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Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021)

ISSN No. (Print): 0975-1130

ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3239
Green Manure Crops: A Review
A.V. Ramanjaneyulu *, N. Sainath1, D. Swetha1, R. Uma Reddy2 and R. Jagadeeshwar3
Agricultural Research Station (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University),
Tornala, Siddipet, (Telangana), India.
Regional Agricultural Research Station (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University),
Warangal, (Telangana), India.
Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
(Telangana), India.
(Corresponding author: A.V. Ramanjaneyulu*)
(Received 19 April 2021, Accepted 21 June, 2021)
(Published by Research Trend, Website: www.researchtrend.net)
ABSTRACT: Injudicious use of synthetic chemical fertilizers without proper replenishment of soil organic
matter and fertility are posing threat to soil and crop productivity. Further, indiscriminate use of synthetic
pesticides and growth regulators contaminated the soil, water and air, thus affected the ecosystem services
and ecological balance. Chemical Agriculture degraded the resource base for future generations thus food
and nutritional security are at stake. Among many low monetary input practices to reduce the impact of these
ill effects, green manuring is the most important and popular one. The results of research across the globe
indicated that incorporation of a leguminous green manure crop can substitute up to 50% of N
fertilizer needs of various cropping systems besides improving soil fertility and health. This practice play a
pivotal role in promoting organic farming. However, availability of green manure seed, optimum soil
moisture and suitable machinery for incorporation are the major challenges faced by the farmers. In this
article, we have given an overview of green manuring and green leaf manuring, associated benefits and their
role in sustaining the soil health and crop production.
Keywords: Green manures, soil fertility, ecosystem services, contamination.
INTRODUCTION grown for the purpose of improving the organic matter
content in the soil are called ‘Green manure crops’.
The importance of green manuring was known to
Raising of certain crops followed by incorporation in-
farmers in India many thousands years back according
situ is known as green manuring. The seeds of such
to the treatises like Vrikshayurveda. In yesteryears, the
crops are mostly broadcasted in well pulverized
farmers used to plough down the plants like broad bean
Agricultural fields and grown upto 50% flowering stage
in Ancient Greece. The practice of green manuring was
i.e., 45-60 days depending on the crop and ploughed
initiated in China as early as 1134 B.C. Chinese
down into the soil (Fig. 1). Green leaf manuring slightly
agricultural texts mentioned about the significance of
differs from green manuring. It involves cutting down
incorporating the grasses and weeds for nourishing the
and incorporation of the branches, twigs, leaves,
Agricultural soils, hundreds of years back. The
loppings of trees, bushes, shrubs etc., raised on field
importance was known to early North American
bunds, vacant patches, wastelands and nearby forest
colonists arrived from Europe who recognized rye,
areas, in the Agricultural fields, mostly rice fields.
buckwheat and oats as green manure crops (James,
Green leaf manuring saves land and water, but, non-
1980). Many years back, raising and insitu
legumes doesn’t fix atmospheric N unlike legumes.
incorporation of green manure crops as a part of crop
Though green manuring (GM) and (or) green leaf
rotation to rejuvenate the soil fertility, was very well
manuring (GLM) used to be followed widely by
recognized. In India, the area under green manuring
farmers in yesteryears, but, declined gradually due to
was estimated to be approximately 1.23 M ha only
intensive Agriculture practices and increased
(FAI, 2015) and nearly 80% of the area was reported
availability of chemical fertilizers at subsidized rates
from six states viz., U.P., A.P., M.P., Karnataka, Orissa,
thus usage, with a view to maximize productivity from
Rajasthan, Punjab and West Bengal. The crops that are
minimum land (Singh et al., 1991).

Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 445

3. Broadcasting of green 4. Green manure at seedling
1. Well pulverized soil 2. Green manure seed stage
manure seed

7. Incorporation of green
5. Green manure at 6. Green manure at manure in rice fields with
vegetative growth stage 50% flowering stage tractor drawn 8. Rice transplanting
rotavator/cage wheels
Fig.1. Sequential steps in growing and incorporation of a green manure crop.
This resulted in decrease in soil organic matter, fertility Resistance/tolerance to natural calamities like
and productivity leading to decline in factor drought, floods (waterlogging), high or temperature
productivity. The usage of synthetic chemicals also stress, shade etc.,
resulted in pollution of environment and degradation of Ability to grow in all agro-climatic zones
Ability to grow with less water thus high water use
natural resource base. On the contrary, gradual increase efficiency
in the prices of fertilizers in the recent years, need for Multifarious uses (fodder, green manure, N fixation,
sustaining soil health and crop productivity under seed, shade, cover crop, erosion control)
intensive cropping systems and improved awareness on Insensitive to photo and light periods
organic farming and its’ products are necessitating us to Ability to fit between two main crops
revert back to adoption of GM and GLM. They are Ability to come up well in impoverished soils,
believed to suppress the soil borne plant pathogens and waste lands etc.,
diseases (Larkin, 2013) besides bringing out significant High seed production potential
improvement in soil structure and microbial activity High seed viability for longer period
Meagre storage pest problem
(Thorup-Kristensen et al., 2003; Grandy et al., 2002, Low lignin content
Liu et al., 2010). However, optimum soil, environment Low C:N ratio
and biotic stresses are the major limitations for large Easy for incorporation and decomposition
scale adoption of green manuring technology. Easy and timely release of nutrients
Characteristic features of plants preferred for green Responsive to inoculation
manuring Resistance or tolerance to pest and diseases
The green manure crops are generally selected based on For green leaf manuring purpose
the location specific edapho-climatic conditions, Moderate tall growing shrubs or tress for easy
rainfall pattern, irrigation facility and turn-around time lopping
available (Thimmanna et al., 2014). Following are Ability to produce heavy foliage and biomass
Insecticidal properties
some of the preferred characteristic features of crops Legume nature
selected for green manure purpose. Resistant to lopping and ability to regrow faster
For green manure purpose Amenable for quick decomposition
Fast growing crops with more foliage and ability to Multipurpose use (fodder, green manure, N fixation,
cover the land quickly seed, shade)
Short duration Highly resistant to adverse climatic conditions
High biomass and nutrient accumulation Ability to grow in all agro-climatic zones
Preferably legume in nature, so that, they fix Classification of green manures and green leaf
atmospheric N and improves the soil fertility and
manure crops
supply nutrients to component crops and (or)
subsequent crops
The available green manure and green leaf manure
High N sink in underground plant parts crops are classified and presented in Fig. 2.
Low cost of production

Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 446

Fig. 2. Classification of green manure crops.
About green manure crops: The details of crops N fixation: 83-108 kg ha-1 (Ndoye et al.,
used for green manures and green leaf manures are 1988)
furnished below based on the literature available Can be grown preceding to rice and rainfed
(Pandey, 2013; Kumar et al., 2019). crops
Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata/cannabina)
Sesbania (New Dhaincha: Sesbania rostrata)
Root nodulating legume
It is both stem and root nodulating green
Multipurpose crop (green manure, fodder,
manuring crop unlike others
shade giving, wind break)
Thrives well under waterlogged condition
Commonly cultivated GM crop
Not suitable for alkaline soils
Quick growing GM crop with more number
Seed rate 30-40 kg ha-1
of nodules (Carlsson and Huss-Danell, 2003)
Scarification of seeds with concentrated
Seed rate: 50 kg ha-1
H2SO4 for 15 minutes for quick germination
Can be incorporated at 45 days after sowing
is required
Produces green matter @ 15-20 t ha-1
Produces green matter @ 15-20 t ha-1
N fixation: 83-108 kg ha-1 (Zaman et al.,
Fast growing
Resistant to drought and withstands
Can be grown as an intercrop along with rice
waterlogging and salinity (Kalidurai, 1988)
Incorporated at 8-10 weeks after sowing
Contains 3.50% N, 0.60% P2O5 and 1.20%
Sunhemp (Brown hemp/India hemp/Madras hemp:
K 2O
Crotalaria juncea)
N fixation: 75-80 kg ha-1 (Zaman et al., 1996)
Quick growing green manure cum fiber crop
Suitable for green manuring in rice and
and can’t withstand heavy irrigation or water
rainfed crops
Insect (leaf webber) menace is a constraint
Seed rate: 25-35 kg ha-1
Sensitive to photoperiod
Produces green matter @ 13-15 t ha-1
Sesbania (Sesbania speciosa)
N fixation: 50-60 kg ha-1 (Sarkar et al., 2015)
Resembles Dhaincha
Contains 2.30% N, 0.50% P2O5 and 1.80%
Can be cultivated in the standing water or
K 2O
even on the bunds
Less tolerant to acidity, salinity and water
It is more drought tolerant than S. aculeata
logging, but, performs better under low
(Patnaik et al., 1957)
rainfall and moisture conditions (Panse et al.,
Seed rate @ 35-40 kg ha-1
Can be incorporated at 45 days after sowing
Can be grown preceding to rice and other
rainfed crops and is incorporated at 10 weeks
Produces green matter @ 16-17 t ha-1
after sowing
Contains 2.71% N, 0.53% P2O5 and 2.21%
Wild indigo or kolingi (Tephrosia purpurea)
K 2O
Slow growing green manure crop
Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 447
Not useful for fodder Highly suitable as preceding crop to late
Suitable for light soils planted rice (eg. for Telangana sona variety),
Resists drought but does not withstand water for for seed and (or) insitu incorporation
stagnation Greengram residue incorporation was proved
Seed rate: 20-25 kg ha-1 to be effective like that of Sesbania GM in
Produces green matter @ 8-10 t ha-1 rice–wheat system in India
N accumulation: 70-115 kg ha-1 Blackgram (Urdbean: Vigna unguigulata)
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Dual purpose crop i.e., seed and green
Most productive heat adapted annual legume manure
Can be used as grain/green manure crop, for Seed rate: 30 kg ha-1
animal fodder and also as a vegetable Green matter @ 3.5-4.0 t ha-1
Very sensitive to waterlogging (Morris et al., Can be incorporated at 35-40 DAS
1986). N fixation: 30-36 kg ha-1 (Singh and Usha,
Seed rate: 35-40 kg ha-1 2002)
Produces green matter @ 9-10 t ha-1 Can be grown preceding to rice crop, for
High water use efficiency than S. aculeata insitu incorporation
and clusterbean (Singh et al., l98l). Wild indigo (Tephrosia purpurea)
N fixation: 140-150 kg ha-1 (Ledbetter, 2005) Slow growing green manure crop
Seed rate: 40 kg ha-1 Not grazed by the cattle
Contains 1.4-1.5% N Drought tolerant hardy plant
Can be grown preceding to rice Susceptible to waterlogging
Pillipesara (Phaseolus trilobus) Its waxy seeds need treatment with sand or
Dual propose crop which can produce green hot water @ 55°C for 2-3 minutes for quick
fodder and manure germination
Slow growing Seed rate: 20-25 kg ha-1
Seed rate: 10-15 kg ha-1 Produces green matter @ 8-10 t ha-1
Produces green matter: 8-10 t ha-1 Indigo (Indigofera tinctoria)
N fixation: 102 kg ha-1 (TNAU, 2020) It is long duration dual purpose crop i.e.
Clusterben (Cyamposis tetragonaloba) green manure and medicinal plant
Drought tolerant annual legume Resembles wild indigo but more leafy
Fodder, grain, green manure and gum Suitable for heavy clay soils
purpose Resistant to drought
Preferred under erosion prone area Seed rate: 20 kg ha-1
(Palaniappan et al., 1990) Produces green matter @ 8-10 t ha-1
Seed rate: 40 kg ha-1 Berseem (Trifolium alexandrianum)
N fixation 30 kg ha-1 Popular as multi cut rabi leguminous fodder
Can be grown preceding to rice and other crop. The last cut is not used for fodder, but,
rainfed crops it can be used as green manure crop
Azolla (Azolla pinnata) Possess moderate tolerance for salinity and
N fixing fern and can be used as green can be used for the reclamation of saline
manure crop soils. Paddy-berseem rotation is good for
Seed rate: 50-90 kg ha-1 saline soils
Green matter @ 8-10 t ha-1 Seed rate: 20-25 kg ha-1
Can be incorporated at 35 DAS Lucern (Medicago sativa L.)
N fixation: 52 kg ha-1 (Bhuvaneshwari and It is a very deep rooted green manure with
Singh, 2015) vigorous roots that can draw nutrients from
Can be grown in rice ecosystem sub-surface layers and break soil pans.
Can suppress weed growth during initial Seed rate: 15-20 kg ha-1
stages of rice crop growth Sweet clover, Berseem clover, Crimson clover, Milk
Greengram (Mungbean: Vigna radiata) vetch, Hairy vetch are other minor green manure crops
Dual purpose crop i.e., seed and green that produces biomass and releases N into the soil.
manure About green leaf manure crops
Seed rate: 30 kg ha-1 Glyricidia (Glyricidia maculata)
Green matter @ 3.5-4.0 t ha-1 It is a shrub and useful for green leaf
Can be incorporated at 35-40 DAS manuring
N fixation: 38-50 kg ha-1 (Kallimath and Popular for shade and green leaf manure in
Patil, 2018) tea, coffee and cocoa plantations
Can be grown on bunds and also as a border
Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 448
Suitable for alley cropping It is propagated by stem cuttings
Will not affect the performance of field crops Two or three loppings can be taken in an year
due to it’s shade Cassia (Cassia auriculata)
The plants will be ready for pruning in two Its stems and branches can be lopped at
years after planting flowering stage and used for green leaf
Pruning can be done at a height of 2-3 m manuring
height for 2-3 times every year Drought tolerant
Each plant gives 5-10 kg of green leaves N content in green leaf manure: 1.4-1.6%
annually Peltophorum (Peltoforum ferrugenum: 2.63% N,
Contains 2.76% N, 0.28% P2O5, 4.60% K2O 0.37% P2O5, 0.50% K2O)
Can be incorporated in rice fields well ahead Gulmohur (Delonix regia: 2.76% N, 0.46% P2O5,
of planting 0.50% K2O)
Propagates by planting stem cuttings or About weeds as green leaf manure crops (Pandey,
seedlings 2013)
Pongamia (Pongamia glabra) Ipomoea spp.
It is a leguminous moderate sized ever green It is a water loving aquatic shrub
tree Spreads through water
It can be grown successfully on roadsides, It is quick growing shrub with profuse
river banks, tank bunds, in coastal forests, branching
along streams and wastelands It is propagated through plant material and
Two to three months old seedlings can be seeds
planted at 4 to 5 m apart to establish and It produces abundant green leafy material
maintain a pongamia garden with in short time
Lopping may be taken once or twice a year Can be multiplied by mature stem cuttings
and a tree gives on an average 100 to 150 kg Two to three lopping can be taken in an year
of green material per lopping which can be Each plant will give 5 to 7 kg of green matter
incorporated in the wet lands well ahead of per lopping
rice plantings Nutrient concentration: 2.01% N, 0.33%
N content in green leaf manure: 1.3-1.5% P2O5, 0.40% K2O
Subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) Calotropis gigantea
It is a leguminous branched shrub It is a weed present on field bunds and waste
Dual purpose crop i.e. green leaf manure and lands
forage Water loving aquatic weed
Can be grown on bunds, borders and waste Abundant along canal bunds
lands It is propagated through seeds
Can’t tolerate flooding Nutrient concentration: 2.06 0.54% P2O5,
Needs aggressive lopping to avoid shading 0.31% K2O
effect Others
Leaves contain 3.5-3.7% N Parthenium hysterophorus (2.68% N, 0.68%
Fixes 500-600 kg N ha-1 year-1 P2O5, 1.45% K2O)
Can be incorporated in rice fields well ahead Eichhornia crassipes (3.01% N, 0.90% P2O5,
of planting 0.15% K2O)
Neem (Azadirachta indica) Trianthema portulacastrum (2.64% N,
It is a large ever green avenue tree with 0.43% P2O5, 1.30% K2O)
profuse branching and plenty of green foliage Cassia fistula (1.60% N, 0.24% P2O5, 1.20%
Can grow on all types of soils K2O)
They can be grown along field borders, rivers Miscellaneous species used for green leaf manuring
banks, roads, waste lands and also in garden crops/tress in different parts of the country:
lands and homestead gardens Thespesia, Morianga oleflorea, Agave sisalana,
Trees are established by planting seedlings at Thesphesia populanea, Cassia siamea, Vitex negundo,
a spacing of 5-6 m Bauhina vahii, Lentil, Pisum sativum, Chrysopogon,
One or two lopping in a year can be taken and Musa sapietum, Quercus
each lopping weigh about 150 to 200 kg of leucotrichophora/semicarpifolia, Daphiniphyllum
green matter himalayaense, Bridelia retusa, Nyctanthes arbortristis
N content in green leaf manure: 1.0-1.2% (lesser Himalayalan regiona), Artocarpus spp., Adina
Vadanarayan (White gulmohar: Delonix elata) cardifolia, Terminalia paniculata, Pterocarpus
It is tropical ever-green tree which can grow marsupium, Syzgium cumini, Terminalia bellerica,
on all types of soils Cleistanthes collinus, Glyricidia spp (West Bengal).
Possess medicinal value
Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 449
Green manures: Legumes

Dhaincha Sunhemp Cowpea Pilli pesara

Clusterbean Tephrosia Indigo Azolla

Greengram Blackgram Berseem Lucern (Alfalfa)

Field bean Red clover Crimson clover White clover

Lupins Vetches

Green manures: Non-legumes

Sunflower Buck wheat Rye Mustard

Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 450

Green leaf manures: Legumes

Gliricidia Cassia spp. Pongamiaglabra

White gulmohur Peltophoram Gulmohur

Green leaf manures: Non-legume

Calotropis Adathoda Thespesia

Subabul Neem Parthenium hysterophorus

Eichhornia crassipes Trianthema portulacstrum Ipomoea

Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 451

Benefits of green manure/green leaf manure release and availability is greater in acid and
Essential component of organic farming and sodic soils than calcareous soils. Similalry,
integrated nutrient management (INM) availability of K, Ca, Mg (Katyal, 1977, Khind
Leguminous GMs improve the soil fertility et al., 1987, Nagarajah et al., 1989), Fe
through BNF (biological N fixation) and (Takkar and Nayyar, 1986) and Mn was
biomass addition increased due to green manuring, but, reduced
Controls soil and water erosion, maintains the the Zn. However, Zn availability was found to
soil and crop productivity thus offers be increased in sodic soil with pH of 10.2, due
ecological sustainability in the long run to green manuring (Swarup, 1987).
Acts as soil amendment by reducing the pH Minimizes the ill effects of chemical
and alkalinity through release of humic and dominated modern intensive Agriculture
acetic acids. Sesbania sp. are highly suitable Improve the organic matter, physical, chemical
for reclamation purpose (Keating and Fisher, and biological properties of soil
l985; Rao, 1985; Evans and Rotar, 1986). Reduces weed menace and weed seed
Can be used as mulch which inturn regulates multiplication
soil temperature, moisture and weed growth Controls root knot nematodes (Mojtahedi et
Improves soil organic matter, nutrients al., 1993)
concentration at soil surface especially Attracts pollinating insects during flowering
available N and reduces its losses through stage
leaching and soil erosion, improves the soil Deep root system of few green manure crop
aggregation and water holding capacity thus bring up nutrients to the upper layer and make
physical properties like water infiltration and it available to shallower-rooted crops
aeration They harbor predatory beneficial insects which
Nearly 40-60% of the total amount of nitrogen inturn reduces the need for use of pesticides
present within the green manure crop is Enhances soil microbial biomass and activity.
expected to be available to the subsequent Further, GMs can influence the soil microbial
crops (Preston, 2003). populations thus suppress the diseases
The values of the nitrogen fertilizer especially those caused by Rhizoctonia,
equivalence (NFE) (quantity of fertilizer N Verticillium, Sclerotinia, Phythophthora,
that must be applied to wetland rice in the Pythium, Aphanomyces and Macrophomina in
fallow treatment to attain grain yield equal to different crops and black scurf, common scab
that obtained with green manure and no N and Verticillium wilt in potato (Larkin, 2013).
fertilizer) of different green manure crops They can also interrupt the life cycle of pests
range between 50 and 100 kg N ha-1 for 45 to and diseases.
60 days old green manure crops. Roger and Brown manuring: It involves growing
Watanabe (1986) reported that incorporating Sesbania or other green manure crops in
one legume crop is equivalent to applying 30- standing cereal crops and killing them by
80 kg fertilizer N ha-1 in rice. Further, spraying a post emergence herbicide. By this
according to results of AICRP-IFS, it is method, the plant residues remain in the field
possible to substitute up to 50% of fertilizer N till their residue decompose in the soil. It helps
needs of various cropping systems through in suppressing the weed growth and addition
GM without affecting the yield (Dwivedi et of organic matter. The foliage sprayed with
al., 2017). Similalry, Neelima et al., (2008) herbicide turns brown in colour due to loss of
and Kumar et al., (2021) reported that 66.6% chlorophyll, hence, it is called as ‘brown
and 50% N fertilizer, respectively can be manuring’ (Tanwar et al., 2010). For eg.
substituted through green manuring in rice Sesbania sp. @ 20 kg ha-1 is broadcast three
crop. days after rice sowing and allowed to grow for
Yield improvement in rice due to green 30 days and sprayed with 2,4-D ethyle ester. It
manuring was found to be in the range of 0.1- supplies upto 35 kg ha-1 N and improves the
0.3 t ha-1 in low yield rice cultivars Panse et rice yield by 4-5 q ha-1. Further, it also
al., (1965) and 0.65-3.1 t ha-1 in high yielding improves the soil health. Though green
rice varieties as reported by Singh et al., manuring in general is believed to improve the
(1991) based on literature available. soil fertility, but, it needs some time, right
The organic acids released during temperature and moisture for decomposition.
decomposition of green manure helps in Hence, it may not be possible across all agro-
solubilization of insoluble phosphate in soil climatic zones. Therefore, brown manuring
and make it available to plants, thus, reduces was found to be a better option (Maitra and
the need for P fertilizer addition to the crops Zaman, 2017).
(Singh, 1984; Hundal et al., 1987). The P
Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 452
Other uses of green manure crops During initial 3-4 years of fruit orchards where
Catch crops lot of unutilized space between rows and
Shade crops (to provide shade in young saplings is available
orchards besides adding N and improving Alley cropping in forest tress species
fertility) Relay cropping in rice fields
Cover crops (Covering the bare soil or fallow Under rainfed conditions in slopy areas where
lands with vegetative cover in hill slopes growing regular field crops may not be
during rainy season and avoid soil, water and possible
wind erosion besides suppressing the weeds) Under rainfed conditions in steep slopy
Forage crop: provide fodder catchment areas of watersheds. It helps in
Constraints in green manures and green leaf covering the land surface in the catchment area
manures at a faster rate. Further, it covers the land
Needs land, labour, water, time, money, surface for 4-5 months during monsoon
energy and resources season, suppresses unwanted weed growth and
Needs optimum moisture and temperature for arrest the run-off and erosion of soil into water
proper decomposition and release of nutrients harvesting structures (eg. farm ponds).
Immobilization problems if GM or GLMs are Green leaf manuring can be encouraged by
not properly decomposed with in a stipulated promoting planting of suitable tree species in
time the villages under Haritha Haram programme
Pest and disease menace. For eg. leaf webber (planting of saplings) under M-NREGS
in Dhaincha, yellow vein mosaic virus in (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
pulses etc. The green manure crops like Guarantee Scheme)
sesbania, sunhemp and rapeseed crops act as
breeding sites for multiplication of Spodoptera
litura (Tuan et al., 2014). Green manure crops can fix atmospheric N and supply
They harbour snails and slugs which may part of it to the crops grown in sequence. They play a
affect the growth of vegetable crops (Becker, greater role in promoting organic farming. They can
2001) reclaim alkaline soils, save N to be applied to crops,
They harbour wild boars which will damage improve the availability of many essential nutrients,
near by food crops like corn, jowar, groundnut enhances nitrogen use efficiency, soil health and quality
etc., and crop productivity. Their cultivation has to be
Amount of biomass available for GLMs may encouraged in rice fallows, vacant degraded lands and
be limited in certain areas especially in semi- watershed areas. In view of numerous benefits, farmers
arid zones. Transportation is another constraint must be convinced and encouraged to grow green
in GLMs if the trees are located far away from manure crops for insitu incorporation. The on-going
village fields (Weerakoon and Seneviratne, rural employment guarantee schemes can be taken as an
1984). advantage to promote planting of green leaf manure
Scope and opportunities for green manuring trees and shrubs, which in turn can be utilized for green
The green manuring can be adopted in leaf manuring by farmers. However, farmers need to be
Irrigated wet land i.e. rice ecosystem provided suitable machinery like cage wheels,
Irrigated dry lands rotavators, disc harrows etc., through custom hiring
Rainfed dry lands (hardy species) centres, for incorporation of green manures and
Before kharif rice if 40-60 days period is upscaling the technology. Further research need to be
available conducted to find out contribution of green manuring in
If 40-60 days time gap is available between N fertilizer savings in rainfed and irrigated dry crops
two rice growing periods and also identify low cost non-chemical methods for
In rice fallows, if the water is meagre for controlling the pest and disease menace in green
subsequent crops manure crops. Furthermore, possibility for apiculture
Opportunities for green manure seed production nearby green manure fields should be explored.
Seed production of green manure crops is very
Conflict of Interest. Nil.
important to meet the ever growing demand for seed.
Seed yield of 4-5 q ha-1 under rainfed conditions and REFERENCES
12.5-15.0 q ha-1 under limited irrigation conditions (1-3
Becker, M. (2001). Potential and limitations of green manure
irrigations depending on soil, climate and crop) is
technology in lowland rice. Journal of Agriculture in
possible. It can be produced in the following areas. the Tropics and Subtropics, 102(2): 91-108. Retrieved
In rice fallows: seed production of green from https://www.jarts.info/index.php/jats/article/view
manures after kharif rice if water is scarce for /1408.
second rice
In fallow/vacant lands and waste lands
Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 453
Bhuvaneshwari, K., & Singh, P. K. (2015). Response of Ledbetter, K. (2005). Cowpeas could add sustainability to
nitrogen-fixing water fern Azolla biofertilization to cropping systems. Agnews, Texas A and M University
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How to cite this article: Ramanjaneyulu, A.V., Sainath, N., Swetha, D., Reddy, R.U. and Jagadeeshwar, R. (2021). Green
Manure Crops: A Review. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 13(2): 445-455.

Ramanjaneyulu et al., Biological Forum – An International Journal 13(2): 445-455(2021) 455

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