MAKE A COPY OF THE DOC - Harvard CV Template
MAKE A COPY OF THE DOC - Harvard CV Template
MAKE A COPY OF THE DOC - Harvard CV Template
İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi İstanbul/Sütlüce
Yazılım Mühendisliği (İngilizce) 3.sınıf Mezuniyet Tarihi: 06.2026
IEEE İSTÜN Yönetim Kurulu (2023-present) / Global Student Membership
Öğrenci Asistanlığı (2022 Güz)
Position Title Month Year – Month Year
Beginning with your most recent position, describe your experience, skills, and resulting outcomes in
bullet or paragraph form.
Begin each line with an action verb and include details that will help the reader understand your
accomplishments, skills, knowledge, abilities, or achievements.
Quantify where possible.
Do not use personal pronouns; each line should be a phrase rather than full sentence.