Suruburi EC3
Suruburi EC3
Suruburi EC3
Nut Stress
Nominal width Normal Oversize Short Long (unthrea area
Size diameter across round round slotted slotted (threade
flats hole hole hole hole d part)
d [mm] s [mm] Ag [mm2] As [mm2]
M5 5 8 - - - - 19.6 14.2
M6 6 10 - - - - 28.3 20.1
M7 7 11 - - - - 38.5 28.9
M8 8 13 - - - - 50.3 36.6
M10 10 16 - - - - 78.5 58
4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9 4.6 4.8 5.6
4.09 4.09 5.11 5.11 6.13 8.18 10.2 2.73 2.27 3.41
5.79 5.79 7.24 7.24 8.68 11.6 14.5 3.86 3.22 4.82
8.32 8.32 10.4 10.4 12.5 16.6 20.8 5.55 4.62 6.94
10.5 10.5 13.2 13.2 15.8 21.1 26.4 7.03 5.86 8.78
16.7 16.7 20.9 20.9 25.1 33.4 41.8 11.1 9.28 13.9
24.3 24.3 30.3 30.3 36.4 48.6 60.7 16.2 13.5 20.2
33.1 33.1 41.4 41.4 49.7 66.2 82.8 22.1 18.4 27.6
45.2 45.2 56.5 56.5 67.8 90.4 113 30.1 25.1 37.7
55.3 55.3 69.1 69.1 82.9 110.6 138.2 36.9 30.7 46.1
70.6 70.6 88.2 88.2 105.8 141.1 176.4 47 39.2 58.8
87.3 87.3 109.1 109.1 130.9 174.5 218.2 58.2 48.5 72.7
101.7 101.7 127.1 127.1 152.5 203.3 254.2 67.8 56.5 84.7
132.2 132.2 165.2 165.2 198.3 264.4 330.5 88.1 73.4 110.2
161.6 161.6 202 202 242.4 323.1 403.9 107.7 89.8 134.6
199.9 199.9 249.8 249.8 299.8 399.7 499.7 133.2 111 166.6
235.3 235.3 294.1 294.1 352.9 470.6 588.2 156.9 130.7 196.1
281.1 281.1 351.4 351.4 421.6 562.2 702.7 187.4 156.2 234.2
Maximum bearing resistance per mm of
connected plate thickness Fb,Rd / t [kN/mm]
S235 / a S275 / 4. S275 / ≥ S355 / 4.
5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9 between shear
ny 6, 4.8 5.6 6, 4.8
and tension
4.02 4.82 7.72 8.04 see chart 4.32 4.8 5.16 4.8
5.78 6.94 11.1 11.6 see chart 5.04 5.6 6.02 5.6
7.32 8.78 14.1 14.6 see chart 5.76 6.4 6.88 6.4
16.9 20.2 32.4 33.7 see chart 8.64 9.6 10.32 9.6
31.4 37.7 60.3 62.8 see chart 11.52 12.8 13.76 12.8
38.4 46.1 73.7 76.8 see chart 12.96 14.4 15.48 14.4
49 58.8 94.1 98 see chart 14.4 16 17.2 16
60.6 72.7 116.4 121.2 see chart 15.84 17.6 18.92 17.6
70.6 84.7 135.6 141.2 see chart 17.28 19.2 20.64 19.2
91.8 110.2 176.3 183.6 see chart 19.44 21.6 23.22 21.6
138.8 166.6 266.5 277.6 see chart 23.76 26.4 28.38 26.4
163.4 196.1 313.7 326.8 see chart 25.92 28.8 30.96 28.8
195.2 234.2 374.8 390.4 see chart 28.08 31.2 33.54 31.2
Minimum bearing
tance per mm of resistance per mm of
ss Fb,Rd / t [kN/mm] connected plate
Punching resistance per
thickness Fb,Rd / t [kN/mm]
mm of plate thickness
(for minimum under bolt or
ate nut Bp,Rd / tp [kN/mm]
distances e1=1.2d0, e2=1.2d0
p1≥3.75d0, p2≥3d0)
, p1=2.2d0, p2=2.4d0)
S355 / ≥ S2 S2 S3 S2 S2 S3
5.6 35 75 55 35 75 55
Minimum edge
Minimum center-to-
distance Minimum center-to-center
center spacing Minimum edge
perpendicular to spacing perpendicular to
along load distance e3 [mm]
load load direction p2 [mm]
direction p1 [mm]
direction e2 [mm]
Minimum edge
distance e4 [mm]
(e4 = 1.5d0)
Normal round holes
Edge distance
End distance along Center-to-center spacing
perpendicular to load
Size load direction e1 [mm] along load direction p1 [mm]
direction e2 [mm]
Edge distance
Center-to-center spacing Center-to-center
End distance along perpendicular to
perpendicular to load spacing along load
load direction e1 [mm] load
direction p2 [mm] direction p1 [mm]
direction e2 [mm]
perpendicular to Edge distance e4 [mm]
distance e3 [mm]
direction p2 [mm]