further than any other. Though the legions have chosen to disobey and reveil the Emperor, the Possessed take it a step further. They willingly give up their bodies to the roiling mutations that dedication to the Chaos Powers will give. And worse, they prosper. It takes a special breed of Marine to survive the effects of being possessed by a Daemon a breed that most do not fit into. Each year, hundreds of legionnaires prepare themselves for taking by the gods. And every year, hundreds are found unworthy and are subsequently destroyed by the very powers they sought to bond with. For those who succeed, the risk is well worth it. A Possessed can tear apart even the hardest battle tank with ease, and possess sorcerous powers which can predict the future or flay the flesh of their enemies The mutations given by the dark gods will manifest themselves in countless different ways, and to document them all would drive even the most dedicated and hardened of Inquisitors or Scribes insane. Who knows what traps can be sprung by the powers on their unsuspecting prey who knows when one mutation will begin to turn deadly.

Sacred Vessel Chaos Possessed

4 4

4 4

5 4

4 4

2 1

4 4

3 2

10 10

4+ 4+

Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Daemon y Fleet y 5+ Invulnerable Save

Page 14

June 17, 2011


The warpborn terrors of the Immaterial are countless in number. A man could study the denizens of the warp for countless lifetimes and never come across two identical species of creature.


Indeed, the Biologgers of the Imperium could be said to be liars when it comes to the cataloguing of daemons. That isn t just to protect their society s foundations who could doubt an evil gaze in a society where the gods themselves are clad in the bodies of man but for the simple fact that the recognition of a daemon is what gives the daemon its power. The Gods suckle and grow on the bad intentions and misfortunes of the common man, making idle talk literally cost lives, as the complaints of a foolish worker feed the Warp. The Daemonkin, as some members of the daemonic family are known, are the beasts and half-daemons which lie between dimensions

Most Biologgers group the Daemonkin together for one defining trait the bloodlust. All Daemons bear a general lack of intellect they are made for the purpose of fulfilling their god s will, not to have the possibility of questioning and trying to further their own needs but the Daemonkin bring this to a new level. The Kin are used for the hunt, and only for the hunt. Chaos Hounds are notoriously good trackers and their appearance is certainly not as bad as their ferocious bite. Many a foe has been caught unawares by a hunting pack attacking their commune while the Chaos Legions wear down their forward defences. The Chaos Spawn of the gods are just as notorious huge, slavering, hell beasts which show absolutely no mercy or remorse to their foes. The defining trait of Chaos Spawn is their origin, for Spawn are composed of the failed champions of Chaos. This only makes them deadlier, as somewhere in their minds they still search for the redemption of death.





Chaos Spawn Chaos Hound Dire Hound

3 4 4

0 0 0

4 3 4

5 3 4

3 1 2

4 4 4

D6 2 3

10 8 8

CHAOS SPAWN Unit Type: y Beasts Special Rules: y Daemon y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Slow and Purposeful Spawn Charge: Chaos Spawn bear the Furious Charge special rule and, though Slow and Purposeful, they will count as Initiative 3 on the turn that they charge.

CHAOS HOUNDS Unit Type: y Beasts Special Rules: y Daemon y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Spring Out of Hell y Hellfire Strike Spring out of Hell: When a squad of Chaos Hounds is placed on the board, all enemy units within d6 inches must take a Pinning Test. If failed, they Go to Ground for the following Assault Phase.

Terrifying: With Spawn, the Bark is usually worse than their Bite. Units which are engaged in combat with at least one unit of Chaos Spawn suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership. Hellfire Strike: Chaos Hounds gain +2 Strength on the turn that they charge. Infernal Maw: Chaos Hounds with Infernal Maws count as Strength 8 when attacking a vehicle.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

The Dark Gods are a curious bunch. Apparently so is this codex.






Lesser Daemon Plague Zombie

4 2

0 0

4 3

4 4

1 1

4 1

2 2

10 10


LESSER DAEMONS Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Daemon y Fleet of Foot y 5+ Invulnerable Save The Great Horde: Daemonic Packs are composed of various types of daemons any and all types may be used with no modifiers (though it is generally frowned upon to use Greater Daemons. They may charge on the turn they deep strike

PLAGUE ZOMBIES Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Daemon (do not Deep Strike) y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Slow and Purposeful y Feel No Pain y Mark of Nurgle (included in profile) Braaains: For each casualty dealt in a combat involving Plague Zombies excluding the zombies themselves - roll a d6. On a 5+, add a Plague Zombie to the unit. Daemonic Flesh: A Plague Zombie may always take its Feel No Pain save, even when usually not possible.

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June 17, 2011


Ten Thousand Years Ago, gods walked alongside mere men on the field of battle. The Primarchs Fulgrim, Angron, Perturabo, Magnus, Mortarion, Lorgar, Horus, Konrad Kurze, and Alpharius Omegon all represented the fledgling Imperium and more importantly the core aspect of their daughter legions on the field of battle. Yep there s actually some Dark Mechanicus this time. Shit just got real.






Mechanicus Warsmith Battle Servitor

4 3

5 4

4 3

4 4

3 1

5 3

2 1

10 8

2+ 3+

MECHANICUS WARSMITH Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Fearless Sating of the Beast: Warsmiths have adapted the teachings of Mars to their new daemonic masters. Mechanicus Warsmiths may repair vehicles which have been immobilized or had a Weapon Destroyed. To do this, the Warsmith must be in base to base contact with the vehicle he will repair at the end of the Movement Phase. Roll a d6 for each repair the Warsmith is attempting on that vehicle at the start of the Shooting Phase. If a 5+ is rolled on any of these dice, a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result will be negated. If a 1 is rolled and the Warsmith has Servitors attached, one of them must be removed as a casualty.

BATTLE SERVITORS Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Fearless y Relentless Repair Function: Battle Servitors have been adapted to fit both technical and weapon functions. If a Battle Servitor is within 2 of the Warsmith when he is attempting to repair a vehicle and does not fire during the Shooting Phase, you may add +1 to any one of the dice rolled for the repair attempt for each such Servitor in range. Mindlock: If there is no Warsmith or Iron Warrior Character attached to the Battle Servitors at the start of any movement phase, the unit will become Slow and Purposeful.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

It was approximately 500 years after the Horus Heresy ended, and the Legions accepted their exile to the Eye of Terror, that the first marks of the Obliterator Virus was discovered. Some say that the Virus was created by cruel Dark Mechanicus in the depths of some tainted Forge World, or that it always existed in some form deep within some accursed world, but no-one yet knows anything aside from its symptoms and effects, for the Obliterator Virus is not exceptionally harmful to its owner.


The Technophilic tendencies of the virus are well known it feeds off pure metal, energy, and arcane technology, all great treasures of the Mechanicus. While usually it is confined to the deepest layers of Forge Worlds, skulking in the shadows and leeching off of unattended machinery, Know what, Obliterators are used enough already so you re not going to include them for the fluff, are you?





Alpha Obliterator Obliterator Adept

3 3

7 5

6 5

5 5

3 2

1 2

2 1

10 10

2+ 2+ ALPHA OBLITERATOR Unit Type: y Monstrous Creature Special Rules: y As Obliterator Adepts, with following additions y Stubborn Tactile Defense: The Alpha Obliterator suffers from a more advanced version of the virus and this shows. Take a note of any weapons fired at the Alpha Obliterator which the Alpha Obliterator takes a wound from. For the rest of the game, the Alpha Obliterator can manifest as that weapon. Wargear: Obliterator Weapons: In addition to the standard weaponry, Alpha Obliterators may manifest the following: Multi Melta, Plasma Cannon, or Ravager Grenade Launcher. Please note that the Alpha Obliterator Is a Monstrous Creature and may choose to manifest the same weapon for both shots or as two different weapons. The Alpha Obliterator may choose to manifest as a different weapon to the rest of his unit.

OBLITERATOR ADEPTS Unit Type: y Infantry Special Rules: y Slow and Purposeful y Acute Senses y Tank Hunters Wargear: Obliterator Weapons: The Virus forces Obliterators to absorb any and all new technologies that they come across. At the start of each Shooting Phase, the Obliterator Cult unit must choose as one what type of weapon they will manifest as the whole squad must choose the same option from the following: Twin Linked Plasma Gun, Twin Linked Meltagun, Reaper Autocannon, or Twin Linked Heavy Flamer.

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June 17, 2011


Deep within the heart of nearly every member of mankind is a spark, a small ember of pure Chaos which both benefits and hinders the race s development. This park was what gave the race Psykers, and Navigators two professions which keep the Imperium together. However, the same spark gives us the means to be tempted, into destinies beyond our control. When a human gives in, Chaos grips their chest. Their mind is lit on fire and scalp too, sometimes literally as the memories and truths of the Dark Powers wash through the propaganda of millennia. The air smells pungent, but the eyes see only in incandescent lights and iridescent wonders which compel the now liberated youth to go forth and shy from this baleful light. To run. To hide. To bide their time. For the End Times are coming, and doom in its wake.


The End Times are sped along by the servants of the newfound Cultist s masters, true, but enlightenment never comes with sense. The Cultist is driven mad by the warnings. The crops failing, the wife s ravings, the fire approaching in the clouds. But the Gods, they protect this poor hapless man. They guard his family from infection; they strike down the enemies of the poor farmer. Soon, the man blasphemes, and strives away from the Emperor.

Chaos Cultists are formed by these disenfranchised civilians, who wish to do the bidding of these Dark masters. For while the Chaos Gods are equally arrogant and cruel as the God Emperor and his hand, the Imperium, at least the Gods let their servants know that. Better to serve at the hand of a master who keeps the whip visible than to fear the weakling who merely whips and tears at your heart as an invisible foe. And after all, glory need not end with the grave

Chaos Cultist Cult Dominator Demagogue

Unit Type: y Infantry

WS 4 4 4

BS 3 3 3

S 3 4 4

T 3 3 3

W 1 1 2

I 3 4 4

A 1 2 2

Ld 6 7 9

Sv 4+ 4+ 4+
Psychic Powers: Enrapturing Gaze: The Demagogue stares intently into the soul of the enemy, adding great weight to their sins. This psychic power may be used at the start of any Assault Phase. If the psychic test for this power is passed, select an Independent or Upgrade character within 6 of the Psyker. On a 5+, that character counts as WS 1 and Strength 1 until the start of the Psykers next assault phase. Courageous Intervention: A rare act of courage spurs the psyker to take a tough blow. This psychic power may be used at the start of any player turn. For that turn, the psyker and the unit that they are with gain a 4+ Cover Save. At the end of the turn Psyker immediately takes a wound with no saves allowed. Trident of the Stars: By focusing his belief, the psyker throws an iridescent spear made of pure dark magic. This is a psychic shooting attack, with the following profile: Range Str AP Notes 24 8 3 Heavy 2, Lance If both of the shots hit, the user may re-roll failed rolls to wound or armor penetration rolls for this attack.

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Scouts y Counter Attack Onward, Dogs: Dominators are strategically placed into Chaos Cults by the Chaos Legion masters to encourage loyalty to the cause. A Cultist unit containing a Dominator may re-roll any failed Morale tests. If this re-roll is failed, remove a single model from the unit as a casualty. Preacher s Voice: Demagogues have been blessed or cursed as Imperials would say with the word of the dark gods. Demagogues are Psykers, who may select up to 2 Psychic Powers from those on the right or the following Chaos Space Marine powers: Thunder s Call, Curse of the Machine Spirit, Divine Wrath. The Demagogue may use one of these per turn.

Page 19

[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

I for one welcome our new Rhino overlords


Chaos Rhino Chaos Predator Chaos Vindicator

CHAOS RHINO Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank, Transport) y Transport Capacity: 12 Special Rules: y Repair

BS 4 4 4

Front 11 13 13

Side 11 11 11

Rear 10 10 11
RHINO VARIANTS Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank) Special Rules: y Squadron Tactics Squadron Tactics: While a Rhino Variant Squadron numbers 3 models, each tank in the Squadron gains +1 to their Side and Rear Armor Values. This includes within Close Combat. Precise Shot (Chaos Vindicator Only): When firing its Cannon (regardless of type), a Vindicator may re-roll its scatter dice. Target Locked (Predator with Charged Lascannon only): If firing at another vehicle, the Predator may re-roll its Armor Penetration rolls, and counts as BS 5. Crippling Fire (Predator with Gouger Autocannon only): If firing at a squad of Infantry (including Jet or Jump), the Predator may re-roll failed rolls to wound, and counts as BS 5.

Repair: The whole point of a Rhino is to have a fast, versatile, and easily repaired vehicle. If a Rhino has an Immobilized8 or Weapon Destroyed result on it, it may choose to go into Repair mode. While in Repair Mode it may not move or shoot, but may roll a d6 at the end of the Movement phase to see if it repairs itself. If a 5+ is rolled on this d6, remove either a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result from the Rhino.

Page 20

June 17, 2011


Dreadnoughts are cool, and very improved.


WS BS S Front Side Rear I Chaos Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 12 10 4 Harbinger Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 11 10 4

A 2(3) 2(4)

CHAOS DREADNOUGHT Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker) Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Counter Attack y Acute Senses Battle Forged Heroes: Though Dreadnoughts consider their shell to be an eternal prison of their fading spirit, it does the job of keeping them alive incredibly well. Whenever the opponent makes a roll on the Vehicle Damage table, you may request that they re-roll it. You must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is actually worse. Wargear: Parasitic Possession: Should a Dreadnought be left to rust and decay, the shell itself forms its own sentience. A model upgraded with a Parasitic Possession will cause a single Strength 3 hit to any model which successfully hits it roll these after the opponent s attacks are resolved, and allocate as shooting.

HARBRINGER DREADNOUGHT Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker) Special Rules: y Fleet y Furious Charge Crazed: Centuries of Isolation do not serve a Harbringer Pattern any favors. At start of any game turn that the Mortis Dreadnought is not in close combat, roll a d6 and consult the following table: Roll Effect 1 The Dreadnought stalls, and counts as suffering a Crew Stunned result this turn. It gains a 5+ Cover Save this turn against shooting. 2 The Dreadnought has the Rage special rule for this turn, and gains +2 attacks on the charge 3-4 The Dreadnought operates normally 5 The Dreadnought must fire all of its weapons at the nearest target and cannot charge this turn 6 The Dreadnought moves 2d6 inches directly forward. If it ends up in base contact with an enemy unit, it will count as charging. If it ends up in base contact with a friendly unit, that unit must take a Pinning test.

Page 21

[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

The Universe of the 41 Millennium is a very dark place, a place where the boundless development of new technology has all but ended. The Imperium is built upon the same monotonous schedule and pattern every single moment, and the arts are stamped out. They are far too set in their ways to consider the possibilities of the Warp, or the machine past the metal and the apparent spirit, there is no soul.



The chassis of the Defiler is crude much like a large box on legs but it is efficient. The Defiler is quick to repair and is simple to operate. The Defiler s Heavy Flamer is much like the breath of a Dragon, while the three dreadnoughts close combat weapons the Defiler uses are the claws and tail of a great beast. The Defiler packs a Battlecannon in its chest, which uses high calibre rounds to devastating effect. The upgrade of these cannon to a Siege Cannon nearly quadruples the killing power of the beast, and can tear down entire cities in mere minutes. Unlike other Daemon Engines, the Defiler retains full control over the vehicle and does not need to be goaded into open warfare. This gives it a vast increase in its combat efficiency, and makes sure that the Defiler can reap thousands of souls over its lifetime for the glory of Chaos.

The Defilers are a fresh sight, a figure of a mechanical Devil. Built upon 6 demonically pushed limbs, the Defiler is the ultimate fusion of metal and daemon fusing the strengths of both and removing the weakness of each component. The system in which the Daemon is bound into the Defiler is a very traumatic one a deadly process that, if it goes wrong, threatens to destroy entire warbands but it is one well worth it. As the Defiler is bound, oaths and pacts are used to sate the spirit until the combination can be unleashed upon the battlefield against the enemies of the Dark Gods.

Chaos Defiler

WS 4

BS 3

S 6(10)

Front 13

Side 11

Rear 11

I 3

A 2(5)

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Fast, Walker) Special Rules: y Fleet y Acute Senses y Furious Charge Fast Walker: The Defiler, as a Fast Walker, may either move 6 as normal and fire all of their weapons, or move 12 and fire 1 weapon and all defensive weapons. They may run and charge as standard for Walkers. Daemon Engine: Models with the Daemon Engine special rule count as Daemons for the purposes of specialist weaponry. In addition, they gain +1 WS on the turn that they charge, and automatically come with the Daemonic Possession upgrade. Please note that, while they are Daemons, they may not Deep Strike.

Wargear: Warp Grinder: Defilers upgraded with Warp Grinders are equipped with 2 Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons (which compose the Grinder), and roll 2d6+10 for Armor Penetration against vehicles. If the Warp Grinder has a Weapon Destroyed result allocated to it, roll a d6. On a 5+, the weapon is not destroyed. Siege Cannon: Siege Cannons are giant versions of the standard Battle Cannon. The Siege Cannon gains an additional +1 to rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table, and may re-roll either of the dice used for Armor Penetration. Helm of Dominance: The Helms worn by the Daemon Vessels of the Defiler control the ether of the Warp. A Defiler with Helm of Dominance will ignore the effects of enemy psychic powers on a 5+.

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June 17, 2011


Drop Pods be cool.


Dreadwing Drop Pod Deathwind Drop Pod

BS 4 3

Front 12 12

Side 12 12

Rear 12 12

Dreadwing Drop Pod: y Vehicle (Open Topped, Transport, Skimmer, Fast) y Transport Capacity: 12 Deathwind Drop Pod y Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast) Special Rules: Tactical Bombardment: Half of all Dreadwing and Deathwind Drop Pods (players choice) automatically arrive on the first turn from then on, roll as usual. Automated Weaponry: Deathwind Drop Pods are used to sow havoc across enemy units. Any weapon fired by a Deathwind Drop Pod counts as Pinning, with a -2 Ld modifier on this Pinning test. Guidance System: If a Drop Pod would land in a piece of terrain, move it as far as possible to avoid that terrain. If it would land on any unit, the unit must move so that it is at least 4 away from the Drop Pod. If the unit was a tank, the Drop Pod takes a Deep Strike Mishap test. Relaunch: Models may re-embark into the Drop Pod in any Movement Phase. If they choose to do so, the Drop Pod is immediately placed back into Reserves. If the Drop Pod ends the game in Reserves, it and the unit embarked in it will count as Destroyed.

Special Deployment: Dreadwing Assault Force

A Force with access to at least four Dreadwing and/or Deathwind Drop Pods may choose to use this special Deployment type. All units with the Drop Pod must enter play in it (Independent Characters may choose to deploy inside a Drop Pod alone or with a unit if they themselves have a Drop Pod, it must then go empty). However, the army will gain the following benefits: - You may choose to add or subtract 1 from any Drop Pod reserve rolls. - Any model which suffers a Deep Strike Mishap may re-roll the test if a 1-2 or 5-6 is rolled, but may not run in that turn or charge. (Even if they have the Heroic Intervention special rule as well) - Drop Pods which use the Relaunch special rule may re-roll their Scatter Dice from the second turn onwards.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Land Raiders is cool too.


BS Front Side Rear Chaos Land Raider 4 14 14 14 Warsmith Land Raider 5 14 14 14

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank, Transport) y Transport Capacity: 12 Special Rules: Assault Vehicle: Units which disembark from a Chaos Land Raider may assault on the same turn. They may disembark even if the vehicle moves full speed. Warsmith Crew: Vehicles with a Warsmith Crew have a Ballistic Skill of 5. In addition, they may fire up to 1 additional weapon per turn in addition to those usually allowed for their rate of movement.

Wargear: Parasitic Spirit: The Machine Spirit of Chaos Legion Land Raiders has generally been tainted through the years of warfare deep in the Eye of Terror. A Land Raider upgraded with a Parasitic Spirit may fire one additional weapon each turn, regardless of the speed that the tank has moved at. If the tank is Shaken or Stunned, this weapon is fired at Ballistic Skill 3. Grimhail Assault Launchers: This is a variant of the Assault Launchers used by codex Space Marines. As well as being fired as a Havoc Launcher in the Shooting Phase, a unit which charges from a Land Raider with these will count as equipped with Frag Grenades.

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Deep within a crystal maze in his dominion within the warp, Tzeentch remains ever vigilant. His thousands of plots meet thousands of potential friends, enemies, and ends each more dangerous or decisive than the last. Tzeentch knows each of the starts and the ends of his plots whether destined for glory or demise and has a loose control over the outcomes of events.


The Judges have each been gifted with a grand mind and the ability to see and manipulate the strands of fate. They can see the past, and the sins of their quarries. The Judges see in a mixture of pinks, purples, blues, and greens a kaleidoscope of colour which overwhelms the senses of mortals. In every little thing, there is a dredge of power. The Judges can will such dredges to well up and become more like rock than liquid. Rock which can be sculpted into the desired effigies and effects of the Judge s whims and dreams.

When Tzeentch believes their presence crucial in the ending of a thread, he will sever it through his most loyal followers, known as the Iridescent Judges. The true juggernauts of his forces, the Judges are large enchanted palanquins, upon which sit the minions of the God of Sorcery and Plots whether Horrors, Flamers, or a vile combination of both. The Judges are charged with the most dangerous of tasks the job to keep the plan of their master going. They are not given any more specific details than thus, leading to each Judge trying to outwit and better his team mates.

The Judges are led by dark brooding figures known as Executioners. As their title implies, the Executioners are the masters of their kin. Theirs is the power to shake continents, and devastate kingdoms. Executioners are to Judges as Judges are to Mankind Gods bound in joyous form. Tzeentch doesn t care whether the Judges are successful, just as he is with all of his daemons. He just likes the plotting.

Executioner Iridescent Judge

WS 2 2

BS 5 4

S 6 5

Front 11 11

Side 11 11

Rear 11 11

I 3 3

A 2(4) 1(3)

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Skimmer) Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Psyker Force Weapons: Each Judge counts as equipped with a pair of Force Weapons. These are viable targets for Weapon Destroyed hits. Each Force Weapon gives the Judge an additional attack, included in their profile.

Wargear: Conduit: Weapons with the Conduit special rule serve an additional purpose beyond the offensive they also help in the creation of defensive fields. Until the next friendly shooting phase after the one that the Conduit weapon was used, any shooting attacks used by the targeted unit will be at -1 Strength for each Conduit weapon which successfully wounded. Attacks with strength of 0 do nothing. Psychic Powers: The Iridescent Judges unit may choose 2 Psychic Powers to use during the Army Selection process. These may be the Demagogue powers (from the Cultist unit section) or any of the generic Chaos Space Marine powers. The Judges unit counts as Marked by Tzeentch for the power generation process. When the Judges attempt to make a Psychic test, they count as Leadership 9. If the Judges take Perils of the Warp test, they have a 6+ save. If failed, they will take a Penetrating Hit. Weapon Destroyed hits will not cause the Judge unit to lose access to their Psychic Powers.

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Deep within the husks of a burnt out volcano, quenched by Khorne s own hatred, lays a forlorn forge kept by prisoners of the Blood God. Slaves and daemons from the Warp and from our universe alike slave to make weapons for Khorne s vast armies. The Forge never stops. More and more arms are pumped out by the million as more drop in exhaustion. But Death does not end the torture of the forge. Those who die have their souls torn from their chests, to be used as fresh material for some of Khorne s most powerful minions, the Blood Reapers. The Blood Reapers are a variant of the Soulgrinder constructed from the scrap of tanks consecrated in Khorne s name; the Reapers are tasked with one objective slaughter of everything in their way. Essentially, Blood Reapers be cool


Skullcrusher Blood Reaper

WS 6 5

BS 2 2

S 5(10) 5(10)

Front 11 11

Side 10 10

Rear 10 10

I 4 4

A 3(5) 2(4)

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Open Topped, Walker) Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Fleet y Furious Charge y Counter Attack Killer Instinct: Blood Reapers are gorged on the gore and blood of all of Khorne s sacrifices. Blood Reapers gain +3 Attacks on the charge (please note they only get +1 Attack on a successful Counter Attack). At the beginning of each turn that a unit of Blood Reapers isn t in combat, roll a dice for each model. On a 1 or 6, one model takes a Glancing Hit.

Wargear: Blood Frenzy: As the Blood Reapers get closer, the pulse begins to rise. Blood Frenzy is a Shooting Weapon, but instead of rolling to hit, target a unit within line of sight up to 24 away. They must pass a Leadership test, or else suffer from Rage and Fearless for the rest of the game turn. The unit must also reroll successful Cover Saves for that game turn. If any model in the unit bears a second Blood frenzy then the Leadership check is done at Halved Ld. Please note that models with the Fearless or Stubborn special rules still need to make a test, and units which are falling back may not be targeted.

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June 17, 2011



Wow, I would have never realised this, but Blight Drones be cool too!

Retching Engine Blight Drone

WS 3 3

BS 4 4

S 4 4

Front 12 12

Side 12 11

Rear 11 11

I 2 2

A 2(4) 1(3)

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Skimmer) y May attack, with the above profile, in a combat, and assault enemy units 6 . Special Rules: y Daemon Engine Aura of Filth: The Blight Drones constantly exude poisonous gases from under poorly maintained carapaces. All nonVehicle units within 6 of a Blight Drone gain a 5+ Cover Save. However, non-Nurgle marked models within 6 must also take d6+1 Strength 2 hits (with no AP, allocated as shooting) at the beginning of each shooting phase. Ponderous Skimmer: Though not a true skimmer, the Blight Drones do move as one. A model with the Ponderous Skimmer special rule ignores Difficult and Dangerous terrain during movement and assaults, and always counts as equipped with Frag Grenades. However, they may not move more than 6 in a single move.

Wargear: Plague Matrix: The concentrated venom of a Plague Matrix makes the Blight Drones even more formidable. Models with a Plague Matrix must be individually modeled as such. Plague Matrixes replace the standard Aura of Filth special rule. Models within 7 of a Plague Matrix gain a 4+ Cover Save, like in the Aura of Filth special rule, but take Strength 4 hits rather than Strength 2. In addition to this change, any Poisoned Weapons used by a model upgraded with a Plague Matrix count as +1 Strength for the purposes of re-rolls. Plague Matrixes may be destroyed by Weapon Destroyed results. Plague Flails: Giant censers filled with rotting excrement and dying creatures, Plague Flails are used to savage effect in close combat. A model equipped with Plague Flails reduces all opponents within base contact s Initiatives by 1, and counts as a Close Combat Weapon which gives the bearer +1 attack. They may be destroyed by Weapon Destroyed results. Destroyer Hive: As products of Typhus experimentation, Blight Drones benefit from his special brew of plague. A model with Destroyer Hives will deal a single Strength 3 hit, which ignores Armor Saves, to any model which successfully deals a Penetrating hit to it. These hits are allocated as combat attacks, at an Initiative of 1 lower than the attacker (to a minimum of 1) and count towards combat resolution

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

According to popular belief, Subjugators should be better, but they re still cool.


Kaleidoscopia Subjugator

WS 3 2

BS 5 4

S 5 5

Front 11 11

Side 10 10

Rear 10 10

I A 3(5) 2(4) 3(5) 1(3)

Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker) Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Fast Walker (see Chaos Defiler) Handmaidens: The Subjugators are bound with the essence of some of Slaanesh s most luscious Daemons. Subjugators are Fleet, but will roll 2d6 when they run. Alluring Glance: Though bound in the form of a machine, Subjugators retain their alluring scents. At the start of each Close Combat Phase, each enemy unit in combat with them must take a Leadership Test. IF failed; they will strike at Weapon Skill 1 and at halved Initiative. Fearless and Stubborn units may re-roll this test.

Wargear: Sallavian Slicers: The long, sleek, knives of the Subjugators require a defter hand than those of the standard Close Combat Weapon. Sallavian Slicers are Power Weapons which give the bearer +1 Initiative and +1 Attack for each Slicer wielded. They may be destroyed by Weapon Destroyed results. Dispersion Wave Cannon: The giant Blast Masters held by the Subjugators incapacitates foes with its long, varying, tones slowly driving both friend and foe insane. For each casualty dealt by the Wave Cannon, the target unit(s) will lose 1 Leadership for the rest of the turn, to a minimum of 1.

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June 17, 2011


Abaddon the Arch-Heretic, Abaddon the Thirteen-damned, Abaddon the Despoiler. These are three of the names given to this immortal image of dread, the names of the most infamous of characters known in the Imperium s history. Long ago, Abaddon was the favoured of Horus the Warmaster, and the greatest traitor in times long past. Where Horus had failed, Abaddon begins to prove successful. Over the course of 10,000 years, he has accomplished almost as much as Horus did in his short time as a servant of Chaos. But more significantly, Abaddon has forced a wedge in the Imperium for Chaos more insidious characters to emerge he has crushed Cadia, the once great bastion which holds back the Hordes of Chaos from returning to their father s throne Holy Terra.


In Abaddon s grasp is Drach nyen, a howling blade of pure chaos which has been marked and blessed by each god in turn. In his mind is the objective of the Gods. He has the cunning of Tzeentch, the patience of Nurgle, the Might of Khorne, and the majesty that comes from Slaanesh. Those who doubt his role as Horus successor are often silenced by the icon of the Talon of Horus favoured claw of the Warmaster while those who doubt his role as role of the Hammer of the Gods will meet their ends at the Maul of Horus the second icon of Horus, used to batter the Emperor himself near to death.


2+ Wargear: Banner of the Dark Gods: An almighty banner proclaiming the might of the Black Legion. Any combat which takes place within 12 of a Banner of the Dark Gods has an additional +1 Combat Resolution added. It also counts as a Chaos Icon. Drach nyen: Drach nyen is the sword Abaddon found on an accursed world during his first Black Crusade. This is a Power Weapon which doubles Abaddon s strength (from 5 to 10) and also gives him +d6 attacks in close combat (on a 1, Abaddon s attacks instead count as Poisoned Attacks 5+). Talon of Horus: The Talon is an icon of dread the symbol most recognised from the Emperor s defeat. It is a Lightning Claw crossed with an inbuilt Twin Linked Boltgun, which fires as Strength 5, AP 3, and Assault 2. In addition, when Abaddon is in close combat he may use the Talon and his other weapon together this allows him to re-roll failed rolls to Wound, as well as gaining the usual effects of his other weapon.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Black Legion) y Mind An Abyss y Eternal Warrior y 3+ Invulnerable Save y Counter Attack Successor of Horus: Abaddon is known and feared throughout the Imperium as the successor of Horus, and woe betide any who face him or his hardened Legion. Abaddon and any unit he is attached to gain the Preferred Enemy (All) special rule. For the Glory of Chaos: To fall back in the face of your Warmaster would be a grave error. All Chaos aligned units with direct Line of Sight to Abaddon or the Banner of the Dark Gods will count as Stubborn for Morale based tests. If a Fearless unit loses combat while affected by this rule they will suffer d3 additional wounds as part of No Retreat!

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Typhon, Captain of the Death Guard, died on the day that the Death Guard began to live. It was his betrayal which changed the nature of Mortarion and his legion forever. The Death Guard was always a hardy legion, but not even they could survive in the hands of Nurgle, Lord of Decay, at one of his most virulent infections... the Destroyer Plague. It was only with oaths to the Chaos God of Plagues, Life and Death that they survived.


Typhus bears the heraldry of his lord the Fly Rune denoting impurity, seals of rotting contagion, and the Manreaper. The Manreaper was once a great scythe given to the Deathshroud, dead members of the Death Guard marked by Mortarion. This shows the Death Guard s support for their lost son, and the mere sight of Typhus wielding this scythe will settle disputes between wandering plague fleets. During the Thirteenth Black Crusade, Typhus was not involved much in the fighting. He was far more bothered seeding the latest of his lords plagues and one of the most dangerous known so far the Zombie Plague. The Zombie Plague is deadly for its victims not only die a horrifying death but then live a horrifying rebirth. They retain their appearance but also their mind... but also have the uncontrollable urge to grasp onto their loved ones. However, this is joined by a need to feed... so in trying to regain their love they will only lead to causing pain. So does the Zombie Plague reach even more victims.

Was it worth it? Death is certainly only one side of the coin of life... where he died, he survived and rejoiced. Typhon was reborn as Typhus the Traveller, the Foresworn Son of Flies, Pox-Lord, and Herald of Nurgle. He was granted a fleet of 49 ships, and remained the master of the Terminus Est a powerful pre-heresy artefact which is highly desired by the Mechanicus and their counterparts in the Dark Mechanicus for studies on its inner workings. Typhus is joined by an army numbering in the millions, and remains the master of the 7th Company as well. His assaults are certainly marked by his lord for thousands more denizens of the warp will meet the defenders of worlds that Typhus attacks.






2+ Wargear: Palanquin of Nurgle: If Typhus is riding a Palanquin, he will gain +1 Wound and +3 Attacks (which are Poisoned as below but are not a Force Weapon), but loses 1 Initiative. Plaguereaper: Typhus scythe is a dread weapon which cleaves through all with consumptive ease. It is a Power Weapon, which gives the bearer Poisoned Attacks (5+) and counts as a Force Weapon. However, any models which are wounded but not killed by this weapon may be finished off with a successful psychic test, with a +1 modifier to the roll for each model which is targeted by said test. For each model killed by Typhus Plaguereaper, please consult this table: Models Poisoned Attacks value 1-4 Poisoned Attacks (4+) 5-9 Poisoned Attacks (3+) 10-19 Poisoned Attacks (2+) 20+ Poisoned Attacks (2+), Rending The Destroyer Hive: This is a set of Terminator Armour, which contains Defensive and Frag Grenades which benefit all Nurglealigned models in Typhus unit.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Fearless y Legion Tactics (Death Guard) y Feel No Pain y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Slow and Purposeful y Eternal Warrior Herald of Nurgle: Typhus may use the Creeping Pestilence of Nurgle, Paramount Plague of Nurgle, Daemonic Vitality, and Wind of Chaos psychic powers without requiring a Psychic Test. He can use up to one power per turn alongside his Plaguereaper (see right) Terminus Est: Typhus controls the Terminus Est a relic of a bygone age. Once per game, he may launch a Virus Bomb bombardment from this ship. Declare an entry point, and roll a Scatter Dice + 2d6, and take away Typhus Ballistic Skill. Then roll d6x2 to see the impact size. All models under the template must pass an Initiative test or take a wound with no saves allowed. If the model is not marked by Nurgle, they must re-roll successful tests.

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3+ Wargear: Armour of Shrieking Souls: This is a brutal patchwork of Lucius previous incarnations. Opponents who attempt to target Lucius in close combat must take a Leadership check. If failed, they may not attack that turn of combat. Weapons: Lucius must choose a pair of weapons from below when Army Selection begins. Blissgiver: One Handed Power Weapon. This bears the Rending special rule. If a Rending hit is rolled, any Invulnerable Saves taken against that hit must be re-rolled. Salazar Slicer: Two Handed Poisoned Weapon (2+). This bears the Rending special rule, and forces any successful enemy Armour Save to be re-rolled in combat against its blows. Duelling Blades: A Pair of One Handed Power Weapons, which give the bearer +D3 attacks on the turn they charge, as well as +2 attacks in close combat (this replaces the bonus for using two Close Combat Weapons) Lash of Torment: One Handed Close Combat Weapon. All opponents in base to base contact with Lucius lose a single attack (to a minimum of 1) in close combat.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Emperors Children) y Daemon (does not Deep Strike) y Fleet of Foot y Acute Senses Blademaster: No-one, not even death itself, has bettered Lucius in a game of swords. While in close combat, Lucius has a 4+ Invulnerable save from the swirling weaponry. Trick of Skins: While Lucius can be killed, he just doesn t stay dead. Each time Lucius is killed, keep track of the unit which killed him. If that unit is still alive at the end of that Game Turn, remove a single model and roll a d6. On a 6, that model is then replaced with Lucius on two wounds, who will be placed within 6 of the enemy unit he originated from. However, as if by some cruel joke, Lucius will give up a single Kill Point, when finally finished off for each time he is revived this way. (If he s revived 4 times, he s worth 5 Kill Points when finally dead, for example).

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011








Kharn on Foot Kharn on Chariot Kharn on Juggernaut

8 8(7) 8(6)

4 4 4

5(7) 5(7) 5(7)

4 4(6) 4(5)

3 3(5) 3(4)

5 5(4) 5(4)

5 5(7) 5(6)

10 10 10

3+ 3+ 3+

Unit Type: y Independent Character y Note: Takes up 2 spaces in any Transport, regardless of Wargear. Special Rules: y Fearless y Legion Tactics (World Eaters) y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Furious Charge y Rage Blood for the Blood God: For each casualty Kharn inflicts in the previous assault phase, he gains +1 attack in the ensuing phase. Kharn s lust for skulls and his devotion to Khorne comes at a price though for each 1 that he rolls on his attempts to hit the foe, the attack is dealt to the unit he has joined instead. Ritual Sacrifice: Kharn cannot suffer Instant Death against Combat Attack however if Kharn should fall in combat, all models in base to base contact will take a single Strength 3 Power Weapon hit each, which hits on a 4+. Casualties count towards combat resolution for their respective sides.

Wargear: Chariot of Khorne: If Kharn is riding a Chariot of Khorne, he will gain +2 Wounds, +2 Toughness, and +2 Attacks, but loses 2 Weapon Skill and 1 Initiative (shown in a profile above). Please note that the unit type does not change. Juggernaut of Khorne: If Kharn is riding a Juggernaut, he will gain +1 Wound, +1 Toughness, and +1 Attack, but loses 1 Weapon Skill and 1 Initiative (shown in a profile above). Please note that the unit type does not change. Gorechild: This is a Power Weapon which gives Kharn +2 Strength (shown in all profiles above). It may be used in 1 hand, which gives him +1 Attack, or in 2 hands, which gives his basic attacks (prior to other modifiers) the Rending special rule instead. Talismans of Boiling Blood: These arcane talismans protect Kharn from the worst that puny Psykers can throw at him. Psychic Powers, Force Weapons, and effects caused in any way by Psychic abilities do NOT affect Kharn at all. In addition, while in close combat, Kharn may reduce the Invulnerable Save of one model in base contact with himself by 1.

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3+ Wargear: Black Staff of Ahriman: This is a staff, given to Ahriman by Magnus himself. With the power contained within, Ahriman may use up to 3 powers per turn. In addition, any number of these may be shooting based psychic powers. The Staff is also a Force Weapon. Tome of Forbidden Truth: This is a Book of Secrets, however one Shooting Phase per game Ahriman may read from it: Roll Effect 1 The Tome is removed from play 2 Ahriman loses a wound 3-4 Ahriman gains Flare Blitz for the rest of the game. All attacks through this Flare Blitz bear the Conduit special rule. 5-6 Ahriman will automatically pass any Psychic Tests he makes this turn, but loses a wound Z arrupt: This is a Chaos Familiar; however it also has a hidden ability. Whenever an enemy psychic power is stopped by the Tome of Forbidden Truth, Ahriman may capture it. This means that Ahriman is treated as if he now knew that power. Talisman of Warding: This is a gift from Tzeentch, allowing the bearer to cool the warp at the merest gesture. Once per game, Ahriman may choose to immediately stop a Psychic Power or Force Weapon from taking effect within 24 . Ahriman will then take a single Strength d6+3 Hit, with an AP of 2.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Thousand Sons) y 3+ Invulnerable Save y Psyker (ALL CSM Powers) Ahriman s Coven: Ahriman must either be accompanied by a squad of 8 Chosen Sorcerers or by a unit of Battle Psykers. While they are alive, Ahriman may not be selected as a target and ceases to be an Independent Character. The unit also gains the Feuding Sorcerers rule. Armor of Damnation: Ahriman has enchanted himself with countless charms, which make it exceedingly difficult for enemies to break into his body. Ahriman may re-roll any failed Armor Saves. In addition, if Ahriman s Invulnerable Save is failed in close combat, the opposing model who dealt the wound must take an Invulnerable Save themselves. Feuding Sorcerers: Ahriman s coven will constantly attempt to outdo each other. If multiple Sorcerers in his unit attempt the same psychic powers in the same turn, then each successful casting will increase the strength of the next power by +1. This also applies to Ahriman himself.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011







3+ Wargear: The Chirurgeon: This is a vast apparatus which is an enhanced version of the tools that most Apothecaries would use. This gives Bile +2 Strength and +2 Attacks (included in profile). In addition to this, all non-Independent Character models in the unit which Bile has joined gain the Feel No Pain special rule this takes place on a 5+ rather than the normal 4+. Xyclos Needler: The Xyclos Needler is a gun which fires virulent poison darts, quickly incapacitating anyone whose armor they penetrate. It is an 18 range, Strength 5, AP 4, Assault 4, Rending weapon which may be used as an additional close combat weapon in close combat Rod of Torment: As much as he is a doctor, Bile still holds a strong ethos that often pain can be the best treatment of many illnesses. This is a Power Weapon whose attacks cause Instant Death.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Stubborn y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Feel No Pain (on a 3+) y Rending The Doctor is in! Fabius Bile is more a mercenary than a regular warrior, but works for a good rate. Any army which does not include another Unique character may include Fabius Bile. Enhanced Warriors: Bile has long dabbled in the Emperor s art, and has mastered it enough to fix marines into even more deadly forms. All Chaos Legionnaires, Raptor Squadrons, and Chaos Havocs may be Enhanced for the points cost listed in the army list as long if Fabius Bile is included in the army. Corpsemaster: Bile is a master in the arts of revival, and uses secrets taught to him by the Dark Gods to further his skills. Once per turn, Bile or any model in the unit he has joined may ignore a failed armor, invulnerable, or cover saves. This ability may not be used in any turn that Bile is in base contact with an enemy model.

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June 17, 2011


The title of the Talonmaster is sacred amongst the Raptors, and represents one who is the epitome of ritual combat. There have been seventeen such men who have born the title of Talonmaster through the history of the Night Lords Legion, and each has been killed within a century or two of their ascent to the highest point of the cult by treachery on an open battlefield. Such was the fate of Talonmaster Gaien Markus, who was felled during a swooping charge by his acolyte, the one known as Torhren. Though this act later cost the Night Lords the battle, as their enemy broke this assault with ease, gunning down the would be victors, Torhren had his prize, and led his Cult into retreat. From then, there have been over eighty attempts on his life, from an attack mere minutes after his ascension to the most recent on Cadia, where Torhren fought off attacks from both a Sergeant Bastonne and an anonymous Grave Reaper who now lies buried under fifty tons of ruined basilica.


Torhren is a master of the art of the Jump Pack, and proved it during the Great Crusade as one of the first Assault Marines. He has risen time and time again with his preferred weapons, the Seeker s Blades a pair of antique Power Weapons which drip with the cursed blood of a Blood Angels Captain, who was killed with his own weapons while afflicted with the Black Rage while remaining shrouded with the mystic power of the Darksoul Armour, a suit which crackles with barely concealed magic in the form of lightning. It is quite common for Torhren to strike off on his own, abandoning his Squadron for the sake of individual glory an event very rarely seen among the well timed charges of a drilled military unit. However, while this leaves him woefully exposed to both friend and enemy who desire the prestige associated with killing such a precious target, Torhren relishes the challenge of remaining alive against such enormous odds.


3+ Please note: Though chosen as an upgrade of a Raptor Squadron, Torhren retains the Independent Character special rule. He is therefore worth an additional Kill Point. Wargear: The Seeker s Blades: The Seeker s Blades are a pair of weapons stolen from one of the ancient heroes of the Blood Angels. They constantly moan to be sated with the blood of the wielder s enemies. The Blades are a pair of Power Swords. Whenever Torhren uses the Seeker s Blades he may reroll failed rolls to hit. In addition, all successful invulnerable saves against the Blades must be re-rolled. Darksoul Armour: A pitch black pool of nothingness shrouds the wearer of the Darksoul Armour. Darksoul Armour is Daemon Armour, with the following additional effect. All shooting conducted against Torhren or his unit suffers from the Night Fighting rules. In addition, if deployed by himself Torhren has the Infiltrate special rule but may be placed up to 6 away from an enemy model if out of line of sight or 12 away if he is in line of sight. The Purifier: A corrupted storm bolter which churns out large amounts of firepower, the Purifier is a weapon to be feared. This is a Boltgun, fired at the following profile: Range Str AP The Purifier 12 5 4 Assault 3, Gets Hot

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Jump Infantry) Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Night Lords) y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Heroic Intervention y Fleet (2d6 Pick Highest) y Brutal Charge Diving Charge: Torhren can Turbo Boost, as a Jetbike, and may charge in any turn that he does so. However, if he does this he will immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test at the start of his combat. Shadowboxing: Fighting Torhren is like fighting the darkness you may hold it back for an hour, but eventually it falls. Whenever he or his unit uses the Hit and Run special rule, they must roll 6+d6 for the inches moved and will automatically win the dice off for the unit which does so first. Terrifying Visage: Though Raptors are already known for their fear inspiring appearance, Torhren brings this to a new level. At the end of any combat in which Torhren dealt a casualty, you may add d3 to the resolution. If Torhren and his unit lose a combat, however, the Terrifying Visage ability no longer works within that same combat for the rest of the game (if Torhren later charges the same unit, the effects begin again)

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

The ascent of Alakhar into a position of power in the Armoha Sector was marked with a vast uprising across the world, reducing the population by 40% as forces clashed in open streets between Arbites and Cultists. Eventually, the fighting stopped, and the world was officially now under mob rule, under a great lord known as Lord Faustus the Firecaller, a great lord of the Alpha Legion who had planted a memory into the people centuries ago to slowly pull them into the path of perfection and into the path of Chaos. But a Lord need not focus his attention on the world, for he has more important things to do! As Faustus departed to conquer more worlds for his new empire, infighting occurred once more as sycophants attempted to wrest control of the planet to their own god. Thousands tried, Hundreds died Calaesh ascended.


as the Scions of Fire, were a vast Chaos Cult, the largest on the planet thanks to all the rivals Calaesh defeated to rise to his new position. The Scions believed in redemption though some sort of masochistic ritual, in which the Cultists ate the flesh of Daemons and forsaken men to gain their power. Calaesh himself has taken in the stuff of hundreds of Daemons, to gain their respect and power, allowing him to manifest in the form of a great umbral blight, who can consume his enemies in a forlorn light. He controls the stuff of Chaos, and controls the blood of his foes boiling it, sending it forth into great clouds of destruction above the field of battle. When Faustus returned to the world, at the head of an army of a thousand Alpha Legionnaires and other warbands, he was ambushed and driven to near death by those who were once his followers. Deep in a prison near the core of that world he now exists in constant agony, tortured by those who once killed in his name for the Thrall.

The Thrall, as he was known, was once an acolyte Sorcerer, an upstart in the worship of Tzeentch, and was the conqueror of the Infernal Planes on the west of the world. His forces, known


4+ Psychic Powers: Calaesh begins the game with the Calamity on High, Glorious Tumult, and Divine Wrath Psychic Powers. He may use up to 1 per turn or his Force Weapon. Calamity on High: Using his mind, Calaesh summons the relentless flame of a thousand suns. Calamity on High is a Psychic Shooting Attack which may be used successfully up to once per game. If the test is passed, reality splits at its seams. Roll 2d6x3 to decide the range of the psychic devastation. All buildings and units within this range which are not blocked by another obstacle will take 2d6 Strength 6, AP 4, hits. Against buildings, Calamity will remove them automatically on any roll of a 6 (leave a ruin in its place). At the end of these effects, Calaesh and his unit takes d6 Strength 5 hits, with no AP. Wargear: Wormwood Staff: This old, gnarled, staff is said to guide its bearer to good fortune. Once per game, Calaesh may re-roll a single die whether it is a psychic test die, armour save, or other. This re-roll may not be used before the game begins (e.g. to decide deployment positions). The Staff is also a Force Weapon. Eye of Alakhar: The eye is always gazing. The Eye of Alakhar may be used once per game when Calaesh takes Perils of the Warp test. Instead of taking the saves, Calaesh will simply lose the Eye he loses 1 Leadership for the rest of the game, but need not worry about the saves. The Eye gives Calaesh +1 Toughness while it is still present on his person.

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Alpha Legion) y Daemon (does not Deep Strike) y Psyker y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Infiltrate Infernal Reckless Summoning: Calaesh thrives on the over application of his psychic prowess. Whenever Calaesh takes a psychic test, you may roll 3d6 and pick the lowest 2. However, if a double is rolled, increase the strength of the power by 2. Calaesh will then lose a wound. Sect Operative: Calaesh still serves a purpose as the head of a vast army of Cultists. An army including Calaesh must include at least 1 unit of Chaos Cultists. All units of Cultists in the force gain the Infiltrate special rule at no additional cost. The Hydra Strikes: All Alpha Legion attacks seem random at first, but they will eventually serve a common purpose. Any units with the Alpha Legion special rule may be placed in a flanking position they are counted as a single reserved unit and may all outflank on the turn that they arrive (use a single d6 to decide where they arrive on the board). These units will outflank to the Left of your home edge on a 1-2, to the Right on a 3-4, or to the edge of your choice on a 5-6.

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It could be said that the Iron Warriors were the founding fathers of siege warfare. Bunker and Trench, Charge and Counter Charge, Attack and Defense the Iron Warriors were masters of all, and were called upon by the Emperor in the Great Crusade to defend his many worlds. Each Iron Warrior regiment is led by a Warsmith, who must fight to the top against dozens of would be leaders. Warsmiths are pitted against each other to prove their worth, and are rewarded for their heroics in these trials by combat. Some Warsmiths survive for what could be centuries while others flicker out between battles. Arrax is one of the former, a feared man who is akin to a mixture of brass and cold steel. His body is naturally as resilient as a Rhinos, and has been known to withstand the coldest vacuum of open space with no problem whatsoever. His senses have been honed, drill after drill, so that he can sense any slightest movement in his target. Arrax embodies the Iron Warrior s drive for clinical siege offensives he next leaves his ship without at least five big guns, though usually he is accompanied by Artillery in their thousands, housed on his great ship, The Olympus Mons, or on the field behind the scenes. These pieces allow for pretty much constant bombardment of the foe, either with incendiaries which destroy the terrain they squat in, or with giant explosive rounds which cause aftershocks for hours afterward. The planning of every attack by his regiment is evident in the unholy accuracy his forces gain. Several key targets will be noted before the battle begins, before being transmitted to voxes across the field. Then the bombardment begins reducing those unfortunate enough to be in line of sight to nothing but rubble and vapor. Across the front, in Imperial bunkers everywhere, commanders sit with trepidation, for they could be the next in the crosshairs.






2+ Wargear: Backbreaker: The Backbreaker is a large maul made from the smouldering remains of Terminator Armour, torn from foes. Backbreaker is a Thunder Hammer which inflicts Instant Death on any roll to wound of a 5+. Auto Servos: Arrax s suit of Terminator Armour comes equipped with several giant cutting tools, which he puts to good use. In addition to his usual attacks, Arrax may make d3 Power Weapon attacks (these do not benefit from Backbreaker s effect) at Strength 4, Initiative 2. He also counts as equipped with a Plasma Gun which may be fired in the shooting phase at BS3. Final Artillery: The Guns of the Iron Warriors never stop blazing! Final Artillery takes many forms an Orbital Bombardment, a thousand blazing missiles but all share a single profile. S AP Notes 7 4 Ordnance Barrage d3, Large Blast, Unlimited Range Final Artillery may be used during any friendly Shooting Phase that Arrax is alive and has not moved (though he is free to Charge afterward).

Unit Type: y Independent Character Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Iron Warriors) y Sating of the Beast y Preferred Enemy (Imperial Fists Successor Chapters) Let the Weapons Sing: A true trooper never lets his guard down, and will know when it is best to fire. At the start of any friendly shooting phase, Arrax may use this ability. For that turn, all Rapid Fire weapons in he and his unit uses will count as Assault 2, but have their range reduced to 18 . Big Guns Never Tire: Rest is for the weak, and the faithful remain eternally strong! At the start of any friendly shooting phase, Arrax may use his ability. For that turn, all Heavy weapons he and his unit uses will count as Heavy 2, Twin Linked. You may not use this in the same turn as Let the Weapons Sing above. Look to the Heavens! Look to the skies, for the wings of death are coming. At the start of each friendly Movement Phase, before Reserves are rolled for, roll a d6. On a 4+, place a marker within line of sight of Arrax and scatter it as a Barrage weapon. This marker may be used to target Ordnance or Blast weaponry. If a friendly Ordnance or Blast weapon is placed on a target within 6 of this marker, the firer may re-roll their scatter dice. Barrage weapons do not benefit from the markers. Markers are removed at the end of that game turn.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011


Blah Blah





High Orator Dark Apostle

7 5

5 5

5 4

4 4

3 2

5 5

4 2

10 10

3+ 3+ DARK APOSTLE Unit Type: y Infantry (Jump Infantry if in Raptor Squadron) Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Word Bearers) y Onwards, Dogs! (see Chaos Cultists) y Righteous Fury Squad Leader: Any unit of Chaos Legionnaires, Raptor Squadron, or Chaos Havocs may replace their Aspiring Champion with a Dark Apostle for +60pts. Dark Apostles have the same options as an Exalted Champion, with the following additions below, and begin with a Power Weapon at no additional cost. Wargear: Both the Braziers and the Black Book cost +20pts to equip for Dark Apostles. Braziers of Malcontent: The most loyal Apostles of Lorgar will adorn their armour with large braziers filled with the burning remnants of Imperial artefacts. A Dark Apostle equipped with Braziers of Malcontent is Stubborn, and confers the rule to any unit that they join. Black Book of Lorgar: The Black Books borne by the Dark Apostles are filled with dark secrets, which would drive any reader insane from the power of Chaos within. If a Dark Apostle or the unit that they have joined is targeted by an enemy psychic power, the power may be dispelled on a 4+.

HIGH ORATOR Unit Type: y Independent Character (Infantry) Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Word Bearers) y Preferred Enemy (Psykers, Daemons and The Imperium) y Onwards, Dogs! (see Chaos Cultists) High Orator: The High Orator brings his own missionaries to spread his dark doctrine. A High Orator must be taken as a HQ choice before Dark Apostles may be taken in the army. Righteous Fury: The oratory of the Dark Apostles drives their troops into a dark fury which can fell entire armies. Any friendly unit within 6 of a Dark Apostle at the start of a Game Turn will be inspired by their rabid ravings about the truths of their masters they gain the Counter Attack and Fleet special rules. Wargear: Unholy Palanquin: The High Orator is borne aloft a mighty palanquin, carried by slaves, and cultists. An Orator with an Unholy Palanquin gains, +1 Toughness, +2 Attacks and +2 Wounds, and may run 2d6 instead of just d6. The additional Toughness does not count for the purposes of Instant Death. Anathema: The Anathema is the bane of its chosen prey. A High Orator wielding an Anathema has a Power Weapon which may re-roll failed rolls to hit or wound against Independent Characters.

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Ok I lied, Huron IS in this codex, but only because I think he deserves a re-write to give him some self respect again Blah






3+ Huron may be used in any army which does not include a character with Legion specific Legion Tactics named or otherwise. Therefore he could be used with Fabius Bile but not with Kharn. He costs 205pts to include in your force, and counts as a HQ Choice. Wargear: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Signum Halo of Broken Brass: Huron s Iron Halo has been tainted and warped by the dark gods. As well as giving Huron a 4+ Invulnerable Save, the Halo counts as a Chaos Icon. The Tyrant s Claw: The twisted memory of his old weapon, the Tyrant s Claw is a cruel weapon for a cruel master. The claw counts as a Lightning Claw with a Twin Linked Heavy Flamer housed within. However, roll a d6 at the start of any phase in which the flamer is fired on a 1, Huron will not benefit from his Feel No Pain save until the start of your next player turn. Axe of the Forsaken: The Astral Claws fell in flames, forsaken by the Imperium they protected with their lives. The Axe of the Forsaken is a Power Weapon, which counts as a second Lightning Claw in close combat.

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Infantry) Special Rules: y Maelstrom Reaver y Sweeping Action y Stubborn y Feel No Pain y Acute Senses Maelstrom Reavers: The Red Corsairs are feared as peerless raiders in and around the Maelstrom. All models with the Legion Tactics special rule will replace it with Maelstrom Reavers and Sweeping Action special rules in an army including Huron Blackheart. This gives them the Hit and Run and Furious Charge special rules. Sweeping Action: Red Corsairs play for keeps. If an objective which is technically contested has more Corsair units than units of the enemy on it, it will count as held by the Red Corsairs. Units must be above half strength to benefit from this rule. Lord of the Red Corsairs: Huron is venerated by his students, and they will die to protect him. Huron may not have wounds allocated to him by shooting involuntarily, but if he is forced to take one in such a fashion he may re-roll his armor save.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

During the Horus Heresy, the World Eaters were easily the most bloodthirsty of all the legions involved in the great conflict. Led by their Primarch Angron, gladiator lord of the legion they undertook a massive transformation from the noble warriors to psychopathic bloodletters and were unleashed in full by Horus in a deadly assault force. The World Eaters know no fear, even more than the standard marine, and will never stop hunting their prey from the moment they smell blood.


World Eaters armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the World Eaters version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y

The standard World Eaters marine is given a few different weapons. Instead of a crude knife or simple chainsword though such weapons will be used when the rest of the options are not available the marine will bear a Chainaxe. The Chainaxe is a powerful symbol of the World Eaters, for the ease it cleaves an enemy s head off will shock even the most stalwart of soldiers. The teeth of the Chainaxe will usually be improvised perhaps taken from shards of adamantium or even from rare Chaos Beasts in the Eye of Terror. Alongside the axe is a Khorne pattern Bolt Pistol this utilises the standard pistol, but has been reinforced to make it even more of an effective close combat weapon. Some World Eaters add chain weaponry or perhaps demonically charged shards to the end of these bolt pistols in order to make them even more deadly. Finally, the majority of World Eaters will have a final sinister adaptation. All members of the legion must first be lobotomised. This process removes the marine s bad senses and makes them even more susceptible to fits of rage than they were before the process all the better to slay Khorne s enemy my dear! The warcry of a World Eater is rather simple. While most will simply yell (capitals intended) KILL! MAIM! BURN! or BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE , however simple curses and terms to demean the enemy will be used if a coherent force is not gathered. Most Khorne generals will encourage single members of his band to undertake personal grudges for in this, more blood is spilled, and the weak will be weeded from the strong.

y y

y y

All Units immediately purchase a Greater Mark of Khorne for +4pts a model. This gives the Furious Charge special rule as well as Martial Honour. No squad outside of Heavy Support may purchase a heavy weapon, unless they are Relentless All units which are usually only able to take a Heavy Weapon can instead purchase an additional Special Weapon instead for the points listed in the Chaos Legionnaires entry. Models which are normally armed with a Close Combat Weapon may replace their Close Combat Weapon with a Heavy Close Combat Weapon, which should ideally be represented as a Khornate Chainaxe, for +1pt. Units which are entirely composed of models bearing Khornate Chainaxes count as Stubborn. If a unit containing at least one model bearing a Khornate Chainaxe which breaks from a close combat will immediately take d6 Strength 4 hits, allocated as shooting. They will then regroup automatically at the end of that turn.

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Iron within Iron Without... a battle cry known with scorn across the embattled Imperium, as a thousand worlds die every day from the unrelenting siege upon their borders. A sizable number of these are destroyed thanks to a single godless name Perturabo, Daemon Primarch of the Iron Warriors, siegemasters of the highest order. Once upon a time, these great and noble warriors were counted among the Imperium s most noble soldiers. They maintained garrisons across every world conquered by them in the Emperor s name far more than the standard legion was expected to do. But it was this rugged adherence to the Emperor s orders which sparked Perturabo s ire while he was content to do his will, others such as Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists (the Emperor s Champion and the maintainer of the Emperor s Palace) always managed to shoot his achievements out of the sky. This is what made him a Traitor in the end, and one of the galaxy s greatest heretics. The core of the Iron Warriors way of warfare is that of the tank the Legion maintains an armoury far larger than even three other Chaos Legions combined. This gives them access to larger amounts of tanks or high tech weaponry than any other legion. This is pressed to good advantage by the Warsmiths the name chosen by the Chaos Lords which do their Primarchs will at the head of each Grand Company. Some Iron Warrior armies like to maintain far more types of tanks than the other legions taking abandoned Basilisks from the Imperial Guard, or refitting Imperial Space Marine tanks which have been captured or wrecked on the field of battle. In the largest of battles, this knack for scavenging tanks of all sorts gives a vast advantage over the comparatively shallow reserves of the Imperium. Perturabo is a cold, unforgiving lord, who plans vast battle strategies that are the envy of any opposing armies. Forces formed in his name will be hard hitting and maintain a solid base of tanks, artillery, and ruthless infantry. You will advance slowly but surely in the defensive casing of the Chaos Rhino, while Havocs fire dizzying barrages of firepower at the opponent. Iron Warriors armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Iron Warriors version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y y y All Iron Warrior models have the Tank Hunters special rule for +2pts per model. All Iron Warriors count as Stubborn while they bear a Cover Save. At the beginning of any game, all Iron Warrior units and vehicles are Entrenched . They gain a 6+ Cover save (which may be improved by other effects), and any vehicles may re-roll their scatter dice. If a unit elects to move or is assaulted, they will lose this bonus For each HQ choice purchased by an Iron Warriors player, add 1 Barricade or other such defensible features to the side of the board that the Iron Warrior player deployed on. Any Iron Warrior vehicle may purchase a Siege Shield for +25pts. This is described in the Armoury For each HQ choice in the force, a single unit may be upgraded to Siege Guard for +2pts per model. Any model in a Siege Guard unit may replace their Close Combat Weapon with a Thunder Hammer for +30pts, and gains the Stealth special rule. When used as part of an Iron Warriors army, Chaos Havocs may be purchased as Troop Choices.

y y

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Never has there been a tale so filled with woe as the tale of the fall of the Night Lords. Curze was a cold, vicious, Primarch abandoned on a world of crime and hatred who always acted in a way to bring justice into his embittered home. When the Emperor met him, Konrad essentially had a seizure... but he now knew his fate.


Night Lords armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Night Lords version, all models with the Legion Tactics special rule must replace the usual effect with the specific effects below: y y Night Lords units all gain the Hit and Run special rule for +2pts per model. When a Night Lord unit uses the Hit and Run special rule, they may roll 2d6 for the distance travelled. If charged in the same turn as they Hit and Run, they benefit from Counter Attack. Night Lord Armies are known for their striking attack style, preying on the weak and then tearing apart the strong. At the beginning of each turn, you may place a Personal Icon on the board and then scatter it (it can take a Deep Strike Mishap). Remove the icon at the end of that player turn. All units with a Jump Pack or Raptor Jump Pack in a Night Lords army gain the Terrifying special rule. This means that any enemy unit in combat with at least one unit of Night Lords will lose 1 Leadership. If a Night Lords unit forces an opponent to go to Ground, that unit must take d3 Saves allocated as shooting. When used as part of a Night Lords army, Raptor Squadrons may be purchased as Troop Choices.

The Night Lords were once a noble legion, comparable to the Blood Angels or Alpha Legion but were slowly degraded by the very world Konrad had attempted to save. Now they are an aggressive, hostile, invasive power which achieves all its goals through the application of fear and terror tactics. The news of a Night Lords raid is enough to make a planet offer up their children, commit mass suicide, and go into anarchy within days of discovering the legion s presence such is their gruesome reputation. The sons of Kurze are a harsh force to battle. They have no supply lines, or psycho-weak spot. The Night Lords are fully committed to the torture and ultimate destruction of an enemy s army. The Raptor Squadrons used by other legions as small numbers of back-breaking troops are commonplace in the Night Lords, and this gives the force a killing edge far greater than any other Chaos Legion. This may mean that they lack heavy support, but the application of force in close combat can by far make up for such setbacks.


COST: +200pts
Ld Sv

Talonmaster Torhren


3+ Army Composition: The Chaos Raptors unit which Torhren was purchased for must bear Raptor Jump Packs, and receives them for +3pts per model. An army including Torhren counts units of Chaos Chosen with Jump Packs as Fast Attack choices as well as Elite Choices.

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Darksoul Armor y Seekers Blades y The Purifier y Frag Grenades y Meltabombs y Raptor Jump Pack

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Night Lords) y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Heroic Intervention y Fleet (2d6 Pick Highest) y Hit and Run y Diving Charge y Brutal Charge y Shadowboxing y Terrifying Visage

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It was towards the end of the Great Crusade that the Primarch Alpharius Omegon was discovered by an Imperial Fleet and returned to the Emperor s light, but unlike most other Primarchs Alpharius did not shine to the Emperor. It was no surprise that he turned to Horus one he was far more acquainted with in the Heresy. The Alpha Legion formed the elite infiltrating units of the Traitors their mastery of subterfuge and trickery are legendary as is their control of the flow of battle and the art of controlling when and where a fight will occur. During the Great Crusade, the Alpha Legion were fairly unloved by all the other Primarchs Roboute Guilleman, the Ultramarines Primarch, often taunted Alpharius with the reminder that he would never come close to his legion s record. It was likely to be this which turned them to the Arch Traitor s side. Alpha Legion armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Alpha Legion version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y y Alpha Legions all gain the Stealth , Scouts , and Acute Senses special rules for +2pts per model. Any units may choose to move Behind Enemy Lines for +2pts per model. This allows them to Outflank, but when they do so, use the following rolls to decide where they arrive: 1 = Home Table Edge, 2-3 = Right of Home Edge, 4-5 = Left of Home Edge, and 6 = Opponent s Table Edge. Alpha Legion commanders usually weave a web of illusion and lies to confuse their enemies. When rolling for Reserves, you may roll for all units at the same time and then allocate the attempts as desired. In addition, Alpha Legion armies may choose to modify up to 1 opponent Reserve Roll by a d3 per turn this may not reduce the roll below a 1 or above a 6. Alpha Legion commanders will Seize the Initiative on a 4+. Their opponents must roll 11 or more on 2d6 to do so when they require it. If you are an Alpha Legion player, you may choose to roll a d6 after deployment has ended and you are meant to go first. If you roll a 6, you may elect to go second instead. When used as part of an Alpha Legion army, Chaos Chosen may be used as Troops Choices. In addition, Hydra Operatives may be used.



COST: 150pts per Unit

A Ld Sv

Hydra Operative Unit: y 5 Hydra Operatives y Type: Infantry

4+ Hydra Operative Units count as Fast Attack Choices in any Alpha Legion army, but do not count towards the FOC. Up to one unit may be taken per unit of Chaos Cultists.

Wargear: y Carapace Armor y Laspistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades y 2 Models have a Demo Charge y 1 Model has a Chaos Icon

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Alpha Legion) y Hit and Run (2d6) y Stealth y Fleet of Foot y Counter Attack

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011


During the Horus Heresy, WORD BEARERS Word Bearers armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Word Bearers version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y All Word Bearers units gain the Scouts and Counter Attack special rules for +3pts per model. Units which gain Scouts from these Tactics may not outflank. If an enemy unit outflanks within line of sight to a Word Bearers HQ choice, they and their squad may choose to immediately attempt a full turn s shooting against that unit. If the HQ does this, their unit may not fire in the Word Bearer s following Shooting Phase. Any model with a Power Weapon in a Word Bearers model may replace it with a Dark Crozius which is a Power Weapon with a +1 to wound modifier. When used as part of a Word Bearers army, Lesser Daemons, Chaos Hounds, Chaos Spawn, and Possessed Cult units do not count towards the Force Organisation Chart. However, they may only contest objectives. Possessed Cult units count as Scoring Units within a Word Bearers force. Word Bearers armies do not have a 0-1 restriction on Greater Daemons you may use up to three Greater Daemons for each Dark Apostle in the army.

y y



COST: 75pts per Unit

A Ld Sv

Summon Martyr


4+ Options: May purchase a Mark of Chaos from the following: - Khorne (+1 A, +1 WS) = +25pts - Tzeentch (+1 Inv, +1 S) = +30pts - Nurgle (+1 T, +1 W) = +40pts - Slaanesh (+1 I, +1 WS) = +25pts Any Martyr purchase Braziers of Malcontent for +20pts.

Count as a Troops Choice, but are a Non Scoring Unit. Unit: y 5 Summon Martyrs y Type: Infantry Wargear: y Shard Armor y 2 Close Combat Weapons y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Word Bearers) y Daemon y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Martyr Martyr: Summon Martyrs count as Champions for the purposes of summoning Greater Daemons. In addition, if a Martyr is sacrificed, the unit counts as a Personal Icon for the rest of the game.

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The Sons of Mortarion were famed for their hardy physique and even hardier personalities even before they were corrupted at Nurgle s hand. The Dusk Raiders, as they were called during the times before their Primarch s return, were used in many a war of attrition to break the resolve of an opposing force through their grinding tactics, and gained quite a reputation alongside the Iron Warriors for their uses in a siege The traits built by Mortarion were only built up even further by their infection by the Lord of Decay. Though they were already very resistant to poison and disease as Death Guard, the Mark of Nurgle on their flesh made all known infections have no visible identifier on their flesh. The burn of a flame, the kiss of a wound, the power of the mind none stop the unending march of a thousand power armoured boots as they march unrelentingly into the foe. Alongside the marching, there is always the humming the insane humming, never ending, never raising or lowering in pitch. It marks the passing of flies, vermin, and an unwelcomed harvest, for Nurgle has gifted his chosen legion with the biological weaponry to deal grievous blows to the physical and mental strength of their enemies. Nurgle s Rot, Weeping Pox, and the Zombie Plague all are used to great effect against the enemies of the Death Guard. It could be said that for each Legionnaire in an invading army, there is a different disease born and spread, compounding on each other, from Cold to Fly to Typhoid. Indeed, it is a common game of sorts to try and find which squad can slow its viral prowess the most, for the sake of both corpses for the postbattle sacrificial feast, or for the sake of trophies. The battle plans of Mortarion s Legion are quite simple in nature, but mature just like the plagues they are so fond of. It lies with the Infantry, and not the tanks, to break down the foe and this can be seen in the composition of their force. Raptor Squadrons, mounted on Bike or Pack, are more commonly the assault force while the rest of the Guard advance behind them. While tanks are not frowned upon, they are generally not used in significant numbers, making their actual deployment on the field of battle even more noticeable. The Guard still maintain a sizeable number of Dreadwing and Rhino transports for when such assaults are required, and a number of relics, such as Blight Drones or Land Raiders are rather commonly used. Infect, the Death Guard are responsible for the Slaughtermaster Land Raider variant, which sacrifices the tank s Lascannons for an even more versatile weapon the Gouger Autocannon. Death Guard armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Death Guard version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y All Death Guard units bear a Greater Mark of Nurgle, which gives them Defensive Grenades, +1 Toughness and the Feel No Pain special rule for +7pts per model. Chaos Legionnaires purchased under a Death Guard commander may not purchase Heavy Weapons. Models which are normally armed with a Boltgun, Close Combat Weapon, and Bolt Pistol (and in any such combination) must replace their Close Combat Weapon with a Plague Blade. This gives all of their close combat attacks the Poisoned Attacks (4+) special rule against any targets with a Toughness of 7 or less. Death Guard missiles are vile combinations of weapon and plague, which can cause havoc across the enemy army. Missile Launchers, Havoc Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Ravager Grenade Launchers, and Autocannon(s) in a Death Guard army all gain the Pinning and Poisoned Attacks (4+) special rule. Death Guard armies may use Plague Zombies as Troop Choices.

y y

Part of the fun of the Death Guard force is the Tally of Nurgle objective. If, in any game, your kill count exceeds 49 models, you will count as scoring an additional objective or +2 Kill Points at the end of the game. Naturally only models killed by Nurgle aligned models will count towards the Tally.

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During the Horus Heresy, EMPERORS CHILDREN Emperors Children armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Emperors Children version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y All models in an Emperor s Children army gain a Greater Mark of Slaanesh, giving +1 Initiative, Move Through Cover and +1 WS for+5pts per model. Any model in an Emperor s Children army may replace their Boltgun with a Sonic Blaster for +4pts. In addition, a single model (per 5 members in the squad) may choose to exchange their Sonic Blaster with a Blastmaster for +25pts. Also, Exalted Champions may choose to purchase a Doom Siren for +20pts. All Emperors Children Champions and HQ Choices have the Preferred Enemy (Champions) special rule. This means they may re-roll failed rolls to hit against HQ Choices and unit Sergeants (i.e. Nobz) Emperors Children HQ choices are arrogant, and gain the Duellist special rule. Against models with a Weapon Skill of 4 or less, they will lose 1 attack but hit on a 2+. Against models with a Weapon Skill of 7 or more, they will gain 1 attack. Emperors Children Rhinos, Predators, and Dreadnoughts all count as Fast vehicles, and replace their Twin Linked Bolters with Sonic Blasters for no additional cost.

y y

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During the Horus Heresy, THOUSAND SONS Thousand Sons armies differ from the standard Black Legion list in a number of ways. These are all described below. The moment that a single character replaces the Legion Tactics special rules with the Thousand Sons version, the whole force organisation chart he is included in must undertake ALL of the below changes. No exceptions. y All models in a Thousand Sons army gain a Greater Mark of Tzeentch, giving a 4+ invulnerable Save, or +1 to an existing invulnerable Save, and the Move through Cover special rule for +7pts per model. Any Exalted Champion (or equivalent) may be upgraded to a Chaos Sorcerer for +40pts. They come equipped with the standard Chaos Sorcerer equipment, as detailed in the HQ Choices, and may not further exchange their Wargear. In addition, any Terminator Champion may become a Chaos Sorcerer for +35pts losing their Personal Icon in the process. Each turn, a single Sorcerer from the unit (other than Characters) may use one of their Psychic Powers. If a Psychic Power is used on a Thousand Sons unit including at least one Psyker, the power may be dispelled on a 5+. This is increased by 1 for each Psyker in the unit beyond the first, and does not overlap with other abilities such as a Book of Secrets. Any model with access to Psychic Powers in a Thousand Sons army may use 2 a turn. All Boltguns and Bolt Pistols in a Thousand Sons army become AP3, while Heavy Bolters become AP2. (Referred to elsewhere as Inferno Bolts ). Please note that this effect is only for the normal profiles, and does not benefit variant weaponry or Special Ammunition.

y y


COST: +200pts
A Ld Sv

Battle Psyker Unit: y 3 Battle Psykers y Type: Infantry Wargear: y Daemon Armor y Boltgun and Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades


3+ The Council of Sorcery may be purchased for any HQ Choice in the Thousand Sons army which counts as a Psyker, and must remain attached to that character for the rest of the game. The combined unit counts as a single Character for joining other units.

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Thousand Sons) y Psyker y Stubborn Psychic Powers: y May use two powers per turn y Make Weapon a Force Weapon for that turn y May each select a single Psychic Power

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Characters from Codex: Chaos Space Marines must be used as described in THIS book do not use the stats from the standard Chaos Space Marines codex. Up to one variety of Legion Tactics may be included in a single Army, as chosen under the normal Force Organization Chart.
No, this isn t Codex: Space Marines. You cannot use opposing characters, such as both Kharn and Lucius. You cannot rename characters in order to support your own warband. These are the REAL DEAL, ok? Treat them as such. Where characters bear their own, specific, legion tactics they will ALWAYS use that tactic. Lucius would not suddenly become marked by Nurgle, for example.

For every full 1500 points of the force, a Chaos Legions army may include one allied choice selected from below, with the following rule changes: - None of these choices count towards your force organization chart, but a maximum of 3 may be chosen. - Allied units deploy as a part of the Chaos Legion army, and will lose rules such as Daemonic Deployment. However, they retain rules such as Deep Strike or equivalents. - Units from Codex: Chaos Daemons must be modeled differently to Chaos Legion Daemons i.e. Greater Daemons etc. - Chaos Legion characters may not join allied units or vice versa. - By extension, except where noted, allied units do not directly benefit from Chaos Legion rules or vice versa. For example, a Platoon Command Squad could not issue an order to a unit of Chaos Havocs, but if the Havocs shooting were to cause a morale check and a Psyker Battle Squad had used Weaken Resolve, the modified Leadership value would still be used. - Where that allied codex has another version of any marks described in this codex, use the LATEST edition for ALL units in the force. BLACK LEGION (STANDARD CHAOS LEGION LIST) Black Legion players may not take allied units. Instead, choose one choice from Fast Attack, Heavy Support, or Elites. Up to 2 units from that choice will count as a Scoring Unit (Monstrous Creatures, Dedicated Transports, and Chaos Spawn do not benefit from this effect) WORLD EATERS World Eaters may take any Khorne aligned unit from Codex: Chaos Daemons that is not a Special Character. EMPERORS CHILDREN Emperor s Children may take any Slaanesh aligned unit from Codex: Chaos Daemons that is not a Special Character. DEATH GUARD Death Guard may take any Nurgle aligned unit from Codex: Chaos Daemons that is not a Special Character. THOUSAND SONS Thousand Sons may take any Tzeentch aligned unit from Codex: Chaos Daemons that is not a Special Character. WORD BEARERS Word Bearers may use any unit from Codex: Chaos Daemons with no further restrictions. ALPHA LEGION Alpha Legion may use any Troops or Fast Attack unit from Codex: Imperial Guard as an allied unit NIGHT LORDS Night Lords may use any Troops unit from Codex: Imperial Guard mounted in a Valkyrie or Vendetta as an allied unit IRON WARRIORS Iron Warriors may use any Troops or Heavy Support unit from Codex: Imperial Guard as an allied unit RED CORSAIRS Red Corsairs may use any Troops or Veteran unit (e.g. Vanguard or Sternguard) from Codex: Space Marines as an allied unit. In addition, Huron Blackheart may be accompanied by a Honour Guard or Command Squad. Page 48

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A Ld Sv

Abaddon the 7 Despoiler Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Terminator Armor y Personal Icon y Talon of Horus y Frag Grenades y Drach nyen


2+ Army Composition An army including Abaddon may take units of Chosen Terminators as Troop Choices. Options: A single unit of Chosen Terminators may be used as a retinue to Abaddon, and gains a single Banner of the Gods for +25pts. It counts as a HQ Choice for the purposes of Scenarios. Abaddon may purchase a Chaos Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Black Legion) y Mind An Abyss y Preferred Enemy (All) y Eternal Warrior y 3+ Invulnerable Save y Successor of Horus




A Ld Sv

Typhus the Herald 6 5 of Nurgle Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Terminator Armor y Plaguereaper y The Destroyer Hive y Personal Icon


2+ Army Composition Plague Zombies do not count towards the Force Organization Chart in a force including Typhus. While Typhus is within 18 a unit of Zombies, they no longer have the Slow and Purposeful special rule. Options: Typhus may be mounted on a Palanquin of Nurgle for +25pts.

Special Rules: y Fearless y Legion Tactics (Death Guard) y Feel No Pain y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Slow and Purposeful y Herald of Nurgle y Terminus Est




A Ld Sv

Lucius the Eternal


3+ Army Composition In an army including Lucius the Eternal, the following Force Organization Chart may be used: - 1-2 HQs - 0-3 Elites - 2-6 Fast Attack - 0-3 Troops - 0-3 Heavy Support Please note that Troops are still Scoring Units.

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Armor of Shrieking Souls y Blissgiver y Dueling Blades y Arena Shield y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades y Close Combat Weapon y Personal Icon

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Emperors Children) y Daemon (does not Deep Strike) y Fleet of Foot y Acute Senses y Blademaster y Trick of Skins

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A Ld Sv

Ahriman the Exile


2+ Army Composition Armies including Ahriman may include as many units of Battle Psykers (see Thousand Sons Legion Tactics) as you want these units count as Troop Choices for all intents and purposes, but do not count towards your Force Organisation Chart.

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Armor of Damnation y Black Staff of Ahriman y Tome of Forbidden Secrets y Z arrupt y Bolt Pistol y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Thousand Sons) y 3+ Invulnerable Save y Psyker (All CSM Powers excluding those specific to other gods) y Acute Senses y Ahriman s Coven y Feuding Sorcerers




A Ld Sv

Kharn the 8 4 Betrayer Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Power Armor y Gorechild y Twin Linked Plasma Pistol y Talismans of Boiling Blood y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades


3+ Army Composition: Armies including Kharn must include either a Raptor Squadron (on foot) or unit of Chaos Legionnaires to act as a retinue. Options: Kharn may purchase one of the following transports from below: - Juggernaut of Khorne +30pts - Chariot of Khorne +65pts

Special Rules: y Fearless y Legion Tactics (World Eaters) y Furious Charge y Rage y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Blood for the Blood God y Ritual Sacrifice




A Ld Sv

Fabius Bile



Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Power Armor y The Chirurgeon y Rod of Torment y Xyclos Needler y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades y Personal Icon

Special Rules: y Stubborn y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Feel No Pain y Rending y Enhanced Warriors y Apothecary y Corpsemaster

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A Ld Sv

Arrax the Brazen


2+ Army Composition An army including Arrax the Brazen may purchase Mechanicus Warsmiths as Troop Choices. Note: For the purpose of Preferred Enemy, any Space Marine army which includes Darnath Lysander or Pedro Kantor and any Black Templar armies count as Imperial Fist Successors.

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Terminator Armor y Backbreaker y Storm Shield y Auto Servos y Final Artillery

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Iron Warriors) y Let the Weapons Sing! y Big Guns Never Tire! y Look to the Heavens! y Sating of the Beast y Preferred Enemy (Imperial Fists Successor Chapters)




A Ld Sv



4+ Psychic Powers: y Calamity on High y Divine Wrath y Glorious Tumult

Unit Type: y Independent Character (Unique) Wargear: y Shard Armor y Wormwood Staff y Eye of Alakhar y Frag Grenades

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Alpha Legion) y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Daemon (does not Deep Strike) y Psyker y Infernal Reckless Summoning y Sect Operative y The Hydra Strikes




A Ld Sv

High Orator Unit Type: y Independent Character Wargear: y Power Armor y Two Power Weapons y Flare Blitz y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades y Personal Icon


3+ Options: May replace Power Weapon with Anathema for +10pts. May purchase Terminator Armor for +20pts. May purchase a Black Book of Lorgar for +25pts May purchase Braziers of Malcontent for +25pts Transport: May be mounted on an Unholy Palanquin for +40pts, or purchase a Chaos Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics (Word Bearers) y Preferred Enemy (Psykers) y Preferred Enemy (Daemons) y Preferred Enemy (Imperium) y Righteous Fury y Onwards, Dogs! Army Composition: An Army including at least one High Orator may use Dark Apostles.

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W I A Ld Sv

Chaos Lieutenant Chaos Lord Unit composition: y 1 Chaos Lieutenant Unit Type: y Independent Character Wargear: y Power Armor y Boltgun y Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Meltabombs y Frag Grenades Special Rules: y Fearless y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Legion Tactics

5 6

5 5

4 5

4 4

2 3

5 5

3 4

10 10

3+ 3+ May be claimed by a Legion (replacing all of the force s Legion Tactics for those of the appropriate legion) for +50 pts. May purchase one of the following marks: - Mark of Khorne +10pts - Mark of Nurgle +20pts - Mark of Tzeentch +20pts - Mark of Slaanesh +5pts May be upgraded to Chaos Lord for +35pts May take one Transport: - Chaos Bike / Daemonic Mount - Raptor Jump Pack - Rhino (Dedicated)

Options: Can replace Bolt Pistol with: - Twin Linked Boltgun - Plasma Pistol - Combi-Boltgun

+5 pts. +10 pts. +10 pts.

Can replace Close Combat Weapon with: - Poisoned Weapon (4+) +10 pts. - Power Weapon +15 pts. - Lightning Claw +15 pts. - Power Fist +25 pts. - Anointed Weapon +25 pts. - Daemon Weapon +35 pts. Can replace both weapons with: -Pair of Lightning Claws +25 pts. May take any of the following: - Personal Icon +10 pts. - Diabolic Splendor +15 pts. - A Blessing of the Dark Gods +20 pts. May replace all Wargear (and Options) with Terminator Armor, Twin Linked Boltgun, Power Weapon, Frag Grenades, and Personal Icon for +25pts

+25 pts. +15 pts. +45 pts.

If a Raptor Jump Pack or Bike is taken, a single Raptor Squadron may be taken as a Troop Choice. If a Daemonic Mount is taken, units of Chaos Hounds may be taken as Troop Choices.

WS Chaos Sorcerer Sorcerer Lord Unit composition: y 1 Chaos Sorcerer Unit Type: y Independent Character Wargear: y Power Armor y Force Weapon y Boltgun or Bolt Pistol y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades y Personal Icon Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y 4+ Invulnerable Save y Psyker (chooses two powers from the Chaos Space Marines Psychic Powers in Army Composition) 5 6 BS 5 5 S 4 4 T 4 4


W 2 3 I 5 5 A 2 3 Ld 10 10 Sv 3+ 3+ May be claimed by a Legion (replacing all of the force s Legion Tactics for those of the appropriate legion) for +50 pts. May take one Transport if not in Terminator Armor: - Chaos Bike / Daemonic Mount +25 pts. - Raptor Jump Pack / Wings +20 pts. - Rhino (Dedicated) +45 pts. If Wings are taken and the Sorcerer is not claimed by a Legion, Possessed Cult units become a Troops Choice. If a Bike or Raptor Jump Pack is taken a single unit of Chaos Raptors may be taken as a Troop Choice.


May be upgraded to a Sorcerer Lord for +25pts May Have One Mark: - Mark of Slaanesh - Mark of Nurgle - Mark of Tzeentch

+10 pts. +15 pts. +20 pts

May purchase any of the following: - Meltabombs - Greater Channeling - Anointed Force Weapon - Chaos Familiar - Daemon Armor - A Blessing of the Dark Gods - Book of Secrets

+10 pts +15 pts +15 pts +20 pts +15 pts +20 pts +25 pts

May replace all Wargear with Terminator Armor, Twin Linked Boltgun, Force Weapon, Frag Grenades, and Personal Icon for +25 pts.

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Ascended Champion



Unit composition: y 1 Ascended Champion Unit Type: y Monstrous Creature Wargear: y Power Armor y Axe of Fallen Kings y Twin Linked Heavy Bolter Special Rules: y Daemon y Mind an Abyss y Legion Tactics y 4+ Invulnerable Save

Options: May upgrade Power Armor to Terminator Armor for +15 points. This will give the Ascended Champion a 2+ Armor Save, but otherwise has no effect due to the Daemon s bulk. May purchase one of the following marks: - Mark of Khorne +15pts - Mark of Nurgle +20pts - Mark of Tzeentch +25pts - Mark of Slaanesh +10pts

An Ascended Champion which is not of the World Eaters legion and/or does not bear a Mark of Khorne may become a Psyker for +20pts. If the Ascended Champion is a Psyker, they may take a single psychic power from the Chaos Space Marines list for free. May purchase Majesty of Chaos for +30pts



W I A Ld Sv

Fallen Martyr Fallen Angel

6 5

5 5

4 4

4 4

3 2

5 4

2 2

10 9

3+ 3+

Unit composition: y 1 Fallen Martyr y 4 Fallen Angels Unit Type: y Infantry While the first Gathering will be counted as a HQ choice, future units may be Elites or Troops. These units do not come with a Fallen Martyr, and therefore start at 120pts for the unit.

Wargear: y Power Armor y Boltgun and Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon (Power Weapon on Fallen Martyr) y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades OPTIONS Up to 10 additional Fallen Angels may be added to the unit for +30pts per model. All members of the unit may exchange all Wargear for Terminator Armor; a Twin Linked Boltgun, a Power Weapon, and Frag Grenades for +15pts per model. Then choose from the following: - They may replace their Terminator Armor with a Chaos Jetbike and Power Armor for +5pts. - Replace Power Weapon and/or Twin Linked Boltgun with Power Fist for +8 pts or with Lightning Claw for+5 pts - Up to 2 models in the unit may replace their Storm Boltgun with Reaper Autocannon for +25pts, or a Heavy Flamer for +10pts - Replace Both Weapons with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield for +25 points.

Special Rules: y 6+ Invulnerable Save y Preferred Enemy (Dark Angels) y Infiltrate y Ungraspable y Hunt the Fallen y Random Appearance OPTIONS (continued) Any member of the unit may exchange their Bolt Pistol and/or (as appropriate) Close Combat Weapon for the following. Multiples may be purchased. - A Twin Linked Boltgun for 4pts. - A Combi-Boltgun for 8pts. - A Plasma Pistol or Power Weapon for 15pts. - A Lightning Claw or Power Fist for 20pts. - A Thunder Hammer or Anointed Weapon for 22pts. - A Pair of Lightning Claws for 25pts. - A Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield for 30pts. The Fallen Martyr may purchase Daemon Armour for +20pts and/or Meltabombs for +10pts.

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Greater Daemons are rare, and thus restricted to 0-1 per army. Greater Daemons must be summoned to the field of play, but may not use an Icon and must have a sacrifice! Any Exalted Champion (or equivalent) may be sacrificed, allowing for the Daemon to be placed within 6 of where they were removed. If no champion is available, the Daemon may not be placed on the field but does not count as a casualty.



Greater Daemon



Unit composition: y 1 Greater Daemon Unit Type: y Monstrous Creature

A Greater Daemon may be dedicated to a specific God from below, gaining different Wargear and Options, for the initial cost indicated. These Daemons should be modelled appropriately dependent on their upgrades and patron god .

KHORNE Will not accept a Slaanesh Champion as a Sacrifice +30pts Gain Axe of Khorne and Daemon Armour Wargear: May purchase +1 Initiative and +1 Attack for +25pts y An Undivided Greater Daemon May purchase an additional Close Combat Weapon for +15pts bears a Close Combat Weapon May purchase Roar of the Ancients for +20pts and the equivalent to a Multi May purchase 2 Blood Frenzies for +15pts Melta. May be upgraded with Blessings of the Blood God, gaining a 2+ Invulnerable Save against y Marked Greater Daemons bear Psykers and their abilities, for +25pts differing equipments dependent on which God they NURGLE Will not accept a Tzeentchian Champion as a Sacrifice +35pts have been marked by, indicated Gain a Close Combat Weapon with (4+) Poisoned Attacks to the right. May purchase +2 Strength for +15pts, at the cost of -1 Initiative May purchase a Cauldron of Flies for +25pts Special Rules: May purchase Nurgle s Rot for +25pts y Daemon May become a Psyker with Paramount Plague of Nurgle power for +30pts y Mind an Abyss May be upgraded with Poxful Robes, granting a Toughness of 7, for +20pts y 4+ Invulnerable Save SLAANESH Will not accept a Khornate Champion as a Sacrifice +30pts y Counter Attack (Undivided Gain Spirit Collector and Close Combat Weapon Only) May purchase +1 Ballistic Skill or +1 Weapon Skill for +15pts May replace Close Combat Weapon for a Howling Blade for +20pts May purchase Diabolic Splendour (see Masters of Chaos) for +25pts May become a Psyker with the Absolute Justice of Slaanesh power for +30pts May be upgraded with Sublimate Musk, granting a 3+ invulnerable Save, for +20pt TZEENTCH Will not accept a Nurgle Champion as a Sacrifice +35pts Gain Infinite Bombardment and Close Combat Weapon May purchase +1 Toughness or +1 Initiative for +15pts May replace Close Combat Weapon with a Pandemonium Staff for +35pts May become a Psyker with 3 CSM Psychic Powers for +40pts. May be upgraded to use 2 Powers per Turn (if a Psyker) for +15pts. May be upgraded with Mastery of Magic, allowing access to 5 Powers instead of 3, for +30pts.

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Legionnaire Aspiring Champion Exalted Champion Unit composition: y 1 Aspiring Champion and 419 Legionnaires Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear: y Power Armor y Boltgun and Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades Special Rules y Legion Tactics

4 4 4

Additional Options: If the squad numbers 10 or more, a single Legionnaire BS S T W I A Ld Sv may take a Chaos Icon for free, which may then be upgraded to bear the blessing of a Chaos God for one of 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ the following costs: 4 4 4 1 4 1 10 3+ - Nurgle +45pts 4 4 4 1 4 3 10 3+ - Tzeentch +40pts - Khorne +30pts Options: - Slaanesh +20pts For each 5th members in the squad, a Legionnaire Please note that in Cult Legions these Icons do not may replace their Boltgun with one of the need to be upgraded they are included in each following: individual Legionnaire s point cost. - Flamer FREE - Meltagun +5 pts If Fabius Bile is in the army, the Legionnaires may - Plasma Gun +10 pts become Enhanced Warriors for +4pts each - Plasma Pistol +10 pts For each 10th member in the squad, you may choose to (instead) replace their Boltgun with one of the following instead of one of the above: - Heavy Bolter +10 pts - Missile Launcher +15 pts - Twin Linked Meltagun +20 pts - Twin Linked Plasma Gun +25 pts - Lascannon +30 pts If the unit numbers 15 or fewer models, you may purchase either a Dreadwing Drop Pod or Chaos Rhino as a Dedicated Transport. Character: The Aspiring Champion has no options other than that of a Personal Icon for +5pts. This Champion may be upgraded to an Exalted champion for +20pts giving him access to the options detailed in the Exalted Champion section.



BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Lesser Daemon


Unit composition: y 5-25 Summoned Lesser Daemons Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear y Close Combat Weapon

Special Rules: y Daemon y Fleet of Claw y The Great Horde y 5+ Invulnerable Save Note: While Greater Daemons are marked, Lesser Daemons are not and may therefore be a mix of multiple varieties and base sizes.



BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Plague Zombie Unit composition: y 5-25 Zombies Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear y Close Combat Weapon



Special Rules: y Daemon (do not Deep Strike) y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Daemonic Flesh y Feel No Pain y Slow and Purposeful y Braaains y Mark of Nurgle (included in profile)

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BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Cultist Cult Dominator Demagogue Exalted Champion Unit composition: 10 - 30 Cultists Unit Type: y Infantry

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 4

3 4 4 4

3 3 3 4

1 1 2 2

3 4 4 4

1 2 2 3

6 7 9 10

4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ Options: y For each 5 Cultists in the unit, up to one cultist may replace their Firearms with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts. - Grenade Launcher +5 pts. - Sniper Rifle +10 pts. - Meltagun +10 pts. - Plasma Gun +10 pts. - Demolition Charge +20 pts. - Personal Icon +10 pts.

Character(s): A single character may be added from below - Cult Dominator +15 pts. - Exalted Champion +30 pts. - Demagogue +45 pts.

Wargear: The Dominator may replace their close combat y Shard Armor weapon with: y Firearms - Poisoned Weapon (5+) +5 pts. y Close Combat Weapon - Power Weapon +10 pts. y Force Weapon (Demagogue Only) Options: y Frag Grenades Any model may replace their Close Combat Weapon y For each 15 Cultists in the unit, up to one Cultist may replace their Firearms with a Combat Shield with a Heavy Close Combat Weapon for +1pt. Special Rules: and one of the following: y Legion Tactics - Heavy Bolter +15pts y Scouts - Missile Launcher +25pts y Furious Charge - Autocannon +25pts
y Any model may replace their Firearms with a Laspistol or Boltgun for free.

Unit Type: y Infantry Upgrade Character Wargear: y Power Armor y Boltgun and Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades Special Rules: y An Exalted Champion (any type) will inherit any rules of the unit it joins. y Some Exalted Champions have additional rules. These are shown earlier in this codex.

Options: Can replace Boltgun with: - Twin-Linked Boltgun - Combi-weapon - Plasma Gun Can replace Bolt Pistol with: - Plasma Pistol +5 pts. +10 pts. +15 pts.

+10 pts.

Can replace Close Combat Weapon with: - Power Weapon +15 pts. - Lightning Claw +15 pts. - Anointed Weapon +25 pts. - Power Fist +25 pts. Can replace all weapons with: -Pair of Lightning Claws May take any of the following: - Melta Bombs - Personal Icon - Daemon Armor

+30 pts.

+5 pts. +10 pts +20 pts.

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June 17, 2011




BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Chosen Champion Chaos Chosen Unit composition: y 5-10 Chaos Chosen Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear y Boltgun y Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Sternguard Ammunition y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Heroic Intervention y Acute Senses

5 4

5 4

4 4

4 4

2 1

5 4

3 2

10 10

3+ 3+

For each HQ Choice in the army, a single unit of Legion Chosen or Chosen Terminators may be taken as a Troops Choice.
Options (continued): Any Chosen may replace their Boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +4pts - Meltagun +9pts - Plasma Gun or Plasma Pistol +12pts Up to 4 Chosen may replace their Close Combat Weapon or Bolt Pistol with any of the following: - Power Weapon +15pts - Lightning Claw +15pts - Power Fist +25pts If the unit numbers 8 or more models, one of the Chosen may replace their Boltgun with one of the following: - Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher +15pts - Twin Linked Plasma Gun +20pts - Autocannon +25pts - Lascannon +30pts

Character: A single Chosen may be upgraded to be a Chosen Champion for +40pts, counting as an Exalted Champion. Options: The Legion Chosen may each replace their Sternguard Ammunition with a Raptor Jump Pack for +7pts per model. A single Chosen may bear a Chaos Icon for +10pts. This is a Personal Icon, which may then be upgraded to bear the blessing of a Chaos God for one of the following costs: - Nurgle +45pts - Tzeentch +35pts - Khorne +25pts - Slaanesh +30pts Please note that if the unit is in a Cult Legion the Icon does not need to be upgraded.



S T W I A Ld Sv

Crusader Champion Chosen Terminator Unit composition: y 3-10 Chosen Terminators Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear

5 4

5 4

4 4

4 4

2 1

5 4

3 2

10 10

2+ 2+ Options (continued): A single Chosen may upgrade their Personal Icon to a Chaos Icon (which should be modeled appropriately) for free, which may then be upgraded to bear the blessing of a Chaos God for one of the following costs: - Nurgle +45pts - Tzeentch +40pts - Khorne +25pts - Slaanesh +30pts Please note that if the unit is in a Cult Legion the Icon does not need to be upgraded. The Chosen Unit may purchase any of the following skills: - Move through Cover +10pts - Glory of the Primarch +20pts - Heroic Intervention +30pts Any unit of Chosen Terminators may purchase a Chaos Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.

Character: At least 1 Chosen must be upgraded to a Crusader Champion for +35pts. Options: Any model may replace their Power Weapon and/or Twin Linked Boltguns with one of the following: - Combi Boltgun +7pts - Lightning Claw +8pts - Power Fist +10pts - Anointed Weapon +15pts - Thunder Hammer +20pts - Storm Shield +20pts Up to 2 models may replace their Twin Linked Boltguns with one of the following: - Twin Linked Heavy Flamer +10pts - Reaper Autocannon +20pts - Havoc Launcher +25pts

y Terminator Armor y Twin Linked Boltgun

y Power Weapon y Personal Icon

Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Deep Strike

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S T W I A Ld Sv

Chaos Possessed Sacred Vessel Unit composition: y 3-15 Possessed Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear y Shard Armor y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades Special Rules: y Daemon y Fleet of Foot y 5+ Invulnerable Save

4 4

4 4

4 5

4 4

1 2

4 4

2 3

10 10

4+ 4+

Character: A single Possessed may be upgraded to a Sacred Vessel for +20pts. The Sacred Vessel may purchase Daemon Armour for +10pts. The Invulnerable Save is unaffected by Daemonic Mutations. Options: A unit of Possessed may purchase either a Dreadwing Drop Pod or Chaos Rhino as a Dedicated Transport.

The Possessed unit may select up to four of the following daemonic mutations. All models bear the same upgrades, and at least one must be taken: Daemonic Stamina +4pts per model Daemonic Strength +3pts per model Daemonic Sundering +4pts per model Daemonic Chains +3pts per model Daemonic Lightning +6pts per model Daemonic Resilience +5pts per model Daemonic Will +5pts per model Daemonic Aura +5pts per model Daemonic Stature +5pts per model Daemonic Alchemy +6pts per model Daemonic Hunting +5pts per model Daemonic Slam +5pts per model Daemonic Fire +4pts per model Daemonic Flux +5pts per model



BS S Front Side Rear I A

Chaos Dreadnought Harbinger Dreadnought

4 3

4 3

6(10) 6(10)

12 12

12 11

10 10

4 4

1(2) 2(3)

Unit composition: y 1 Chaos Dreadnought Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: y Twin Linked Heavy Bolter y Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon (Containing Twin Linked Boltgun) y Smoke Launchers y Searchlight y Vox Caster Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Counter Attack y Battle Forged Heroes y Acute Senses

Unit composition: y 1 Harbinger Dreadnought Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker) Wargear: y Dreadnought CCW with Heavy Flamer y Dreadnought CCW y Smoke Launchers y Searchlight y Vox Caster y Daemonic Possession Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Fleet y Crazed y Furious Charge

Chaos Dreadnought Harbinger Dreadnought

Costs 110pts. Costs 125pts

OPTIONS: Replace a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon and/or Heavy Bolter with: - Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon FREE - Twin Linked Heavy Flamer FREE - Two Heavy Bolters (fire as one) +5pts - Two Heavy Flamers (fire as one) +10pts - Twin Linked Multi Melta +10pts - A Gouger Autocannon +20pts - A Twin Linked Lascannon +20pts - A Twin Linked Havoc Launcher +25pts - A Battlecannon (replaces Vox Caster as well) +30pts Any Chaos Dreadnought may take: - Extra Armor - Parasitic Possession - Dozer Blade Attachments - Camo Enhancements - Wards of Anointed Death - A Dreadwing Drop Pod (see Dedicated Transports)

+10pts +25pts +10pts +15pts +20pts

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June 17, 2011


WS BS S Front


Rear I A


Kaleidoscopia Subjugator

3 2

3 3

4(6) 4(6)

12 11

11 11

10 10

3(5) 3(5)

3(4) 2(3)

May only be used in forces containing at least one Slaanesh unit

Any Subjugator may replace one or both of their Sallavian Slicers for any of the following: - Twin Linked Sonic Blaster +5pts - Blast Master +20pts - Dispersion Wave Cannon +35pts The whole unit may Deep Strike for +66pts.

Unit composition: y 1 Kaleidoscopia and 1-5 Subjugators Unit Type: y Vehicle (Fast Walker) Wargear: y 2 Sonic Blasters y 2 Sallavian Slicers y Vox Caster y Mark of Slaanesh Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Handmaidens y Alluring Glance

The Kaleidoscopia may purchase any of the following upgrades: - Hidden Arsenal +20pts - Personal Icon +10pts - Pintle Mounted Sonic Blaster +10pts Up to half of the unit may replace one of their Sonic Blasters for any of the following: - Dispersion Wave Cannon +35pts - Blast Master +20pts - Twin Linked Sonic Blaster +5pts - Sallavian Slicer +5pts


WS BS S Front


Side Rear I A

Retching Engine Blight Drone

3 3

4 4

4 4

12 12

12 11

11 11

3 3

2(3) 1(2)

May only be used in forces containing at least one Nurgle unit

Any Blight Drone may replace their Pus Cannon for any of the following: - Plague Flail FREE - Twin Linked Pus Cannon +10pts - Avalanche Bile Launcher +20pts The whole unit may become full Skimmers for +77pts.

Unit composition: y 1 Retching Engine and 1-6 Blight Drones Unit Type: y Vehicle (Skimmer) Wargear: y Destroyer Hive y Pus Cannon y 2 Plague Flails y Vox Caster y Mark of Nurgle Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Ponderous Skimmer y Aura of Filth

The Retching Engine may purchase any of the following upgrades: - Hidden Arsenal +20pts - Personal Icon +10pts - Pintle Mounted Pus Cannon +20pts Up to half of the unit may replace one or both of their Plague Flails for any of the following: - Avalanche Bile Launcher +40pts - Pus Cannon +20pts - Plague Matrix +15pts - Havoc Launcher +15pts

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

WS BS S Front


Side Rear I A

Executioner Iridescent Judge

2 2

5 4

5 3

11 11

11 11

11 11

3 2

2 1

May only be used in forces containing at least one Tzeentch unit

Unit composition: y 1 Executioner and 1-8 Iridescent Judges Unit Type: y Vehicle (Skimmer, Open Topped) Wargear: y Flare Blitz y 2 Force Weapons y Mark of Tzeentch Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Psyker

The Executioner may purchase any of the following upgrades: - Force Pylons +20pts - Nexus Pylons +10pts - Access to 3 more Psychic Powers +30pts Up to half of the unit may replace one of their Flare Blitz for any of the following: - Flux of Change +30pts - Tzeentch s Will +20pts - Baleful Apotheosis +20pts - Additional Force Weapon (+1A) +15pts

Any Iridescent Judge may replace one or both of their Force Weapons for any of the following: - A Blessing of the Dark Gods +15pts - Wards of Anointed Death +15pts - Siege Cannon +30pts The unit may select a single Chaos Space Marine (or Tzeentch) Psychic Power to use for the battle during Army Selection. Any single model may take a Psychic Test to use this power, testing on a Leadership of 9. If Perils of the Warp is rolled, that model takes a Penetrating Hit.



Front Side Rear I A

Skullcrusher Blood Reaper

6 5

2 2

5(10) 5(10)

11 11

10 10

10 10

4 4

3(4) 2(3)

May only be used in forces containing at least one Khorne unit

Unit composition: y 1 Skullcrusher and 1-7 Blood Reapers Unit Type: y Vehicle (Walker, Open Topped) Wargear: y Death Strike y Blood Frenzy y 2 Dreadnought CCW y Mark of Khorne Special Rules: y Daemon Engine y Killer Instinct y Fleet y Furious Charge y Counter Attack

The Skullcrusher may purchase any of the following upgrades: - Hidden Arsenal +20pts - Personal Icon +10pts - Ravager Grenade Launcher +10pts Up to half of the unit may replace one or both of their Blood Frenzy for any of the following: - Flare Blitz +5pts - Melta Cannon +20pts - Inferno Cannon +20pts - Havoc Launcher +10pts - Death Strike (may not be upgraded) +15pts

Any Blood Reaper may replace their Death Strike for any of the following: - Flare Blitz and Second Blood Frenzy +15pts - Siege Cannon +40pts - Reaper Autocannon +20pts The whole unit may be given Blessings of the Blood God for +10pts per model. This gives them a 3+ Save against the effects of Psychic Powers.

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June 17, 2011




BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Raptor Raptor Champion Grave Reaper Unit composition: y 1 Raptor Champion y 4-19 Raptors Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear: y Power Armor y Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Brutal Charge

4 4 5

4 4 4

4 4 4

4 4 4

1 1 2

4 4 4

2 2 3

9 10 10

3+ 3+ 3+

Options: For each 5 members in the squad, a single Raptor may replace their Bolt Pistol with one of the following: - Flamer +5pts - Meltaguns +7pts - Plasma Pistol +10pts - Power Weapon +15pts If Fabius Bile is included in the same army, the Raptors may become Enhanced Warriors for +5pts per model. The whole squad may purchase either Jump Packs for +4pts a model or Bikes for +10pts per model.

A single model bears a Personal Icon, which may then be upgraded to bear the blessing of a Chaos God for one of the following costs: - Nurgle +50pts - Tzeentch +45pts - Khorne +40pts - Slaanesh +40pts Please note that in Cult Legions these Icons do not need to be upgraded they are included in each individual Legionnaire s point cost. Character: The Raptor Champion may be upgraded to a Grave Reaper for +20pts giving him access to the options detailed in the Exalted Champion section. In a Night Lords army, one Raptor Unit in the army may upgrade their Champion to Talonmaster Torhren



BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Chaos Hound Dire Hound Unit composition: y 5-20 Hounds Unit Type: y Beasts

4 4

0 0

3 4

3 4

1 2

4 4

2 3

8 8

Special Rules: y Daemon y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Spring Out of Hell y Hellfire Strike

Options: The Chaos Hounds may be upgraded with Infernal Maws for +4pts per model For each 5 Hounds in the unit, one may be upgraded to Dire Hound for +10pts. These must be modelled appropriately. May be upgraded to bear one of the following marks: - Mark of Nurgle +55pts - Mark of Slaanesh +40pts - Mark of Tzeentch +45pts - Mark of Khorne +35pts

Wargear y Close Combat Weapon



BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Chaos Spawn Unit composition: y 2-10 Spawn Unit Type: y Beasts



Special Rules: y Daemon y 5+ Invulnerable Save y Spawn Charge y Slow and Purposeful

Wargear y Close Combat Weapon

FALLEN CHAMPIONS: Up to one unit of Chaos Spawn may be used for each unit of the following in your army (They do not count towards the Force Organization Chart). - Chaos Legionnaires - Raptor Squadrons - Chaos Havocs - Chaos Chosen - Chosen Terminators

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

Chaos Legionnaire Aspiring Champion Master of Fire



4 4 4

4 4 5

4 4 4

4 4 4

1 1 2

4 4 4

1 1 2

9 10 10

3+ 3+ 3+

Unit composition: y 1 Havoc Champion and 4-19 Havocs Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear: y Power Armor y Boltgun and Bolt Pistol y Close Combat Weapon y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades y Signum (Characters only) Special Rules: y Legion Tactics y Boltgun Drill

Options: Two Havocs must replace their Boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +5pts - Grenade Launcher +6pts - Meltagun +8pts - Plasma Gun +8pts - Twin Linked Plasma Gun +15pts - Twin Linked Meltagun +15pts - Heavy Bolter +15pts - Missile Launcher +20pts - Autocannon +20pts - Lascannon +30pts For each 5 members in the squad, an additional Havoc may replace their Boltgun with one of the above weapons.

Additional Options: If the squad numbers 10 or more, a single Legionnaire may take a Chaos Icon for free, which may then be upgraded to bear the blessing of a Chaos God for one of the following costs: - Nurgle +50pts - Tzeentch +35pts - Khorne +30pts - Slaanesh +25pts Please note that in Cult Legions these Icons do not need to be upgraded they are included in each individual Legionnaire s point cost. If Fabius Bile is in the same army, the Havocs may become Enhanced Warriors for +3pts per model. The unit may purchase either a Dreadwing Drop Pod or Chaos Rhino as a Dedicated Transport. Character: The Havoc Champion has no options other than that of a Personal Icon for +5pts. This Champion may be upgraded to a Master of Fire for +18pts giving him access to the options detailed in the Exalted Champion section.



Front Side Rear

Vindicator Predator Devastator Predator Executioner

4 4 4

13 13 13

11 11 11

11 10 10

Heavy Engagement: In games of over 2000pts, Rhino Variant Squadrons may purchase a single Tank Commander for the Squadron for +25pts.

Unit composition: y 1-3 Rhino Variants of the Same Type Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank) Wargear (ALL): y Smoke Launcher y Twin Linked Boltgun y Searchlight Main Gun: y Vindicator: Battle Cannon y Devastator: Charged Lascannon y Executioner: Gouger Autocannon

Options: All Rhino Variants may purchase any of the following options: - Vox Caster +5pts - Dozer Blade Attachments +10pts - Camo Enhancements +15pts - Gung Ho Drivers +18pts - Wards of Anointed Death +20pts - Extra Armor +25pts - Daemonic Possession +30pts - Pintle Twin Linked Boltgun +10pts - Pintle Combi-Boltgun +15pts

Predator Devastators and Predator Executioners may purchase any of the following pairs of sponsons: - Heavy Flamer(s) +20pts - Heavy Bolter(s) +20pts - Autocannon(s) +30pts - Lascannon(s) +40pts Vindicators may purchase any of the following options: - Upgrade Battle to Demolisher Cannon +20pts - Upgrade Battle to Siege Cannon +40pts - Siege Shield +20pts - Tank Commander +20pts

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June 17, 2011





I A Ld Sv


4 3


2+ 3+ Special Rules (Servitors) y Fearless y Relentless y Repair Function y Mindlock Servitors may replace their Heavy Bolter with: - Lascannon +25pts - Missile Launcher +5pts - Multi Melta +25pts - Autocannon +15pts - Power Fist +15pts

Servitors 3 4 Unit composition: y Warsmith and 4 Servitors Unit Type: y Infantry Wargear (ALL) y Heavy Bolter y Frag Grenades y Krak Grenades

4 1 3 1 8 Special Rules (Warsmith) y Fearless y Sating of the Beast Wargear: y Terminator Armor y Thunder Hammer y Bolt Pistol y Personal Icon

Alpha Obliterator Obliterator Adept Unit composition: y 1-5 Obliterator Adepts WS 3 3


BS 7 5 S 6 5 T 5 5 W 3 2 I 1 2 A 2 1 Ld 10 10 Sv 2+ 2+

Unit Type: y Infantry. Alpha is a Monstrous Creature. Wargear y Obliterator Weapons y Two Power Fists y Terminator Armor

Special Rules: y Slow and Purposeful y Acute Senses y Tank Hunters y Tactile Defense, Stubborn (Alpha Obliterator only)

Options: Any Obliterator Adept may be upgraded to an Alpha Obliterator for +50pts.



S Front Side Rear I A

Chaos Defiler






Unit composition: y 1-3 Chaos Defilers Unit Type: y Vehicle (Fast Walker) Special Rules: y Fleet y Daemon Engine Wargear: y Battle Cannon y 3 Dreadnought CCW y Twin Linked Heavy Flamer y Daemonic Possession

Options: A Defiler may purchase any of the following: - Vox Caster +5pts - Dozer Blade Attachments +10pts - Camo Enhancements +15pts - Helm of Dominance +15pts - Wards of Anointed Death +20pts - Gung Ho Drivers +20pts - Extra Armor +25pts - Pintle Twin Linked Boltgun +10pts - Pintle Combi-Boltgun +15pts A Defiler may purchase one of the following: - Heavy Bolter +15pts - Heavy Flamer +15pts

Any Defiler may replace their Twin Linked Heavy Flamer and/or a single Dreadnought CCW with: - Two Twin Linked Heavy Bolters +10pts - A Reaper Autocannon +10pts - A Gouger Autocannon +15pts - A Siege Cannon +25pts - A Twin Linked Plasma Cannon +20pts - A Twin Linked Multi Melta +20pts - A Pair of Havoc Launchers +25pts - A Ravager Grenade Launcher +20pts Any Defiler may replace their two frontal Dreadnought CCWs with a Warp Grinder for +20pts.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011



Front Side Rear

Chaos Rhino Unit composition: y One Chaos Rhino Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank)




Wargear: y Smoke Launchers y Twin Linked Boltgun y Searchlight y Vox Caster Transport Capacity: 12 models.

Options: A Rhino may purchase any of the following options: - Vox Caster +5pts - Dozer Blade Attachments +10pts - Camo Enhancements +15pts - Gung Ho Drivers +18pts - Wards of Anointed Death +20pts - Extra Armor +25pts - Daemonic Possession +30pts - Pintle Twin Linked Boltgun OR +8pts Pintle Combi-Boltgun OR +10pts Pintle Havoc Launcher +15pts


BS Front


Side Rear

Dreadwing Drop Pod



12 Options: A Drop Pod may replace a single Twin Linked Boltgun with: - Deathflight Launcher +25pts - Gouger Autocannon +30pts. A Drop Pod may purchase Daemonic Possession for +30pts A Drop Pod may purchase Grimhail Assault Launchers for +20pts.

Unit composition: y One Dreadwing Drop Pod Unit Type: y Vehicle (Open Topped, Skimmer) Transport Capacity: 12 models.

Wargear: y Searchlight y Extra Armor y Vox Caster y 2 Twin Linked Boltguns Special Rules: y Tactical Bombardment: y Guidance System y Relaunch




Side Rear


Chaos Land Raider Warsmith Land Raider Unit composition: y 1 Chaos Land Raider Unit Type: y Vehicle (Tank) y Transport Capacity: 12

4 5

14 14

14 14

14 14

Note: The Chaos Land Raider is also a Heavy Support Choice.

Special Rules: y Assault Vehicle Options: The Legionnaire Crew may be replaced with a Warsmith Crew for +25pts. The Land Raider may replace both its Lascannon sponsons with Gouger Autocannon sponsons for +15pts.

Wargear: y Twin Linked Heavy Bolter y 2 Lascannon sponsons y Searchlight y Smoke Launchers y Twin Linked Boltgun

Options: Land Raiders may purchase from the following options: - Up to 2 Vox Casters +8pts each - Gladiator Decking +10pts - Extra Armor +10pts - Dozer Blade Attachments +10pts - Camo Enhancements +15pts - Hidden Arsenal +15pts - Wards of Anointed Death +20pts - Grimhail Assault Launchers +15pts - Daemonic Possession +30pts - Pintle Mounted Combi-Boltgun +15pts OR - Pintle Mounted Havoc Launcher +20pts

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June 17, 2011


Enhanced Warriors are introduced by taking Fabius Bile as a HQ choice of your army. Units of Chaos Legionnaires, Raptor Squadrons, and Chaos Havocs may all be enhanced by Bile for +3pts per model. The enhancement will have a random effect at the beginning of each game decide for each unit type by rolling on the table to the right. At the start of each turn that Bile is still alive he must make a Leadership test on an unmodified Leadership. If passed, nothing happens. However, if failed each Enhanced Warrior unit counts as bearing the Rage special rule for that turn. Should Bile be removed when this test must be taken, it is automatically failed.

Roll on d6 1 2 3 4 5
+S +A Other Effects

-1 +1 +1 +1 +1

+0 +0 +0 +0 +1

None. None. The unit is Stubborn. The unit is Fearless The unit is Fearless, but must roll a single armor save per member at the beginning of the game failures must be removed! Created a Monster! The unit is Fearless, but they must also remove a random model from the unit at the start of each game turn.



Daemonic Stamina: May run 2d6 (pick the highest). Gains the Fleet special rule Daemonic Strength: Gains +d3 Strength, rolled for at the start of each assault phase, and a Heavy Close Combat Weapon Daemonic Sundering: May not be combined with Daemonic Strength. Gains a Power Weapon Daemonic Chains: May not be combined with Daemonic Stamina. Loses 1 from any movement, including charges. Reduces Initiative of enemy models in base contact by 2. Daemonic Lightning: May use Thunders Call, see CSM Psychic Powers, without a psychic test. However, ability becomes Assault 1. Daemonic Resilience: Gains +1 Toughness and Feel No Pain. May not be combined with Daemonic Chains or Stamina Daemonic Will: Ignores effects of Psychic Powers on a 4+. May re-roll Psychic Tests if Psyker. Daemonic Aura: Reduces Leadership of enemy models in base contact by 2. Shooting attacks cause Pinning Daemonic Stature: Gains +1 Strength and +1 Toughness. May not be combined with Daemonic Chains or Daemonic Resilience Daemonic Alchemy: Worth 2 Kill Points when finished off. Any unit finished off by this unit is worth doubled kill points Daemonic Hunting: May not be combined with Daemonic Aura or Daemonic Stature. Gain Scout, Infiltrate, and Stealth special rules Daemonic Slam: Gain +2 Strength on the charge, at the cost of 1 Weapon Skill. Gain Fleet and Move Through Cover Daemonic Fire: Gain a Flamer attack. May not be combined with Daemonic Lightning or Daemonic Will. Daemonic Flux: Gain +1 Wound and Stealth. Lose Fearless special rule.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011

All Daemon Weapons are Two Handed Power Weapons which give a variable additional number of attacks per turn. If a 1 is rolled for the additional attacks (before modifiers), the model must take a save at the end of his attacks for each casualty which was inflicted that turn by the weapon s strikes. Some Daemon Weapons are named artifacts of a glorious age of slaughter. Named Daemon Weapons may only be taken once per army. Lesser Daemon Weapon Combat As an unnamed Daemon Weapon, multiples of this may be taken. The Daemon Weapon gives d6 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at either +1 Strength or +1 Initiative (chosen before attacks are rolled for) Bloodfeeder of Khorne Khornate marked models only, Combat The Bloodfeeder gives the bearer d6+2 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at a strength of 6. Whenever the Bloodfeeder successfully wounds an opposing model, you may make an additional attack. This continues until the Bloodfeeder fails to wound an enemy. Corpsethorn Boltgun Shooting The Corpsethorn Boltgun fires at Strength X, AP D6, Assault D6 (on a 1 the gun fires no shots and a save must be taken). X is equal to the opponent s strength (before modifiers). On any successful roll to wound of a 6, the opponent has been skewered the shot is fired at Strength 10, Rending. Deathshrieker of Slaanesh Slaanesh marked models only, Combat The Deathshrieker gives the bearer +d3 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at a strength of 5. It is a Rending weapon, which permanently reduces the Leadership of any model which is wounded, but not killed, by it by 1. Firescourge of Tzeentch Tzeentch marked models, Combat The Firescourge gives the bearer d6-1 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at a strength of 5. It is a Rending weapon, which ignores Feel No Pain. The Firescourge strikes at Strength 10 against vehicles Seismic Hammer Combat, Shooting The Seismic Hammer gives +d3 additional attack per turn, and strikes with a strength of 10. The hammer may be fired as a Heavy Flamer during the shooting phase. Pandemic Staff of Nurgle Nurgle marked models only, Combat The Pandemic Staff gives d6+1 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at a Strength of 3. It is a Rending, Poisoned Attacks (3+) weapon. For each casualty dealt by the staff, it gains +1 Strength in the next turn. Rod of Command Combat The Rod of Command gives d3 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at an Initiative of 7. For each casualty dealt by the Rod, the controlling player gains +2 combat resolution instead of the usual +1. Accursed Crozius Combat The Accursed Crozius gives d6 additional attacks per turn, and strikes at a Strength of 6. All rolls to wound with the Accursed Crozius have a +1 to wound modifier.

Chaos Icon
Chaos Icons are large effigies erected to the glory of the Dark Gods. A unit bearing a Chaos Icon gains +1 Leadership. In addition, when a unit deep strikes within 9 of a Chaos Icon, they will not scatter. Personal Icon: Personal Icons are like Chaos Icons, but they only have a 6 range for summoning purposes.

Heavy Close Combat Weapon

Heavy CCWs vary from large flails to massive mauls of fallen masonry. Regardless, they all require 2 hands to use in Close Combat (meaning that you will not benefit from an additional Close Combat Weapon), and reduce the Save of an opposing model by 1 (4+ becomes 5+, 6+ becomes none and so on).

A Blessing of the Dark Gods

The Blessings of the Dark Gods take many forms. A character with A Blessing of the Dark Gods gains +1 to their Invulnerable Save and WS. This blessing may not be removed by special effects, much like a Chaos Icon.

Daemonic Mount
A model with Daemonic Mount gains +1 Toughness, +1 Strength, and +1 Attack. The character becomes the unit type Cavalry .

The Signum is a small pendant that can really assist team members with targeting the foe. If the Aspiring Champion or Master of Fire wielding the Signum does not fire their weapon, any single other model in the unit may fire their weapon with a BS of 5.

Storm Shield Important Note

Storm Shields are archaic pieces of equipment, introduced in the late days of the Great Crusade. Those used by the Chaos Legions are generally a mix of early prototypes and new editions, making them unreliable. A model bearing a Storm Shield has a 3 Invulnerable+ Save in Close Combat and a 4+ invulnerable Save against Shooting. Both Storm Shield and Combat Shields are unmodified by additional effects, e.g. A Blessing of the Dark Gods or a Mark of Tzeentch. A model bearing a Storm Shield will not gain the +1 Attack bonus for bearing 2 Close Combat Weapons in close combat.

Combat Shield Important Note

Combat Shields are small force field projectors, which can protect the user from most small arms fire. Combat Shields count as a Close Combat Weapon, which gives the user a 5+ Invulnerable Save in Combat and a 6+ Invulnerable Save against shooting. A model bearing a Combat Shield will not gain the +1 Attack bonus for bearing 2 Close Combat Weapons in close combat.

Anointed Weapon
Anointed Weapons are specially blessed equipment, used to channel the user s hatred. An Anointed Weapon is a power weapon which gives +2 Strength on the charge.

Combi-Boltguns come in various forms, each for their own purposes. A Combi-Boltgun is a Boltgun combined with a Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Flamer, or Grenade Launcher (chosen during army selection). However, the other weapon may only be fired once per game.

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Extra Armor
A vehicle equipped with Extra Armor downgrades all Crew Stunned results to Crew Shaken, as their armor plates allow for far more efficient protection from damage.


Gung Ho Drivers
Though Chaos Marines are harsh taskmasters, they do know how to kick their vehicles into gear! If a vehicle with the Gung Ho Drivers upgrade is immobilized, they will not immediately be destroyed, and may attempt to repair themselves at the end of each turn, as long as all other vehicles in the squadron remain in coherency. On a 4+, the Immobilized result is removed but the tank will count as Crew Shaken for the next player turn. Demonically Possessed vehicles other than Defilers may not purchase the Gung Ho Drivers upgrade.

Dozer Blade Attachments

A vehicle equipped with Dozer Blade Attachments may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests, and adds +1 to their Strength when ramming another vehicle. In squadrons, all vehicles must be upgraded to benefit.

Camo Enhancements
Camo Enhancements take many forms, from distinct paint schemes to a filthy tarp. A vehicle with this upgrade has the Stealth special rule. In Squadrons, all vehicles must be upgraded to benefit.

Pintle Mounted Weaponry

Various weapons may be Pintle Mounted for a specified point cost. Pintle Mounted weaponry may be fired as a Defensive Weapon at any eligible target within range, with a 360 degree arc of sight. Weapons of a Strength of 5 or below which are automatically purchased for a vehicle count as Pintle Mounted. (For example, a Land Raider comes with a Heavy Bolter and 2 Lascannons. Only the Heavy Bolter is Pintle Mounted)

Hidden Arsenal
A vehicle equipped with a Hidden Arsenal is allowed to fire up to one more weapon per turn this weapon may not be Ordnance or Twin Linked. It also counts as a Pintle Mounted Twin Linked Boltgun.

Vox Caster
Vox Casters count as a Pintle Mounted weapon, and are fired as such. However, when they successfully hit, the targeted unit must immediately take a Leadership Check, with a modifier equal to the number of shots that hit the unit, or else be pinned for the rest of the Game Turn. All Voc Casters on the vehicle must target the same unit. No more than a single Pinning test may be taken per phase as a result of Vox Casters per unit.

Wards of Anointed Death

A vehicle equipped with Wards of Anointed Death may ignore the effects of any Psychic based attack (e.g. Force Weapons, Psychic Powers) on the roll of a 4+. If the Vehicle saves and there are other units affected by the power, only the vehicle (and occupants) ignores the effect.

Daemonic Possession
A vehicle equipped with Daemonic Possession will become BS 3. However, they now ignore the effects of Crew Shaken results, and ignore Immobilized results on the d6 roll of a 4+. In Squadrons, all vehicles must be upgraded to benefit.

Tank Commander
In heavy engagements, Chaos Lords generally prefer to have those they can trust in their tanks. The Tank containing a Tank Commander has +1 BS. All tanks in the same squadron may, while the Commander is alive, move +2 Inches at each speed (e.g. Combat is 2-8 inches)

Siege Shield
A siege shield could be described as a giant Dozer Blade. A vehicle equipped with a Siege Shield ignores Dangerous Terrain, but loses 2 of movement at each speed.

Gladiator Decking
More crude forces usually replace their tank s comfortable additions to create more space. A vehicle with Gladiator Decking gains +3 to its Transport Capacity, but becomes Open Topped and loses 1 from its Rear Armor.

Shard Armor
Shard Armor is generally used by Auxiliary, such as Chaos Cultists. It provides a 4+ Armor Save.

Power Armor
The Armor of a Chaos Marine, Power Armor is venerated above all other pieces of equipment. It provides a 3+ Armor Save.

Daemon Armor
The condensed essence of a bound daemon marks this powerful armor. It provides a 3+ Armor Save and 4+ Invulnerable Save.

Terminator Armor
The armor of Lords and Champions, Terminator Armor is in short supply but in high demand. It provides a 2+ Armor Save, as well as a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and gives the Relentless special rule to models which bear it. However, a model in Terminator Armor may not perform Sweeping Advances.

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[CODEX: CHAOS LEGIONS BUILD 0.810] June 17, 2011


During Campaigns, you will generally do some pretty epic deeds. You could slaughter an entire enemy army without breaking a sweat, but you could also have the same happen to you!
Campaign Chaos Gifts represent the praise or scorn you will obtain from the Chaos Gods for your actions. Any Character, Named or Generic, or Champion (whether a Chosen or Aspiring one, it matters not) can obtain gifts, but you should focus on Characters above Champions. All Gifts will remain on the Character or Champion while the campaign is in progress, though some may be removed by your actions. At the end of each game, note down all notable achievements your characters/champions have made. These include: - Capturing an objective and remaining there at the end of the game - Contesting an objective with less than 10% of the squad remaining - Killing a character in close combat - Obtaining at least 3 Kill Points in the game - Ending the game with at least 50% of their wounds remaining - Achieving the Army Objective (e.g. Death Guard). Characters only, up to 1 choice in army. - Killing at least 7 models in combat. Champions only. For each notable achievement, your character will gain 3-d3 rolls on the Gifts chart. For each roll, roll 4d6 and total the result. Then compare, and add the gift. After Gifts have been generated across the army, you must roll 5d6 for each Character or Champion with gifts. In this roll, you must EQUAL OR BEAT the number of gifts that Character or Champion has. If you fail to do so POW! The Champion or Character will immediately become a Chaos Spawn. If any characteristic becomes 0 other than Leadership, the character or champion immediately becomes a Spawn. If all of your HQ choices become Spawned, you must rebuild your army. You may spend a certain amount of points, depending on the campaign, to get another character, but otherwise? Game Over. Daemon Princes which have become Princes via the Daemonic Ascension! Chaos Gift do not have to roll for this Spawn effect. Daemon Princes also automatically gain the Daemon Ascension Chaos Gift for obvious reasons. The Campaign Chaos Gifts are perfectly OPTIONAL. However, you should consult your coordinator to decide whether they are to be used. All of the Minidexes to be published by BFC will contain some sort of Veteran Skills section. ERRATA If two gifts contrast with each other, use the newest gift. Up to 3 of the same gift can be gained. Further gifts will be wasted. Roll modifiers (e.g. +/- 3 or 4) do NOT stack. However, each time they are used roll a d6. On a 1-2, the character will lose d6 random gifts. If a Champion becomes a Daemon Prince, they will not count as a HQ choice, but they also cease to be a Champion. A New Champion may be purchased for that unit for +15pts, appointed from the unit s contents.

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June 17, 2011



Roll Result
1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The Gods laugh at you. No benefit Uncanny Swiftness. +1 Weapon Skill Blazing Fists. +1 Strength Force of Mind. +1 Initiative Unnatural Aim. +1 Ballistic Skill Slowness of Heart: Lose 2 Weapon Skill Hatred of the Holy. Preferred Enemy (Imperium) Blessing of Blood: Gain Rage and Fleet Gods Look Poorly. Lose 1 random gift Sapped Strength. -1 Strength Scourge of the Living. +2 Strength Primarch s Wrath. Preferred Enemy (All) Soul Stealer. Each wound caused gives +1 Combat Res Power Struggle. Lose 2 random gifts Diabolic Grace. Roll 5d6 for future Chaos Gifts Uhoh: May not be altered. d6 to next Spawn roll Total Power. +1 Leadership and Stubborn Quick Reflexes. +2 Initiative Killing Machine. 5+ Feel No Pain Save Struck Down. d3 Wounds. If 0, become Spawn Wrath of Ages. +1 Wound, +1 Toughness Divinity Beckons. May alter future rolls by +/- 3 Fools Leading Fools. May not be altered. Become Ld 5 Divine Chuckle. May not be altered. Lose d6 random gifts, and roll 2d6 for next Spawn roll. Midas Touch. Lose 1 Wound. Give +d3 Kill Points each game to your force, or +d3 to foe if killed. Power of the Mind. Become a Psyker with 1 Power from the CSM list, and a Force Weapon. Hellish Physique. Ignores Feel No Pain of the opponent, and +1 Strength Power of Spirit. May alter future rolls by +/- 4 Power of Gods. Roll 6d6 for future Chaos Gifts Daemonic Backhand. Roll 2d6 for future Chaos Gifts Divine Fallacy. Opponent may alter next roll by 2d6 Fear my Wrath. Gives Stubborn to friendly units in line of sight to character Daemonic Guard. Gains +1 to Invulnerable Save Laid Low on the Mount. May not be altered. Lose 2d6 Chaos Gifts, and d3 wounds. Time Flux. Strikes as Initiative 2d6. Way of the Warrior: Now classed as an Exalted Champion, and must be attached to a unit. Re-roll if already a Champion. Divine Comedy. May not be altered. Become d6 Chaos Spawns, combined into a single unit. Halo of Faith. Roll 8d6 for future Chaos Gifts Stripped of Rank: No Longer count as Character/Champion for Chaos Gifts


Roll Result
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Crisis of Force. May not be altered. Lose d6 Strength and d3 Leadership. If 0, turn into Chaos Spawn Unholy Prestige. 2d6 Cultists no Wargear join the Character. They come with a Cult Dominator. Too Much Bulk. May not be transported. +1 Wound Scars of Power. +d3 Wounds, -1 Toughness Divine Blessing. Roll twice more on table. Then lose 1 random Chaos Gift Path of the Daemon. Re-roll Dangerous terrain tests Solstice Strikes. Gain Rending, Furious Charge United Powers: Roll 10d6 for future Chaos Gifts Public Enemy. Always counts as lit by a Searchlight Strength in Madness. +3 Strength, Gain Crazed! Knows No Fear: Gain Stubborn, +1 Toughness Beast Caller: 2d6 Chaos Hounds join the character. For each 3 Hounds rolled, one will be a Dire Hound Hunger for Power: Counts as HQ choice, Hit and Run Second Head: +1 Toughness, +1 Attack, +1 Wound Nexus Point: All Wargear gains Conduit special rule Call of the Wild: Counts as Fast Attack, +2 Wounds Titan s Might: Rolls 3d6+ Str vs. Vehicles Visions of Woe: May add +d3 to rolls to go first Deus Ex Khaos: Army may summon Greater Daemons Forsaken by Chaos: May not be Altered. Lose d6 Wounds. If 0, remove from list. Redemption: Take Leadership Test. If passed, remove from list and replace with Chaos Lieutenant. Soul Desires: May alter future rolls by +/- 5 The Reckoning: Roll 12d6 for future Chaos Gifts Inner Turmoil: May Not be Altered. Lose 3d6 random Chaos Gifts, and 2 Weapon Skill. Wish of Wishes: Must re-roll a Chaos Gift from earlier Blessed with Filth: Re-roll if not Nurgle. +2 Toughness Ecstatic Blessing: Re-roll if not Slaanesh. +2 Initiative Great Will: Re-roll if not Tzeentch. +1 Psychic Powers Bloodforged: Re-roll if not Khorne. +2 Attacks Scheming: May steal a Gift from other friendly model Backstab: Take Invulnerable Save. If failed, die Witch Craft: +2 Powers. May re-roll psychic tests Null Zone: Ignores Invulnerable Saves of enemy units Black Crusade: May mix Chaos Legion army lists Fell Blows: May re-roll any combat or shooting dice The Gods laugh. Lose half of your Chaos Gifts. Divinity Nears: May alter future rolls by +/- 8 Forsaken by Chaos: See 61 Divine Chuckle: See 26 Daemonic Ascension! Become Daemon Prince. Retain 2d6 gifts, and any Wargear usable by the Prince. Congratulations. Now get another!

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