Chapter03-Tissues- صيدلة
Chapter03-Tissues- صيدلة
Chapter03-Tissues- صيدلة
Tissue = group of cells with similar
structure and function plus extracellular
substance (matrix)
There are four tissues in the body:
1) Epithelium
2) Connective
3) Muscular
4) Nervous
Functions of Epithelial Tissue
• Physical Protection
• Regulate Exchange
• Provides Sensation
• Produce Secretions
Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial Tissue
Tight Junctions
Classification of Epithelia
1.Simple squamous
epithelium is made up
of a single layer of
thin, flattened cells.
2.Because it is suited for
diffusion, it functions
in the exchange of
gases in the lungs
and lines blood and
lymph vessels as
well as body cavities.
I. Transitional Epithelium
1. Transitional epithelium is
designed to distend and return
to its normal size, as it does in
the lining of the urinary
2. This design provides
distensibility and keeps urine
from diffusing back into the
internal cavity.
Transitional Epithelium
• What are they?
structures that secrete substances onto a
surface, into a cavity, or into blood
• Exocrine glands:
- glands with ducts
- Ex. Sweat or oil glands
• Endocrine glands:
– no ducts (directly into bloodstream)
– Ex. Thyroid, thymus, pituitary glands, etc.
Types of Exocrine Glands
• Simple:
no branches
• Compound:
many branches
• Tubular:
end of duct
• Alveolus:
sac-like structure
Structural Classification of Simple and Compound Exocrine Glands
Modes of Secretion
Connective Tissue
Fluid Connective Tissue
1) Blood
2) Lymph
Compact Bone
Spongy Bone
Muscle Tissues:
A. General Characteristics
1. Muscle cells, or fibers, can contract
and consist of three major types.
Nervous Tissues:
A. Nervous tissues are found in the
brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
B. Neurons, or nerve cells, conduct
nervous impulses while helper cells,
or neuroglia, support and nourish
the neurons.