Lord of Dead Dreams
Lord of Dead Dreams
Lord of Dead Dreams
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For our Patreon rewards we enlist professional artists, writers and designers to re-envision content from our videos into the rewards you’ll receive as a
patron. This package showcases the work of Sean McGovern, inspired by the Warlock Gangsta Up in the Fey Haunt video from our YouTube channel.
Written by: Sean McGovern
Editing: Doug Vehovec
Layout: Doug Vehovec
Cover art: Ludovico Tellatin
Interior Art: Aaron Lee
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and jets of flame. He was so traumatized by the experience Dark Dreams
that he never really recovered.
6. A woman who became an apprentice to a wizard. The 1. You pick up a habit or nervous tic from the person
wizard went on a long journey and when he returned, he whose dreams you experienced — repeating yourself,
had changed. He had contracted lycanthropy. He infected mumbling, fidgeting, or breathing loudly. At the end of
her as well, and they went on a lengthy rampage before a long rest, you can repeat the saving throw to end the
finally being slain by a band of rangers. effect.
10. You gain the wisdom of a lifetime. You gain a +1 to your 10. You have lost 1d4 crucial memories of the Game
Wisdom ability score. This effect can only be received once Master’s choosing, which are replaced with memories
per creature. Reroll if you have already received this boon. from someone else’s life. This effect is permanent.
Monster Menagerie
Small fey, neutral evil
Fey Ancestry. The onibara has advantage on saving
Halfling-sized female humanoids with charcoal-black throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
skin and long, green tails, onibara are enthusiastic the onibara to sleep.
agents of their oni “father.”
When their blue, moth-like wings are spread, the pat- False Appearance. While the onibara is motionless,
tern on them resembles Jarease’s face – white, circular it appears to be a 3 foot-tall blue flower.
eyes, a fanged mouth, and white hair.
These demented fey butterfly humanoids can spew
Sleep Motes from their mouths, putting their enemies Actions
to sleep. They drag these sleeping targets to their mas-
ter, who proceeds to either eat the sleeping victims or
drain their dream essence. Multiattack. The onibara makes two melee attacks.
Onibara have the ability to assume the form of a
large blue flower similar in appearance to a tinted ger- Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
bera with a black center. These flowers appear to have one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
a long, green stem, which is actually the Onibara’s tail
planted into the ground. Sleep Motes (Recharge 5-6). The onibara exhales
The onibara were created in the fey realms through shimmering, intangible motes of light on a crea-
a ritual that involved the use of quite a bit of Jarease’s ture within 5 feet of it. The target must make a DC
blood. Because of the blood link, the onibara regard 13 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious
Jarease as their father. for 1d4 hours. The target wakes up if it takes dam-
Onibara are curious about the world of mortals. They age or if another creature takes an action to shake
do not understand the uses of most mundane items it awake.
such as lanterns, flint and steel, or rolled-up tents.
Friend or Foe
Jarease, Lord of Dead Dreams
Spawned from the loins of the god of ogres, Jarease muscle. The small white eyes that dot his blue face are
was once an empyrean. Now he is trapped in the form of a partly obscured by his messy, long white hair. His pointed
mortal oni who possesses the ability to transfer his soul to teeth are black, as are his lips and claws. Jarease wears
the body of one of his children. hooded clothes which wear down quickly due to his high
Jarease is driven by the need to regain his lost divinity body temperature.
and to get back into the god of ogre’s court. In colder weather or rain, steam visibly rises from his skin.
Jarease looms large at 10 feet tall, sporting 700 lbs of He is hot to the touch.
Terrible Terrain
Jarease and his onibara are scaled for a group of four sky, his two white eyes like small, dull suns.
5th-level characters. According to the rules of the dream spell, he can only
speak 10 words:
Onibara Ambush
The adventurers are traveling through a forest when, up
ahead, they spot three tall blue flowers, swaying unnatural- “Bring them back to me, and you
ly. In flower form, the onibara will try to entice the group to
come closer, emitting feminine giggles. will be rewarded.”
It should be noted that Jarease is nearby, watching this
encounter while invisible. He does not engage. He is study-
ing the characters to figure out which one he wants to eat. The dreamscape shifts, showing the character an area
It is entirely possible that he can visit a character in their of the forest where his lair is located. In the dream, Jarease
dreams using a dream spell if the ambush fails. awaits the character’s answer. Jarease has control of the
Once a creature is within 5 feet, the onibara reveals their dreamscape and will use it to threaten the character. If the
true form — 4-foot tall dark women with white eyes, sharp character survives the three following challenges, Jarease
teeth and blue moth-like wings. They look at the group’s vanishes in disgust and the character wakes up immediately.
gear curiously and try to communicate nonverbally with
them. One onibara is interested in a piece of mundane Challenge 1
equipment a character has (a canteen, ring, glasses, etc.). Jarease lowers a massive clawed hand, hoping to crush
If a character kindly allows the onibara to hold the item, a dream-version of one of the character’s loved ones in his
she is most grateful. She leans forward and blows Sleep grip. If a character succeeds on an opposed Strength check
Motes into the character’s face. The other two onibara fol- (Jarease has a +4) they can pull the friend free. Failure
low suit, attempting to put the entire group to sleep. means the character wakes up.
Each is strong enough to drag a medium-sized creature
back to the lair of Jarease. If the tide of the battle turns, at Challenge 2
least one onibara will attempt to flee. Jarease scowls. The daytime sky turns to night. He stands
thousands of feet tall and brings his massive glaive down
The Dreamscape upon the comparatively tiny character. The character must
If the group survives the ambush, Jarease casts a dream succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid both
spell to visit one of the characters. Because Jarease is the the attack and the ensuing earthquake, as the glaive cre-
spawn of a deity trapped in human form, he can bend the ates a jagged chasm in the ground.
rules of the spell a bit.
The next time the group sleeps, Jarease will enter the Challenge 3
dream of the character who he assumes is either the leader Jarease inhales, creating a vacuum effect. Everything in
or the most persuasive member of the party. the dream is being drawn into his mouth. The character
The character is dreaming. You could ask the player what must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength
their character dreams about, or you could base it on cam- (Athletics) check to grab onto Jarease’s huge tusk. The char-
paign events. You could have the character dream about acter then has a chance to strike at Jarease one time.
an event in their backstory, or a particularly dramatic event Success: If the character hits, they will gain a boon. When
that took place in a previous session. battling Jarease in the real world, the character has advan-
Suddenly, the sky in the dream blackens. Jarease’s head tage to hit Jarease and Jarease has disadvantage on saving
looms up over the horizon and fills a good portion of the throws against any magical effects the character creates.
The Hall of Dark Arbor dark fey, he uses the fey crossing built in to the hall.
The dark fey gave Jarease a special item. It is a fist-sized The Fey Crossing. When Jarease utters the command
seed, creamy white in color and emblazoned with a single word “Titania,” the roots that make up the floor come to life,
glowing rune. When the seed is buried one foot below the quickly reaching upward and forming an archway. Once
ground, Jarease can speak the command word “Takhta,” the archway is fully formed, a shimmering haze appears in
causing a massive hall made of roots, vines, branches and the archway. This is the portal to the fey realms.
tree trunks to form over the course of 10 rounds.
Throne Room. The central area of the hall is Jarease’s The Tower of Black Splendor
throne room, where he lounges on his throne made of This tower is incredibly tall — at least one mile. The dark
twisted roots. His onibara are usually positioned outside fey reside right at the very top. Most of the tower is made
the building in the form of 4-foot-tall blue flowers, swaying up of stairs that few have the patience, stamina or moti-
strangely. vation to climb. The top of the tower is above the clouds,
As a bonus action, Jarease can cause some of the vines giving a splendid view to those brave enough to step out
that make up the throne to shoot forward up to 15 feet and on a balcony.
entangle up to 2 targets. Each target must succeed on a DC The tower has a particularly unnerving trait. It sways in
13 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled and restrained. strong wind. The dark fey are used to it, but it may throw
The targets can use an action to make a DC 13 Dexterity interlopers for a loop. The tower sways fairly dramatically,
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check, escaping on a and it is entirely possible to fall right out of an open win-
success. dow.
Jarease can also mentally command the vines and wood- Main Hall. This once-grand ballroom is now a mess. The
en tendrils of the throne to perform simple tasks such as dark fey, concerned only with their dream essence, have
holding a drink, turning the pages of a book that Jarease is left blankets and sheets strewn everywhere. The walls are
reading, or putting away his cloak. covered in bizarre, surreal paintings.
The 100 foot long scroll known as the Scroll of Mortal
The Essence Extractor Ken is kept on a roll attached to the wall. Often, one of the
The magic of the Seed of Dark Arbor creates an under- dark fey is either reading it or making amendments to it.
ground dungeon area in which the floor, ceiling and walls The scroll has at least 10 spells on it, four magic item for-
are made up of roots and vines. mulas and detailed information on 14 different monsters.
This lower area is where the dream essence is extracted. Chamber of the Night Satyr. Thulnisneer the Night Satyr
A humanoid is placed in one of six cocoons made of vines lives in a room dominated by a shimmering pool of water.
and roots. Once a creature is placed inside, the cocoon He loves company. The room is equipped with a statue of
opening magically closes and the interior is filled a soft Thulsineer that spews sleep gas on intruders.
glowing light. Chamber of the Queen of Falling Leaves. The forest
The creature is positioned in the cocoon in such a way queen resides on an open air balcony. She has used magic
that its head is directly above a bowl made of mithril. Over to create a twisted garden, memorials of those whose es-
the course of 1d10 minutes, the character weeps tears that sence she has devoured. There is always twisting wind out
contain their personality, dreams and memories. Each tear here with hundreds of loose green leaves fluttering about,
is precious. The attending animated vines treat the vials obscuring the entire area and making it dangerously easy
with the utmost care. to step right off the balcony accidentally.
Once the process is complete, the creature is essentially Chamber of the Mistress of Curses. She has a little table
an empty shell — a zombie like creature with no personali- where she does fortune reading and modest arrange-
ty or memories. ments. Like others of her kind, she has lined her room with
The animated roots and tendrils grab the vials and bring barrels of combustible liquid. Intruders who trigger the trip
them up through the floor, delivering them to Jarease in wire are caught in a massive explosion.
his throne room. Chamber of the Sleeping Scion. On a slab in a sterile,
Usually while this goes on, Jarease is eating one of the domed room, lies the sleeping scion, the child of Jarease
captured targets. He doesn’t eat humanoids drained of and the Queen of Falling Leaves. He is kept in a glass dome
their essence, because they have no flavor at all. filled with sleep gas. Should the glass be shattered, the
When Jarease is ready to bring his ill-gotten gains to the scion will awaken.
Lost Lore
Thee are the three scions of the god of ogres:
Jarease, Lord of Dead Dreams Asaless: Blue-skinned and comfortable in icy tempera-
tures, Asaless has birthed many oni collectively known
Thousands of years old, the oni known as Jarease roams as the Cereborg. Asaless lives in an ice castle and she
the lands with his wicked offspring, abducting villagers so specializes in magic involving the mind.
he can drain their dreams and memories. This dreamstuff Hungari: Hungari and his descendants dye their skin
is distilled into liquid form and delivered to three dark fey black. They have become feared assassins and deceivers,
who have become addicted to the dreams and memories. masters of stealth who ruthlessly kill in utter silence.
Jarease has been working for the fey for many years, Jarease: Moreso than his brothers, Jarease has kept his
and he feels he has fulfilled his agreement and wants his focus on one thing — regaining his divinity. His body is
payment — a new body for his ancient soul to reside in. hot to the touch, and he emits steam when immersed in
This body, he hopes, will make him the most powerful oni water or rain. He has made a pact with the fey that has
in existence and bring him one step closer to divinity. given him command over a fey/oni hybrid race known a
the onibara.
Ogre God’s Directive A strange mix of oni and butterfly, the onibara gleefully
follow their master and obey his every command. Togeth-
Long ago, the god of ogres asked each of his empyrean er they roam the land, extracting the dream essence from
sons to be reborn into mortal form for a single lifetime. mortals for the fey to imbibe.
They agreed to do so, hoping to impress their father. Each
of them was given an army full of unruly ogres and trolls. The Dream Czar
The god of ogres commanded his sons to go forth, con-
quering lands far and wide until he had a mighty mortal In addition to command of the onibara, the dark fey
kingdom. also gave Jarease a special item known as the Seed of
All three of the god of ogre’s sons failed in their mis- Foul Arbor. When planted in the ground, it grows into a
sion. Humans, elves and dwarves may be weaker, but tree-like Hall of Dark Arbor complete with a throne and
they proved far more clever. Once they learned to use dream extraction devices. By speaking a command word,
fire against the trolls, the smaller humanoids routed the Jarease can return the hall into seed form and carry it
larger army. with him to his next destination.
The god of ogres was enraged and humiliated at the
failure. All three of his still-mortal sons were banished Methods
from his Abyssal home and the god of ogres forbade When arriving at a new locale, Jarease will enter a
them to return. Since that time, his sons have roamed village invisibly and try to identify a popular person or
the world, transferring their spirits from one oni body to authority figure. Once he does so, he casts charm person
the next, always searching for a way to regain their lost on them, and tells them to gather up some citizens for a
divinity. trip into the surrounding forest.
There, his onibara put the villagers to sleep and drag
The Sons of the Ogre God them back to the Hall of Dark Arbor, where Jarease eats
one victim. The others are brought below and have their
Each of the god of ogre’s sons has the ability to transfer dreams and memories siphoned from them.
their soul into one of their children. In this way, the scions When the siphoning process is complete, Jarease takes
of the god of ogres have survived in the mortal world for the little vials of dream essence through a fey crossing
centuries. Each of them is a unique and powerful ogre built into the Hall of Dark Arbor and personally delivers it
mage who has fathered their own oni subrace. to his patrons, the dark fey.
The Dark Fey
Because they have so much magic and time at their dis-
posal, the flighty denizens of the fey realms create splen-
did homes. Flying castles, roaming huts and mazes of
foliage are some of the more common types of dwellings
among the fey elite. Sooner or later, the fickle immortal
fey tire of their home and abandon it for a new dwelling
that is even more spectacular.
Fey who have been banished from polite fey society
often quietly take over these abandoned domiciles. One
such location is the Tower of Grim Splendor, a mile-high
tower made of black crystal whose top floor is above the
Three powerful fey entities have taken up residence
here, in hiding from the fey for various crimes.
All three of them have lost themselves, addicted to the
dream essence. They have become obsessed with sifting
through the sad lives of mortals, reliving their dramas,
heartbreaks and triumphs. They also accrue great knowl-
edge — spells, locations of powerful items, and secrets.
All of this information is carefully recorded in delicate
script on a single scroll that is 100 feet long. They call it
the Scroll of Mortal Ken.
Thulnisneer, The Satyr of Night: A schemer who let his
jealousy and greed get the best of him, Thulnisneer is in
hiding for an attempted theft gone wrong. Now, Thulnis-
neer feels a sense of superiority that grows with each new
secret learned as he lolls about in the rundown top levels
of the tower.
The Mistress of Curses: A sly, cruel, and beautiful
tanned fey, the Mistress is infamous for creating more
medusas than anyone else in the fey realms. Using a spe-
cial fortune-telling deck she is able to locate new suitable put his soul in the body and move on to bigger and better
targets for her to curse. things, but the dark fey have been stalling for years. They
The Mistress enjoys spreading misery because she is are too addicted to the dream essence to let him go.
miserable. Her parents were so awful to her when she was
a child that when they tried to eat her, she forced them The Sleeping Scion
into an oven and burned them to death. She is especially The spawn of Jarease and the Queen of Falling Leaves
fond of dream essence containing memories and feelings sleeps in a magically warded chamber. The scion is 13
of love and kindness that her own childhood was devoid feet tall, has green skin and long wooden claws. The dark
of. fey are aware that it is dreaming constantly, and they are
The Queen of Falling Leaves: One of the most pow- extremely curious as to what dreams it could have when
erful dryads, she despises those who tear down trees to it has never lived a waking moment. The dark fey would
make room for civilization. She takes great joy in destroy- love to drain it essence to find out.
ing villages and cities, magically allowing the forest to Jarease is unaware that the dark fey covet its essence
reclaim the area in mere days. The Queen of Falling Leaves and that they have no intentions of giving it up. The fey
is the one who created the Seed of Dark Arbor. are equally unaware that he has been using the dream
Jarease and the Queen have a child — an oni archfey spell to enter his son’s dreams, teaching him about the
hybrid that is kept in a magical slumber. Jarease wants to outside world and warning him about the dark fey.
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