( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FR 2463992 A12 / 1981
U .S .C . 154 (b ) by 453 days. RU 2155435 C1 * 8/ 2000
(21) Appl. No.: 14 /474,126 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(22) Filed: Aug. 30 , 2014 Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority dated Jan .
29 , 2015 for corresponding application PCT/US 2014 /053612 .
International Search Report mailed with Written Opinion (# 1) for
(65) Prior Publication Data corresponding application PCT/US 2014 /053612 .
US 2015/0091397 A1 Apr. 2, 2015 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner — Jose Gonzalez Quinones
Related U .S . Application Data (74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Daniel S . Polley , P .A .
(60 ) Provisional application No.61/872,641 , filed on Aug . (57) ABSTRACT
31, 2013 A spintronic generator that provides electrical power with
the motive force of natural electron spin . The utilization of
natural electron spin can be enhanced with carefully
(51) Int. CI. matched materials, weights, and magnetic waveforms which
HO2K 15 / 12 ( 2006 .01) provide precise pulsed frequencies in resonance with the
HO2K 37/00 (2006 .01) materials . This resonance of the magnetic pulses provides
HOCK 23/60 ( 2006 .01) clean abundant power. A utilization of the Zero Point Energy
HO2K 15 / 03 (2006 .01) results in a local environment temperature drop which can
HO2K 16 /00 ( 2006 .01) be one of the sources of motive force . The harvesting of
HO2N 11/00 ( 2006 .01) electricity can be in standard induction pick up coils con
(52) U . S . CI. trolled by direct currentmotor controllers using an LRC tank
CPC ........... HO2K 16 / 00 (2013 .01); HO2N 11/008 circuit.
( 2013.01) 36 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
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US 9 ,871,431 B2
SPINTRONIC GENERATOR prise 3 concentric ring Stators ( though such number is not
considered limiting ) shown as reference numbers 1 , 3 , and
This application claims the benefit of and priority to U .S . 5 . Concentric ring Stators 1, 3 and 5 can be securely attached
Provisional Patent Application Ser . No. 61/872 ,641, filed to the frame enclosure 9 . Individual Stators can be held in
Aug. 31 , 2014 , which is incorporated by reference in its 5 place with pins 10 . Frame enclosure 9 can be preferably
entirety . securely attached to a floor or a building, but can also be
1. FIELD OF THE INVENTION securely attached to other objects . Between the Stators are
Rollers 2 , 4 , and 6 . Rollers 2 , 4 and 6 can be loosely held in
This invention relates generally to electrical generators place by magnetic force imprinted on both the Stators and
and in particular to permanent magnet rotational generators. " Rollers . The Rollers are free to move about their respective
Stators . Though not considered limiting, the core 7 of the
2 . BACKGROUND coil can be an appropriate sized laminated Mu metal “ C ”
The Searl Effect provides a way for extracting clean and section , preferably wrapped with a coil 8 , which can be
sintegrated with appropriate capacitors , inductors , and resis
sustainable electrical energy. The Searl Effect Generator 15 tors in order to control the speed and output of the generator.
provides three uniquely magnetized fixed stator rings having In addition , power can be inputted through this system to
patterns setup to generate continual motion of similarly
magnetized cylindrical rollers. The rollers have both free power the Rollers to the operating speed . Stanchions 11 or
dom of spin and rotation around the stator which generates other appropriate supports can be sturdily attached to as
both mechanical and electrical power. 20 permanent structure or the ground . Load controller 12 of the
present invention can comprise an electronic array utilizing
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION circuits and components to control the demands of the load
required .
The present invention relates to electron spin and the field Now referring to FIG . 3 , a close up of the Stator and the
of spintronics and provides for a spintronic generator. The© 25 Rotor
present invention utilizes the application of large magnetic larger relationship
than Roller
is shown. Stator 13 can be a multiple size
14 . As a non - limiting example, if Roller
fields pulsed to micro sized magnetic fields to take advan 14 is 1 . 5 " or about 1 .5 " then Stator 13 can be 5 or about 5
tage of magnetic tunnel junctions (hereinafter “MTI” ). times larger at 7 . 5 ' or about 7 .5 " . Alternatively, Stator 13 can
Additional motive power is attained from Multiple Exciton
Generation (hereinafter “ MEG ” ), whereby a single absorbed be 10 or about 10 times larger at 15" or about 15 " . The
photon of appropriately high energy can produce more than 30 invention
in is not considered limited to any particular size
multiplier for the differences in size between Stator 13 and
one electron -hole pair per absorbed photon .
The present invention provides electrical power with the Roller 14 . However, the size multiplier selected can be
motive force of natural electron spin . The utilization of preferably chosen to allow Roller 14 to spin an even number
natural electron spin can be enhanced with carefully of turns around Stator 13 . In addition , Stator 13 and Roller
matched materials, weights, and magnetic waveformswhich 35 14 can be clad with 99 . 9 % pure copper, though such is not
provide precise pulsed frequencies in resonance with the considered limiting. The use of copper attracts Eddy Cur
materials . This resonance of the magnetic pulses coordinates rents which can affect Rollers 14 causing them to ' float ' off
the newly defined spintronics, MTJ, and MEG to provide Stator 13 as shown by space or gap 19 in FIG . 3 . This
clean abundant power. A utilization of the Zero Point Energy floating relationship provides for a friction free Stator/Roller
results in a local environment temperature drop which can 40 motion .
be one of the sources of motive force . The harvesting of In accordance with the present invention , the imprinted
electricity can be via standard induction pick up coils magnetic waves can align the Rollers on the Stator so that
controlled by direct current motor controllers using an LRC they will circle in a vertical symmetrical position . The
tank circuit. imprinted magnetic waves of the present invention when the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 45 Rollers are in motion , produces a kinetic magnetism and
produces a constant asymmetric force on the Rollers. This
FIG . 1 is a plan view of one Stator and Roller configu force is the effect of the combination of the spintronics,
ration embodiment in accordance with the present invention ; MTJ , and MEG , discussed in more detail below .
FIG . 2 is a vertical cross section of FIG . 1 ; Now referring to FIG . 4 , the vertical form of the magnetic
FIG . 3 is a plan view and close up of the inner Stator and 50 bubbles 15 imprinted on Stator 16 are shown . These mag
Roller configuration in accordance with one embodiment of netic bubbles can be imprinted in such a manner as to change
the present invention ; in flux intensity from the outer edge of the Stator to the
FIG . 4 is a flattened perimeter of the inner Stator showing center , and then increase in the opposite polarity , from the
one revolution of a Roller; center to the opposite edge . This wave form can be adjusted
FIG . 5 is a flattened perimeter of one revolution of the 55 for varying results according to the need of the device .
perimeter of a Roller; Shown in FIG . 4 is a double Sine wave , though such is not
FIG . 6 is a close up view of the non - limiting elements and considered limiting .
materials making up a Roller and Stator in accordance with Now referring , to FIG . 5 , the perimeter of the Roller
the present invention ; and segment can be seen . The Roller segment 17 can be stacked
FIG . 7 is a plan view of the Cycloid movement of a 60 in varying number and held together with magnetic force . In
particle on a segment. a non - limiting example , a stack of six segments can be used
to make up one Roller. However, other number of segments
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE can be used and are also considered within the scope of the
INVENTION invention . The wave form 18 can be imprinted to go North
65 South through the disc segment, and can vary in flux
Referring now to FIG . 1 and FIG . 2 , the generator is intensity, for example matching the Stator period Sine wave ,
generally identified as number 1A . The generator can com - though such is not considered limiting. The wave form may
US 9,871,431 B2
also be imprinted axially into the individual segment in a exclusion of other iterations that are also considered within
Sine wave to match the Stator. the scope and spirit of the present invention .
During the motion of the Rollers within generator 1A , a Some of the benefits and advantages of the present
direct current can be induced as the speed of the Rollers invention , include, but are not limited to , the following :
increase . This induced current follows Faraday 's Law , and 5 1. The Spintronic Generator 1A converts Zero Point
the speed of the Rollers can be determined by the demands Energy into a robust and useful practical source of
of the load by the coil 7, tank circuit 8 , and load controller pulsed Direct Current electricity. The current can be
12 . The Rollers can follow a circular path , float off the converted and used as AC , DC , at selected voltages ,
Stators, and preferably operate without any friction in the Hertz , and amperages. The geometric configuration of
machine . When the present invention is in resonance , a the device can be used , along with the special materials,
temperature drop can be witnessed , which can be silent and the special magnetization , and exact ratio ofmaterials.
emits negative healthy ions into its environment. The spin of the Rollers about the Stators is one of the
Now referring to FIG . 6 , non - limiting details of Roller 24 novel features of the machine and present invention ;
2 . The Eddy Currents between the Rollers and Stators
and Stator 25 are shown . The ring of 99 .9 % copper 27 can 15 make the device friction free due to the space between
be a precise machined ring fitted over the either layered or them and greatly reduces internal losses due to lack of
homogenous mixture . In one non -limiting embodiment, the mechanical parts interacting. The Rollers follow the
elements and compounds can be precisely mixed and pre circular path without centripetal force as they are
pared . Preferably , Roller 24 and the Stator do not contact, following the magnetic path naturally produced by the
due to the Eddy Currents , and float at a distance 26 . The 20 machine;
layers, or the mixture , can consist ofmicron preferably sized 3 . The device emits negative ions in its vicinity which
from approximately 20 microns to approximately 90 enhances the health of the surrounding environment.
microns, though such is not considered limiting. The ele The negative ions are an additional benefit from the
ments can be one or more of the following: Aluminum emission of electrons. In addition , the surrounding
Powder 19 , Silicon powder 20 , Sulfur powder 21, Titanium 25 environment will have a drop in temperature due to the
powder 22 , Neodymium powder 23 and a Nylon binder 24 , conversion of ZPE into electrons;
though such ingredients are not considered limiting . Any 4 . The device powers the Rollers about the Stators due to
remainder of the powder can be Iron , though such is not asymmetric magnetic forces formed by the kinetic
considered limiting . The mixture can be either layered or magnetic waveform bubbles interacting with micro
mixed in an inert gas, and then preferably pressed under 30 magnetic particles within the device due to motion
pressure and heat to obtain the correct size crystals. Mag between them . Additionally the Rollers, once in
netic bubbles 28 and 29 can be imprinted after the fabrica motion , follow Faraday 's right hand current rule which
tion process is complete . The nature of the atomic weights , adds further motive force to the Rollers ;
mass of each compound or element, and the sintering 5 . The device will exhibit a weight loss as it enters high
process can be designed such that the structure of the Rollers 35 levels of power output. This is due to torsion physics,
and Stator conform to the laws of Nature to enhance the and is still in the formative stages of scientific discov
orbital spin of the electron. In accordance with the present ery due to the complex nature of gravity ;
invention the Spintronics, MJT and MEG are utilized in 6 . The speed of the device is dependent on the electrical
order to resonate with the Zero Point Energy (hereinafter load that is taken from the device . This is counter
“ ZPE ” ), and take advantage of the natural spin of the 40 intuitive as existing electric motors require an increase
electron . in mechanical power as the load increases. The Spin
Now referring to FIG . 7, the cycloid movement of a tronic Generator ofthe present invention is in tune with
particle in a Roller Segment 30 is shown . This cycloid nature , and uses the ZPE only as required by the load ;
movement ejects electrons in a straight line radially outward 7 . The conversion of the ZPE into electronsby the present
produced by the action of MJT and MEG . The emf and 45 invention including in view of combination of materi
current between Stator 1 and Roller 2 can increase at each als, mass, and geometry selected . The alignment of the
Concentric Stator /Roller assembly (i.e . between additional materials to the natural Golden Ratio assists in the
Stator 3/Roller 4 and then Stator 5 /Roller 6 ). Finally , at the success of the conversion of the ZPE . Not only the
outer perimeter of the Spintronic Generator 1A , the resultant choice of materials , but their crystalline structure can
emf and current can be a robust and practical electrical 50 be considered for the Quantum conversion winch will
current. build into a Micro conversion , then a practical conver
Again referring to FIG . 7 , it is shown a plan view of the sion of power in the device ;
Golden Spiral 32 or a spiral which can be based on ‘ phi’ 8 . The magnetic impression on the Rollers and Stators is
which is the mechanism of accelerating and changing the another novel feature of the device and present inven
torsion of spin of the ZPE into individual electrons out of the 55 tion . An interrupted magnetic waveform is a part of the
ZPE via the MJT and /or the MEG and all based on Torsion process , and the frequencies of the various impressed
Spin Physics and Spintronics. This can be achieved by magnetic bubbles as the Roller moves is also consid
selection of elements , compounds , and mass that comply ered for the conversion of ZPE into electrons;
with the Golden Ratio , or ' phi.' 9 . The electrical characteristics of the Spintronic Genera
As also seen in FIG . 7 , in one embodiment, during 60 tor can be varied by the use of layers of the elements
operation each runner can be spinning about its axis and can and compounds. In one non -limiting embodiment, the
be simultaneously orbiting the plate in such a manner that a inner layer of the Stator and Roller can be Neodymium ,
fixed point p on the curved runner surface can trace out a then a dielectric , then a magnet, then a copper layer.
whole number of cycloids during one revolution round the These elements and compounds can be carefully
plate , as shown by the dotted lines in FIG . 7 . arranged to conform to the Golden Ratio ;
Though the above showsmultiple methods ofbuilding the 10 . The harvesting of the power can be carefully con
details of the present invention device , this is not to the trolled with an LRC tank circuit of the motor controller
US 9,871,431 B2
variety . The controller circuit keeps the Spintronic What is claimed is :
generator in Resonance. One characteristic of the con - 1. A stator/ roller configuration for use as part of a spin
troller is in the preferred use of large amounts of tronic generator comprising,
capacitance ; a first stator;
11 . The formation of the elements and compounds for use 5 a second stator concentric with the first stator and spaced
with the present invention involves preparation and away from the first stator to define a first area between
consideration in particle size, sintering, and pressure an outer surface of the first stator and an inner surface
molding in order to maintain the resonance required for of the second stator;
the Torsion Physics to produce the required result. This 10 a third stator concentric with the second stator and first
facilitates MJT and MEG ; and stator and spaced away from the second stator to define
12 . The release of photons facilitate the MEG and the a second area between an outer surface of the second
torsion within the device tunneling through the mag stator and an inner surface of the third stator ;
netic fields in motion forms Bosons thereby increasing a first plurality of rollers disposed around the first stator
the energy production within the Spintronics Generator. 15 . and within the first area without contacting the outer
surface of first stator or the inner surface of the second
13 . The rotation of the rollers about each stator establishes stator during use;
mechanical oscillations between the magnetic bubbles a second plurality of rollers disposed around the second
on the roller and stator. This mechanical oscillation stator and within the second area without contacting the
emits radio frequency (hereinafter “ rf" ) waves. The outer surface of the second stator or the inner surface of
variation in spacing of the magnetic bubbles produces 20 the third stator during use ; and
frequency modulated rf (FM ), and the variation in the a third plurality of rollers disposed around the third stator
flux intensity of the magnetic bubbles produces ampli without contacting an outer surface of the third stator
tude modulated rf (AM ). The variation in flux intensity during use ;
and spacing can be tuned to bring the rf in resonance wherein the stators are imprinted with magnetic bubbles .
with the magnetic reservoir in order to harmonize the 25 2 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein the
device into resonance. Thus, the present invention first stator, second stator and third stator are secured to a
device can provide for a lossless or virtually lossless frame enclosure .
magnetic oscillator when resonance is achieved . 3. The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein a
14 . A nanoglass powder can be added to the mix of magnetic force is imprinted on the first, stator, second stator,
powders to enhance and accelerate the production of of 3030 rollers
third stator, first plurality of rollers, second plurality of
and third plurality of rollers to retain such in place
electron reactions in the spinning device. This nano
glass material may also reduce the need for expensive with4 . respect
to each other.
stator /roller configuration of claim 1 wherein said
rare earths thereby reducing the manufacturing cost of first plurality of rollers free to move about said first stator ,
the machine. The nanoglass powder can be produce 25 said second plurality of rollers free to move about said
having characteristics of electron nanocapacitor quali
second stator and said third plurality of rollers free to move
ties and can be used to multiply the MTJ effect in about said third stator.
addition to multiplying the exciton photon pair reac 5 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein said
tion . In certain conditions the material can also act as stators are sized larger than said rollers by a multiple ranging
a superconductor at room temperature . 40 from about 1 . 5 times larger to about 10 times larger .
All locations, sizes, shapes, proportions, measurements, 6 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein said
amounts , angles, component locations, part locations, fas- stators and said rollers are clad with copper .
teners, configurations ,weights , dimensions, values , percent - 7 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 6 wherein the
ages , ranges , materials , ingredients and or orientations dis - copper is 99 . 9 % pure copper to attract Eddy Currents .
cussed above or shown in the figures are merely by way of 45 8 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein the
example and are not considered limiting and other locations, magnetic bubbles are imprinted on the stators such that a
sizes, shapes , proportions, measurements, amounts , angles, change in flux intensity from an outer edge of the stators to
component locations, part locations, fasteners, configura a center area of the stators is achieved and then an increase
tions, weights , dimensions, values , percentages, ranges, in an opposite polarity from the center area to an opposite
materials , ingredients and /or orientations can be chosen and 50 eage9 . of
Thethe stators
stator : configuration of claim 1 wherein each
used and all are considered within the scope of the invention .
Dimensions and / or proportions of certain parts in the roller can be made up of stacked segments held together by
magnetic force.
figures may have been modified and /or exaggerated for the 10. The stator/roller configuration of claim 9 wherein each
purpose of clarity of illustration and are not considered
eu 55 roller can be imprinted with a North South wave form .
limiting. 11 . The stator / roller configuration of claim 10 wherein the
While the invention has been described and disclosed in wave form of each roller is matched to a wave form period
certain terms and has disclosed certain embodiments or generated for the stators by the magnetic bubbles imprinted
modifications, persons skilled in the art who have on the stators .
acquainted themselves with the invention, will appreciate 60 12 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 1 wherein each
that it is not necessarily limited by such terms, nor to the roller and stator are constructed from multiple layers with an
specific embodiments and modification disclosed herein . inner neodymium layer, followed by a dielectric followed by
Thus, a wide variety of alternatives , suggested by the a magnet and an outer copper layer.
teachings herein , can be practiced without departing from 13 . The stator /roller configuration of claim 1 wherein each
the spirit of the invention , and rights to such alternatives are 65 roller comprising an outer copper layer housing a mixture
particularly reserved and considered within the scope of the comprising aluminum powder, silicon powder, sulfur pow
invention . der , titanium powder, neodymium powder and a binder.
US 9 ,871,431 B2
14 . The stator /roller configuration of claim 13 wherein the 26 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 25 wherein
mixture further comprising a nanoglass powder. each roller can be imprinted with a North South wave form .
15 . A spintronic generator comprising , 27 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 26 wherein the
a first stator; wave form of each roller is matched to a wave form period
a second stator concentric with the first stator and spaced 5 generated for the stators by a plurality of magnetic bubbles
away from the first stator to define a first area between imprinted on the stators .
an outer surface of the first stator and an inner surface 28 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 15 wherein
of the second stator; each roller and stator are constructed from multiple layers
a third stator concentric with the second stator and first with an inner neodymium layer, followed by a dielectric
stator and spaced away from the second stator to define followed by a magnet and an outer copper layer.
a second area between an outer surface of the second 29 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 15 wherein
stator and an inner surface of the third stator ; each roller comprising an outer copper layer housing a
a first plurality of rollers disposed around the first stator mixture comprising aluminum powder, silicon powder, sul
and within the first area without contacting the outer 15 fur powder, titanium powder , neodymium powder and a
surface of first stator or the inner surface of the second binder.
stator during use ; 30 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 29 wherein the
a second plurality of rollers disposed around the second mixture further comprising a nanoglass powder.
stator and within the second area without contacting the 31. A spintronic generator comprising ,
outer surface of the second stator or the inner surface of 20 a first stator secured to a frame;
the third stator during use ; a second stator secured to the frame and concentric with
a third plurality of rollers disposed around the third stator the first stator and spaced away from the first stator to
without contacting an outer surface of the third stator define a first area between an outer surface of the first
during use; stator and an inner surface of the second stator ;
a core wrapped with a first coil and positioned adjacent 25 a third stator secured to the frame and concentric with the
the third plurality of rollers ; second stator and first stator and spaced away from the
a tank circuit in communication with the first coil; and second stator to define a second area between an outer
a load controller in communication with a coil wrapped surface of the second stator and an inner surface of the
around a core ; third stator;
wherein said first plurality of rollers free to move about 30 a first plurality of rollers disposed around the first stator
said first stator, said second plurality of rollers free to and within the first area without contacting the outer
move about said second stator and said third plurality surface of first stator or the inner surface of the second
of rollers free to move about said third stator . stator during use;
16 . The spintronic generator of claim 15 wherein the a second plurality of rollers disposed around the second
rollers while spinning also follow a circular path around 35 stator and within the second area without contacting the
associated stators without the rollers contacting the stator to outer surface of the second stator or the inner surface of
allow the generator to operate without friction . the third stator during use ;
17 . The spintronic generator of claim 15 wherein at a third plurality of rollers disposed around the third stator
resonance a temperature drop is achieve which causes without contacting an outer surface of the third stator
negative healthy ions to be emitted into a surrounding 40 during use ;
environment. a core wrapped with a first coil and positioned adjacent
18 . The stator /roller configuration of claim 15 wherein the the third plurality of rollers ;
first stator, second stator and third stator are secured to a a tank circuit in communication with the first coil; and
frame enclosure . a load controller in communication with a coil wrapped
19 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 15 wherein a 45 around a core ;
magnetic force is imprinted on the first, stator, second stator, wherein each of said stators and each of said rollers are
third stator, first plurality of rollers, second plurality of clad with 99.9 % pure copper to attract Eddy Currents
rollers and third plurality of rollers to retain such in place and cause a gap to be formed between the rollers and
with respect to each other. stators so that they do not contact each other in opera
20 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 15 wherein 50 tion of the generator;
said stators are sized larger than said rollers by a multiple wherein said first plurality of rollers free to move about
ranging from about 1 .5 times larger to about 10 times larger. said first stator, said second plurality of rollers free to
21. The stator/ roller configuration of claim 15 wherein move about said second stator and said third plurality
said stators and said rollers are clad with copper. of rollers free to move about said third stator;
22 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 21 wherein the 55 wherein said stators are imprinted with magnetic bubbles
copper is 99 . 9 % pure copper to attract Eddy Currents . such that a change in flux intensity from an outer edge
23 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 15 wherein of the stators to a center area of the stators is achieved
said stators are imprinted with magnetic bubbles. and then an increase in an opposite polarity from the
24 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 23 wherein the center area to an opposite edge of the stators ;
magnetic bubbles are imprinted on the stators such that a 60 wherein each roller can be imprinted with a North South
change in flux intensity from an outer edge of the stators to wave form which is matched to a wave form period
a center area of the stators is achieved and then an increase generated for the stators by the plurality of magnetic
in an opposite polarity from the center area to an opposite bubbles imprinted on the stators ;
edge of the stators. wherein the rollers while spinning also follow a circular
25 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 15 wherein 65 path around associated stators without the rollers con
each roller can be made up of stacked segments held tacting the stator to allow the generator to operate
together by magnetic force. without friction ;
US 9,871,431 B2
wherein at resonance a temperature drop is achieve which
causes negative healthy ions to be emitted into a
surrounding environment.
32 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 31 wherein a
magnetic force is imprinted on the first, stator, second stator , 5
third stator, first plurality of rollers , second plurality of
rollers and third plurality of rollers to retain such in place
with respect to each other.
33 . The stator / roller configuration of claim 31 wherein
said stators are sized larger than said rollers by a multiple 10
ranging from about 1 .5 times larger to about 10 times larger.
34 . The stator / roller configuration of claim 31 wherein
each roller and stator are constructed from multiple layers
with an inner neodymium layer, followed by a dielectric
followed by a magnet and an outer copper layer. 15
35 . The stator/ roller configuration of claim 31 wherein
each roller comprising an outer copper layer housing a
mixture comprising aluminum powder, silicon powder, sul
fur powder , titanium powder, neodymium powder and a
36 . The stator/roller configuration of claim 35 wherein the
mixture further comprising a nanoglass powder.
* * * * *