Test - Chapter 5 - Introduction To Cascading Style Sheets CSS - Part 2 - Quizlet
Test - Chapter 5 - Introduction To Cascading Style Sheets CSS - Part 2 - Quizlet
Test - Chapter 5 - Introduction To Cascading Style Sheets CSS - Part 2 - Quizlet
37 Written questions
1. 5.32 In CSS3, you can use ________ to easily style attributes, such as changing the background color of every
other row in a table to blue.
a) media queries
b) selectors
c) the Flexible Box Layout Module
d) transformations
2. 5.36 ________ allow you to determine the finer attributes of the device on which the user is viewing the page, such as the length
and width of the viewing area on the screen, to customize your presentation.
a) Media queries
b) Device queries
c) Screen queries
d) Selectors
3. 5.26 Which of the following is not a transformation function used by the transform property?
a) rotate
b) scale
c) skewX
d) flip
4. 5.8 When using gradients, you can transition between as many colors as you like and specify the points at which to change
colors, called ________.
a) color-stops
b) color-starts
c) gradient-stops
d) transitions
5. 5.24 CSS3 ________ allow you to move, rotate, scale and skew elements.
a) selectors
b) transitions
c) transformations
d) translations
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
6. 5.12 CSS3 allows you to add multiple background images to an element. Each image's placement is specified using property
a) backgroundimage
b) background-position
c) background-origin
d) image-background
7. 5.21 The @keyframes rule is followed by the name of the ________ to which the keyframes are applied.
a) transition
b) animation
c) transformation
d) media query
8. 5.34 CSS3 allows you to create multicolumn layouts using the ________ property.
a) column-rule
b) column-count
c) column-gap
d) column-style
9. 5.30 The ________ specifies that the font will be used when the document is rendered on a computer screen.
a) @font-face rule
b) @media rule
c) @media screen rule
d) font-family property
11. 5.35 Add lines between columns using CSS3's ________ property.
a) column-count
b) column-gap
c) column-rule
d) column-style
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
12. 5.25 An animation's ________ enable you to control intermediate states throughout the animation's duration.
a) keyframes
b) transitions
c) transformations
d) selectors
13. 5.33 Setting the ________ to hidden hides any text that does not fit in the specified paragraph height.
a) overflow
b) flexbox
c) :nth-child
d) box-layout
14. 5.14 The ________ is the URL of the image to use in the border.
a) border-image-source
b) border-image
c) image-source
d) image-border-source
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
17. 5.17 Which of the following is not a valid value of the animation-timing-function?
a) linear
b) linear-ease-out
c) ease-in-out
d) cubic-bezier
18. 5.7 ________ are a type of image that gradually transitions from one color to the next horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
a) Box shadows
b) Color stops
c) Radial gradients
d) Linear gradients
19. 5.29 Using the ________, you can specify fonts for a web page, even if they're not installed on the user's system.
a) @font-face rule
b) @font rule
c) @media rule
d) font-family property
21. 5.11 Which of the following statements about text strokes is false?
a) Text stroke is a nonstandard property for WebKit-based browsers that allows you to add an outline (text stroke) around text.
b) You can specify the thickness of the outline and the color of the text stroke.
c) Text stroke allows you to specify the font style.
d) Both (a) and (c)
22. 5.22 CSS3 rules consist of one or more ________ followed by a declaration block in curly braces ({}).
a) selectors
b) keyframes
c) attributes
d) prefixes
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
23. 5.27 The scale transformation function specifies how to scale the width and height. The value ________ represents the original
width or original height.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 100
d) 10
24. 5.16 The border-image-slice divides the image into ________ regions.
a) four
b) nine
c) two
d) six
25. 5.15 The ________ specifies the inward offsets from the top, right, bottom and left sides of the image.
a) border-image-offset
b) image-slice
c) border-slice
d) border-image-slice
26. 5.23 CSS3 ________ allow you to change an element's style over a specified duration.
a) transitions
b) transformations
c) animations
d) selectors
28. 5.37 The ________ is used to determine the type and size of device on which the page is rendered.
a) media property
b) @media-size rule
c) @media rule
d) @media-type rule
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
29. 5.3 The ________ property adds rounded corners to any element.
a) blur-radius
b) border-radius
c) radial-gradient
d) linear-gradient
30. 5.1 If the CSS3 text-shadow property's horizontal offset is -10, the text-shadow will appear ________.
a) to the right of the text
b) above the text
c) below the text
d) to the left of the text
32. 5.28 The ________ determines how the transition progresses in one cycle of its duration.
a) transition-duration
b) transition-progress
c) transition-timing-function
d) transition-cycle
33. 5.19 Which of the following is a valid value for the animation-direction?
a) normal
b) clockwise
c) clockwise
d) Both (b) and (c)
34. 5.31 ________ make(s) it easy to align the contents of boxes, change their size, change their order dynamically, and lay out the
contents in any direction.
a) The Flexbox Model
b) :nth-child selectors
c) The Box Orientation
d) The Flexible Box Layout Module
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1/17/2021 Test: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Part 2 | Quizlet
35. 5.2 If the value of the blur radius is ________, no shadow will appear.
a) 1
b) -1
c) 10
d) 0
36. 5.10 The radial-gradient property has three values. The first is the ________.
a) position of the start of the radial gradient
b) start color
c) end color
d) size of the radial gradient
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