Retail Management
Retail Management
Retail Management
1.1 Introduce group members
1.2 General introduction about the Business
2.1 General introduction to Retail
It is not too dificultt to identify a retail business. But understand their true mission, what
they do and how they define themselves can still be quite vague. In today’s rapidly
changing business world, retail is not only a straightforward transaction between
producers and comsumers, but also a unique art of business for each brand, aiming to
deliver the most enjoyablw and memorable shopping experiences for customers.
Retailing is the set of business activities that adds value to products and services sold to
consumers for their personal or family use. This is an important component of the supply
chain, playing a key role. Retail business offer customers with a wide array of products,
allowing them to purchase various items in one location at a resonable prices. Of course,
these business is ready to provide the right quality of goods. Morover, there are intagible
offerings which includes marketing, consultation, after-sales support, and return policies.
Retailers are a key component in a supply chain that links manufacturers to consumers. A
supply chain is a set of firms that make and deliver goods and services to consumers. The
value-creating activities undertaken by retailers include providing an assortment of
products, providing services, breaking bulk, and holding inventory.
Retailing has not changed; in the past, for the present, and in the future, it consistently
involves various business activities that add value and make products and services
available to consumers. But in another sense, retailing is such a dynamic and exciting
topic that it cannot help but demonstrate the vast changes that take place on a global,
societal scale. Even if the underlying purpose of retailing stays the same, the ways it
functions and the benefits it provides keep changing.
Still, retailing is such a common part of our everyday lives that we often take it for
granted. For most people, retailers simply are places to buy things. Behind the stores,
websites, sales associates, and checkout associates are an army of managers responsible
for making sure that the products and services that people want are available when they
want them, where they want them, and at a fair price.
For this project, our team has chosen to explore and study with the Danavi Mart
supermarket system, which specializes in providing a diverse range of consumer goods to
meet the essential demands of both consumers and businesses.
This is the rebranded version of Intmex in 2012. Originally one of the first supermarkets
in Da Nang since 2006, it continues to be a prefered shopping destination not only for
local residents but also for numerous other stores and distributors.
2.2 Types of Retailers
2.2.1 Retailer format: Convenience supermarket, self-service at Da Nang City.
Field of activity: Retail combines wholesale, providing more than 20,000 items in
categories, include cosmetics, food, fruit and drink, household appliances and goods,
toys, fashion and more to fully meet customer demands.
2.2.2 Name of products:
Home appliances: blenders, juicers, kettles, electric stovess, irrons, hair dryers, ...
Househould goods: cups, bowls, pot, spoons and chopsticks, various other kithen
Food: seasonings, instant meals, snacks and candies, diet foods and essential daily
Beverages: type of drinks, imported and local the milk, beer and alcohol.
Bird’s nest: Brand the bird’s nest from Quang Nam to Da Nang City.
Operareting Hours: Open daily from 8am to 9pm, accessable at physical store or
online through Facebook, Zalo and the Google website.
Pricing: Mid-range, lower than Winmart, Soco Mart, yet higher than larger chains
like Lotte Mart/ CoorpMart.
Store Design and Display: Features sign for highlighitng new and availble
products on windows, awnings and price tags. Product names and categories are
displayed at the top of shelves. Here is lively atmosphere with upbeat music and
24/7 air conditioning. The primary color scheme is white, light blue – aligns with
the brand’s logo. In addition to fixed displays, impulse-buy items are placed near
the checkout to encourage quick decisions.
Customer service: Members Always have a manager, sales personnel, display
specialists and cashiers at store. They have enough information about product and
any ongoing discount programs to offer and promote for customers.
2.3 Multichannel and Omnichannel Retailing
In-store Retailing:
This is the primary direct sales method, accounting for a significant portion of the
store's revenue.
Sales staff provide consultation, support, and payment processing at the counter, as
well as introduce new products and promotional programs at DANAVI Mart.
Website Retaling :
In-Store Retailing:
Touch and Smell Product: Customers can evaluate products through all five-
senses, enhance trust and reduce purchase risk.
Immediate Satisfaction: Customers can use their purchased products right away
without waiting for delivery.
Personal Service: Customers receive direct assistance and answers to their
questions about products from sales staff.
Cash Payment: Transactions can be completed quickly and immediately.
Website Retailing:
The entire staff of the 3 stores consists of approximately 200 employees. This includes
the following positions: sales associates, cashiers, marketing staff, and store managers.
- Performance-based bonuses: awarded quarterly, on holidays, and at the end of the year
according to company policies.
The company outsources cleaning and security staff through job placement agencies.
Danavi Mart Supermarket is a subsidiary of Intimex Da Nang Joint Stock Company and
has specific requirements for each job position
Positions JDs Requirements Shift Salary
Sale -Male/Female, -Paid based on
associate - Welcome warmly, Highschool -2 shifts per working days
inviting customers Graduated day, - 5,500,000 VND
with a friendly and -Under 45 years flexible to 6,000,000
polite attitude. shift
old VND per month.
- Acquire - Having good
information about health to work, -Shift 1:
the products for enthusiastic, From 7:00
sale. dynamic, honest, AM to 2:30
positive work PM
- Provide sales attitude.
advice and direct -Shift 2:
support when From 2:30
customers need it. PM to 9:30
- Perform other
tasks during the
work shift.
Cashier -Paid based on
-Warmly welcome -Female, under 45 -2 shifts per working days
customers with a years old. day, - 5,500,000 VND
friendly and polite flexible to 6,000,000
attitude. -Basic proficiency shift
in using technology rotation VND per month.
-Understand the software.
overall information -Shift 1:
about store layout -Friendly and From 7:00
and products. engaging with AM to 2:30
customers. PM
-Know how to use
basic technology -Understanding of -Shift 2:
tools and software. general information From 2:30
about store layout PM to 9:30
-Perform other and products. PM
tasks during
working shifts. -Physically fit,
dynamic, honest,
and positive work
Marketing - Male/Female:
- Perform tasks Graduated from - Working
related to the college or higher in hours are
company's services Marketing or during
and products regular
posted on social business
media platforms Communication. hours.
such as Facebook,
- Able to work with
Zalo, blogs, etc.,
good health,
with a preference
enthusiasm, - Work
for candidates with
dynamism, from
article writing
honesty, and a Monday to
positive work Saturday
- Develop creative attitude. morning,
ideas for writing with
marketing and Saturday
sales content. and Sunday
- Implement
promotional and
- Conduct product
livestreams, with a
preference for
candidates with
relevant skills.
- Shoot, edit,
design, and upload
advertising videos
and product
descriptions as
required by the
- Manage the
fanpage: Post
updates, monitor
customer chats, and
analyze fanpage
- Detailed job
responsibilities will
be discussed
further during the
guard -Maintain peace -Prioritize males
and protect security
at the store. under 50 years old.
- Budgeting for
expenses and
forecasting profits
to implement
discounts, and
- Providing
reports to the
Board of Directors
and developing
financial plans for
each store, as well
as setting goals to
be achieved.
Store - Work
manager - Recruitment, -Female; graduated from
hiring, and training from high school Monday to
of employees for Saturday
the stores.
- Scheduling work -Under 45 years with
shifts for store old Saturday
employees. afternoon
-Has a positive
and Sunday
- Evaluating the work record,
trusted by off.
store and employee
performance. colleagues, and
recommended for
- Managing the promotion
finances of the
store, including -Physically fit for
revenue accounting work, enthusiastic
and physical
- Dealing with
complaints and
resolving issues
related to store
There is flexible differentiation and reasonable arrangement of the number of employees
in the 3 systems.
The check-in check-out software is used to manage the working hours of employees.