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7. Incorporation of green
5. Green manure at 6. Green manure at manure in rice fields with
vegetative growth stage 50% flowering stage tractor drawn 8. Rice transplanting
rotavator/cage wheels
Fig.1. Sequential steps in growing and incorporation of a green manure crop.
This resulted in decrease in soil organic matter, fertility Resistance/tolerance to natural calamities like
and productivity leading to decline in factor drought, floods (waterlogging), high or temperature
productivity. The usage of synthetic chemicals also stress, shade etc.,
resulted in pollution of environment and degradation of Ability to grow in all agro-climatic zones
Ability to grow with less water thus high water use
natural resource base. On the contrary, gradual increase efficiency
in the prices of fertilizers in the recent years, need for Multifarious uses (fodder, green manure, N fixation,
sustaining soil health and crop productivity under seed, shade, cover crop, erosion control)
intensive cropping systems and improved awareness on Insensitive to photo and light periods
organic farming and its’ products are necessitating us to Ability to fit between two main crops
revert back to adoption of GM and GLM. They are Ability to come up well in impoverished soils,
believed to suppress the soil borne plant pathogens and waste lands etc.,
diseases (Larkin, 2013) besides bringing out significant High seed production potential
improvement in soil structure and microbial activity High seed viability for longer period
Meagre storage pest problem
(Thorup-Kristensen et al., 2003; Grandy et al., 2002, Low lignin content
Liu et al., 2010). However, optimum soil, environment Low C:N ratio
and biotic stresses are the major limitations for large Easy for incorporation and decomposition
scale adoption of green manuring technology. Easy and timely release of nutrients
Characteristic features of plants preferred for green Responsive to inoculation
manuring Resistance or tolerance to pest and diseases
The green manure crops are generally selected based on For green leaf manuring purpose
the location specific edapho-climatic conditions, Moderate tall growing shrubs or tress for easy
rainfall pattern, irrigation facility and turn-around time lopping
available (Thimmanna et al., 2014). Following are Ability to produce heavy foliage and biomass
Insecticidal properties
some of the preferred characteristic features of crops Legume nature
selected for green manure purpose. Resistant to lopping and ability to regrow faster
For green manure purpose Amenable for quick decomposition
Fast growing crops with more foliage and ability to Multipurpose use (fodder, green manure, N fixation,
cover the land quickly seed, shade)
Short duration Highly resistant to adverse climatic conditions
High biomass and nutrient accumulation Ability to grow in all agro-climatic zones
Preferably legume in nature, so that, they fix Classification of green manures and green leaf
atmospheric N and improves the soil fertility and
manure crops
supply nutrients to component crops and (or)
subsequent crops
The available green manure and green leaf manure
High N sink in underground plant parts crops are classified and presented in Fig. 2.
Low cost of production
Lupins Vetches
How to cite this article: Ramanjaneyulu, A.V., Sainath, N., Swetha, D., Reddy, R.U. and Jagadeeshwar, R. (2021). Green
Manure Crops: A Review. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 13(2): 445-455.