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Form F

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(Regulation 32)

Application for Grant of Certificate of Registration as Participant

Securities and Exchange Board of India, C4-A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 – India

i. This form is meant for use by an applicant for grant of registration as
ii. The form should be filled in by the applicant and submitted to the depository
in which it is acting as participant, who shall forward it, along with all supporting
documents to the Board at its head office at Mumbai.
iii. This application form should be filled in accordance with the regulations.
iv. Application for grant of registration, as the case may be, will be considered
provided it is complete in all respects.
v. All answers must be typed.
vi. Information, which needs to be supplied in more detail, may be given on
separate sheets, which should be attached to the application form.
vii. The application must be signed and all signatures must be original.
viii. The application must be accompanied by an application fee as specified the
Second Schedule to these regulations.
ix. Every page of the form and every additional sheet must be initialed by the
authorized signatory of the applicant.
x. All copies of documents should be attested as true by an authorized notary.

1 Name, address of the (Name of the applicant company)

registered office, address for
correspondence, telephone Registered office Address:
number(s), fax number(s),
telex number(s) of the
applicant and the name of Telephone Nos:
the contact person Fax Nos.:
Address for correspondence:

Telephone Nos:
Fax Nos.:
Name of the contact person:

Mobile No.:

Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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2. Please indicate to which of
the categories under sub- 35 (a) (viii) Stock Broker
regulation (a) of regulation
35, the applicant belongs.

3 (a) Date and place of

incorporation or Date of Incorporation:
establishment and date
of commencement of Place of Incorporation:
business (enclose
certificate of Date of Commencement of Business: (Provide
incorporation, or else write “not applicable”)
memorandum and
articles of association
or statutory
provisions, if any).
(b) Details of the
activities carried on by In India:
the applicant, in India For example Stock Broking services OR
or overseas.
any other activities carried on by the applicant

Overseas: Provide if any otherwise write Nil

(c) Details of affiliates

and subsidiaries of the (Name of the affiliate / subsidiary company)
applicant operating in
India, and activities Member of: BSE/NSE/OTCEI/any other
carried on by them. regulatory authority

Registration Nos.:

Activities carried: Stock Broking/ etc.


Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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(d) Details of registration
with the Securities and (Name of the applicant company)
Exchange Board of As a Stock Broker at BSE:
India, the Reserve
Bank of India or with CM: INB0101984350676
any regulatory F & O: INF
authority overseas of
the applicant, and of As a Subbroker of BSE: INS010198435/676
its affiliates and
subsidiaries operating As a Stock Broker of NSE:
in India. CM: INB0
F & O: INF

As a Subbroker of NSE: INS______________


Provide any other registrations with SEBI/RBI or

with any other regulatory authority)

Mention whichever is applicable

(Name of the affiliates / subsidiary company)

(Provide in the same way as given for applicant

company mentioned above like)

Member of: BSE/NSE/OTCEI/any other

regulatory authority
Registration Nos.:

Activities carried: Stock Broking/ etc.


(e) Date of
commencement of Date of commencement of business:
business in India and
overseas (please (Provide if applicable otherwise “Not
enclose copies of the Applicable”)
Reserve Bank of
India's permission, and
if applicable copies of
approvals from the
Central Government to
carry on activities
mentioned above).

Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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(f) Type and number of Corporate, Individual clients and for own
beneficial owners on accounts.
whose behalf the
applicant proposes to Proposed no. of clients for each segment are
act as participant estimated to:
(Financial Institutions,
Mutual Funds, Foreign Individual:
portfolio Investors, Corporate:
Portfolio Managers, Stock Brokers:
Non Banking Finance Non Banking Finance Companies:
Companies, Stock
Brokers, Corporates,
Individuals, or for own
4. Please give the name and
SEBI registration number of Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.
the depository in which the SEBI Reg. No. IN-SD-CDSL-02-98
applicant is to act as
5. Please state whether the
applicant, his partner, No
director or principal officer
is involved in any litigation OR ELSE PROVIDE DETAILS
connected with the
securities market, which has
an adverse bearing on the
business of the applicant; or
has at any time been
convicted for any moral
turpitude or at any time has
been found guilty of any
economic offence.

Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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6. Please also state whether
there has been any instance No
of violation or non-
adherence to the securities OR ELSE PROVIDE DETAILS
laws, code of
ethics/conduct, code of
business rules, for which the
applicant, or its parent or
holding company or affiliate
may have been subject to
economic, or criminal,
liability, or suspended from
carrying out its operations,
or the registration revoked
7. Please indicate the net As on March 31, 20-- & as provided
worth and paid up capital in otherwise:
Rs. Crore as per the latest
audited financial statements Net worth: Rs.
of the applicant (enclose
copy). Paid up capital: Rs.
8. Please indicate services that
the applicant is already Existing Services:
providing to beneficial Services provided as a Stock Broker
owners on whose behalf the
applicant proposes to act as Proposed Services:
participant, and services
We will provide all the services that are provided
proposed to be provided to
as DP of CDSL
beneficial owners.

9. Please provide the following

details regarding staff
involved in activities as
(i) Organization Annexure __
(ii) Experience and Annexure __
background of key

Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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10. Please provide the following We will adopt all the precautions and procedures
details regarding as and when suggested by CDSL to have
safekeeping and security physical as well as electronic security of all the
systems and procedures: records in physical or in the electronic form. We
will also devise a system in consultation with
CDSL to have tampered proof system for
security of all the electronic data available with
us. We will also procure fireproof cabinet and
will keep all physical securities and other
important papers in the safe cabinet.
(i) Risk control and All securities/ instruction slips etc. in physical
operations manuals form will be stored in fireproof cabinet.
(enclose copies);
Daily backup will be taken in CD and one copy
will be kept in a fireproof cabinet at Directors
residence or at a remote site and another copy in
a fireproof cabinet at the office.
(ii) Give details of We will appoint an internal auditor for
independent internal compliance requirement of CDSL. We will keep
control mechanisms all the records as prescribed by the CDSL.
for monitoring,
evaluation and review Internal control mechanism / evaluation will be
of accounting, and taken care of by the Compliance officer in
reporting systems and consultation with the directors of the firm.
11. Please provide the following
details regarding automatic
data processing systems and
record keeping:
(i) Details of hardware, Recommended Hardware and software copy is
software and provided to you along with Form – E.
systems, their
capability, function
and location;
(ii) Details of data We will take backup twice on daily basis in CDs
storage and back up and keep in fireproof cabinet one copy at our
procedures and sites, office premises and another at a remote site.
their capability,
function and location; We will follow all the procedural measure to
insure safety of the data as and when suggested
by the CDSL.
(iii) Details of disaster In case of any unlikely event we will recover data
recovery systems and from the fireproof cabinet kept at remote
procedures. location.
12. Details of insurance cover Insurance policy will be taken in Consultation
to be taken up. with CDSL.

Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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13. Please indicate the Not Applicable
applicant's shareholding for
each depository in which it
has such shareholding and
whether any shareholding is
proposed to be acquired in
the depository through
which this application is
being made.
14. Please enclose a copy of an Copy Enclosed.
undertaking from the
depository in which the
applicant is to act as
participant that
(a) The applicant is Keep it blank
eligible to act as
participant in the
depository through
which this application
is being submitted to
the Board, and meets
with the eligibility
criteria for
participants specified
in these regulations
and in the
depository's bye-
(b) The applicant has Keep it blank
adequate automatic
data processing
systems, adequate
and competent staff,
risk management
systems, procedures
and manuals, disaster
recovery procedures,
secure data storage
and off site back up
facilities, adequate
communications links
and insurance; to
enable the applicant
to fulfil its
obligations as
participant to the
satisfaction of the
depository; and

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Signature of the Director/ Authorised person as per board resolution with stamp

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(c) The agreement to be Keep it blank
entered into between
the participant and
beneficial owners has
been submitted to the
depository is in
accordance with the
depository's byelaws.

15. Declaration statement (to be given as below).

We hereby agree and declare that the information supplied in the application,
including the attachment sheets, is complete and true.

AND we further agree that, we will notify Securities and Exchange Board of
India immediately any change in the information provided in the application.

We further agree that we shall comply with, and be bound by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, and Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018, and such other guidelines/
instructions, which may be announced by the Securities and Exchange Board of
India from time to time.

We further agree that as a condition of registration, we shall abide by such

operational instructions/directives as may be issued by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India from time to time.

For and on behalf of

<Name of the Applicant Company>

Signature of the Director/ Authorised signatory as per Board Resolution

(Name and Designation)


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