Manual 1
Manual 1
Manual 1
Lab 1
Educational Objectives:
1. Hardware:
The primary components of computer include the following:
CPU (Central Processing Unit): The CPU is the brain of the computer. It performs all the
arithmetic and logical operations required by the software programs. The CPU consists of two
major components - the Control Unit (CU) and the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU).
Memory: Memory is where the computer stores data and instructions for processing. There are
two types of memory - Primary Memory (RAM) and Secondary Memory (Hard Disk Drive, Solid
State Drive, etc.).
Byte = One character typed in plain text editor e.g., Text files
Kilobyte = 1,024 byes e.g., Web pages, Office documents
Megabytes = 1,024 kilobytes e.g., MP3 files, videos, large software, RAM
Gigabytes = 1,024 megabytes e.g., Hard drives, RAM
Input/Output Devices: These devices allow data to enter and leave the computer. Examples
include keyboards, mice, printers, and monitors.
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
2. Software
A set of instructions is called a program and a set of programs is called software. Software used on
computers may be of different types: (1) Application Software (2) System Software
Application Software
Software suited for specific applications is called as application software e.g., word
processing software, PowerPoint, spreadsheet, web browsers, emails etc
System Software
Programs that control and direct the operations of the computer hardware are called as
system software e.g., Operating systems viz. DOS, UNIX, and Windows, etc.
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
• To Move a Window
• To Size a Window
– Click and drag a corner to change the length and width in proportion with one
– Click and drag a border to change just the length or the width 8
• In Microsoft Office, you have to click the double down arrows to show each
toolbar on its own row.
• You can also right click on a toolbar to hide it or to show additional toolbars.
Menu Bars
• Hierarchical lists of commands. If you click a menu bar in Office, you won’t see
the full list of commands unless you wait a few seconds or click the double down
arrows at the bottom of the menu bar.
Title Bars
On the far right of the title bar there are three buttons found in most Windows
Eliminate the window, but leave the program open. The program icon will still
appear on the task bar.
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
Restore down or maximize
Log off logs who ever that is on the computer out and the shutdown turns the
computer completely off if it is already programmed to do that by its self. That
does not mean that you can just hit the power switch to turn the computer off. It
means that if you hit this shut down icon, the computer will begin it shut down
Run is used for multiple tasks. Some programs that auto-run won’t work for this Run will,
hopefully. This will help also if you’re searching for a program that won’t run through start.
Display Properties
A theme is a background plus a set of sounds, icons that will help you personalize your
computer. And you can do this from here with one click. And you can also save your selection
here too.
Moving Files
• Select file(s)
Copying Files
• Select file(s)
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
• Click and drag from one drive to another
Deleting a File
Renaming a File
• Select file(s)
File type
• Can contain program files, data files or other folders (called subordinate folders).
To create a folder
• Select drive where folder will go and Use Menu Bar and go to File, New Folder
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
• Can also use shortcut menu (right-click)
• Select folder where subfolder will go and Use Menu Bar and go to File, New Folder
Common Shortcuts:
14. Ctrl (Control) + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager (Windows) or Force Quit Applications
15. Ctrl (Control) + Alt + Delete: Open the Task Manager (Windows) or the Force Quit
Applications window (macOS).
Please note that some shortcuts may vary depending on the specific application or operating system
version. Additionally, there are many more shortcuts available for specialized functions in various
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
software and operating systems. Learning and using these shortcuts can significantly enhance your
productivity when using a computer.
Lab Tasks
Computer Check-up: Examine your computer or a provided computer to identify the essential
hardware components. List and briefly describe each component, including the CPU, memory,
and input/output devices. If you're unsure about the components, use built-in tools (e.g., System
Information) or physical inspection.
Creating a Folder: Create a folder on your desktop and name it "My ICT Workspace." This
folder will be used for organizing files in the next part of the assignment.
File Organization: Organize the "My ICT Workspace" folder with the following subfolders:
File Operations:
Copy: Locate a file on your computer (e.g., a document or image) and copy it to the
"Downloads" folder within "My ICT Workspace."
Move: Move the copied file from "Downloads" to the "Documents" folder.
Rename: Rename the file in the "Documents" folder to something different from its
original name.
Circuit Analysis Lab
Lab 1
Screenshots: Take screenshots of your computer's personalized desktop and the "My ICT
Workspace" folder structure after completing the file operations.
Shortcut Challenge: Practice using some common keyboard shortcuts related to copying,
pasting, and undoing. Try to copy and paste text from a text document into a new document. If
possible, undo the paste operation.