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Question Bank BALLB/BBA LLB 505: Code of Civil Procedure I

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Question Bank

BALLB/BBA LLB 505: Code of Civil Procedure – I

1. What do you mean by Decree?
2. Define the essential element of a Decree.
3. What do you mean by Mesne-profit? Discuss the principles of its measurement.
4. What is the difference between Decree and Order?
5. What is the meaning of Legal Representation?
6. What do you mean by Res-subjudice? Discuss its essential elements.
7. What is the object of res-judicata. State the relevant provision of section 11 of the
8. What are the provisions of C.P.C. which prevents multiplicity of suits in respect of
the same cause of section?
9. Write short note on the following:
a. Constructive res-judicata
b. Res-judicata between co-defendents
c. Res-judicata between co-plaintiffs
d. Res-judicata and Minors
10. Distinguish the following:
a. Res-judicata and Estoppel
b. Res-judicata and Res-subjudice


11. What do you mean by jurisdiction of a Court? State the various kinds of Jurisdiction.
12. “Courts to try all civil suits unless barred”. Comment the said statement.
13. Whether a suit filed relating to religious office, is a civil nature suit?
14. How is a suit instituted in a Court?
15. State the essential particulars which a plaint must contain.
16. State the circumstances where the plaint is rejected and returned.
17. What do you mean by legal set off and equitable set off? What are the difference
between two?
18. What do you mean by ‘Pleading’ and state its rules in brief. Explain when the court
permits or does not permits the amendment in the pleadings.
19. When a suit may be rejected in the relation to appearing and non appearing of the
parties and what remedies are available for such parties?
20. Write short notes on following:

a. Discovery by interrogatories
b. Awarding ex-pate decree and set aside
c. Difference between set off and counter claim
d. Framing of issues
e. First hearing

21. What are the rules about the place of suing for the recovery of movable and
immovable property?
22. What will be the place of suing for compensation on breach of Contract?
23. What is the place of suing in case of tort?
24. What will be the place of suing in case of copyright infringement and for mesne
25. State the provisions regarding transfer of suits and withdrawal of suits.
26. Whether the Supreme Court has empowered in for transfer and withdrawal of Suits?
27. What do you mean by joinder, non joinder, mis joinder and multiplicity of suits and
what are their effects?
28. Under what circumstances representative suit is filed and what procedure is adopted
for such suits?
29. What is meant by Restitution? State in brief the provisions of the CPC in this regard.
30. What do you mean by inherent powers of the Court?

31. State in brief the powers of the court for issuing a ‘Commission’.
32. Can a high court or foreign court issue a ‘Commission’?
33. What are the supplement proceeding in CPC?
34. What is meant by Temporary Injunction?
35. State the cases where the court issues temporary injunction.
36. What will be the effects of violation of temporary injunction?
37. When is a receiver appointed by the court in any case?
38. State the powers and duties of Receiver. In which circumstances can a receiver be
39. Write brief notes on following:
a. Arrest before Judgment
b. Attachment before Judgment
c. Interlocutory Order
40. State the CPC’s provisions regarding security of costs.


41. Describe the procedure adopted in a suit filed by or against the Government.
42. State the procedure of suit against foreign ruler, Ambassadors and Envoys.
43. State the procedure of suits by or against Military or Naval.
44. How a suit by or against the minor and persons of unsound mind may be filed?
45. State the powers of suit representative or next friend and guardian ad litem.
46. What do you mean by indigent persons?
47. How is a suit filed against or by such persons?
48. In which cases the court applies the summary procedure? What is the procedure of it?
49. What is meant by Inter pleader suit? Where will such suit be filed?
50. State the provisions of CPC relating to filling a suit of public nuisance and other
wrongful acts affecting the public.

Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 605: Code of Civil Procedure–II & Law of Limitation

1. What do you mean by Decree?
2. Define the essential element of a Decree.
3. What are the various kinds of Decree?
4. What is the difference between Decree and Order?
5. How a decree passed in case of dissolution of firm and for getting mesne- profit?
6. Define ‘Judgment’ and its essentials.
7. Differentiate between ‘Judgment’ and ‘Decree’.
8. When judgment pronounced and what will be the contents of it?
9. Which orders are not included in the definition of ‘Decree’?
10. How costs and interest are imposed on the parties for causing delay?

11. By which court a decree may be executed?
12. Give the definition of the court by which a decree may be passed.
13. What are the questions which are to be determined by the court executing decree?
14. What are provisions regarding payment under decree?
15. How an application can be filed for execution?
16. Explain the mode of execution to execute a decree.
17. In what circumstances court may stay execution?
18. When liability of Judgment may be discharged?
19. How a process may be passed for execution?
20. How the decree for payment of money may be executed?

21. When can an appeal be filed against the original decree?
22. Discuss the procedure in the case of appeals to be adopted by the court.
23. What are the various stages of an appeal?
24. Write short note on
a. Second Appeal
b. Appeal against orders
25. When can an appeal be filed in the Supreme Court? State the relevant provisions.
26. In which cases no further appeal lies?
27. Explain the powers of High Court to determine appeals.
28. Describe general provision relating to appeals.
29. How an appeal can be filed by indigent person?
30. What is the procedure on admission of Appeal?

31. State the provision relating to Reference and Review.
32. What do you mean by ‘Revision’? On what grounds a revision may be occurred by
the Court?
33. Explain the difference between Reference and Review.
34. Explain the difference between Reference and Revision.
35. Discuss the differences between Revision and Review.
36. What is the difference between Appeal and Revision?
37. State the distinction between Appeal and Review.
38. State in detail the revisional jurisdiction of the court.
39. What is procedure to review a matter? What are the grounds of a review by the
40. Explain the difference between second appeal and revision.

41. State the purpose, nature and scope of the limitation Act, 1963.
42. Write the definition of following:
a. Applicant
b. Bond
c. Defendant
d. Easement
e. Plaintiff
f. Period of Limitation
43. What do you mean by ‘disability’ in context of Limitation period?
44. When a ‘disability’ stops the period of Limitation? Explain.
45. “When a limitation period starts it can’t stops”. Explain with its exceptions.
46. Describe the various grounds of computation of period of Limitation.
47. Explain the relationship between limitation and Estoppel and between limitation and
48. What do you mean by acknowledgement? What are its legal requirements?
49. What is the impact of part payment on to the acknowledgement?
50. Explain the acquisition of ownership and easement by possession.

Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 404: Law of Crimes- II (Code of Criminal Procedure)

1. Define the Followings:-
(I) Bailable Offence
(II) Non Bailable Offence
(III) Summon case
(IV) Warrant Case
(V) Cognizable Offence
(VI) Non Cognizable Offence
2. State the various categories of the criminal courts under the Code of Criminal
3. What powers have been given to the various courts under Code of Criminal
4. When a Police Officer can arrest a person without warrant or without an order from
5. How is the arrest made? How and where can a person who is to be arrested be
searched? What protection has been given by the law to such arrested person?
6. When bail can be taken in Non Cognizable offences?
7. Write the provision of Anticipatory Bail. Can such a bail be allowed in a Murder
Case? If so when?
8. What is meant by First Information Report? Is delay in F.I.R affecting the Matter?
What is the evidentiary value of F.I.R?
9. Describe the powers of Police Officer relating to Cognizable and Non cognizable
offence. State the relevant procedure of it.
10. Write short notes on the following
(i) Search by police officer
(ii) Diary of Investigation proceedings and its importance in evidence
(iii) Police officers report after completing Investigation
(iv) Inquest Report


11. What do you mean by Summon and Warrant? What are its contents? In which
circumstances such processes have been issued. What are the differences between
Summon and Warrant?
12. What is the power of the Court to direct for taking security?
13. What is the procedure of a Warrant forwarded for execution outside jurisdiction?
14. Discuss the circumstances in which the proclamation and attachment against a person
can be made.
15. When can a court issue the processes to compel the production of things? Discuss in
16. What is Search warrant? State the general provisions relating to Search.
17. What are the various modes of attachment? When an order of sale the attached
property can be given?
18. When courts issue the processes to compel the production of things? What are the
various types of processes?
19. Give the general provisions relating to search?
20. What are the conditions for validity of an order of forfeiture?

21. What is Charge? State the particulars of the Charge. Can charge be altered? If so
when? What is the effect of defective charge?
22. “There will be separate charge for each offence and separate trial for each charge”.
Discuss this rule and exception of it.
23. Explain:-
(i) Joinder of Charges
(ii) Joint charge on different persons
(iii) Form of charges
24. Describe the modes of taking and recording the Evidences in inquiries and trial.
When attendance of witness may be dispensed with and commission may be issued?
25. Write short notes on:-
(i) Execution of commission
(ii) Remarks respecting demeanour of witness
(iii) Examination of witnesses by the parties
26. “Persons once convicted or acquitted of an offence are not to be tried for the same
offence again” Explain with reference to relevant provisions of Code of criminal

27. Explain:-
(i) Power of Court for Adjournment of Proceedings
(ii) Accused to be a competent witness
(iii) Powers of the court to examine the accused
(iv) Tender of pardon to Accomplice.
28. What is meant by compoundable offence? What are its legal effects? Can a
prosecution may be withdrawn? What is the procedure regarding it?
29. Discuss in brief the provisions of Code of Criminal procedure relating to the persons
of unsound mind.
30. When can a court issue the processes to compel the production of things? Discuss in

31. What do you mean by trial? How many types of trials can be held under Cr.p.c?
32. What is the difference between Investigation and Trial?
33. Explain the trial before a Court of Session.
34. Laid down the procedure of trial of warrant cases by Magistrates.
35. Explain Summon trial by magistrate.
36. Distinguish between Warrant trial and Summon trial.
37. What do you mean by Summary Trial? Explain the procedure of it.
38. State the provisions relating to Judgment.
39. Explain the provisions relating to submission of death sentences for confirmation.
40. Write the provisions relating to Execution, suspension, remission and commutation of

41. State the provisions relating to Appeals in Cr. P.C.
42. State the meaning of reference and procedure relating to it in Cr.p.c.
43. State the meaning of revision and procedure relating to it in Cr.p.c.
44. What is the difference between Reference and Revision?
45. Can a criminal case be transferred from one court to another?
46. State the provisions related to transfer of cases.
47. What do you mean by irregular proceedings? State the consequences of it.
48. Describe the limitation period under criminal procedure code for taking cognizance of
49. Explain in detail the provisions related to maintenance of wives, children and parents
under criminal procedure code.
50. Explain the provisions related to maintenance of wives, children and parents under
criminal procedure code in the light of Shahbano Case.
Question Bank

BALLB/BBA LLB 603: Law of Evidence

Unit I
Q1. Write in detail the history of law of evidence in India?
Q2. Define law of Evidence and state the function of the law of Evidence in Judicial
Q3. What are the principles and cardinal rules of Law of Evidence?
Q4. Law of Evidence is the Lex Fori which governs the court, critically analyze.
Q5. State a synopsis and scheme of the Indian Evidence Act.
Q6. The rules of Evidence are in general same in civil and criminal proceedings, comment.
Q7. The Indian Evidence act is not a complete code in itself, comment briefly.
Q8. Define Evidence and distinguish between oral and written Evidence.
Q9. Explain various types of evidence giving Illustrations.
Q10. Explain the provision related to Exclusion of oral evidence by documentary evidence.

Unit II
Q1. Define “presumption”, what do you mean by May Presume, shall presume and
conclusive proof?
Q2. What are the provisions related to Admission ?
Q3. Define the term “Admission”, who are the persons by whom admissions can be made
distinguished between admission and estoppels?
Q4. Can admissions be proved by or on behalf of the persons making them? If so, is the rule
subject to any exceptions?
Q5. Are admissions made by strangers admissible? If not, are there any exception to this
Q6. Define “ confession”. Under what circumstances the confession is admissible or
Q7. Differentiate between admission and confession.
Q8. State the provisions of Law relating to confessions under Indian Evidence Act.
Q9. Every confession is necessarily a admission but not vice-versa, Discuss.
Q10. What is the difference between Judicial and Extra Judicial confession? Explain the
evidentiary values.
Unit III
Q1. What do you mean by the term “ Dying declaration”.
Q2. state the cases in which statement of relevant fact by a person who is dead or cannot be
found is relevant.
Q3. What are the essential conditions for Dying Declaration.
Q4. In reference to dying declaration, there is a difference between Indian and English law
differs. Explain.
Q5. State briefly the facts and principles in the Pakala Narayan Swami v. Emperor.
Q6. Now a days dying declaration has lost its creditability and authenticity, discuss.
Q7. What are the provisions relating to Expert’s opinion?
Q8. What do you understand by books of accounts u/s 34 of Indian Evidence Act.
Q9. Are entries in books of account are sufficient alone to charge a person with liability?
Q10. Who is an expert? What is the meaning of expert and value of Expert evidence.
Unit IV
Q1. When are opinions of third person relevant according to Indian Evidence Act?
Q2. Define character evidence, how far it is admissible in civil and criminal cases?
Q3. Differentiate between Oral and Documentary evidence regarding its validity.
Q4. What is public document and private document? Is the certified copy of public
documents admissible?
Q5. Explain the laws relating to presumptions as to documents 30yrs old.
Q6. What is “Burden of Proof”? on whom the burden of proof lies in suit of proceedings?
Q7. Explain the principle of Estoppels? Explain the difference between Estoppel and Res
Q8. “Here-say evidence is no evidence”. Explain.
Q9. Explain and illustrate the rule of estoppels as enacted in Indian evidence act.
Q10 discuss the different kinds of estoppels?
Unit V
Q1. Explain the provisions regarding testimony of husband and wife as witnesses.
Q2. What do you mean by Privileged communication? Explain the provisions.
Q3. Who is and accomplice? What is his position and value of his statement?
Q4. Discuss “a conviction is not illegal merely because it proceeds on the Uncorroborated
testimony of an accomplice”.
Q5. What do you mean by judicial notice? Explain provisions.
Q6. What are the presumptions regarding the Dowry death?
Q7. Mention the provisions regarding the Hostile witness.
Q8. Explain the terms “Proved”, Disproved and Not proved.
Q9. Explain the provisions regarding the Exclusion of oral evidence by written evidence.
Q10. State what facts need not to be proved by the parties to the legal proceedings.

Question Bank
BALLB/BBA LLB 902: Law Relating to Insurance

Unit 1
1 What do you understand by insurance? Give definitions.
2 Briefly explain the principles of insurance.
3 Write the nature of insurance.
4 Explain the history of insurance.
5 How many types of insurance, explain it?
6 Give performance of insurance-contract.
7 Define risk, explain how important it is to people.
8 What people mean to say when they use the word “risk”?
9 Discuss the term insurance and its nature.
10 Describe various types of risks and their affects on human society.
11 Explain various kinds of insurance.

Unit 2
1 Explain how life insurance is different from non-life-insurance.
2 What is the life insurance, what is the need of life insurance?
3 Explain the features of life insurance.
4 Explain the concept of financial planning with the help of life insurance.
5 “Life insurance is scientific” explain?
6 Explain the stages of life cycle of a person and link it with the calculation of insurance
7 “India masses are under insured” Comment.
8 Explain the basic elements and features of life insurance plans.
9 Explain various types of insurance policies.
10 Differentiate between following-
1. Nomination and Assignment
2. Surrender Value and Paid up Value
3. Group insurance and Individual insurance
4. Surrender and Lapse of Policy

Unit 3
1 Define fire insurance. What are the essentials of a fire insurance policy?
2 What kind of risks is covered by a fire insurance policy? Explain
3 What is the standard fire policy? Explain in detail.
4 Explain various fire insurance policies.
5 Write short note on the following-
1. Consequential fire policy
2. Risk covered by fire insurance
6 What is accident insurance ? Explain the relevant provisions’
7 Define Health insurance . Briefly trace the history of Health insurance in India.
8 Explain the principles of General Insurance.
9 Explain the commercial lines of business in general insurance.
10 Explain the personal lines of business in general insurance.

Unit 4
1 Define the following terms.
1 Marine Insurance
2 Marine adventure
3 Marine policy
4 Perils of sea
5 voyage
2 Explain the main features or essentials of a marine insurance contract.
3 Explain all the clauses related to a marine adventure in detail.
4 Define contract of marine insurance ? Explain briefly the various kinds of marine insurance
5 Write an essay on voyage deviation.
6 Write classifications of Marine policies, Briefly explain.
7 Write an essay The perils of the sea.
8 Give warranties in marine insurance loss.

Unit 5
1 Write an essay on Public liability insurance act , 1991.
2 Define risk selection .What is the purpose of risk selection.
3“Premium is consideration of the insurance contract”. Comment.
4 Discuss various factors affecting the determination of insurance premium.
5 How does law of large numbers of influence insurances.
6 Explain the importance of ethics in insurances distribution.
7 Explain the ways of enforcing ethics in employees of an insurance firm .
8 Write duties of owner to take out insurances policies.
9 Write provisions as to other right to claim compensation for Death.
10 Write penalty for Contravention.


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