Application of Microprocessors
Application of Microprocessors
Application of Microprocessors
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)
Application of Microprocessors
Okoro U. Raymond1, Kuyoro 'Shade O.2, Adekunle Y.A.3, Awodele O.4
Department of Computer Science, Babcock University, Nigeria
Abstract— Microprocessors are applicable to a wide range
of information processing tasks, ranging from general
computing to real-time monitoring systems. The
microprocessor facilitates new ways of communication and
how to make use of the vast information available online and
offline both at home and in workplace. Most electronic
devices--including everything from computers, remote
controls, washing machines, microwaves and cell phones to
iPods and more--contain a built-in microprocessor.
Microprocessors are at the core of personal computers,
laptops, mobile phones and complex military and space
systems. This work presents the general application of
The development of the first microprocessor began in
Keywords— Microprocessor, RISC, CISC, Microcontroller, 1969, when Intel engineer Marcian Edward "Ted" Hoff
Application Specific Processor (ASP), General Purpose proposed to use a single-chip, general-purpose CPU to
Processor (GPP)
perform most computer programming functions. The result
was the first microprocessor, the 4004, which was
I. INTRODUCTION announced by Intel in 1971. This microprocessor evolved
A microprocessor is usually a silicon chip that contains into a series of increasingly powerful Intel chips--the 286,
millions of transistors and other components that process 386, 486, and in 1993, the Pentium--for the International
millions of instructions per second integrated with memory Business Machines (IBM) Corp. personal computer (PC)
chips and other special purpose chips, and directed by and IBM-compatible PCs. Meanwhile, Motorola Corp.
software.[3,4]It is a multipurpose, programmable developed the 68000 series of chips for the Macintosh
microchip that uses digital data as input and provides personal computer made by Apple Computer. Further
results as an output once it processes the input according to advancements have led to robust microprocessors, such as
instructions stored in its memory. Microprocessors use the Intel core i7 microprocessor that is capable of rendering
sequential digital logic as they have internal memory and 3D images.[13]
operate on numbers and symbols represented in the binary The function of the microprocessor is best described in a
numeral system.[3,4] They are designed to perform three-step process –fetching, processing, and decoding. In
arithmetic and logic operations that make use of data on the the fetching step, it gets an instruction from the computer's
chip. General purpose microprocessors in PCs are used for memory. In the decoding step, it decides what the
multimedia display, computation, text editing and instruction means. The last step is the processing itself,
communication.[13] Several microprocessors are part of which involves the microprocessor's carrying out or
embedded systems. These embedded microprocessors performing the decoded set of instructions. A modern
provide digital control to several objects including microprocessor can complete this three-step process
appliances, automobiles, mobile phones and industrial millions of times in one second.[12,13]
process control. Microprocessors may be classified by their hardware
A microprocessor is also known as a central processing architecture. The two basic types of hardware are complex
unit (CPU), which is a complete computing engine instruction set computer (CISC), and reduced instruction
assembled on a single chip. It performs all the set computer (RISC). CISC processors can perform
computational tasks, calculations and data processing of the complex functions with one instruction while RISC chips
computer [13]. The most popular type of microprocessor is usually need multiple instructions. The Intel Pentium and
the Intel Pentium chip. A typical example is shown in Atom chips are based on the CISC architecture, while
Figure 1. PowerPC and ARM's Cortex chips are RISC systems.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)
The following are examples of microprocessor: AMD, Input/output and memory functions are often embedded
ARM DEC, Elbrus, Fairchild Semiconductor, Freescale along with the core processing functions on one chip. In
Semiconductor (Motorola), Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, addition to Intel, Freescale, Micron and Texas Instruments
MIPS Technologies, National Semiconductors, NEC, are major manufacturers of microcontrollers.[11,12] When
NXP(Phillips), SPARC, Texas, VIA, Western Electronic, the most modern technical engineering is applied to a
Zilog. Each of these microprocessors has their versions and microcontroller it allows the device to be extremely
kinds.[1,2,6] compact, making microcontrollers popular within mobile
There are two primary manufacturers of computer devices such as cell phones and PDAs.
microprocessors. Intel and Advanced Micro Devices To the layperson, microcontrollers and microprocessors
(AMD) lead the market in terms of speed and quality. may seem like very different devices; however, it is
Intel's desktop CPUs include Celeron, Pentium and Core. important to note that all microcontrollers contain
AMD's desktop processors include Sempron, Athlon and microprocessors. The major difference between a
Phenom. Intel makes Celeron M, Pentium M and Core microcontroller and a multifunctional PC microprocessor is
mobile processors for notebooks. AMD makes mobile the overall level of complexity.[11] Microcontroller
versions of its Sempron and Athlon, as well as the Turion processors are designed to fill a smaller, more focused
mobile processor which comes in Ultra and Dual-Core variety of roles while making use of less expensive and less
versions. Both companies make both single-core and multi- complex circuitry. The main advantage of a microcontroller
core processors.[5,6] is that it allows electronic automation in situations where a
Each processor has a clock speed which is measured in full-sized computer is not needed. Microcontrollers
gigahertz (GHz). It also has a front side bus which connects integrate a microprocessor with peripheral devices for
it with the system's random access memory (RAM.) CPUs control of embedded system (computer system designed for
typically have two or three levels of cache. Cache is a type specific control functions within a larger system, often
of fast memory which serves as a buffer between RAM and with real-time computing constraints). Embedded systems
the processor. The processor's socket type determines the range from portable devices such as digital
motherboard type where it can be installed. The basic watches, and MP3 players, to large stationary installations
things to consider when choosing processors are size, front like traffic lights, and factory controllers.[11,13]
side bus (FSB) and cache. Whether one is buying a new Microcontrollers shine in situations where limited
computer or upgrading old one, one must get the fastest computing functions are required within an easily definable
affordable processor. This is because the processor set of parameters. Microcontrollers excel at the low grade
becomes obsolete very quickly.[2,5,6] computational functions required to run devices such as
The impact of microprocessor in different fields is electronic parking meters, vending machines, simple
significant. The availability of low cost, low power and sensors and even home security equipment.
small weight, computing capability makes it useful in Microcontrollers surround most Americans in their homes
different applications. Nowadays, microprocessor-based and offices, being present in devices such as televisions,
systems are used in instructions, automatic testing product, remote controlled stereos and even the digital computer
speed control of motors, traffic light control, light control components of a timer on a newer stove.[12,13,]
of furnaces etc. This work presents the general application In real-time computing systems, microprocessors are
of microprocessor to different fields. The remaining embedded in security devices such as the anti-lock braking
sections are arranged as follows: Section 2 presents the system (ABS) that are widely used in modern automobiles.
microcontroller and the relationship between The microprocessor detects motions and changes, that are
microprocessor and microprocessor. Section 3 presents the relative to the surrounding or environment of the security
comprehensive description of microprocessor application to device and sends signals that correspond to the changes that
different areas of life and Section 4 gives the conclusion. it detected.[12,13] Microcontrollers have innumerable
applications. Some examples of their simple applications
II. MICROCONTROLLERS are in (i) biomedical instruments like an ECG LCD display
Microcontrollers are designed for industrial control cum recorder, blood cell recorder cum analyzer, patient
applications, where ease of use and versatility rather than monitor system, (ii) communication systems like numeric
speed is the main requirements. They interface with sensors pagers, cellular phones, cable TV terminals, FAX and
and other devices in applications ranging from on-board transceivers with or without an accelerator, video game and
computers in cars to lighting systems and renewable energy so on, (iii) peripheral controllers of a computer such as the
control systems. keyboard controller, printer controller, laser printer
controller, LAN controller and disk drive controller.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)
(iv) instruments such as an industrial process controller, ASIPs are a halfway house between a GPP and an ASIC.
and electronic smart weight display system, (v) a target ASIPs have some programmability.[13]
tracker, (vi) an automatic signal tracker, (vii) accurate
control of the speed and position of a DC motor, (viii) a III. APPLICATION OF MICROPROCESSORS
robotics system, (ix) a CNC machine controller (x) Several items such as DVD players, cellular telephones,
automotive applications like a close loop engine control, a household appliances, car equipment, toys, light switches
dynamic ride control, an anti-lock braking system monitor and dimmers, electrical circuit breakers, smoke alarms,
and so on, (xi) electronic data acquisition and supervisory battery packs, car keys, power tool and test instruments use
control system, the industrial moisture recorder cum microprocessors. Pollution control standards require
controller, CRT display controller, digital storage system automobile manufacturers to use microprocessor engine
and spectrum analyzer.[6,11,12,] management systems for an optimal control of emissions
The microcontrollers are classified in terms of internal over varying operating conditions.A typical microprocessor
bus width, embedded microcontroller, instruction set, makes daily life easier because of its vast application in
memory architecture, IC chip or VLSI core (VHDL or every field. The applications of microprocessors to life
Verilog) file and family. There are 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit include but not limited to the following:
microcontrollers. For the same family, there may be
various versions with various sources. The processors in A. Household Devices.
microcontrollers are either general processors or purpose- A complex home security system or the programmable
built. thermostat neatly attached to the wall contains
microprocessor technology. Technology-based home
A. General Purpose Processors (GPP)
security system microprocessors assist with monitoring
Microprocessors commonly used in general computing large or small properties. The simplest programmable
tasks include those embedded in laptops or desktop thermostat allows the control of temperature in homes.
computers. These microprocessors are responsible for the Entering the preferred degree and achieving it on a
core computing processes, such as calculation and data consistent basis requires some intelligence on the part of
transfer. General purpose processors are designed for the thermostat. A microprocessor in the system works with
personal computers, laptops, mobile devices and large the temperature sensor to determine and adjust the
central servers.[13] Several companies make general temperature accordingly. Dishwashers, washing machines,
purpose processors, including Intel, IBM and Motorola. high-end coffee makers and radio clocks contain
Companies generally come out with faster and more microprocessor technology. Some home items that contain
complex chips every two to three years. Intel is the microprocessors include televisions, VCRs, DVD players,
recognized industry leader in this space. From the earlier microwaves, toasters, ovens, stoves, clothes washers, stereo
Pentium and Centrino microprocessors to the Core 2 and systems, home computers, hand-held game devices,
Atom chips for desktop and mobile computers and the thermostats, video game systems, alarm clocks, bread
high-end Itanium and Xeon processors for server machines, dishwashers, home lighting systems and even
applications, Intel is generally regarded as the company some refrigerators with digital temperature control.
that sets the benchmark for others to follow. The PowerPC
microprocessors were co-developed by Motorola, Apple B. Industrial Applications of Microprocessors
and IBM originally for Apple's Macintosh computers, but Some industrial items with microprocessors include:
Apple switched to Intel chips in 2006. Apple uses other cars, boats, planes, trucks, heavy machinery, gasoline
processors as well. For example, the iPad 2, introduced in pumps, credit-card processing units, traffic control devices,
March 2011, uses the Cortex-A5 processor designed for elevators, computer servers, most high tech medical
mobile computing by computer manufacturer ARM. devices, digital kiosks, security systems, surveillance
systems and even some doors with automatic entry. [12]
B. Application-Specific Processors (ASP)
ASPs are specialized to perform one function well. C. Transportation Industry
There are three types of ASP. These are the digital-signal Automobiles, trains and planes utilize microprocessor
processor (DSP), the application-specific integrated circuit technology. The 1978 Cadillac Seville was the first
(ASIC), and the application-specific instruction set consumer vehicle to use a microprocessor embedded in its
processor (ASIP). DSPs are used for fast numerical digital display. The "Trip Computer" provided mileage and
computation. ASICs have a particular algorithm additional information on the current trip.[12]
implemented directly in their hardware.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)
Microprocessors work behind the scenes to keep For these applications, designers often select a
commuters safe and timely. Consumer vehicles-cars, microprocessor with a rich instruction set and proven track
trucks, RVs- integrate microprocessors to communicate record, ensuring reliable operation and maximizing the
important information throughout the vehicle. For example, investment in code generation can be leveraged in the next-
navigation systems provide information using generation medical products. The increasing use of
microprocessors and global positioning system (GPS) microprocessors and associated software in both implanted
technology. In addition, mass transportation systems like and external medical devices poses special analytical
flights and trains rely on microprocessors for important challenges. Programmable pacemakers, long-term portable
information. Public transportation fare cards, or smart- ECG recorders, and ECG arrhythmia detection monitors,
cards, contain processors to calculate fares, deduct the for example, contain cardiac arrhythmia detection software.
appropriate amount and retain information on how much Examination of such devices is difficult, especially because
funding remains. The aviation system relies heavily on failures are rare and transient. Figure 2 presents the state
microprocessors from calculating weather conditions to diagram of an Emergency Medical Services (EMS). [13.14]
controlling the complex functions of an airplane.
D. Computers and Electronics
The brain of the computer is microprocessor-drives
technology. They are used in computer ranging from
microcomputers to supercomputers. In addition, many
electronic devices have central processing units (CPU)
embedded. The CPU performs computer processing tasks
by executing software instructions relative to the data it
contains. For example, a cell phone or mobile device
executes game instructions by way of the microprocessor.
While playing chess, the microprocessor holds data about
the last action and executes software instructions for the
next computer move. VCRs, televisions and gaming
platforms also contain microprocessors for executing FIGURE 2: DIAGRAM SHOWING EMS STATE DIAGRAM [14]
complex tasks and instructions.
G. Imaging Applications
E. Low-Power and Battery Management Though some medical imaging applications remain
The need for a processor in battery powered devices has tethered to the wall, ultrasound machines have benefited
spurred development of microcontrollers that draw little the most from the market’s trends toward miniaturization
power, yet deliver the processing speed needed in small and portability. Historically, ultrasound systems weighed
consumer devices. In some instances, the microcontrollers hundreds of pounds and were large and expensive. In the
serve as battery management devices for monitoring the past it was more practical to bring the bed-ridden patient,
charging and discharging of batteries, such as lithium ion bed and all, to the ultrasound machine rather than vice
cells, in portable electronics devices. Other low-power versa. Only in the case of the critically ill patients who
microcontrollers are designed to always be powered on and could not be moved was the ultrasound system
typically include an active mode for processing and a sleep maneuvered, with difficulty, to the patient. Over time,
mode for monitoring a signal while drawing a miniscule portable ultrasound technologies emerged, but achieving
amount of current. image quality on par with the larger devices proved to be a
F. In Medicals challenge, as was achieving the battery life, high-power
computing, and efficient memory access that these
Many medical devices, such as an insulin pump, are applications require. High-quality handheld systems enable
typically controlled by a microprocessor. The routine bedside scanning. This has not only improved
microprocessors perform various functions, such as patient access to safe, noninvasive diagnostic medicine, but
processing data from bio-sensors, storing measurements, has reduced the time and costs associated with such
and analysing results. diagnostics.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)
Flash-based, low-power and mixed-signal FPGAs can be The solenoid valves open or close to control flow, and
utilized in data acquisition cards for filtering and data the heating elements go on and off to reach a final
alignment, control cards, data consolidation cards for data temperature in a sequence; the motors control and timers
buffering/FIFO and alignment as well as many system are also used in controlling the process. Process control
management and control functions.[13] means a control system in which the states and operations
are defined as a function of time and there is a preset
H. Communication
sequence in the program. A microcontroller has input ports
Among the many types of peripheral, circuits that can be to receive the bits for the physical parameters, the timer to
built into microcontrollers are communication interfaces, interrupt at set intervals and inputs. The MCU instructions
and in particular wireless interface circuits. check the needed actions. The output ports send the control
Microcontrollers designed for communication applications bits to various points for the actions. Microprocessor-based
include sections for handling communication protocols controllers are available in appliances, such as microwave
such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, CAN bus, infrared, USB oven, washing machine etc microprocessors are being used
and Ethernet. Communication microcontrollers can be in controlling various parameters like speed, pressure,
found in wireless devices and in wired network devices temperature etc. These are used with the help of suitable
such as those in automotive applications. In telephone transduction.
industry, microprocessors are used in digital telephone sets,
telephone exchanges and modem etc. The use of K. Embedded systems at home
microprocessor in television, satellite communication has A vast number of modern devices in the home are
made teleconferencing possible. Railway reservation and microprocessor controlled. Examples include: washing
air reservation system also uses this technology. LAN and machines; camera; calculators; hi-fi systems; telephones;
WAN for communication of vertical information through microwave ovens; burglar alarms etc. The input are usually
computer network. sensors, buttons or simple numeric keyboards while the
output include simple LCD screens displays, motors and
I. Deep Cover Security Systems
relays, LEDs, lights, buzzers etc.
The Deep Cover Secure Microcontroller (MAX32590)
provides an interoperable, secure, and cost-effective L. Office Automation and Publication
solution to build new generations of trusted devices such as Microprocessor-based systems are used extensively in
multimedia-enabled portable EFT-POS terminals. The the workplace, often to automate and monitor production in
MAX32590 integrates a Memory Management Unit some way. Examples include: electronic tills, automatic car
(MMU), 32KB of instruction cache, 16KB of data cache, washes, security systems, FAX and telephone systems,
4KB instruction TCM, 4KB data TCM, 384KB of system automated production lines, automated warehousing,
SRAM, 3KB of One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memory, manufacturing robots etc. Microprocessor based
128KB of Boot ROM, 24KB of battery-backed SRAM. microcomputer with software packages has changed the
The MAX32590 maximizes on-chip bandwidth when office environment. Microprocessor-based systems are
dealing with high-speed communication such as 100Mbps being used for word processing, spread sheet operations,
Ethernet, large color LCD displays, and gigabit-sized mass storage etc. The microprocessor has revolutionized the
storage devices. DeepCover™ embedded security solutions publication technology.
cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced
M. Instrumentation
physical security to provide the most secure key storage
possible. In addition to hardware crypto functions, the Microprocessor is very useful in the field of
MAX32590 provides a true random number generator, instrumentation. Frequency counters, function generators,
battery-backed RTC, nonvolatile SRAM and real-time frequency synthesizers, spectrum analyses and many other
environmental and tamper detection circuitry to facilitate instruments are available, when microprocessors are used
system-level security for the application. as controller. It is also used in medical instrumentation.