lectricity Transmission System Operators circumstances, conventional wind generators may 6. Evaluate the impact on cross-border
(TSOs) firmly support the development of cause instantaneous disconnection of a significant electricity transits
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as well as number of wind farms. To this aim, TSOs propose Regions with a high density of wind generation
their integration into the European power systems. that all power generators – including wind power and low electricity consumption cause flows in
TSOs already took specific operational and units - should be obliged to meet given fault-ride neighbouring grid regions. During the last two
technical measures to contribute to the integration standards. In certain areas with an important years, critical grid situations were observed when
of wind power in the existing networks. It should share of wind power, existing wind turbines strong winds occurred in some regions. Electricity
be noticed that more than 70% of the world wide which do not (yet) provide the necessary voltage flows more than twice higher than expected
installed wind power is located in Europe. support and system stability should be technically implied major interventions from some TSOs. In
refurbished or re-powered by modern turbines. such case, unlimited priority dispatch forces TSOs
The further integration of large wind power in TSOs therefore call for harmonised grid code to reduce the tradable cross border transmission
accordance with national policy targets requires requirements to be fulfilled by wind power plants capacity. The impact of such priority rules should
additional transmission and reserve generation so as to minimize system instability. be investigated and, if necessary adapted, in those
capacities. TSOs are more and more concerned areas where security standards were not always
that these targets do not take into account 3. Provide adequate Balance Management complied with and security of the interconnected
adequate development in high voltage grids. Also, and Frequency Control system correspondingly at threat.
the regulatory frameworks favouring renewable Due to limited predictability of wind power
energy sources are significantly different among when compared with conventional power plants, In summary, the integration of wind power is
European countries. Some regulations may even adequate reserve and balancing power capacities nowadays a European issue. In order to further
induce technical and economical decisions that must be available in due time. With growing contribute to the development of RES, and Wind
might be not the most effective. wind power feed-in the demand for reserve and Power in particular, ETSO and UCTE are launching
balancing power increases. Depending on national a wider-than-EU study that will tackle the above
Fast wind power growth and geographical legislations, different parties are responsible for mentioned issues. The wind industry, among
concentration in coastal and remote areas providing balance power. In case the TSO has to other stakeholders, will be invited to participate
constitute serious challenges for the whole contract these services the costs will be part of as advisors in this study the results of which are
Europe. TSOs have therefore recently proposed the tariff and by this be paid by all customers. As a expected in about two years.
the following actions aiming at better integration consequence, there is no market-based incentive
of wind power in the European power systems for wind farms to reduce the costs of integration
without jeopardizing the level of security and into the electricity system which remains a main Daniel Dobbeni,
reliability in the future. issue to be investigated; president of ETSO
1. Speed up authorisation procedures for new 4. Fund R&D for improved Grid Integration
grid infrastructure Along with an in-depth analysis of the shape of
New large-scale wind power, especially off-shore European Transmission Network of the future, Jose Penedos,
wind farms, should be carefully synchronized with dedicated R&D funding should focus on advanced president of UCTE
the additional grid infrastructure both at national technical solutions for better integration of
and European level. Time-consuming licensing renewable energy sources such as wind power.
procedures and legal proceedings for new high Such R&D activities could concern regional
voltage transmission infrastructure (from 4 to more forecasting tools (wind and electricity), new or
than 10 years) are not able to match the rapid better storage systems as well as improved grid
development of wind power. TSOs therefore call infrastructure and advanced stability technologies.
upon both European and national legislators to take
appropriate steps to accelerate approval procedures 5. Promote Planning Security through RES
and thus significantly shorten realisation periods for Capacity Steering
the development of the present grid infrastructure. High level of security of supply implies a
coordinated approach between new renewable
2. Enable wind turbines to actively energy sources, reserve capacities and future Marcel Bial Ana Aguado
contribute to grid stability grid extensions/enforcements. To this aim, TSOs Secretary General Secretary General
Unlike conventional power plants, most existing propose a European wind capacity steering UCTE ETSO
wind turbines do not contribute to grid stability mechanism, e. g. through RES quotas. Capacity RES Tel: 003227416941 Tel: 003227418621
in the event of slight voltage drops in the steering in Europe would become the cornerstone Fax: 003227416949 Fax: 003227418629
transmission network – even if it is timely cleared for improved coordination between RES extension
by the network protection systems. Under these and transmission infrastructural development.